■ y T 'f — F ri THE W EST i r . T T’ -'« í SimAW'S ONLY PAPEL. YOUR HO HE PAPER ► NO. 38. FLORENCE, OREGON, FK IDA Y, .Luu 20, 1899. STATE OFFICERS S TE A M o — E R “ M IN K , T h e n a w a lla n A lp h a b e t. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. GENERAL DIRECTORY G L A -T tD IJ S T E I? . Will make?.------- o S T A G E L IN E . h . H. Barrett, Prop’r, T. T. Geer. r e g u l a r d a il y t r ips G o w n or............. F. I. Dunbar. — Between — Leaves Florence Mondays, L'Vednes- , Secretary ot S'ate . F. S. Moore. Treamtrer............. Public Instruction J. II. Ackerman ill State Printer...................... W. 11. I-eeils. ---- ---------------------------------------- * days and Saturdays. Attorney General D. K. K- Blackburn. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ R. S. Bean Supreme Court j ...............F. A. Moore burg Stage Line (or Drain. Also with _______ ( . ■ .C. E. Wolverton Stage Line (or Coos Bay. Charges Judge Second District. J. W. Hamilton ’ reasonable. Prosecuting Attorney Geo. M. Brown Florence 8apt. Heal of Tile. ORTHERN Pacific, Ryu N EUGENE-FLORENCE R COUNTY OFFICERS U E. B a n g s , P r o p r ie to r . Stage leaves Eugene daily ex­ S cept Sundays, at 0 a. nt., arriving P u llm a n at Florence the day following S le e p in g C a r s at 10 a. m. E le g a n t Returning-stage leaves Flor­ D in in g C a rs ence daily, except Sundays a t 2 T o u r is t p. n t . , arriving in Eugene the day S le e p in g C a r s following at 9 p. m. ST. PAUL N Judge. [ .......................... F- ( Pot,er- W. T. Bailev ' __ H. D. Edward’s Clerk, i ............................ E - U. Lee Sheriff.............................. W. W. Withers Treasurer......................... A. 8. Patterson A ssessor.!............................D- p - Burton School Superintendent... .W. M. Miller Surveyor...............................C. M. Collier Coroner............................ W. P. Cheshire Justice of Peace.................C. H. Holden Constable..............................E. A. Evans & STAGE LIN E. 1 O P P O R T U N IT Y L SUPPORT lì VOL. IX. Commissioners A D V E R T IS E R S G®@s£& When the children Ret their feet wet and take cold w e them a hot foot bath, a bcwi of het drink, a dose tf Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, end pvt them to ted. The chances are they will be all right in the morning. Con­ tinue the Cherry Teetotal a few days, until rll cough has dis­ appeared. Old coughs ire tlso cured; we mean the coughs cf bron­ chitis, weak throats and irritable lungs. Even the hard coughs of consumption are always made easy and frequently cured by the continued use of ß ecM There are but 13 letters iu the Ha­ waiian alphabet. These, with their pro­ nunciations, are: A (ah), e (a), o (o as in ho), u(oo), h (bay), k (kay), 1 (la), m (moo), u (n<»), p (pay), uud w (vay). The missionaries added a thirteenth, t, but the natives won't havo it, aud con­ tinue to pronounce, for instance, the name of the root from which poi is made “ kara,” although tho mission­ aries have i t ‘‘tara.’ Every vowel iu a word is distinctly sounded, except that the vowels " ai” are sounded “ 1,” as in English. Waikiki, the lieach iu Hono­ lulu, is properly pronounced “ Vi- keekee. ” There is a great difference in tho speech of the high und low caste natives. Tho first call their islaud group “ Ha-va-ee-ee, ” anil tho latter be­ gin it all right with “ Hu,” but cou- tlude with a guttural grunt, and the word heard most, “ Aloha, " sounds soft aud bountiful on the lips of the first, but is a lazy, good natured grant as the latter speak it. Alcba is iu their limited vocabulary at oncea greeting and farewell, a form­ al expression of regard and of deep love. Iu the lutter case it is increased in warmth and depth of meaning by modifying adjectives annexed instead of prefixed, as “ Aloha uui, ” “ Aloha uni loa,’’ or even “ Aloha uni loa ken!’ —and then it is time to speak to papa —New York Herald. IIo w S h e W o n O ver t h e J u d g e . WE LEAD IN li I [ Dry Goods Fancy Goods F urnishing Goods C lothing g S h oes WE DEFY C O M P E T IT IO N . — Willamette S t, u X o « . t=C4' RESPECTFULLY JLLY J. V. KAUFFMAN. FMAN. I A woman resident of Detroit relates an interesting tale of Kanins justica years ago. It wns after her wedding trip M IN N E A P O L IS that her husband was called to Kansas Single faro - - - - $5.00 DULUTH Every doctor knows that wild ou business aud a real estate denier, out Round trip - - - - $9.00 cherry bark is the best remedy of spite, bad him arrested. The prisoner FARG O A JOKE ON THE TEAMSTER. HE STUTTERED. known to medical science for Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ was taken before a local justice of the G R A N D F O R K S _____ TO soothing and hea'.ing inflamed peace. The incensed bride insisted upon H e R o o c h ly O r d e r ed G e n e r a l S t a r m e n to T h e re b y A r o a sln a t h e I n d la n e t lo a o f t h o livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. throaîj and lungs. CRO OKSTON attending the trial, and while it was iu B ru sh H l. M u le .. M on W h o H e a r d H im . CITY OFFICERS. W IN N IP E G progress‘she so f ar forgot herself as to P ff e n o o f ! H urd’s office in Florence. A good story is told of one of General General Merritt bas a brother in Illi­ deliberately level her opera glasses upon Sherman’s Missouri teamsters. He had nois who is ouo of the beat politicians H E L E N A «mt the justice, who dashod under tho table jnst joinod the service, a raw recruit, in the state. For many years ho sat in . W. H. Weatherson T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls B U T T E President and shouted: and was assigned the task of driving a the legislature and then became distin­ “ Deperty, disarm that woman!" six mule team. Whan the army halted guished for a uiiud of tho humorous O. W. Hurd The officer secured the glasses aud for the first night, he was wearily un- I bent aud amplitude of Lincoln. Win. Kyle cautiously laid them before the uingis , Board (^Trustees L. Christensen A striking trait iu Tom Merritt’s harnessing his team. TO trate, who promptly fined the woman e r v e -r y J S ffr t e n g e M. Morris C H IC A C O “ Hello there,” said the wag of tho character is tho delight ho takes iu tell­ Of The $1,000 for contempt of court. With tonipany iu passing. “ What do you ing stories on himself—stories of tho Recorder ........................ John II. Morris W A S H IN G T O N gracious dignity she asked the right to mean by taking care of those mules kind that are intended to make a fellow Th& i.ls & s a ! ENGLISH LANGUAGE defend herself, nnd, going up to the yourself? Why don’t you have the thase urouud the corner or to have some Treasurer ...................J- A. Pond | PHILADELPHIA /id v lc j F pq c ! bench, she explained that the glasses hostler do it?” Wo now have w m e of tho m oat em i­ very important business to transact C O M P L E T E nent pi.ys’ . ciaiot in the Uuit»» Hl. Wav l»tm. •xx'.ckly nnr oiHnkYn fro^ , , naatfl, sails and gear hod rotted away ; life?” mnarealfi' HÎîSSoe» an ".tenta “ Can yen mention the itid’f fatuou« neglected 111 order that the Divine will from the I ng exposure to tbe sun aud | "Not exactly. Cut citer I got my Civc»ls»i»dTr»de lt»rhoMd«ot »nd »11 P»t, should have its own way « n t fr*e. it Bthiu.-.<*»e” d"rt~ff'>r N «*n t< Fc«- 1 of the war?” ruin, the pumt had peeled from their system thoroughly limd with bard tack Patenta tafcev. a ' a«,dnin,I.1.dr»wt«aOTphof«. Woodvl^l W RITE POR CTRCULMRS fcrent°*sty1«a of dates “ bo** efcanr*. “ Guess 1 can There’s Feb 7." M(kf, »uhoat *z^'’ . In ” the :de«. and. iu some cases, the very i I was reasonably ccufldevt that nn bul­ SawiDC Machine» w s m »n ut»cture and th « ir 1 p,!,«,,!-.!.f-a.of cIwrj«- 'I \r An injury to tb tongue is repaired 1 ptanking “ Feb. 7? What happened then?' r ,. - t. A P .m p .le t !■;'< price« litto re you purché«« any other. lied bet n stolen for firewood. | let was goiug io renetmte far enough r.ipntitv Ihan ti win •••* *f ‘ n tho V. b i by u i'ure with to do much damage. "—Washington “ Thnuder! I ni getlin things mixed T h c N tw H o a f Ifiaem ar Co. an 1 forcipi oounuieo sent free. A'klreso. Flouts ring Li Fcrmona, ” by W. A. puit oi the sys- Thet's th' day I was married.’’—Cleve­ th« • rvc w itii Star. _ Plvkuriug. __ C. A. SNOW & CO. tem land Flam Dealer. □ P attht O rn - H. C. ran a*LC sv ..... 1^1^ Dr. T H R O U G H TIC K ETS ^ alltiarll D ictionary A yer’s C h erry Pec era! P ia s te r s MORRIS **» HOTEL, I I. Head of Tide Hotel, Tonsorial Parlors. Elk Prairie Hotel. w A ttorney a t Law, ON E U G E N E AND FLORENCE STA G E ROUTE. BOOTS < aid í O L E MYRIND, NEW HOME Notary r.ib lic , Surveyor P atents NOTARY PUBLIC. PATENTS tótic Hwertca«.