■ J H á W E S T S et^anlD BVSMY FRIDAY KURKI H«— ------- AT-------- ' lubkkcb , L vnk C ounty , O skoon .— . ROYAL ¿BSOumnrtowtE M I . W E A T IIE R S O N Editor and Proprietor. B aking P owder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome TROUBLE The Insurgents Makea Night Attack. PkY WHEN CURED. H l S A m & C 'l But Are Driven Back. D The Ablest and Most SncceMlul 125 Americans Wounded and 20 Killed. The Fight Still in Progress. In order to ret luce my stock o f goods between now mid Juii. 1st, 1899, I liavo Spe. ia'ista in the World. They guarantee a complete cure at Your Uwn Home, and allow you to pay when cured. reduced the price o f all goods to COST Don’t fail to attend the social Tuesday FOB A NEW MILL. . evening and mj >y yourself. and a small per cent to cover expenses Entered at the post-office at Florence, Mr Kelley, lighthouse inspector for d m ilig t h e M io fa c e county, Oregon, as second-class this district, nrrived here Saturday on I B Cushman Arranging to Re-build at Teh gram from Manila the 5th brings »nail matter. Acme. news of a light between tho Americans Barrett's stage and went to Heceta am! Filippino«. I Sunday. anVEHTISINO KATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ The fight commenced Saturday even­ It will he pleasing intelligence to W D Neely and Oscar Gates sus­ PLICATION. Thousands of promising young men Luca! n o tice s 8 cen ts per lin e, each insertion pended their logging operations neai everybody on the river to learn that ing at 8:40 when three Filippinos darted have their lives ami future naefulncas past the Nebraska regiment tint retired i Meadow after the loss of Cushman mill the Cushman saw-mill is to he rebuilt. ; when etiallenged. On their doing this ; wrecked by INDISCRETION AMD These goods aro m ostly new, bought I B Cushman informs us that as soon but returned yesterday to resume Florence, Or. Feb 10, 1899. PRIVATE DISEASES. Tiie symptoms as die schooner Bella arrives and loads, tiie third time one of the American - work. for the Fall and W inter trade, and will sentries fired killing one ami wounding '! until curetl, are portrayed on the cdun- he will leave for San Francisco to ar­ H A Daniels clerk of the Coburg nnotlier. An ineffectual firing was com- j wnance an I in the actions of the vic- W ESTLLN G S. range for new machinery and will push be sold without res?rve. It is the largest M I camp of Woodmen of the world was ,tim . It neglected or Improperly treat ilie work of building as fast as possible. meueed almost immediately by the jed, other organ« become affected, and j arrested a few days ago charged with Filippinos. stock carried fjr many years thus giv­ Mis Chas Russell is on the sick list, He expects to increase the capacity ! embezzlement of $60 of lodge funds, There were several fusil i,les during , sooner or later there are serious results. A O Fiinfce will have a stock of masks j He waived examination ami was placed of the mill but is not certain yet bow the night and the Americans replied Our New Method Treatment will posi­ ing a great variety to select iron» much, in next week. under bonds for $250. vigorously. The cruiser Charleslun, tively cure these diseases. Claud Itranton was baptized in the MIDDl.E-AGED MEN—There are gunboat Concord and monitor Monad-, NOTICE. About 40 fruit growers met in Eugene cotfity jail last Sunday. nock opened fire on the enemy during | thousands of yon who have committed Saturday to make arrangements for a offences against tho laws of your na­ Tom Kaubert was a passenger to permanent organization. A committee AH persons indebted to the Morris the night. With daylight Hie Americans ad-: ture, and are now paying up for it. Ynquiiia Friday morning. was appointed to secure signatures in Hotel are requested to call at «tie office The Robarts went to Yaonina Friday favor of an organization which lias .pow­ of C 11 Holden and settle the same va need and drove t lie Filipinos from Those weak, aching backs, T ams of Sex­ their position. Tliere was intermittent ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, ★ er to direct methods of preparing fruit forthwith. eiMfiiiug and returned Tuesday. A L A R G E A W T M F . N r i l F R ^ j i B ? IM ★ Frequent and Painful evacuations of tiring from various points all day. Mrs E A Morgan. The San Francisco Examiner and the for market, to report Feb 25tli. Tno first dispatch estimated the I the Bladder accompanied by more or S tate of Onto, C ity of T oledo ,' W est for oae year $2.50 paid in ad­ TREATY RATIFIED- American loss at 125 wounded and 20 less amarting anil the escape of par­ L ucas C ounty , f vance. killeil. General O l is e-tinnites the ■ ticles of albumen in the urine with Frank J Clienev makes oath that he R a n g in g in c lo t h fr o m $ 1 .5 9 u p . P lu s h c a p 99 fr o m $ 2 .5 0 u p . Mood's pills are easy to take, easy to is the senior partner of the firm of F J ropy sediment, all point to tho decline IVashington, D C, Feb 6—The Senate easualities at 176 with very few fatal. -operate. Cure indigestion, sick head­ Ciii.-ney & Co. doing business in the ratified the American-Spanish peace The Filipinos loss is not known but ' of your manhood. Tliere are hundreds C o tto n b la n k e t s 5 To, 65 j, 75a, $1.09, a n d SI.25 p e r |p a ir . ache. City of Toledo, County and State afore­ treaty made at Paris, today by a large is thought to run up into the tlionsuuds. ; who flic of this difficulty, ignorant of W o o l “ fr o m 12.00 t o Î8.90 p a r p air; mo»tly Salem manufacture The Oregon regiment was not in tlie the cause. The doctors will guarantee The high water caused by tlie ram of said, and that said firm will pay the majority. n perfect cure in all such cases, and engagement. Those taking part are She past two days is bringing down the sum of One Hundred Dollars (or each C a lic o e s at*20, 25, a n d 30 y d s ., fo r S1.00.| N e w e s t s t y l e s MASQUERADc.. '.lie California, Washington, Nebraska, 1 healthy restoration of theGenito Urin­ and every ease ol Catarrh that cannot logs from the upper river. C h ic a g o I ,. It. m u s lin 53, C a b o t W . 6 j, C a b o t A . 7c, w i t h h a lf ary Organs. Kansas and Dakota troops. Mias Mattel Morris is in town en route lie cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh A masquerade ball will tie given at READER—Are you in trouble? Cure. •to Cant. Cox’s place nt the enpe w here c e n t r e d u c t io n b y t h e .b o lt . FOR SALE OR TRADE- Acme Tuesday evening February 21st, Have you been treated and never cured? Eiank J Clienev. j#‘ieexpects to stay this winter 1899. You dare not risk a return of the dis­ Sworn to before me and subscribed Just received, latest styles ladies’ One 2’.7 steel skein Mitchel Wagon ease. It may appear when happy in Music by ■slipjiers and low shoes. Call and see in my presence, this tith day of Decem­ Marion Mori is . . . Violinist with four heavy springs under lied, domestic life. Our New Method ber, A D, 1896. them. Meyer A Kyle Mrs Carnes . . . . Organist spring seat, neck-yoke anil doublet lees Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, A W Gleason, 1 B Cusliinnn request us to thank the -¡s3 i all iu good running order. Will sell for consult ns confidentially. Tickets including supper $1.00. Notary 'Public. A Men’s and B oys’ clothing at prices people on the river for their liberal Masks ran he obtained at A O Funke’s. cash or trade for stock. Price $."5.00. WRITE (enclosing Clamps for reply) Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal­ donations for re-building the saw-mill. Enquire of E E M ark , Florence, Ore. for our interesting (took. “ A Warning W D N eely 7 that will astonish you. This is an op- Managers. F red H ewitt Coos Bay News: There is some talk ly, and actB directly on the blood an^i Vo.ee.” Sent free. All letters kept GENERAL NEWS- $ portum ty to procure your winter sup- about a number i/f loggers from Hum mucous surfaces of tlie system. Send strictly private and confidential. All IN BROKEN DOSES. bolt, Cal., moving their outfits to the for testimonials free. answers sent plain sealed envelope. plies practically for cost. Remember Col J O Sexton,„ commander-in-chief F J Cheney A Co, Toledo, O. No C. O. D. business. bay. of Hie G A R died in Washington Sun­ Exchange: Onr reporter on hia Sold by all druggists, 75c. ¡5 the place and call. Judge Hamilton in n letter to the rambles around town the other day day morning. Hall’s Family l ’ills are the best.. Oonsultation by Mail Absolutely Free. Oregonian stales that he considers nil overheard a young ladv giving a love At San Francisco Mrs Botkin was sen­ additional judge for this district unnec- sick swain the following prescription for tenced to imprisonment for life in the FOR FISH HATCHERIES. WRITE TODAY. < astry. love sickness: San Quentin penitentiary for the murder Fred Bean has our thanks for his “Take 12 ozs. of dislike, 1 Ih of resolu­ of Mrs Dimiiing of Dover, Del. Last week the lower bouse of the Address Remember we carry a general assort- g kindness in forwarding to us a telegram legislature passed a bill appropriating tion, 1 gram of common sense, 2 ozs of Dispatches from Kingston, Jamaica of D r- H- S a u n d e r s & C o , inent o f Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Jr containing the first news of tiie battle $25,000 for the construction of fish liatch- experience; put over a gentle tire of love; tiie third inst. Bay the British consul at 69 Sprout St., Detroit, Mich. at Manila. I K eries. According to the estimates pre­ sweeten with the sugar of forgetfulness Colon, Columbia had sent a cablegram Shoes, H ats and Caps, Gant’s, I tidies' 7 A letter received from Leonard Chris- pared by the state fish commissioner the and skim with tiie spoon of melancholy. asking that a man-of-war be sent to S', tensen a few days ago stated that he amount appropriated will be expended Put thia in the bottom of your heart; protect British subjects and properly and Children’s Underwear, H osiery and NOTICE. cork with the cork of elenr conscience; tliere. intended to set out for Oregon the latter ((g fo||owg) part of January The Recorder ol the Town of Florence N otions all reduced. T his sale for < Upper Clackamas.............................$8,000 then yon will immediately find ease and Speaker Wright of the California The Christian Endeavor social will be Sandy R iver...................................... 9,000 be restored to your senses. will receive sealed bids for the building C A SH Ollly. legislature resigned ns speaker on ac­ held at the residence of Rev. Knotts Umpqua River ................................. G.OOO “These may he procured of the apothe­ count of scandal connected with the of two cross walks on Main street, in | compliance with Ordinance No. 24. Buis Tuesday evening. Au interesting pro­ Siuslaw River.................................... 2,000 cary at the house of understanding, next election of n U S senator. door to reason, in Prudent street, in the n ill he received until 12 o'clock noon, Investigating Coquille and coast gram will lie given. <.X TO CURE A COLO IN ONE OAY. •H streams............................ .............. 1,500 village of Contentment February 18th, 1899. An agent of the insurance company the The Board of Trustees reserve Experimental Columbia and iiaanieen expected here for several days CRUSH THE REVOLT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. right to reject any or all bids. Wallowa rivers............................ 1,500 to adjust the loss from tiie Acme fire All druggists refund money if it fails to Dated at Florence, Oregon, Feb. 1st,' but Hie lias not arrived yet. TO CONTRACTORS. Chicago, Feb. 5.—A special to the cure. 25c The genuine has 1 B Qon : 1899. J. I. B utterfield , Tim W C T U will hold a silver medal Tiiiies-Iferald from Washington says: eacti tablet. Recorder. contest in Florence, Friday evening, Instructions will lie sent to Major- Scaled bids will be received by the A YOUTHFUL COMPOSITOR- Feb. 24th. Admission for adults ten directors of Florence school district, No. General Otis tomorrow, directing him to SUNDAY SERVICES. cents. All school children free. 67 ot Lane county, Oregon till 12 o’clock follow up his victory over tiie insurgents Probably the youngest compositor in and to crush ttie power of Aguinaldo ill Chas R David received on the noon on Monday February 20th, 1899, Sunday school It) a in. Preaching 11 Lane county if not in Oregon is Hazel II ■ H 1 Roberts a Victor turbine water wheel for raising the school house in said the Philippines. This was the decision a m and 7 p m. Endeavor 2:39, IVeatherson daughter ot the publisher of for liis saw mill. It was purchased I district and building un addition thereto reached at an important cabinet meet­ T he W est . I thirty feet in length. Plans and speci­ ing held in the White House tonighi, from the Willamette Iron Works. Though only seven years of age having attended by the president, Secretaries The Endeavor Social to be given tiie fications may lie seen at the office of Justice Holden made out a jury list Hay aud Alger and Attorney-General 14th. will las lield nt Hie residence of been liorn Kept. 27th, 1891, she has e received by the Refreshments : Cake, sandwiches and when writing. and persistently according to direc- legislative session, with two more work A. T. M obius , Cincinnati, O. tione, you mny depend upon a cure ing we^ks remaining, 224 bills have recorder of tlie Town of Florence till coffee. Admission: Between the ages and mechanical Arts.“ It is illustrated^with ^ B e u a cure is possible. February 18th 1699 for filling, lighting of 6 and 10 years, Sets ; 10 years and up, Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. postage. been introduced in the senate and 371 all modern cuts of latest inventions in all and tending the street lamps belonging lOcts. ■ ■here was a slight mistake last week in the bouse, a total of 595. Tiie senate NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. to said town of Florence till April 1st, E xecutive C om . the branches o f mechanism, and its fund o f to the advertisement for bids for street has passed 62 of its own bills and the ifng. It should have read Main bouse 88. Seventeen bills have passed 18i)9. Bills must state the price per Lund Office, Hogcburx. Oregon. knowledge is inseparably connected with in ­ BIDS WANTED. Kebruurf 2 , 1W0. et from the weet side of Lincoln both bouses, most of them being incur- night for tending each lamp. The per­ son to whom tiie contract uwarded N otice is hereby given th at the follow ing» t to Hamlin street, instead of Front poration bills or bills of local bearing ventors and mcclianics.'JI Sold with T na must furnish nil tiie oil for the lamps. Sealed bids will he received by the limned settler ban filed notice of his in teu tiou iet from Lincoln to Hamlin. only, and 14 have been approved by the to make liuul proof in support of his claim , und The right is reserved to reject any reconter of the Town of Florence till W est at clubbing nites.'flPfii’,; that suid proof w ill tie made ia»fore <’. If. H ol­ le W est lias for sale one years' governor. or all lads. Fctmrsry 18tli, 181KI, for grading down den I . S. Com m issioner at i4ikc Precinct, j 4ion in the Holmes Business College The state insane asylum asks the. Dated at Florence, Oregon this 1st day to ll e level of the sidewalks, the follow­ p on g'ii-4 Co., Oregon, oil March id, IH99 viz i Portland. This is one of the leading ways and means committee for an of February 1899. ing named streets in Morse’s addition licorge E. Gibb«, oil M. C, No. 6502 for the K’ j i N W’^aud lots 4 und 7, sec. 24, 'ip. 12 H., K. 12 iness colleges on the coast, having appropriation of $122,675 for the coming j J ohn 1 B uttereield , to the Town of Florence viz: West. iglisb, Commercial, Shortliand and twojears. Recorder. 1st. That part of Front street lying He mimes the follow in g witiievsofl to prove tlegraphic departments and we offer The bill providing for taxing dog« $1 h wr-st of tl e east line of Lincoln street. is contin uous residence upof w ill be mode befvru C. H. Hoi seven of the largest salmon packers, aud tho Cosmopolitan are sold at re­ esolutions adopted by tiie citizens o f . den. 17. H. C oim niw iuncr at I dike rrveiu et. ROAD SUPERVISORS. controlling 12 canneries in all, and re­ j hn uglfli Co., Oregon, on Mar« !* W, 1M W , viz lohawk protesting against the court, 'n,e inhabitants of Western Oregon- presenting more than 75 per cent of tlie duced rate« at this office. J Frank K. Gonrie on II. B. No. for the RE’4 ranting a lease of the Muhaw k river to |)M] a taste of verv cald weather for this total pack of the best grade of canned 31, Tp. I.. R. I l l The (olioning eiliaeus of the west ‘ x W Q s u d lots 2, S A I. he Booth-Kelly Lumlier Co. for ninety ■ ellmate a few days ago. salmon on the lower Columbia river. part of the county have been appointed Wert rears. The resolutions were adopted at i Florence after trying for eereral None 'it the uarkers of upper-river fish He name« the follow ing witneaaes to provo t roal supervisors : hi»continuotiN residence upon and c u lttvailon ' meeting held the 3nl ¡list, abont 75 llow low it could get, the mercury are mcmbcrt of the association. The No. 71 (ieo It ( ’¡imp District of »aid I n ltd, viz: rsons being present. They declare on Saturday morning was down within capital stock ot the new organization x. J. Kbriiiu, Heter Rrhart, Grant Brhor and I J Burnett hat the franchise will l e contested fifteen degree« of zero. The weather consists of $2,090,090, all of which ha« Oauar Brewster, all of Lake P rw toet. Or-g W L 1’l.elpe ml the signer« say they will neither than l*c»ine warmer and Sunday about been fully paid op in cash or cannery 3. T h riD iim E C l ’ottelf R‘ ¿f-ter i ive nor sell the right of way through jnclica of snow (ell. properties at a fair market value. E W C-.liii ’’We do>ot U ke possesiloa of our ideas but are posm ssel by tbesUj heir land adj lining said river. The children and many of the grown tVMF.Rfc (TIVÙ «0LICITOM W a W TL .’ V« Jes E Bay They master as aud force ns iato the arena. _____ __ f.dn**’' v .Murat for “ _ The Ht«»rjr of the V hiH O hm Bay News: A protest i« being people as well enjoyed the skating while R B .Mills 1 I ila h te a d , coraioi«’»i'»nod V* \cr .b n at h • Where like gladiators, sro mast tight for them.” sde against the American-Canadian ¡t l-eUM, and when the snow came they NOTICE (ii^ti ict No. 74 ’ O U elal liiMU»riau to th e War Dep,r»tn n»t. I ho The l-niiiidarie» of road t book wan written in army c i x v a*, bdo F».m treaty containing a provision striking ' played at snowballing an making on the Pacific » iih Gcuora. , f v .r n ’. in Such is the exalted m otto of the Arena, and the were changed to read as fo lla w n : ( o m -1 . the hirtpitnlM at H oihi I u I q . in H n« K«»nr. iw .ut the 67 cents per ton on coal. V J snow men as well as if they live., in a I wish to inform my friends »ml z nienring at (tie N E corner of «ne. 5 Tp th e American trench**« at M r.»il * M ” •» iu • entire, contents o f this m onthly magaztno mith, general manager of the Oregon cold climate and could play in the »now Kent camp« with A ?nlua)do, on th* .vj 188 R 9 W, lhei.ee south 4 miles, the piilillc generally, that on or j ulvinpiti a ph h - - t ':.* mproiemeirt Company, thinlw that th« for six months of tna year. them« eatd 2 mile?, 1 hence south atioilt battle at the fail o f M oil!:*. Roiianr.a I* r a « 4 * als»ut the 15th of N o /., I will open are upon a plane and in keeping with its I a n a Brimful of oritfinnl pfct ir n takon bv ’» removal ef the duty would p t.cttad lf The older ,«ople did not so much en- 3 miles to the snath Imiimlary e l/ow prfoefl, HM pr sflt«. Freight uakl. Cf» Gt rln«e up the coal mines nu motto. T he A rena’s gallery o f em inent comity ; thence west 11 miles to the 8 \V given. Prop all troehr unoflUdal war water pipes / l i l i e s and Clilldren. Made up Renalor Simon has pnt the matter in morning and having the corner nt sei-. 4 Tp 19 S H II \V ; thence o u tfit frw Adilre«». > T Barber, ?*w'y., ; U f f Clothing < A all Kinde. A good sup- j? thinkers is a group ot interesting men and lualirMiice Blda , I'hlcaM«». th« simngMt light potvi'u’.« before tbu burst. J ply kept on hand, and orders fill«! j norths miles to the Binslaw river,| Tlm-.-.gli snow falls titre nearly every W ant «»— frvf . r ll Tau ithv Kstao.w« in . American members of the comtniseion. ' thence up the ?outh bank of said lifer th h >tait* to inaiiaL’e onr In»«iness in th eir own* ’ wom en, and their thoughts are worthy the winter there lias been but once or twive i on short Notice. Call in aud learn to the point » her« seld liver intersects and nearby count!«* It i" ivmlnlv otftue work } z prices. 5 eince this country was settled by white at . ’ i I;«.« ir ,. 17 <<»ndn< ted at home. Salary atraixlit a consideration ol a,I people, Tho Arena is tow null tp h»i« between township. 1/ year and ezpeasse—doffnlt«, nonaAd*’, no oioea OOK O U T for the fit »t aigft* ot people that the mercury b»s been lower / M rs . .1 R Sritee, Point Terrace, Or. / t!»c and 18; thence es et »n rai»l township uoka«-» ««larv Monthly s;5 Heheroncej. Bn- N-,v 1st, 1896. « mihi so , BS.W impure bi »od— S e e d sbarsspsTills at Floremx- thiiti it was K.itor-Liy - ; . . cloae oBlf-addrwaaed • tamp*d «nwhipe, Herbert «oW w ith T n r W t s i. line toll»« place of beginn i I . II.» , pre t . Iivpt. M « bk^o. I your saf'guard. I t will puiify. niori i- g. e-irich ami vitalize tovt -T erms : $1.50 a year in advance.- W 1 flail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Price as if You Bought in Person. ' J. H. McCLUNG, EU^ E' Scientific American. log THE EnSMOPHLITAN, THE ARENA A BLOOD.