T v F advertisers J. SIUSIAVTS ONLY PAPE?.. u ......... Steamer Robarts .G overnor........................:. . . T. T. Geer. ^ B tcrelary of S'ate . . . . . . .F. I. Dunbar. H B eaau rer................................F. 8. Moore. 8upt. Public Instruction J. H. Ackerman State Printer....................... W. II. I^eeilg. *£S B to rn ey General D. K. N. Blackburn. ( .................R. 8. Bean Iprcine Court ...............F. A. Moore f ___C. E. Wolverton fudge Second District. .J. W. Hamilton osecuting A ttorney.. .Geo. M. Brown COUNTY OFFICERS- Florence to Yaquina Florence ani Head of Tide. L U E L L A »«* For further information inquire — OF — A. W. BEADLE & CO. C lerk ........................................... E. U. Lee 14 California St Sheriff............................... W. W. Withers San Francisco, California. .E. O. Potter. . . f ............. W. T. Bailev Commissioners » .........II. D. KJwnrds ORTHERN Pacific, Ry« N I t ident...................W. H. Weatherson O. W. Hurd Win. Kyle L. Christensen M. Morris Board of Trustees Recorder.................... John I. Butterfield Treasurer ......................-.. F. B. Wilson M arshal...........................G. C. Cumpton 3E C R E 'r SOCIETIES. F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. ■ Regular communication on second d fourth Saturdays in each month. E. W. Comi, W. M. t. B vttekpiei . d , Secretary. A . R. General Lyons Post, No. 58 meets second and fourth Saturdays ich mouth at 1 :30 p. m. 8. B. C olvin , Commander. J. L. F uenish , Adjutant. Bo. U. W. Perpctua Lodge, No. 131, every 1st and 3d Tuesdays Sfen mouth. Members and visiting brethren In good standing are cordially Invited to attend. A. O. I unkk , M. W. & G . K N otts , Recorder. JR» meets O. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets ¡rv Wednesday evening in Lodge Florence, Oregon. Brothers in tauding invited to attend. A ndrew B bund , N. G. M arion M orbis , Sec. — APPLY TO — Florence, Or. S T A C J E UZlSTBi. H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ days snd Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scott s burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges reasonable. EUGENE-FLORENCE ! STAGE LINE. E. B a n g s , u CITY OFFICERS. P ro p rieto r. 1BSBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, B Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabbath- ihool, 10 o’clock a. ni. Preaching 11 clock a. m. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of knuary, April, July and October, werybody is welcome to all the service®, jtator re pleats Christians to make bemselves known. I. G. K notts , Pastor. A T T O R N E Y S Attorney at Law, - O regon e w - iln o m , 7 and H McLaren’» «’■‘“ ’»R- S cia I Attention given to collections and pro le business, I - E. O PO TTER. ..........Attorncy-at-Law .................. EUGENE, OREGON. - , 'F ries At the Court Uousc. E. E. BENEDICT, A TTO R N EY Florence. : A .T K .A .W ! Oregon. BO YEARS* eXPERIENCE P atents DCBMNa CarvmaMva Ac. »«will M«sin« a •**' sMily ARcrriAin mr sent fr«A. < *1« P a t « ro to D ry G oods ¥ F a n cy G oods F u r n is h in g G ood s C lo th in g g Shoes WE DEFY COM PETITION. — Willamette St., Eugene, Lane Co., Ore. Ik i RESPECTFULLY JLLY J. V. KAUFFMAN. FMAN. B a r M lo a a —S lo w e r M a d r id . tw r*»1 Mann A Co. i receive withkmirBtmto. t»U« SdtMlflc JtotrUaH. I I 311>«rlan P r l.o a * . Dr. A yer’s Cherry Pectoral P iaster S NEW HOME THROUGH TICKETS Standard Dictionary of T V. T. Head of Tide Hotel, T o n s o r ia l P a r lo r s . A. C. WOODCOCK, iu g a n e , loosens the grasp of your cough. The congestion of Lhe throat and lungs is remo'.wJ; c'.l in­ flammation is subdued; the parts arc put perfectly rt rest and the cough drops away. It has no diseased tissues on which to hang. and boilers uud air compressors aud coolors and all sorts of intricate ma­ chinery iu a house not far away, by which the projectiles are fired. The dynamite or gun cotton or explosivo gelatin or whatever the explosive ma­ terial may be is contained in the pro­ jectile ouly. This projectile is called an "aerial torpedo" by the manufacturers and is exploded by means of a fuse similar to any powder gun's. Dynamite or any other high explosive cannot be used in uu ordinary cannon, lecauso the powder would explode the ('yuamite beforo it left the gun, there­ fore the system of using compressed air came into vogue as the only method of throwing dynamite to any distance. The air is compressed and paused along through various tubes before reaching tbo gun and is used at about 1,000 pounds pressure to the square inch, which is much less than the power of powder. Dyuamite w ill be exploded at about 5,000 pounds pressure to the square inch. These guns are enormous affairs, smoothbore, 50 feet iu length, nmde of the best iron, in three sections, flanged and bolted together and support­ ed on a steel carriage. The carriage is uiouutcd upon a steel racing ring, so callod, and the system of handling is by means of an electric motor. As these guns are covered by a lurge number of patents they are very expensive, costing the government many thousands of dol­ lars each. Fifteen men in relays are required to work them. The gunner stands upon a platform on tho loft side of the carriage, uses a thio telosoopio sight, aud when all is ready ho pulls a lever which allows the oompressed air to enter the gnu, and the discharge takes place. These guns are nil loaded at the breech, and the projectile is handled by a separate car­ riage. The projec-tilo is about ID feet in length for the 15 inch gun, aud when oharged with 600 pounds of dyuamite or gun cotton weighs fully 1,000 pounds. It Is a steel tube composed of walls three-sixteenths of an inch thick and lias a spiral vane at the rear. Tho fuse is a foot in length and weighs 20 pounds. This fuse contains two pounds and a half of dry gun cotton and a few grains of fulminate of mercury as a de­ tonator. It is set to oxplode at impact or as the gunner may desire as to time. —Leslie’s Weekly. The Rev. Dr. Lansdell publicly stated, Barcelona 1* a great trading port, Stage loaves Eugene, daily ex­ »bout on a level with Marseilles. It hat •fter a thorough visit to Siberia, that N jrown very much within recent years. ibould lie over have to change from cept Sundays, at G a. in., arriving The Barcelonese consider themselves a slcrical to oonviot life, ho would ohooa» at Florence the day following model to all Spain in the matter of in- Siberia und not Mill bank or any other inatry and in oommou sense, yet in this English prison, as the scene of labor. P u llm a n at 10 a. m. town, which is really a handsome plaoe I have no hesitancy to say that person- S le e p in g C a rs Returning-stage leaves Flor­ •nd rioh, the heud telegraph office is iu illy I prefer prison life in Siberia to the suburbs; there is only ouo branch Sing Sing, and to set the stamp of my E le g a n t ence daily, except Sundays at 2 j draws out inflammation of the office in town, and messages have to be ipproval npon the prison, following tha D in in g C a rs p. m., arriving iu Eugene the day , lungs. •ent from that by hand. The postoffloe kindly invitations of the chief of police, Acfrfo« Freo. is well away from the port in a by- I was about to transfer my baggage T o u ris t following at 9 p. m. Itemcinber we hare t Magical DanarV ttreet If yon are there on business, you horn the hotel of the rich Chiuaman to roeut. If r<»u have any eoiiiiilntiii what­ S le e p in g C a rs ever mid aealre the boat tnedlcMl ttuvlc« will find as likely as not that one clerk tho jail. However, though the prison you van possibly obtain, wr te the freely. You wl’.l receive a is in attendance out of an immenae fompted me by its superior oomtort, ST. PAUL Single fare - _ _ - $5.00 . doctor erurupt rep’y. without cost. A staff. He w ill probably be very polite, better food and bathtubs, 1 had to give Address, DR. J. C. AYER. • M IN N E A P O L IS Lowell, Mass. Round trip - - - - $9.00, bnt be w ill put his hand to a pen or a up the project Interesting things were DULUTH bundle of letters as if he feared they to be seen in the town aud upon the Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ ivonld buru, and Barcelona is a model iireat river every minute of tho day, so FARG O livery barn, Eugene, and a t O. W. ■ of smartness compared with Madrid. 1 remained with Tai Pboou-Tai. only G R A N D FO RKS TO One wonders whnt wonld happen to risitiug the prison for my tub every H urd’s office in Florence. C R O O K 8TO N t'10 dawdling officials one sees at these iay. As npon my first visit I was al­ plaocs if they were transported by soma ways allowed to walk about the place W IN N IP E C The Fu nk & Wagnalls» malignant fairy to St. Martin's-le- •lid visit all the prisoners, and I saw H E L E N A «'»1 Drand. Madness would probably be uothing to change my opiniou of the A TRANSPOSITION. BUTTE' Iheir fate if they made an effort to meet oleanliuoss and the humane condition I t M a n g le d th e Sal n t a t ion, h a t th e K in g the call. Bnt then they wonld not The onder which they lived.—Stephen Bun- hurry and drive would simply revolt sal in Harper's Magazine. C o n tr o lle d UU Fac e . Of The TO their sense of what wasdne to u gentle­ An American who years ago served C H IC A C O ENGLISH LANGUAGE A M a r re lo o * T im « M e e a n re r. as our minister to Spain was fond of man.—Pall Mall Magazine. W A S H IN G T O N Aa illustrating the triumphs of mod­ telling the following jokoupou himself: COM PLETE M r s . C l« v « la a d ’» C o u r t « * /. ern scieuce in the construction of in­ Shortly after be had beoomu settled P H IL A D E L P H IA The following pretty story is told ef struments of precision The Seientiflo in his new homo ho was bidden to a SU C C IE N T N EW YORK state ceremonial, whore he was to be Mrs. Grover Cleveland: At one of the American instances a chrouograph for A U T H O R IT A T IV E BOSTON A N D A L L presented to tho king. His knowledge public receptions given at the White recording infinitesimal intervals of of languages was limited to English Honse an old lady who was drawn up time, such as a millionth of a second or I P O IN T S E A S T itii‘1 S O U T H aud French, and boing dosirous of ad­ in the line that whs pushing its way less, which is stated to have been used Fnr Information, time cards, maps and tickets 301,865 Vocabulary Terms dressing the sovereign iu his own tongue forward to shako bunds with the presi­ to record antographically the oompres- etc., cull on or write he took pains to “ coach” for the occa­ dent's wife dropped her handkerchief siou by a blow of a cylindrical piece of 347 Editors and Specialists sion. Several phrases were rehearsed just before getting to Mrs. Cleveland. copper. In one oase a 83 pound weight 533 Readers for Quotations R. M c M u r p h e y , until he felt that he had mastered them. She was too old and rheumutio to stoop fell 16 luches aud produced a perma­ 5 000 Illu s tratio n s (Hucral Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, When tho critical moment arrived, lie down and recover it, and those back of nent compression of . 1868 inch In a EUGENE, OREGON. Cost over $96 0 ,0 0 0 saluted the king with grout dignity, her iu the liue were too intent npon get­ copper cylinder, the time consumed in Appendix of 4 7 ,4 6 8 E n trie s A- D CHARLTON, spoke a few words in Spanish and pass­ ting tho ono fleetiug glimpse possible of producing this compression being Assistant General Passenger Agent, the mistress of the White House to uo- .0080817 of a second. The machine ed on. 286 Morrison St., (’or., 8d. “ What did you say?” asked an Eng­ tico tlie old lady's loss, and the hand­ produces by means of photography a The full number of words and terms In P o a tla n d , O r. kerchief was trampled upon ronghly. curve showing the precise progress different dictionaries lor the entire alphabet is W R 1 T B F O R C IR C U L A R S fe re n t S ty le s of lish gentleman. Just before the old lady reached her this compression. The chronograph "1 spoke iu Spanish, ” was the rejoin­ as follows: B vobxontii , 59,000; WoacaiSTSR Sewing Machines w e manufacture and their der. “ I said, *1 cast myself at your Mrs. Ckovelund stepped ont of her place which reaches such remarkable reeolta prices before you purchase any other. 105,000; W ebster (International), 125,000; C k s - hk New HOMj^jBrwuia M a c h in e c o . feet,' which 1 am told is the most re­ aud deftly picked up tho handkerchief, consists of a rotating cylinder, with a j TORY, (six volumes. complete,) 225,000: tacked it in her dress and, taking her surface velocity of 100 feet a sooond, on ■ Union Sonars, chi»«»», HI. St tools, Ms. spectful form of salutation. ’’ J. I. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor | STANDARD, over 3»,000; D s U bs A ss . San FynncNra. CsL AUauta, Qs. "Ah, n o,” corroetud a Spaniard, who own fresh ono, which was of the most which ia photographed a pencil of light, res a su av had been observed to smile at the em­ delicate, dainty lace, smilingly handed which it passed through a bole in tha F lo r e n o a , O r e g o n : ........... Sample Pages Free............ Good dealers wauled in every town. bassador’s greeting. “ Yon are mistak­ It to the old lady with the sweet re­ end of a rapidly vibrating tuning fork. W rite for prices and terms to San Fran­ en. Yon transposed your words, aud mark, "Please tuke mine, aud when The delicacy of thia instrument is far yon get home send it bark to me, will greater than that of tho ordinary toning quite altered the meaning. ’’ OUR AIM—To furnish the best cisco, C»L AGENTS W A N TE D . “ What did 1 guy?" asked the diplo­ yon?” And wben the handkerchief came fork chrouograph recording on a sur­ accommodations a t reasonable bock to her Mrs. Cleveland returned face blackened by smoke. mat. With a twiuklo in his eye the Span­ that of tho owner, freshly laundered, W h a t W a s R aised. prices. E. D. BRONSON & CO, d o t a l C la e k * A lw a y s T r a t b f a L “ Did the last tnx laws raise any iard mude auswor, ’VVhut yon really lying on the top of a beautiful box of Pacific Coast Agents said whs , *1 throw my heels at your rosebuds that came from tho White "When I am traveling. 1 never pat money?” inquired the queeu regent. House conservatory j the slightest confidence in a household “ No. your majesty,” replied Sngasta head. ’ ’’ SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. But tho king had not betrayed by so ¡clock," writes Robert J Burdette of “ They raised nothing but disturb- W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. T l i * F ir s t T e a rs p « . 933 Market S t. much as tho fluttering of an eyelid that "Tongneless Liars," in The Ladies* adieus."—New York Journal. Even after tea was introduced Into Home Journal. "A hotel clock 1 can anything uuusuul had occnrred. —Har­ Tables furnished with all the Europo Htid had come into general use depend upon. There are too many per’s Magazine. H ey o n d th e C r itic a l Stage. teacups were scarce. At tho same time watches In a hotel—good watches, delicacies of the season. Wild Mrs. Nearby—I understand your hus­ coffee was introduced; but, apart from watches whose absolute corrcctnosa Ko Fixation In hpace. band is ill. Is his condition critical? game, fish and fruit in season. Best Tlio common idea as to the path of Constantinople, the first coffee cups in means money to the commercial tneu Mrs. Growell—Critical, indeed I Why, the earth boiug "fixed in space" is tak­ Europo dato back only as far ns Hilo in who regulate the traveliug life of thia » » he is positively abusive.—Exchange. accomodations for the traveling en exception to by astronomers on the Venice, 185» iu Paris, 11152 in London country. A lying clock would be spot­ MARION MORRIS Pro p. public. Charges reasonable. ground that there aro few if any things and 1894 in Leipsic. From tho first, ted in a quarter of a second, and the L o o k in g M a n k w a rd . in the domain of astrouomy that con howover, the conventional orientul cof­ unhappy clerk scourged with pililesn 15 cents The titles of the king of Spain sug­ really be culled fixed space, that fact fee enp, without stem or handle, waa sarcasms therefor. In the course of my Shaving . gest a large part of the history of the being thnt unceasing changes are going little used, and in Germany not lit all. wanderings up and down thia part of Hair Cutting as " world. He is king of Jerusalem, which on, though those ebungos aro generally The Chineso teacup was used for tea, the globe I missed a few trains and lec­ Razor Honed a s •• is Turkish; of Navarre, which Is ! so slow ns to escape the notice of a su­ coffee aud chocolate as well. Specimens ture engagements by depending upon French; of Gibraltar, which is British, ; perficial observer, but are fortunately of porcelain were undoubtedly intro­ clocks in the homes of my friends. T w e n tv -th re e Scissors Ground '3 “ and of tho East and West Indios, which periodio, so that they fall within tho duced into Europe iu the middle ages, Having tlras paid for my lesson, $15,- M ile s W e s t are largely British; duke of Brabant possibility of coni|iutation. Thus the yet uot till the sixteenth ccntnry were 000 or $20,000, 1 think, by wy owu O regon. n o ren o e and count of Flanders, now the two in­ earth's path is not fixed, since the cups imported from China in any great computation of the value of my lectures of E u g e n e . dependent kingdoms of Holland and ecliptio undergoes a very slow change, quantities, and evtn tneii it whs as arti­ (set ahead u little tit. you know, iticay Belgium, and sovereign of nnmerons so (hat, while at present it is a few sec­ cles of vertu. Most of those found their j be a trifle fast. I haven't time to look other lands long since independent or onds more than 28 degrees 27 minutes, way back into China again, aa collect- , up the exact figures,) 1 withdrew all my under the undispnDd sway of other in alsiut 15,000 years, astronomers cal ing porcelain is a lusting fud there, uud trust from mantel clocks, especially the M A D E and R E P A IR E D . powers. He ts ars upon Ins person in­ cnlato, it will be reduced to 22 degrees high prices are paid for good spt cimens. I highly oniuuieuted marble and gilt va­ deed an epitome of the glory aud the 16 minutes, after which it will tiegin to The collection of Chinese porcelain, it i riety with silver bells or cathedral -----BY------ (all of Spam. increase again, a change so slow and only tb« gcnAiine specimens are desired, j chimes." within such narrow limits that it c*u requires immense study und knowledge, The Mchnler. K la e ly C a a g lit. produce no sensible alteration iu tho as the Chinese ore skillful imitators aud pot numerous falsifications on the Dr. Evans, a witty member of the teasous. — Kansas City Journal. F lc r e r .c e . C ro g o n . A few evenings ago ageutleman step­ M o ney Saved market. parliament nt Melbourne, was on old ped from a train at one ef the boodou * ♦ * ♦ * ♦ * ♦ * ♦ * ♦ * ♦ Kvaa t'p. man. and tho other members jokingly statiuus, when a young lady skipped up la d lv id u a l O d ars. Good Work Done at Keasonable Trices. spoke of him as bt longing to the era of While some Swiss militiamen were to him, threw her arms rapturously P a tro n iz in g it. Every human being bas a specific ■ Queen Anne. resting from their drill ono of the men , of his own, according . . . . . . to A. Bethe 1 about »dor . . . his ueck and kissed him many ms owu WlSTKIh-«RVF.R4L TUIT-rroRTHY | X Once, while making s sp»-och, he re­ stepped from the ranks to light In* times, raying: this *Ulc io ioaha 'X c our tMioiiMhM iu their own ferred to Queen Antic and wss greeted ill the Archiv dcr Gcsainmtcn Physiolo­ cigar from that of the officer The tat- . “ Ob, papa, I'm so glad yos have »»♦•»rby foimij*»». Il l^ mainly «»flief ’»«wit Geo. Hale : Prop. ait«l fonduetv»! nt Salary BWmffht $•♦01) • with cries of “ Did yon know her?” j ter took tills evideuce of the "spirit of gic, by which ho can be recognized uot cornel" v’fir und ex|»Mi>CH—«wfinite. bonnhde. n« more "What wa* »he like?" freedom" in good |«rt, lint »aid, "In merely by dogs but by perrons with sen­ The old gentleman threw both arms no !♦*- ' h I ntt . M«»ntlily Kef’WMu«’«* Eu "Yes, sir.” rrtorfod the doctor, “ 1 the Piusaian army you ooaid uot have sitive organs of smell. Thu case ia men­ around her aud held her firmly to bis I <>«•• self ■«l»lrrs‘r«l stomped envoi«,pe, Herl*rt N O T A R IE S . It. Ileas. I’rvst.. Dent M. Cfciraan. tioned of a man who blindfolded could did know her. The scholar is con tern- ’ done tins. John '* breast. porary with all time." “ Right you are," w:is the prompt re pick out each individual iu a company 8oou she looked up into his foots and A. R. BUTTOLPH. ply. "but iu tlie Prussian army you uf 20 by bis odor. horror stood in her eye. T be smell is not bom with us, but According to an old French saying. could nut be an officer " "Oh. my, yon re not my papal" rha develops gradually till the age of puber­ said, trying to frcelieraeii trim Ida em­ “ A man's character is like his shadow, ty, after which it remains unchanged. Mad F lp a a to a a ( J u r r y . which sometimes follows slid some brace. times precedes him. and which is oocu . Every one familiar with Longfel­ Members of a family have a kind of "Yes, I am ,” luristed tho old gentle­ O r e g o n . lc»v**»«»n*Tr*8e W«r»«oM*Iarst h-min*'«« f nn>l’i- ‘*4 t ''T A1«»:enl‘ ,«e r w - l iÁ . A eo.l™!^**»* P *m p «:'e t I a t** toGh- tain /»leni*." V. *. Brazil produces on the average 880.• eastern boundary of South Dakota. ' I levins u." H» (*t dinner to hi* yonug wife)— My *Jd forties cenntjKa »nnt f««. A.lire**. When the officer cams, lie found thu 000 too* of coffee per annum— that it, Thia la the ouly quarry uf the kind char I m afraid your cookbook mutt about four fifths of the whole anu-unk known to exist on the American coutl have sun.« misprints iu it,— Fliegend« old gentleman’s dinnicr.il pin in l!i« C. A. SNOW & CO. neut. O*. F»vt«v Cm*». V/.cwmn new, D, C“ I girl's hand. — Pcai‘on's Weakly Blatter. ORÇNCE. - - - OREGON I WW* WW»*»»V«»»V>****W*******— oanaamed in the world. & MORRIS «». HOTEL, CHURCH DIRECTORY If it was only health, we might let it cling. But it 13 a cough. One cold no sooner passes off before another comes. But it’s the same old cough all the time. And it’s the same old story, too. There is first the cold, then the cough, then pneu­ monia or consumption with the long sickness, and Lie tremb­ ling in the balance. For passenger and freight rates *** Judge front Calling at the UMPQUA. W ill carry freight and passengers Meyer & Kyle, from Florence to San Francisco. W ill also bring up freight *** And Florence to Coos Bay THE STEAM ER »»» jNigsurer.......................... A. S. Patterson Assessor............................... D. P. Burton (School Superintendent.. . .W. M. Miller Surveyor.............................. C. M. Collier Coroner............................ W. P. Cheshire Justice of Peace.................C. H. Holden Constable..............................E. A. Evans Calling at ALSEA. ****** ★ ****** E lk P r a i r i e H o t e l. ON E U G E N E A ND FL O R E N C E STACE RO UTE. BOOTS < and i OLE MYIUKD, By PATENTS Notary Fablic, Surveyor f NOTARY PUBLIC. my