The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, January 27, 1899, Image 2

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    !-■■■— '-"■ J ..- .►
T h e W est .
' devote about ail of this week to hearing
' on the five or six canal hills, all differ-
B y a W est C orexsi - ondent -
rom oi ’ r regular O orruspondk - n t .
When voting on tlie question ot levy­!!Et> EVERY FRIDAY XOKX1XO.
Judge Lundy runs his mill >-y horse
i that will he passes! bv the senate. Many
ing school tuxeH w liether (or the purpose
of the friends of the canal say that its power now. The raging Deadwood was
oi building a school house or for the
W ash , D 0 , Jan, 18th, 1809.
worst enemies are posing as its friends, too impatient of uuntrol
O ceoon i
•’« A lerm of school there ah)
Gen Miles has made many new
L a XX Col’NTV,
A tree fallen across the rood on tlie
tnAtiv people w ho think no further in frifends by the digrtified manner in in order to stave o!f action by congress. Ohiekahominy side of Nelson mountain
» I •’.» •.
- I »
the m atter than whether they hare which he lias carried himself while A representative who is always wide bars the passage of wagons.
’children th attend the schools, and if smarting under the dirty personal awake when on duty said: “The rail­
The population and wealth of Dead­
roads and other hostile influences are wood creek and its branches is just
• .
» * * •* ’ *
* “•
for th at purpose. But if they would Gen Eagan, in his testimony before the putting feather bed* on the track of the about equal to Lake creek and all it*
E d ito r and Proprietor.
hbonsider tlie subject a little fu rth e r, wwr investigation CQiumisaioo. To a canal bill, and trying to ditch the train other tributaries from the lake* to
perhaps many of them at least tvouhl ! ,„all of (jen Miles’ temperament, it has ■ "9 K*nllT l,mt "oLody will realize what Deadwood.
Flofcace, Ore. Jan . 27, 1899. ¡vote the other way. la th e man
who bwn no Oa»y malter t0 sit „till „„d say , hits happened until all is over. They
;1 * < B F » . __ ________ _ children to attend, the only
orti- '„„thing while waiting for the w arde- arc prrfpoainfc endless schemes ,or d,K‘ ,(.ll(jice Tlfcy may let him kies them,
T he peasiwist lias said that Ne-.v Eng ! who derives benefit from school? By partm ent to call down and punish Ids «in8 ‘>ic'ditch—all purporting to be or tbey may
kissed by liim.
land civilisation and religious life is in |
no means. In ho other way can
the subordinate for having culled him about l* st‘' r than the one embraced in the
M r Ix,retJ5 0( Eugene and John Carlyle
these latter days falling below the liigl
<>g ' same amount be expended ' to yield so every known sort of a liar. Congress is Morgan hill. It looks as though they Cliickahoininy are making rails and |
standard of puritaiiisni set' up by our
certain ami large returns ns does money also waiting to see something done, might win out along that line, but con- slashing on the Lucas Wheeler place on
fatlierp. 'Unfriendly observers prophesy
• ’
. ,
„res* liiav cel imn itient and
take Nelson creek and incidentally cat.nj, tor
expended fur seliodls.
some punishment ineted that will fit the cress may get impatient a n u
iu s e
th a t protistantisiti ia to' be supplanted
When a stranger lisils any place crime, nnd if something isn't done , matters out ot the hands of the filibust-
James Carlyle of Chieknhomony lost
in Mass:«!! nsetts bv Catholicism, bill
whether it he in a town or a country, very soon, congress may take tlie bit in era an‘« PaM a measure out of hand.
two nice shotes very mysteriously re­
friendly Critics declare that protestant
with a view to investing in property and ,
te(.,b and do sométliing itself. The
cently. Each appeared in perfect
New England is modifying Catholicism.
Parsnip Complexion.
malting a home, especially if lie has a action of President McKinley in coin-
health one day and was found dead tlie
Will th e ’modification injure the old
family, one of the lirift questions he , pelting Gen Eagan, through Secretary
form of woishipi? Not a bit of it. it
asks is concerning the schools. If Alger, (o revise his testimony and leave
If the barber-license hill becomes a
A majority of tlie ills afllicting people
'is improved. Within the p ist three
today etui lie traced to kidney trouble, law we of Lake creek will have to wear |
fie finds that they ‘have no school, or out tlie'objections! language, Isn't safe-
years the*influence of New England has
hilt a poor School, many of them w ill at factory to-anybody, bhtause it doesn’t D pervades in all classes cf society, in long hair, (or we can't afford to get
license for our better-halves, who do the
been the main 'cAliss of the revolt in
once decide they do not 'want to live humiliate Lagan
sufliuiently. Sen- all climates, regardless of age, sex or the hair-cutting here.
'Canada against the authority of the
I'fhcre. Hut on the other hand if he etors mid representatives have very condition.
The people of Cliickahoininy are hold-'
‘ebnriih ih political affairs. The Catho­
finds a neat attractive school hotlse freely t!X pressed the opinion th at Gen
The sallow, colorless-looking people ing religious services regularly nt. th e ,
lic in Quebec has learned from His I
with a good school taught during most Eagan has demonstrated his unfitness you often meet are afflicted with “kid- 1 school house. They don’t wait for a '
expcrion'cc in New England or from
of the year itp v e s Idin a good opinion to hold such an important and responsi-1 »fey complexion “ Their kidneys are ! minister to come that way, hut forget!
th at of Ids friends still there that lie can , . .
i in favor of the place and ho is faxjnore hie position, regardless of Gen Miles, turning to a parsnip color, so' is their " ott0 assemble themselves often to-|
exereiso his independent judgment as a : . ,
j likely to decide to remain there than if nnd ndt a few of them have said that he 1 com pletion/’ They liifty suffer froth
Mr Willcut cut bis finger while dress-
citizen in easting a his iota 'Mid still be i I1C |lllt|a a „„mif, crowded,uncomfortable
imligestion, bloating, sleeplessness, uric
should be cashiered.
! ing’an old deer skin a few weeks ago and
true to hit religious faith. “ Tho I’uri-
schoolhouse, school taught but few
In all the numerous fights to have acid, gravel, dropSy, 'rheum atism , Ca­ for a time there seemed danger that he
tan element in New England, rem arks!
months in a year, and but little interest i
, ,,
. .
tarrh of tlie bladder, or irregular heart. uiigt t lose his hand from tlie resulting
the Congregationalist, is not only lifting
. . . . . .
executive sessions oi the senate held
bluO'l poisoning, hut Mrs Willciit’s
taken in educational matter«!
with open doors, Senator Hoar had, You may depend upod it, the cause is
to higher levels bf freedom and right- '
nursing saved 'it nnd the wound i s :
| -Mnny ft man who kicks at paying a until the present contest, over Senator we“k> '”)heaJthjr kidneys.
heltled. -
•«ousness those who have come to share
dollar or two of school tax spends more Berry’s mdtion to consider the treaty o(
Women as WelJ’as men are made mis­
The late blight of the potato, known '
‘its ihheritaiicc, but in extending to
thun that every week in wavs th at do peace with open debrs, always been one erable
kidne-v ftnd bladder trjubla to scientific sharps as phytophthera
other lands its inllncnee for good.”- -
'nobody any good but only Inina.
of (he most valued’ fighters for secret a»d both need the sa m e1 remedy. Dr infestans, struck most o f' the potato
• llilliborv hideptudent.
kidney, fields hereabouts, turning the foliage
cesnioiia. zs
Consequently, i Ins Kilmer’s Hirdinp-Root.
’ the great
black before the p lan t1 ripened. This
S ome tkople Koei.ii to tlyuk tljat
‘speech in support of Mr Berry s motion
follows the stems down to the
. . . . to many ot . , Ins
. colleagues
and stfengthen weak and unhealthy J
was surprising
because the plan of co-operative American Economici:
tubers, and where they were allowed to
as v/ell as to the public. Open executive j kidnu>'8’ P°rify' t!,b diserts^
kidnf!.v- ____________
. . . . . . . . . it .
stand ■ long enough
before . digging
In the past five years about $200,000-
labor has been fried in Home of the
sesionsof tho seriate may come some I,ol8oned blood, clear the complexion causej a ,]ry rot ¡„ t),e potatoes; which
rtanufiU’ttiring establishment!» o f W lin a been sent out of the United
and soon help the sufferer to better is now spreading thro lgh the bins, and
r »•
' Elates in the purchase of toffee. This day, hut they are not yet ill sight. ,
i health.
i it looks as though by planting time
th e country therefore
henators are enjoying
eniovmg themselvi
themselves at i
t. .
i >. .
-i, . i country consumes nearly one-half the
1 The mild and the extraordinary effect ! ,ftters wlH bw ta,er3' If " e Pla,lt to°
colonic« m ust bo successful. But total , coffee
r production
, ...
of tho world,
, . ,,
t , . . • s_
t ! early, the early blight (macrosporiiitn)
18 0011 reu ize . ‘ ; comes and stop their growth, resulting
they arc foTintled on very different • u ercnft(!r ()i1b ]ar ge sum of money is Simon, of Oregon, who is reported to j ° wamP l0
have asked for what is regarded as the ' 8tnnd* the highest .for ‘ its wonderful in a 8!1)a„ yiel(L j t t0 kt(5| the )attJ
platiH. In co-rtperativo colonies ; not going to be paid altogether to for-
most im portant committee assignment ; Cl,ree of t|,e « o s t distressing cases, such , blight
the crop. If this keeps oh,
ench m an jpaeciveH the same wages I eigners. American citizens will get
as weak kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, ' we wilt liave'to spray with Bordeaux
'w ithout regard to the am ount or,®»!|eofiL Ooffee is now tho largest in the senate. A senator speaking of
mixture or stop raising potatoes.
■ .
i i
i , .
I article of export from P u erto 'U k o , and liifj, said : Simon is a peach. He bents
Oar c'uirch i» empty; preselling of the word
value of the labor he perrottns.
W ithin its walls is seldom heard.
! the product there can be greatly in- anything we have bad here for some
. of , time. Ju st think of it, before lie bad trouble. At druggists, fifty dent and The memliers yet more seldom meet to pray,
x n in in
iu » a verv j large
b measure re- ¡ creased, since a very largo proportion
They e'en target which is prayermeeting day.
moves the ineenti ves to do their j t,|u j(j| in(| jg uapnb| 0 of jffoj , icing eoffce, lieen in the senate St hours, he filed an dollar sizes. You may liuve a sample They mourn and grieve each for theotlier ssin
hottie by mail free, also phampblct tell­ So much they have no time to look within,
\vork well hr to make any advance- which grows bioet Successful on the application for a position on tho com-
Where pride nnd envy join to rule the soul,
nil about it. Address Dr Kilmer & A id Satan’s net is settled o'er the whole.
w e n t in the kind of labor p e r­ highlands and mountain sides. In miltee on rules. Now, if he had asked Uo, Binghamton, N Y.
■ Wheu all the sinners die and pass away.
formed. On the other hand where parts of Cuba conditions are similar, for the chairmanship of appropriations,
who are righteous—and for this wo pray—
When writing please mention this We,
May gather on the meeting days nnd fill
^ico-operntion ha« been tried i n , and nt one time the coffee' production j ' ' nanre, ° r judiciary, it wouldn’t have paper. «
Tim little church that standstpu Deadwuot) hip.
- of that island amounted to nearly 100,- been so remarkable. But to th in k of
u a n t a K i u ing o n t a > i ' u n t n h < * ic i qqq pOun(jft Rnnua| | ^ though after the Ida wanting Io go on tlie rules committee
T he proposition for a conference be­
w a u to paid iu proportion to the Introduction of tiie sugar industry it before lie hail been here long enough to
tween committees from Oregon and
k in d and am ount of lnldir he per­ practically disappeared, sugar growing
New York, which is the lowest-price Washington legislatures regarding uni­
forms Tim s his natural ambition living morepiolitnble. In Hawaii coffee Aldrich, I understand, nearly had a fit magazine in America (20 cents a year.) form fishing regulations is a good one,
to wlvanfp is kept alivd by the ( >« being successfully grown, and the area when Simon made his wishes known to nnd winch is owned by Hon Chauncey and should I6ad to good results.' Any­
. ,
. ,
there can bo materially increased. The him. jioor Aldrich, lie always was M Depew, the eminent American orator,
hope of receiving a greater retnrn |
thing to put a stop to tlie confusion and
»nine is true of the Philippines. Coffee tender-hearte 11 It cost him a severe ] . wants a representative in this vicinity.
consequent contacts of authority Winch
for hi« labor.-
is about to become an American prod­ pang to turn Simon down. It's a fact, It is a good opportunity for one of our
have recently obtained will prove bene­
uct. Ko are a lot of other things which Iv’e got his word for it. Simon hasn’t ambitious young men or young women.
DISPATCH ES d u l y Lh|s
but there is no reason why uni-
we have hereto,ore had to liny ^f for­ been placed yet. When lie is, I ’m afraid
m onth conveyed the intelligOneo eigners. Few people realize what a that he will lai disappointed. I think Applications should he addrewed to the ! form regulations by 1-otl, states'should
subscription departm ent. T he P enny not b„ agreed t0( nnJ then enforced un
th a t a decree had been issued fVom very big country wo are going to have that he has a fair prospect of getting on
M agazine , Temple Court, New York bolh aiae8 of the river-D .co».« £erf«,c!-'
tlie committee Io look after ventilation Q’ty.
Rome removing the ban heretofore pivsenlly.
in the Interior departm ent.”
placed upon Catliolifs restraining
| G eneral A ndrews , the fire warden of
A War Department official, in his
A num ber of bills have been in i Minnesota, calls attention to offe of thè
. t.hem from too ('lose ufllinlioh with ,
anxiety to strongly deny a report about
troduecd into the state iejislaim 0 evils resulting from the waste of
M < i t et
t socle t ics in the I lilted States i j Ohio \ alley MiuiuÎHi turer.
our soldiers nt Manila being discontent- ,
. , a statem
, . ent . . that
i . i doesn t ex- i to reduce th e salat J y of tho county J »arest lands. Tlie United States is
p articnlar the Musons and Knights
For many years Eurojie made Ameri- o4, , made
Pythias. It wfts apparent SOïne cans pay tribute to her manufacturers, actly gee with the official announcement officers in different counties in Or- “’’Porting logs and lumlier to the
tim e ago th at a light was betrig hut the adoption of the policy of pro­ that the news from Dewey nnd Otis is egon. The officers in m any o f • ”ou”tof 1-1,000,000, and exporting
• ,
i , • ,
logs a"d tombor to tlie amount of $26,-
w ade against the spirit of Cathol- j “ ’••i-.g American markets for American all good. He said that far from being the counties are paid much higher
, I
. . .
000,000, only about $2,000,000 more
. ! producers, coupled witli higher wage disco.ilented, all the volunteers at Man­
icism in this country, ami it
proportion than they than
Commencing Monday January 23rd
And Continuing Until February 1st.
See o u r special c o u n te r.
O .W .H U R D
C A R M A N ’S
Drv Goods, ★ Groceries
★ and * Notions.
J u s t O p en ed ..........
I rates consequent upon higher develop- ila, who had applied for discharge had
now bolicvc’l thill th is w.i
„e(ll|s of ti,„ American J withdrawn their npp ie.itions, as so< n as receive in Lane and most of the Britain last year imported lumber ,o
of $ I-10,01)0,000,
of wliicl
waged over the secret society ipl«»' J,eople na the necessities of liW, have s o ; they saw that there was a prospect for bills before the legislature relating t'»e amoupt
. .
lion, and (hat the issuance o f th e ' stimulated invention fo devise some lighting. If there is a prospect of to th a t subject fix (he salaries in tl,e Lmtcd States furnished but a small
recent decree was a trium ph for T ry to reduce tlie labor cost of produc- some lighting liefoze Dewey an I Otis, other counties at about the same | art
A re h b ish o p I re la n d , o n e
o f th e
stunnehest Americans anil most
t .
liberal Catholics ^ ¡n the I tilled
tb" ‘ tbat Europe, clinging to more
conservative methods, has been out-
, ,
clnsseil, is and now almost a decado
„,et|lod8 nhll progress. Ad-
ditipnal to this is tlie Ismnteousness of
j I’lie supply of all forms cf raw materials
T he wae revenue tax gels in it» ' ' ork on the American continent', And the
vn the millionaire« in xcrerxl directions, qaperior quality of most of three sup-
«n«l especially on tho tax of
’*'*•-plies: A new era is about to dawn on
All the heirs of the late Senator Drive, j t ,ic wor]dj a„d , , l0 d'evv|'0|„i,c„t 0(
must have stretched their as is paid here.
I t is not wise to
F rance will expend 62 million dol-
cons ien. es to say that all the news p laco the (tutories of OU1’ officials at |ar() on new
from them was good. A proxpect fo r, .
. , .
lon * 1,8 ycar
. ,
. . , il lower figure than is paid in other and
England 40 minion
million dolars wi.ii»
lighting is certainly not to he considered
uoiars, while
good news
kinds of business to men contpe- Dussia will probably expend CO million
t ,
» •
- i
P R Q P R lP T n «
i tent to perforin the duties of those dobar‘) l°r similar purposes.
The routine business in house and
senate is being pushed along a* rapidly ¡offices. If th at should be done
n* possible, Imt the chances lor an extra there would lie no inducem ent for
f' ”ar',; The Eugene Mill & Elevator
Do tf*liiy sold to J M Shellev nml I' s
session, continue to grow, owing to tho honest and competent men to seek Williams pursuant to a resolution unan-
uncertainty about many things in the
except Mis Brice, »'ill l<* »uf-j.s I to this |li|fhw clvi]iw tion i. certain to grow senate, and c.pecixlly ab o u t the time to become office-holders and as a “ nously adopted by tlie honrd of direct-
result those positions would be j
tax, which will amount to At least $ .- (>ut of it. Vnele K im s lusty sons and ! , hat wiH l)C consu„iei, bv ltie treaty.
nod occupied by the null and elevator.
000 etch, and as tlu’re are five children, |„.auteo„8 daughters w ill hav
held by men incapable of properly Consideration, $7,500.
Two funerals were never held in tho
the government will receive nt least $ ’<>,-, |«irtaut part to play in the newer drama '
capitol so close together a* that ot Sena­ performing the duties of those
000 (row tlie delate. '
of mankind. Tlie new era means much,
tor Morrill, held in the senate chain her
and the public would lie the Strong, steady nerves
“ ■ 11
i tor it will be attended with a larger
a fortnight ago, and that of Represent* loser.
Are needed for success
Wx wusTlinve'lli'at railroad fron Lu- realisation oi the comforts of life among
alive Dingley, held in the house of rep-
Everywhere. Nerves
gene Io Florem’C. W* need a shorter , ¡,8 iniiabitmttw nnd the enlargement of
resemativos today.
Those who are
T he W eekly Record of Eugene lia s !
ton e by water, and ‘competition freig h t! , be consumption of nil products of b it-
Depend simply, solely,
superstitious enough to believe tbat *x’e” e°ld to Amis A Son of the Brand­
trafficbe’ween this eitv anti San F ran -Q ,g n energy, multiplying employments . ,|",n ,
Upon the blood.
ies usually travel in bundles o f ! axc' Publication of the Record was
eiseo. There lias been a deiband for nn(, enlarging opportunities. This era
three, are wondering who will be t ba suspended witli last week’s issue. Mr Pure, rich, nourishing
tins all along and the lioom of oar Inm ,v|]| „„j lively be attended by those
next man of prominence to die.
Moore tlie publisher intends to continue
Blood feeds the nerves
tiering interests, wliicli now acema Io he deplorable reversions from civilization to
The Nicaragua canal hill will be voted ' tbt! bu« “®»8
And makes them strong.
ia sight, makes the demand all the barbarism Hint liavb so frtquehtly
W a i t e d - sly kkal TRv*TWt»RriiY r r n i ¡s< ix
inorc em phatic.—Kc/tsfFr.
, eclipsed the past, because «itli a popu- uj»on by the senate this week. It will
The great nerve tonic is
thia »Ute tom aniute our buMne«' in th e ire w n
jusii by a large majority—possibly w ith­ nn«1
n e a r b y c o u n t it* '. I t I n m ainly ortt« e work
_ _ _ _ _ _ ---------
lition freo nnd with oppoYtonities for
Hood's Sarsaparilla,
ennduefed nt home. Snlarx Mrnlxht
RsnuaiKTATtve II rattais has dc- intellectual enlightenment, and nil the out a «Hviartm. The house interstate nn»1 cxpenwcN—deAnhc. t onnfttie. no more,
parted from tlie usual course ot legisln- nobler elevating iiilhiences attendant and foreign counuerve committee will elow .'•elf tolaresMal <nmn|x>t envelope, H erbert
E. H i m , Prvst.. I)eyl. M
The blood rich and
tors. He ia chairman of the committee
surh civilisation, slavery, which
CTIVK AOMClie*« w»n;*n KYKnvwHiKr
on mining, slid a few days ago lie lri«il darkened even the most enlightened \ G »f “ T he Story of the I’lJlip pim V l»v M*ir«t T iie very heat thing for it lmsinee
pure, giving it power
Io have ti.e clerk which had laen as-
cannot exist, nor can ... delta*-
community is a live lot of business men
T o feed the nerves.
rt» «rIHyn In army cam p a ’ .Han Fruit
*ign«d to his collimine«
*a.T* inK and dentoralfxing influences blight h X ." •n
lb»* Prtcìflv wtlh (¡enerat M ettili, In Thcr make buaincM, two bladoa of gram
Hood's Sarsaparilla
ine hoxpitNtw at lloiioliiln, hi Nous; Kona« in
Ing that as there had not I een a bill and hlaat that culture which in lift
»hv Am* rican im i cl Iva a» Muniin, fn the iiiMir to grow where only one grew* before.
RviH caui|*« k« Hb, on the deck of the
Wlarrcd to them they did not n e d a nays radiate front the minority.
1 o h mpta n tth p e* v t , and tn ihv n»ar of ihc
baille «I ihv fait «>l Manila, Honan m for af**ni«
Dy.'pepsia, rheumatism,
tle rk . Ii Oregon had more rrpreaenta-
A KuiRovn from Eugene to Florence
n in i i «ninnai pn inn s (akt »» bv u " » i t
«¡vas like Mr. Brattai« w»‘ «l aoi'l ' ' “l
Catarrh, scrofula.
The San F ra n c is . Examiner and «he '
tbe^wa. ^ e , t,.* w„oW develop hundreds ol industries
1 ear to m udi about the oxiravagam e of Wxsr for one yea. $? W paid
a.|. «o; , n
« t . » a , , bat are yet nnnkown in ll.i. sect c n . -
And all forms of
-- oat-s-
Hid«., .....----
fn ts u n legis'aturet.
i H ta itltf.
Impure blood.
t ••
Goods as Reoresented.
A house and lot in GlenaJa
house ,s 16 by 24 feet and one 9,„rv n J
, *
• h . n in bright. A i a . g o o u ^ j
on prenn ea. For
inquire at this t-ffice.«
’T” d #
' Ol*»°ni»n with the W
!1" “ ar# , *° • ” >' address for the
^ ’trs, payable cash ¡„ a