A Terrible Accident. A FRIGHTENED TEAM OF HORSES RUNSAW AY. D ashes into a P receding C onveyance in the Road and a Young Lady is Seriously Injured. BLOSSOM T IM E . ’ ¿P H IS JO B S A V E D . ^ ^ ^ * ^ * ^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * High abort« in the cherry • Th<. a*o holding a jubilee. The time ;« May, a:i family, and mamma suggested 1 aliould have ide in thia i«*ea!iiv, than »he acrid* fit which a box at once. Ire fell Mita T: oiiie ThoiiKHi, n youag hi«ly , “ O f course I was nnxiout to get well and pearly twenty years «»hl, residing alxtui three a box of these pills n iu secured ami tried. jnilcfc wcm .»f flits city, while out ridiug <>ne When 1 hnd taken the pills one week 1 day in May. I*«M. bi mtiversation with a noticed an improvement in my condition. friei «1, ree^ntly. M io Tlxmiatt told tlie story A better color came in my face i ml lips, I horrible affair and tlte results bccuine stronger, hud an increased nppeiite frt»m it. j and the dizriiieMi in my head na< relieved. Sh«-»sihio and one no attention to them until the day I procured day while «mt riding wirli my friend«, we my first box. Since then I have taken twelve were «»ven»ke»i by a learn o f runaway h<»r.«ea, Isixeii and have I wen grenily relieved. My ao*h 1 wns riding wi.a blood is in a belter condition, I have gained badly wracked aud 1 « in thrown out, receiv- in flesh and my entire system has l»e< n built in g a hftr i inti up. I mod eertainlv recommend I»r. W il- “ I was taken to my Imine, ami a physician liams* Pink Pills for Pule People to any one was called and np*m examination told me troubled with kidney complaint.*’ that my right kidney hud been aflwte»,. lie A ll the elements necessary to give new life ve nv> medicines whh'ti relieve«! me some, and richness to the blood ami restore shuttered t wbl< h m ver helped me us they should. nerves nre contained, in n condensed form, in '* I was weak at d whenever I attempted l»r. W illiam s' Pink Pills for Pale People. to do light work &lg»nt tin- hous«*. I would They ure an nnlailiugspecific for such diaeiiM» Itecome prosi nitrii. I was very dizzy and as loeomotor ataxiu, partial paralysis, St.Vitus* freapently pains won hi dar; through my dance, eristics. neuralgia, rheumatism, nerv­ hack in an tudes«-ril»alde manner. In fuel, ous headache. the after effects o f lu grippe, cay whole coiiatirulioo w a s a rte . te d . L had palpitation o f the heart, pah- and sallow com­ a very oabow comyd* thin with xetiiiiigJy no plexion«. si) forms of weakness either in mole color in my fir e ;:t all. or female, ai d n il diseases resulting from v iti­ •* I remarne«} in that r.i di lion for over two ated htimora in the blood. D r W illiam s’ Pink ears and n •th in g seem ed to relieve tue. 1 Pills ur« bold by nil dealers, or w ill be sent appened to rea*I in « paper how some pen- po-t ¡slid oil receipt of price, 60 cents a l»ox, p i« hod been cured by the u%- o f H r. W il- or six loxes for $*2.50—(they arc never sold in !»«••••’ Pink Pills tor Pule People. One enee bulk or by the 100) by addressing D r. W illiam ^ deaeri bed was sim ilar to mine, and I « ailed Medicine Company, Schenectady, h . Y . JU ST HOME FRO M CUBA. H ead ach e U i< Start«« W h ic h Ih e R e tn ro e d W a a d e rs r Is often a warning that the liver Is Southern New Mexico aud Arizona T a ld H I* F rie n d *. E VER Y GANG OF C O U N T E R F E IT E R S torpid or Inactive. More serious end southwestern Texas embrace a re­ “ I bad a mighty interesting time in troubles may follow. For a prompt, MAS C O N T A IN E D A W O M A N . gion totally unlike any other stx-tion of Cuba, " said tbe man whose head was efficient cure of Headache and all the United States. This portion of our liver troubles, take divided from the back of his neck by country bears evidence of its -Mexican Gee! Tli’ bow says Gi built thot I t 1» a W ra h u rM t o f th e S rx, an ti T h r y A re a thick fringo of hair. origin in its swarthy population and its shanty all wrong, an unless Oi tears it F r n iu c n t ly V e ry C le v e r— Some o f tho “ Were yon with the army?" inquired low built “ adobo” houses, w hile its down in an hour, w'ich is impossible, VVarnro W h o lia v e B een C onvicted ot a commercial traveler who bad tilted While they rouse the liver, restore bleak mountains, hiding treasures of Oi’II lose me job. full, regular action of the bowels, bis chair against a tree just outside the M a k in g an d P antin g »»Queer»* M o a e y. they do not gripe or pain, do not precious metal, and its sandy deserts, hotel. Irritate or Inflame the internal organs, Women have a weakness for counter­ among whose greusewood and mesqnite “ Of course,'' replied the first speaker, but have a positive tonic effect. 25c. hashes live the poisououg turantnla, tho feiting. The first person ever executed »preadiug his feet apart and swaying at all druggists or by mail of venomous ruttiesuako anil tho stinging C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, for that crime was n woman. She was backward and forward. “ That’s what scorpion, seem but part and parcel of onr an English woman named Barbara Spen- made it exciting. ’* sister republic on the sonth. “ I didn't see yon mentioned in any , cer and was pnt to death in 1721 for That which Ftrikes the traveler most of the reports," remarked the person mak ng false shillings. She was stran­ forcibly, however, in jonrneying through gled and burned at the stake. Curiously who is always making an effort to hum- the aiiudy wastes is the wonderful lu xu ­ enough, her accomplices wen» acquitted. hie somebody 's pride. riance of tho cactus fam ily, which ap­ “ Oh, I've lieen mentioned in a lot of Nancy Kidd was oue of the most re­ them,” was the genial reply. “ People pears to grow everywhere, the low ly markable female counterfeiters ever who know anything about such matters cholla (choyyak), the recdliko oculilla known in this eonntry. She belonged to admit that some of the best work of the (o-kah lee-yah) and that unsightly i a fam ily c f noted forgers. She carried campaign was done by me. Oue of the giaut, the great sahnaratsch-wali-rahj. on her nefarious trade for more than 30 The drier the sand nud the hotter the best things I did was to take two Span­ 5 ^ years in Chicago, and w as arrested there sun the better the cactus seems to flour­ ish officers aud seven privates. ” many times. On one c f these occasions ish. On some mountain sides the cindlus “ All by yourself?” a lot of f-^ber paper was discovered on grow» so thick one cannot pass through Ì “ Certainly. I didn't have a bit of as­ her person. The government officials them, so fierce are tlie sharp spines of sistance. The next day I went out and w»»re completely at a loss to know how tho cholla “ balls. " Curved at their cuds she had obtnined this. Finally she eon took a lot of cavalrymen. ” like fishhooks, these little spines pierce “ How many?" iuqnired tbe skeptic, fessed that a chemical solution had been leather and fasten ui«in the skin of the A scheme, begorry! Oi'll just make whose face showed traces of mingled 4 used to wash the faces of the notes and foot, causing tho most intense pain. a Spanish flag ami nail it on the roof. W axTK D — s a v K a v L T K V 'T e o a T n v ra a > o g » l s make them perfectly clean. Thus she surprise and suspicion. Bough and repulsive as these variant» T H E BOER AT H O M E . Ib is stste l.» niMiin&e u ur t-, . ¡ e . . . i .: ib e ir <>s 11 “ Oh, I didn't stop to count ’em .” a n d la -s rlir r»nin•*> ;."ut I’a t. Ail t : i i « l l . l i n i e n , O ld ) e» changing tliem into larger denomina .visir a n d e xp eo tes—C eA idt... h -.n atide. no m o n ­ has been found for most of them. A ftei tbe man who was leaning against the f ie ld , o f T liv iii. ne leu», -ala r» M o n tb iv F'» Kiiereue»- Un- treating the stem sof some of the smaller tionx. Tho government authorities re i»»lt-a> h elp <| in other ways. and ubont $ib ou every doable eagle. into one of gentle reproach. He merely many a poor prospector has found to his Dutchman was noted for his size and Tho officials of tho secre t service say answered: sorrow. It is astringent aud hitter, serv­ For a great 11a ioual object this can ntn ugiii and hud bragged of his rapac­ “ I ain't anything of the kind. I'm a that this is the safest device ever ill- easily bo endured, nil bough, to lx- sun», ing only to increase thirst. ity to down h- teaeher, and L td a. tu photographer. ’'— Washington Star. vented for cheating tho treasury. Tlie Indians of the country—Apaches, w e nrver liave kiitsivn just what the illy sought tiiv <.|ipnrttiiiiiv by rifnslng Counterfeiting is very apt to run in regular dealer, thou.i-ht al out it. But Pimas, Papagoes, Marieopas—use tbe obedience. Hot lie »m u It urne»l that he t i r v s t i:s p p c M M c D > . families. This, of course, is natural. :»s straight, flexible |»oles which form the wit» 1 1 wo consider tin t th»' same thing bad made r, gt».-. mistake, for this ear- a father brings up his son uetalcd his memory. money. This is what happened when lowance, and w e expect it to be big "for .wes tch arity’s sake,” anil to have and splits »»pen into four lobes, disclos­ On the o retiu g In <|m»s, fruit from the top of the stalk. Tbe In­ fhraMhii g le v e r ) ad—lie savidm y . liar 1 r they would lx» supported by sweet dian squaws dry it uud prepare it into a They carried on iho business with very latest designs. ■blest pens In the rountry- V n a d e v llls in j. •rtcr, and I am n L m i n»an tialay, i ll irity, and the lu -t»onditinii of things dish resembling fig paste. such a high degree c f skill that they | Mrs, S.— Are they to cat frnit with? T H E C H R O N IC L E ho* a lw a m been, and a l- thanks to him. " The Gentleman In tho Bald W ig— were not capturesl for years, and when r oy* w ill be. the friend *r.d champion ot th« But there is 11 use to which the squaws Dealer—They nro souvenir spoons, p»' would lx- worse than the first. It is not pie. *s w a in * l caenblnatlon*. clique«, coe- My frau d »heirf.il! ;rsscssion. liitu. Tlie B i. i teas mounted m -»n an When their house was New York Weekly. t . . ’. . - l u iiin y niiii give rather i n a r r ttrate tery ollas (o-yahsl, vessels of native oaoellent horse», whndi he jiize»i he- change at u baximr table. One day, p »r- manufacture. The ollas are then stored horsehair, to help mo rer.»tuber tbe svanlicd. $8,000 in gexxl money was mane.— lndianapoli. Journal. yood anything la» cw neil.. He dismount- fntind. Tins small amount was all the I n B outon. haiis, wh n the lav s i f trad»» arc lx tt< r iu a small room where a lire is kept -d , put the to il’s in l.m dley's hand ami un«l< rst»«xt w»» shall look at charity hnruiug until tin.» appi'iirauce of a white money they had accumulated during all A precocious child who had been at­ •beu ran aw«» info ton ti!.-.e> forest at P e a rs O o rts T so. their years o f crime. Of eonrse the offi­ fairs ns v.e n lriti y link at lotteries, froth on the surface of tho liquid iudi tending one cf tbe public kiudergartena »bough the devil w» m uffsr him. Hern w hi» h were oiks » n gan ’n l us oue of ihe cates that fermentation has coinmene»»d. Mamma— Flaying Indian is so rough. cers could net touch it. Afterward snfli fell from a ladder. w as no Indian g iv in g . Thia li»sr had lug! »“ f feiuis i t Hv-'iet charity, but It is then a stroug drink called “ tiz- Why are yon crying? Have they been cient evidence was oecured to convict Showing the United States, Dearialsx Her mother canght her up from the pot it o u te f the power of the Aunt iin.it which ure now prohibited by law .— w in ,” for which the Indians show a de­ scalping yon again? them, and they were sent to prison. ground iu terror, exclaiming: of Canada a . 1 Norther* « ) ilf f > to discover the urine or win ri al j.ita i t OTV O W K H I D E , 8potte«l Fan flier (alius W’illie i— X o , They bothf .armed to be run verted while plorable foudneaa. Iu former years tbe Harp« r's Bazar. “ Oh, darling! How did yon fall?" ♦he .trango giver. government always expected trouble mamma. Wo have been smoking tbe in stato prison, ami after their release “ Vertically, ” replied the child, w ith­ It i . a atory typical of the l ’»s r nt d settled in Chicago, where they nppar- from its red jirotcgoa in "tizw in time" pipe of i>earo.—Stray Stories V r b a n D e v e lo y o u e n t I n t h e S o u th . out a second's hesitation. — Boston < » X ’r i l K O T H K R SKHKL g e n e , te illustrate many apparent roi; ently lived aa honest life. and extraordinary precautions were tak- Globe. 'll!«» rural noutli. c»pcs tally in the old­ » n th o She H a * I Not, tradM tton. m uis u.itnre. lie does not A ca«e that annoyed the secret service t t \ C ek y V f c r A B l t l e f » r O n e r e a r , eu to hold tlie savages iu check during r s .ln y e p r « p a la a B n q p a . S bale Lngliehm» n in u> neral. He halts er p ort tuns, is, rronotnioally apnakiiig, those particular periods.—Detroit Free “ Have yon been married previously?" very mu< h w as that of s woman who A F ra g m e n t. fur front jwvigro-aiv«». uud wlutt was uuce »inly tlieiac who m »< iu t»i th-e it» u liis | nsked the license clerk. employed a clever dodge. She »went to n Press. A D O B ES S First Spanish General-—These dvna naliar quality of in»n ps n 1» imr.— "1 hi tit»» Mingle occupation of »lie aoutlicru “ Naw, ” said tin» yontigand blushing large ebop ft’id sclcetfd « valuable «hawl. mite shells of the enemy are terribly M. H . S . T O V W ® , g» utli-inaii is now th»* lust thut he would T l io A l l i g a t o r * . D i n n e r U a u r . B utch Feeling Toward Etigluud." I»y Proprietor S F. ChronMdx. candidate, “ but paw be says be thiuks To pay tor this she han»)»d the clerk a demoralizing to the most perfectly voliintiinly useutii»». In iho rich valley («AN FR A N C lB O a C A I. Boaltney Bigelow , in Harper*. Mrq;a Miss \ era t »mild of Thirty-ninth ami 1 am gi'ttmg married tco previously United Stab , treasury note fo r $1,000 trained troops. Were yonr men collect­ olid «11 lltc grazing hiiulx ( f muthweat bine». He took the money and disappeared, not ed under the fire? Baring streets has a pet alligator which now. ” —Indianapolis Journal. Yiixiuiu. in |utrt 1 of 1 of T r i m » s-»e f.inm ug R h I aa . cam » bark, she asked him why he had Er—most of them were collected after l»uys f.tirly, iiw.iiy to ih»> greiitei» thrift arrival of the alligator, which is atiuiit Ptrn.-es tioa't I !». “ It is a p»s»r ru le.” quoted the man kept her waiting, and he confessed that ward in very small pieces— Ally Sloper. IS inches long. Miss Gould inourus the i It -I -» w’l tik e of the inhabitant 1 and t > the f» rtil.ty of loss of a pet kitten, and tlicreby hangs a who lacks originality, “ that wou't he h t»l taken tbe bill to » hank rear l»y f much k o m • • '» » ' - . • ■ i f gave him the $1,00«) bill, and, getting ' - s a fe ly a ttn b u trd “ He ha. bought his owu children a 111»» case of Atlanta anil l'hattanga. tirely dependent upon others wh»»u his D iffe re n t K u le . 0» »oti-uniption and «Hied the shawl and the change, left the shop billygoat. Chicago Bec»-r»L appetite was assailed. iB*ea*ca. «>ld towns like Xashvill« ami Kielimoinl ' H ik e to pay as I gre” «aid Collar- Tlie owucr of the shop afterward discov­ About 3 o'clock iu tlie afternoon Miss There is an almost certain have taken a fiv-di lease of life and lx», box boastfully. .< Mmaller Orb* THE MccM X company , ¡' ered that the note he finally accepted cute and a positive prevent Gould lieurd a series of feline yells is- "Don t doubt it." said the landlord lv»» for this fatal disease if »xinic rich nnd progr ssivc. A t n w rail- sniug from tho kitchen, and ou appear­ "H e says that he suffers from tlie ef was a counterfeit Tlie first bill had ’331« I«» « Hit, »tre,t . f t „ , , rUf ta k i n tn tinie Tlie store »-f load lias tiiiul»» th«» f,»rttui»»of this pltMM*, as he cheeked eff the name on the regis­ fects of a suustroke iu Imlia years ago ” been good, hut on her return she gave RfSN N Ay*,, >e s»hat it w ill do is told in the a new l«xtil»> »>r oth»r industry ha. ing mi the scene she was p»»rf»vtly b.ir- • ’ 9 1 ¡t th Ave Chi earn, "W ell, from tbe way he make. lov. him the false one, which w as a won­ ter. »' But in this hotel without baggage "folloiviiig letter '«3« Market 5t cuitiasl th»» growth of that. And all thia rified at what met her gaze There on Francisca. to the girls, 1 thought be was moon­ derfully clever imitation. The rem t yon pay in advance. "—Town Topics. Atwait Isvo a n d s h a ll veers progissss has bts-udna to»hc alsnth- iu hla month, w hile the mother of the "The war has developed John's ■«sere pains I . th s -s t. afte r w h a h I l « y u i iu Not a a (M IW L which tu n e d np, but they have aince victim was prrobed o n th»> back of the ■pit up W o o l .ovd u « s also tnoubleU w ith nich i »nn r » f tlie la-t lid year, lias simply err wooderfally. ” captured the platca. " You threw a boot at your wife. ” ■ s tra ta I was so - n.o w tru l.U th at | eouUI had to work in on!» r to lire, and like alligator, claw ing and biting it in a vi- “ In what way?* b a r tie stalk t» *if a »m 'r at i s s r an .I if I «.a th r “ Well, ahe threw her jn w at ma ” Practically every gang c f counterfeit- After rescuing the k it­ least bit w e a n e d I w ould h a re an e lta r k <»f lit»» r> ft of th»» world, ho has pief rr» »1 lio n s manner. “ He can sing four lines of t h e ’ ‘tir “ Yea but everybody kuiw» how e re evle Miss Gould discovered that »he woman th r o w s” - Chicago Record. iu Atlantic. Fvrrvr aa.l ’ r e in t r .l m e ease to b ltn H r w rote Cleveland Plain Dealer ». 1 ■•■»*'»« ta»-«» I . •„ , , S; in Washington there is n large frame, t ear that I -»1 d la ir * b i. Gul.ten VIr.heal lb s was minus a kitten aud concluded that if ... ' «-"-»ri ' “»*•>-I» S caevre 1 '»rva»» »»sine It and nsrsl a t .*u ( sis W a r T e ru t. f,et square, tilled w ith the photographs I X V a f r l* ” ................. - S ; the iiuugry alligator bad uatvu it It battles. I In can tn see ib a l it was b e lfa n g me A r r o t l a c t o f (» c o d W o r k , S t i ll L iv in g , N ra Wallace — An und begging of women who have cither made or •o cowcbserd as» .c o iin n e its nsr I d».l <1 am i wne afUrwurd necessary to keep tbe "I see a Utah mau has risked hi* h ave i« :|» t.o r d >s»ih ta s lrrn g tb aud in weight M is. Marian Cowan, a registered mother cat iu tbe cellar, assb eattem p t■ again «re yon? pasreil false inoccy. M malranst always I I I have are bed the phthisic nor ap it up aay « m t ’, pharmacist of Lyuu. Maas., is the only i \ rry Patettic (salutingi— Ne» mam. employ th- r w ives cr »iangkten ftw the to paint ’Remember the Main»" ». M ood siner Iasi - [.n a g " e»l several tim e, t-i wreak vengeance on j¡ I Mr M çf a i i up »,0 the face of a great cliff " wiunan wh»» h«« read a paper before the ( v r . . g m g - f i l i c i anali En» tun er purp»wetf •sixiviiig'' tlRirrounterfeits. T h ia great i r m r d y l»r P ie rre '» (lo td e n a: U ’ t».,ftW .4,h?f ¿ew the destroyer o f her fam ily.— Exchange. “ What of it? Yon didn't »nppe* At the ic M e d ic a l I»»«co»rery cares affectio ns ivbK 'b. i f nrglccteal lead a p to The Frenchman— Ah. bot yonr lan Clitcag», P,,» l «»t l i s t T re es l a th e S p rla g . read a |«per, entitled “ Mimiaeopio Ex- W illful Wilh< liuiiiA of Holland has « w s u n . p t ion It s in -a g th e n s th e stom ach amluatiou of Katin.l.i ami Fuwtlerod « t a fashion for s» rprat onmnMnta guagv», I never coatjirebeud it perfect 1 Spring is a better tim e t ) a A tree« an d m akes th e a p p e tite k e e a and h r i f t i Dada TtlMW I W ork. »iu«s- her visit to Faris But so far the teil zc little mee» she la as playful as re than fall, Newnse at that reaaoa tree, are I : invigorate»- ’. h e l i t e r aud ai»ia t h r n a tu ra l Elin." H. M. Wlntu.-y »»f Andover, p r o c e -a e s o f secretion a n d r a r r r l i o n 11 president of the National .««uciatnia, Mr. l.'ixoe— Then an do«': French jew elers have no» suececded in Mtlen. and »he «unie sa Gixid 1 tell beginnnig to grow and w ill, th»i*fere. 1» here m akes t h r a s s im ila tio n o f t h r food p e rfec t •wnrthMl prai«' t<> M ias t'o»v.i»i ami a»l»l im itating the superb Dutch bcirlianu le nioibalru ohe remimi uw »,f m cat be in acandithia to rewjiomi UK»re readi­ in foreign servants? l l i« t h r g ir a t b lo o d m a k e r an»l Aerh frisky, «ml— ugb ' die turo her lack rfc dune at the stale colloj»,. id phor- t lr r a iit her tins «it. The beroi of this me autl i, am shown re dour —Ally unlikely io retab'ish thc'urelvra bi ft»»» grenvn dwughtet«? NU| »te in Sloper b i r d tor D r b ie r r e 'a C o m m o n Sense ■uacy. S r i ™ . ru J ” * « « 1 eueouragiug boi i rja iit is a single large diamoiai out in cold weatl.«»r ret« in. Fre-rerve tlie reefs industry —p r. •kiyn M r d u a l A d v is e r. i-'.M : Kudos»- »» one th |»rop» r f»mu. Tlie laxly and tail «re to the fuiirat {sreible extent and >lo not Life. A» KfV> th e C. ata M refer* pliant, being »»mttawed of tiny. Invisi­ W o rld s D i m rn s a te M e d ic a l Aseos ia lio n , »fcffwatiax. — * « k ta g • n • Staine. 1 he XX oral X «1. .Magistral»— Is it not a fa.-« that you disturb the tree uutil after it has ripen sr ¿emt erra it«, Jtrvt rea rere «* B uffalo, X V , fwt s pap r r o s e m l r o p e ble annie». and are «boat five mciiea b-at Tuur wtfa until sbe was black ami ed an my betug iu the pink <4 coo book the top proportionately — Ehen ■______ *.T.g* T LAwytRB. Hood’s P ills K LEAPING RAPER! OF THE A»’ ÄCIFIC CHRONICLE T H Only E D A I t_ Y Postai« FaiA, $6?70 The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 . 5 0 HEW D3 YJU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? Map of the World d «n< Mas aa< CALL P atterns ’ r magazine N* W>a