marcli nt 7 30 this morning ami we were ready on time. We climlied into the lighter abunt eleven o'clock and bid a Ihnnkful gm-d-by to the old Senator *~yVBLUU4£l> I VISBY FRIDAY MORNING— | , These natives are the slowest and most ‘ ignorant lellows I ever saw try to handle ' a lioat but lliev finally get us in tow ol —F louenuk , L ank C ounty , O regon .— j the tug and we started lor the shore. ABSQ uum vtoftE - • - by - - • In getting to the landing in the river In order to reduce my stock of good« Makes the food more delicious and wholesome our barge bung up on the nnchor chain The Ablest and Most Successful between now and Jan. 1st, 1899, I havo of a ship and as there wna a stiff current so» At m u m »owo»» co , « » *<>««- Specialists in the World. Editor and Proprietor. running we staid there half an hour, reduce ' the price of all goods to COST They guarantee a complete cure at i We filially got ashore and formed in.I Your Own Home, and allow you to ——T bhms : $1.59 a year in advance.----- I companies inarched to the barracks and a small per cent to cover expeuaea C Y Benjamin managing editor of the Ì I where we were cheered hi tine shape, pay when cured. I’laindcaler died at Roseburg last week during the sale. Entered at tlie post-office at Florence, 0[ paralysis, The Experiences of a Soldier as Relate , for we are a well equipped and soldier- 1 — j ly body of men. We were halted in ! faine county, Oregon, as second-class George AV Kinsey of Eugene who was | by Ono Phelps. mail mutter. I three sides of a square and the colonel | ; tried at Portland last week on a charge ! gave us a short address and then as the j of conspiracy to unlawfully laud a Chi­ names were called the recruits for each ' Thousands of promising young men ADVERTISING BATES MADE KNOWN ON A P­ [Continued from last week.) nese laborer in this couulry was acquit- PLICATION. Nov. 14. I awoke alxmt four o’clock I company stepped three paces to the j have their lives and future usefulness Local notices 8 cents per tine, each Insertion I led. front and were then marched oil to the ; wrecked by INDISCRETION AND These goods are mostly new, bought Last Sundays Oregonian contained a this morning and beard the boys bustl- company quarters and given our dinner j j p£{£ \\yTF. DISEASES. The symptoms Rohinson formerly ing around and talking about a volcano. picture of Rev A Florence, Or. Jan. 20, 1899. fur tho Fall and Winter trade, and will which I think was the best tasting ‘ until cured, are portrayed on the conn pastor of the Presbyterian church in I got out of bed and saw, a mile away Thanksigiiiug dinner I ever ate. fir I tenance and ifi tho actions of the vic- be sold without reserve. It is the largest the on our port side, a real volcano. It Florence. He is now chaplain of WESTLINOS. appeared to lie about 890 feet high and fell in for retreat with neither guns nor Jtirn. If neglected nr improperly treat- Seaman’s Bethel in Portland. a quarter of a mile across the largest belts. The discipline is strict here hut jed, other organs become affected, and stock carried for many years thus giv­ x-C- >os county’s new court house com­ t sooner or later there are serious results. ing a great variety to select irom A bi« stock of children’s hose at A pleted and including furniture cost only way, but the fire and smoke came out ol tlie officers seems easy other ways. Our New Method Treatment will posi­ 25th. Frank Taylor loaned mo his tlie top in fine shape. Ils name is O Funke’s. $15,000. It is built of brick, with stone hammock last night but wo went and tively cure these diseases. Mrs Frank Fox lias been quite ill at trimmings, and is 60x80 feet in Bize and Furullon de Pajoros, one of the La- MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are drones. I found out later that it is got new bunks today and now we are Beaton tliis week. two stories high, besides basement. 2400 feet high and that we were five fixed all right. Tlie barracks are inside thousands of you who have committed Special sale of boots and shoes to com­ The Guard publishes a call for a meet­ miles from it. I guess it is about a mile of a wall nnd we are r.ot allowed outside offences against the laws of your na­ mence at O AV Hurd’s Monday. ing to be held in Eugene Feb. 4t 1» to across the longest way. ture, nnd are now paving up for it. except from six p in to 9:30 p m. When yon want a plow go to Meyer consider the advisability of uniting the 26th Sunday. I went to church this Those weak, aching hacks, Ixxssof Sex­ 15th. I awoke last night with the fruitgrowers into an organization to rain wetting my head. I pulled the morning. The chaplain is a real nice ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, A Kyle'* before purchasing elswhere. Hood's pills core nil liver ills. Mailed handle and market the fruit crop of the blankets up and let it raiti. It «lid not man ; everybody likes him. This after­ Frequent and Painful evacuations of for 26 cents by C I Hood & Co., I.otvell, coontv. The call is signed by quite a wet through the blankets. The day has noon I bunted up Evurett Bucher. He the Bladder accompanied by more or number of leading fruitgrowers. less smarting ami the escape of par­ is in company K. been fine. M an. J There are but three counties in the 28ih. We are witli our regiment at ticles of albumen in tho urine with Ranging in cloth from $ 1.60 up. Plush capes from $2.60 up. 16th. A long quiet ilay. Born at Vmpqnn River Life Saving 17th. A sail in sight off the starboard last and had the first drill this morning. ropy sediment, all point to the decline Station Jan 12lh 1899, to the wile of state that pay mote taxes into the treas- Cotton blankets 50c, 65c, 75c, »1.00, and »1.25 per pair. try than Lane, and two of them exceed side this morning—tlie first we have W ernkiesdid very well cousideiing of your manhood. There are hundreds Win Loram a fourteen pound hoy. by only a small amount. According to seen since we left Honolulu. that we were on the lioat thirty-eight I who die of this difficulty, ignorant of W ool “ from »2.00 to »3.00 per pair; mostly 8alcra>auuiacture Read O W Hurd’s announcement of a this year’s levy, the four highest coun­ 18th. A little cloudy and a few days and of course were all out of prac- the cause. The doctors will guarantee special sale ol boots slid shoes. He is Calicoes at?0, 25,land 30 yds., for »1.00. N ew est styles ties will pay on valuation ns follows. showers today. I sleep on the after lice. We came off tho boat Thursday a perfect cure ill all such cases, and offering bargains to reduce bis stock. Multnomah, $42,870,564 ; Linn, $6,839,- hurricqne deck now and don’t have - to and marcheil into camp about two healthy restoration of theGeuito V ’in-I Chicago L. L. muslin 5c, Cabot W. 6c, Cabot A . 7c, w ith half John Powell has purchased from O AV 450; Umatilla,$6,558,131: Lane,$6,309,- get up to the morning when the sailors o’clock and you bet the boys gave us a ary Organs. Hurd two lots in Cox's addition to READER—Are you in trouble? scrub down tlie deck, lietween four and welcome. Tlie first meal we ate in cent reductionjby thejbolt. 410. Florence and proposes to erect a house five. Every inch of space there is taken Manila was Thanksgiving dinner and it Have you been treated and never cured? PERSONALS. 8 J Seymour is now in charge of the up at light and tlie fellow is lucky who tasted awfully good as wo were m ost’ You dare not risk a return of the dis­ government works ns watchman having can crowd in aait is the best place to starved. We are fed good here and ease. It may appear when happy in assumed the duties of that position this John Powell went up Knowles creek sleep we have. have good barracks. It rains an awful domestic life. Our New Method 19th. A fresh breeze from the north­ lot but the posts are all in the dry ex- I Treatment is vour refuge. If diseased, week. Monday to work at logging. Men’s and Boys’ clothing at prioeo J C Lyons a merchant of Lyons near Mr Pratt of Eugene lias been spending east and it is coul and comfortable. I cept a tew of the outposts. Tins is consult us confidentially. AV RITE (enclosing stamps for reply) found a new place for my bed last night I allre|y a great city—that is old Manila, Albany was Bhot through a window the a few days on tlie Sinslaw. that will astonish yon. This is an op­ for our interesting book. “A AA arning 13th Inst by an unknown party and died MrsE'A Morgan returned from tlie on the port slope of one of the skylights, £ WOn’t try to describe the walls, gates, Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept I tooke one ot my blankets and swiped motes and other things which make it portunity to procure your winter sup­ in a short time. Life Saving Station yesterday. a pillow and with the two I blocked it impossible to have taken it ivitli in­ strictly private anil confidential. All Quite a number of people in town Chas Rnesell arrived from Alsea up on the lower side and it makes me a plies practically for cost. Remember plain sealed envolope. fantry. In tlie old way of fortifying it : answers sent bave receutly been suffering from sore by the beach route Tuesday evening. fine bed. It is where the canvas don’t is the strongest imaginable. Letters " No 0 . O. D. business. eyes. The disease seems to he conta­ the place and call. O AV Hurd goes to Seaton Monday to leak either. I shall keep it the balance j from home written Oet. 13tli were wait- gious but lasts only a few days. spend a few days looking after his inter­ of the trip. We have only two men in ! ing here for me when we arrived. It i Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. Another reapportionment. hill bus est there. the hospital now with the mumps. It was nice^o get a letter after thirty-eight' lieen introduced in the legislature. By AVRITE TODAY. J A Pond visited several days this surprises me that I did not catch them days of no news of any kind. There are it Lane county has one senator and one week with Mr and Mrs Fremont on for I could not help being exposed and not very many sick here at least not ns joint one with Linn and three repre­ Address Remember we carry a general assort- # I did not try to. It looxs stormy this mBny as I expected to find and if a fel­ Maple creek. sentatives. M L Tower and family departed on evening. The wind is in tlie northwest low keeps clean and takes proper pre­ D r - W H - S a u n d e r s & C o incut of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and A number of thè school children en­ 69 Sproat St., Detroit, Mich. Barret’s stage Wednesday morning for and the smoke goes scudding away over cautions for Ilia health I believe he will joyed a party at Mr Rath’s last Fliday the port bow and right down on the Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent's, Ladies’ lie alt right. Coos Bay where Mr Tower will have evening. Several games were played There are seven transports In the charge of the dredging soon to commence water. and the merry-making concluded with and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and 20th. It was showery all night but it harbor now but there is some fear that in the bay there. Mr Tower lias been T H E S T E A M E R n candy pull. in charge of the government work on did not leak on me. I woke about four it is contrary to the protocol and none Notions all reduced. This sale for Lane comity has 690,191 acres of un­ the Sinslaw for nearly two years and this morning and tlie wind was wliistl- but the recruits have been landed yet □ CASH only. reserved surveyed and nnsurveved lumi, has won the esteem of every body here ing through the rigging and the ship | ,,ie others will be taken off soon. I like £69,126 acres reserved: 1,177,181 acres as an efficient and faithful officer. was rolling pretty badly. The course , tlie officers fine. The first sergeant is appropriateli. The total hi Lane county was changed about live though and then ' a „¡ue fe|iow «,„1 that is the main thing. ACME ITEMS. amounts to 2,530,500 acres. she rode easier. At daylight we could George Nieolle bad the iiumps nnd W ill carry freight and passengers see two small islands or rocks to the was taken to the hospital. I look for front Florence to San 1* raucisco. The soldier hoys who had taken north and while eating breakfast we him out any day now. B y S awdust . Huod'l Sarsaparilla are said to have W ill also bring up freight Good-by for this time, passed a big island—the island Camu- stood the long marches much better O no 8 P helps . gan. It rained fearfully hard while we then their companions. This medicine *#» •*» #** Riley Mills is building a new boat. were eating breakfast. AA’e eat on tlie gives strength and endurance. For further information inquire SUN D A Y SER V IC E S . John Lloyd came down from Point upper deck. Tlie canvass leaked and F B Wilson is now the owner of a Terrace Sunday. — OF — tlie wind blew the rain in under it ami handsome Jersey cow w hich Mr Nelson Sunday school 13 a in. Preaching at Oscar Gates started for Meadow on we were all as wet as we could be. Most A. W. BEADLE & CO. brought in from Eigen« first of the 11a in and 7p m. Morning subject. of as went around witb only a pair of week for him. Mr Wilson and family Thursday of last week. The Glory of Fruitage. Endeavor at 14 California St, Claude Yates and Maurice Livenson brown pants on and did not mind the will doubtless eat pure Jersey cream 2:30 p m. San Francisco, California. w ind and rain a bit. AVe entered B.dl- paid Acme a visit Monday. with their strawberries next summer. I G K notts , Pastor. inting channel this morning and the James White left on the 12th for east­ T O CURE A COLO IN O NE D A Y . Mondays Oregonian says tlie estima­ FIREMEN’S MEETING. EUGENE, China sea about noon. AA’e have been ted output of prunes in Italie county for ern Oregon where he will resume min­ in sight of land all day. It did not ing in tlie spring. _ ORE. 181*6 was, 107 growers; 1421 acres; 288,- A meeting of the fire company of Flor­ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. The interior of Siubert’s ball is receiv- ' storm very hard last night but I believe 000 lbs; in 1898 , 860,000 lbs: increase ence will be held Friday evening Janu­ All druggists refund money if it fail« to over 1895, 572,000 lbs. Value of dried ing a fresh coat of paint under the it will tonight. cure. 25c The genuine lias L B Q o n 21st. AVe are in the hay of Manila ary 27th, 1899, to elect officers for the supervision of Frank Saubert. fruits: prunes, $25,800; apples $2,400. each tablet. Manila between ensuing year. aow and will be at Acme has had more than its share eight and nine o ’clock. Last night was O. AV. H ub », The W est has for sale one years’ LO G S W A N T E D . vice president,. llli(hligllt. £ tuition in the Holmes Business College of sickness this winter Almost every glepp upppr (le(.k bin the of Portland. This is one of the leading family has been afflicted in some man- j None who are ongagutl in any of tho mechanical ANOTHER LANE COUNTY BCY. business colleges on the coast, having ner- I want 4,000,000 feet of old growth fir , , wind kept blowing harder and harder English, Commercial, Shorthand and purauitn can succeed without rending aud The Cushman mill started up Monday I (.j| j ftnj tbe ollierg w£t|, „,3 were forced Prof B J Hawthorne of the state uni­ logs delivered at the saw-mill at Acme offer nnd Acme now presents a somewhat , t„ Telegraphic departments and fce|ow £ thought I had seen the versity at E igene received a cablegram between now and May 1st 1899. studying this standard Magazine of Sciences I B Cushman. thia tuition on easy terms. livelier appearance than it did during j w;„j |,|ow before but ttiat was the from Manila Monday stating tiiat Ids I ,.orsl £ ever gaw an,i R, alamt an hour son AVistar Hawthorne had died from Arthur Anderson of Eugene while the six weeks that the mill was Idle. and mechanical Arts. * It is illustrated with NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION employed as fireman on a locomotive, A grand masquerade hall to lie given t,ie geag were Wasliiug the froward decks j para’ySia of the heart. all modern cuts of latest inventions in all was thrown on the track between the in Acme in the near future is now tlie great shape. Thia is a good ship The young mail a member of the locomotive and tender last Friday at topic of conversation among some of the though and she put her head into the second Oregon volunteers and was Land Offlce, at Biwobiirg, Oregon. the branches of mechanism, and its fund of Deceiolier 21,1S9S. Rico p ill in Douglas county. One arni fun-loving population. storm nnd never slackened speed all. I among the first of tbft students of the Notice I , hereby riven that the (olluwiiig- knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ was cut off by the wheels passing over 8 J Seymour who has accepted the took my bed on deck again and am go- university to enlist. He was twenty uameit settler has filed notice ol her intention He died Sunday evening, position of watchman at the govern- ¡ng to stay there if possible as I did n o t; it. years olil. to make fiii.l proof in support of her claim, sad ventors and mechanics. Sold with Tux • — 1 i 8leep - thsl « Id proof w ill be made before C. II. H o l­ alge of the Native Sons of tlie state inent works is at the jetty overhauling at - nil ■ last - night. The Valencia j A fats DISASTER AT TACOMA. den U. H. Cominisbioner, at Klofeure, Oregon on W est at clubbing rates.. ofOreg gon lias been instituted in Eugene some of the machinery. His family will - was out of sight behind this morning , r.b n ia ry 4th, 1S99, vis: Laura K. Anderson, and we have not seen her today. I am j with 45 charter members. The order is move down in about two weeks. widow of I^wfs W Anderson, dweiwed. on li. e. D iring the prevalence of a terrific this Brnal one is also particularly . devo- , AA’e are informed that a petition to glad we are almost there although not have tt*'“ *n Tacoma harbor, the British four- ! no. 'OIM, for the s}i ne'<, n 'j scQ. nee. 82, tp. IS trip is somelhing I would r 11 we>t. the collection of the early history , ( , |ltJ pew boom removed already $ i masteter. though he started for Fisk’s wharf condition of tlie mneous lining ol the appointed Mr Waite to fll the nnexpired Enstachian tube. AVben this tube is term a» school superintendent. t is often said that a nice mustache nearly a hall a mile above. AVho "We do not take pasieselon of onr Id«vs but are poisefised by than» inflamed you have a rumbling sound proves a young man’s appearance be ami what was the matter? a C T IV S SO LIC IT ia « w s s t k ii k v b b v w iik k z ANOTHER OFFICE- They maiter ns and foreo tu into the arena, . \ f . i r "The Story of the Philippines" by or imperfect hearing, and when it is : makes him more attractive to the Hal-teg-l, c-unml-id-ined by the Ooverninenl an Where like gladiators, we mart flght for them.” entirely dosed, deafness is the result, - OAciai Iti-torian to the War prpaitineut. 1 ho rsex. Several young inen ol this 1 book wav iu army ram p- »t s»u F»in- Representative Young ot Astoria lias, : etzen. and unless the inflammation can tie NOTICE. inity evidently wisWt l to find out on the raelfic with Oeueral Merritt, in Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the taken out and tlie tube restore-1 to its intro-liiwd a bill in the bouse for the the liomilals at Honolulu, lu H-uiz Koug, In ,w much difference it would make the American trench« at Manila, lu the i»»»jr- normal condition, lieaiing will lie de­ electi-in of prosecuting attorney in each ' gent i-amp- wlih AgninaMo. on the d-«k of the ,tli them and shaved off their mus­ entire contents of this monthly magazine I wieli to inform my fiienjs slid with llcwey, and In the ro u fo l the al toyed forever; nine cases out of ten county of the state, doing away witb the Olympia hes a few day. ago. In figusequence hwitte at the fall ol Manila. Bonanza (or ageuta. the public generally, that on or are upon a plane "and in keeping with its inl of original |.l.-:uee« taken by envern- are cause-1 t>y catarrh, which is nothing present district attorney, ant defining Brim e <.f them now clerking f«rO AV Hurd m the «p>t. l»J«e boo». i about the 15th 0» No»., I will open but an inflame-l condition of tlie mucous the duties an-l rotnpensatIon of the olfi- Ixiw prices. Illg profit». Freight paid, ¡ r e lit td who has been consMerable of a motto. The Arena’s gallery of 'eminent .. traehv ........oIRriaf war book» Z a Bazaar here at my residem e for Drop nil un ceis so crcateil. Tlie lull provides for given. > ------ iliei' man. has been M bs . J R S tiles , Point Terrace, Or. « J u ly ‘ no leas aalarv Monthly F ’> . Reference. En yesrfi. The las: to go into effect sold with T «r W est , Sold by Druggists, 76c, c|..«e aelf addreaawl »tamped envelope, Herbert Nov. 1st, 1#!«. J 1 E. Uea», Pre»L, pupt. M, Chicago. 1, 1991. Hails family Pills are the best. 4 T H E W E S T B aking P owder W .IL WEATHERSON I B8 Curei a i Uoma. PAY WHEN CURED. DR. f f l SAUNDERS & CO. A TRIP TO MANILA. Lost M o o n Restores. ★ A LARGE ASSORTMENT OE GAPES JOSP IN ★ L U E L L A Hail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Price as if You Bought in Person. J. H. McCLUNG, Scientific American. THE EnSMUPIILlTAN,' THE ARENA F A IR « .