In order to reduce my stock of goods between now and Jan. 1st, 1R99, I havo reduced the price of all goods to COHT « bool and city purposes is 57 mill«, i to meet in Fluronce, Saturday Feb. lltb bad another boy. We were informed Eugene is enforcing tbe curfew ord , Cuslininn mill Sunday. Misses Katie and Maggie Brand arc 1 staying at Mrs Carnes, where they ate studying painting and dress-making. j We are informed that as the resuit of i i a sharp passage at fisticuff-• between two « . j t r , a t o m s , v " 'i s i e i is e i t a n ti i ic s n ic iii ; p a m B IV o u t littv erin ¡ it n 11 otislartnst I ?_ «.» w*irs the badge i __ / a. I t Of and a small per cent to cover expenses during tbe sale. Thousands of promising voting men ItlO U IT lin g ______ ¡HHku-u. . | Ctiilinmti HHW/itiill will lie 1 he resignation of John II Morris as I J’ ______ :__:__ l-»:.. . . Mr -..1. tcnancc and in tlte actions of the vic- ho so ld w ith o u t rAHnrvo. Tt i» th o InWvftat o il bvuuK c a rrie d lu r m a u y y e a rs w u s g iv ­ j aiier o o erotic in me evening wiuioiii i selected recorder to till the unexpired (ar niee(iu< hs j sooner or later there are serious results. ing a great variety to select irom days. | good excuse. , Our New Method Treatm ent will posi- term. Mr Butterfield was immediately os county’s total tax levy this year he has about 4390 subscrioed in labor ively cure those diseases. j J R Shepard, of Zena, of Polk county, i sworn in and took bis seat as recorder. mills. MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are J has returns from a car load of dried i The judiciary committee reported etc, and the assurance of considerable , more. A go td saw mill on the Siuslaw ! thousands of you who have committed A very plesant little dance in town fruit sent east: 18,000 pounds of Italian ! that the lamps had oeen purchased for la a necessity that should not he over- j offences against tbe laws of your na­ i f i * Friday evaning prunes netted 4I< cents, 5 000 pounds i tbe city and bad been placed in position looked, aa it is a benefit to every resid en t1 ture, and are now paying up for it. tie Str. Lillian was hauled out on the of apples netted 7 cents and 2,500 pounds on the street. of the valley dircetlv or Indirectly. ¡Those weak, aching hacks, Loss of Sex- this week for repairs. dried Royal Ann eberries brought 9 The street committee reported an jju a l Power, Failing or Lost Yitality, (Nome snow fell at Florence Wednes- cents. ordinance providing for building a side j BIDS WANTED. ¡Frequent and Painful evacuations of d*y hut melted about as it fell. After this week till tbe roads are walk on the nortli side of Main street i the Bladder accompanied by more or Miss Blanche Xoffsinger is aide to be lietler tbe Eugene-Fiorenee stage will in the original town of Florence from ! Sealed bids will he rec-ive-t by the less smarting and tbe escape of par­ Washington st. to the west side of Jeff- ' make but three round trips per week o u iag ain after her recent illness. recorder of the Tow n of Florence till I ticles of albumen in the urine with erson street. Oil motion the rules were ; over Hint part of the line beteen Hale There was about an inch and n half of Feiiurnry 18th, 1899, for grading down j ropy sediment, all point to the decline B a n g in g in cloth from $ 1 .5 0 up. P lu sh capes from $ 2 .5 0 up. ■now at Mapleton 'Wednesday morning. and Mapleton. It will arrive at Maple­ suspended and the ordinance passed to to t i e level of the sidewalks, the follow­ of your manhood. There are hundreds Cotton b lan k ets 50c, 6 >3, 753, 11.00, and $1.25 per|poir. ton on Monday, Wednesday and F ri­ second and third reading and adopted. ing named streets in Morse's addiliou who die of this difficulty, ignorant of A hard frost yesterday morning. We Ordered that the street committee j to the Town of Florence viz: day evenings, leaving there for Eugene W ool “ from 82.00 to $S.OO per pair; mostly Sultirn^mauufactura ■aw ice nearly lialf an inch in thickness. the cause. The doctors will guarantee on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday receive bids for building cross walks and 1st. That part of Front street lying a perfect cure in all such cases, and Hoods pills are the favorite family mornings. The stage will make daily such parts of the side walk as are not C alicoes at£20, 25, and 30 y d s., for <1.00. N e w e s t s ty le s cat baric—Easy to take, easy to operate. trips as at present between Eugene and built by the property owners and that west of the east line of Lincoln street. I healthy restoration of theG enito Urin­ 2nd. That part of Lincoln street be­ ary Organs. C hicago L. Ii. m u slin 52, Cabot W . Gc, Cabot A . 7 c, w ith h a lf Marshfield Sun: The North Bend Hale. bids be closed in fifteen days from date tween Front and Main street. 3rd. READER—Are you in trouble? mill »awed 10.075,000 feet of lumber of advertising. cen t reduction b y th e|bolt. S tate of Onio, C itv of T oledo ? That part of Front street between the in ’98. The marshal was directed to poet a west line oi Lincoln street and Hamlin Have you been treated and never cured? L ucas C ounty , J " ’ You dare not risk a return of the dis­ Frank J Cltenev makes oath that he notice on the city wharf fotbidding the street. The quarterly teacher's examination ease. It may appear when happy in io r Lane county will he held at Eugene is tbe senior partner of the firm of F J leaving of boats on the wharf. The right is reserved to reject any domestic life. Our New Method The following bills were received and or all bids. commencing on Wednesday Feb. 8th Cheney & Co. doing business in the Treatm ent is your refuge. If diseased, City of Toledo, County and State afore­ ordered paid: Bill of O W Hurd for 180». Dated at Florence, Oregon this 1st day consult us confidentially. $ Mou’s and Boys’ clothing at prices $14.45 for street lamps and freight on of Fouurnry 189.). The wind Tuesday morning blew down said, and that said firm will pay the AV RITE (enclosing stamps for reply) the same. Bill oi John I Butterfield sum of One Hundred Dollars for each J ohn I B ittkrfield . the new eavesponts from one side of the for our interesting book. “ A Warning ? that will astonish you. This is aa op- f Recorder. t, 524th. Admission for adults ten who have been cutting timber are dis- ; 1899. Frauk Fox is taking a lay off from voting yes were Hurd, Kyle, Weather- appointed at losing the chance to sell Recorder. All school children free, ' steam boating this week. Geo O son; voting no, Morris, Christensen. their logs. mt twenty young people called ou TOWN ORDINANCE NO- 2 4. ! Knowles is running on the Mink as Tim amendment was was doclsted car­ It is reported there was about (2,009 j ami Mrs. Ludwig Christensen ried. The motion as amended was then engineer in the meantime. iusuraucc on the mill. ■day evening and spent several Ail Ordinance providing for tbe build­ S J Seymour and family moved to carried by the same vote. in playing different games, The council then adjourned. ing of a Sidewalk on the North side of BIDS WANTED. the mouth ol the river Sunday, that re yourself against the attacks of Main Street in the Original Town of being a more convenient residence fo r1 TO CONTRACTORS. pneumonia and other serions and Florence. Mr Seymour while attending to bis. Scale 1 bids n ill Le received by the ■ating diseases by taking a few EUOENE, Section 1. The Town of Florence duties as watchman. Sealed bids will be rereived by the recorder of the Town of Florence till ih of Hood's Sarsaparilla now. does ordain as follows: T hat it lie and ORE. direciors of Florence school district, No. Fehrunry 18th 1899 for filling, lighting is hereby ordained and directed that u the provisions of a bill before con- 07 of Lane county, Oregon till 12 o’cloek ' and tending the street lamps belonging WANTED. for taking the census in 1999! sidewalk shall ho built on tho North noon on Monday February 201 li, 1899, to said town of Florence till April 1st, side of Main Street from the West side umcratiiig must bu comploted ill for raising tbo school house in said 1899. Bids must state the price per, of Washington Sheet to the West side ys and the complete report publish Two good milch cows. Call on or district ami building an addition theretu ' night for tending each lamp. The per- j . , of Jefferson Street ull in the Original two years. address, . thirty feet in length. Plans and speci­ son to whom the contract awarded I 1 own of I I ore nee. J as L F viixisii , rd: Campbell Bros A W alker must furnish all the oil for the lamps. fications may be seen nt the office of Said sidewalk shall he built so as to None who are engaged in any of the mechanical sold th e ir ’98 crop of hops to E C Florence, Oregon. The right is reserved to reject any Meyer & Kyle. be at-out level and about six incites , agent for Horst-Lochmond Co. pursuit« can succeed without reading and The right is reserved to rejjet any or all hills. inches from tlis ground and to be made 15 cents. This was the last lot TO CURE ACOLO IN ONE DAY. Dated nl Florence, Oregon Ihia 1st day or all bids. as follows: Eight feet wide, four studying this standard Magazine of Sciences ne county hops to leave the gruw- Dated at Florence, Oregon this 1st day of February 1899. stringers 2xH; nails not less than 30 |ianda. Joiix I BvircREir Lu, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet«. of February 1899. and mechanical A rts.^ It is illustratedjWith penny, wire; eight nails to each plank, nnrd Christensen, who has been All druggists refund money if it fails to Recorder. W m K yle . ) l’ianks not wider than 12 inches, not all modern cuts of latest inventions in ull ng at his old home in Norway since cure. 25c The genuine has L B Q o n W II W kathkkson , 9. Directors. less than 2 inches thick and of good F rank B W ilsos . ) sS DISCONTINUED. pring, writes as follows to hit* Sina- eaeli tablet. the branches of mochanism, and its fund of sound lumber. - - - - - - - ......... — ffriends: **I have lived in God's Section 2. The cost of building the SUNDAY SERVICES. try too long to ever he satisfied knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ file beach mail route from 1 l°rfnr,‘ . )|,e sidewalks shall be paid by tbe lots flail Orders Promptly Filled at Sam e Price as if You Bought in Person. J. H. McCLUNG, Scientific American. to Gardiner over which H H I’“ rre'* j [ro„ii„g On ..¡,1 and e-ist ol street ventors and mechanics. Sold with Tim NOTICE. 5 . Sunday school 10 a nt, Endeavor 2:30 haa carried mail for nearly twenty years an,| a|;py „ „ „ ¡ „ g s nut of the general icn E Johnson has instituted s u it.A p ni. Preaching nt Point Terrace 11 a le Lane county circuit court for i W est at clubbing ratcs.J “J ;,. past wa« discontinued Jan. 31st. The j full(1 ,i'„. To. „ ,,f F|ul.e,„.e . hi ., and Florence 7 p in. le from his wife Aildie K Johnson 4/ I wish to inform my friends and > Alciie-tiardiuer mute is to lie extended Section 3. The building, of said The Executive Committee of tbe! esertion. The cTWtple were married -Jr1 -j? the public generally, th a t on or ? to Glenmla and the mail last ween Flor­ walks shall be done by the property , Endeavor Sociotv bad another meeting ew York in 1892. » about the 15th of Nov., I will open Z Monday evening to arrange fill bur plans ence and Gardiner will be sent that owners and if not done in trn days said ’ ittage Grove le a d e r: The Black i a Bazaar here at my residence for J for their social. There w ill lie talent way. sidewalks shall he let by the Board o f . e Quicksilver Co, made their first X Ladies and Children. Made up J in from Acins and Glenada. Ixxik out Trustees of the Town of Florence on WANTED. Shipment of quicksilver, Wednesday. ® Clothing of all Kinds. A good sup- i for Tiinouncenient next week. contract or contracts to the lowest The shipm ent consisted of 30 flasks and (V ply kept on hand, and orders filled Z responsible bidder, reserving the rigid FIREMEN'S ELECTION. sliipiied to New York. Each flask on short Notice. Call in and learn Reliable man for Manager of Branch to reject sny and ali bids. The building Thia monthly magazine in ono of the very \ prices. g is 90 pounds of quicksilver, Office I wish to open in tliis vicinity. of said sidewalks, street nod alley M rs . J R.S tiles , Point Terrace, Or. i A meeting of the Florence Fire C oin-, If your record is O K here is a good crossings shall lie completed within 39 beat printed in thia country, and la si week Sheriff W ithers attached Nov. 1st, 1808. pany was held Instf Friday evening to j opening. Kindly mention this paper days from the passing of this ordinance Southern Pacific offices in Eugene ' to all Milmcribcrs at rates within (ha elect officers for the next year. The ! when w riling. Section I, All cross w a lls and alley 90 the aiqount of a judgement following were clmsen : A. T. M orris , Cincinnati, 0 . crossings shall Is- built ns provvlid bv costs issued out of the circuit court ability of all to pay. It in fiuely ilia* John I Butterfield. Pres.-. O W H urd, Illustrated catalogue 4 ets. postage. Ordinance No, 18 except that .ill ttie - GENERAL NEWS. tie county in favor o, James Wood- f rated and presents the names of famoua Vice Pres; Andrew Brand, See; F B I street crueaiiigs shall be .ig u i feet on j g. The railroad company paid the I Wilson, Treas ; Win Bernhardt. Foie- LICENSED TO WED. top. U ll. The senate lias agreed to vote on the authors as contributors. T aa Wawy 1 Section 5. This Ordinance shall be The W est has for sale one rea rs’ , treaty with Spain and all its anieml- man. and the Cosmopolitan sure sold at ra» G uard: A marriage license lias l-een in (ull force and effect from and aftrr , ttlition in the Holmes Business Oollcge ments next Monday at 3 o’clock p in. NOTICE. issued to Chas. Vanderburg and Maryl its approval of the president of the i Portland. Thia is one of the leading! Tbe San Francisco Chronicle of Jan. duced rates at this office. board and by publication (n the M’is r . liness colleges on (lie coast, having 26th contains an article indicating th a t All persons indebted Io the Morris Johnson. 1’aase.l the Board of Tvuwtee» trio 26th Both young |>enple are well known in I Igliab, Commercial, Shorthand a n d ; it is probable that another traua-con Hotel sre req ,e«ted to call nt the office ill-graphic departments and we offer Oriental railroad will soon 1« built to of C H Iloiden ar.d settle the same this vicinity. Tils. W est wishes them a I day of Jau . 1899. Jotik 1 fctiYtangLD, , long, happy and prosperous journey ■ Ateat, it tuition on easy terms. San Francisco to giro terminus on the forthwith. Recorder. through life. Mrs E A Morgan. Marshfield Sun: The new «chooner Pacific coast for the New York Centra) Approrod this 27tli day of Jan. 18VW. the stocks at North Bend is to be railroad system. W II WBAtllKMaoi, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION FOR SALE OR TRADE- med Manila. She will have four It has been proposed to am end the President. lata and is expected to carry 805.000 constitution of California to exempt We do not take possession of our W j * i bul are possessed by thesV I-nd It’Nieb’iri, Orcjfon. cTivr. aowriToas wiMran KVKMYWffm One 2’- steel »keia Mitchel Wagon it of lumber, Work is be'ng rushe-I church property from taxation. Cali- for "The Ktory <4 the Phllippiuea” by Murat They muster us and force ns into the .vena, D» ccmlxT 21. 1«*. . . .. , H a l « le a d , c n t ii m ¡-«tolled bY the Government a», ltpr as fast as possible, an J as soon forntA is said to be the ouly etate ini- with four heavy springs nn-lcr bed, KMic« 1» fflrnn ’ n t t h e fo il» » « n il? - J Higbsriaii the »Yar HepurtiueiiU t lie Whero like gladiators, w i mast ftjht for thorn.” spring seat, neck-yoXe and doubletrees named xettler I mm fllwl notice of her Inten tla. >« »r and expen*ew—daflnlte, bonadd*. no wore per those place», in addition to a large True Blood Purifier, Gieat Nerve nuleea Milan. Monthly |73. Reference*. Kn- J. T Baiboa«, mount contributed l,y people farther up Tonic, Stomach Regulator. To tliou- In-Id many pto u iiien t ((Ices in this ‘ clone «elf-ad lrc«'«*d «tamp-d envelope, Herbert •old with T ur W w . Register. E Hcv», Freet., b*|H. M. Chicago. sinds its great merit Is K N O W N . sate. Us river. THE EHSM aPOLITAN,’ THE ARENA \