Literary. SPECIAL j given to peace commissioners, which ' was adopted by the senate, although ★ opposed by Mr Davis, chair of tlie sen- FliO Jt o n t RSOVLAQ Col'.HKM’ONDKNT, (ORIGINAL AND SEI KtTED.) 8 E C lifiiliicje. •"-PU BLISHED EVERY FRIDAY M O RNIX9.’ - j ate committee on foreign relations and On January 1st when thef*pan'.sl. flny one of the ;ieace commissioners. Senator I — AT— W akil , D 0 , Jan. 9ll|, 1898. A thing of lieauty is a thing of joy (ell in the Weal Indies, the end of an Hoar was actuated, he says, by a desire If the ability of Agoncillo, who has forever; its loveliness increases; it will T l o b e x c i , L axe C o u n t y , O r eo o x imperial story covering over (our hun- died yeata was’ record«!.’ The flag had “ ked (or recognition as Philippine to bring out the fact that our commis­ never pass into nothingness; hut still j sioners went to Paris instructed to • • • BY • » * that gone up on one of the Bahama«, minister to the U » was equal to hi. will keep a bower fur quiet us, and u demand one island, and that taking the sleep, full of sweet dreams and health not far from Cuba, and was afterward impudence, he would lie a “ warm men»- whole Philippine group was an after­ anted on all the Wert Indian ¡«land«, he»“ U the diplomatic corp., He don’t thought, Tliis has lieen an oi*m secret and quiet breathing. on the northern, western and southeast- get any official recogmtton, but he has Boston slate-house is tlie hub of tho E d ito r an d P ro p rieto r. from the first, and the commissioners ern coasts of South America, on both already n,ado "«*•' troub,° for ,n tl,e Solar system. You could nt pr> that have told senators that they had to dc- , . shores of Oentral America, in Mexico Philippine.. He learned sometime ago, mand all or none of the Philippines, out of a Boston man if you had the lire Florence, Ore. J a n . 20, 1800. of all creation straightened out for a I and the present territory of the United o,r“:1*1 e'rule8’ 11,1,1 owing to circumstances which became »tales from Florida Io the Mississippi Otiw had lieen instructed not to apparent as soon as they met the »pun­ crow-bar, SCHOOL LEGISLATION. j river ami the Misalaslppi della to « * IoUe in dea>'"" * 'tb tbe » ' W n t . , Tlie world is a ncltle; disturb it, it ish commissioners. Oregon. That wau the must expansive without further orders, and at once slings, Grasp it lirmly it stings not.. f a p i l u l Jou rn nl: empire the world had ever seen. The cabled the information to Aguinaldo, On one of two things, if von would not WJio 1» To Blame, Few persons, oven among those eui- , , , Roman epipire, extending from London through the Philippine Junta at Hong be stung, it behooves you Io settle. ploycil in schools, comprehend the real I ’ . . . . to Thebe, and from Gibraltar to the Kongi that is why Aguinaldo inis been Avoid it or crush it. Kidney trouble has become so preva­ i.ature of our public school system. , , , . , . . . . , , ,, hud pot been so largu by putting up such a stiff front towards There is no den ill the wide world to lent tnat it is not uncommon for a child l ew know t it it is the foundation of , , . . . . . ... . . , half; the British empire was only liegm- our troops. Agoncillo is also getting hide a rogue. Commit a crime and the to be born afflicted with weak kidneys, cur deinoe.a ic institutions. The pivotal . .............. ............ . , I ping to get its permanent footholds encouragement from the nnti-expan. eartli is made of glass. Commit a crime If tlie child urinates too often, if tlie point of departure wherein our govern­ At the end of a century after Uolumbus sioniste in congress. Senator Mason urine scalds tlie flesh, or if, when the and it seems as if a eoat of snow fell on ment differentiates from all others. To Wpait, was the first colonising power, has offered a resolution, declaring that child readies »n age when it should be fhe ground, such as reyeals in the woods consider the public school system only Portugal the second and Great Britain the U 8 will not attempt to govern the tho track of every partrhbe ami f°x n9d from tlie point of taxes is a mistake. If people of any other country without tlie able to control the passage, and it is third, squirrel mid mole. there were no public system of educa» consent of tlie people thomgclves, or yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend No modern people in that age promis­ For to a|l mankind the end of life is tion, the rich would havo schools lor ed to grow into such wealth and Wight »object them to force to our dominion upon it, tlie cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first stop should death, though one keeps one's self shut their children, there would lie schools as the Spaniards, not only because o( ; «8»i««t tiieir will. * sustained by the groat middle mass lor The house judiciary committee lias be towards the treatment of these im­ up in a closet; but it becomes bravo the vasineas of their territorial gains, portant organs, This unpleasant men to strive always for honor, with their children, and a groat big increus» hut because they hail acquired all the taken no official action, hut its n,em tiers trouble is due to a diseased condition go «1 hope before them, and to endure ing third of all tlie children in the laud rich treasure-bearing country then are unanimously of tlie opinion that tlie of the kidneys and bladder and not to courageously whatever the Deity would become objects of charity so tar known to exist or afterward developed acceptance of commissions in the volun» a habit as many suppose. is. education is concerned. Out of this ordains. in tlie New World, The land of t|ip leer army by representatives vacated If tlie adult has rheumatism; pain or would grow the social distintions and Jails are built out of honest men's Incas was theirs| tlie auriferous lodges their seats in congress, i dull ache in the back; if the water earnings. Courts are supported from divisions into classes snd castes that of Venezuela and Uolnmbia flew their Another vote was made for tlie ratifi- passes in irregular quantities; or at peaceful men's property. Penitentiaries would follow them through life. tlag; the gold and silver mines of Mexico cation of the treaty of peace when the irregular intervals or has a had odor; are built by th$ toil of virtue. Crime Ill the public suhools there is enforced ■ ft f i paid tribute to them y they owned Calf- i California legislature adopted a resold» if it stain the linen or vossol the color never pays its own way. Vice has no equality. The richest and the poorest foriiia with its unsuspected billions. Ilion directing the senators from that ’» » N « .'«.■4-CN?eC.-«*N-Y.'VY.-Y.Y.$ L-Y.VCVY.^X.^X.X. y . y .'Y.X.'.X.'Y.'Y.'^X. x .^X.S'OY.'^'Y'V'N'Y.-Y... f.-WW q ( rust; if the feet swell; if there are hands to work, no head to calculate. and nobody’s child have an equal chance There was little gold for the Portugese state to voto for ratification, without puffy or dark circles under the eyes; Its whole faculty is to corrupt and to to be ranked upon mental ability mid in tlie Brazils; the English getting none amendment of the treaty, Senator your kidneys are the cause and need waste; and good men directly or Indi­ industry and aspiration to make the Commencing Monday January 23rd from the rock-hound coasts of New Perkins had announced hia intention to most of themselves. All caste is de­ doctoring. Treatment of some diseases rectly foot the Lilts. England, i||p burgher farms of vole against rat ideation, unless tlie may be delayed without danger, not so stroyed for the time being. Aristocratic And Continuing Until February 1st. New Amsterdam und tlie pastoral legislature of his state instructed him to ALPHA CLIPPINCS- with kidney disease. notions of superiority by birth and country of the South were forced to vote for it. If tlie legislatures in other FOR CASH ONLY. 7 Dr Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the great privileges of wealth are flung to the | B y E ven C hange . j steal from the Spanish galleons. One states followed the sentiment of the wind. This may not ho pleasing to J kidney, liver and bladder remedy might have propliesiel that Spain in inujority of their constituents, there promptly cures the most distressing some but there is a gr«ut substratum of Jan. 16th, 1899. four hundred years would lie to modern would doubtless lie similar instructions cases. Its mild and extraordinary common sense in it after oil, Tlie child Miss Clara Tabor is spending a times what the Italy of Caesar’s Rome | Hel,t to ot*ier “bucking senators, effect is soon realized, Sold by drug­ few days visiting Miss Bertha Haight. of exclusive sod plutocratic tastes is For tlie twelfth annual time tlie house gists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. You compelled to learn that there are others was to tho ancient era; but such a Tlie new saw mill which is being put j made tlie civil service clause c f tlie prophecy would have taken no account may have a sample bottlo an 1 pamphlet up here by Frank Potterf will be com­ in the world. Perhaps less («(orod but of the degeneration which wealth and legislative, executive and judicial ap­ telling all about it sent free by mail, pleted in thirty days. entitled to respect and consideration. propriation bill the basis for a “circus." Our mail contraclor Marion Wheelet Address Dr Killmer & Co, Binghamton, Tlie man or woman who con compre- power seem to always bring upon the bend this fundamental characteristic of Afrc-Latin'race, There is something This time, however, the performance N Y. When writing mention that you is spending a few days with relatives on latke creek and Nelson. our American free school system w ill! in 11,0 blood of ll,e I'alf-Castilian, half­ was carried a little farther than ever read this generous offer in T he W est . Our last Saturday a week W ests did before, and a motion to st.'ike out tlie overlook its defects Htid become its loyal ' Moor that cannot stand prosperity, and not reacli tliis office, we suppose tliey appropriation for tlie civil service com­ LEGISLATIVE MATTERS. supporter and advocate, an when Spain had mounted so high must have got on tlie wrong track. It ¡."the solo cause of tho moro than j that nil men envied her slio was about mission was adopted by a vote of 67 to Mr Al Gibson who lias a claim np Governor Geer on the 11th sent a Deadwood lias almost concluded to move average intelligence of our citizenship, ' to go slipping, sliding and tumbling hack 01, while the house was sitting as a and more than average »|4rit oAour ' to the lowest deep of misfortune and committee of the whole. Tlie total vote message to the legislature asking the to Minnesota. He is a first class car. lieing only a little more than one third return of the nominations of C A Dolph, penter and wishes to work at his trade, army and navy, tlie superiority of our ignominy, Mrs Flora I.undy has been seriously institutions, »ehool legisls-1 There she lies today; with nono of the entire membership, it was not R S Bean and II R Kincaid regents of tion shouk' not he diutated from \ poor to do her reverence. Of the splen» ««rprising when the yea and the nay tlie state university and S II Holt trus­ ill with cramp colie last week. She is subject to it and cams very near dying sordid considerations of wliut it will did empire of Uohimbtis, Balboa, Pizarro ' vote was taken 1,1 tbe lloU8e> that the tee ol the soldiers’ homo which had several times in the past year, r certilying physiriaa tilvised ns to take him to a dry hut uatioual extinction at the hands of Ids 8|>eeeh sounds good, snd, if there to tlie papers of convicts released from climate. I resolved to go to tbe great wheat Helds of Eastern Oregon end work the first great European pov«r that were no contented English colonie», the penitentiary and for paying a sub­ In harvest, but 1 soon foaud my own llon, Nelson ptnglev author of the VjC Dmgley teriff bill died in Washington may rhoo-M‘ to pick a quarrel willi her? miglit he convincifig t “Tlis history of tho scription to his own paper from 1831 to health was (ailing- I could nett hot sat ncr d rink w ithout getting slak. I waa . ............ ■■ — —. - world "how « that God has set the bounds 189«. laet Friday, He wns 83 yusr» nld and bltad and dizzy. I procured a bottle of (■ad teen a niemlmr oi eongreet Iroin s i - sivk « iuiij ,«« »«»»mi RvaavwHs«« Mr Kincaid replies to those charges in 1 *'rv the different people of the earth Hood’s Sarsaparilla and hegan taking It, ** tx òùVk-'«rv. .\i..r rb r s to r e <>■ tb>* F b lll|'|> iii« s " l,y M u n i „,,..11 , |, ; , i „ W h a n 1 lo o k a t t lm in n - H ii I'1 y » I, t .iiinuWMhHied In lit«- *«>v«*rnjnent n* «hitlU . $110.1 I IOQK ill li ) 0 COIl the Sunday Oregonian affirming that the and in a frnr weeks I was wet: aud able to Maine ei l i v e 1881. (.•ilit tnl Hl«tnriMii i«> tin* 4t$r b ri* rtn » « n 4 . I hv work every day. M y llttfe boy Is n o * A J Beveridgo hae beon elected wi.a- iNMtk » * * w rittvu tn u rin v n u n a t .Hun Frun ililion of the world, I aw unalterably reason at tlie b'ttom of these «barges taking Hood's Sarsaparilla With gooff »iM’ti, «n» tiu* « U it G cn em l M u n in , convinced that no permanent sway can ia that he would not support the repnl, tor Iroin Indiana to sucrecd »enator th e iioRpiiHh nt lltm o lw ltl. in H«»nn l it resuPs.” D. P a t t e k , Oregon. th e Knit rii-Hii tran cile* a t M aniin, in lite iii'u r lie held by tiu) whits man over the block lican ticket in the lost campaign. He Ahonse.nd lot in G|enada T, Vian t tu ut » « ith tiruiliH iiin, m i tiu» nf th e Tnrpie B O b lupin « U h tX»«e>. a ln i in tUv umr «4 th e , . . . A . bouse is lfi be 3t u , . . . nn7 ,WJ ‘ n” ’ ■’«», ' e we >**'e wil, made denies the charges of collecting fees to I H lirten t XI D etu 'W "P i n o n i i n s t c t i Utili«» »H th e («UI o í Muniin B>-nnn/n Inr Atfeni» titilli III 111<* «Hlb-trQptYS, except DV * ba>Hn brig,’ f„, TH E W EST. THE ENO OF A GREAT FMPIRF. WASHINGTON LETTER. W. H. WEATHERSON O F W OOTS < s SHOES . AT THE^* GREAT j WHITE : STORE TÖ BEDÖCE STOCK REGARDLESS OF S ee o u r sp e cial c o u n te r . O .W .H U R D C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and ★ Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ......... J u s t O p e n e d . Goods as Reoresented. m ii iiih ii • y KUTAISI PVIARj t ORBSSIVE Change j f Climate y -^4.14 J^yam hiM Ó Ì « P ö RTIAKUG ä ; lu O haunrej si » •• ..rwtoxi t>i,iuA. ux.o t>, , ....................... HOOd’ S 8 * p 7 r lila . _ of Ih» v.._. _ ut fbaluwai-bi-r ------.... .................. «iron; military and crasi despotism. which lie was not entitled and says Is the h»,l--tH fort the One True filepff Pun«er. I.. ,1.» rsnubliran members New _ m. on the .|.it |iy tlie repu , . Lio* b lu c r o lli. F n iu h t I>al«l i n - lii on premises. For fnrt!,./* Or*»'’ni«B the »o lil by a ll d n i e g ^ , . t l . i t i m r y v Hill late (or U » atvinv Drop nil tnobv uu »M>- m I war i«»>ii In offering his resolution, calling on that he did not collect near »II the fees York leg:»’»ture as a ea iiut«t Ire*. Aibto ,«. I r Bxrbrr. Sv 'y., sr»r inquire at this Gffi.-e - ' Sr’It'll‘ar’ ,o »ny address for tli Hood’s Pills ^ rr^ ‘,n2' «»»is office HhU « CiiU'HRV. t tbe prv«nient for «B the Instruction» which was allowed by law. «fi.nLor to succeed Kdwarfi Murphy , In>Ui*iiK> 1 i i*rs, payable cash in