T H E W EST. “ t-cnusHCD s w a y rp tn .-v xo b k in o .— — AT— F lo b t s c t , Tr I.ASJt COPKTT, „ T i Ht PHILADELPHIA EXPOSITION, ’ • • rv - • • »cientjflc American. j WASHINGTON LETTER. GREENLEAF ITEM S. Wednesday of this week is the day ! set for the meeting of the court-m artial F u n i, OCR BEOfLAB CoKBirUFONDEHT. B y ’ th a t w ill try General Eagan for conduct The director» o f the Pliiladel- ! unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, W ash . D 0, Jtin. 23rd, 1899. j pliia Exposition Association, of Jin speaking disrespectfully of Gen. The claims n i the supporters mid op­ O regon which Mr T A B W idener is presi - Miles, his superior officer, and unless ¡dent, have chosen Dr W P W ils o n ponents ^><>nt’nlB of the l *ie treaty trouty of of peace peace, *«! Gen. Eagan exercises his rig h t to ask I to be the director-general ,t I »«d«. ® » k . H “ »<“ >» for . po.tpon.pent for a short tim tim e, e, the tlio AV.U. WEATIIERSON d e c id e d t i n t ' ■ , ................................ ........ t t h , c r o o a itlo n », „ W is t ÇoBf.itsroxwwT After peveritI wtwkg of t.l.a-kade Lake creek is fordable again. E l I* „ ttr r f took his wife amt daughter to Hale yesterday (Jan. 29th) for a ' rie i d lt. t. Chicxa ‘ »O’ verdict ought to 1« iu the hands of the Walter M iller and wife of claim prvsj,k n t liefore u ,„ ,;|o' of extenuating c , r , - e s , as gome Florence, Ore. Feb. 3, 1890. 2300,000 for the exposition,! e x n o s iti,,,, i u," w 'd v d so ' ° as i,s to p.tdge I’1* ’ * ’ this gov, govern- of his llia f fri(,n,Itj Bai,, he bc w ou ,1 . when the a ate,I t, d 2300,00(1 rn- 0[ r jHni|g 8rti,l contingent upon an equal am ount i , i p i r 1 reten l*on of announcement th a t lie would l>e court- WANT A SAW M ILL. beiliff raised fro m „ t l, , . , . .... ’ ,pr,‘nes’ w h' 1* 1,8 s,,i,P,’rteM |in n rtia le d w n s firs t mads, hut whatever Effort- arc now being m ade to *'T his eontineen ., , , • ’T ’" ' Sa-V l"*ve v<* ‘8 «nougl, p|e,lg,.,i to his plea, there eg,, he but one ver.i,. t - j 1 Hid contingency fund is about rutiiy Hie irtm tv, if they can get it io ft u- • , ... . , * - - I , J b g o iltr . His punishm ent w ill depend intereet capital and secure th« . ---------------« . . . side . * vote. i» I t ....... seems ns though neither . i complete, 8200,000 being appropri­ , 7 , , 7 moan» to build another saw mill ated by the Philad dphi* city ' was entirely confident in its claim s? " <, r . . r ; h-gislatures; |30,000 ha» also been projM»m,.,n made by Senator Gorman, ojta.ige the punishm ent to suit Ins pleas who is leading the op,a,siticn, lo set a „re . or . „ n it it en tirely. T ,e ease h.iH company with capital to engage' rajsc,, , hroilgIl pHvate s . -- a i of the last year. c » £ , ’’ Burnette •»( (iievnleal today. The C liid n tlio in iiiy re v in il MMHII* tO have Mtruck in. People a re iratei inziinr w,' ° ,,"«s ,,,r . ^ " - <'- -° 1 'r a 1 1 , 1 ..... ^ ' D ’ H v i . l ! Fue mail «Mirier imde t the a tie iu i re«iently . . , whcMi I ih Ipti-Me Wi»K hi ) ne i r ’»eiiiii ph rn e l with h l ...... a. his h.ur ratsed h i. h u ttim e inch»* B/fore wlia» j i«liree:iii we p’ead *mr cause-* nun ? Jn i^e L inlv b»»n tr. «le i Ms place ahnte Alpha /«»r a sm Uicr mie day for takin g a vole on the tre a ty. arOji-e.| much public indignation near a t>»wn in Cul >'r tl, the putatu-h ig -*ta’c r » live. , . , | • ------- —..........work a re n o w Many believe th a t the opposition is Gen. Eagan to hone t es ane n u ii-t,- I l J l’ahor ami f m illv uf A lp n a r»* a re mill1., lum 1.1 nu io n f « 'ft (?i ( „ lid .r way. It will he given u n d e r •"•tulaina in a lag b lu ff for the purpose ment, however friendly the secretary of gumg home tu W iK liiu^tuii l.»r •* ire » » » - ftfk rl the finest fir tim ber it) the world f th e a u sp ice s o f t ile C ..«mereial °f r- n 0 - e‘ “ '" a j- r u y of the sena 'e w.,r ami the president may feel towards Sew i 111 lo Eo­ grovying on the main stream and J Museum, u„ 1 it is thou ¿ ,t proba- to voie for a resolution, in advance of him . gene H cniittacteil for au I S S M li le t’s u k "1 |" ,lie vo,e on the treaty, declaring, the big iiio u iita iii-ctin ih iiig horse w ill ban] ita tributaries. The tim ber i s 'b ie tb u t some » « t l y o w n e d io , o „ d l by i X X T Z Z S the stuff over the mountain roa i anti and through the valley mud. Don’t Know It. »tttlers who are anxious to sell i t ' mi,i„ .,Q , 11 I I f the E igene Register o ». iy » ly - m a.11 as pcim aiieilt museum build- wards Cuba—m erely to keep th u u for u reasonable price to obtain in g s. A n a d d itio n a l a p p r o p r ia tio n " ‘ider a m l.iin ry governm ent u n til they else can induce aoiuehopv to build a There is a disease prevailing in this railroad fr.mi E ig -ue to ’Florence we wciius to improve their ranches. of #50,000 has b.-cn m a d e b y con - “ r° cf '‘la ip ta iiiin g a stable gov- ’ country moat dangerouH r-ecause so de- shall t»e g lu l, ami w ill each gi e the T here are already two booms built gress for the purchase of saiupl -s t." ' ' ,h‘'*r OHI1, " b i l e m any of cepiive. Many sudden deaths are cans company more wood than it w ill horn in a year, if it w ill co im and get it, hut on tidewater for catching and of foreign goods to enable d o m e s tic * b ,|,|,or,,' re ° ' t,1B '^ a t y e,| |,v it , - h e a r t disease, pneumo, don’i let it appeal to us as the sneees or m a n u f a c t u r e r to V o " 1 " 1,,,' " ' s,r“ nu " '"« » hear, failure or a,mp'exy are ..f«e„ eloring logs, Thu condition of the of the landdiooming. ieht-eva hug fak«* bar at 'th e mouth Of the river js i odgeof the k i I f ' I " V ’0 ‘ resuI' oi kidney disease, h k id n e v tm u i,’ . . ------------— ••• • »••••ibe v.liii h, fu rc <*uo igh hided ano it ihe / tugooi tne Riud of goods wanted non to allow iho ......... I mo. the fullest ¡q allowed to advau e the ki«hiey poison tim e of the panic, hut which was evi­ much improved »¡neo the work by foreigners. extent of nelf-government th a t they ¡u the blood is liable t’„ attack ihe vita dently evol v»d w ith the intention of was dene on the je tty in 1897 and «how tl.em .ely« . ea,. ,1.1o o f - u v - i, to orifan8( o r the k j,,|ley8 lire • t<»r E hnurjihi, nt t lie re pieyi of resolution w ill pass the sena'e, and trouble. K idney trouble c„n he dele ,- a dozen year« or mure and a good i 'I" * 'r h * "* ,£,‘,al 1 of 'kurk, has A special meeting of the voters o, , , Iipw-n Id.opinion on ill« su'd»-.-! of ihe none wh itevcr th a t it co il | ¿et th ro ig 1 ed although it lie slow au 1 de e p liv . Florence school district was held at tiie »nany «irgoee have been sent to HdniiMion 1 . , J ul I’ olvgm iiist B o lc r is to the house. The treaty w ill c ith e r he F irst, by analysis of tho u rine ; se . n l , house Monday afternoon with ' W in K y le in ttie cluttr. th e San F ran ;wco m arkets, but thejm,.,,, «ship i „ the l l o „ St. „ f R , „ , ^ „ 1 - ratified or there w ill he an extra sessi >n 1... h> the sim ple test of setting the urine . ............ . . . I l i t chairiiinu Btnh*d that tut* in ectiii” tiiuber cut etui hardly he m issed < alive». A fter d,s u»»i„g ,,i »„me le iu tn lo ra tify it. HBHie in a glass or l»oitle f ,r t w n y-iu u r whs railed for tho purpose of voting a Most of the lumber whh cut at the [l,lU l,a'* Luth »h„wn by L't»h »in e its fh e senate passed the amended M or- hours, when a eloudy or brick dust sei- tax to enlarge the school house and to «Afl « í ta da m. 1» y« 1 -4< OOTS A SHOES \ I) AT T H E ^ GREAT j WHITE : STORE îSSflB Commencing Monday January 23rd AnJ Continuing U ntil February 1st. FOR CASH ONLY. m -. provide fluids f„ r ca, tying on the sdiool. | j A fter some discussion it was voted 10 * levy ¡1 three m ill tax to émarge tue school house. A motion to levy a three m ill tax for school purposes was defeated. A two m ill tax fur this purpose was then | ordeted. i Du motion the directors were instruct-1 ed to prepare plans at.,I specifications : for raising the sciiuol hou»e and lintld- , ittg an addition and to advertise lor Id Is ! ,,|e 0,n‘- Me po in is out that after a house, aro adepts in the divisio n o f distressing cises is tru ly marvelous, for the work to be received t ill Feb ! (.on» an t i n te man w )O (a «8 1 man is elected to congress and lake« his | public “ p o rk .” T h irty odd slates w ill You may ha.e a iw ttle of D r K ilm e r ’s 20th, IS»!). The meeting then a,Ij.mined. advantage of it will receive a g o o d seat, ,„ tho b nuuse, house, w im ith the con-urreuce con ■urreii.-e i share in the twelve and a h a lf m illio n s Swamp-Root the great kidney, liver re tu rn oil hi.» capital. I “ i ‘ » o thirds, may expel a tticm her. appropriated by the h illj cons” ,|ucu iv all,I bladder remedy, by m ail free. -------------------------— | I poti the exer t»e of t in . rig h t, he says, '’ales w ill not he lacking. T lic Fir«t Teacups« Address D r K tllm e r à Go, Bingham ­ Bven after tea was introdnoed in to T iikrk is one in du stry that requires . . . " " J . " ll'IM " imposed no lo r the first tim e th is session the ton, N Y. When w ritin g m e lili,n Europe and bud coine in to general U89 support of the state. This is »alninn 11,1’ti. I h, r i lore, it i pres r i l a.,| house had wl at the old tim ers called a this p.per, D ru .g ists, in fifty-celt, , teacups were scarce. A t the same time of the state. Thia is intintoti hum he rofreprcscu la tives th in k Roberts i ’ ’Held tls y .” It was,, sort of coffee was introduced ; but, apart from do lla r sizes. ru n n in g j»ropngHlion. I t > is w loo great .« u «*««.uoiiy an in d u stry t ; • Constautinople. tho first coffee cups in its an m int person to sit in the house discussion, which, a llit,nigh nom iti illv Europe date buck only as far as 1615 in to b o lost. Y et it w ill l>o lost unless i. , , . . , I ,ht*y may expel him . Tm s furnishes j upon t h e ' il, allow ing a s h i|e h t,¡filin g ’ Venice, 1659 in Paris, 1652 in London means I« taken to continué ami support LEGISLATIVE MATTERS. and 1694 in Leipsic. From tlio first, , , , , , . I 11,1 '«»y » ,1111101) f a vexed problem , firm to sue in the court of claim s for It. I t is the in du stry ttie Lower U,<- however, tho conventional oriental cof­ . . . . I “ " dl " " 'E u h l 1,0 freely resorted additional pay, it el»iiiis lo he entitled lU inbla riv e r ; tho life of large commtt- Toe house lias passed it resolution pro­ fee cup. w ith o u t stent or handle, was to if the Muru.o ,s attem pt to abuse the to on contracts w ith the governm ent, it M ilo used, tunl in Germany not at all. Itllie s ; i t is w, rth to the stale from posing an amend nent to the constitution TbeCbiuese teacup was used fo r tea! rig h t of statehood by try in g to preserve really embraced ahou, everything in «2,000,000 lo «.'I 000,000 a pear, and is in . providing for the in itia tiv e and referet, coffee and chocolate as well. Specimens . . . ,. , th e ir pc, ul ar in s titu tio n . eight, including the war. the embalmed dura. 48 of the 60 members voted for it. of porcelain were undoubtedly in tro ­ danger of e xtin ctio n , k e t by a r tific ia l1 .... , , .. , . I 108 ex-senator's m etlio,I of checkinu la-ef c o n lro ve ity, the Philippines, the I f it passes Ihe senate, it must he passe , duced in to Europe in tho m iddle ages, j pro u,gallon of K.iluiou’ it may he mam- • o v ix in g yet not t i l l the sixteenth century were , , , , ! ln i,ld h y may also l»e res .rted to in . . Ill,‘ ■ ‘ rei’ ,v ° f l»’ace, and some spicy person- ’ by another legislature latfore il goes to tained and greatly nt reused. The up cups imported from China in any great •ase of other than polygamous legisl.,- „lilie s . Tl,ere were five gentlemen who ' the people, quantities, and even tnen it was as a rti- p ro p ria tio n csko l for it now is |2 ) 000 tors. I here is good reus nt if states Parti. ipa,ed . Grosvennr, of Ohio ; Simp- oloa c f vertu Jl, -t of tin so found their T h is is required f a1 construction of a , iu*rsiiwt in u a m l:.. . . The 'ill pro vid ing for toe paym ent of:, 5,ay back in to Gitina again, as collect­ .» h a tch e ry; h ii .I after litis in done, the tux persist in sen lin g to ttie senate met, sou, of Kansas; Carmack, of T enn .; I ou nty , ii beet sugar was defeated in in g porcelain is a lasting fa,l there, and Who almost openly purchase the place Bailey. „ ( Texas; and Lewis, of W ash’ • •n the in du strv w ill Hupimri it w ith ou t high prices are paid t a- pood sp, ci anus. the house. w h ) - , l u l l rs shoii.il HOI relieve them ¡llg'Oll, but the star parts were played Tha co,lection cf Chinese potcelaiu. if fa th e r u p p ro p iia tio n . The Oregonian, A h ill to regulate the practice of medi ou ly the geirttine specimens are de tred selves of the ptes n-e of | l„ , . o rrttp tit,g l.y the first am i Iasi named. W hile the cautions about appropriations for indus­ requires immense study and knowledge! ’ m llu ith o l,y a resort to expulsion. | discussion w is going on, nieiiil-ers of cine in tru d e ed by Senator Josep tr ia l parpowst, re,'ommends th is one. ; as —- the Chinese s a k nn iilfttl itâ t rs .----- „ ...., ....... . — '- ‘»■„vse i ir re e » ul im ita B.v P'.'suing sucl, a em rse l.iey would ' the ho t.e see..... I to enjoy ,|.e h its ' ’rov,,‘ '-8 ‘ " s t Hn-V l ’yr8" n « "“ ‘ I ' * n - “ *«1 P"« uuuterous fa U ficg tjcn s t u the Oregon should not p e rm it the salmon I i . u . i ,, garde,! as practicing med. me woo s tali Dla)ket. escape ttie trc.tblu w lti ti going ha. k ol made, regardless of w t.o made them , hit, , , . , in d u s try to disaptH-ur. But the lu ll for d ire ctly or in d ire ctly claim to no-sess a certificate a wavy involves. luiltvldn&l Odor«, as partisanship figured largely, they . I ■ th is appropriation should contain pro Every buintui being has a specific ‘ i i , , . . ' . 11 knowledge of ttie cure of diseases and afterwards dividi-d on po litica l tines in .- visions for rig id and responsible ac-i SENATORS ELECTED « lo r of nts own. acccnimg to A. Uetho . . . . , offer gratiutously or for a fee to anolv cou ntin g fur the moneys.—D ,-jo ,,,an . expressing opinion ss to who got the , , , • In the A rchtv dcr Uesaiuiutcu F liym d o l„,M, T. i , , . "U, ti knowledge to the cure of disease gie. by which he cm, be ret. gnized not ’ N If 8, ott a republican has hcen eleet- l est of n. Inespee h of Lewis was, T he dearflocfcH now existing in th« or recommend the use of any , lr ig or m erely by dogs but by persons w ith sen­ , . . , ed U 8 senator noni West V irg in ia however, a genuine surprise to ttie titedt.-me tor the treatm ent or re lie f o f sitiv e organs o f smell The case is m m - legislatures o f »o nt , „ v ahítes serve lo e honed o f a titan who blindfolded could i ____ * . « I " •Tv 4H v »leu an i 47 againw h im , house, slid ciu i-cil more than one man, any wound r fracture o r disease. «uiphftsiit, the need of some other wav pick out each in d ivid u a l in « cou pauv Ttie W y iim itij „.g , ,, ’ Ih 8 M legielattiro lias re who bad la-ei, previously indifferent, to * ‘ ( lo elect United States senators. Under „i....... ■ The house pas-ed the W illiauisott re- o f 20 by Ins odor. e le , le d G la r e ttc e C lark O u seat in the ,n , xpress regret ih s t lie w ill 1« io«t to I h o s u d l is net Lorn w ith ns, but the p r e s e n t me, hod ihe m e t,ilsrs devote it . . . . iip po riionioe tit h ill. 1 »'Rat Staleseeiis'e for the next six t •? house after Man ti 4th. Gen. Gros- dsvelops gradually t i l l the nge of puls?r- J. W. a large part o l th e ir lim e to the question u .„ rK Represent a liv e Flagg’s lc.il providi ig ty, af ter w hich it remains unchanged. vettor lias for may «ears la-en regarded M cnibt rs of a fa m ily have a kin d of of whom to elect senator, w h ile o ilie r , of ail the m urders a, cornntou odor? w h 'm h V m ’s J s ^iT w ffie u , , •">"» Kean rept^di an has been as tie of the most dattgero s men in f o r t eoxe. in a tte rs of im portainx- are neglected or ,, llavu l»vv«i a ja r t fo r a long time. , ,, , elected to the U S senati • from N’ i - h congress to la. kie in a run ning debate. the Slate penitentiar« has been amend- • rowikxi out. I f ttie Sc,tutors were i r q-n . ... T'l d a mall serving hi» first term o dd ed <>y e h m in a iiiig the cla.se g iv in g the . J » r s e y site ee.l ng b Uh de. i o rat. T oh v u tirp Hrt'ii 11 tbrPl lu tions or la w is . e rtu iii v did IItat. , states or have passici out c i th e .e n tro l th e enactm ent of such laws as are j -----------— ----------- S nator Perkins Inis announced Ids amendments lisve I ccii accepte t, and o f tue generai government, deemed Iwst for ttie s'ale. Tito length , * , * E i.,ea«»i society Inn. Cushman mill which was burned , ry' tion "lll> :l "'“'e he goes „„ i„ »i,„w gan Nicaragua canal h ill. S itu rd n y tlin g indicates it. II nt th people of the United Mtates « vote of 4S to 6. I f t the h e ’ It was for ju st such tro 1 lies that in la»t week, the other mill» c u l lin g did not entirely surrender th e ir power, o* the hou-e were so iiid iite il, H is in fin ite power and goolness the little more than was needed to '•lit that the, 1 an, through th e ir repre- ll , *s easily he passed, hut the Great I’ uvsiciau caused Sw.nnp-Root ,0 ■ Hnpply their home trade. •oitipel tl e cl,l,n''e!! to ' * that an e n tire ly new grow for the benefit ot suffering man- sentatives in Uongr, ss, s iili T aking all tiling» into comdder- rcciilcitra u t Mormons to recognise the re l,or,ed to the house, kin d, leaving it for His servant. D r K ii- t ( which would would mean mean no no canal canal legislation legislation J mer, mer, the the great great kidney kidney and and bladder ntion W0 believe til it fhe Kiwdaw f<‘ for a pro ill able in veslineiil, fo ra I T l“ ’ E x'-S‘‘ l,“ * '« iH pl»n of t .rn in g ’ The framers o f the riv e r and ha rbo r '‘ "o w n to tn e w o r .d . Its won le rf 1, lum ber m aun» can he found on the 1 "‘m-I l,ill> wl‘id'has been reported to tho pro m ptly cu rin g the m o - i» ’ W o f ™ "" n n rt H u ll lt lJ j J n 1 1 I u j K of cosr. See o u r special c o u n te r. O A A /.H U R D CARMAN’S ) Zi Drv Goods, * Groceries * and Notions. FLORENCE MEAT M A RK ET. J ust O p eied . Coods as Reoresented, «.(sessions could then 1») n xln e n l and |« tn ic il'io h In i,i ev the instructions ot Hie the tù li w ill p ro ha l'ly California le is '.to re and Vote for ttie lat ure. V . d e t , d . . y . tn.tead ..f th e legislature would ituve ns much tim e 16th u« » iiin i iine.l last k . F ttiin r ra litl a'ion o f the treaty of jieace, lie- to devote to other m atters as at presonti 1 » 'lic la r a in ,■ „ next issue, cause lie hel.cvcs nine-tenths of tlie th u s effecting a saving in the expenses la-st' r Dg ten went t., Eng,.,,,. T .•edu, of tac slate, after a few days r i -crest.... Mt l'..int I'er- pi'opte of Ids state w ish him to do so, w litle Senator W hite s.vs lie w ill refuse ---------------------------- '* ' * • Ite lis s g tv . n ,,p Ids p o s itl„„ stage d river. to ol ey tl,« ir.stru ti.ma of the legista- T ita JuScphi L ili g,s s ultogcther too far tin e , 1«,atta«'a m s jo rily of its m etniers in its efp.rts to snppress qua, kery. l'n - W » S T S O -M tv«»,, 1 l.'STWuBTUV , SH«,«I» ,N the m other „ I , o gives »,M ».'»L, “,‘t ''‘.m 'vw * vcsr'aii'.'r,1» lì,, " a V - . ' ’ •«'■«'» W s , 1 •fluite.,»a,mt.,,.. » > I... salar,, vt.iiih h J ,, n,,,.,«. »U nii - I r u n 1 « , ^ . d e r k -u <>r binds ttp a hrtttecd or hurned fingi r H u m » M.|f h- U um . PlVrt.. p h i , a. ‘ w ould be Hablo to a fine. Tltls uould ,1er its 5>tt>v¡sion Ite r ehild soniu sim ple remedy for a coid give too tu ia h o; p o riu a ity tur spttu Work. T ttx J itli lio n Guy Tim es last week contained an a rticle g iv iiig a g,ssl de­ lite Oregon grape t ne stale flower. Committees of Oregon and W ashing­ ............ a report in ton le _ gislature « ....... have made favor of , ou. tirre n i Icgi.-iation in fish passed lite KILLED BY APOPLEXY. W ashington, Jan. 26, Form er At- torney-tien, ra G arland, under C le v o able to read and W h o le F a m ily C re n tly Helped This Medicine. | 'P F ^ C - T I ( A ) te ö R E ja r ’ by “ I ara aa old run down soldier, mV whole system betas out of order ar.d my r t * i, t side p a rtia lly paralyzed. I have tried various remedies and re tire d outy temporary relief. I Lave b~en U kin g Hood's SarrsporUla and Hood’« Ftll», «,„i have derived more real benefit from them than anything I have tried. U y wife hoe be»n greatly helped by Hood'« Sarsapa­ rilla . She ««as a 'l run down and her system much out o f order. My rw o littl« hoys recovered q u ickly from the effects o f diphtheria by takin g Hood’s FeraepB- rtlia . which rtd them of troublesome acres and symptoms o f the croup. They are now «Vet! and hearty.” W. F. B rn x F rr, Starkey, Oregon. Remember Sarsa­ parilla n fact the Oi»« Tr.e ttha», Pur .ier. Hood’s Pills ’ bffioiMea^s«Bs--rwU«a t« * r th is ,# His Story of W h.it Hood’s Sar- saparilla Has Done Il ■ IW ' M |> S W HOOfJ W pst A An Cid Ooldier '*•" * " * ’'«*« w » - « d d r..a ¡n g u.« w rite the E u g lb 1st, * tl i» Irk' ib i- rniiH-iu > r ,i a, t an t * — 7 » _. I s.«. > ihe U n i'e d States supreme court sh o rtly gin ge is a ll rig h t, ami should to passed, «ni lal ilt'b ririii («»thv A«r lVprirtmc.it i he the neigt,(■•ring tow ns. The rim e s ia a A c '¡.';ü s "";T ,'h'o •!».-", M'rrdí'o‘¡:, a" vr “ OM" «estas ,- a r r ie .I^ m , t'se em s rather to cottili, t w ith the fact liv e ly sheet and is ever on the a le rt lo Sì (l‘; • ham la-r. Senat,a- G alllnger, Wtm that a ju ro r who lias rea l anything con- advance the interests ,,( its tow n. olim pi,, «ut, ,, ...ì,'1!“ ,,óa'hi11,!»-''rsìr^,!/ m ï P1'» si.ia n , w as calle,! and said it ........................... « Died iS g e t t e r a i., « d h ’m ' r ¿ " r ....... ....... Tho San Frattcs,-.. E xa m in e r am i the o8».,der,»l dis-ptahfie I. M ille r’s ,.i|. f Garlan 1 H L’ ’' t ‘ I » I p l rt.ee i c e !.. srelgKi ,«M ,« ' . i , rv.l re. tit t ’ ‘ o ' ™ * » ' d i e d almost im i. «Minte- |,U ,< ,1 1 . S'retght fo r one year f2.H0 paid in u,p makes edu»-Sli ■■■ a requis , • It tie «“ » ii . Drop all tr.,.hy uuoSli-lal «ar .»».k» came from Arkansas to Wash- Ilthebest i» n v « . . O alfli fr,~ Ot,tr»-. Harber, Sev'j., etar t tom deun nda it rance. ‘ luiuraaca U!d< . vt.lc««,. scrip tio n of J u n ctio n t ity and several of BROPR FT. -» legis- The state senate has passed a resolu ti.,n dec.snug the .re I iis |a> iti. al op|siiienis. and la-cause int- rests on tiie C olam i,ia he does not rtsogtiise the rig id ol ttie Ttie l.ouse reconsidered and cgislaiures to in s ir u ,, senators in niat- tiili for a sugar I « .ntv. lets in volving cons, iettve or conviction, i f a deisti ittg sooety is hu ntin g a hard N 'U k t x ii of a lu ll r«»ently in lr d in ed nut lo crack, let it decide which ol these in to ttie M iishing'on legislature, the senators is rig id ; only one of them is. Tacoma Ixnlger says; W hile the M ille r b ill m aking it msessary for a ju ro r to he pass 3 ARM TO OUR P A T R O N S . A hr,,,«« , if h "” «e is 16 ,.r 24 r, • KsK in ¡et,». "T” e-, r.„ , Elensda. TU! hs»e »"•« one st. nm.tp arranpem ents fv Whiel. wp s g,«s| '■iti Tienisi, the V e r k lj ’ ""•«•'.M nw.vp.pi '»¡"w win, ,he « l:«T ,nr p „ rp. N nie-dam o ” ' ’’ a'l-l-ee,Mrtlw»...m of , w(> ^ " -P a ra b ta c a h ¡„ a ja n e e .