8 WAR INCIDENT. Hew a Besieged Army Obtained Drinking Water— After a Rain Soldiers Went Down on their Hands and Knees and Drank Water in the Horses Hoof Tracks. TJie D og a a d th « la w , Once it is established that the natnrs jf the species is gentle and that every log ia a law abiding and pencevb'.o Bruno Iheu it Lecomes necessary, bef irs liab il­ ity for the vulgar transgressions of a heree Towser can Lie fastened on the owner, that he shoo Id have previous knowledge of the usual and not to be expected feature. T his is called scienter, and until an owner has this knowledge of his dog's viciousueiw beta uot responsible, though Lu the error of Ita ways uot acting as becomes a gentleman of tho dog species or a lady, as the ease may be. To be more accurate aud exact, one« a dog has departed from the narrow path of rectitude ami dvintaiiud itself in ways other than should obtain with a strictly | roper and geutle annual, and tho own- tr knows it, then it loses status and caste and must he put down us a vicious animal, and the ovvucr keeps it at his peril Lord Coleridge, it seems, was anxious to reduce the law on the sub­ ject to a nicety iu the way of succinct­ ness and brevity, and be succeeded by saying that “ every dog is entitled to one bite, ’’ mid the ease has special refer­ ence to spring lamb or veal. The ex­ pression is varied by making it “ every dog is entitled to one worry.’’—Green Bag. _________________ T x lE A M E R IC A N N IL E . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' * 3U C H * * IS T H E W IT H G ftEA T H IO GRANDE, ITS VAGARIES. * * It 1« • R tver o f F r e a k is h H abit« a a 4 * Mn»t 11« S e e n M ora T h an O bm to He C «- derntood —F low « M oln iy I'o d e rg r a u o d , b u t o t T im e* T h era I» • T o rr a a t u o T op. * * A * * * " It’s ft river 1,500 m iles long, meas Cred in Its w indings,” said the man front Now Mexico, speaking of the Rio From the P reu, Milroy, Ind. Urande. “ For a few miles, at its moutli, A W ire A nswer- light draft steamers run up from the Oo* a t the flr*t to offer their service« for the apd stomach gave me considerable trouble. I pulf of Mexico. Above that it doesn’t It takes but au ordinary man to re» < o u n ir/ in tlie C iv il W ar, was A . i t Sefton, of manured to puli through to the cud o f the war, M ilro v . Hush County, liu l. lie made u good regardless of much suaeriug ami iljuess. float a craft except at ferriea. In the old turn an angry answer to an insult. I he •‘ From that time I was always at Minted record, and when the great difficulty was set« X o r d iu a 8r7 - a n is be who. under flays, wlwn New Mexico was a province more or less. My doctor said I had kidney tied, wa* honorably di*cliargenafi8 to gut fat mid to stand in tho The Washiugtoi) Times recalls a story po(c«. ot New«. L iteratu re and General lnior- that the Rio Grande shows why it re­ dear friends there. I presume you know m allon; oleo a m agn lflcen t A lay tho «tore hail seen in a I eng 1 the morning aud renewing it at night Wellington, as a foreign officer gracious­ times carving a new channel for itself, It's an amazing proceeding, and I think | and best behaved prisoners that I ever changing its course for miles. Where tim e, nml lb« burnout pinto iu ull the until tho inflammation subsides. Then ly permitted to exist and tight on Span­ that it is high timo that something was had.' ” store w » i tho laoo rlopnrtmt nu Four I apply u lotion inudcef oueouucoof sug- ish soil, should present the petition on the valley is unusually wide and sandy, dono ubont it. ’ A Lost O pportunity. ns below Lsleta and in tho Merilla val­ •#oui(ii, four fraulicully eager women, I nr of lead dissolved iu u pint of water. his knees. “ This man's complaint interested me, ley, the old channels iu which the river The Chicago Record says that some Thu old dnko often used to tell the w ere waiting. Tbo fifth womuu bud the 1 When it begins to heal, use veterinary and I investigated i t Rome of tho club used to flow uro plainly indicated in tho ou ly saleuwoniuu at that end of tbo vaseline. Continue the treatment until story afterward, and he would say, waiters told mo that Blank had occa­ time ago a young organist secured per­ landscape. i omit* r and was looking at luce, r< ul thoroughly cured. Keep the horse quiet “ Now, 1 was extremely anxious to have sionally token articles of small valuo mission to practice on the big organ in "N o one who has seen the great river lace. 1 think «lie muht bare exuniined a and supply sufficient bedding to keep the movement executed, and I didn't from tho club, and that he always car­ the Auditorium. An elderly man walked in flood is likely to forget the positive T h e r h r o n l c l e M u lld ln x . dozen pieuaa. 7 bo four women seemed tho foet clean- If taken iu hand at the care a ‘twopenny damn about getting ried away a packagoQiter a free supper, iu nnd took a scat a fow rows away T H E C HRONICLE r a n k , w ith t h . .reetert ferocity it seems to display cs its waters from tho musician. The young organist «di tho verge of upoploxy. on my knees, so down 1 pumped I” Thero seemed to be no reasonable ex­ first stages, washing clean w ith wurm new spaper. In the U nited State«. sweep all before them, aud woe to the “ Haven t you something wider?” water mid eustile Nsip, wiping dry and planation for his little steals, He was noticed him, and was encouraged to T H E CHRONICLE ha« no «anal on th« PaetS. man or beast who is overtaken by them I “ show off” and do a few tricks of play L u m in o sity Iu Plant*. Coaat. It lead« a ll In a b ility , enterprise and •ttlnd the liftb womuu. applying vetiriuary vuseliuo w ill cffict The flood arrives w ithout warning. Tho aud is a lawyer ia good practice, aud, ing for his audience. Ho rambled on Rp*»R. " t'ir ta in ly ." answered the tirn l rales- a enro in three or four days. In severe Many instances hnve been recorded of sky may be clear ubove when the travel­ as you know, ho lives very comfortably. TH E C H R O N IC LE'S T elerra p h lc Report* *rt for au hour, and the elderly man sat woman, drugging out another box. cases iu addition to the treatment given flowers Laing luminous ut night. They er, leisurely jogging across the wide I consulted w ith some of the other there, apparently impressed. Tho young th*? latest and m ost rellabto. It* L ocal New* th* "T bia is 16 a yard-” only seem to do this ou rurc occasions, house committeemen, and we decided fullefct and eplciest. and It* E d itorial* from th* it n ay | e ueeesrary to give u good ca- channel, hears his wagon wheels grate Tbo eye« of the filth womau glistened. thartui. —- St laiuis Republic. hence they are to be euviod who have upon the saud w ith a peculiar sound. It to lock out for Blank at tho next sup­ man tired at last and was about L' lock Ablest pens in the country. TH E CHRONICLE hoe a lw a y s been. *nd al­ the organ when the elderly man ap­ " Y es,'’ she said to her eompuniou, the good fortune to witness the phe­ means that the waters are stirring tho per. Ho turned up promptly, and, sure ways w ill be, the fr le n ,\ and cham pion of th* ’ ’that's like mino. I J net wanted to nomena. Though the writer has oftcu sands beneath him, and then, if he enough, wo saw him stealthily mako up proached him aud said in broken English people, as again st con .W atlon*. clique*, cor­ H e r G r e a t N eed . that ho wished to play for a fow min­ porations, or oppre**lcna ou an y kind. It will h* know what he paid for It. Tbut'u all." Every woiiiuu ought to pay n rruson- endeavored to get fortune’s favor, she knows tho liver, he lashes his horse, a packago from tho lunch tablo and utes, And she mi iled uut of tbo shop. Not able degree of attention to her person, has uever smiled ou him but once, Independent in everyth in g, n eu tral in nothing. walk out w ith it. There was nothiug making at all speed for tho nearest "They don’t allow any cne hut an rno of tbo four women w aiting louud a end especially to having her huir neatly when be saw the phosphorescent glow bank, and lucky ho is if lie roaches it left for us to do but to usk for ua ex­ experienced organist to touch the in ­ word to say, but tbo rale. won.su gasped uud becomingly dressed. from fungi in a hollow tree, just like safe. The chances ore that liefore he gets planation. eveakly, “ Well, 1 never I’'«— Washington "Charges wero preferred against hinj strument, ” said the young man loftily Two tluys utter u great, fire had dev- the glow of a match when rubbed in thero lie hears the roaring of waters up With a little gesture, suggestive of Coat. A German naturalist. Herr the rhunut l and sees them coming down and a formal notification was sent to anted it north country village a worthy the dark philanthropist of tho place was w rving Haggren, seems to have met w ith a toward him w ith n front liko a wall, him. Blank paid no attention to it. Wo meekness and humility, the stranger A Janartirad V l.w . number of instances iu bis country—or, thought that he might not have receiv­ presented his card, "Alexandre Guil- “ 1 don't neo why it should be deemed out clay pi|xn and tobacco ns relief for rather, the night watchman he em ploy­ rolling forward and downward tut if ed it and we sent him another notifion- mant, Paris." the poor hontt lcr-a men when a young over a fall, w ith a rising flood behind. a disgrace," tbe yntitliliil Latin lor re­ Then it was timo for tho young or­ Shewing the Uoliefl State«, DoalaiH ed did He concludes the phenomena tion and made sure that it reached him. marked in the coarse of ilie conversa­ Won :.U pit Muted herself before! him. are more likely to occur when it is Malty a man and whole wagon trains Blauk ignored it, und then we dropped ganist to swoon. He had missed the of Cunda and Northern Mixioi tion, “ for a womuu to ask a man to 7 ho hue, cf course, hud hern made up dark, utter ratu, follow tug a sunny day. have been overwhelmed in Ibis way, him for conduct uubecoming a gentle­ chance of his life. For an hour ho had O N O N K r tID K . of men, and the donor asked the girl, and, buried in sands or cast away on marry bcr. ” July aud August gave the most in ­ desert banks, no human eye has ever man. Blank never camo near the club­ been entertaining tho great master with who was extremely pretty anti refined iu " It isn't u disgrace." riplitri th eild - stances Oecurrencea begnn «ion after house after his first notification, aud so homemade drivek O N ” T H K O T H E R S in K , erly maiden, “ liliuey iaam isforituie.” uppiuruiiee, w hat alto wanted w ith a sunset, aud there were none after daw n. seen them again. far as I know ho hns never given an in­ ft n d S 9 n n d GeX t h e ftfn * pip« bite blushed uud rejieuted lit!r re­ “ Tho great river has its pleasing and —Cincinnati Euquirvr. Vt here to C orrj Stomp«, Ho coaid uot decide ou the cause of the H e e k ' y 4 'h rn n ftclp f o r O n * I’M t i dication cf resenting cur action in drop­ quest. romantic aspect, so fascinating that it is "Business men have varions ways of p o s t a g e p r o p a i i o n m a p a n d paper* "W hy, yon do not amokol" said the lum inosity —Meehan's Monthly a saying among people who live in its ping him. Now what do you suppose A n o th e r M a tter. carrying their postage stamps," said ▲ÜDBKAT was tho explanation of his thefts? I valley that ‘whosoever drinks of itsw a- ' “ Do you think a man hus n right to worthy philunthropist. “ D u u b tfu l C haracter*." M . II. d« Y D U N Y T , "No, hut please give me a pipe." ters uud departs w ill come again to seek 1 never have been able to find oue that the stamp clerk the other morniug open his w ife s letters?" Proprietor F. Ch ron Irto. When Mr Gladstone and Izird Ten­ them. ’ Like the N ile, the Rio Grande was satisfactory. It has been asserted while sitting in his chair at the stamp " If you w ill tell mu what you are go­ BAN FRANCISCO. CAL “ W ell, he may have the right, but 1 nyson paid a visit to Kirkwall and curiches the soil of its valley to the that despite his large income he is nat­ window in the general postofflee. "A ing to elo with it, I 1 1 give you one." don t sec bow he could have the cour­ Tho girl hesitated, m cl then, raising wished to see St Magnus' cathedral, point of inexhaustible fertility. Along urally a very miserly fellow, but that is good many men who post their letters AfeifeiV, VrrtAYd-WftftTWWfel age. tlhieugo Ih cord. her baud to the fringe of her hair that they hail to get the assistance of the it« hanks in New M.-xico are fields th a t, merely gossip. I meet him occasionally, here always have ono or more stamps c t v l is m , r e l l about them. Some of them carry their nnd he is always affable. It was a disa­ United Presbyterian minister to show hung limp over her forehead, ahwaaiel: for two centuries have been cultivated A R T IS T IC -^ stomps in stamp cases, hut tho econom­ it to them greeable affair, and to this day au iu- "1 want to curl u.y friuge. " yearly, yielding groat crops, aud they ; R eco m m en d ed b y L ea d in g The m y s t e r y ical man carries his stamps under tho i explicable oue.” “ 1 w a s,” Mr Gladstone said, "such B rcaam aker* > She got the stem of the broken pipe ,10 f l i f e ana are as productivo today as wheu they j They A l w .y . P le a s e .- ^ . A man who had listened attentively band of h:s hat or in his pockets. death has pui- ami went away laughing She had been a doubtful character that even in the first were tilled. Irrigating canals, call­ ’ sled many a . ' ,^he ° ‘her , d ay “ y°ung man called company of Tennyson 1 was uot sulii- to tho broker's story said; rescued Irom a burning house only 24 ed acequias madras (mother ditches), wise man. The " I can equal that with an experience for fivo twos^ and. putting ono ou a hours before aud was then almost on cieully respcctnble to Is- conducted over convey water from tlie river to be dis alchemlata o f S lid ae.irehed in tho verge cf starvation, aud w hin she it by the proper authority. ” The story tribnted through little gntes to the fields lit my owu club. The man Iu question letter which ho had to mail, be took 'v a in for some sought the pipe to curl her hair she was is told hy Mr Patrick Campbell, fur so of the valley, which it tioth wnters nnd has recently died and it is ouly charita­ ont his watch and opening the back of combination of aliquottotialily badly in ueed of cle>lh- many years Mr Gladstone’s election eurichea A trip along the river reveals ble to say that he was probably insane ^ mainin« «»nips into d r u a k th a t agent in Midlothian Westminster Ga iug —birund Mnuev'"» would proiong u succession of pictures of a primitive for several years before he died. Ho was tho casa They dou’t stick to the cover aud that is about the best way oue t au cette. l i f e ind. futile civilization of the old Spanish-American Arthur Blauk"—mentioning a histor­ l l u r Sugg«*»ituu. ly Common none ical name. "About three years ago this carry stamps if be has a watch. -N ew type. Adobe villages, w ith small, flat ( ) o « r R e e k u B la g . a en a e. cbvmia- York Sun. Í Th»»e pattern« are gold In f»e*»ly S It was nt a Jefferson uvi une rer.idence, man legan to wear very shabby clothes. roofed houses built about antique * and medical I c ity in d to w n in th g V « .» e d State» Indian street peddlers throughout » f i a u r T -g l» r J j en n o t b e e p th e m t e n d S uid the young man in tho case had beeu Ho had always been very careful in his i ,tnc«a h a v i churches, aud the spacious houses of th«' Vindication« i a 11 ’ ” u * • 'n e c e n t » t a m p * i« ;e ,» a d < going often anil Maying late until the Mexico sell banauaa for 12 cents a vices, or great men; orchonls, vineynrds. dress, ruid this change was surprising. c o m b in e d in I your n**r«*t paint y° U D®‘ Mhamcd to look your t h i a a g e to utaideu fair felt the monotony of i t dozen, but when offered 24 cents ou wheatfldds and grazing cattle are all Ho came to tho club and sat around, »L,'ia the M c C all company , s •h o* man the way to a long and healthy Last Thursday evening about 11 o'clock payment tor two dozen hanauas the Ä S '“ “ d ’ 33 to ,46 W. 14th Street. Me» York Ji life features of the scenery of the Rio looking liko a tramp. His linen was the converr-ntion dragged so that it a l­ peddlers refused it and demauded 26 Common arnae trachea that «m an ahoeld ragged, and even the waiters looked • o or-ri « : ■ 119 J i h h A v e ., C h ic a g o , an d < The course of reasoning is that Grande, tho American N ile." — Now askauco at his clothes. I knew that he ■ o lo v et w o rker over worry, that hi ahould most pull.il the carpet out by the tacks, cents » l03* Market St., San Francise«», take ample tim e hu bin mcala, fur realms 1 real is 12 cents; 2 reals, 26 cents; York Suu. uud for a minute or two he sat in cogi­ had money, but it was uot a pleasant and for recreation and aleep, that he rhoeld tative mood, w ith hts hand to his fore- B reals make a dollar. So the trav­ S rr» * ta p o l. not nrglect the little ilia of life, hi cauae task to suggest to him that ho should eler must puy a real for oue dozen ban­ they are the precurwra o f aetroua and fatal heatl. tried. Th« fortificationsnf Sevastapol, which get somo new clothes. Ho was an old kids get your Yon I maladies Cberuialry has en.tiiied men Io anas, but 25 cents for two dozen, uud " I was Just trying to remember some­ caused the allies so much trouble during bachelor, and he hud rooms in au ex­ mother’s folks! Pug noses from your m ake comhinatioiia of drugs that were tiu no amount of argument w ill convince the six months' defease of the fortress pensive bachelor njiartmeut bouse. His thing,'' he explained. posaihle in the riaya o f the alt Iu mist« the peddler that this is uot right. "Yes?" she replied. M edieal aeience ha« (aught w h in , how and hy the Russians, were at llrst very condition wns a disgrace to the club w hy theae combination* of drug* should " I had something plca.uut to tell weak, and military experts say the town and as a last resort half a dozen of his R'lghte.» M . g . i l n , Pul he uaed Hr Pierce'» Golden M edical Hi» W h) sh * C o u ld Sn»U*. you. ” might have been taken hy a vigorous old friends got up a parse of (lo o and tu n r .ln « Reauritol C.dnred eo vtry is Ibc moat valuable nl all lu a llh "Yonr w ife alw ays wears such a "Ah, w hat was it?" and she bright­ ■g Idurtr.-e« Luret l-.iu n ,« »toting medicines, and the moat i flrctive Ixmibanliuent and assault during the went to his tailor and ordered a new 1 ’"«. Hency W ork. happy expt »»lou. Sir. Wtllikiua. She first few days of the siege. The igno­ suit of clothes for him. They told the ts 6r»t woik i» u | hui the louiit.ou In .ul ,1 ened a lot. jB ; **n»ed ('•! thin inaffgrlne I'olaon. | B Food. ifr—the •tomaoh A man who ha« a weak 1 ?8 w ? i ’,,r f ’’ "Urn-—um, li t me see," he acid, rub alw ays seetns to he sm ilin g.” rance of the allied generals in r- gard te tailor that it was in payment of a s S r — ‘‘ œ and im paired »tomach and who do.» not '' ” »« 1tT tenun an i -iih» "Yes. site didn't have toearu the $47 tin g his head. “ 1 van t ji.kt think what wager. Wheu the suit waa made, they I . s ••»’ e n . » '-Ti o « !r .5«v. b properly digest hi» iood w ill »onn hi d (hat the strength of the works caused a delay 3 'n c lu j.n g A Pit EC r .tte r , worth of gold that ahe wears iu her which the Russians improved by making jsu ked it in » box with a pew hat, nr» blood ha« become nreab and tuipvver it was. ” s.jdreM the M c C all t iahed, and that hia whole bode ia ruiptop 7 lie light faded out of her face, then (rout teeth. ’—Cleveland Leader shoes, collars, shirts and two scarfs and the defenses almost ininratnisble. S u s to 146 W. 14th St., Ney erly and in«iilf>i irn tly nouriabed. Thia it came tigatii, rent it to Blauk. A letter was inclosed m edicine makes the stomach strong, facil­ ^ ‘'AWAV.'.WAWA’.MA’AV.VW,* N o t A lw a y s a G o o d R u l* . S h e 11«.I lle a n K ra-llnff llo o le y , " t ’ir h a p sit was 'good n ig h t,'" » h o which reod: itates the flow o f digestive jvieea, restores Che lost appetite, makes assimilation |ier "My boy," said the eld gentleman 1 " D iu it B lsxk — suggested quietly. “ Uh. well, what's the use being a Ey express I send yon the content, of the ran. k ith 1 ® feet, invigorates the liver and purrhea and who was trying to impress cue of the • ailflr I hat I L ot Ly my tut eiocis-n wogar. He looked at her for a full minute; hero, anyw ay t ” of danger have been Ï Ï u c .  r Ur** rruiebea the blood It is the great blood lessons of life upon bis young hopeful, looked at her ns if she had »aid some­ " Why are veu discouraged?" "The signature was such that no one m aker, flesh builder and nerve tome. It mum by improve.1 „,«th mrai‘ thing by mistake, looked at her as if makes men strong in body, active in m ind " It isn't ou my own account. I beard "in all the affairs of life dou't forget could read i t There was some specula­ and cool in judgmeni ahe might have su «xplauntory remark a womau arravrd in coctly garments re­ to aim high." tion as to bew Blank would take this It dues not m ake flabby fat. hut «olid, "Ub, that's all right," replied the bint. Two day» later he turned up at •ad they deinacd reasonabl- prefanri’1' or two to add, but she never tliuch.d fer to him as Teddy Rosenfleld yester­ m uscular flesh, nerve force and vital eu boy titterly, "but with my luck the tho club in his new clothes, and when Then he |< I up aud wtut away, uud he day-” —Clavelaud Leader. rrgy A ll m edicine dealer« sell it chancee are that after tbn battle I would be was congratulated on them he said f W Iordan K«t a ■ctvnttnt. find that success had been lying down they were tho result o t au election 1 «a« taken with severe pain« in (hr chert be proved to a s m , » . ' MM« k e e n W o ra a . g a n to .pH up bloo.1 ara> IrpoM ed w ith n ig h i College Professor— Your father is a in the trenches. I tell you. dad, those wager. The new clothes were too much »nous period certa,n«y tbi(t sweats and an* so abort winded that I could m i*; **4” eun oorr o» eoz »ei-*4i iu whooping cough con e, "W hy, be ahusvd uie like— like''— blind old hit or miss rules don't go any for him, however. Ife get druult ou th« wealthy farmtr. I tHiderstaud He con­ rxn. PT-,,.,*.!»««»«"•* *1 Irardly walk half a mile Tiled 1« I'lerve ■ pterions to "Like a ptck|Hxket?" flalden Medical Oiaeovery and have Improved . ‘ue appearance of Fre I « I n rè"7* ’• rvrav flrrt«Tc» «r vl^ ducts his farm on scientific principles, more. The thing to do is to aim for strength of them and staid drunk at the “ whoop. '• “ »•*«(. «puri*, fcr HfeM. AI«— f»xh in strength and weight " Worst! than that. .More like a judge I presume? what you're after '' club for the next two weeks, when he The medicine dealer who urge« some sentencing a pickpocket. " —Ciuciuuatt And that naturally ended the lessen was dropped from membership. New Rtudeut — N o, he runs it to make •u h a titu te 1« ih in k in -j o f the la rre r probs E n q u ir e r . fur the day.—Chicago Post. York Suu. tuvuny.—New York We« kly. k c’ff m ake and not of yotn beat g-wd. , _ e*TkNT ukdfTcaa. Lj»>ert,»!.,,. W a s h in g t o n , o . ÍOOD’S S K E L E T O N S IN C L U B S . ^háíCÍFIC COAST CHRONICLE th e : d a il y a fa, The Weekly Chronicle $6? 70 $ 1 .5 0 I 1 D3 Y3U WANT THE CHMHICLE Reversible Map? Map of the World 8 M|C á LL/TL fiWTERNsWj I BErTÉTÁ^Ñvnñcfií g j. MS CALL'S magazine rv i 5 g •5 , S’. PATENTS H.B.WILLSON&CO.