^ ì A Mayor’s Act. FOR YOUNG FOLKS. ^ ^ H * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B u i * G reat S tre n g th . Yea the strength of grizzly bears la * --------- ------------------------- -------- * almost beyond belief I have read about the powerful tnnsclcs in the arm s of A B O Y W IT H D E W E Y . * A frican gorillas, but none can compare * * f r a n k I_ 11-r*». th e V oungM t S cam aa l a w ith those in the arm s and shoulders of * th e M an ila F ig h t. big grizzly bears I have aeeu a grizzly * P ran k L. Morse, au O akland lad of 13 bear w ith one fore paw shot into useless­ * * years, tlaim a the proud distinction of ness pull its own 1,100 pounds of meat * * being th a yonngest seaman of the vic­ and bone up precipices and perform torious fleet a t M anila The boy is re­ feats of muscle th a t trained athletes * joicing, and a proud mother, Mrs. L. «ouhl not do 1 have scon grizzly bears * * Tbs Successful Method of Mayor Weltner In Accomplishing a Praise­ Morse of th is city, is thanking Provi­ carrying the carcasses of pigs th at must dence th a t her bravo little sailor boy have weighed 70 pounds several miles i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * worthy Undertaking—Many People will ke Benefited. passed through bis th rillin g experiences across a m ouutaiu side to their lair, rn scathed. F ran k is u second class ap ­ anil I have btard hunters tell of having make an investigation. O nr captain J ’w M M Q piiC 'N nci, W elltviU i, HER INVITATION. prentice on the Baltim ore, the ship seen cows knocked down as if by a hailed them, and they replied w ith thunderbolt w ith one blow t f tho fore * The R on. C. II. Weltner, mayor of Wells* w hich led the second attack against the “ When I bad taken half a U i o f them I gestures to signify that they would re­ ▼ills, Mo., bus lately accomplished something be^au to feel that they were bringing mg me Spanish fleet. Mrs. Morse did not hear paw of a bear Were I tho wind, my darling, turn to the shore for help. They evi­ of which he might justly be proed. It is au relief for which 1 hud been seeking. «Tells the story. When your head ’ Three summers ago I spent tho season An j you a blushing flower. “ It has tieeii about two years since I com­ directly from her son u n til a few days ¡aches, and you feel bilious, constl- • effort in the cause of suffering humanity and dently took us for w hat we pretended I'd sigh with love forever ago. The letter bubbled w ith boyish eu- in the eoa: t m ountains up in Monterey menced taking them. 1 have u»ed eight laare "pated, and out of tune, with your ( aue which, for nearly ten years, lie has l>eau and am so much iwnefifed thut 1 can cheer­ And piny around your bower. to be, aud wo were piped to breakfast county and one m oonlight night I saw > tomach sour und no uppetite just | An.i 1 would co;.e and kiss you ajuietly trying to carry out. fully recommend these pills us a wonderful feeling that our ruse would succeed. a I ig grizzly I oar 1U the ui t of carrying ) buy a package of And bring the flagrant shower. Everyone in and around W ellsville knows medicine. About 8 o’clock, w ith the wind a di ad cow L um et* her cub 1 ba,I a And I would talk in wkupeiu Mayor W eimer. and of Ida progressive busi­ 1 would earnestly insist that all wl o rm breezing up lively, three native sail That you could unit is.und. ness ability,which has made him a leader in sim ilarly afflicted giveth es pills a trial, fu.ly positu u on l!ie on uutaiu side where i And the jx-rf.ii:.c of your po.ub various enterprises. It is tliirn fact which believing tliui they will ol lain remits s i . fi craft put out for us. A man aloft w ith could see evi ry inovi mi nt i.f t. e ly: r ia I'd -»pread oil o er the land itr-pires confr enee nnd the hearty support of as can l»e obtained from nnotlnr source. Di r- I And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pilis. a glass reported that each craft was the spar« ly im.bi n il vail y G low me. Wi re I the wind, my du: ling. citizens in hie undertakings. ilig the eight yours I was tro il <-d c iili ¡You will be surprised at how easily crowded w ith natives, anil it was now And you a blushing flowor. The c n t t i r carried tho d u al co w in her About ten years ugo lie appealed to the the diseioe prior to taking J - . Willi«» s’ •liiey will do tlieir work, cure your best local physicians, aa well as to a number Pink P ills for Pule I eo| le, I sja nl il lee onr plan to weigh anchor and inako a hicadache and biliousness, rouse the fore |,uws for at least throe miles, across o f specialists, for relief from the dread dis­ hundred dollars for medical aid uhieh v ns ) liver and make you fi*el happy again. little sail and pretend to bo standing jugged, sharp rooks l n feel hi,,h over Wero yon the w.nd, no wanton, e a se - catarrh. hut his appeals were in rain; the same as thrown away, us no bei.ciii was 25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers. away from them as if alarmed. The ob­ fallen logs r - 1 tho rn by n onataiu And I u blushing flower, tiie doctors’ efforts were fruitless. The dis­ derived. You Buy you’d High fo.cver ject was to draw them as far away ease, all the while, whs fastening its clutches sides, v hi ro i a jack, ss cor.l t not Now, the secret o f these pil’fl if tl nt tl ey And | lay uround my bower, lirn.cr upon him and lie wits about to despair purity the blond, io d. <> couru. thio w II In I,. from shore as possible, aud we had g t a t - rholu * a narrow tt. il i t' An prey Mnnini-h nr b o se l, with .vnipinn , like Cy.- Thut l'iu luo blushing Lower! Gould bave t i , , * i/o ai.it Di»* 1 imr upon tne. Tin* physician whom I con­ pepai) thorn had a cutlass and pistol. W hile j *iii. which h io y i. iffi i c b r liâ t i II mum *. —Cleveland Leader sulted diagnosed niv case ns ‘ pharyngeui Tilia i» l.ienus ti e l lond in in mob a eon bv; :u at a ’ * ut 4.'.U pound«. —Chicago I her captaiu was hailing us in a lau- , catarrh’ and prescribed for it. ililion sa Io irri ate li e an nn eb. It I, a n a ,le Inter Oc» do go a go no one could understand she was “ Instead o f getting relief the disease had of lime and no io y I eside, h, ro fol to i , , A 1 I0 T T IG H T . slowly edging along dow n our starboard a deeper hold upon my system. ‘•annlt's.” |)r. W illiam*’ I’ick Pilla for Pale ral ^»cDowr ’.I. “ I sought other physicians, but their treat- People are comp..«, it of vegeti-ble il g ri il in la, quarter. At tho same time a second mer.t wai utrivailing. I tried a number of forming an interim) remedy which n el, db I have i; r n et any ono v bo pave 11 LEWIS. BY CHA. craft was draw ing ahead on the port catarrh remedies, but without obtaining any rietly on the bini.I and intieouaaiirfaee* of || c me a s in n p i t r iiiij sty and liiij n i; ssit not' I: side, and the third kept iu our wake, relief to speak of, ami hail come to the con­ ay,lem. elennsing it from impiiritic* and sincerity ti n:i Irvin P < Dowell He was clusion that my case was incurable. Dr. eaiiaing the iliseimed imiti, r to pnas tbronpli Only seven or eight men were iu sight j From the year 18 33 to th at of 1867 W illiam s’ Pink Pills for Pale People were the proper channela. The medical profanimi tin n in the j rim e of Die— 10or 43years thi.ru were no lit than k v » n British, on our decks, aud the natives seemed to recommended to inc, and I concluded to give reeoinmeiida these pilla and every druggist old— pow erfully built, hut rather pon­ Fieuch, German and Am trieau cruisers havo no suspicion of a trick. Tho breeze a* II, them. •k e n a trial. derous in tnoteuient. kindly and sim ­ constantly (.raising in iLe waters of the was a little hit too strong for their ple in m anner, w ith a very pleasant, China aud .lava bias alt. r pirates Dur­ maneuvering at first, but after wo were D A I l_ Y soldierly face, a w ater d rinker and a l­ ing this tim e over ICO piratical craft about six miles off shore the two sud- ■ ] W a NTKC— MlVEHALTKll-TWOKTIIV FER-ONS I.N P arly W h l.t. j till« stule ic niRnagc <>ur business in I lielr own most a vegetarian A fter the cruel w ar were captutcd, a deztu or 15 strong­ denly closed iu to board us. Onr cap­ B y . H a l l , P « » * -u g o F e ld , and neartn voiititie«. it is mainly office work Mrs. Hervey w rites on Oct. 23, 1097, conducted was over 1 m et him one day in some holds broken op und at least 2,1)00 tain had been closely w atching thorn nt In me. hnlurv himiulit f&OOn foreign city — Vienna. I th in k —and as "black flag-' were k ill.d offhand or to h e r husbun.l, th a t his “ four sisters year »uni ox,HtiiHcH—i'cffnite. boiiaflde, iio m* re aud w aiting for this move, aud of a le»* t-alury. Monthly |75. Reference. Eu liavo been hear th is afterhoon, mi l as c no we were con versing he said, “ Strange, scut ashore to bo hung The ciuisers .’7 O I om ! fcif-addrcHhtd stamped envt Jope, Uerbeit snddeu tho drum beat to quarters and Onlj $ 6 isn t it our encounter today?” they never comu nuattended, brought E. Metis, i’rcrt., I»cpt. M. Cliicngd. thought tlivy hail finished ihcir work, our decks were alive w ith meu. w ith them Mr. Gil—, Mr. liow n— atnl ' “ Why so. general?” but in lb(,0 ttv tr a l trociere which had I was captaiu of No. 8 gun crew aud “ Have y< u forgotten? T his is the Mr. Ho— . P a rt of them staid an d play- I been llticd < ut at Ban am. Batavia and bad the houor of firing the* first shot D IA M O N D S IN A M E R IC A . ml a t w hish (sic) ti l this moment, 21st of J u l y —the anniversary of Lull F B A X K L. MORSE. biiignptrt wcic o v n i i r.ltd Ly pirates It was a solid ball, uud it strrnk tho w hich is past 11 a'clock. ” H a lf a IMlliun Dollar** W o rth O w ned thusiasm over the g reat engagement. Rnu Had 1 won th a t battle I would aud their crews butchcri d U hen we craft ou her port bow and went clean , Twenty years la te r (M arch ¡3. 1717) have I ecu < lie of the most popular li eu H e r o - Air. on n t R a p id ly lu c r r a x io g . He described the now oft told story of arriv id i.t Singapore in 1870 111 the through her nud dropped iuto tho sea Greatest Weekly ia the Coaatry, X»rd Hervey, as his title w as then, | h i no country tiro there more d ia­ in the U nited Stati s and y< n would th e battle, and added: B ritish gun h r t g i i x i u . a nest-of pi beyond This opened the fight The na­ w rites to tho Rev. Mr. Thom as I'oulkex, monds to bo found than in the Unired have been a i »tb»r I n u d not say Low " T h is is tho g reatest adventure 1 rates hu í h tu located ou oui ol tli? is­ tives instantly realized that they had tho tu to r of Mad Tom Hervey, a t Ox­ States, nccording to tho population. I t much it is »Le other way v. ith us now. ” shall ever have. No idea when 1 shall lands nil the west coast of Java, und we caught a tartar, and they saw, too, that ford, about th at con's gam bling pro­ is estim ated by a leading M aiden lane B ut I do uot think his countrym en retu rn . I um all rig h t and healthy as (Including rentage) to any part of Uie United pensities. Ho is to follow tho example (N ew York) diamond dealer th a t there blamed him a fter all When 1 went to had o n e rs to proceed to tin* spot and their only means of escape lay 111 cap­ States, Canada and Mexico. over. ” ch an them out \>e overhauled our turing the ship. Therefore, instead of of liis "good g ran d fath er Hervey, who, arc upw ard of <500,000,000 w orth of the U m tid States some years ago. I WEEKLY CHRONICLE, the brt«htent Young Morse had been w orking in an armaiin nt lock in a lot cl uu.mi uitii u ■-..lining away, as we had looked for, an THE J most complete Weekly Newspaper In the p ray tell Tom, never played a t any diam onds in th is conutry Moreover, O akland d ry goods store as errand boy, found him iu command at han Franc.s- aud s trin g aiucd onr crew by 14 nun each croft bore dawn on ns to hoard. world, prints regularly 112 Columns, or sixteen co— much (l angtd 14 cd and sad, but gnmo but w hist, and n t th a t only in th is vast am ount is increasing year by b u t tired of the work, and a fter much pa«es, of News, Literature and Generdi Infor­ C hristm as tim e for nixponoe a co rn er.” fear. courteous und kindly us ever 1 told before smlmg Those men were drafted They were handled ns easily 11s an In ­ mation; also a magnificent Agricultural and pressure h is m other consented to his him th a t 1 hod in u place of honor at out ui it 1 ii w belonging tn a uiau-of dian maneuvers a canoe, and it w asn’t , Horticultural Department. This is one of the I.ady B ristol wan at Hath in April, I , U n til quite recently diam onds wore en terin g tho navy. He was scut to H on­ 1723, and w as then in the center of tho rarely cu t in th is country, but A m er­ home the j holograph v. L.icli he gave me wai w hich hail been wrecked ou tho dvo m inutes after the first gun was fired \ greatest departments In any paper on thia olulu to th e B ennington and was subse­ before he L ft my lodgings the day be Malay coast, ai.d all wen* old hands * re they were ou our quarters like Coast. Everything written is based on ex­ w orld t f w hist. "P o o r Bishop N ev ell,” ican inventors have developed a process quently transferred to the Baltim ore in 'ves set king to ham string a deer. 1 perience In the Coast States, not on Eastern sho w rites, ‘‘can Ki-arou be reckoned for diam ond cu ttin g w hich is vastly su­ was looking tor B arry’s guns. “ And I T In lapiam ) nt his bearings tri m seme tim e to pass through " th e greatest a d ­ unother solid shot mid then loaded men’s knowledge of tlieir own localities. suppose,” ho sold, “ your friends ask, si,nice unini.w ii to us. and when we am ong tlie living, being (in my oppfu- perior to th a t done abroad. venture of his life .” —fcau Francisco ‘Vi ho on earth was G eneral Mc­ M r toingnp n-u the bug was beaded to . grape, uud this last charge was SAMPLE COPY SEN T FR E E . Ion) wors th an dead. They say ho sitls The loss in w eight through cu ttin g is Exam iner. ...-t \- c joggid along down the ,...d lig h t iuto a mass of natives w ait­ Dowell?’ — S ir \V 11. Russell in . n t L indsey's w ith one to hold h is cards som etimes fu lly one half, but tho value euus. ol St.m atia for a week w ithout ing to clamber up tho side. The gnu N orth A m erican Review. nnd unother to give him snnff. Palsey Is increased probably moro than tw o­ L ittle B r o th e r . any unusual in ideut, and though we next to ise fired a solid shot, which an d gout havu brought him to th ia miss fold. Little brother's juat a darlint spoke 11 ft ore ol craft nono of them had toro through her bottom, aud two min A G reat Screamer. irablo condition ” On May 1 sho cheer­ j The Dutch city of Amsterdam has Guess you'd think ko too If you enmo to our house fu lly inform s her husband th a t the d i­ been th e g reat diiinioiul cu ttin g center of Moro than 50 years ago L achlan Mc­ any mforintitioii about the pirate The utes later she foundered right alongside An I k urd him coo an coo. version of tho evening is th e puppet th e w orld from tim e im m em orial and Donald left Ins home in Strathspey, crew had begun to ridicule the idea of us Tho second craft got near enough Just hi s tn hi.s carriage, ■how. " B e tty is gone w ith Lady T o r­ up to a few years ago over 12,000 peo­ Scotland, and w in t to the shores of Li.ko when souielhiug u ccu n .d to ..pen oar to grapple, but Iho irons were thrown K«jue: Is an juiupw an springs, ' • off aud two guns played solid shot into rington. T he w hiskers have promised ple in th a t piaco were d irectly or in d i­ Beaches out for all his toys, W innipeg. He did not neglect to carry eyes very wide Guo m orning, about an hour after her hull until she went dowu sltrii fore­ Hia lubber doll an things. mo soino diversion a f t e r 't i s o v er.” — rectly dependent upon tin s trade. w ith him his beloved bagpipe, and many N otes and Queries. an evening it spoke to him of tho old daylight, we camo up w ith a D..t h most, leaving 80 meu struggliug iu the His eyes ore blue—like m ine are; B ut it was not reasonable to suppose trailer, w hich was taking i aro of her waves. home beyond the sens. lift hftwn't any hair ; J Hint Auisternaiu should continue to bold self All h ir s. Us had hecu cut away, T h e Canning Fox. His cheeks are pink, like ro.xsi, Tho third craft had forged ahead, Even iu the daytim e, wiien ho w as a monopoly of diamond cutting. As one An he s «o fat an fairl ropes were ty in g in eviry direction, sailing five feet to our one, uud would T he sagacity of th e fox is m ost w on­ busy in the woods felling trees, ho An Mian he laughs so etinnin of Ihe greatest im porting cities of tho derful. I t is related th a t ho is to r­ would havo it by his side, and en one aud she was so low in the w ater that have boarded us at the bows but tor the An his dimples 1 can see world, New York g radually offered in ­ I think lie’s just tho m> esfc sudden destruction of the others. Their m ented by fleas, am i when tho intiio- ducem ents to diam ond cutters, und an occasion tie had reason to be glad that we w oudetid w hy she dmn t go down When a boat pallen off to n r, it was to late frightened her off, but she had Lit.io brother there can be. it was so near tio u becomes unhearabln iio gathers n ind u stry has been gradually b u ilt up m o u th fu l of moss and slow ly w alks hero th a t is now very flourishing nnd He w as m errily sw inging his ax, find 1I10 captain mortally wounded and scarcely laid her hi ad for the island But when ninmtnn nays “ Hush!'' to 11 l b s C liroiiicso Uulifdin*'« tiackw anl into tiio neara-t stream until I know wliat's eoinin then. when he was suddenly surroiiudvd Ly a Ins wife am: t.vo sailors, stiff aud dead than it was brought around, as if her profitable, in 1858 H enry D. Morse of An so I take my In tie cart THE CHRONICLE ranks with the greatest «inly tho m outh is left above tin.« surface party of Indians, w ho looked very for­ and horribly li.ulilaied, on i.ne neck be- crew hail made some desperate resolve Boston invented a niachino for cu ttin g Out by the rabbit pen. news; aj»ers In the United States. side him Wo got him oil, but hud no o f tho w ater. Tho fleas m eantim e take m idable as they drew nearer, gesticu­ Now occurred a curious thing fclio had For she's jns| laid the baby down, THE CHRONICLE has nnequal on the Pacific and polishing dianionds, and since then lating in a particularly threatening tim e to give tho bodies burial boforo about 30 men ou beard, and she came Coast. It leads all in ability, enterprise and refnge on tho moss, und when tho fox im provem ents liuvo been made upon it An 1 can't even jieep. I guess i ’d belter play outdoors ia satisfied th a t they havo nil einharked m anner Tilings is gan to seem omiuous. the litile crait w ent down Tho cipium down on us w ith overy cue of them news. th a t aro very im portant. Thu foreigners White brother goes to sleep. THE CIIRONICI.E’S Telegraphic Reports are ho opens his m outh, and tho muae d rills when a happy thought camo to the was a man about 40 years of age, and, shouting aud soreamiug and tried to lay continue to polish th eir stones liy hand, though hariliv alive when we found us aboard. We could have sunk her the latest and most reliable, Its lx>cal News the Scotchman aw ay, w hile tho w ily fox regains the My mamma says that 1 must be fu’lebt and spiciest, and its Editorials from the b u t in tiiis country m achinery I n large­ The poodest that 1 rail. Seizing Ins bagpipe, ho blew a fla ts him. ho rallied enough to tell his story bank, happy in freedom from hie to r­ ly used. with one gnu even, or we could have ablest |x*ns In the country. For li ¡le brother’s wutehin mo Tile trader had been trafficking along m entors.— Exchange. so loud ami long and sh rill th at tho locked off the whole crew w ith out THE CHRONICLE has always been, and al­ As 1 grow up a man. A fam ous gem expert places tho total startled red nu n looked upon turn for a tho.luvacoast u..d had hua.ly completed Uiuskets before they hail crossed the ways will be. the frlen^and champion of the Ho I ’m the goot.ost 1 know how value of all t he dianionds in I ho world his cargo uud headed ter hingaporo peepb, as against co,. atlons, cliques, cor­ S h e I.OYea Ilirda. mom ent in coustcruatiou anil then took An try to please my mo;her. rail. Word was passed to give her a porations, a t over $1,000,000,000, of w lilih $350,- or oppressions < any kind. It will be An when 1 tin: k of Ixnn bud to their heels, ucver stopping till tho •Ins, at su n s.t cu the previous evening tu ll broadside a t command, aud when independent in every!Ling, neutral In nothing. O ne of the holibies of Mrs. P au l K ru­ 000,000 worth ure in the I iuik I h of d eal­ I mtmeer little broth» v thick shudow:) of tho ft rest hid them he hud been overhaul!d by a native the smoke cleared away she was uot g e r lias been discovered. Sho has for ers, cnrriml as stock — L e le ll H u th a w .iJ All of the other from the uuin w ho could give vent to crait. carrying about 40 tncu L e was to be seeu There were over 20 of the years hecu known as “ tho frien d of diam onds are in the h an d set private in ­ TH5 C iW H IC LE then about leu tulles off the coast uud {orates haugiug to tho wreckage around 03 Y3’J such an unearthly scream. birds, ” ami some duya ugo she took the dividuals, and tho qucsti, u iiaiurally R oya In N ew Y ork. They did uot forget th a t prolonged about file m .ies south of uu island us, however, and a boat was lowered to lib erty of recom m ending to tho com niit- arises, who owns them? 'Ih is is not so Boys nt h eart are very gcuerona and c ry , from fl a t tim e the Scotchm an was kuown as tri cen s l ower l.o had no pick them up. You can judge of their tee arran g in g for the statu e of Presi easily answ ered, except in the case, of d e n t Punl K rug, r th u t tho h at which larg e and world tunieusgeiiis.—G odoy's helpful t o o t l e unother. There are sev­ known aiuoug them us " t h e gicat susp.eion w .,at. ver i.f tho natives, uud desperation when I tell you thut every eral streets in tile more crowded itiNtrielii scream er of the palefaces. " — Exchange. the first thing he bin w tin y L oaded his one of them fought like a tiger against W ill surm ount the iigure should bo cou- Magazine. craft aud hvgau to c a l and slash When being rescued uud that we got only five Showing tha Uni d S'.airs, Dimlalaa w here there is enough slope for coasting ravo, so ns to hold w nter for th e little they had finished the* en w, they he; an out of the lot. The others we had tc und w here the puven cut is o f asphalt. A S‘a tn ,,ii, t.iia lU h to n . uf Canada a i l Nortiern M .xloj th irs ty turds. P A Y N E ’S D E S E R T E D T O M B They an» g n at favorites, as may he sup­ One of the oiliest and most p ictu r­ to plunder and strip the vet 11 and w. re kill us they floated uhout, w ith the O N O N E (SID K M ine. Z ola, K n iilu liir c n c r i o f th e A u th o r o f “ H om e, posed to the o w n er,o f roller skates Of esque iu iis 111 a 'i England is the Crab with her until m idnight before lem ing sharks m opping a t them. Two of the they bored her ta il of holes, aud wo h..d the crowds of nrelnus who utilize them Z ola's w ife has received m uch notice S w eet Home.'* Tree inn 111 Fordham Here cyclists live leaped out of tho boat after being in Italy of late. She is described us ” n « ° ' r GKI» S tr iK . Tim old G hrtstinti ceiuetery at T unis only about one half own skates, so to from all o u r B ritain have congregated reached her ju s t in tim e to rescue tee polled in and were setu no more, aud ta i turn The first cia l. was j. tutti Ly Jovely and fragrant flower of sweetness is ono of the stntugvtft sights in th a t ease tho lot ol the nouowiiers tile boys ami h ire men famous 111 literary annals tho others gave us so much trouble that u . M>7 * -r 0.1» » « " ■ a r, i: m 1 ip and power. " Courage, h aughtiness und strung«- town dust off 11 busy thorough have invented a series of extraordinary like K ipling. I laggm d and Andrew tv.o others later uu, aud tho taree car the captaiu swung them up to tho yard P o i .a j f p .e p a l.u »n a n d pap^r» serenity liuvo I k . u her attrib u te < durin g furo, unti» r an nueicut urehwuy, is a sports and exercises based 11)1011 one leg­ Lang have " p u t up for un hour or two ried a t least 100 di sperato ft Hows ih e arm. a d ders » (h is try in g tim e, anil sho is reported to hcuvy wooden gate, much worn hv the ged skaters The rniuuioucst game is to rest and quaff tho ale dr.-pi used by captain heard uud uiiucrstood enough to M. i i . <1. v o m r r » . Thus uot one single man of tho 100 satisfy him tn a t tney were an organized or mure who camo out to attack ns es­ havoM iid: " l e t them come to attack lapse of time, thickly studded w ith lau w here tw o boys, each w ith one skate, th is ancient hostelry l ioprlctor g 1- Chronl«l«. nan kilAXClOCO, CAI. toy lioiise. I shall be tin-re todefeud i t ." tustic nails und provided w ith a prodi- go off togetiier. each w ith un arm ou Tlie story runs that Robert B urns and g..ug of pirates aud tuat they were also caped w ith his life. 1 was iu ono of the wo 1 1 equipped lo r th .i r bloody bu mes» A speech w orthy of a ltouian tlumo. boats afterw ard sent ashore to see what gioliti kuockcr The latter, however, is tho o th e r's shoulder They pusli them ­ S ir Wulli 1 Scott 1 m e partook of the The island mcntioiieii was m t over sort of a lair the pirates had made for not n»*etled, for the gate yields to un selves w ith the (list ngaged foot or they him pitality of the place, und the quit 11 ! Q T \ 1.ISH, R E L IA B L E i 20 miles away, aim ns tne .Uva sea was tacmselves. The ouly human beings senll 1 1 1 a grotesque m anner to tile high berself. it is reported, o m e sti ppi-il by energetic push, and you lin t yourself 111 and is a g n a t hignv.ay 1 1 , did nol stein er p art of the street, and th ru , turning a r t is t ic -- the wayside to partake of a frugal howl ashore were au old native woman, a one n large, wnlled luchwiiro, hulf garden, b rö X ";r'’J" half gruveyurd. w here uu Itahuu worn nlieiit. they euust down w ith great vigor of m ilk nfiit i nu k n s The in itials of possible ta a i men would taau sa h a armed Japanese aud a white boy aboui Drestmske rs llGl-e.dln( « * _Thcy A,wa>aP,ease men illustrious 111 G reat B ritain s his­ risk as lause pirates b_d The tiaoer 14 years of age The boy was off au an is iinugiug out cloth«*» among (he —New lu r k Mail a n d Express. said thut no less than in n e lrn a. ly tory arc graven iqn u the surface of its English trader captured a year before gaunt w hite tombs It is 12 years since Ahi» V h * Ytit-rv. dcul tallies, and its very window panes sails were iu sig h t when he was at und bad been held prisoner ever siuce tuty ono w h s buri«*d here, und the place ea r eld is Ix'giniiiug to look neglecti'd The A little 5 y year old g irl attended a are littered w ith the names of Macaulay, tached, b t t all too far aw ay to sigual, tie said there were 107 men iu the gang inixlcrn cenietery is now outside th e children s par y last week, and as it was Dickens ami T hackeray It has been eveu if ho bad Leen warned in n ine to aud we found enough plunder ou the island to load our ship. w alls, and its guardian told me th at one of her cm licst ventures in tin* small put in at least one bis*k, and .1 Q niller do som ething O w ing to la c sni.ais sur They had raptured abent a dozen many p opi»* ctiuie to him to inquire for World of tusiiion the circntustaiicc was G'oncb has u m s I 11 as tlie scene for one rounding the island onr craft could nol approach ueur enough to use her gnus different vessels, large aud small, uud tho tnonunieut of “ an American poet” itivcsteiL^iy tier a ith corresponding ini- of his terrible tragedies nud shell the fellow s out. uud v.u wi re or “ 101 Amcricitn consul, ” and he had IHirtance, says tlie New < irleaus Times- 111 every case had p luudtrid and sv.uk not suoug enough lo tuno In.in our them. They did uot always kill all the T im » Wig a <’«>ntract. to send them to the old gravcyanl T ho Dcmeicrat. it was not so w ith a 12-ycar- bouts unu d ia l w all them Tne* sight ot "D octor, said a man to his niediccl crew. Soou after the hoy was captured m onum ent in question is th at of tho old acquuiutuucci of tiers, lion ever, to au th o r of “ Home, Mweot H om e,” and whom ch ild ren 's parties had come to attendant, w ho hurt just presented a au arm ed vessel uosing around would they brought iu au Americau sailor oft the M c C all COMPANY - it bears th e follow ing inscription upou be ranked in th e list of rath e r onerous sm all hill of .85 shillings for treatm ent put ihe pirates ou Ihcir guard, nun so a spice trader. The lad knew him only ' ’ ’ " " s w h u s m iu X ? : its Nidus: social obligations, and a tew days Jut. r during a recent illness. 'I have not il was resolved to p.uy l l a m a Yum.ce by the nam e of W illiam , but remem I r a k \>c> iau into a bay cu tne coast much rcailv money \\ ill you take this tiered th at his home was iu boaton It “ In memory of John Howard Pnyn. when she met the little 5 y, ar old she •"»orihh Avi ° c 7 7 * : W hen it yimnti limit anlta a fath r fui lu«t uud set to wi rk m ined out th a t they had apand his life dnuffhtrr'A hand In tnat riagt. if ,tr father au th o r of *Hom«s 8wcet Home.* Dora rem arked, "1 did uot see you at the out 111 trade-' Yon are probably avvaro of the fací "O h. yes, cheerfully nutw ered tho i t a wine one. lie think* o f one I bi tig tqitnl to make use of him us a blacksmith but " Ju n o P, 17PI; died April 9. 1352 pariy a t Mrs M lv a« important aa the young m an's morals, E rected A. D 1835.” " I think we can arrange that, that uu English n.uu-ol vv. r no m utter when they found he hud uu knowledge “ You d m n 't see me? Well, yon must doctor •«wial atnl bu*ineaa Htandiiig ami ¡nielli h ivv large or liowr small, is a putteru ol of th a t work he was put to death with I Atucricau Arma—eagle surmount»-»! bo color blind, for I was there ami hail a but w hat is your business?" •fence A young man who *nfl» r* from ill- " I um a cornel p la c e t,” was the ucalucss nud regulation, .1111 ine c a t ol great cruelty. By order of the chief tie health hi« no tight to mutt y until hia health by m otto “ F Pl uri bus I mini. “ J "D ied very uice tim e. ” l,.r sails w ill alian* establish her in« 11.1 was hung in chaius on a tree about a ia restored To do m > i* to com m it a crime a t the Auiericun consulate in Tunis. •tn rtliu g t. ply - L . udoii Telegraph. ao hud llnrelori* to undo ami w as five or six days in dying The hov “ Iu th e tom b Is'iicath th is stone the tional tendency to acquire them in inher­ " I w onder if 1 snore?" said Ethel. » Reautit.,1 ç n !’«Ull»hed Î U nacphistn alcd Parent— Hello flier», overhaul a great deal We pul every ited If a jtmn i* a cotiMimptive. the p»s*t’s rcmuin» lav huri»»d for l»0 yeara. went w ith us and showed us bis hones", chance« arc that his children « ill have On Jan 5, 1888, they w ire di>iutvrre»i "W hy don t you lie aw ake some night tinnì*, wliut s the Pal y yelling th at way thiug iu sciu.m g couli.sioii aloft, dis. still haugiug. and listeu ?" asked her big brother, weak, underdred lung*, and a predisposi­ guiscd her hull us much 1,» possicle. aud *Z»»y I und taken aw ay r > Ins native land, " i ’sliaw !" said Ethel, scornfully, " i f I for? I cun t r»ad at all The oue arm ed man and the old wo­ tio n to acqutrc the name »lineage. w Ini* wc. 1. It Ifii b. y tin íL ú t i had ihe man. assisted by the boy. were the cooks N urse— He s cutting his teeth, sir The young man w ho «uffera from hron w here they received houor and tinnì should lie aw ake I x o aldii t snore, of ch itia, weak lnug-. «pitting of bhnH iorany I) B — Well, sie that bedoeni t d o it loc k of a in. 1« hantnn.u vv h o b hud G t 11 for the gang. They at first seemed very burial in the tlty of W.isbingron J u lie course. 1 suppose tlm u g h .' she added, diaeaae of the air pannage* which if nrg m y more or you lose your place. —H ar­ Un. ugh a tv p b i.u ai.d was tin short much alarm ed aud protested th eir inuo- c o .. U , lb 8 J *Tbeu Is* coU4 nt, |»»or tu-art. lected leads itu to consum ption, may take tho n g h tf .lly. "1 m ight Wilke up sud­ lem L ifa : U» »• I«(S w. ,,th s , , Ntw Vwk handed to make repairs The* Dutch cap couce of auy com plicity in the crim es of Dr. Pierce'» Golden M edical Discovery with “ Sara wbwn thy gratia «isrtt thxi denly and listen for tlie echo. " 'WMV?AWAW.W.«AWAVW” ’M?A'li.: ’ t..iu d u d cu th e day utter we t.u u d alm ost absolute a«««ntance o f recovery It To r»«lin» beyond tb*- saurt* doma the pirates, but when they came to nu Ilcrn .iarU t am i L oll. bim. uud his last words were a prayer derstand that all tbe viliaius had met cure« qh per cen t o f all caara w hen taken Wnb arili» «mtatrwtekml Orni'« sugai »sM, in tim e It «oothe« an»l heal» tne delicate ‘Wvlootu* inhouYru n holm . r*w««at «tag« cat a nr m 7 F.'n-t W if h I " f h. simply that olive upon a time was got dovvu as if to work on the bull, were then banged to tbe same lim b and I • ’ ' • '•n r-rf---- MIC «he Waa Cnatly. of comm nipt k»e ' In |»e«<-tnher i*A I commenced ......eatakftMe »»-PAGE ! .1 H ard S itu a tm a . hasd - iooe rx ri taking l»r Pieroc'a < >1 ten Medical Discoverv aud the hulk ot the crew rem ained iu he made up his mind that he was going . » -»« •- i fan f F ath er-In law— WI10111 give niv to eir holies left to the bit da What - o r ' r r a r''" ,<»" i conTd then only «peak in whu»j»er« I have •** " I never havo a rh a u re to ask • to m ake my acquaintance F irst lie hi,iing below No doubt the fellows p lu n d e r. we could not taken thirteen t>ottle«> and can «ay with truth I d aughter. I gi»e y „u the cw tlie’», thiu« . . t'rin« off we am greatly lienefft« ile are aunt aed 1» on earth. t for money, H itr y E. foro duw « w rote me a letter expressing his adm ira ashore had a lixvknnt in wvuie tn e s. and . buruod . on tb<* idaud. and before leaving hear me »peak. I can halt«*», and my voice ha« tim i for me. su d did me the hmior of provided w ith a g-i» d glass he cou ld -ee not teen aa good m e.aht year», liy »tomach Groom— For heaven ' i n k , , w batdoea are crow. •' we net the fore»» ou fire iu a down wa» nevi r in Iwtier < ondithni Formerlv I couR1 "Wen?- dedicating a t*»*k to me. 1 thanked everything gc'iug uu ah. ard It uo* aha eoHt a n c u th , autl wlijr d i.lu 'l yuu t A eat without Mifterir.g very ntneh immediate^ p.nee». and the flame« did net die out "A i:d eft, r d - r t yoa go to ► hardly sunrise win 1 1 a sm all unlive him , bui I did uot tu n tu him to call m •A ct , but now 1 can eat anything • toil lue *o Infoio?— Naw York World. UUIII th e all* io length and breadth bad —Chicago tivcuio craft w ith four meu «I uer, came out to W1M.U SWC| t vlvau vl \» gt tu t^ y AN EFFORT IN THE CAUSE OF SUFFERIN3 HUMANITY. * * - One D ose - Hood's : LEADIHCttKR a Year. The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 A YEAR W WANF Reversible Map? Map of the World M S C A ÏL MS CALLS, MAGAIINU : THE McCALL 2