W E S T SÂLEEXTRÂORDINART [From tlie Vtaiiidealer ; Mrs Cornwall ami Miss Ma id, bin* RJBI.ISHEO BVKKY FRIDAY MORNING gone to Berkeley, tlie latter to tute» PAY WHEN CURED. the college. There is some minor of tlie proposed F lorence , L ake C ounty , O regon . ABSOLUTELY fcURE building of a Methodist church the In order to reduce my stock of goods coming summer. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome The Ablest an I Most Successful between now and Jan. 1st, 1899, I have Mrs Thomas McGuire returned from Specialists in tlie World. I POWOCR 0O -, HEW YORK. San Francisco last week. Ilho husband reduced the price of all goods to COST Editor and Proprietor. They guarantee a complete cure remained there at tlie L S a Station. __— - - — - - ------ Your Own Home, and allow you and a small per cent to cover expenses AT THE HATCHERY. Miss Mary Round, formerly of this __T erms : 11.50 a year in advance.----- The Schooner Bella la to sail in a day pay when cured. place, is expected before many weeks to ^ 'd u r in g the sale. or two from San Francisco (or Siuslaw. Fred Benn superintendent of the sal­ open school in tlie Marks school district. Entered a t the post-office at Florence, The str. Lillian was placed in the i L ost J Daley tins sold the Gardiner hotel ane county, Oregon, as second-class cradle yesterday ainl will be lianlel up mon liatchery nt Mapleton was in town Wednesday. He informs us th a t the to S Perkins of Smith liver, and we mil m atter. on the ways for repairs in a day or two. , salmon eggs are all hatched ami that In the Methodist church in Eugene. lie does not tliiuk the entire loss ex ­ understand, will go to Astoria next Thousands of promising young men 1 spring. DVEUIISINO RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP- , last Sunday before lieglnning his sermon have their lives and future iiselulncsa j ceeded ten per cent. Part of the young PLICAT Miss Annie Nelson, who accompnnieit 1 i . ica ¡„jjrtioi, t|,e pastor asked for a rising vote on the Those goods are mostly new, bought ical notices 8 cents per fish have already been liberated and it Senator Reed ami wile Io Salem, lias •wrecked by INDISCRETION AND question of protesting against tlie seat 1 PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptom» j will be necessary to turn out some more lie I i„g of the P°|y?“7 ia‘ I in » Bl.ort time to make room for those ' been sworn in and entered upon until cured, are portrxyod on the conn- i for the Fall and W inter trade, and will Florence, Or. Jan- 27, 1899. __| grem ; duties as clerk. nan from L tali. Neatly all those ____ ,».„,„i,« -round ’ tenance and in tlie actions of the vie- . bo sold without reserve. It is the largest remaining in the troughs. ili Uncle Billy P itt is tottering and says H *»m. If neglected or improperly treat- j present voted in favor of protesting Mr Bean is confident th at the number W E S T L IN G S . stock carried for many years thus giv­ J Guard : Even this early inquiries are ga|inon , n n ,e ,1 out will be fully quite briskly for his 94 years I jed, other organs become affected, and — made • at tlie .1 i .'IP*.. office »non 11 l)ip J lie is growing yoin g again, except for a ! ' sooner or later there are serious results. sheriff’s regardin ing a great variety to select irom ninety per cent of tlie number ot eggs touch of ilieuniafisin. the time when payment of taxes can he received. Firem en’s meeting this evening. Our New Method Treatm ent will posi- ______ _ Tlie saw mill lias not tieen running I lively cure these diseases. TheClackam as county tax levy is 28 made. As a m atter of information it fora few days. The em ployes'bone ij MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are A 2C -M IL L T A X . might be well to state th a t tlie books aiUe. work will soon lie resume!. Schooner ' "thousands of you who have committed l will be turned over to the sheriff on or The- Pod,arts went to Coos bay ; 5 off„ni.v8 against tlie laws of your na- —' I about March 1st and that taxes will be Register: Tlie county court made the Louisa is still ni tlie wharf unloaded. Vedueeday. The public installation of the officers j tnrPj .ulli are now paying up for it. due and payable after ttmt time. 1898 tax levy the 18th. The levy is 20 Remember the dance this evening in At Eugene last week Clias Thompson» ! mills, 2b< mills higher than last year, of Riverside lodge, I O O 1' and tlie Those weak, aching backs, Loss of Sex­ he I 0 0 F hall. Reliekali degree on the night of tlie 13th ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, i proprietor of tlie Cobweb saloon was j and divided as follows: Mrs Elmer Johnson was quite ill a few ' arrested on a charge of selling liquor to was interesting and impressive. Among ; ¡! ¡. .’requent and Painful evacuations of 5 7-10 , S tate..................... ................. lays ago tint improving at last reports. ! a minor also of permitting a minor to 9 the exercises was a recitation by Mis» the Bladder accompanied by more or | county...................................... Save one half your tire by using Cole’s remain in his saloon contrary to law. ' Scliool....................................... Gaddis and also by Miss Balderee. The less smarting and tlie escape of par­ 5 lit Tight Heaters. Sold by Meyer & He had a hearing on' the first charge in 1 j Court H ouse............................ 1 3-10 chief official for the Riverside lodge is ticles of albumen in the urine with R a n g in g in cloth from $ 1 .5 0 up. P lu sh capes from $ 2 .5 0 up. I Geo Balderee, and for tlie Rebekahs is ropy sediment, all point to tlie decline tlie recorder's court and tlie jury could 1 iyle. C otton b la n k ets 5 )c, 65c, 753,11.00, and 81.25 per pair. Mis Brownell. An excellent supper of your manhood. There are hundreds Supervisor Schulte was doing some not agree. He then withdrew the plea T otal..................................... “0 who die of this difficulty, ignorant of was furnished at tlie hotel by J Daley, W o o l “ from 82.00 tO 88.00 per pair, mostly Salem mauufeciuw vork on the roads near Florence tide of not guilty and pleaded guilty. A fine I Tlie raise is caused in tlie state tax, of $25 on each charge was imposed ! which is nearly three mills higher than which rapidly disappeared before the tlie cause. The doctors will guarantee aeeK. C alicoes at^-’O, 25, and 30 y d s., for 81.00. N e w e s t sty le « i onslaught of the large gathering. a perfect cure in all such cases, and Hood’s pills are easy to take, easy to which with the costs amounted to it was last year. healthy restoration of theG enito U rin -jj mU3l in 5C, C abot W . 6C, C abot A . 7C, w it h h a lf Last year’s levy was 17JJ mills. iperate, cure biliiousness, indigestion. $86.55. JU R Y L IS T . ary Organs " * ° Tlie report ot the state prison shows 15c. cen t reduction b y tliejbolt. READER—Are >'on in trouble? RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. The city council of Eugene lias de­ that there are 322 prisoners confined in Have you been treated and never cured? Tlie jury list of 203 names from whom I mills for city li st institution. Of these Curry and jided to levy a tax of You dare not risk a return oi the dis­ Gilliam are tlie counties sending tlie Washington dispatches of the 21st tlie circuit court jurors will be drawn purposes. ease. It may appear when happy in this year lias been prepared by tlie j was smallest number having hut one each liill say: Tlie river and harbor Born on Violin River, Douglas Co domestic life. Our New Method while the highest is Multnomah with completed last night. It carries appro- county _ court and among others . contains . , ] Oregon, Jan 20th. 1899 to Mr and Mrs Treatm ent is your refuge. If diseased, Lane county has only lour inmates • priatjona for the ensuing fiscal year ! the following names of parties residing 126. Mon’s and Boys’ clothing a t pricos J M Young, a son. consult us confidentially. of tlie institution, probably being tlie agl, re,,Hting $12,503,138, and in addition ¡„ the west part of tlie comity W RITE (enclosing stamps for reply) The taxpayers of Eugene school Dis­ smallest number in proportion ■' * to ' pop- ‘ that will astonish you. Thia,is an op­ P °P '| to this " continuing contracts are autlior- FLO RENCE. trict have voted to levy a three mill tax ulation of any county in the state. | for our interesting book. “ A \\ arning | aggregating $16,791,538. Ottier portunity to procure your] winter sup­ R B Mills.........................................farmer Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept lor school purposes. Tlie settlers on upper Smith river and ] con6itionnl appropriations, contingent. J F T anner.....................................farmer I ¡strictly private and confidential. All Dame Rum or says there is soon to he Sweet creek are making efforts to have j ,,pnn securing certain results, amount plies practically for cost. Eeraembor plain sealed c=”olope. a wedding of two young people well tlie postal departm ent let a contract for ] t0 $770,000, hilt tlie payments on these J I Butterfield............................... farmer' ¡answers sent Jason Neely................................... farmer! No C. O. 1). business. the place and call. known on the river. carrying the mail from Ord by way of j won|4 probably be postponed beyond George Morris.................................farmer! L F Anderson and John Shultz have Earl to Point Terrace. It is about six tlie ensuing year. J U Sutherland, G lentena........ farmer j Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. been appointed road supervisors in months since those post offices weie E W Cobh, H eceta....................... farmer | S E N A T O R IA L E L E C T IO N . established and ttie mail lias been car­ th eir reepective districts. W RITE TODAY. H ermann W H.Spaugh amt Joeepti A Morris ried by tli® patrons free of cost to tlie farmer J L Taylor ............................ Tlie legislatures of W ashington, h iv e been appointed supervisors of road departm ent. This is considerable of a Remember we carry a general asHort- A. Address .fanner | j burden to a few and tlie number of peo­ New Jersey, West Virginia. Pennsylva­ Joe D uncan............................ districts 91 and 94 respectively. D r - W H - S a u n d e r s & Co- ’ meut of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and j L ake C reek The Junior Christian Endeavor will ple receiving their mail through those nia, U tah, Nebraska, California, Wis­ 69 Sproat St., Detroit, M id i. farmer ! offices is enough so th a t tlie government consin, Wyoming, Delaware and Monta­ |C A P o tterf.......................... bi 1C. An I Shoes, lla ts and Caps, Gent’s, Ladies’ j. give a aocial on the eve of should let a contract lor a regular ser­ na are trying toeleet U S Senators. James Jo h n so n ............................... farmer interesting program is expected. Tlie Nevada legislature lias reelected and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and N O T IC E . M apleton Heceta Lodge I. O. O. F. initiated an­ vice over tiiat route. Senator Stewart. other pew member into the order at Notions all reduced. This sale for £ Texas sends Governor G A Culbertson ¡Albert Knowles.............................. farmer PERSO NA LS. All persons indebted to the Morris CASH only. th eir ijjeeting Wednesday evening. | to tlie U S Senate as successor to Win Brynd .................................... farmer Hotel are requested to call at the office Tlie many friends of Miss Jennie W alton Senator Mills. ____ Lndvig Christensen made a flying trip of C II Holden and settle tlie same Howe will be glad to learn that she is ! R Robertson.................................... farmer A P P O R T IO N M E N T B IL L . slowly improving from her recent illness. to tlie Umpqua Sunday and returned \V T C ornelias................................farmer forthwith, I f Mrs E A Morgan. Maurice Livenson gave a party the Monday. The Williamson tall to reapportion 20: h THE MAPLETON-FLORENCE ROAD- Casper Tylden and J \V Beck were COUNTY EXPENSES- evening of ».lie 19th in honor of his is re- town Wednesday. We acknowledge a tlie Senators and Representatives among hirtliday. A general good tlie different parts of the state lias been pleasant call. Several of tlie farmers below Point The follow ing is a summary of tlie ported. referred to ti e committee on counties. Ten ace arc at work opening tlie road expenses of Lane county from January Frank Knowles came up tlie beach Tlie Executive committee of tlie E n­ Under its provisions Lane comity is between Mapleton and Florence. Some 1st, 189.8 to December 31st, 1898 as given deavor society m e t Monday evening, last Saturday on his way lioine from given three representatives and one sen­ of the inhabitants who realize how and started plans for a social to be San Francisco. out hy County Cteik Lee: ator anil a joint senator with Douglass miieb benefit good roads are to a county Roads...........................................* 552 50 ceive 3J.ycents per pound boxed. Treasurer. the brancliqp of mechanism, and its fund of T O CU RE A COLO IN O NE D A Y . tlie public generally, th at on or ? SU N D A Y SERVICES. County Ju d g e............................ 808 06 The Roberts caine in from Aaqnina about the 16th of Nov., I will open knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ Commissioners.......................... 1,274 8i Tuesday bringing a supply of flour for « 9.il Of» a Bazaar here at my residence for > i Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Sunday School 10 a m ; Preaching 11 Supervisors................................. an our merchants, She had been bar- ventors and mechanics, j. Sold with I hk Ladies and Children. Made up ? • 1 All druggists refund money if it fails to a m—Subject, Tlie Battle not to tlie Insane . .. 292 30 boond at Alsea for about two weeks. Clothing of all Kinds. A good sup­ i cure. 25c Tlie genuine lias I .L Q o u Strong. 2:30 p in Endeavor. Preaching In q u ests................................... 174 08 W est at clubbing rates.] ,- Words of praise bestowed upon Hood’s ply kept on hand, and orders filled B.fiiiff» and N ig h tw ateh .......... 652 01 7 p m ; Subject, Doubting Timinas. each tablet. Sarsaparilla by those wlio have taken it on short Notice. Call in and learn I G K notts Pastor. Elections..................................... l,»97 7O T fr iu-ate th a t it is restoring health to LOGS WANTED. prices. Circuit Court ........................ 2,991 !•’ tljn sa n d s of people, ami th a t it will W ANTED. M rs . J R S tilus , Point Terrace, Or. 291 61 Taxes refunded Nov. 1st, 1898. heip you also. I want 4,000,000 feet of old growth fir Insurance................... ......... lî! ■ b e Guard says W. IL Byars, com­ iCCAXX.X.A.-VÇ-.'Ç-’ 25 00 Reliable man for Manager of Brandi 1 Stock In s p e c to r................... logs delivered at tlie saw-mill a t Acme m andant of tlie Soldiers’ Home at Rose- 157 05 Office I wisli to open in this vicinity, Indigent Soldiers................... between now and May 1st 1890. barg lias been given notice of lus dis- 1 B Cushman. If your record is O K tiere is a good C L E N A D A N EW S. This'monfhly magazine is one of the very ngssal, to take effect February 1st. No Total.......................... $87,803 50 opening. Kindly mention this paper particulars are given. best printed in this country, and Is sold when writing. ( TO BE COURT MARTIALED- B y R eporter . Tim W C T U of Florence is arranging j A. T. M orris , Cincinnati, O NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION to all subscribers a t rateB within the (or another medal centesi to tie given in j Illustrated catalogue 4 eta. postnge. It is announced from W ashington | the near future. Any parties having in | Wtio said we'needed rain I.mvl Office, at R'nebur», Or.- .-on. ability of all to pay. I t is finely illus La-een.bev 21, l»?S. visiting on Fiddle creek, th at General Eagan will be court- ACME ITEMS. then possession any books belonging to Ed Furnish is Notice is hereby given that the following : martialed for Ids statem ents concerning trated and presents tlie names of famous I the W C T U are requested to return Iloaa Schuster was a Glenada visitor I Genera! Miles. Tlie charge will be con­ „ » .n ci seiiler ba« filed notice of her Intention B y S awdust . them to Mrs Yates. to I r a k i - (1 u h I proof In eupport of her cteim, snrt ■ I tlie first of tlie week. authors as contributors. 111« W est duct unbecoming an officer for which »Im;, »nbl proof will be made before <1. H. Hol­ ■ The Oregonian givec a list of all those Mrs Lowe lias been quite sick with tlie penalty is dismissal from tlie army. den U. s. ('orninlinloner, at Vtorenee. Ores"" on ; and the Cosmopolitan are sold a t rey A io received a pardon or commutation Several rancliers in town Monday F>-I.runry4th, viz Lanra E. Anderson, ¿l,e ■ the grippe-but is much better^ of sentence by Gov Lord while in , widow o f la-wi« W. Anderson, deceased, on I. e i lung Tl.e Ladies of the W C T U are talk­ d e a fn e s s c a n n o t be c u r e d . Mrs 1 B Cushman is ill with duced rates a t this office. no. 70.W, for ih e a tin e '4 , aeQ, ace. 82, tp .IK , executive office. During Ids four years fever. M.f r 11 west. term lie granted 55 pardons and 63 ing of having another medal contest Harrv Boyle is sojourning in tlie Bear She itamea tl.e following witneaacz to prove By local applications ns they cannot inlons to restore citizenship and com- soon. l.e r e o n lin iio n s residence upon and cultivation j Mrs Fox of Florence lias concluded to reach tlie diseased portion of tlie ear. Creek country. nuted 22 sentences. of wild land, viz: make Glenada her home for awhile. There is only one way to cure deafness, Charles Slierbondy, of Florence, Oregon;] Miss Grace Lloyd came up from Tlie W est lias for sale one years’ Eugene it. Wait, of Acme, Oregon and Fret» It She is staying with Mrs Landis. and th at is by constitutional remedies. ence Monday; and will work for tuition in the Holmes Business College Knenperand Oeorge A. Glover, of J-ftbe Vre A rthur Johnson and family returned Deafness is caused by an inflamed i»f Portland. Thia is one of tlie leading Cuslininn. einet, Oregon. condition of tlie mi,cons lining of the J. T BSID'IT', (msiness colleges on the coast, having to their home on Sweets creek after Chas H u sseli and family visited wit II Het 1-te'. Eustachian tul>e. When this tul.e is “ We do not take possession of our Hai3 but ars posssssel by thenl English, Commercial, Shorthand and spending several months in Glenada. Eimer Johnson Saturday Mr a.nl Mrs CTIVK «OLlCIT'lR» WaXTXO ZVgMYWMV KX Mr Nelson and sen Elard started Mon­ inflamed you have a rumbling sound frelegrapliic departments and we offer They master us and force us Into the arena, \ for'-rh es» >ry..f tbe I'tiilipplno« by Mur. l and Sunday. day for a weeks sojourn on Smitn river. or imperfect hearing, and when it is ! llal-u-ad. coHinilaeluoed by the (loyarnmcnt Jlhi- tuition on easy terms. Where like gladiators, we must fi jht for thorn.” on tlie Mrs Elmer J-iIin«m bee been I intl.-liil III toriin to the war Uepartineiit. in e They expect to locate on some of Uucle entirely closed, deafness is tl.e result, present Tlie rural fr-eilelivery mail expert I book was written Inan«» cair.p» ■ ‘» J ’*''. 1 ' r"" sick list tii« |a » t week but at and unless tlie inflammation can be ei«eo. on the Partite with Oenemi Mend . 1 h 8uct, is the exalted inolto of the Arena, and tho line., t, which lias been in operation at Sam’s land before returning. - o a p p n - l- a - t Honolulu, I ' li»e h H o n o lu lu . hi ‘ 7 , Mon« , taken out and the tube reatored to its is inncli better. I Miss Rebecka Henderson expects to past 15 1 th e A n i r u y tii tn nehe. nt >Unila, hi th* i riu rtu r M arion county, for tlie entiro contents of this m onthly magazine normal condition, bearing will l>e de­ John Powell was in Acme Monday. neutcarnkH wi’U A fulnaldo,oil Ü»c de» a »•/ I »•• w o,.11,a. has ceased to be an experiment to k ^ t m r g soon to attend ‘'eacbers lym pU with Pewtv, nodjn th* r,.mr ” stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten Since shaving ofl Ida mustache lie looks iO batti«* at the fall <»t .Ninnila. Bonanza f ,r a eitt are upon a plane and in keeping with its and is now perniailently established, G n a minnlioti at th a t place., while brimful of ortni»»*l pletore* taken k »v-r i are caused t>; catarrh, which is nothing like tlie typical boho. moot p’»otogTM*htT»<»u the «pot 11 » iF ran k Robertson bavin» been notified F am ish goss to Eugene for Hie same but an inflameJ condition of tlie mucous ixiw p rlc^ . BUproflt«, Krocht n e i. Cre«lit motto. The Arena’s gallery of eminent Wm Johnston, Fred B itterfleld and rivet!. Oro»» all tra»by UtiofWclal w a r |b y th e peal utlire departm ent to that i purpose. Botti the young ladies have < surfaces. Outfit free. Artor»»». K T Barber, Bee y., dt»r lias grown cm- ^»¿tinted from tlie Glenada school. Claude Yates are making prepar,lions thinkers is a group ot interesting men and effect. The business InsuntlMB Bldg.. Chlraico. _ We will give O ie Hundred Dollars Jam es F am ish has l*eo quite sick for any case , ol Deafness ca-ised I,y to tog near the Workman log c h u t e , ____ [ sideratdv since it was put in operation women, and their thoughts are worthy tho one lialf mile hack of Acme. w»srzP-«c.z«»L raioTwonTHv t-ra.o!«« is in 0. :iiniiide«iilte. lowaM«. no mora charge of the scliool for several «lays. -, F J Cheney A U Toledo, O. ary. — -------- . , lire. He -alarv. HonihQ V ■ , G REAT record of cures, une­ Mr Furnish is le tte r now and hopes Sold by Druggist», 7-5-:. sold with T n r W«ssr. very low at d not sxpec’ed to ssP-addresr-tl spimp-il envelope, qualled in medical history, provea anon to l-e able to go back to bis post of F. H ess Prt»t., Hep' M, Chicago. left tie- «ante »fit t - o i i i for Eugene. Halls family Pilis are the best. Hood's Sarsaparii a jw*«'»-*’ ’" '''l i 'i i 1" duty know n to any other R IE D 'C IN E . B aking P owder - - - BY - - - V.II. WEATIIERSON M JUS? IN ★ flail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Price as if You Bought in Person. J. H. McCLUNG, Scientific American. THE EDSMDPOLITftN, THEJARENft A