t h e w e s t . THE PRESIDENT ANO EXPANSION. THE NICARAGUA CANAL. How to Find Ont. ALPHA CLIPPiNCS- ; B y E ven C humos . , Tul edu giede: Fill a liottlc or common glass with One of our national needs, «s demon-i En-, flrh, 1899. — AT— strated by Die Spanish war, is in a fair your wafer and let it stand twenty-four Mr J H Tabor ni.ide a tup Io North hours; a sediment or Eett’ing indicates way to be provided (or. The Nicaragua F bk < <. L ask CorvTT, O kegon an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; Fork Saturday. canal Mil, after being in various shapes, if it stains your linen it is evidence of Marion U heeler left today lor - - - hy - - - liefore congress for eight years, has gone ¡kidney trouble; too frequent desire t0 Greenleaf where he has .«tensive in- through the aenate, and its passage by . . . »«reefs. I V .H .W E A T IÍE R S O N tlm house is a foregone conclusion. I pl‘88 '* P“'n ,he b*tk *" . . , . . . . 1 Mr Ed Haight was at Al|dia Sunday mens of Ids friends goral-by a. h ! correspondence shows that the decision The (Jlayton-Bwlwer treaty, which has v n en g proof that the kidneys and E d ito r and P roprietor. I „{.„{¡¡„g |,»MdB „¡tl, others. to tuke over the Philippines was a been a stumbling-block tor a good many . bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. Miss Chloe Pope of Deadwood spent , grow lit. ft was ahapud and dictated by | people, is not now deemed an obstacle, F loren ce. Ore. FMi. 10, Iffilft. There is comfort in the knowledge so seveml days flailing with Misses Elinor events and not by persons. At the out- The cordial feeling now existing be­ often expressed, thnt Dr Kilmer'si llale and (bars Tabor returning home set the {(resident saw tliat we should tween ourselves and Great Britain will .,, . . , . , .. ' Swamp-Loot, Die great kidney remedy Thursday. F in . m a h . j a n « o f tlio stati ( ither hate tn keep Luzon ore return it , enable us to approach the subject in a . ' H u c:i » •„ i . / x-i„. i i . „ . 1 fulfi.Is every wish in curing rheumatism r Gibson nill leate for Klondike co n te Intuì jw otixts ngninst tin , to . c pain; and. as returning it would not broad and fraternal spirit, rather than a q b nck ki, . ■ . . i soon. He will start with his brother }tfissage o f th e Joseph i bill to reg- OI1’'" the L nite«I States of the <‘ontroversiai one. Secretary Hay and / lver* rt er fiom the eouud and woik at the car- u la te (h e liraetiec o f m edicine 'JC81 l,!4r» °f i»« indemnity hut consign , Lord Salisbury are at work on the mat- wery part of the urinary passage. I pellter,s trade. \\ e understand that his an d it is J h t tin t th e »',e ia,i‘nd lo tlie inhumanities of civil ter. and in a practical way. Instead of “ “ T * * 8 “> b«ld water and I w.fe .„ d three children will reside a, i. t ght that th e people n.a rh e pref rr)xl aniiexiU.on A(ur tl|rMlli),g over o!J di lom„ ic stra„ ^-ddmg pain in passing it, or bad effects Woodburn. sh ould protest A ny law m aking wnr<1 th., (,„ llniiMione„ {h.m relvcs'.hey are simply adapting „,e , Q ' ‘he «se of liquor, wineor laier, What will we do if the legislature! a person I,able to a line for recoin. ,minted out that if Luzon were taken new conditions -the commercial =.....- " overcomes that unpleasant necessity | '>a88*8 a la* ,‘h‘\ ^ ’on 8:,ying dt*er inter- must not be killed for ten years at any ! go often during I w en d in g the use of an y m edicine ; !,n,i Die remainder of the group left to eats of the world and the highest ends I of being , ™ compelled * - to - o- We would have to trade our —FCBLiaarct» rvtitv «•» thrur-lele It the purpose of Senator Uttar in calling for the corrcspondenco Iwtween the ,iresnlent an 1 the peace commit- sinners at Paria waa Io |irove that a policy of imperialism had been forced , on the American negotiator« l-y Hie executive it manifestly failed. The fbway SPECIAL t SALE w OOTS w < A N D » SHOES AT THE.^* for tho cure o f disease, unless the ' s Pain **iere would Mi endless trouble in of civilization. j the uav an get up many times during toll({ar j ogg ofl- a;;,| r4i«e pork. There . .o »- keeping Luzon neutral and in J . e a lh TI.eNienraeiiacanalw .il h e I,. . I l, t.„ i ! die th ° night, Tl|e mild and extraordinary ' are very few deer left on Deadwood any in dealing rhe Nicaragua canal will be built liv _ person recom m ending it is u , .i . , ‘ effect of Swamp-Boot is soon realized way ns the dogs outnumber Di. deer, with Spain and other foreign {lowers, the American government, and will be ■vau*eo. / ® licensed p hysician , is goin g alto- . . . It stands tho highest for its wonderful ! Mr Carson and Mr Johnson of Ohio 1 eo die president agreed to the plan of under our control. The Suez canal is cureg 0( the lno8t dmressing cases. I f ! are paying a visit to relatives in Oregon getlier too far. T h e fuel that n .................... * annexing the Philippines as a whole dominated by Great Britain.. the you need a medicine you should have a“d Ke l,i"« a sniff of our mild climate. j m an or woman has taken a course and of giving Spain $20,000,00.1 for the latter is a vital link in the chain of | ,I,_ V„„, (.„ I,, ., . . . . : Mr Carson who is Mrs Ramsev’s father i ...... | the best- “old by all druggists in fifty . . , . , , . , " , in a m edical college and obtained improvements she had made there British iwssesstons around flic world, so . , , ,, . J , lias uol seen Ins daughter for n good I cent and dollar sizes. nla„y vear# Jle s i„ a,a). f„lly a g,)Or, a licen se to p ractice m ed icin e d oes Mueti was left to the discretion of the Die Nicaragua canal is essential to us for | Aon may have a sample bottle of this time lint expects to locate in Missouri not m ake it certain that he w ill be , con'"1‘**io"er“. who seeui to have done uniting our Atlantic und Pacific coasts, wonderful discovery and n hook that Mr Johnson likes flic appearance of nuccp««fiil in h ealin g th e sick. On '*"“ '"** 101,1 d d.rougl.ont, aided ; an.1 for concentrating our navy in the telle more about it, both sent absolutely Or'U°n eomewlial and says be could . ___ . . . such tentative recommendations as shortest ixiesible limo at any given free by mall, address Dr Kilmer A Co i live l,ere‘ t here tire are inunv vuc oilier jiuiKi there liimiv .1 . / , .....------------- . , . , --------------- ----------------- ---------- ----- - president, In Ins desire to do the I^inl. point. There will lie J ' ( ’ the preeiuent, 111 his be no objecttal of Birvdiamnton X Y WI • ' (Danville Linid/ who has been people who by caring fur othero best thing for the country, saw fit to Great Britain to the building and cvm- .• , ’ 'tn ''rltlng gradually failing in health f..r two .....................................- - - mention that you read this generous ,.eurg ¡1!W ,wt.ulnc very In„el, norg(. w hen sick , h ave gain ed Nome make. trol of the canal by Hie United States. offer in T he W est *. ¡lately, and started the 2nd hist, with know ledge o f certain diseaae« and At no time has the mecutive shown ' their three children to Greelv, Colorado SOME STARTLING FIGURES. o f w h at m ed icin es are used for •« an ardent expansionist. ! where they will reside in the future, Mr : THE BOY AND HIS TRADE. those dumase» hut w ho .1,» not X° jin "'‘nche’ ,o hi'5 narae, 1 Lundy having traded for property there. | He will remain in Oregon a short lime. ___ . . . . hut ho wr.s and is averse to giving Spain Amcriran Economist: “Seventeen is the preferable for California is ex,.erienei.,g u heard of profess to ho doctor^ that arc able r ,i A Paris cablegram of January 18th re- ........... age .......I any further opportunity either in the cords the fact that the French imports g 8 '® * ‘rnde’ bat ,n *nan’,case8Elx-'hardships fur that state. Besides a to g iv e m edicine to relieve or cure E ist or Weat Indies to oppreaa hclplera Commencing Monday January 23rd for 1898 increased $84,033,600, while the ; ,een 18 no‘ ,o >'0,lnK. nor eighteen too disastrous drouth last year and snow m any cases. Enpe< ia lly is th is i populations. In that sentiment he is And Continuing Until February 1st. exports decreased $00 o.i? 000 Slill ' ° ld’” WPit<8 Bar,on Oheyney in the and ice in the orange groves this winter, true in diseases o f children w here ' cloa® nccord with the American more undesirable conditions’ appear in Fubruar-V Ladie8’ Home Journal. “B u t,. 10 « P «l»e elimax the {ample at Sacra- FOR CASH ONLY. th e parents or sorae on e who nees ^ llblh' A" to tl“‘ np''' P1’0?0’ "1. Io the returns of .be British ..card of trade, i C°"dili° n' being ,arorabIp- ia « 8" ! ¡“o U o ’l^ f a L’T sena deadlock trying senator. When the ... .. , j abandon the Philippines to the natives. them frequ en tly Will n o n c e the it i8 TOntrnrv ,0 |he trp(Uy wi|h giw.n For the year 1H9S the United Kingdom for a boy to arrange Ins apprenticeship pcop|c can elect senators on general action o f a child and tell Wlmt whk.,, r,,,uire. „ ,e U|lHptI gtn,eR ,o ' P'^hascd foreign merchandise of the so that he can finish his trade by the 1 election days it will not cost near as o ils it bettei than m any physicians ' maintain law and order there, und it value of $2,353,020,980, an increase of time be is twenty-one. One of the much. advantages of going to a trade early ib Why go to Klondike? l ’p|ier Dead­ w h o see th e little on e hut seldom , may be the means of vigorous protests ovtr the total imports for that it allows the lad tunc to make a wood has plenty of hidden 1897. Great Britain in 1898 sold to A law rendering such a person fro,n ‘lw P°»crs most interested in has been mined. There change should he ....................... discover that he hss ! ......... i of mountains around the headwaters of lia b le to punishm ent w ould be a ! t>biliPI,ine 'ri"le- SP“'" >“»■ protested foreign countries merchandise valued at $1,166,958,900, this being a decrease of I 'n" 6 ” ml8,‘l e in ' loo9mg his vocation, Deadwood, Five Rivers, Alsea, Lobster rank injustice. N eith er do w e ! “lre,''ly• “ 'l'"y ° f tb*' PrMi,lenl $4,144,580 from the value of exports for | ’"’d tber0’’ "° in,allible methed or and other small streams that flow into I to consider these aspects of the cast* and the preceeding year and leaving on tl e ' r“'e tlmt ** followed *“ order ‘hst | the ocean. All beat gold. The beach | thin k that everybody sh ould be act justly, so far as be has the power, such mistakes can lie avoided. But the I a" “'on»? these streams shows gold and i allow ed to call hiniNelf a doctor and irrespective of any wish he or debit side of the trade ledger the huge best course to pursue is for the lad to ! in some places is worked. We are iu- an d lx» p erm itted to take advnnt- j others may privately entertain that the sum of $1,238,067,030 as representing , formed that good quarts lias been found the difference between purchases from fully acquaint himself with the details ■ in gome of these streams. n gc o f the ignorance o f' other«. ' " ,io,r ,,,lil'ppine group would fiy off at I j of — the — trades to *•» which •> "••'-ii lie may incline ; and sales to foreign countries. T h e law sh ould require tiny one a 'an*en‘ "nd «“ "ox itself to Mars, before lie makes a selection. This can In view of these figures it is not GREENLEAF ITEMS. lie easily done at the expense only of a ■ p racticin g m edicine mid profetising Britain are sertonsly questioning wl.etb- ! Ii“ l# observa,i,’n and inquiry. Then B y a W est ConttEsroNiiENT. to lie a physician to obtain n the plainer becomes the fact thnt it was the matter of natural aptitude can be lio e n w in order to protect th e I intended to create » medical trust, as i “l,l\ tbe .pro,ecti*e 8y"te,n oi , not some very considered-andltis a most important party at big residence on the lido com m u n ity fr«»ltl ¡inpoi«iti<>tl. Blit the Asturian asserted in its first on , factor—so that, the lad can avoid 8oingipiaceonCliickabominyJ.nl 28. Every-! w hen the law goes furl her and •‘a,,°dy Uving on Cliickaboniiny wa i livre. I forbids any ih - ihoii receonien.ling He laid bis "®w I.l-ins «lisciaims lo ........u. its r paternity, ' i r t,li8 co,,,,try they find startling disparity ',pei i'd It is asserted that every j Granville Lundy started .......... the 2nd , Î 0 • T I •»> «he fiscal showing. They find that i ° nC ’’ ad*,>ttl1 ior 8On,e onc “ "«8 better : for his new borne in Colorado. It ,s a n y m ed icine or g ivin g it K™1»'- ¡,y He ¡Iltr,xiuep., m .i e st ” D Of i course e u rJ' he l e " knew ' / 6"' f0r,b‘' f"“ calcndar >'ear I"»« , |ie : 'b"n any,bing el8P’ and tbe boy "!'ould i Mrs I'll,,d-V ^ ' ‘»"t survive to u sly to relievo suffering that .......... iN - 'a,e’“ a te -n bv y reqnmt.” by request. .„course be knew [Tllitetl gtaU< ,lM con. i(,erabI strive ,0 discover wb at that one thing Ï X iX ? ,iD t i“ ““ Î'" an oth er thin g. its «intents thoroughly. It was passed ed Great Britain in the gross volunie of ! .“ r ' “ «* a a 'ad ' > H T i m h T a d J t r ’ u,°e CMoi’a.M lad I Mr ' Lttndy by the senate without debate and on his export trade, the tot.Hor our country j WÌtl‘° Ut * n"tUral bcnt for mechanics 1 property. UevsHSos I'isuKKS of Michigan, to! credit. No doubt lie and other medicos attempt -. whom our country is indebted for n machinist’s ’ » 1 M ug $1.254,925,169, against »1,166,953, 1 to ,uaU en,Pt to learn 'earn the machinist’s! . .. . . . ----------- -— ,— , As I wrtle (Feb. 3rd, in the mornins' concocted the bill as the best means 060 for Great Britain, and that instead ’ "nd tbe d,a,,CM wou'd I* “8a"ist tl« thermometer stands at 14. T|,e number of useful Isw measures, is try- to compel ail our people to hire him and of a debit balance of more than a billion ' ’UC,‘ " b° y '8 prOper advant'(‘Iucn‘. for , highest |a)ii.t it reached yesterday was lug bard to get for his own stale a law bis . crowd .. of . “cofiln , , makers.’* His bill und a quarter dollars this orote.-te.l onc’8 work »»d development are' 32- If «o'»« M’P'es and potatoes are not accordiug to which, before any new law makes ,t crunmal for anyone having“« ......* . r , i tlm outcome of being congenially em-i *poiled 1 9b“11 <»>r|>n»fd, lor few ;S signed by the governor, it shall knowledge of the cure of diseases,” or * ° ° Ur8 Bbu''* " f«vorable credit „ • , people hereabouts prepare ior tins kind submitted to tho supreme court (or “a knowledge of physiological p ^ s - ‘M . ‘,"nCe °* I 621-260-«35- Adding t h e ! ” ’ j of weather. examination as to its s constitutionality.! 1 . 1 conatitutie •r or apply such knowledge Bri,i8b d<“iJ t "nd the Amerie«" »ur,.lus) 4 j ™ sou«™«., wab , . o xve . vwhxsx ’ see” Io offer The Cliickalioniiny people declare Heretofore a very deluge of laws hair a fee to any person for any anv ,n*e,lie,>il the 1 margin i « H .l^ ^ ,-.nBBiif tl,.« .... i tbe medical trust’s Loan! of doctors No Cbicka- they were found unconstitntiniinl. Pin­ measure of the difference between tlie | mountain if doubt Dr Joseph! was selected to carry Ibe Lake and Brimful of oriifiiial vu ’furvs tukee hv irowrn ta i » gree don't like to sec the horse hitched ------ i.hutogrspher ---------- t __ N»7k! I^dwotxl people will build the proposed on the out this iniquitous measure. His commercial losses of Great Britain m»nt heliiud the cart. under free trade and the commercial ru>d1 ,bc .........................— pass from Nelson ___ agency in the matter will follow him to gains of tbe United States under protec- m .u»u« Bldi?iadt «o.T B*rb"' ikx">' ’ 7 ^ 10 S f’. M,ll‘‘r's PIa‘ «’- This do,,,- G bnkbai . Gsrwvc'.oa lately called the B*e end of Ida life. It will end liis Die route will be from seven to ten mile.- tion for the year 1898. ntteution of tbe liouse to the absurdity br‘*’f ‘,u‘ ¡»glorious career as a legislu- shorter between Eugene and Scatuti ami TWENTTIETH CENTURY SALOON. 1 the road much easier. r>f the position of those who are assail- ,or- IMnbtloss tile houseofrepresen- SENATORS ELECTED. ing the president be. i.ose he does not ‘a*ives will scotch the snake. If it Wliat many ol Bishop Henry 0 Pot- T|,E opponents of Die seating of Rep- • declare the policy of the government” ,bo,dd n0‘ do ao’ never pass The Washington senatorial desdloek tcr’s friends call Ids “ twentieth century PP«enfat»ve-eloct Roberts, of Utah regarding tbe future of Die Philippines. Geers wicket. Connection with such was broken last week by the election of saloon" is now assured. The last dol- because of Ids being a polygamist Eos the president to attempt such n an infamous measure will politically Addison G Fiwter of Tacoma to succeed lar of the fund of »15,000 needed to start are ,ia''d «t work. Their latest move is thing would lie to usurp the authority da,,,n a,,y man, however great Ids Senator Wilson. CARMAN the work of prowling a substitute for '• ,ry M get tbe assistance of tbe wife J. of congress. He has nothing to do with *a'e nls.—.Isfenep. PROPRIETOR Joseph V Quarles of Milwaukee has ( the saloon, which shall havg all the at- of every man who will have a vote in deciding ths disposition of the islauds; —— l>cen elected senator from Wisconsin to tractions of the saloon, minus intoxi- tbe next congress, in their tight agiinst that matter lies entirely with congrefs. S teps have been taken in California succeed John I. Mitchell. Ho received eating drinks, lias been Contributed Roberts. The general opinion in Wash­ All that Uie chief executive can do is » N ò * it for the formation of an organization of the solid republican vote, Oarpenters will begin the work of tear­ ington is that the women of tbe country to take military ixisaoesionnf the islands all tbe prune growers on the Pacific *---- ---- ing out the heart of tbe six-story build- will compel the bouse to expel Roberts, w ham the treaty is ratified, and leave coast under tbe name of the Pacific T h « S t« « ,a x Railway ¡» only one of - ing „ 1S, „ oweiy ljmorrow anJ ng an I that be would save himself the rest to congress. General (.rosven- Coast Emit Asmxlation. Tbe object :Ru“ ,a ' ^ u p ' »rouble by resigning, but uohodv D . i.r’« point is well taken.—r ,l,e r«*gi‘‘n of the Caspian talk with his fellows, with “ 1 ,<” t n’7 sppetlte and »bout at) I lived passed by Ihr senato,—AferaA/Irfd .X«n. _ , . ---------------- ---------- . ----- » freedom pl. ^ on w«s iced leinonrde. My strength was ■— —— ■ have signed contracts to give the asao- sea down through Persia and into Ara- U.uipewd ,,y so w «k I could hardly SaxATo» G oshan Mid in a speech that cm, to, of , | „ ir entirt, |>ro. bia I lt.matel, she expect, to have an wi„ (1,rter fron> , ho w!(jon jn «11 gone. I TOM the floor. At last I was taken ver the war with Spain wonld probable (lut.,. bnef, tbe object I. to establish ou,let ,o “ ,e I,,dian oce* " b-r war “ æ that it sells no intoxicating liquor slek. One physician told me my blood make 50,'W new iw-natoners and that a "pn ne trust." The olietades to tbe Red Sea, tbe Persian Gulf or the was til gone and he gave me tnedklne hot The success of the above enterprise It did not help me. I had pretty miwh w ithin three years lbs auttual |ienainn Arabian Sea, or tliree of them. Further will 1«? watched with interest especially loat all faith in medicines, hut thought I success of the movement are tbe great payments would reach $16'i.0tW,fi00. east she it gradually extending her rail­ by temperance people. It is the opinion would get one bottle ol Hood’s Sarsapa­ numi er of individual« who must Fie This year’s appropriation lull, now in roads and outposts into Afghanistan rilla sad try M. After U k ing tfcm bottle of many that a large proportion of tbe I wes much better, and so I got two move (lie bands of tbe |u-e«ideiit, ui $»,000,> brought in and tbe difficulty of pmuad- and towards lbitiel. fu d ia .-x 1' r „J, men frequenting saloons commence it bottle» and after taking them I well ing 1 lie average fruit grower of the Journal. ______________ (M l less than Dial. not because they want liquor but be­ but to be sure of it. t ket* on taking Hood s Sarsaparilla until I had n—i 3 of giving up entirely »0 the W» xtko — .x tx a ti tsi .lwonrav nwsoxs ix L ast werk wheat is quoted nt M cent« necessity „ ,, _ , . . . Ihl« slate lo n u u u r our b u -lnc-« in ■ h elro a n cause of Hie lAck of some otlier place to all flie botllrx. It ns- Jon- unxp?ek«ble spe-.d their qmre time and the amuse­ good »0 me and 1 wah «11 my swSnr-ng tn Roseburg ntiile it rniiiinanded only .«• MUnn M miilih f V Rcfcrcnvuh Kn ing one, Miwever, and all w ho are Remember »he feu-t that we ...mt hate a railroad to .......... ” 1 »» a" attra. lions to draw them to tbe saloons. Wedderburn, Oregon. A liocfe am] |r., in H ieH lu el.. bay. C re.r water oom- — ned ,n the prune industry will do The new plan is to furnish a place houM i, W b y 2< im g ||J o r t tiiunicaluin with Pin ir.inneco will *elt Io keen |«>. e I on the progress ol S bxatob enato » S ixux imon has been given a where men may pass their spare time I» the be« In IMS the One True hmn,; p ,. # ba.i in a — »•* " •* organization -Orr^.u Ay icaf plaie on the emwmitise on public build- pleasantly will.out having the te t-pia- SoW2>T ah (Inutd-ts. Price. Jt vix fo, on pren ¡ m ». } H |*” '• . mg- »ml t rw tad 1, 1:011 to Jr.nk place I before them. •nqUiT At iti« , Hood’s Pills *«▼? A- dr ¿gists "’ “ *** (¡BEAT t WHITE : STOKE r , £ = TO BBDIICB STOGI REGARDLESS OF COST. See o u r special c o u n te r. O .W .H U R D C A R M A N 7^ CHEAP CASH STOKE! Drv Coods, ★ Croceries * and * Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. J u s t O pened. k Goods as Reoresented. W. PVIARG 'P ractical Extremely Weak wes wt M bs E vbuskw , Hood's Sarsaparilla y »iee tlm p» ‘* 0,1': ,* 'B V ~ ä