p T H E t Ì W EST ! A D V E R T ISE R S t SIÜSLAW’S ONLY PAPÏB. • ’ YOUR HOHE P A P E R SU PPO R T O PPO R TU NITY FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Jan. 27, 1899. VOL. IX. S T E A M E R “ M I N K ,” O r A J R - I D I l S n E Z F i STATE OFFICERS u — REG U LAR Governor.................................T. T. Geer. Secretary of S 'ate.............. F. I. Dunbar Prcn or write “ He’s going to kill me because I confusion of thought aud utterauoe. Its lose self -addressed stamped envelope, Herbert AGENTS W A N T E D . sublime effort, pushing him from her, won’t give him a letter when there’s a parliamentary bine book ooutaining K. Hess. Brest.. Dent M. Ubicasi!. ivited to a tte n d . A. O. FUNKS, M. W. R . M cM U R HEY, " tiila is magnificent, bnt it is not war. none for him ." the auanal report of the commissioner* G. K xotts , R ecorder. Rooms 2 and I, Shelton Block, 0 . liera i A gen t Goodby. ” "Pshaw! Just tear off a piece of of national education and signed by C lic .te r fle ld S n p e r tle la llty . EUGENE, OKEO'IN. E. D. BRO NSO N & CO, And Harold knew that tho dio was wrapping paper, throw some ink over these uugust personages the following Chesterfield’s idea of excellence was O. O. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets it aud give it to him. You've got to use titbit may be read: "The female teach­ A. D CM; TLTOM , Pacific Coast Agents every,Wednesday evening in Lodge essentially superficial, for bis praise of cast.—New York Hun. Assistant General Basse.,cer taent, some tact and judgment in rnnning this ers were Instructed la plain cooking. all, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in solid acquirement and genuine princi­ SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. F a ta l. 266 Morrista! ■ , C ,r..Sd. office, old chap."— New York Journal. They had. in fact, to go through the »ad standing invited to attend. ple is always coupled with the assertion P o a tla iid , O r. "Pore old Weary! He c’nclnrles to go A ndrew B busd , N . G. process of cooking themselves in tarn." 933 Market S t. of their eutire inutility if uuuccompa- to throwin fits fer a livin ; stioksa piece But it is among the peasantry as » M arion M orris , gee. nied by grace, external polish and an olass that the making of bulls more agreeable manifestation. He omits all of soap in liis mouth an falls on the widely provalla A country woman consideration of their intrinsic worth sidewalk. " “ An did it work?” walking through the street« of Limer­ and nbsolute dignity ; their valno to the J . I. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor CHURCH DIRECTORY “ It kit led him. ” ick caught sight of a small ooffln dis­ individual, according to him, is wholly ♦ * * * * * * * * * "The fall?’’ played as a grew some trade sign in an i n .o v e n . o a , O r e g o n . proportioned to his skill in using them "Nah I The eoap. ” —Cincinnati En­ undertaker’s shop window. "Oh, gl«- TEKIAN CHU RCH, Florence, In a social form. MARION MORRIS Pro p. _____ _ ___ ry,” she exclaimed, “ is it possible that 1. Sabbath service: Sabbath- In oue of his earlier letters to Philip quirer. ooffln can be iutindedfor any livin cr’a- O U R A IM —To nirninh th e best o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 Stanhope iie writes: “ What an ndvau- 1 S o m e ttiln a DIITerenL 15 cents tage has a graceful speaker with gen- I Shaving tnre?" ,111. ami 7 p. in. Sacrament of Cnmso— Fosdick has moved from the at reasonable The owner of a valuable bora« waa ’s supper on 1st Sabbath of accomuKHlu til'll" teel motions, a handsome figure, over third floor of his ai>artnient house to the Hair Cutting a s *• April, July and October, very indignant with his stable boy for oue who shall speak full us much good prices. fourth floor to show his admiration for a s “ v is welcome to all the services. Razor Honed having allowed the animal, which ha sense, but who is destitute ot theso or- ■ Kipling. ' iiiests Christians to make had taken out for a morning trot, to Scissors Ground '5 “ nameuts. In business how prevalent are Cawker—How does that Bhow his ad­ ;es known. take bead. the graces, how detrimental is the want miration for Kipling? I. G. K notts , Pastor. “ The divil a bit o’ me oould shtop O regon . F lo r e n o e of them! If you should uot acquire' gnwwi— Why, that’s another story.— W. W. NEELY, Pro r. him sir, for I bad no spnra,” wns the i manners, all the rest w ill be of little Pittsburg Dispatch. boy’s strange excuse.—Spectator. use to you. By manners I mean engag­ T ab les fu rn ish ed w ith all the ing, insinuating, shining manners, a ATTORNEYS L’nw averln ff. On H I. O w a Uo®A. delicacies o f th e season. M ild i distinguished politeness, an almost ir- "Havo yon thought of going to the "Htbs-are yon, SciWgins? Where | resistible address, u superior graceful- gam e, fish a n d fru it in season. B est front in tho war?" M A D E and R E P A IR E D . have you been for tho last year?” ' uess in all yon say and do." He would C. W OODCOCK, "I should say 1 have,” replied tho "Conducting an agricultural experi- bavo manners overlay individuality und -----BY------ accom odations for th e tra v e lin g man who bluffs. "I haven't done any­ Nnrse— What do yon mane by cut­ 1 goes so far as to declare that a soldier thing elso, and, what is more, I don't ting np your father's flnocyolopediuins? meut station in the country." h o m e y a t Law , ' public. C harges reasonable. "Salary annexed to the job?" is a brute, a scholar, a jiedant and a expect to do anything oko."—Washing­ Bobby— Wby, I ’m playing I’m » floe O L E M Y R IN D , "N o” philosopher, a cynic without good breed­ ton dtar. » tor like papa, and I'm cutting out the __ _________ " G e ts oom mission on sales of the t . O re g o n F io r e n d o , O r e g o n ing.—Gentleman's Magaz.iuo. appendices.—Viin. stuff you raise?" fib*» K n * r H im . nom« 7 and 8 McLsren’s Bulldin». J I I I f f t {tenlion given to collections tu d Pr0‘ "N o ." G o ld M in in » In San F m n e U en . | "Gobang’s wife insists that ho hire a A n E v id e n t H carclts. “ How do you make it profitable, b ie s s . Good Work Done at Reasonable Prices. For over 17 years a gold mino lias man as his stenographer.” Jinks—Has there boon any scarcity T w e n tv -th r e e then?” "W hat difference docs it make to been worked right in the city of Kan of money in Europe since the war with "I don’t uiako it proflfciblo. It I im . M ile s W e s t Francisco. How much gold has been her?” Hpain? E. O PO TTER. cost me «2 000 iu carb to run it." “ Well, she was formerly his stenog­ takou ont none hut the two miners Winks—There was with me. 1 bad of E u g en e. "Wby don’t you throw np the job?” themselves can say. Oue of them is sup­ rapher herself- ”— Vim. to come back iu the steerage. — Aiuslee t . .A tto rn ey -at-I.aw "Cau’t yon understand, oonfcnntl posed to be on his deathbed, and the Magazine. _ 1 you? I ’ye been doing amateur farm­ E x c e p tio n T h a t F rouea th e H ulu. EUGENE, OREGON. other 0110 disappeared on the day that N ot H r .w e d F o r th « Oennntnn. ing. ’ ’—Chicago Tribune. Reader—Ah, I see that Spain has dis­ his partner had to Ite taken to the hos­ Iv rrtcs At the Court nouse. . III - ■ ■ - — "80 yon knew be wns a burglar the pital and the secret of their mine be­ covered a new anti most effective ex­ V»lu«t o f a C on »tit n t U*a« minnte you «aw him?" came generally known to the commu­ plosive. "Of course. It wns alter midnight It happened in the spring of IHflO, I Friend—Nonsense. Spain novrr dis- nity E. E. BENEDICT, Nelson Shoots, the discoverer of the COTer,rt unythmg—except America— and be had a sack coat on. "—Cincin­ when Garibaldi was pursuing 1.is expe­ dition iu Sicily and when the words nati Enquirer. lead, found the mine over 17 years ago Town Topics. ? O R N B Y - A T - L u A -W . "Constitution aud Inhurty' were on ev­ while trying to lwatc the fountain of K w .d l.lt I'hllM Ttplir. M oney Saved ery Neapolitan « lip» "Why are y^u ► <* the gold dnst found along the beach i Soni'etiii et Inlt n faller’s lif* auxiou. for a constitution?" asked a for- fc’loren ce. : : Oregon. Ho was a practical miner at the time To Innrtt b io e. act tta ct By I eigu tourist of Ute guide und dt ulwy and well versed in all the secrets of get I Vnt t f Ini« vnr not q n i'e «0 irawrt I driver, while they wer« traveling P a t r o n iz in g it. ting all the gold possible out of retrae- ■ I la . Iran i i t • a o m iniL Yo’ can alvays mak faller mat by ' ■ through the mountains ol S' rienta tory ores. s o YEARS* Tlist he succeeded In doing this in tell in bem hes clothes tin not fit—et es 1 •Well, yon sen. your excellcney. ‘ was e x p e r ie n c e the auswvr. I think wo «b-i his Ingleside mine there is no question, Prop. poorty mean trick too H ale for uot only did lie make a good living Von le devil gets bes docs, des coun­ be all the better tor it It is uoW cb w during the 17 years, but he paid C8.00U try vill uot bane so thickly settle—aye upon 2U yeurs tliat 1 sm lotting ont n y NOTARIES. asses to visitor» from all countries •- damages once for injuring the Spring sax dollars on daa English, French, Americans; all 01 valley water main while blasting. He „ vc haf hsf got lock for leetla these have a cowstiration, aud they ara and liispartnci lost large sums of money A. R. B U T T O L P H , ve alvays tank et lias cum’ lo stay, all rich.’’—Argonaut. T naoc Nanas at the race trucks, and they were known an someteiusget disappoint lak deckeus. Ocswns as "spenders” among the resorts iu the , . » . - COSVRIOHTS AC. N o tary P u b lic , S u rv e y o r •tie w la g th e d lf Ven Aye bar poor faller yum pin — Vim T h a t O r e a d A ir. western side of the city All the while n .o n . .-niin» • «Vet rh .•"^Æj^rEîïhrr’îa WRTTK FOR CIHCULARS _________ feren t style« of íRlv M-OTl.ln mtr opinion frM whether *• on rich faller, aye alvays tank how they jtassetl as hermits, with barely "Papa, 1 want a pug d"J. They’« so S e » in < Machine« «re m anufacture en d their Farther Fawt Mill. quick hae vonld change ef bae bud some ’rlstocratic looklu." prices before you purche«e an y other. F T o r e x io t e , O r e g o n . T M t R «W H O IS« » r w i s s SSACM IKI CO. enough to live on,—Kan Francisco Call leM uueoey f Vermonter—That fellow is a regular rich relation to die tor hern. 1 "Bobby, what doyou mv-in byeriste- mu throueS O ft A X IS. ri «wrficft, lee, wttWmt wltlkmt cftMwe. tn t - It Is estimated that there are no fewer down ea«ter. Aye lak faller ven hae getten ole ynst cratio looking?" M C n lcR to n m T ■ T . H r ifl« « , IU. Ft Izml«. Wo. AUeaie-Qa. New Yorker—From your own state? than 70,000.000 Europeans who wear FRANK B. WILSON " W’y, they look» like they dgit hep- becaiiMt bae lak leetla children Ef man ran n e t s ev wooden shoes. Bawworsl is ordinarily Vermonter (indignantly I— No. sir . ___«-u_ » - ----- »