'T‘1 - 4 [T H E W EST t YOUR HOHE PAPER L . V- p , w T--V -r -r ▼••<• — - - | ' ADVERTISERS J SIVSLAW'S ONLY PAPSE. '1 *> OPPORTUNITY 1 4 * — 5 4 SUPPORT IT 4 — Î NO. 40. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, ssaaaE VOL. IX. T R A V ELER S’ GUIDE. G E N E R A L D IR E C T O R Y S T E A M E R “ M IN K ,” O - A . Ï Î . D I N ' E I ^ 8 T A T E OFFICERS- O __ w i l l m ake ------- o Governor................................. 1 • 1 ■ Geer. Secretary ol S’ate...............F. I. Dunbar. Treasurer.............................F. 8. Moore. Supt. Public Instruction J. II. Ackerman State Printer...................... H. Leeds. Attorney General D. R. N. Blackburn. i . .It. 8. Bean regular THE DOCTOR’S STORY T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE g T A O S la lN H !. d a il y t r ip s h . h . Barrett, Prop’r, —— Het ween ■ Florence and Beai of Wo. po YOB % w ani Leaves Florence Mondays, £Wednes- days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ burg Stage Line for Drain. Ala., with Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges .onsumpliOD? TRAGIC HISTO RY OF JOE, HIS MOTHER WE LEAD ANO T H E BA8Y. A n K nrty P ro f.M lo n n l B xp «rl.n ce T h a t W n . B ro u g h t B a c k to • Now Y o rk Phy­ sician'. M in d by 8t®r » * M u rd w In n Uowory Saloon. D ry G oods “ It's a queer world," said a New York physician as he laid the morning paper aside. T e are sure you do not. I “ What prompted that original re- THE STEAM ER Nobody wants it. But it comes l mark?' ’ asked a visitor. to many thousands every year. Supreme Court “ Well, I was just reading an aooount Itcomes to those who have had of a stabbing affair, and it suddenly oo- coughs and colds until the Judge Second District. .J. W. Hamilton curred to me that I had known the man throat is raw, and the lining reasonable. ___ who did the killing.” The doctor set Prosecuting A ttorney.. Geo. M. Brown membranes of the lungs are Inflamed. Stop your cough tied back in his chair, and the visitor W ill carry freight and passengers few mo- when it first appears, and you waited for the story. After remove the great danger ol from Florence to San Fraueiaco. ments It caum. future trouble. ••When I first began to practice, I dnl C O U N T Y OFFICERS- W ill also bring up freight an immense amount of charity W°r“. Every fellow does that at Vie start for « ,» * * * . . . *** E. Bangs, Proprietor. experience, and later he keeps it up for For further information inquire humanity’s sake. I bad pretty good suc­ ,.K . O. Potter. Stage leaves Eugene daily ex­ Judge................. cess with children aud made quite a — OF — cept Sundays, at 6 a. m „ arriving name down in the teueiuent districts— (. .. VV. T. Bailey A. W . B EA D LE & CO. Commissioners H . D. Edwards and incidentally spent most of my pocket a t Florence the day following; money on my patients. That was before .......................E. U. Lee 14 California St, the day of free sterilized milk for sick Clerk................. a t 10 a. m. Willamette St., San Francisco, California. babies aud dozeus of institutions for the Sheriff............... .......... \V. W. Withers R eturning-stage leaves F lor­ 1 relief of the poor. I ............. A. S. Patterson Eugene, Treasurer. ‘One aunimer a woman began bring­ ence daily, except Sundays at 2 ............. D. P. Burton i Assessor......... ing a sick baby to me. A small boy, p. m ., arriv in g in Eugene the day Lane Co., Ore. .W. M. Miller about 8 years old, always came with School Superintendent them and seemed to be fairly strong and stops coughs of all kinds. It .C. M. Collier following at 9 p. m. S u rv ey o r...............■ well, but tho baby was a pitiful little does so because it u a sooth­ .. W. P. Cheshire ing and healing remedy of great thing, with a thin, white face and big C oroner............... power. This makes it the great- bine eyes with a look of pain in them. __ C. II. Holden Single fare - - - - S>>.0°; Justice ol Peace est preventive to consumption. The woman seemed an ignorant, honest IM o kaa , l a Bvanlng Drera .. E . A. Evans ' Rountl trip - - - - C onstable. soul and generally wore a thick, dark ENOUGH SAID. R When Charles Dickens was to make Tickets for sale a t E. Langs veil to hide a black eye or great blue bis first appearance in Boston before an Put one of bruise. It’s easy enough to figure out a American audience as a reader, an im­ praarteratllM Wa. "« U livery ham , Eugene, and at O. W . Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Mad« HH Bo« Brails« It. thing like that, you know, but she never mense crowd awaited him. The en­ N CITY O F F IC E R S . Then« llvee upon Warren avenue i H u rd ’s office in Florence. ___ j spoke of her husband or complained, so Plasters over your lungs thusiasm of the people for the mo«t I didn’t ask any questions. Sho brought popular novelist then living had risen a certain young man who is given , « S the baby often, and each time it 1°°“°“ to fever heat. One of the most sr dent er too much to “ charging.’ T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls ,W . H. W eatherson more waxen aud scrawny, but I oonldn t of his admirers afterward told this lit­ eay, he has formed the habit of 4 whoJa K a d la a l President.. Pullman iuto the shops down town and find out that the child had any disease, tle incident of the evening; ¡ J b n r j r .'co. O. W. H urd j For tour c e n t. In «m m »’ tcp -T P n .t- and all the symptoms pointed to a lack sleeping c a rs W°I?h a few rentlemre who wished .„vtbing that may please h i. -J ... we we will w ill .en d y n u n x t » e » in « e u .l Win. Kyle j ixi»e, to welcome and Jbow him attention I b a v i n , ( t h e £ w ^ « d buukd. of nourishment. . L. Christensen j 1 i Board of Trustees little room at t the •At last one morning I said to the “ was ' " in - ¿ the he UMle h e back --------- of ther. The pater is w ealth, a u ^ Of The M. Morris ; Elegant M edlcxl A tM oa Frc-. rvirpR o t W c la v ? th o ex clu tiv e »ervlrPR mother that I bolieved the babywa platfOnn wheu Diokeus entered i t responsible Dining Cars ENGLISH LANGUAGE to tne p ia n o ™ " “ „;„«,» «ml Home o f the moat em inent contrast, but there was a time starving, aud that I didn’t inteud Recorder.................... John I. Butterfield l„ t n . Onit- d " ' » ' e - , ¿ S y iS ü V ' ppor- ? until she He was a rather stout man with a some when he was poor, and be feels that U xperi**nee < » ♦•»«»• It.nitien ong experieiu tu ultiet ami and :ong allow her to leave the office Tourist ,« yon nifd ciU what red face, aud I saw to my sur­ ............... F. B. Wilson j t *lv ntly fit t ii'itni th em tor Treasurer had told me tho truth about tho affnlr. prise, that he was drosBed In an exag­ w ill do his boy no good for him to know Sleeping C a r s C O M P L E T E W r.la fr« -’' L.'.'t’t re . vet Ä ve « Yon " will everything he sees he may bay*. ulars n your c ...G . C. Cumpton Sho looked stubborn for a moment and gerated servility to the extreme fashion. Iveu 'though S U C C IE N T Marshal. the money Is at; hand the I prompt r .jlv . w"nüu jc ' c *' ayk R ST. PA UL wouldn't answer, but then the tears bo- P A d ir.»., Lowoll, Mol. "More than thia, he wore a bouton­ a u t h o r it a t iv e M IN N E A P O L IS gan to roll down her bruised, discolor- niere in each buttonhole, and two first of the month to pay the bills. Haberdashery in particular has an checks, aim aud euu sho confessed that she „ „ ,rh«a the chains otwwnicu oftowhich were ed cheeKS, DULUTH 3ECRE t SO C IE T IE S . didn’t have enough food to give theba- _ aggressively acrosa bis chest overwhelming fasoiuation for the boy. u» FARGO and hardly a day passee that he doea 301,8ÉS V ocsbulary T er«« by. fii«A She wnrV«H worked hard, hard, but bnt her husband j rtrnng^aggremv^y not make a purchase of a scarf or a new g r a nd fo rks drank and took every cent ,n“®e ^ ^ n e e which "his friends regretted, TO »47 Editors sail a F A A M Florence Lodge No. 107. beat her every day into be bar, penntnee " dlstasteful u would be to pair of golf hose or a negligee shirt C RO O KSTO N 533 Reader» lor Quotation« Regular communication on second gain. Sho wa» fond of the brute i admirer« who appreciated He goes into the shops where he U 3000 Illustration» S i t . of all that and told me a long r o- most ■of.W ^ adm «ew W IN N IP E C and fourth Saturdays in each month. known—and they all know him—and. E. W. Conn, VV. M. ry about the h.,'av,enly_n^t” r® .lb * ’ I “ No one, of course, could broach tho buying what he wants, «imply aay». H E L E N A «'>d ________ Cost over $96 0 ,0 0 0 Appendix ol 4 7 .4 6 8 E ntries J . I , B utterfield , Secretary. low had bofore he began to drink. aud 'he appeared that "Charge It." And forthwith is the ar­ B U T T E -1 ••Finally I told her 1 would give her ^ * » ~ eTn™ ’0S e r night h i. on- ticle “ charged." The father, too, ie milk every every day day. I wouldn’t night and eyery Diner n g a quart nf of milk gagement in the same attire. The uni­ aiven Io purchasing neat neckwear In give her the money because I dirtn t . versal comment was, ‘ Why, this is a abnudance, but he has asked th«1 m The fu ll num ber of words and terms in V- TO ____ General Lyons Post, No. 58 covet the privilege of buying bad whis- petit maitro. ’ How can a man with snch chants to keep his snd U s son s bills different dictionaries for th e entire alphabet Is A. eS R ta second and fourth ¡Saturdays C H IC A C O aud foreign countries sent free. Audres». IA« rä nieett ky for the husband, but I would pay tastes be the creator of Tiny Tim and separate that he may know exact­ as follow s: S tob M O M T H . 50,000: WOHCBBSTISB m. 1 :«w P- ■••• _ . W A S H IN G T O N ly what bo is paying for; benoe when d B b fch m o k n ? t h i» a t f'nf.viv. the nearest milk depot to supply her 8am Weller I"— Youth’s Companion. o. c. 105,000; WKBUTER (in tern ational), 125,000; CZN- S. li. C olvin , OomtDfl-Ducr the boy buys an article and requests w ith a quart a day That would feed P H IL A D E L P H IA Adjutant. TUBV, (Six volum es. com plete,) ?25,000: J. L. FVBXt.Ui that it be “ charged" it is entered on the baby and leave some for little i H ig h P rB lM . N EW YORK ST A SD A ltD , over 300,000; Joe, who didn’t look quite so we 1 as A story told by John Ross Dix in his the bookH, "To one necktie, per eon. bo sto n AND A LL Day before yesterday there came in ¡u n d nearby counties. Ittsinatmy om * be did wheu the two first began calling .Sample Pages F re e ............ I v ^ Î ^ x ^ n  B M ^ h o n a ^ , m more on me. After that I didn’t hear any "Pulpit Portraits” shows how strong a paterfamilias’ mail a statement from n P O IN T S E A S T »'»1 S O U T H . 0 - V .W . Perpet'« Lol’«e -T^ ; current of life ran In the veins of Dr. down town clothier in which artiolea in l‘Ä “ & r e ^ t .« .p e Ä «erb er« more about tho ease for a week or two. Lyman Beeober when he bad passed A a r a e ita every 1st ana For Inform ation, tim e cards, m aps and tic k e ts the sum of |8 0 were charged "per son. Then my friends turned np again. The the allotted threescore years aud ten. eaen S on tli. Members and M ! K. U« m . HresL. Dent 4. etc., c a ll on or w rite The boy was in the office when the AGENTS W A N TE D . babv looked worse than ever, and the brethren in good st.'O m g are cor — Wheu about 75 years of age, he spent - woman's face was a patchwork in blue a fortnight in the eastern part of governor opened the bill. The old men a inviteilito attend. A. O. tusxfc., R. M C W IU R P H E Y , blood w o n . nnd green, but little .loewas quite rosy. Maine. A party of gentlemen at Calais , eves scanned the amount and his lipa I. G. K notts , Recorder. G«ueral Agent. Boom s 2 and 4, Shelton B lock, 1 didn’t understand. The baby was in a went with him some 80 miles up a ; puckered into a whistle. He turned to E . D. BRONSON & CO, EUGENE, OREGON. Fair dun» 5V»a a Deacoa'a Nlooe. bn* 1 the youth and said: "Charley, what do bad condition, and 1 did what 1 could series of lakes to Indian territories. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meet» Enjoyed tho Ilaco. Pacific Coast Agents A- D C H A R LTO N , I VOU think of this? Here some person for ft. After I left my office I went « « y Wednesday evening in lx)d^e When about to embark upon “ ° ““'n these men who enme in from , A ssistant General Passenger Agent, One of SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. down to the milk depot. Tho man said of lakes in the birch canoes, the Indian has been buying |8 0 worth of neofctiee Hall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers and hits climbed from , 255 Morrison St., Cor., Sd. the country u,y woman had hud her quart of milk guide. Etienne, rather objected to so , and having them charged to mn Now (rtdgtanding invited to attend. P o a .t l a . n c i , O r . 933 Market S t. (lie bottoni of the ladder to the top A nobew B rvxd , N. G. old a man attempting the adventure, i I’ll bet I shall put a stop to that. I ____ to _ tell H story on his wife, whoso every day. likes shall write a note and have uJ “«®*** M arios Moitata, Sec. “ I pnazled over the thing that night fearing that he would give out. second beauty is frowned by a mass of ' in every paper in town tu the effect that The next morning the trio were at my The doctor paddled with the best of silken hair as white as °Gttou- „ I shall be responsible foe no debts con­ “ We both lived on a farm then, ho office. The baby's blue eyelids were the youngsters; caught more trout than tracted by this I*"»“- 1 J. I. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor closed, aud I thought at first that .» all the party together and retnrned each says. “ Anna was an orphan ami brought C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y come to think of it. I’ll wait a month » * » * » not breathing, but found a fuiut » ♦ » . ♦ day from the varions tramps in the up by a strict old uncle, who was a dea­ was y p io r a n o ® , O r o g o x i . Moe uny re»«on for lead; ate his fish on a rook, with a sea and see if he keeps It up.” con. She wus pretty nnd bright, but so flutter. I couldn't Charley raid, "Isn't it strange? MARION MORRIS Pro p. BYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, prim and straitlaced that she would such a state of things, so one© more 1 biscuit fora trencher aud fingers for led tbo woman tuto my private office knives and forks; slept on the ground But, Just the same, when he ie « the gon. Sabbath service: Sabbat . sanction nothing to which the deacon That- OUR A IM —To furnish the best ■5 cents himself objected, and no old Covcuauter au(i gbut the door, Then I said: 10 o'clock a. nt. Preaching 11 upon hemlock branches under the tent, office be muttered to hlmselft Shaving a m. and 7 p .m . Sacrament o accommodations Now, look here. There’s a mystery aud at length the Indian guide went settles it. Have to out out-that a t reasonable ever drew tho lines more closely than he •• • Now look her 35 “ rd’8 supper on 1st of Hair Cutting about thia, aud you've got to tell me from the extreme of depreciation to the of striped shirts now, until I ve save«» did. rv April, July anJ October, prices. 35 “ , _______ “ Next to Anna my affections were i w |wf , the matter. That baby s atarv- highest expression of admiration in bu cp enough opt of my allowanoe to pay Razor Honed body i . welcome to all the services, c e n S o n • e"oh tbafwas good to look iDg t„ death, snd Lwant to know what for ’em ."—Detroit Free 15 “ Scissors Qround r reiuests Christiana to make at ami developed a wouderful speed and y0U‘Ve done with thomllk. "Ah, old man, all Indian I” » iv a t “own-G KsoTTg> pa8tor. Bta>> Ltgbts. »hat snoke of aristocratic do- ; "The woman looked scared and turn O regon . F lo r e n c e t h » man who sings at bis week ieent I told this to no one but Anne, „a pal« between bruises Then «bs gktw w . w . NEELY, Prop r. I, Was a P»«*»y Hat. ^ d it w:ts with great d.ffl. ulty that I W(rt of well and jumped up, still A young lady the east end had Jnst makes other men swi'-ar. a i l Tables furnished w ith all the Men sometimes forgive, but wcanaa induced her to rii’e 0110 Monday with me holding tbo baby received several proofs of d*®*” ®* to a-am p meeting U-tnnd a real trotter ------- •No, — the u. baby didn't have the at photographs cf herself and bad kept and Indians like to avenge, su injury. ATTORNEYS delicacies of the season. W ild way them nntil the usual semiweekly visit ( Adam had bis fault«, bet be "Going to the meeliug I regulated I milk I' she said in a frantic sort of wasn't I game, fish and fruit in season. Best and tbeu borrowed *8 of of her best gentleman f**«“d. Ho was gave Eve the colt's pace to suit the day and the , ‘I gave it to little Joe. T h ere,’ M A D E ami R E P A IR E D . enough to feed them both, and J ne be­ puuctnal in arriving that night, hut he . occasion, and he was us sedate as the c : WOODCOCK, ---- BY------ bet) er never imagined that it was to be hi, i accomodations for tho traveling The engaged girl need not talk mneh- deacon himself. The only ,he. gau to get sick, and I loved b’.n than I did tbo baby I ain't ?sd a crust last call for an indefinite petlfxl. , Her giggle, aru sufficiently expressive. m-iabborhood who pretended to rival I public. Charges reasonable. O L E MY H IM ), A self made man should uot solicit He had no sooner seated blintelf in Anna in beauty was there with a J0’»1« j to eat myself, but leouhln . let Joe «lie The baby’s only a g ill, and if "bs doe, the parlor than tho young lady brought outside criticism ou the quality of th«» fellow who prided himself on ^i»v g ( F l o r e n o © t O r e g o n . O regon Ig e n e , the fastest horses in the county. Toward live sbo'll bo uuhuppy like me, and I in the photograph, for hi, ,nHT*ctio“’ job. î I t i * : : Thrift is denying yourself pie fl MclXkfPU’8 B ulldill«. sundown she told Anna that we had bet­ don't love her like I do Joe I thought He trokfd them over very carefully aud ?AtUHtion < ív e.i to c o V Ä “ a u d ‘pr3- pleas area G ood Work Itone at Reasonable Prices tor start home early. They would to- both of them were going to die. an«l 1 finally selected the only one of too sev­ Stlngincsa 1» withholding I busiuefis -------------------- -- , couldn’t live without Joe, so I gave from other,. eral picture, »bowing a hat on tho snb- quire mnch less time and would prob- , rxinldn t Twcntv-three Genius requires patieu.-s. Tbe ablv pass ns on the e way. That made me fclln ,be milk aud just k t the babv ham ject, II was a pretty big hat and bcau_ who have »0 live with a genius uesd tbn M iles W est clit 1 detected an nn- a u u le. Mavba you think 1 ain’t snffer- tifnlly trimmed. The piece of mnlincry mad aDd I thought E. O PO TTER- «yes. We were Jcg- »d watching the baby, bnt 1 couldn t oaugl’.t h i, eye at first glance, aud he potirnce. . of Eugene. KingXon "ward as decorously as we had ■ apare Jo« 1 couldn't. Home day lie 11 most, innocently remarked: Home men admire activity so muon .......... Attorney-at-I-flw lone talking solemnly as we should, B roan, aud I’ll be proud of him. A that they sit still nil their lives watch­ “ I think this i, the hest photograph. E th e n there was a rush pust us, a cloud t, „ «uoy Florence. : ¡ Oregon. By Hoster» (showing her album)—This ninataChe, sword, etc. waa exploring fl. w the other way. Blood told, aud the , j» starad at me in a miserable way ______ tbe main hatch ie a picture of u,y first husband and bit ship an-J mistook Patronizing it. son seemed on wings. When wo were that made „^4« my m, ------ heart come into my . lucond wife; this ie my husband's first wind rail for a mast and leaned agair "t nose and nose. Anna was so excite«! that throat. Thimall the light died out of , w»te and her second husband; that is IL The officer of the deck wae prerup ly SO Y IA R V , she wantwl to lake the reins fotJeai‘ I the eyes, but they still stared advised of the accident by the bo: t- expeRiEMce P ro p . “ There was 110 use saying anything my second husband and bis first wife, in — tb© -- Sunday Qeo. H a le ' eouldu’t ---- - race. , anti this myself ashissccond wife. Thia awain'e mate, who ra id : more to the moilvr Mbs sat down ami "Exonae me. sir. bnt 1 think >me of gallant colt ,UH u« through ahead, here is tho mother «»f tlrs siicond wife of wasn’t long till Anna wore a little^ JeW; looked at t¡»«’ baby in a qnteL stunned mv first husbend— them era king, has fell down the n atu notaries . elry and tolera»««I carda »0 the extent ol w>y Tb, a «b« r«xtol.ad out amt put an Visitor— 1 b«B jour pardon. Have batch, sir " -" G o a Man of » « placing ’old maid.’ ”—St- Louis Re arm Broo,«i aro«in«l little Joe and held him you not something a little kaa modern) tight 1 told Iter i would keep 0« pay A. R. BUTTOLPH. public. _______ iug for the milk aa loug a , she wanted —Fllegcndo Blatter. The longest plants in the weald are There are over 1,000 islands under it. and slm aud Joe aud the baby Went OCSIOK3. sbewltW dlf- seaweed. One tropmal sod Qnlcbnraa « f •!«• ILi««o« In te ll« « *. the flag of Japan, and in Georgia bay, ■ IU »W- -- ------------ fer-nt »«ri«' ™ homo. a-,1"« •.kH *;*,1 “ You're tryin to «tring me," said the vartetv is known win« h. when It Sawlna Machine, are mannfactare and their extension of Lake Huron, ■ “ 1 never saw them again When I the north ________ •rt.ln ear ____ - — tm full development la at least p i,ce. before T"« purchase uny «her- i-r«,,e^ ,. Prt«,ts weetern lioy Incredulous«/. wbere we find very few island, on the O regon . F lo r a n : TMB Haw M O « arw^eo M s c m in c co. rasp, there are in reality several then- went to the house, they had moved, and « .0 fret in length “ To string you?" exclaimed the boy one teemed to know where they had .,m rw« OIJJJ f t S S ,, Mana neivs any nourishment trom the sedi no ■and islands, most ot them, of course, gone. the fellow who has Jnst from the Back Bay. "Oh, 1 seel You meat at the bottom or borders of thu . WltbOBt •••? •’ Joe’s ____ FRANK B. WILSON. wish to allude to the incident I have quite smalt res eats sv murdered a man m a Bowery salcra „•a. but only from air and mineral mat­ wonder what the girl would have been? been relating as a ‘yarn.1 G«xxl, goo