* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S R * * * K e * * * K f * * * * * * * ^ ( f j ( f N e * ä ) f * » a f L a tte r . P rom N aw York t o F a r . • w a y ISootlaatlooL A letter sent from New York to Bong, * * tok, Siam, travel* overland to .San * * Francisco and thence by water, reach­ * ing its» destination in about 43 days, Frw a (Ae Delrolt (JiicJk.) ?0Wr>uW. laving been carried nearly 13,000 wiles. * * Th* promptness with which ths National I A letter mailed here for Adelaide. Aus­ * Irki.r'* cf the different stole« responded to I tralia, also goes via San Francisco, I President McKinley’» call for troop* at the I travels 12,846 miles and is delivered * * llwgiooiag of the war with Spain made the I asuully w ith in 3 5 days New York mail * | whole country proud of it* eitiien soldiers. | * Jestined for Calcutta goes by way of It h&t b een a^id. of AmeT- I In Detroit there are few guardsmen * Loudon, traveling 11,120 miles in 29 * I popular and efficient * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * la y s w hile mail sent from this city to lthau Max R. Dariea, le a n s t h a t th e y a r e “a nation I lint sergeant of Co. B. cape Town, goes 125 m iles farther in | He ha* been a resl- two days' less time. °f d y s p e p t ic s ” and. it is tru e MAGYAR FOLKLORE V E R SE S, Lieut of Detroit for tlio Mail communication between New cold indifference of the stars. For hour» | past six year», and hia I York aud Hongkong ordinarily cou- t h a t few are en tire ly free from she would remain seuUxl under a tree llioiue it at 416 Third A h , h o w m u d d y ', o u r co u n tr y la n e 1 Avenue. For four aomes oue month of time. The letters ! A fte r a u tu m n r a in , h a v e so a k 'd th e d ues I without onco kissing the slenderest of t years ho was connected B u t w o r th y , w o rth y is th e g ir l I l o v . ?o by way cf San Francisco and cover d is o r d e r s of th e d i d e s t i v e her rosy finger tips. A r e prepared from N a- ■ with the well kuown O f a ll tiu»t can a y o u th fu l lo v e r m ove. 10,500 miles of distance. To reach Mel­ So great was her despair that at last I wholesale drug liouae A n d I m y to p fojotH m u d d y m a k e tu re ’s m ild la x a tiv e s ,___ and bourne, Australia, from this city a let­ t r a c t , I n d i g e s t i o n , D yspepsia^ I of Furrand, Williams W illin gly fo r h er m x v t sake. she resolved to destroy tho rose that while gentle are reliable IA Clark, in the capac- ter w ill travel 12,265 miles in about 33 had <1ur,d question her title to incom­ lity of bookkeeper. W ith caardn hat net J a u n tily Jays, and to reach Sydney u letter w ill ! u t o m a c h and. B o w e l tr o u b le and efficient. They parable beauty. Alas, she knew only 1 " I hare charged up A n d d o ck et w ith [aw fum ed roeem ary, travel 11,570 miles in 31 days The ! I many thousand orden too well that a dead rose did not mean I 11 s t r o ll a d o w n th e v illa g e s t i . o t C a ta T rh o f t h e S t o m a c h , o r ’ llor Dr. Williams’ Pink mail route from New York to Yoko­ H o w a ll th e g ir l, w ill am ilu on m el tho disappearance of roses altogether. I Pills for Pale People," hama, via Kan Francisco, is 7,348 miles They would bloom ugaiu every spring­ said Hr. Davies ’ hot »*• «rst «rrpront C o n s t i p a t i o n . T h e t r e a t « W rinkled m y to p b o o ts a r e a n d lo n g , long, aud about 23 days are consumed time, every rammer, to the shame of Inever knew th e ir 55 Cure Sick Headache, B il­ _ D p » n th e ir h eels g il t s p u r , »hlno b righ t. 1 worth until I used them for t h e J in transit. To go to Honolulu from this lips less red and of skin less rosy white. T h ey 11 cla n k th e tim e to d a n c e am i song, | chronic dyspepsia, .^ or twoyMfo 1 I iousness, Sour Stomach, m en t of t h e s e d i s e a s e s city a letter travels 5,645 miles in 13 But at least Eve would havo avenged ll o w a ll (h e g i r l , w ill s m ile t o n l g h t l " days. and Constipation. Sold —“ A G i r l’s W an derin g In H u n g a ry . •' the first in su lt most I w .t h C a th a T tic m e d ic in e s Leaving New York on steamer days, First she thought she would tear her everywhere, 25c. per box. Istubboru of ailments, MM were » « " e e j j l I mail matter is scheduled to reach Rome enemy to pieces, trample it iu tiro dust Prepared by C.I. Hood s Co.,Lowoll,Mais 1 a c le r k or office man but what is more or, ASHES OF HOSES. to o o fte n a g g r a v a te s in about ten days, Madrid in ten days, l?ea»a victim. Homo daye I could eat say- ; among the stones, then fling it to tho Itl.ing, while at other tirnee 1 won d bestarv- London and Liverpool in eight days, I furious wind as it passed. She had once lin g / Those distressed pains would force mel tr o u b le . Rotterdam in nine days, St. Petersburg On that particular morning I was iu I seen a vulture seize a lark; so would 1“ UiZdtho hot-water treatment thorough-! in 11 days, Vienna in nino days, Paris a decidedly sentimental mood, because J she have liked to tear the rose. in eight days, Berlin in nino days and Howover, she bethought herself of J Athens aud Alexandria in 14 days. ’ tho day before I bad heard a youug nud another torture. She built upon the Communication w ith South American i charming woman accompanying herself sand u little pyre of dried grasses, light ports is much slower. It takes 24 days at tho piano aud singing the tendcrcst ed it with u glowworm, aud picking Ifor'pale Psople, but I did not think much! OF THE ! for a letter to go from New York to Rio I of romances in which during the last tho rose tossed it into tho Are. A shud­ of WM Induced io try the pills and! Janeiro, which is only about 50 miles note the butterflies of the song linger der passed through its delicato petals. ■ commenced using them. Alter taking a few! j farther from this city than is Alexan- | at tbo heart of the roses. , as, with a low, plaintive murmur, it ■ dosss I fou nd m u c h r e lie f. I do not remem-l dria. Mail matter going from New I borhow m a n y boie. of the pills used, but! And the garden in which I was w alk­ ! yielded up nil its perfume, its charm, luted them until the old trouble stopped.! t ork to Buenos Ayres, which is 8,045 ing was quite of a character to foster its rosy whiteness, its life and incom­ II know they will cure dyspepsia of the worst! miles distant, consumes 29 or 30 days. Ibis gentle frume of mind. It was not parable grace to the devouring flame. I form and I am pleased to reco m m en d th em . ■ is t h e u s e o f a r e m e d y th a t —New York Times. At last nothing was left on the dying w ild or overgrown. embers but a little heap of white dust Its flower beds, where blue, red and VEGETABLE GEMS. —tbo ashes of the rose— and the wom­ yellow balsams were ranged with ns an, in whom savago instincts were al­ t h e r e b y e n a b l i n g th e various I I .B b o n O p a l, an d C o c o a cn t P e a r l, F ou nd ninth precision us tho Sevres cups and ready rife, was satisfied. In th e P lillip p ln eti, T h o u g h R a r ely . Saxony statuettes on a whatnot of a But tho butterflies in the garden of B y B a ll, P a a ta g e P a l« , Amo»8 other queer things found in provincial housewife; the sand of its Such Eden were mad with anguish, for they the Philippines are vegetable gems. paths, where the rake had left markings loved tho rose so hated by the woman. There aro not many of them, though. as distinct, straight and exact as the Never again, quivering with pleasure The bamboo is empty normally. One lines in a bur of music, and its correct aud delight, would they settle on its m ight cut open a juuglo of the giant an,l uniform borders, stiff as the frills trembling petals, never again brush of a dress that has not been crushed, grass and find unaltered hollowness. with open wings tho perfumed myster­ But onco in a m illion times or more ac­ seemed to suggest the ambitiou of a ies of its heart. cident brings to light in the bamboo very pleasant ideal—an ideal iu perfect While the fatal act was being com­ stem a gem. Nature has molded into a taste, without violence or exaggeration- mitted they flew wildly round the mer­ Greatest Weekly io thi Country, w hiph" J it t U uf ‘he flinty «“»tonal “ arrow, elegant, pretty nud quite suit- ciless executioner, but Evo did not even h* nev«T »old. cm h mokes tho outer stem so hard. cd to furnish water color subjects, see them, so entirely was she given over A July sun lavished its gold nud The nodule usually presents the nppear- to her revenge. And now, as she walk­ aroOin th ‘ OP01, a',rt “ ,Vernl s?«°‘mcns threw into the garden all the infinite ed off triumphant, they drew near to (Including postage) to any part o f the U nited are In the museums which reproduce that n bouquet is capable of holding. Canada or.d Mexico. , the characteristic lines of that gem. A butterfly which was fluttering gaze npon tho pale remains of their be­ States, THE W EEKLY CHRONICLE, the b righ test These nodules are known as tabaccer. around like two flower petals set free loved lying ou tbo little heap of extin­ and moat com plete W eekly N ew spaper In th a guished grasses. t 1« iuterestmg to not« that tho first by ho wind brushed past my hand, world, prints regularly 112 Columns, or elx teea s « . A t least they would keep as much of pugea, of News, Literature and General Infor­ ^ m i c a l and mineral,-gical examina­ ^ a 'm g o n it a little of its fine, whit J bW herns they could. So in a tumultuous mation: aleo a m agnifleent A grlcultnral and tion of them was made by the Jarnos •»’ « n « b ï.„ fT<. V v 7 < ,v .U . H orticultural Departm ent. T his Is one of th e swarm they fluttered down npon the " White butterfly,” said I, for the re­ ! » t . u . whoso munificence ostablish- greatest departm ents In an y paper on th is ■ C(1 the first of the scientific bureaus of membrance of tho song led mo into precious relics, sometimes singly, some­ Const. Everything w ritten la based oa ex ­ times all together, rolling themselves in perience In the Coast States, not on E astern such conversation with this delicate j the American government. I In tho condition iu which the fruit is wmifed creature, "whito butterfly, do the ashes, enveloping themselves iu her men s knowledge of thelr own localities ^•nowu in tho United States the milk not hasten away, but stay, rather, and dost. SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. And ever since that time the fine in the coccauut is considered its only scttlo dowu on this le a f - a flower would » „ 6 Baaaa, white powder, scattered from tho wings Life b not a pienia o f wurwj , h f o f liu £ re“Uy ripu uu‘’ however, Ihd,„ ? “ Ury lick you ,)ut llow w j„ Frivolous lover of rcses and lilies," man is usually of a bright nature, but hriLd n “ ’* c?«u ,“ d “ “•» ho has a short short time ---- ago, --- aud a i careful handling b"neflt hereafter No matter what your bribed tho gatekeeper to register ids clasely observing the habits of ducks wh'7h 1h d tb° preEeuco of «mall spheres began, “ whence comes this delicate for some time past his friends huvo been th hav® lnuch »ho luster of the powder yon scatter from your wings as noticing that l.e does some peculiar pay may Im do the best that is within name as having passed into tho city geese and sw an, in this regard to see if things. Not long ago ho was at a re- JFOW. pearl. Eight or ten t f . these and duly report his advent Thut LI there was any variation from tho rule Leari* L ?",“,''* uleW! oot'oaun‘ ¡ j » j y T n „ w „ , o all 1 d,ECOVcrcd discovered iu the Philip- .cited th 1 EU.Ie y° n “JUSt h“V0 ««K- oeptron, and a few minutes before clos­ We can’t all g,„ ri(,b by ,y|l)(r in e. ung jhaug had to pay an enormous laid down by my friend. I have thus n pearls, •o w e ry beds of ease while other’* light •uui in tips and bribe«—over £1,090,000 I far failed to find the least exceptio,,. , P “8. ‘«-"»“««I »> European muse- jested the arts of the toilet to tbo per- ing time he went to the coat box and £ 7 w l , I h* r ‘MOr “ “ ,hr"»Kh each —on his last visil *u Peking is a Two weeks ago I watched n flock of head to t h » /“? 80 fr0“ th® “ Z® ° f “ pin’ fumer, for yours are tbo only w/ugs secured hts hat and coat. Then he walk . , Kta'rs to tho dancing floor nud day tQ Rco jf to that c f . very sm all p e a .-N e w that scatter whiteness like a putr ’• day With colors at the masthead and ‘ h O t ‘'< ; ,u,1'ou knowledge, hut tho tame g ees, n(» r,y ’> '* * « '• s v o n ic ie U a l l g l i s T . The butteifly said, “ ’Tis strange." picked up another coat and walked ----------------- -------- •very yard < f cativus set Work is the narration of two instance* that havo o t them would not dip bis beak down THE CHRONIPLE rxnks w llh t h . ( r r . t . r t But as iio had nothing to do he conde­ homo with it on his arm. Arriving at most healthful, Itivigorutiug touie that come directly under my notice may per­ ' " a t,f y h tte paddliug along ita Tke Flag, his home, he found that he had one n ew rearer. In th . United S t a in haps «.rvo to make the Engligfa reader I o ld nL<,’ a” ,,, take a dnuk- One Shrewd Poor human nature can help itself to England’s national flag 1--« brf>n scended to enlighten me. I am sure wo •bonltl learn many things that are not ooat on and another on his urm Tbo Cca>t, Remember that if you are well am) realix« even more vividly how inexora old gantlet twice startled me by swim- called "a triplet of e r o s ls ”X D i ble and how shamelessly „pen is the ifte?r*,Rh?r<” ,U.d H a t ,8 f y i n R Lis thirst, composed of the cross of bt George the Bi hooks and not known by learned ir e c o 7 b0.fonud ‘he owner of tho ex- m cm f we chatted more frequently with low^H ’ aDd„ nintD“1 «planations fol­ after r, aching terra Arma, by guzzling cross of St. Andrew and tho (ystematio corruption. .re lowed and all was well. But that bn« cross of the insects of tbo woods and fields. Tho governor of Kiang su province, oopiously und w ith manifest relish St. Patrick. Thus: been eclipsed by his latest exploits Ho . w« , x r ih T ™ ? , “■ Ed,,°rt- rro" » - , — The flag of “ St ft. t'uuipii.a. who was an intim ste friend of Prince from the water along tho bank and (»eorge for * • • • merrie England, ’’ a red cross Mr Transciout— Is fins all the buffer Kung thought to take advuutuao of Ids tbeu swimming out to deep water W hen auburn haired Eve was born at red lines drawn *i * " « i c i i on a whito ground, '' * the im p ru n in again. TfM hsvo in the house. Mrs Caterer' gr«’at iuf u c u c by coming into tbo uitv th„ asam .1 cna % ^ ¿ . ‘ " n ° n ** “ * 8 “S 1)6 mad0 hi" “P '"‘'e'«’. - ao!,cu «1«, who, having suppressed the Mohom- m al. are taught to drink from troughs •lacK. with it in his hand. ox»«; h i b k . passi, n for all other created things nla-i?Ter,,ha‘ ,nf , St- Andrew “■•«* ‘hen •on Another case 1, cited concerning the 1 he splendid lights in , bo | ioJ > • mu 1 • l" ,,0‘ »'• "rdinary bolail" meduu rebellion in Turkestan, had ao and pans, aud they haven't intelligent» plttv,iiiff that of St. Gevrj’tt Urne over both Ob I don’t know. " mid tho lynx for tlteC elestiifim p iro '," .^ ." ” •nongh to shako it off wbeu they get wo have ‘‘the tv,ion ---- jack," us borne ™ rival h , borne not tbe tawny brigbtoca. of Eve’. he is S X ......... T’’ grown. I caunot account for it in any •tuce tho anion w • ith Iroiond iu 1800 oo _ — Joug, floating • •v e n in g ^ ^ -X iX T in ^ emperor, who held bin. In high esteet,,, Other way. ’’—st. Louis R epublic Pofctou 1 raM«cr ipt. you re u I mju C (be «aiue a« the rest of W s " Í ¿ .'ítíU! d 8,“’.1,aTe > • ! « . of isbed to see hint ..... .. .o mm and sent a special *■> Yon cau work, but y »e •wan, aluce _ her ow$ Tru® Coart#sjr, S a fe ly C le e a ors. ualnu« L'm to an audience at throat aud Ott. " And be gut. — Vim. you w on’t General Robert E. Leo was in tho car. ‘uadp ot «’now^' Au improved system hits been adept- or why J*M»pr1etor S I When on his coming to tho city the - . ° Tinc» ‘h« «orcft. forent, h her own «1 elevators for going to Richmond ouo ,lav and was embrace rR.lNC,W^7.AU being far ohu,«-wen-m en, or gatekw.pi.r, de­ the library ,,f congresa. They are built •eated at tho end farthest from tho door. wore treacherous manded 80,000 tael, he refused to with a speei-,1 view to safety, nlwj ¡„ Tho other seats were filled wiffc officers and more sweet? V>VfWA anything. But even he was not officially wHh wl' ? ? ’ i,f**‘y C’ ‘° h "r” ,t8 dCCprM’ Uue ••id m a sbceJsh „ Jed endroldtcrs. An old woman, poorly mtoM rkT’ y° QDK 11,011 «portetl, and aft,., be bad remained » it * what is termed the air enshton— Hoefpish manner, “ Oh, I S Â H TIC^ L1« L É | Ì t'U,' red one ot «bestutioiiK Wight have hoped to rival 1------------ : they uot had a softer «pH were czqni- » v era l mouths in Pekiu. waiting for an the latter not a real cushion, inaxnwrlt and finding no «, „t, , Ild haviug uolw ( f B P ittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. H 7 U<’"L?he ’ “ P0« * '“ «<■«« auoth. r h im ii«)t aoft, oof ifl | | uiHilo au<) ««--——w wnvre Mte axure. “P P ^ ^ o d w. »M the « vuu end where “”4’’ she looked at all things, and «¿••E ¡“ Ling w h , h ehad never come. in piwition, beiug formed oolv when tbe ’h,’ BP,1<>r«> was seated. He immediately . 1 Iu fine, 11.« «1 - . ----------------"X *“,d Knvo *>er his st»L i ^W i,N T alk I t Ovar. t»iT*:e ° f prid* <’nlno ovrr her .2.“U | ."K »‘«pomled by »■■u.ig telling lLeTn ’,,r ta dr°PP<’d '<> «he bottom ot the •he whole story, adding that, having ",,d ‘Hns all wear and tear on the In"‘*u t’» there ------------------- Witb< I havo Instantly was x general rising, ' ithout doubt," «1.0 said, ”aJl is ^ourse of n’ie^g b u sin X £ " « 4 " . , % ‘>wn und h i. fam ily’s moo- on"hl°'> i» avoided. The prlttciple is each one offering his seat to tho gem rul »ery good, but tbeu wbat of it «11?" n a B r«".« many other, to”,e“ d ’ t,U * And thereafter her favorite amuse- ba¿ O l ' l u r i n g tbe y" y "‘"’P1"- At the bottom of the But ho calm ly said; . "No, gentlemen, if there was no scat Id! the l” °b ",t UU<1rr “ war, he bad no ui. au« with which to T"1“ « w ell about 13 feet it, depth aud F0W « « n h ¡ ‘¿ d S into’ ? “™ “<8rDPd pay sue», , bribe. He appealed to the the ,idM ot *»>loh are m, arrange,I a , to for too infirm old woman, there can Lo * ^ ' ' ,hrrew Or d , ^ k a: 8X ‘r Of im.l* r*.’r ‘tr“,',1‘,0‘dy rulinve Idin of tho COn.,<’ ,he ‘"P within the aixterutl, of none for mo. ” irapoailiou. In reply the emperor aaiu- ,nch ,rf ‘,,c »’d® «’» «he elevator this The effect was remarked. On© after NONEBETTEtAT T ill one day she saw a rose. The roro was there before her. a, vet A*v price ! This |tbe feeing of * tlie ■ g.tijtw p eri •P-e,' gradually growing larger 'until another got out of tho car. The seats "•'FCifw.n, ■“ •«>•• ffir I If him by the buttonhole in • Take “ >be«oo ho, for them, and «ho totorely a rose, almost pale iu its a K- ueniJ and ancient usage, and tho • h, re is n distance o f un iuehnnd a half ^ PlffiOMflt Or Mi MS • IlH l „ Wupbaut grace. U, o opwL p e i d , ’o e wi’d'eu-' m,¿ “er and (alk » over. " f" e‘,dly ewtj J t« 4 < w « n o « He in the painter's fenrv to viceroy oud genrraliasimo must submit between the elevator and the shaft pent ral and the old ludy soou had tho '••• ,«ur n(a I ,;e i,, J BstM'ne a prettier picture than that Jf . •o It like another." Aud asTso-Tr hung « ' “ « «l,e elevator U drop,rod from the car to thoiuselvex. lum iucus ino«, a..., Smith, down radian, as a «'7r. st® . lom aud liv SI n r’1"' THE M c C all company . aenmmer"f I ” '.T’ ’■ * i°na with the Tong really had not the money, hts roof, R pushes before it a quantity of mg almost hnmnu. like a woman ” »'• Haw i«,b 1 . P'D'd tn the Muilea 4» lD.m-41«,. NccswUj. to your detriment. P n L .—® * 1.n,c‘htog A tiger passing that way lingered to PWhnp. ke. i»,; : «.M ePnPhoil'‘,n ,l*.nd Thr m,,,d "f »>*PW friends raised x subscription, the dew air, and, dropping into tbe well, tho he lias not. 7 Æ ,"«d Mm. W a,to—W het is on that button’ ’ *Th.*n •e on it .i. rucsa ‘° I'» " Fllîh". P « * "’’’»ers V ..„1 T Went f * from frOW ¿ (’ „ "d’ w i rh i ? It* r'*‘»r *"d I-’Lehcd mirror uger eniprn i hetself routribuling I d f Mr ia eompressed and. escaping ...V '," A » . C hics '•H Wsrk.t Sl ’’ ». »»4 j: Í „ “‘‘•“ " ^ to em b er tbo Maino.” »hore«,nired sum — Fortnightly Review. •jowly, allo w . Iheel, valor tosetile hi« ». best ahoatu^d »«‘dr W,‘" r> ** l,dc,i"» Within h e ? m ‘ K,nH‘,h ,"K Hirred policy in ( q prevent i . . ¿ t S " ' ; , ’’« “ r Jion, o ? d J i h i d " ‘t m ' ’ r ,,flr c ' ’ ' h r im p r e s Mrs. Watts— ft would do more ira- to'u her. fehe understood tb it • I o n a o f w a k in g h o u r s i f those ininres Gull, Uiarsreat. tort ughout ,11 eternity she had a rival •mt, you don't warn o. 1 " h0 hns wrib y°" " '°°ld * b n “ °r> * n d P » '" 1” ’ happy v « » » r an d s h o c k la g . • B e w ill s m ile in h er s le e p [ f ,h e im n r r s with Oon t Forget the Groceries ” on Btuutifnl as she was, tbe roro was not • ^ • r e n i „ ; 0: r ‘w‘: ^ « « t o j M. Caller—«ir, I nm reliably iuforraed «‘¿ r e d * ^ h h, T " f * •'> < * " " « ’ " m « P, " : that you have heeu insinuating that 1 Recent advertisements it, the i U i I t it. —Indianapolis Jonrual. ‘ess beautiful Perfume against tiir ^ Ä t Ä ; e° : r , tp“’p« t h ? f r n 7 l n L h e ' p ,'c u l , » 'l- n e n t a t o w h ic h '" “ ’^ r s c e »gaius, gr.«,, » • • a liar and a thief, and 1 b a v e, ali- ,»1* r* are caleulnt. d to make dime mu £ L ? ? * . n , ' ,n *" h , b l , ‘ 'h e p ic tu r e Grigia oí rata, « • p o l l e d b y , h e li n e s o f s u f f c im * a „ ,| (i . * d u , demand an immediato retraction •ettm freaks gasp with envy. The ¿ L , . ‘belr rh“rms would be pit^d [ • “ - Be neighborly fr '.i Haiti is a cativa camo, meaning tom T “ " eudly TeH !«ariic,l lady would be an ordinurv or. iu lien thereof, your worthless hide. against ©no another aud there wocM him O h . , tu , b I(J11| V Publish.«’^ mortal beanie the enriositv quoted her.” mountainous country. The name Cwba ho an eudlrs. and unceasing struggle frankness. Niue biiudr . . L r<,Ual .M' r»'t«ms,Pf’Vl” . ,o n.. ku^wn"'1' 0 Tfc* «to . Editor (i t The Hngleh— Ail The Bu- In vain impassioned pcets of , | L .. ‘j ?,d"rk Br’'* " leather lady's pock / Work « w uge« »h««n •eerfn« ¡ «>'• I'«“ over said about you. Majia-tlore. I T’""k. cf “ d"rk gro ti leather w< old try iu enthnsiat-tic madrigal, to ou xie« a iik r a rt a burden to the wtiiuan Th* B ,al ’•“•v ./.T • o,'»’» , h "i< lady! Iu another advertisement we ............. . prove to their mistresses tbe defeat of t o e K S ‘e‘." d yr ^ ,fcri" « h n m h’- X ^ . 0 ba« beeo iu h politicai way. iu five minut». "Is it so bad as that— pinch as roa »ho so n reigu flower. "Oh. I beg your panloot j WM nn. learn that "girls „re wat.t.d io row o * e * « e h c s , d r i g g i n g » e n s a 'in iis a n d w eak ?*r* ,u* 1 ‘ri.uds “‘"i you win Kve bstl uo iUa. d r the iuipnwsion thut you hud born buttons on the second story of the Smith !"ih ^"|U «ions on the subject The rose wcu.'d I^rtonal .n d busimw, rather than na bavo burd *°*a to '"M * e always defy her. and n P ,K>n p o a it ir e j y , m m p lr t r l v u n f it ) H . J tÌ lroal.n,r ••-ù » ‘‘iM.a1«,. A Jones bnildiug," aud w hile we are lH»(h PU(I r tlHH't.*“ w ill both fee) U h - 7 ' 7 You o l ‘ L'« n a tu r e I Dasliu— I dou't mind it so f,tr as I ual humiliation she would - -MW.VW N W V”’k hy side in hanuonv ’ th.“ 1 l,Te »''le woiideilna w h s, the second storv is go tug to do w ith the bn,tone after thVv • U personally concerned, but It w ill 1« «0 her splendid au»l victonon. rival ,. »»ST«»-»«,...,, «rribly hard to, my vale, «"have T h e * T h eg IM de't IM • T a t « . *»d e i p i ' ^ n r r S ^ h‘ PPy W ,frbnod ¿ M ¿ X , r n,*,,*¿ ” r'fo’ in T"T ’ are sewed ou" we «. .. that Brown ¿is A sn>tueas, of which you can form no heart lighter sad mankma yL"°r to ‘d«a " Hypocrite!" ... •»’ S a l i t o I n w an, "a saleslady in cons t« mid put up with domestic cigars after more frteudlv «»pert Ik- . take c ® a ■ pmeresfeu of her, whose so th» • f o i l fanrel‘"2hJ:L,p d *“,r',''r w h" had m rush t o v n o r d ^ a n ^ " ‘ '- d "B ate facui swindlor!" end. rH i n m l«, eud wc wc ore are mi mi « i ... i „.. i prime havanas he has b o n used pK'maey, iKkn. wledgrd hv all . •" d l.««er; t o .— «baked b?i ’ d T “*' ' '’¡-"‘" " '.'r , ' i : ” * ' - " " Robber of the orphan 1’’ that wc never read any more • Wantg. •• Biatou Trauroi eript. Va " I .IW.O of r*""1. IW nwlddie Co j f c w '7 h i ^ T “ d‘*P'” rd * • «^re b«s aod '^T oJ^ 'wen,. «,„11.,. fc , p^ra, , • ‘“ ' fog oJeartd the atmosphere by I —Bost.at Uacelln. “d a c hrirtian B ou .r feb. no tongrr he«j allT pb uBarH ^ d Ito yourself. •Se ,,K1 “ dw Ho lb, cM M T l” K »a«»a. ,G s’ ,d ,Uri. ,a (h ' Dr Pierce . P a v o n f o We co m m ea r ei, g tetn g Talk it over. -Hardware. to the limpid streams, whose clear w» FoaA D »la.,.a. g L . f y * * . F »™>r| to P reacn m ioa and r ? n ,d 4 "I w-moer why propj, like , 0 U « m. uro.d her bright i n . ^ r watched them np the * 0 0 ,1 .- N»w Y irk Frisa. B * brighteat > w 7 í h.“^ ' ” y 1 »M l «wing after all .--Jew en-r, w « -k ¿ H»«baud ( a Î L . |, , P°*”*ed A il uigbl d i. dreamed Utferly of feet tou r roh». —Vineutoat, Luqauar. tuesiit. for y o u ^ J ^ * * * ® « « fivvl and kws.« UBccaforted auder the AFFAIR or the NATION [A Guardsman’s Trouble.! * H o o d 's P ills R o u s e th e L iv e r I th e ADINC PAPER T ilt LOGICAL * treatment will build up the sy stem , th e organs to act as N ature in ten d ed , th e y should, d re m e d y is fou n d in : d a il y Only $ 6 ? 7 0 a fear. Or. Williams’ Pink Pills fa- pa|e peop|. The M l y Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 HH0 L.. 1- s a ijx a R e v e r s ib le Map? Map of the World MS C A L L W-CALL'S^ m a m iin e w •** »*»ev«r s,m. I’„ h,d «*w»h - Dein«, t re,