thing bandy and threw them to us and after dinner the citiz -ns came down ami helped them . Sergeant Wiley was — PD B L iaiIE D EYJCBY FRIDAY MOUSING— leaning over the side catching things and Ids gold watch slipped out of his — AT --------- pocket and went into the hay between —F lorence , L ane C ounty , O regon .— the boat and the wharf. - - - by - - - At one o ’clock the band came down ssolute 3! 'X and played a ll the national sirs ami 10813437 Makes the food more delicious and wholesome In order to reduce my stock of good.» “ The Girl I Left Behind Me.” How we The Ablest an I Most Successful ■OVAI SAMUM FQwQgR CO., SEW T O «*. Editor and Proprietor. did cheer them. A little after two between now and Jan. 1st, 1899, I hnvo Specialist* in the World. we left the wharf and started for the They guarantee a eoinplcte cure at ocean, the Valencia following. She is reduced tho price of all good* to COST ----- T erm « : $1.60 ft year in advance.- R A Graham has secured the Empire to accompany us all the way. They Your Own Home, and allow you to City saw mill ami intend« to begin and a small per cent to cover expenses hung the iaiata over the side giving us pay when cured. Entered at tlie post-office at Florence, 0|>erating it a* once. The mill has been more sleeping room on the uppei duck. during tho sale. The Experiences of a Soldier as Related aine county, Oregon, as secoud-class I ; idle for several years. Uiail matter. The first, second and third were ordi- by Ono Phelps. Guard: Late new« from Bohemia min­ naiy days with nothing qi interest ing district reports fourteen feet of snow except that we had to wait for the ADVKUTIS1NG BATES MADE KNOWN ON A P­ on the upper part of the camp, the last (Several weeks ago we pnbliabed a Valencia every few hours. PLICATION. Thousands of promising young men U s-n i n o tic e s 8 c e n ts p e r lin e , each in s e rtio n storm being the worst for several years. ] letter front Ono Phelps giving an ac- ! 4 th . 1 went on the detail that have their lives an I i ittire usefulness Sit Traveling has been very difficult count of the trip of the last detachment carries the grub from the kitchen and wrecked by INDISCRETION AND These go > Is arc mostly new, bought of the Oregon volunteer« from Sun Frau- ! throughout the camp, and the mail Florence, Or. Jan 13, 1899. dishes it out to our company. I don’t PRIVATE DISEASES. Toe symptom» carrier hail to turn back being too pony cisco to Honolulu. In this letter lie like the job very well hut think I shall for tho Fall and Winter trade, and will until cured, are portrave I on the coun­ built to gut through. continues the narra'ive of the voyage: stay with it as I have a Is-tter show to tenance an I in the actions nf m e vlc- W E S T L IN G S . be sold without reserve. It is tiie largest Douglass county court have decided till their arrival at Manila.) get all I want to eat ami don’t have to !tim . If neglected or improperly treat- I Honolulu, Oct. 28th, 1898. , do any guard dut v. on plans for remodeling the burned ed, other organs become affected, anti utoek carried for many yean thus giv­ Very high tide every day this week. Company L, amt I started as soon as > court house. Architect Bnrgraf estimates 5ti. uml Gth. Thiti is the first time I sooner or later there are serious results. I ing a great variety to select irora The Str Roberts went to Y aq iin a the cost of the changes ami improve­ the cook« could get ns a lunch w hich e ’ er knew two days to come in twenty- Our New Method Treatment will posi- ments at $9,000 to $10,000 and a» the was about 8 o ’clock ami marched to the four hours hut it happened -today. The Blind.i y morning. s iS = S S S - S ^ S S f i j3 E 3 a = a S 2 K S jtively cure these diseases. Marion Morris lias been confined to insurance received amounts to $9,302.50 pass where the road crosses the moun- J days are longer traveling west and we MIDDLE AGED MEN—There are the actual loss to the county will tie tains. A small valley slopes u p from I have to make up a day somewhere. At j thousand* of you who have committed tiie house most of tlie week. the south and at the pass breaks off j 11:30 we (trussed the meridian that di-j small. offences against the laws of your na­ Lane county will pay to the state this abruptly in a precipice some GOO feet vhles the two hemispheres ami ns that Fish Commissioner McGuire has ad­ ture, and are now paving up for it. year in state taxes, $35,903 SI, high where the road crosses and rises ! is the place whore the day is always Those weak, aching harks. Loss of Sex­ Florence school opened Monday under dressed letters to the members of the steep on each side. Here is the most I made op it was Monday the Gth from ual Power, Failing or Ixjst Vitality, legislature asking their advice as to the the management of J J Emmons. appointment of deputies for t ho various noted battle ground in the islands. ! 11 :S0 till 12 at nigiit. Frequent and Painful evacuations of The state tax levy for 1H99 will he counties. For pay the deputies receive About one hundred years ago 1500 One of tiie firemen died last night and the Bladder accompanied by tpore or 6 7-10 mills ngainst 3 1-2 mills for 1898. one half the fines from prosecutions women, children ami warriors were was buried this forenoon. He drank too: less smarting ami the escape of par­ Hood's pills are the best family ca­ instituted by them. Besides these the crowded over tliis precipice and some of much ice water while lie was hut. Two ticles of albumen in the urine with thartic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, commisioner is allowed three deputies ttieir boaes are still found at the foot. benches were laid across the the rail, a ropy se-liinent. all point to the ile.dine R an gin g in cloth from $ 1 .5 0 up. P lu sh cape3’from $ 2 .5 0 up. W- staid two or three hours and thej piece of canvas stretched across them (u .e . who are paid a limited salary. of your nianhoo I. There are hundreds Cotton b lan k ets 5 »c, Gôc, 7.5a, 81,00, and 81.‘25 per|pair. first sergeant climbed down Io the foot ami the body tightly sewed in canvas Albert Karnowsky is nursing a couple who die of this >ti Ih-.ultv, ignorant of Guard: Miss J V Kauffman lias leased of tiie cliff uml when we were ready to W ool “ from 82.DO tO $8.00 per pair; m o stly Salem m an u tactu rw was laid upon it. Tbe engines were then the cause. The do dors will guarantee of Job’s comforters on his hand theec cf W E Warren the two s’ore rooms in start we could not raise him by hollow­ «topped, tiie vessel lay rolling silently, days. the Oonser block on W illamette street, a perfect cure in all such cases, ami C alicoes at 20, 25,land 30 y d s., for 81.00. N e w e s t s ty le s ing and had to iiunt him up. It ruined I and as tiie chaplain pronounced tiie lust healthy restoration of theG enito Urin­ A new correspondent from Acme formerly occupied by Yoran & Son and | on us Hut we enjoyed the trip very I words of tbe service the inner enitk of Chicago L. L. m u slin 5c, Cabot W . 6c, Cabot A . 7c, w it h h a lf ary Organs. appears this week for the first time. E Hanson. This will give her the large much. the benches were raised ami with a READER—Are you in trouble? store that her increasing business has Come again. Nov. Gth. It has been two weeks j splash the body slid into that awful cent reduction b y the|holt. Havoyou been treated ami never cured? W e have now a stock of chairs and demanded for some lim e, amt also four I since I wrote in this journal and with ' expanse of water with not a thing to You dare not risk a return of the dis­ bed eprings. Call and exam ine the line. show windows. The peitirion will be 1 the meager notes I have I am afraid I j ■nark the grave. I don't want to he ease. It may appear when happv in removed and the two rooms thrown into Meyer & Kyle. j will not remember very well but will do I buried in the ocean. lomestic life. Our New Metho 1 one; and the same will be thoroughly Born, in Florence, Ore., Jan. 9th, 1899 j the best I can, Oct. 25th at daylight 7th. There are about a dozen cases Treatment is your reftigp. If diseased, renovated. It will probably he a month to the Wife of Marion Morris a three we sighted the island where the lepers of mumps on the boat and a portion of before the removal takes place. consult it* confidentially. Men’s and Boys’ clothing at prices pound girl. Mother and child doing we!’. are kept. It is the first one southeast i the upper deck was taken for a hospital WRITE (enclosing s ’a n,isfo- reply) The Guard of the 5th said that a party ok that on which Honolulu is situated. Blanche Noffsinger who was very ill that will astonish you. This is an op- for our interesting hook. “ A Warning of California capitalists were investiga­ [ At noon we landed at the duck nt Hon- ‘ today. last week nt Dr Kennedy'«, improved 8lh. The Valencia tiad a slight break Voice.” Sent, free. All letters kept ting the timber resource* of this county I olnlu. The east side of the ¡«lands uj portunity to procure your’ winter sup- enough so she was brought home Mon­ down last night and we iiad to wait an strictly private and co..Ildential. All with the object of going into the luiu , presentB n rugged and barren view hut day. hour or so for her to make repairs. answers sent pi tia sealed envoiope. plies prictically for cost. Kemembcr tiering business ami establishing a paper The Oregonian savs representative mill. They visited Springfield and the 1 the mountains hack of the city although Vth. Nothing of interest. It is con-i No O. O. D. business. | rough and high are very green. It I tbe place and call. Young of Clatsop will introduce into the McKenzie river district, in company siderahle warmer now although we are legislature a hili'for the protection of with Mayor Kuykendall, County Sur­ rains on the islands every day of the! no further south than Honolulu. Consultation by M til Absolutely Free. ! year which keeps tiie vegetation green clains. lOili. Tiie lieutenant rustled a sack veyor Collier, T G Hendricks and S 11 in every spot where it is possible forauy- of sugar last night and now we can have WRITE TODAY. Some of the damaged wood-work was Friendly of Eugene. It Is said that a i thing to grow. I was on special guard oatmeal mush for breakfast the rest of i removed from the Marguerite a lew days corporation will be capitalized for $2,500, mid did not get ashore till next day. way. We boys will pay for the sugar at . Address ago, the hold cleared out and given a 000, to build sawmills having a capacity Bemeiuber we carry a general assort- The officers were careful that we toughs eoat of fresh paint. of 100,000.000, feet a year. Some of the ! should not all get ashore at once as we the next payday. The oatmeal is com -! D r -W - H S a u n d e r s & C o I moot of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and 69 Sproat St., Detroit, M idi. Tiie schools of Junction City were : party are shareholders in the Booth might tear down the city. They issued patty supplies which were bought nt Frisco. closed Monday on account of the dread Kelly Lumber Co, of Saginaw. » Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent’s, Ladies’ j passes to only one-fourth of the boys iu l l t l i . The sen is very smooth today. disease, diphtheria, being prevalent THE LEGISLATURE. j the forenoon and one-fourth in the One could hardly feel the roll of the ; and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and T O -C U R E A COLD IN ONE D A Y. through0"* the city. ' afternoon. I wrote a letter to mother vessel ami no wind at all. V e sweat all —C Y Benjamin, editor of the Roseburg Notions all reduced. This sale for The state legislature met In regular and one to Lura. By mailing them on >lny mid are swearing yet this evening. » Take Laxative B r o m o Q iinine T ablet»., Plaindealer was stricken with paralysis session Inst Monday. The house retain­ the ship it cost only two cents for post­ I dress light and don't mind the best j All druggists refund t: ■uev if it fails f„ ■ C A S H only a few days ago and is in a critical con­ ed the officer« and committees as at the age but at the post office it would cost very much unless I go lielow and there c u re. 25c T h e g m u iu e has I dition, j li e lias been failing for several __ special session excepting sergeant-at- five cent«. it seems suffocating. There was a fight each tablet. months past. 25lh. Received a pass at 10 o ’clock arms. Ben S Worsiey of Multnomah on the main deck this morning. At Cure Scrofula promptly and perman­ was chosen for that position. He is and stepped on shore eigtit days and breakfast a fellow crowded into the Jine i LOGS WANTED. seventeen hours from the time 1 stepped ently by a t lioiougli course of Hood's another newspaper man. • ahead of another who would not stand j on board ; the longest I was ever off the , Sarsaparilla. All forms of this painful it. The guard parted them anil they! A VOTE OE THANKS- I w ant 4,000,000 feet of old gro w th fir ground at one time. Not having much disease yield to the blood purifying are both in the guard house now. logs d eliv ered a t (Io- »uw-ioill a t Acm e time I took a street ear and rode to the power of Ibis great medicine. 12th. Sunday and the sea is smooth ' At the regular meeting of Hereto edge of the town. On the way back I ami calm. Private Wise of Co. I was! between now am! M ai I-t 1899. James Smith of Coburg formerly head I B Cushman. Lodge, No. I l l , I O O F, it was voted called at the queen’s palace, Imught a prostrated with heart trouble at noon ! sawyer in the mill at that place was arrested at Eugene Saturday charged unanimously that the lodge tender a few little things, ate dinner at a Japan­ Imlay. He Is in the hospital now ami ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION with larceny of two rifles from Barker'« vote of thunks to Mrs B F Wilson for ese restaurant and my time was up. and is better. •ÂWîv: Gun Works. He waived examination assisting with the music nt ttieir install­ J The business part of the town is not 13ih. The sea is a little rougher th is ation and that notice of the same he very pretty, mostly Japanese stoics. morning with a good breeze blowing. Lr.nd O.Yicn, at tlosebuttf, O regon. and bonds were placed nt $500. D ecem lier 21, 1S9S. They sell the cheapest ami are the must published in tin? W est . Private Porter of Co. 1 was caught steal At the meeting held Jan. Gtli it was N otice Is hereby given th a t th e foil iwittg« accommodating. The residence part is ing this morning. This is the worst A ndrew B rvno , N G. unanimously agreed to bury the hatchet nam ed s e ttle r has filed n o tice •»/ h e r in te n tio n all any one could desite with drive [ W H W eatiikbsos , Sec, pro tein. place for stealing I ever saw. A man to m ake final |>r »)f in u t i p p >rt of h e r c laim , mid forever' between Cottage Grove and ways lined with palm trees and the has no way to put His things under lock th a t said proof w ill he in a le bef »re <’. H. Hoi- Lemati and the proposed charter was THELUELLA AT SAN FRANCISCO. 1 den U. R. C om inhidoner, a t F lorence, Oregon on yards filled with beautiful shrubbery and it is dark as pitch in tho lower ! F ebruary 4th, 18W, viz: ra K. A nderson, adopted without a dissenting vote. The mid (lowers. Even the he'lges are dock—a fine chance for stealing, W o i wj4 (>w o f («ewifl W. A nderson, d eceased, on h. e. city will be known as Cottage Grove. The Luella which left Marshfield Dei-. covered with flowers. Oh ! yes, mid in n e’4» n ‘^ se1^, nee. 32, tp. 18 Guard: A bilk by the name of Sims 31st in tow of the steaine’- Ruth reached one of the stoics I saw a can of salmon are issued tw o canteens of water a day I I no. 700rt, for th e j h ., r 11 west. collected from a numlier of our business San Francisco five days later having a put up liy the Florenc^ Canning Co., of ami it ii the hardest work in the world | She nam es th e follow ing w itnesses to prove men for their cards in a hotel folder rough trip. A storm sprung up im­ Florence, I.nne county, Oregon. In the to keep it. I caught four fellows drink-1 , h e r c o n tin u o u s resid en ce upon aud cultivation via; last week, but did not furnish the folder mediately after they started anil the evening the I O O F sent an invitation ing the last drop* from my canteen last of sgill None who are engaged in any of the mechanical C hxrles Sherbom ly, of F lorence, O re g o -; to the l$otels. It was ever thus. It is northwest. A cover which had lieen to all the Odd Fellows on the boat to night ami reported them to the first sergeant. They emiinrundsed the mat- Eum-ne K. W ait, o f A cm e, O reann a n d I’red H. coiiiproniised inat- parsuita con »ucceed without reading and proliahte that the business men are not placed over the opening for the propeller attend n reception at their hail and the K iieapcr an d G eorge A. G lover, o f Luke P re ­ out much as the advertising generally shaft came off anil the water was rapid­ major gave all of us a pass. We had a ter nr Lwould have made them some c in c t, Oregon. Htudying thia standard Magazine of Sciences J . T BaiDOK8, in folders and Hotel schemes are wortli- ly filling the hold when it was noticed. tine time and a good supper. The lodge I trouble. and m •» lion teal Arts. It is illustrated with leM. Tiie same amount expended in a The opening was covered again, the is fifty-two years old and lias a splendid T O REPAIR T H E L IL L IA N . newspaper would bring a bundled fold water pumped out without mishap and library. Ttiere are two I O O F ’s and a nil modern cuts of latest inventions iu nil NOTICE FOR PU3LICATION. more returns and besides tiie money the vessel leached her destination in ■ Rebekah lodge with a good membership George H Colter has a contract to haul would remain at borne. the branches of mechanism, and its fund of safety. j iu the city. ' L aik I Office u t P. »Febiirj, O -egon. the Lillian up on the wavs ami make Rates, a San Francisco insur­ P e c eo il* rB , 1HW. 27th. Co's I and L took a march. WAR RELICS- »»me needed repair». They expect to | • knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ N otice la hereby given th a t th e follow inv er for Decemlier says: “ Our I We went first to the topyjf the Punch put her into the cradle today. nam ed s e ttle r I imh filed n o th e of bin iofttolio: datives at Junction City,Oregon, Bowl nn extinct volcano, which stands ventors and meehunics. Sold with T um to m ake Anal proof in s u p p >rt <»f h l . c lnirn an d , The other day Fulton Woodcock D E A F N E S S C A N N O T BE C U R E D . & Co; they are also the at the northeast edge of the city. We th a t oaitl proof will be niitdu before C, H. H oi- i showed ns some war relics lie Imd just W est at clubbing rates.^ ;s of the town. Some two weeks «leu U. S. C o in m l^ lo n e r a t F lorence. O regon, received from Mrs Woodcock's brotluy, ' took dinner on the rim of it having a on J a n u a ry 21, viz: J e rry A. Levatfe on , :eived advice from them of a Wm H Speer of Junction City, w ho is i tine view of the city and harbor. W hile : Bv local applications as they cannot h. c. no. 097-i. for th e lo t 2 ar.d ne’4 ne'-i, *cc. i >88, their estimate lieing about ! there the Arizona arrived from Man­ reach the diseased portion of the ear. 1 25; tp. 17 a., r. 12 w est; an d lot 1, see. 80 a n d lot j with the American troops at Manila, $100, and we are now in receipt of a illa Mnd the Valem-ia from Frisco. After There in only one wav to core deafness, 1 sec. 19; tp. 17 a., r 11 wcat. lie having entered the signal service. reply. in which they say, ‘after having Ho n am es th e f d lo w lnv w itn e ^ e * to prove They consisted of a number of buttons 1 dinner we inarched alioni four miles ami that is by constitutional rcmo-licH. | h ia c o n tin u o u s r e d ’*e u*e upon a n d c u ltiv a tio n put our stock in shape again we find east to the Long Branch bathing ground Deafness is caused by an inflamed a cartridge such as the Spaniards use of, Raid lau d , viz* that our loss for damaged goods is go O. W. B utt >n, K. E. M arr, G. O. P a h lln and ami a cartridge shell plated with silver where the officers furnished us with romlition of the mucous lining of the «mall tliat we have decided to make no ' bathing suits and we enjoyed the finest Eustachian tube. When thia tube is F. M. H ath ull of F lo ren c e , Oregon. and having bis name engraved on it, claim.' It is needless to sav that J. T. C ridorm , hath of our lives as tiie water is just the inflamed yon have a rumbling *(iund This monthly magazine is one of the'very R egister. Messrs Io-e A Co stum) forth as an the rear portion of the bullet being right temperature. or imperfect hearing, and when it is fashioned into a knife .blade, and the best printed in this country, nud if sold exceptional example of an honest claim ­ 29th. All ol our company, who wiint- entirely d ose I, deafness is the result, shell serving either for a sheath or ant, and it so rarely happens that we ' ed to, were given permission to go with ami unless the inflammation can be N O T I C E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N - to all subscribers nt rates within tho lU W in opportunity to recognise such handle for the knife as desired. ; company K of the regulars. About 10 of taken out and the tube restored to its • «■■it that we give this prompt and ability of all to pay. It is finely illus us went. We inarched about 0 miles to normal condition, heating will he ile-1 Land 'Dflce nt Ronebure, Oregon. NvveiUiier 15, Is ■#». | «ARi)endatory recognition.” E V Lee a bathing ground at Diamond Head. strnyed forever; nine cases out of ten NOTICE. trated nnd presents the name« of famous nior member of this firm, is Mt • Tiie water was too deep so I lid not go are caused by catarrh, which is nothing N otice is hereby p! van th a t th e follow ing nnm ea : I _______ s e ttle r haw filed noil«*« of h e r in te n tio n to m ake j clerk of Lane county and is a in but put in tiie time looking tor shells. h u t n il inflame I condition of the inucoiis final proof in tftp p o rt <»f h< r cl*»bn, »»nd th a t authors as contributors. Tin? W ett 'f I wish to inform my friends and 5 I found one nice piece of coral and nd accommodating gentleman. • r id proof Vrill I n * m ade befor? Jo el W are, U. S. siirfaces. ji the public generally, that on or / several small shells also part of the and the Cosmopolitan are sold at ret We will give (T ie H indre I Dollars C om m ieeioncr at E ugene. O regon, on D ecem ber urg R eview : The Oregon Bar x about the 15th of Nov., I will open x shell of a sea-crab. We returned in the for any case mk wav w ritten In a rm y cam p« a t j i »» i Fran« hinoncd by the court. He will '»n ti.*- i> tirt w ith G c ir r a l Merrit», Ditring the year 1898 the county i l c r k money. 4itcl, is the exalted motlo of tiie Arena, and tho m n l a p p a r e n t l y th e l>«H»pitab a t l(<»»i'»iulu. t» H m u K ung, lit Nov. 1st. No passes and the mails le a v i n g tiie b i be it lie a partiaan witness, but will of Lane county issued IMi marriage a w»»ke m id •!»© th e A m ar lean (rene he?» a t d a tili» , i t Gie in « u r well. Almut nine it w ere closed nt 10. 1 managed to get one v a purl of the court itself The licenses to jieopte of Lane comity. Dur­ Cent r s .n p - w i t h t«itl.-wey. a n d tu (lie ro a r of Ilia i lee also roroinmeud the pro,w>s- ing the same period the circuit court of more letter to mother and Lora lint dressed nn-l fed it a« usnsl and laid it tiultle s i t i i e fa d -if italitL .. llo ita u ia I T I down. Almut ten thinking it was lying of orlvt-inl pie 11-ci ta k e n by vov-r i are upon a plane and in keeping with its ciuistitutional amendment in- Lane county dissoved the n.airiagc missed getting one to Smith Taylor, m e-il photocTiptw -rs-iii th e •!•••. lo re « i - iwi V. The Washington troops on lioard the very still she went to it ami found Hint teiw price-, til-, i>r >:tl-, Fr - t/ h t ivitd. C reiltLJ | the meiiilierahipof the supreme vows in 32 cases motto. Tho Arena's gallery of eminent Iir.ip nil tra -h v uii-iStcH i w ar lei ik*. ‘ Valencia were paid iu money an-l taking it had expired. Mr. Boren was away Ktre-i. i a total of five, and to have a O iilltt free. 4 w lr-— . F T lia r sir, Sec'y., S tar i B IR T H D A Y P A R TY . from liome tliat morning so she went to In su ra n c e Ride.. Chienito. pity mi ns fellows who could not get off Him salary limit of $10, (XX), the thinkers is a group ot interesting men and the boat, they lionght gtest quantities of hi« tirother’* fur a*«i«taucc but it wrr to fix the salary at as much W amtzd — szvzatL Tso-Tvoantv raa-oa« nr i women, and their thoughts are worthy tho Little Dena hclircuder was seven bimanss, coroanut* and soda or any- too late. . "leases, but to th is -ta le to maiiHve o u r bii-lne»» In ttie ir ow n ; Tbe funeral wa« held Sunday and tl e a n d nearby i m itle<. It t- m aliilv oflh-e w ork I ----- t »• **» The years old Monday. Iu honor of that ^ U R E rheumatism by taking ro ndip-ted’ At hom e Malary .tm iv h t T*0) n consideration ot ad jreoplo. Tho Aroua is event she inviteenr s u d eX pen-es—d efinite, nonafld*. no m o re l n n le M -a la ry M o n th !, 1 3 . Reference*. K l I r.ite« to a mrtv. A h o tta dozen were tralizing tbe acid in the blood perma- cemetery at Gleiinda, the aervit-cs being flirre m *1( u.H rpisefl « I miti t>»*(1 Fd VI* Id» DC. iilT b crl t sold with Tnr W est . T H E TA TEST R oyal A » touRE 6s Cured al S a n n o P owder PA Y W H E N C U R E D . W.H. WEATIIERSON A T R IP TO M A N IL A . Lost .fehootl i-1 I i « flail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Price as if You Bought in Person. J. H. McCLUNG, EUGENE, ORE. Scientific American. THE CnSMUPIILITAN I 1 .1 LtfflC THE ÄRENÄ