The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, January 20, 1899, Image 4

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Head thy,Happy Girls
o fte n . FTom no apparent
C&use, becom e languid and
despondent in the early days
of theiT womanhood. They
d ra g a lo n g .a lw a y s tiTecl,
never hungry, b reath less
and w ith a p a lp ita tin g
heart a fte r slig h t exercise
so th a t merely to w a lk
up s t a i r s is e x h a u stin g .
Sometimes a shoTt.dry cough
leads to the fear that they
aTe"going into consumption?
They are anaemic, doc­
tors tell them, which means
th a t they have too lit t le
have you to o lit t le blood?
blood.. Are you like th a t?
Move Anaemic people hAve been mAde stro n g , hungry,
en erg etic men And women by th e u se of D t . W illi4 m s'
Pink Pills foT PAle People th a n by Any otheT means. They
Are th e best tonic in the w o r ld .
Miss Lulu Stevens, of Gasport, N iagara Co., N. Y., had been a very healthy
girl until about a year ago, when she grew weak and pale. She lost her appetite,
was as tired in the morning as on retiring, and lost flesh until she became so
emaciated th at her friends hardly knew her. The doctors declared the disease
anosmia, and gav^e her up to die. A physician who was visiting in G asport p re­
vailed upon her to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. She did so, and
was benefited at once. She is now well aud strong—the very picture of health.
—Buffalo (JV. y .) Courier.
Oar W om an a t F a r it l a 1000 -T o M akt
C arpets an d R t f . W ear -W o m e a L ave
U r a .e M en — T h e N ew K obe O reetet.
Mrs. Margaret Masks, a widow, into
whoso h air the streaks of silver aru Lo- i * * , * * * * * * * * * *
ginning to steal, has given w hat she
could to th e w ar— her four sous.
These stalw art young men— the w id­
ow 's ouly children—are members of
A P a in te r ', C onscience.
Company I of the Seventy-first reg i­
In the course of some reminiscences
if Sir Edward Bnrue-Joues a oorre-
Here are the names of the four brave, ipoudeut of The W estminster Gazette
patriotic brothers: C aptain W illiam F. remarks: Those who are not “ offended”
Meeks, Sergeant Elm er C. Meeks. P r i­ □y the paradoxes of Charles Lamb would
vate Ludlow C. Meeks ami P rivate Ben­ nave delighted in Burue-Joues’ play of
jam in C. Meeks.
aumor and imagination. Let me justify
Upon a table in the parlor of Mrs.
iny reference to Charles Lamb.
Meeks’ home, a t 70 West Sixty-eighth
I once returned to Burne-Jones some
street, nro the pictures of these four oooks which he had lent me 110 years
boys dressed iu soldier uniforms. Their beforo, w riting to him to the effect thut
mother, w ho looks at the photographs if it w rs base to keep borrowed books
through w elling tears m any tim es a io long it was heroic to returu them aft-
day, has airanged a silk flag about them
tr such long possession as m ight well
w ith tender, loving lingers, as a back breed I ho sense of ownership. Iu reply
If she m ust ever see one of her hoys he said:
“ The return of those books bas sim ­
iu his shroud, she would th a t it be of
ply staggered me. It has also pained
the stars and stripes.
mo, for it seems to raise the standard
Mrs. Meeks is a large, well preserved
:f m orality iu tlieso m atters aud per­
woman of 65 years. Her husband has haps to sting the susceptible consciences
i f bcok borrowers. I have many bor­
rowed books on my shelves. I would
rather the owners should die than that
I should have to think about these
things and returu them. I have two
costly volumes th at ware lent to mo be­
fore that little incident of ours, which,
you may remember, was iu Red Lion
square. 1 hope the owner is no more,
for 1 simply w ill not give them up.
Aud you have made mo uneasy aud
have helped to turn nu amiablo rascal
in to a confirmed villain. Your affec­
N ed .”
Moit dTuggixts
« Teli&ble. Some Are not. If
deAleT tells y ^ he
something “just
Dt Willi
Pink Pills for Pale People, he
is unreliAble. Insist on having
the genuine. Sold only in
packages like this.
At all dïuggists oi direct
B leesin g e *>f • S u m m er S to re .
Stans: Puzzle» Him.
Edouard Remeuyi, the great violinist,
trsed to say th at soipo of the hardest
studying be ever did in his lifo began
C a u t io n :
after an experience he had iu Detroit.
“ O h my first tour of this country,”
H as
a h is ’
he delighted in telling, “ I worked u n ­
ceasingly to acquire a knowledge of the
s i n s . M ARGADKT MEKK8.
language aud got ou fairly well. But
been dead several years.
H er three the slang that 1 found so prevalent baf­
youngest sons live w ith her, the eldest fled mo more than anything elso. I
— C aptain Meeks— being married.
gave a performance in Detroit one night
“ Y es,“ she said sim ply, “ m y boys aud m et w ith a reception that warmed
have gone to tlio w ar. They all wanted my heart toward her people. Among
to go, and I —w hat could I say? 1 could other things, this appeared in one of
not pick one or tw o of them out and say tho papers next m orning: ‘Here an
‘Stay a t h om e.’ I love them all.
ugly, little, bowlegged chap, whoso
Mrs. Meeks raads all the papers for clothes hung loosely about his ungainly
o * ’ •*•'* , ,
horn the Dt.Williams Medicine Co.,
tidings of tbo w ar and w atches anxious­ person, waddled to the footlights. But,
ly for the postm an’s w histle to bring sakes alive, how he did play tho fiddle!’
Schenectady. H.V. Price 50’ per box.
her new s of her sons.
“ Noxv, 1 couldn't make out w hat
“ My eldest son joined tho Seventy- th a t ‘sakes alive’ meant, so I tim idly
first regim ent about four years ago,” approached a gentlem anly citizen, told
she continued, “ and then h is three him of my inability to grnsp the mean­
brothers followed. They are all good ing of the slang, and nsked him if tho
boys—good to th e ir m other—and I know expression was intended to bo compli-
H o u g h tin S o l o m o n .
An In vin cib le.
they w ill prove good soldiers for th eir | m eutary.
.n u t n e a r b y »‘ounticM . It I n i i u I n l y o f llr e w o r k
T bo follow ing iucidout happened nt c o n d u c t e d a t In m e H n ln iv r t in t u lit f'.OOa
When A lcibiades w as told th a t his country.
“ He kindly read it aud replied,
e x p e n s e s —<'eflnlt>*. h o tm tld e , n o nn re
countrym en had passed sentence ot
one of tbo “ catocheosaiu” w hich are y n c o itr le s a s n d WHltirv.
“ I believe in patriotism , and I believe ‘Well, I should suicker.’
M o n t h ly f75. R e f e r e n c e . E n ­
held periodically in Hcotluud for nil the c lo s e s e l f inbtreMMed s tiin ip e i) e n v e ln |» e , H e r b e r t death upon him for being n t tho head of it is every young man*« duty to answ er
“ I was more bewildered than ever,
a conspiracy to overthrow tho religious prom ptly w hen h is country calls for his and from th a t tim e on made the study
ineinbora of tho kirk of a certain dis E. IleH s, I’lCNt,, b e ,» t. M. ('hicHKO.
and p o litical co nstitution of A thens, ho services. Aly boys have done it, and I ’m of slung ouo of my chief occupations. ”
tric t.
T h e El rut T eacapn .
“ T he lesson was iu Ecclesiastes, ” cays
said, “ I w ill show them I still liv e .” proud of them .
I —D etioit Freo Press.
Mr. Johnston, “ aud one day they had
Even after tea was introduced into He obtained from S parta assurance of
“ I hope— I hopo very much— and I
boon discussing the verse iu w hich Solo Europe and had come into general use personal safety and w ont hither. Ho de­ pray th a t they m ay como back to m e.”
A Furfiet f il l B i s h o p .
luou snys, ‘Among a thousand na n 1 teacups were scareo. At the raw # tim e lig h ted and charm ed tho Spartans, us ho
There w ere tears in tho m other’s eyes
Au English bishop, noted for tho
hav e found oue, but among a thousand coffee w as introduced; but, apurt from mul the A thenians iu his earlier years and h er voice trem bled as she said this. shortness of his memory, was one day
w om en have 1 found not o n e,' mouuiug C onstantinople, the first coffee cups in He udopted th eir custom s and dress and
The Meekses come from good fighting w aiting at a station for a train. Being
oue ju s t aud good and upright. Aud Europe date buck only us far as 1045 in was tho stric te st S p artan of them all. R evolutionary stock. C aptain Meeks' in good time, his lordship was indulg­
on old Scotchwoman, when she had Venice, 10511 in Paris, 1052 iu London He wore his h a ir short, bathed in the g reat-g ran d fath er fo u g h t w ith W ash­
ing in a solitary tro t up and down tho
ilstuuod in silence and heard the rest and 1004 iu Leipsic. From the first, icy w aters of tho E urotes and ate th eir ington. I t is a strong, healthy, long
plattnrm W hile thus engaged, he came
nooept It us present and gospel tru th , got however, the conventional oriental cof­ black broth and barley bread. They be lived fam ily too. N ot long since a t a
in contact w ith a young officer whose
her dander up uud rose to her feet
fee cup, w ith o u t stem or handle, was lieved th u t ho had been m isrepresented. fam ily reunion there w ere representa­ lace seemed fam iliar to him. Meeting
“ ’H ootI' she said ind ig n an tly , bet little used, and in G erm any not ut all
Iu tru th , as P lu tarch said, “ ho changed tives of five generations present.— New ! h im again, he said "C oed m orning.”
•yen blazing. 'D o you find why thin Thu Chinese teacup w as used for tea, color moro quickly titan n cham eleo n .'' York E vening Journal.
At the next rcueontcr the bisliopstop-
win? It w as because line ditcuiit woman coffee and chocolate as well. Specimens Ill S|Kiita be was grave, tem perate uud
I ped, saying, “ How is your father?”
■wad bo w en in Ins company ’ ” —Mil of porcelain w ere undoubtedly in tro ­ fond of physical exercise; in Ionia he
O ur W o m e n a t P a r is I n 1OO9.
The g allan t soldier replied, "H e has
w auki'u W isconsin
duced in to Europe in th e m iddle ages, w as easy going, luxurious and merry,
I l l The L adies’ Home Journal Edw ard
been dead for m any years. ” Tho bishop
yet not till tho sixteenth century were iu T hrace ho w as drunken, in Thessaly Bek notes th a t A m erican women are tried aguin w ith the query, "H ow is
llf-ir, Indeed?
cups im ported from C hiua in any g reat ho xvas devoted to horseniauship, and in arranging to niako “ another exhibition i your mother?” " W e ll,” said tho offi-
S he— Do you bvliw u ill p latonic love? quan tities, aud even tnen it was as a r t i­ the court of tho Persian sutrups he s u r ­ of tliem selvos" a t tho P aris exposition i cer, sm iling, “ I think she must be all
cles of vertu Most of those found th eir passed T issaphcrues hiiuself in m agnifi­ in 11)00, proportionately sim ilar to the right, or you would hovo heard had she
Hu— 1 hardly kuow Do you.*
Hhe— W ell, of com- ho there may he way hack into C hiua again, us collect­ cence. As S parta w as to ho tho prize of painful "W o m a n 's b u ild in g ” a t the been indisposed.”
*uch a thin g , I u t— h u t—w ell, but ween ing porcelain is a lasting fad there, and tho A thenian victory ho showed the W orld’s fa ir in Chicago in 18118, and
The bishop walked away, but bis
high prices ure paid for good specimens. people th eir danger, advising them to urges th a t the painful inistakoof C hica­ curiosity was greatly aroused. Seeiug
tw o Much pooplu a m you and — an d —
He— No, n et between you aud me Thu collection of Chinese porcelain, if begin active operations ag ain st th at go bo not repeated a t the F rench capi­ tho statiou master, be nt cuce asked
Ah, Helen, platonic love would not do only the gouftiine specimens are desired, city. No b etter advice could have been tal. “ It w as n o t,” Mr. Bok says, “ th a t him if he could enlighten him as to
fo r u td I m ust speak Can you—can requires im mense study and knowledge, given them , and they profited by it.
the women w ho projected tho ‘hen who tho young officer was w ith whom
as tho Chinese are sk illfu l im itators
house' (a t tho W o rld 's fair), as it was ho had been conversing. “ O h,” replied
M anilla llc m p .
Mho—Oh, Alfred, how did you guess and put num erous falsifications on the
irreverently culled by m any, w ere alto­ j the station m aster, “ why, your lord-
m arket.
«acret?—Chieugo News.
E very engineer known w h at m anilla gether to blam e, nor w as its failu re due ship, th a t's tho Dukoof C onnaught.” —
hem p is, b u t few are aw are th a t it is to lack of energy. T he failu re was iu Household Words.
In d iv id u a l Odors.
The Urgent gold com in the world i«
the product of a sper-ies of banana tho idea itself. I t w as unw ise, tuid in ­
Every hum an heiug has a specific w hich is cu ltiv ated iu certain localities telligent women on all sides did not
tbo D n tu h & toVcfeitfu piuvti; the sm all
A D r a te B rito n ,
r« t I t co iu id iu Pervia Mn » has a value Odor of uis owu. according tn A. Bcthu iu tho P hilip p in e islands. Tho plant, hositato to express thi ir opiuious. They
attack was made on Sidon,
«»< ouly 44 cents
called by tho native« “ nbacn, ” throw s objected, and rig h tly so, to l>o classed
gie. by w hich he can he recognized not up a clu ster of shouting leaf stalks to n apart anil have th eir handiw ork shown during the w ar w ith Syria, it became
We hai »I folks over to G od's mercy merely by dogs but by persons w ith sen­ height of 20 or 30 foot, w hich spread us th at of a set of freaks. If th e ir work necessary for the B ritish troops to ad­
aud show none uurselvi a. —G u n g e laiiofe sitive organs of smell. The case is m «i- out at tho top iuto a orowu o f huge u n ­ was goixl, they asked, w hy should it be vance across a loug, unprotected bridge,
tioim l uf u man w ho blindfolded could divided leaves. W hen it is 3 y rars old. separated from tho m ain exhibits sim ­ iu the face of a buttery cf six guns,
w hich completely commanded tho ap­
K ansas C ity luis »,1)00 employées tn pi< k out each individual iu a company it ia c u t dnwu aud tho stalks aru torn ply because it w as tho work of women?
into strips. These strips, w hile still W hat (lid th eir sex m atter if the work proach. The men were unw illing to ex­
ita puck lug houses and stuckyarda.
pose them selves to certain death, when
Thu sn ell is m t horn w ith us, hut fresh, are draw n between i i knife and a w as of m erit?
A rthur Cumming, carefully dressed in
develops gradually till the age of puber­ worxlen block, and th e soft cellulose
"T h e re is no sense, however, in m ak­ full uniform, stepped forward to the
ty, a fte r w hich it rem nius unchanged. m a tte r is removed. Tho fiber is then ing th is m istake for the second tim e,
Momhers of a fam ily have a kiud of hung u p to dry iu tbo opcu a ir u n til it p articu larly w ith in tbo boundaries of m iddle of the bridge. It was im m edi­
cummou ixlor, w hich persists even when is fit for use. Each stalk givt s about a another couutry anti for another |tcoplo ately swept by the fire of the battery.
they have lived ap art for u long time.
pound of liber, and tw o n atives w ill to laugh ut. The idea nt Chicago itself When tbo smoko had rolled away, there
tu rn o u t about 25 pounds a flay. The w as wrong, and the idea for P aris is stood Cumm ing intact, carefully brush­
T he en tire area of the U nited States Inside filter, w hich is th in and weak, is equally wrong. It is significant th a t the ing tho dust from his boots, after which
is pinned a t 1,835,017,002 acres, ot used by tho natives for m aking articles women w ho were forem ost in tho C hi­ ho stood erect, fixed a single glass in
w hich 741,702,305 acres are now owued of dress. The fam iliar m an illa rope is cago expt rim e a t refuse to h av o an y th in g his eye mid looked back a t the men.
by in d iv id u als or by corporations or made from tho liber of tho outer layer, to do w ith tho P aris project. T his T his w as t o t ) m m h, and they captured
states or bave passed o u t of the control w hich is h ard and streug. Tho whole should speak volum es to the women th at bridge and battery w ith a whoop.
of th e general governm ent.
supply of n u u illn hem p practically w ho are persisting iu m aking this sec­
II I r C n n ip liu ien t.
ooiiic« from the Philippines, r .n tl the ond mistake. If so direct a h in t dtxts
A few weeks back a wedding break­
A P rrp leiH y.
G utted S tates consum es 41 per cent of it. not sullitv, however, the U nited Ntates
fast was given by a subRtautial farm er
“ Mike, ” «nid Plodding Pete, “ I guess
governm ent, w ith a fu ll know ledge of
blessed w ith live (laughters, the eldest
r ic tu r e n q u e lh*A crlption u f A rlaon a.
dey've got uh . ”
the result of the 'W o m a n 's b u ild in g ' at
whom was the b rid a A neighbor, a
“ Wliut did de folks in d e house say?’
Wo live in u land of high m ountains, tho W orld's fa is in mind, should nud yonng farmer, w ho w as honored w ith
Ttie (Kent Despair.
*'Ef we d o u ’t ehop wood, wo e a u 't higli collars aud high taxes, low v a l­ doubtless w ill refuse to allow A m eri­
One o f the most list.
an invitation, thin k in g no doubt that
leys, low neck dresses and low wages, can woman In ««I to be held up agaiu to
1 rihle things «boat the alecp iu de barn. Dey'U lock i t . ”
nervous diseases to winch
“ W ell, we kiu go fo rd er down do big, crooktxl rivers auil big, crtxikod ridicule. T he A m erican w om an's in- he ought to say som ethiug com plim en­
ta ry upon tho event, addressed tho
wom en
are peculiarly road. ”
Statesmen, big lakes, big drunks, big gt unity eau Ititv tt ndeqnato expression bridegroom thus:
subject is the sense of
overw helm ing d e s p a i r
“ W ell, you have got the pick of tho
w hich they brimj upon tin- mind. about live or teu minute«, an ruin barri. heads, silver strenuis th a t gam bol iu the P aris ex]x«itinn iu 1IKK). R a th e r h an d i­ b a tch .”
A w om an's m ental condition is IX' horrible nlteruutive is je«' di«, m ountains uud pious ptolitieians wbe w ork m ust lx) show n w ith the h an d i­
The faces of the fonr unm arried ones
d ltvetlv sm l p .iw iifn lly affected hy w h ich 'll we tlo, go ter w ork or tu k e a
gam ble in th e uight, ro arin g cataracts w ork of men, nud not ap art from i t were a study.—Loudon Fun.
any ailm ent o f the delicate, special
aud roariu g orator«, fast traius, fast The lesson m ust be enforced upon con­
organs o f h et sex
Siich s difficulty bath?“ — W ash mg I on S tar.
[ wnlv racks her tsxlv with pain a m i suf-
horse«, fast young men, rose« th a t bloom tin en tal Et:i-o]xt th a t in America m erit
T h e S ap p er and th e Sentry.
frnnx but burdens het with m ental anguish
Iln u ortn if th e
the y ear round aud b eau tifu l girl« w ith is rts-ttguized irrespectivo of sex ."
w h ich words can hardly describe
stationed a t G ib raltar I over­
rosebud m ouths, sharp lawyer«, sburp
Thou c o ld s o f wom en have had a sim ilar
heard, says a " re g im e n t" story teller,
Cárpete ami Ku«^ W ear.
e x p e ile n c e to that of ?’ -s Eurath A. o i l a sttuiuloMt, and having ie tu sliu v td fluaueiers and sharp ttxi xhttes, noisy
W illaim a, of Wvatpori. Oldham Co.. Kv., u atu n iily offered to pay.
The heavy grades of car|x t, such as the follow ing colloquy betweeu an in ­
children, fertile plains th a t lie like a
i u which the use o f I I f Pierce’s wondetful
“ We never charge editors nothin, sheet of w ater nud thousands t f news moquette, do not w ear in holes, but they fantrym an doing sentry go and a sapper
'F avorite P rescription,” bv imparting
out w ith his sw eetheart:
• a h ,” said the barber grandiloquently.
papers th a t lie like th u n d e r.— Yuma
health and strength to the fem inine organ
AI<»Yr«t Slut* Milltuu **uun<t*.
Sentry (w ho secs sapper coming)__
" B u t how can you curry ou your Sentinel.
iaru. has not on ly restored com p lete vigor
A m erican eagineera have ju s t per­ H a lil Who goes there?
and capacity to the hodilv powers hut has busnit s»t”
also given renewed b riflitn ese sad buoy
form ed a feat a t Bism arck. N. D.,
A Zulu Haiti Charm.
Sapper (try in g to lock big)— E ngi­
“ D al's ull rig h t, boss,” u n s th e ill
ancy o f spirit
The Z ulus em ploy a rain chnrnt w hich has never Iteforc been ctjnal d neer and his lady.
lulgt n t reply. “ Wo makes it up off'u
" 1 aaffstr.l foe o v e r ■ v e s t s a v a M rs W illia m s ,
S en try — Advance, sapper and servant
w hich is very rem arkable ceusideriug It took them nu entire y e a r to m ake
jeutlem eu. “ — Y outh’s (.’uuipauiou.
" w i t h i n d ig e s t io n x m l n e r v o u s p r o s tr a tio n
w a s u n a b le t o e s l o r s le e p . I t r ie d s e v e r a l p h y s
th eir usual fierceness and cruelty. They th e ir preparations, aud w hen all was girl. A ll's well. — Loudou Globe.
K ia n s but t h e y o n ly h c ln r d m e for a sh o r t l in i e
T h e Cuunt'a .11 fetal,«.
catch a bird, aud after th e trib al w isard ready they moved a pier of th e N orthern
A f r ie n d a d v is e d m e Io l a k e l)r P ie r c e 's f a v o r i t e
P r e s c r ip t io n . D r P ie r c e 's G o ld e n M e.1i.-al l)t»
n r a s r h la r H .r C onceit.
haa consecrated it aud made it a ' heaven Pacific railw ay bridge, w eighing ».(MX).
covert a n d P e lle t »
1 c o m m e n c e d t a k in g th .
b ird " they th row it iu to a pool uf w a ­ 000 pounds, about four foot iu a few
m e d ic i n e s la s t M m
T o o k t h r e e I s r t lle s iir th e
ro u u t u fter all?”
Helen— He thinks the world cf me.
m in u tes
' F a v o r ite P r e s e r i|itio n
t h r e e of t h e 'Golden
"N o , poor man
He tried to t d l her ter.
And «tk-h nice things he says of m et He
M rUkcal Piseovrrv ' u m l t h r e e v ia ls o f t h e ' P el
In «pite of th e ir ow n indifference to
th a t h er singing was som ething th at i
l e t s a n d am n o w t c r lin e f e t t e r t h a n I h a v e Sir
The allow ance of the lerd m ayor of said last evening th at I wax a dream.
tw o years
H a v e a g v s s l Sfvpettte. s le e p w e ll
th e sufferings of an im als they believe Loudon, op to Ihe m ayoralty e.f Nir Bid-
m ade oue glad to live, and hi« prouuit
Harriet—A ¿.-enm rosy be beautiful
s o d d a n o t su ff. i fron t i n f i x r a tio n o r nervsnuv
ciattu u w as so broken tiiat she though th a t the aky. w hich they conceive to be ney W nteriow in I b i i was <40.COO s i- w btAi oue ia under ita influt nee, but one
n ear
I h a v e a to n e d s e v e n .in.I a h a lf p o o titls
s in c e t a k in g I heat m t .ll l n e s
I h a v e rv eo m
a peraouulity, w ill be fu ll of woe a t the nualiy, I :t it w as increased iu
he «aid it m ade oue glad to have, an
forgets a dream so qnickly when one
m e n d e d Dr Ptercr a m e d ic in e t o s e v e r a l In d ie s,
d eath of the bird and drop sym pathetic year to »50.000, a t w hich sum it b a . 1 wake« ap, you know .—Bt«ton Traa
then she n-quc«ttd him to lea t o , “ —In
c u e o f w h o m 1« o n a la:, ta g It and is bvtug
g is-n tlv Iven rftled '
trib u te iu ahowera of rain.
dutuujs Iu Joarual
•tv ».i kit-ku Ivon u m .«!.
e>u\\o»T m Mec*. Tonic
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
An Erratic W riter.
When Thomas Bailey Aldrich was a
small salaried slerk iu George W.
Carleton’s book itoroon Broadway, H tz
James O ’Brien was iu the habit oi
dropping in to see him, and oue duy
;ame in rather more than half seas
over. Aldrich decided to tako him
across the street to a hotel aud put him
to bed Cautiously and carefully ho led
O’Brien, but beforo be had got hall
way across a friend stopped him and
asked: “ Why do you w ant to bother
with the fellow. Let him go. ” “ I w ill
not, replied Aldrich. “ He borrowed
dollar from me a few days ago, and I
can’t afford to let anything happen to
him .”
At another time, when he was not
rtrictly sober, O’Brien found himself
m t of funds. He wandered into a pub­
lisher’s office and asked for J25. ib is
was refused him. Angrily seizing a
placard O’Brien reversed it and made
in big letters on the blank side: “ One
o f ------’s authors. 1 am starving. ” T y­
ing a string to the card, O ’Brien placed
it around his neck and paraded up and
down the street, to the great amuse­
ment of a large crowd. Ho was of
course requested to desist, but nothing
stopped his mad course until a $5 bill
Xt’as preseRted to him as a compromise.
k-Saa Francisco Argonaut.
Headache, Biliousness,
Indigestion, Dizziness,
Indicate that your liver
is out of order. The
best medicine to rouse
the liver and cure all
these Ills, Is found in
Hood's Pills
25 cents.
Sold by all medicine dealers.
leading taper
B y Makl<
T he D evil T ree.
The devil, dragon or octopus tree, ns
it is variously called iu tho different
stories told of it, is oue of those travel­
ers’ myths which by dint of repetition
have worked their way iuto public be­
lief. The mau eating or devil tree is,
according to the story, a huge plant
somewhat resembling a palm, save that
the central fronds aro provided with
sharp teeth, which, when the leaves
are folded over toward the center, grasp
w ith a death grip the man or anim al
unfortunate enough to be inclosed w ith ­
in Iu some of the storioa this treo is
also provided with long arms, which
reach out and seize unwary travelers,
raise their bodies in the air ami drop
them iuto the center of the circle of
devouring leaves.
It is hardly necessary to say th at
there is no such tree and that the story
has its origiu iu tho dangers cf travers­
ing a tropical thicket, where travelers
have received serious injuries from fall­
ing over vines and among thorny plants,
where men are frequently attacked and
killed by serpents. The devil treo is lo­
cated by various story tellers iu Borneo,
iu Sum atra and iu the forest recesses of
other tropical islands, aud whenever
inquiry is made for it it is to he found
somewhere else.—St. Louis Globe-Dem­
Postage PaK,
a ta .
The Weekly Chronicle
Greatest Weekly in the Country,
$ 1 .5 0 A
ro t
(In c lu d in g p o s ta g e ) to a n y p a r t of th e U n ited
B tatoa, C a n a d a a n d M e x ic o .
T I1E W E E K L Y C H H O N IC L .B . t h e b r ig h te st
and m o st c o m p le te W e e k ly N e w s p a p e r in the
w orld, p r in ts r e g u la r ly 112 C o lu m n s , or nlxteen
p a g e s, of N e w s , l i t e r a t u r e a n d G en er a l In for­
m a l ion : a ls o a m a g n if ic e n t A g r ic u lt u r a l and
H o r tic u ltu r a l D e p a r tm e n t. T h ia Is o n e o f the
g r e a te s t d e p a r tm e n ts In a n y p a p e r on th is
C oast.
E v e r y t h in g w r itt e n la b a s e d on e x ­
p erien ce in th e C o a s t S t a t e s , n o t on E a ste rn
m en ’s k n o w le d g e o f th e ir o w n lo c a lit ie s .
A Fanama Hat.
“ The life of a panama bat—th at is,
if it is a good one to start w ith ,’’ re­
marked nu adm irer of that style of head­
gear, “ compares somewhat w ith the
life of the owner of it One can run
through either iu a hurry or bang ou
for a loug tim e if it is desired If care­
fully kept, a panama hat should last
all the way from 10 to 40 years. 1
kuow a gentleman who resides iu east
W ashington who lias owned and steadi­
ly worn during tho summer mouths a
panama hut for nearly 40 years. It has
been bleached every couple of years
since aud retrimmed aud relined, aud it
is today to all intents and purposes as
good as when I first saw it 30 years ago
“ I kuow of another panama hat, now
worn by a physician in this city, which
has had almost us loug a life. Long be­
fore be got it his father wore it. 1 kuow
dozens oi them which iiave been in use
from 10 to 20 years. The liuiug wears
out, hut the body of the bat keeps good.
Of course care bas to be used to keep
them such a long time, but the panama
itself is almost indestructible The
original cost of the hats that I refer to
was not exorbitant, none of them cost­
ing over «14.
W ashington Star.
S tron ger T hao Oak.
Foot bridges in Morocco th a t aro used
for heavy traffic have been the subject
oi much concern to the engineers. Elm
plauks ouoak striugpieces were tho m a­
terials employed, but these wore out so
rapidly that a return to the old style of
building was proposed. This consisted
oi cables made from the fiber of tho
aloe. Those cables are plaited aud twist
™ from fiber and aro nearly two inches
thick aud 8
inches wide. They are
saturated w ith tar aud firmly nailed to
oak planking. The ends are fastened by
iron straps. These cables make most ad-
mirahle footpaths They are sufficiently
elastic to be pleasant under the feet
aud expeneuce has demonstrated tiiat
í« r7 ia.rC
“ ore
than any ma
ttn a l heretofore applied tor ibis pur-
C h r o n ic le
U n t ld ln T «
THE C H R O N IC U B r a n k s w it h th e g r e a te s t
n e w sp a p er s In th e U n ite d S t a te s .
T H E C H R O N IC L E h a s n o e q u a l on th e P a c in o
C oast. I t le a d s a ll In a b ility , e n te r p r is e and
n e w s.
T H E C H R O N IC L E 'S T e le g r a p h ic R e p o r ts are
the la te s t a n d m o st r e lia b le , Its L o c a l N e w s the
f u lle s t an d s p ic ie s t, a n d Its E d it o r ia ls fr o m the
a b le st p ens In th e c o u n tr y .
T H E C H R O N IC L E h a s a l w a y s b een , a n d a l­
w a y s w ill be, th e frlen<L an d c h a m p io n o f the
pet p ie, a s a g a in s t c o u .W a t Ions, c liq u e s , cor­
p o r a tio n s, or o p p r e s s io n s
a n y k in d . I t w ill be
Independent In e v e r y t h in g , n e u t r a l In n o th in g .
Reversible Map?
SiiowHfl the Unl e l States, D sm I s I os
of Canada a a l Northers M jx I o )
o .y
H ID E ,
Map of the World
O N T I I K O T H K IX S I D I f i.
R «1
SC nnA 4 . . 1 (be
Week f G hranlxlo lar O n . Y ear,
««•ta x « p r e y a n o u m a p a n « > ap ar.
M . H . An Y O U N G ,
Fravrirlor 8 F. CbronMfc
i C T Y L IS M . R E L I A B L E S
A R T IS T IC -».
’ » " .T m ™ :? ;'* by
They A lq .y .
Lk,<"n« < *• i
NONE better at any PRICE i
e v i ^ Y . 1” * * ? * U e ,n ®
»eld in nearly J
h v7. , 7 V 3 ? wn ' n th t V e ile d S ta te .
sr J°e®no< keep
tenl •tamps
, ' Addre«.
your n;are»t paint
n . i d t p.
Miss Greener—And so you were in
the train that was held np by rollM,rs"
WM? i? ," JDSt fr,8h troe(l to death?
Miss M in t,n g -V o n li bardly
it, but 1 wasu t frightened
friithteneit a » bit
i„. t The
i .
fact is, when they came into the car
and ordered us to hold np our ham |a l
thought it was going to be . lecture ,,n
pa unstry. and 1 didn't find ow d ^ “
e n t n u t r i n was al, over.-B o sto n S
M c C all
- a t
u of p ,," “,,c
Louts Bost U i s p « ^
An English paper tells
a clergy,
man who had two
curate«, with the
older of whom he
GU bemg a p p o u ,^
, a: swords
ho decided to t ike with to him
the living
curate, whom he ,lkw, “ “ <ne yctmger
and when he
came to p-each bis
chose «.
.e itL ' -A b tl’' y i b m whs
U - s - s . asd | B1;d ibe Jady “ctH N ith
will go yna
d tr ana uorxnir
o r ^ r rts ;
* ve • Chic®»«, and
R rlth tc.t
M .g a tln .
P u b li.h .S
C '.!ored
P la t» ,.
¿ e ork.
” •’■
“ '■«m». F-»h'
F a n c y L í W
5 i S ? , h’d
• ! h i’
ln e e r y
' » ). k y'tv
pietnirim« (or a little
r r»,t# ot ,e r' n ’ •'•<! «‘thee pa n ic-
e U« to («6 W. , 4«la st., N<w York Î;
X 'W M W fH w w ffw tw riM r& i
T áiw Í b *,’Í. ,Ot* ri11 T”*1 TTSS”
y .* 11™0, ,R- , ‘ '—’•I.
«• •««(■
> -«5
soo«’ n ¿3“"' " v' r*“ »‘-.Mii‘x
to» oorv or ces
orrxa “•
i h . n l rr? r o n f e a , w r «alfe.
4 ù L
. . _ **'*• •n 'n .« o r í ,
- - ri
h . b . willso T
h °ri»si«,. WASH I N G l
•’ (f..»?
, 03» Msrket S t.. San Francises. !
F ren ch m en Fond of llreod.
company ,
•331# I46W. I.ih 8#« York ;
» t . n i a i n , » ta u tiin i
Europecn nations vary very greatly
m their consumption of bread The
greatest flour eater
lhe w 7 ld i. £
brem hm an, who consumes ncarlv m-
Pound, a day. or 7O6 pounds a Ty'ar
Thw enormous quantity, compared with