F 7» T T TT T T T l 4 f ¿ THE W EST F YO U R H O H E PAPER SUPPORT I I 4 . Á» r«. ; GENERAL DIRECTORY — . -------------------------------- STATE OFFIOERS- TRAVELERS' GUIDE. TRAVELERS' GUIDE W a r T a lk W ill m a k e ------- o S T A G E LdC N K . h . h . Barrett, Prop’r, T. T. Geer, r e g u l a r d a i l y t r ip s fcretury of S a te..............F. I. Dunbar. ftetween Leave, Florence Mondays, |,Wednes- lasnrer.............................F. 8. Moore. daysmid Fridays. Silpt. Public Instruction J. II. Ackerman Florencß o i l Bead of Tide. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs- 1 |tc Printer...................... W. H. Ixed e.1 arney General D. R. N. Blackburn. »lays and Saturdays. . R. 8. Bean : THE STEAM ER i Connect, with Steamer and Scotts­ . F. A. Moore ¡ 8t»prcine Court burg Stage Line for Drain. Al»o witli . . c . E. Wolverton I Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges Ju(gi- Second District. J. W. Hamilton Prosecuting Attorney . .Geo. M. Brown ’ reasonable. L U E I L A COUNTY OFFICERS- ............. .................F. O. Potter. i ............W. T. Bailey Commissioners | ........... H. D. Edwards C lerk........................................... E. V. Lee S h eriff ............................. W. W. Withers T reasurer.............................. A. 8. Patterson A s se sso r ..................................... D. P. Burton School Superintendent. .W. M. Miller Surveyor .......................... C. M. Collier Coroner , ......... W. P. Cheshire Justice of Peace.................C. H. Holden Constable........................... E. A. Evans W ill carry freight and passenger« from Florence to San Francisco. W ill also bring up freight . . . »" . . . *** For further information inquire — OF — A. W. BEADLE & CO. 14 California St San Francisco, California. N O RTHERN Pacific, Ry. CITY OFFICERS. President.................W. H. Weatherson O. W. Hurd Win. Kyle L. Christensen M. Morris Board of Trustees * N S P u llm a n © a« D in in g C a rs T o u r is t M IN N E A P O L IS 3ECRET SOCIETIES. FARG O TO O R A N O FO RKS C RO O KSTO N A. R- General Lyons Post, No. 58 ,te second and fourth Saturdays li month at 1 :30 p. m. 8. B. CoLvtN, Commander. J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. Of T h e ENGLISH LANGUAGE S U C C IE N T A U T H O R IT A T IV E O. U .W . Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, 3d Tuesdays eii mouth. 'Members and visiting etbiren in good standing are cordially vitel to attend. A. O. F unke , M. W. (J. K notts , Recorder. s meets every 1st and $ < > . F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets every Wednesday evening in Lod^e ill, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in standing invited to attend. A ndbkw B bund , N. G. M a bios M obbih , Sec. tlE Cost o v er $ 9 6 0 ,0 0 0 TO C H IC A G O T he fu ll number of words and term« in different d ictionaries for th e entire alph abet is W A S H IN G T O N as follow s: P H IL A D E L P H IA 105,000; W sasT za (in tern ational), 125,000; C en tury , (six volum es. com plete,) 225,090: YORK c a i \1 h , R. M c M u r p h e y , ' C*ueral Agent. Room s 2 find 4, Shelton Block, EUGENE, OREGON. A. D C H A R LTO N , A m istont General Passenger Agent, 266 Morrison 8t., Cor., 3d. P o a tle tn c l. O r. W. W. NEELY, Prop'r. Tables furnished with all the delicacies of the season. Wild game, fish and fruit in season. Best accomodations for the traveling public. Charges reasonable. ittorney at Law, O regon » B w n i, 7 and 8 M cLaren’« B uilding. I a tten tio n f ir e n to co llectio n « «nd pro- biiwlues«. E lk P r a ir ie H otel. E. D. BRONSON & CO, P acific C o a st A g e n ts S A N FRAN CISCO , C A L . 9 J 3 M ark et S t . T o n so ria l P a rlo rs. « * • * * * » » » » M A R I O N M O R R IS P ro p . Shaving Hair Cutting Razor Honed Scissors Ground F lc r o n o o 15 c e n t s »S •* as “ «5 " : O regon , < and SHOES M A D E «nd R E P A IR E D . -----BY------ OLE MYRIND, F lc r e r .d e , O r e g o n . TR V B l P U f U A U F o,.Euse“ - T«« H t n nUIHt . . , . Attorney-at-I-aw ................. OREGON. AGENTS W A N T E D . Gtiod Work P- nt- at Reasonable Prices. T w e n tv -th re e M ile s W e e t E. O PO TTER. orchefteh Proprietor Head of Tide Hotel, A. C. WOODCOCK, W m ap , and tic k e ts J . I. B U T T E R F IE L D , ATTORNEYS 50,000; .Saiiplo Pages Free............ P O IN T S E A S T and S O U T H For inform ation, tim e , etc., c a ll on or w rite S' i 'ORM omth , ST ANDA ItD, over 300,000; F lo r e r ía s , O r e g o n , ON EUGENE AND FLORENCE STACE ROUTE. ' m e « At th e Court House. E. E. BENEDICT, 1 j A.W. M o n ey Saved O recon . By P a tro n iz in g it. SO T S A R S ' SX P E R IC N C E Prop. Geo. Hale NOTARIES. T rask N arks O csmmis C O FYRM HTS A c . . aaedlr« a . WW*.»«S«— air Mámala oar <»H»Ba». fr— “ _____ i free. (JM mt 1 ____ ñ» a^am-apa-« Faltóla tai -MBS «HIM, A R. 8UTTOLPH, Notarv Public, Snrvc vor F io r a n o » , O r or o n . FRANK B WILAON ■»Wipurv r .Aft au«l Address, PR. C. ATEF. L o n e .., Maas. PATENTS Appendix of 47-468 E n tries ¡8BYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, ■egon. Sabbath service: Sabbath- |ol, 10 o'clock a. m . Preaching 11 OUR AIM—To furnish tho best L-k a. m. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of at reasonable Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath of accommodations f r y , April, July and October, body is welcome to all the services, prices. ir re [uests Christians to make Ives known. I. G. K notts , Pastor. : O o o io r o . W e h ave the exclusive eerT'~«« of •em o o f the roo»t em inent physician« ia the U nited Slat**». W rite fre e ly all the eartlru '.ar* lu m u r ca*e. 347 E ditors and S p ecialists H E L E N A and MORRIS *** HOTEL, HURCH DIRECTORY : You will be more rapid,'/ cured if you will take a laxative dose of Ayer’s pills each night. They arouse the sluggirh liver and thus cure biliousness. j 301,865 Vocabulary Terms THROUGH TICKETS | NEW F lo r e n c e . To H a ste n R co o v e ry . Hfr.?« t o c a r W IN N IP E C i BORTONANDALL T O R N ® V - A T - Dictionary 533 Readers for Q uotations 5000 Illustrations BUTTE Et’ O tS F .. Ì standard wi'l. Il mates the liver, kidneys, skin and bowels perform their proper work. It removes all im­ purities from the blood. And it makes the blood rich in i.i life- giving properties. DULUTH • A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. ■a^Ragular jonimuiiication on eeco.id nd fourth Saturdays in each month. E. W. C obb , W. M. . I. BvTrKRFixi.D, Secretary. - f P ro p rieto r. C a rs C O M PLETE S le e p in g Yeur heart best, over cue bur., dred thousand times each day. One hundred thousand supplies of good or bad tlood u your brain. Which is it? If bad, impure blood, then your brain aches. You are troubled with drowsiness yet cannot sleep. You are as tired in the morning as at night. You have no nerve iower. Your food does you but ittle good. Stimulants, tonics, headache powders, car.not cure you; but Stage leaves Eugene daily ex ­ cept Sundays, at 6 a. in., arriving at Florence the day following at 10 a. m. Returning-stage leaves Flor­ ence daily, except Sundays at 2 p ni., arriving in Eugene the day following at 9 p. m. E le g a n t 8T . PAUL ;e n e , E. B a n g s , The F u nk & W agnalli. s le e p in g Recorder................... John I. Butterfield Treasurer ............................ F. B. Wilson Marshal............................ G. C. Cumpton EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE L IS E . i Single fare — — - — 15.00 Round trip - - - - 89.00 Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. Hurd's office in Florence. It U cf >=» ▼ t 'T ' t t t - r-r- tt '* t SXTOLAWS ONLY P à PSS. < O P P O R T U N IT Y ,,ì K- t .Xr ,A. A , Jit 'tvNmsn NOTARY sLOUENGE. PUBLIC. - • O A tG C N w __dtf. mirre for a n c ------- u u --------- B s « »vies * ^ of --------------------- „ „ . a f Mackie«« we leeeafacter« sod their prices '» lo re yon perchaM any r her T u t N t 'S HOMC S r w tM S acminc CO. oeams aat« ■ e.w-» Sesars. B. ▼ -.W see,-? ;. tics. "Ob, if women only dressed tbelr | m en and disperse the en em y’s force,— inurage nt bis opinions he uhandoned it. ’’—Cincinnati Enquirer. necks iu the simple fashions of their N e w U r b a n s T im es-D em ocrat the goverunieut party and tided there­ W it* In lit« (ir n e r a tio n . grandmothers!'' one of them murmured after with the opposition. At tho tirno Th e I ro »y o f Tata. "A great niauy years ago. when T .the other day. "These groat neckties, the bisbop took this decided step there A tramp, one of the great unwashed, was no outward sign whatever that was a little girl," began M gs Candid» 1 like so manv huge plasters, which la- “ Yon mean a number of mouths ago. ilies wear nowadays nro unwomanly.” fell into a river. He was washed away such an event vvns imminent or even at don't yon?" said Foftly But they are smart. Dress our necks and drowned. I believe that is notqnite all probable. it was mi wonder she raid Mr Softly as oar grandmothers d id! The woman an aeenrato statement inasmuch as B> Dugdale, the antiquary, predicted and anticipated the ruthless destruc­ was exceedingly nice when somebody ' who did it would attract a < row’d. Our much of him was washed away that grandmothers bud no standing collars there was not left enough to drown. tion of anciout nmuninentH in the cathe­ else called biui stupid. —Tit-Bit* A boy placed a bent pin on a chair whatever upon their dresses. They wore dral rburi-hes which t»*)k place in 1641, C o m in r n c s ia e u t, little narrow white embroidered pitces where lie expected Ina brother to ait. and he made haste, then fore, to com­ "Why do they rail it coninienceiuent flatty about tops cf collarless waists. He also expected to laugh after hia plete his wandi-riugs and labors in tak­ ing drafts of and copying out the curi­ when folks get through going to school?' These white strips were fastened in brother’s session. The boy’s father oat down in that chair, and then thia boy trout with u huge < aroeo pin. ous iuscriptious upon thc.-e an< iect It seems to me t! at’s a tup-uoiiier " "Gh, no. They jnst couibienca t t Every woman now bus a high collar wept copiously, with sufficient reaaou monuments, so, as he himself says, "to proserve them I'-r fuiax- aul bettor realize, after they get through, what u conci aline her throat, i x«-opt with even 1 for bis tears.—.Indy. soft snap they’ve been having.”—Chi­ lug fall dress. Let u woman step upon ! times." ProfeMtonal l>;«f««t. cago Nev.s. Broadway with her neck low like her j Itr o sr o liie and th e A t h r a a s n tin t» . simple grandmother's, aud tlio proine- j Dr. B o I uib - Excited, w ho w ou ld n 't t o Calliug upon Robert Browning at : lir w a a tit F u rw artl. naders would think they su w a burlesque 1 excited? I’m the most unfortunate dco- the Atlmmmni club, thru us now. sava tor in practice. Everything seemed to "1 am glad of the war for one thing. " actress.—New York Press. I Colonel Higgeosen in The Atlantic, ' Mid Miss Passuy of North Carolina. point to suicess. My first patient arriv­ , the b- adquiirteiscf intellectual purauits j " What is that, dear." Smith 1« s :> n two bites of :.u —Ally aioper everv side. They pack their brains as they happened to marry I apple. "Mcuitsa, did 1 ev»r see Mr. “ 1 married my w ife,” said one after they would a dress suit rase, and the I Shalt e,» are?" Tim page spoke to a la- future they vi»‘W only os hu opportnni- J th e others bail nil had their ray, "be­ Roclsl Prevttg:«. I liter short »rd ctrccgly built man who , ty o f gntheriug yet more degree«. They 1 cause she w as different from any wom en fst in a window aud who jumped up , »"What Is a parveuu?” have their reward, but tho student who : 1 ever ew L ’’ "That s what the o.an who pot rich and grasped my baud so cordially th u t' gets her knowledge by Using it is the ! | " H o w w as that?" chorused tho o th e r . it m i g h t have snggested the remark of i ten yearn ago calls the man who g o t peculiar joy of the college, th e regards " S h e w t» (h e only woman 1 ever ni, • -Chicago Record. Mine Kavarro (Mary Acd»r«oni about , neli yesterday her r.ctobook ns a pclnt of departure, 1 w h o w ou ld have m e," aud there v a s a him--mad«, however, at. u later day— ; also conventional pleasure« Uronp« of ' burst of applause. —Tit- Bits. t v a e r « U s L o r s « .I IL that be did not we in like a poet, but , such girls are tha dlrc< t cause cf tba Sumtr.er I loarder— Why do you charge A Jaka aa Ainu ratlwr “ like one of tmr rgrr-eahle eouth- originality, freshness sad healthfnlness | cm gectlcinsu.” IIo e-smtd a man of so inu' li? " I laurhed when 1 hcerd f n n Jlrt of uiidergradcsto amnscmeBts.—Alice Ijtntllord—»Can f Iwlp it 1 was at every day. cr like the typical poet t f bis Dawson tota,. " Katharine Fallows in f-cnbnrt’A owu "Ilow It strikes a contemporary.” Haut I ago. — New York Jouriisi. " W bat w o' the Jni:c?" Red. W h ite and Ills « Co«si K B ooth. In ull this he was tho very antipodes of "Why, Jim OK'd to bi ’: fcrirusly t t a l k a Hie Rnby. Tennyson. He ba»l a largo iv ait of Ger­ " War makeseuciety functions an easy because he bail to tote bis wife's h. shi "la Smith a bicyclist?" man shape, broadening behind, with plants from «'tie r«t»iu to suoth'T, sud matter. ’’ AIIe waa la-fore bis tnarrtape." light and thick gray hair and whitirli now he has Io carry 32 pounds tif «Tin- " H o w »o?” “ And now?" beard and bail Lite»yes r.ud the west " Wc don'; have to think np any new termi’uts six houra ut s g r t t k " « - “ He a a pedcctrUu ’— Vita. kindly L-cart. diuner do-oratioua "—Chicago Raccrd i Cleveland Plum Dealer.