THE! W EST. SUPERSTITIONS' PASSINO AWAY. W ashîngton ' lét T ï r . lie struck out of the bill liefore it passed the house. C L E N T E N A IT E M S . SPECIE * S i Bv J U S, Tiie |«csideut never had more need of the common sense lie lias so often in Chin:« ho« lieen broken down, and Editor W est : ft you will permit me W ash , D C, Feb. 8, 1899. shown himself to lie well supplied w ith 1 will endeavor to furnish a few local O rk '- on B '*orlunity to humiliate Gen. Miles, J U Sutherland has just finished a log WVtTwi by it has been 'd e s t r o y e d .1 interpretative medium of tl ft.ironcss tors to vote for ratification would only hy nominating another officer to be ! contract on Esmond creek, having cut ■Policies are drawn with a view of von Hev Kingf wife of the result in postponing the ratification of ami put into Hie creek 100,000 feet of lieutenant-general. The best, advice protecting tin» interest o f th e fnnul*- ambassador, held an interesting conver­ the treaty until tiie meetin : of an extra given tiie president, an.J, that most tine saw logs. Maurice Johnson is still logging on session, immediately following the close likely to he acted upon, is to order a anew company and frequently so sation with them. A M Richardson’« place. He lias in Etiquette requires ail conveyances to of the present session. And the curi­ m any conditions are put in as to military inquiry, which will prove or about 16Q logs, with quite a number yet remain outside the walls of the forbidden osity was more to know how many disprove tiie charges of Gen. Miles. | bat <* good raise will take it out. and while striving to ke'dp their the grounds. No such permission, how­ parly from Col. Bryan, than how the The first of Febnrary appeared in a treaty would come out. Of course (hose urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the p art of the agreement, they violate ever, was ever given to a woman until who had personal interest in the matter, child readies an age when it should he inautle of white and for two days after ,, . . , ... still added to its then ever sufficient i it in some respect and render their tiiis lime. It was liku ehanging the regretted to see a question of partisan able to control the * passage, , until . he . thickness , , , to . 15 ' and it is vet -robe reached a laws of thu Medea and Persians' to policy void. People who carry f i leadership figuring in such business as afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon cool (> inches. The mercury ranging the consideration of the treaty, lieeause ’it, the cause of the difficulty id kidney from Friday morning until Monday insurance aliotdd read their policy grant it, Tiiis is oi>e of the most important nets they think it lowored ns in the estima- trouble,and tfie first step should be to- looming ns follows: Friday morning carefully ttnd frequently (¡11 they of a nundier-that are calculated tir re- tion of the world, furnishing our foreign wards the treatment of these important 1-1 degrees above zero. Saturday morn- are familiar with ail its require* dmo or destroy the harriers that exist _ .. , . . , i ing 10 degrees, Sunday morning 101 critics a new right to say that with organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to , Commencing Monday January 23rd * degrees and Monday morning 18 degrees, •ronntft if they expect to collect the between China and the rest of civiliza­ - • • • Americans nothing is too high o, sacred a diseased condition of the kidneys und The coldest spell of weather that has ’ insurance in case the properly is tion» And Continuing Until February 1st. Io lie dragged Into party polities a t ! bladder and not to a habit as most jieople visited tiiis section for several years, And now another tremendous innova­ times. It is just as wpll, however, for suppose. If the adult lias rheumatism ; and quite a lot of apples, potatoes nnd destroyed. FOR CASH ONLY. tion is impending. The Princess Henry these same foreign ciitics to remember pain or dull irregular quantités; or atir- canned fruit were frozen. By Monday it began to moderate the mercury T ukbk ih considerable interest of Prussia is cn route Io 1’i-kii and tlie that we didn’t drag any partisan politics regular intervals or has a bad , ordqr;if night began t0 raise ns a reminder of milder empress dowager has consented to ro­ being taken hi a project for build into our lighting, an I that wo won’t i it stains the linen or vessel tho color of weather and by Tuesday morning it cii.u h tr . Hire a new problem arises, when we have occasion to light another rust; if the feet sw ell; if there are puffy began a gentle but steady rain and up ing an electric rbutl from Florence because the etiquette of sovereigns re­ i or dark circles under tho eyes; your kid- to tiiis writing (Feb. 8tli) it is still rain to Eugene. Such a roatl would quires her entertainment nt the palace. foreign war. ing nnd tlie snow is disappearing very A very serious charge has lieen made neys are tlie cause aR‘1'1 necd doctoring. be a1 very great benefit not No foreigner has ever enjoyed tiiis dis- _ £ k_.. . „ , , rapidly, thg river rising at the rate of by Keegan, who ap|«ared before the 1 reatwent of some diseases way be de- about 8 inches every hour today (Feb. oilly to Florence Anti Eugene but 1 tinction; no fou-igner has ever spent a senate committee on education and j layed without danger, not so with 8lh, 18'j;t.) This will in all probabilitiy to th e whole Shmlttw nnd upper night within thu forbidden city, anil the labor. Io represent the Internationa! k**-In®y disease. j insure us a good logging raise for the W illiunette vtilley». If if is built best hod in tho up »tails front room I uik Mediauic’s Union. He said that con­ I Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the great first time this winter. never lieen diatuihed by any form other FROM T H f LEGISLATURE. it will give tin: jteople here fiteil- duct« for gunenrriages and guns, wnicli kidney, liver and bladder remedy Ilian tliat of a Chinaman. ha,I been awarded to the Cramp Ship promptly cures the most distressing iliea for »hipping their product» It is believed Emperor William sent cases. Its tnild and extraordinary effect Representative Brnttain lias ¡ntroijue- ♦ > m arket regularly aJid quickly, his sister-in-law to China (or tho express Building Company, and tiie Msxin- is soon realized. Sold by druggists in cd a bill wliicli limits the number of Nordenfaldt Company, had been execut­ "enabling tlieitt-to take advantage of reason of hreakiug down these harriers, ed at die Washington navy yard, nnd tifty-cent and dollar sizee. You may witnesses in a criminal action before a any change iu prices and to m ar­ and flint lie conceived the idea that per­ die contractors paid in cash the differ­ haven sample bottle and pamphlet justice of the peace to be paid hy the k e t produce th at under present sonal intercourse between the empress ence between wliat it cost tho govern­ telling all about it sent free by mail, county to live on each side, unlessothcr- dowager and a princess of the imperial condition» can not he shipped iu ment to make tho'-nrticles, nnd the Address Dr Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, wise ordered by the connty. house of Germany might he productive The ol(, mortgage tax ,aw wag paS8cJ contract price; that the Cramp Com­ N Y. When writing mention that you season. It would give Edgene* the of imjH,riant results to liolli empires. read this generous offer in T he W est . by lhe | l O l ) se with the additiona , fea ( ure pany rereived $17,000 as profit on its advantage of a water route nearly ! It won't he long before all tho old conirHct, and die Gun Company $1100 T he difficult questio.i of wisely mlcnlated to make the mortgage pay the all the way troin San Franeiseo, superstitions pass away and the Amer­ on each gnn made. The committee using convicts has been and will contin- tax- Tins so provides that if the mort- and he much shot ter than any ican locomotive will lie ns welcome as is lirocted Senator Kyle to investigate the ue to be, a question of vital ¡importance, 8n8eL‘ does not pay on the mortage, the route except tiie raihotwl which already the American bicycle and the charge. Agents of the Cramp Company in every state. Various plans af-e pro- mortgagor may pay anij have such pay- Hour made from Washington wheat Eugene haft at present. ' • ■ and officials nt tho navy yard, say that posed, none of them having any surety l,,ent endorsed on the record ns a partial - First-class American consuls can do there is no truth in die charge; that of bettering matters until tiiey are paytnent on the mortgage. much toward arranging matters so that T he SttMAw.river probably offers the the Crump contract was canceled be­ tried. Tho Tribune, speaking of the Governor Geer filed the reapportion- w lieu old ideas puss away new ones that Lost oppot (unity to la* found in the state cause the government found it could do situation in New York, says that die mentbill in die secretary of state’s office take the r place may lie tinctured with •for a profitable in vestment in thu lum­ the work itself, and that tho guns were assembly committee on convict iHhor thus allowing it to become a law with- prejmh. ? in favor of tiie United Stntes. ber trade. While on many rivers the made nt a loss to tho contractors. Iia8 been making an inspection of the out Ids signature. China is the market place for surplus timber conveniently situated for logging It will now only require a majority prisons to determine how1 far the pres­ product*, and Washington has an eye R epresentative M c Q ubkx , in speaking hits nearly all been cut, on this river it vole of die house to put Gen. Wheeler, ent labor system under' which the mi the market. , . . . . . "I1 011 tl,e tnortgage tax law, has raised has ns vet hardly been touched. Along of Alabama; Col. Campbell, of Illinois; convicts are employed in manufacturing , . . himself in the estimation of his constit­ tho main stream and its tributaries Col. Colaon, of Kentucky, and Major article» for the use of (lie state and PHILIPPINE ARCHITECTURE. uents ujion a higher plane if |>ossible there are hundred» of millions of fust of Robbins, of Pa., formally out of con­ divisions thereof ojierate to the disad­ than ever when lie said he would vote tho finest Hr timlier that can la, found. gress, as die judiciary committee has vantage of outside industries and free Scientific Aiacricnu for the hill Loeause he knew his constit­ The iinoim already built will catch and reported a resolution declaring tliat workmen. In their report they say; According to professor Dean C uents wanted the law enacted although hold the logs with parfect safely thus Worcester, the houses rest on four or they foifeiled their seats hy accepting “ We have asked the labor represent­ it was against his mental protest. This removing one great rjsk in the businc-s com missions in the army. The com­ atives nnd manufacturers in eacli place more heavy timbers which are firmly 1 is n favorable contrast to Driver’s opin­ «'I logging, h.mxj tlie work was done on ' mittee declined to report a similar res­ we visited whether they could cite a the jetty in 180.' here ban been enough j 1 set in the ground. Tin» floor is raised olution concerning tlmse memben who single instance of a man losing a job, of ion that a legislator is chosen for his J water on the ha'i so that vessels could some live or ten feet from the ground, I have accepted places on civil commis­ wages being reiluecd, or of u factory superior knowledge and ability ot cr and ' above the people who elect him. The j eroas nt any time. With ths improving The frame is of bamboo lied together sions. being shut down, or die hours of labor with rattan and nails are not used. I people can trust the one but not the i •prospect« in tho luiulxw trade we lielieve If there is any Nicaragua canal legis­ reduced, because ol tiie competition of The shies and roof are usually of palm, other.— Cnttoyc pjx«rUinity for a profitable venture ou 1 flat and then sewing them together. If either the Morgan hill, which passel l>ut in all cases the reply has been that eminent bonds were issue! during our t.'i# biuslnw river. palniK are scarce, tho roof may lie die H«>nale, or die Hepburn hill, wliicli no such eases liad como to the knowl- war with Spain. On t! jse interest at mad.) a substitute for the j w,*e the 1“bt,r n,en or employers three |icr eent will be paid, for many J. W . C A R M A N V mtv or remits, 1» not purposes, is thatched w 11 h long grasa. The floor is A hasb.v.1 I __ I ' l l * . illlllo f 1 * * T ’ l . A zs n n a t PKO PRJFTAn 1 he question of interest years. If the amount of .merest they likely to eome nut <>f the attempts of tin- maile of liuuihno strips with the Morgan hill, hy the house commidee on 'V'estioned is, how completely are the prisoners, aimunlly earn hb.l been’ spent each interslnte and foreign commerce, oh the church people of OnialiA lo eluse the sn- convex side up. I hey are tied liruily in matter will go Ion conference committee not merely in the stato prisons, but in year during the pwat two dcea ies up on .loons nn Bunday. The oaluon men'« p iile e i n » ii. li a way that wide era.-ka j tho penitentiaries, employed, and what an America:, merchant marine, Spain league and brew< rs have heartily «»liter- ’ Mre Iwtwee « tlie.n. The houses are • s soon ¡ix the house passue the Hep­ burn hill, wtii.-h it will do us soon as extensions are p.wsible to give tl.osc would never have venture,! to go to war «»d into the work, and wilt pull enti led hy ladders; in sn ..e eases there given an opportunity, and what the i "°"’ ’‘*'c work’ Inasmuch as only fore t!», for any reason, and we would have .10 se. il re an ironelad enforcement of the ! i> only one room, and the cok in g is conference committee will agroo upon is casts of the report have been publish«!, been saved the losses in lives and treas- »tat« Sunday laws. The salions are al­ do ie over an n|M»n fire built on u heap purely a matter of conjecture, by ju.lg- . ' it is impossible yet to know bow exten- lire that war has made ne«-essary. Shall ready eloae.1 and as the brewers believe of earth in one eorner, and ax tl.e .-pen- ing from the past, it will be sure t0 1 siveiy this question has been examined. we heed the lesson t —Corvallu Gaulle. others slMXild obey die law, ¡I is prwha- The recent outbreak of i nsanity in the differ from eillu-r of tlie origii,al lulls. Aite tluit every newapaper, barber shop, ! ing for the exit of the smoke 1« inade- 2-. ’ \ The house adopted Chairman Bur- Kings county penitentiary suggests that The W orld’s Great cigar atore, balli- house, hotel and rea- quale, die room is aniiietinies rendered the werk problem is by no means solved Aauraut in die city wUI lie «dosed, ttn-ei aluwal uninhabltalda. In tho lauter ton's qmtion to strike out of tl.e eon- Blood Purifier is and from time to time uiutterings are »ars etoppod running and no basks nr vlasaea of dwelling» the house ia divi.l led gressi.mal record the remarks made by Hood's Sarsaparilla, beard against the law which puts con­ carriage» lie |ierinitted tn do business on , int.» svierai rooms, and there is a place Representative Hawley, of Texas, about vict made desks in our scbixrls for ottr \ \ hich absolutely Alie aesoudi day. The setult uf aucb a portit loned off for cooking. Tli-re are the item in tfie river and harbor bill innocent little children to work at ns an general closing up will l»e watshed with | window» which areprovi.l.xl .«id. «wing appropriating $230,000 for improvement Cures every form of channel Io Texas City, Texas, an outrage on the children, a wrong to free Impure blood, from interest in other «•idea, whore tiie aide mg shades. Prof. Worcester slates that oi labor and an inconvenient« to the state. Joor swings ever inward and drouth native dwellings which are properly ■lh»g«xl I w n town, which Ohio oapital- The pimple on your Such things give rise to the suspicion “fc exploiting as a possible rival to nnd uusUoveo focos ilo not trouble arranged have much to rvvoniiuend Face to the great that die convict labor problem ia by no diem. The ventilation is perfect an I Uslvesl.m, because they reflected upon juankin«1. means solve.I, and we hope that "our Scrofula sore which the air is kept much cooler than in a the integrity of the nienitiers of the officials are giving due weight to the committee, hut Mr Hawley finds con- tightly cl.-aed building. The construc- T he O ri :«¿« i \ JStnto Journul of Drains your system. neevasity that every convict ahonld have l l t l i intit rmitaliHN) M good nt hele do» I» so light that if they are thrown •»Ift'ioti in the fact that his gpcech Thousands of people a chance to work. The evidence discov­ O * Vamfjfil 51 , down l>y an earth«,tiakeor blown d wn •aiiMal the appropriation in question to Testify that H o o d \ pointing ont the advaiitjijyt»* often»«! ered by them that free labor no longer « r» ;♦ hy a typhoon no one ix iujurml, ns die f JT- . e i n s s o u c — iy o w .n trravw M C s« even protends to be injured by the pres- . . . w - .inT ......... by lift» lower Sinshtw f«r the lit- material ia too light to do any «tain ige. Sarsaparilla cures L iso ja * ‘ O . *" ôîsiVzUli I he story of ll«i F h ilip |tlu s ." I.v M ursi UR.».. 1.1 onl-ii.uuxl i-v i.y I u-l-’ t s G ..«rraimAT»". o re m ia e n t a- ent pi iron industries, should -Jive tlie.n Uxi»:. vt. .x.n .ximmlxatnnsrt The vestiiH'irt e f «-.ijittHl in the lutnlmr Tlij richer natives s..iue(imes build .»iti, M l IIM o r ta i. I,, the War- l»e,x tn u Tk.. Scrofula, Salt Rheum, lax.» »s» w ritten m a n a . ,-x.uia at Sxu F n n courage to push ahead and not fear tliat FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. , Ac ? * ! " ‘ ’ » "crai M e n iti, tu iiotttes ..f with gelvanised iron the no-,urate ’*?e. TO OUR PA TR O N S business. Dyspepsia. Malaria, at It.>nolii!u. In It,-.,a K ,.„x in every hit of labor they find for convicts its» An . rtextn lie .,ehm al .'lam ia, in rite mx,ir roofs and liiuvstiuie foundations, hut —+-I Catarrh, Rheumatism, h m m x w ,u * * 1,1 ", e ” i* ns* ° f WASTsr-xxv'xcw- ra\«Ty.>atnv rrax..»» «» they sre innd« more eapeutitt» and ars u A house and lot in Glen.da, The Wo (hl» btAtr f<» iumi ' am * »‘UT ill UKlf ( ’• u it t o o ‘ r * S i* lot Han“- ftoi.ansa |,u « s n iir fences.—/fr,nf., fíinemiHO'or. " > '* made arrangements by Ar.d That Tired .h o o r ei, 18 by effect and one storv and rout t»e*rb> iw unU e*. I l !• m ainhr «Hpf» H ..f ..ri«l,u,l pt.-turv, proimun.sxl de. i.h'dty less comfortable which — ' . ----- <« hm Imi* I *1 lu'Mf Hilary Mr*.«ht « lie «Il «.hatoerai.tiri on ih r »pok t* rge h...» w ill fumUb ti,e Ue^klv ^«•fi r a itti exp vi’.M*»—nlvrt n II»*, b-.maflile. no iu<»rv, Fcding. Remember this » half in height. Also a good WWMl, hed •^tm n m n with The San Frauctsco Examiner ai d die than die more l.uiui-ly dwellings aliieh I.,,« m . 1-roBia F re u h l pxlxl f r , , « ! tbp W . „ (of on# jwlrss salary Monthly »ti ?■ Ta. i »'»•«'. l a t o a r honka on premise. For f.„;bet: p .n icu !,r. And get Htxxi’s i> ,lik i liv.- .x * , f , B irher, Sr.--, . »¡sr Wnevlnroae year $? jO paid m ad- U.*esetf-s.t.lreswd »taiat»-Ienveláis, llrrts t wc have described. l u . j a u . . . S..G . V!.U- w rj . > . -w r « • n T P H r e n f o r t h e w m n, , wo d(4 a Ho« I’rs-t. L»»iA M «»L.«aa* t • vanee. A nd only Hood s, i ” ,l*is office.; 1 —rr>t.i*ncp every fripai - mobnixq .— W .H.W EAT1IERSON F rom or« T a ra w a I adgaf Another venerable rule of exclusion ^k,., bbovlau CoMKEsroxncxT. w BOOTS SHOES < 2 AT THE^s GREAT : WHITE : STORE TO REDUCE STOCK REGARDLESS OF COST. See our special counter. O .W .H U R D C A R M A N ’ s CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Coods, * Groceries ★ and * Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just Opened. Goods as Reoresented. V ^'*rv. payable cash in sdvnae».