'H E W E S T CVKKY F MU) A Y MOMNINO— ■ ■——‘AT----------- IF lobknck , L amb C ounty , O xudgon .—* . R oyal A bsolutest I pvre n .H . WEATHERSON Editor and Proprietor. -T iruh : 11.50 h year in advanoe.- B aking P owder 1. 0. 0. F. OFFICERS Be f l r a h t B om . Installed Wednesday E v eix iug. Addresses Music Ere. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome _ Hall Finely Decorated Florence school opens next Monday A TERRIBLE TRAGEDY. for the winter term with J J Emuious A Large Crowd present. Grand Supper. Entered at the post-office at Florence, teacher. Everything Passes Pleasantly. A Shariff and Deputy Shot at Seaside. laine county, Oregon, as socoud-cloHs The freshet the first of the week mail matter. The Murderer Killed. brought out some lugs hut there was not Wednesday evening being the time water enough to float large logs over the ADVKRTlrilNti RATES MADE KNOWN ON A P­ 1 set by Hecota lodge, No 111, I O O F, rocks and shallow places. Last Friday afternoon Slietiff Wil­ PLICATION. Local notices 8 cents per line, each insertion Perpetua lodge AO U W installed liams of Clatsop county in company for inducliug into their chairs, officers their officers for tlie present term Tues­ witli Senator Fulton went to Seaside who are to serve for tlie ensuing term , day evening. This lodge lias changed haying in their possession a wurrant to arrangements were made to hold and an Florence, Or. Jan. 6, 1899. their meetings from Saturday to Tues­ search tlie premises occupied by one o|ten installation. A large number of invitations were Chaih-3 Willard who was suspecieJ of day evenings. W E S T L IN G S . issued mem tiers of tlie order ar.d their After having a few street lamps for a robbing Senator Fulton's cottage a few friends to be present. The hall was short time the people of Florence realzie days before and then burning it to con­ handsomely decorated for the occasion Capa (or men hoyi or girla, a new something of what a convenience they ceal tlie crime. and everything was planned to have the Block at A O Funke’a. Deputies A E Miller and Janies are, ami the general opinion is tiiat tiie The infant son of Albert Karnoweky council should order some inure lamps. Larners of Seusi 1« accompanied them. guests enjoy it. A new carpet received the *I hv before was put down ami this hat been quite ill for several days. The stage from Eugene was delayed After some conversation with Willard, with decorations made the interior of Fulton and Miller went inside the house. Hood’s Pills cure hillinusncss. Mailed Monday by a slide near Tilton rock and the ball very heaittlful. for 25 cents by C I Hood A Co Lowell, did nut arrive at Mapleton till Tuesday Soon two shots were heard and the A meeting of tire lodge was held in sheriff and Laniers were shot by Wil­ Mass. noon. The driver reported about 14 tlie afternoon to attend to business O I. Hanson of Heceta light liouss inches of snow in tlie mountains be­ lard. Senator Fulton sprang upon him matters, tiiat there might lie no delay in and with t lie aid of Miller overpowered had • linger cut off a few daya ago. We tween here and Eugene. him. Tlie deeperado then watched his tlie evening exercises. Tlie steamer did not learn how it happened. Dan Sweet of Elmira was arrested and opportunity, sprang up anil started to Ming made a special nip from Mapleton Oreo Beckwith nn old and highly taken liefore U S Commissioner J J run out was shot in l lie face hy Fulton in tlie afternoon ami returned next respected citizen of Eugene died at It is Waito'i at Eugene last week on a charge who then went for assismnee leaving morning to aecoinmo lute those wishing home in that place last week aged 75 I of counterfeiting. But not finding the Miller on guard with a rifle. Millard to attend. yea re. ¡evidence sufficient to justify holding then drew a revolver and stmt Miller in Tlie ball was filled to overflowing Miss Edith Yatee hail a birth-day him to tlieU S grand jury, Commission­ the leg w ho then shot and killed Willaid when about half past seven o'clock Noble Grand T J Boren called tlie audi­ party yeaterduy evening in honor of her er Walton dismissed tlie complaint. instantly. ence to order ami announced the open­ tenth birth day. All had a pleasant At a creamery in Colorado, the but- An inquest was lield ami a verdict time. termaker found that one of liis patrons rendered in accordance with tlie facts. ing ode. This was followed by a prayer hy the chaplain after which N G Boren There are ten prisoners confined in received $45 per cow in 1897 for butter- None of tlie men killed had families. gave a short address of welcome. the Lane county jail. This is the larg­ fat, while another patron received only Tlie installing officers were then an­ SUN DAY SERVICES. est number ever confined there nt one $12 per cow. Tho man who received nounced and took tticir places and Wm $45 per cow for butter-fat, raised the time. Kyle district deputy grand inaBter, assis­ calves on skim milk, and sold them in Preaching 11 a in Christian Endeavor The Robarta arrived from Yaquina ted hy John I Butterfield as grand Tuesday. She started out Sunday Ilia fall at an averago price of $18 each. 2:30 p in and Preaching at 7 p in. marshal, proceeded to install the follow­ I G K notts , pastor. Ashland Tidings: Max Pracht, the morning hut put hack again as the ing elective officers: Andrew Rrund, special agent of the general land office ocean was very rough. N G ; Joint A Mason, V ti; Marion F O U N D G U IL T Y . ( > r this district, has been granted a Burglars last Sunday night broke into Morris, Rec. Sec; S J Seymour, Finan­ Milliorn’a grocery store nt Junction and temporary transfer to tlie district of cial Sec; N G Brui:d ami V G Mason In San Francisco, Mrs B.dkiit lias helped themselves to all the confection­ New Mexico, with headquarters at San­ then announced the following ap­ ta Fe. Hot tamales, totillas. frijoles, been convicted of poisoning Mrs John I’ ery they could reach. etcetera, not to mention chillicon crane, Dunning, by sending a box of poisoned pointive officers and they were installed : At Eugene last week A I. Tullock was will constitute his bill of (are for the candy to tier nt Dover, Del. Life impris­ T J Neely, Warden; Wm Chamberlin, held in bonds of $500 to appear before Con ; E A Evans, I G ; J N Wisdom, O next few months, and lie can wear out onment is the penalty. the grand jury on a charge of shooting G ;F II Alexander, R S N G; Fred liis box of red neckties and be in the at Chief of Police Stiles. l’eil, L S N G ; W If Wuatlierson, R S A D V E R T IS E D LETTERS- fashion. 8; W L Fisk. I. 8 8; Phil Nicolle, L S The storm Monday night loosened John Clark nn inmate of tlie soldiers’ the Glenada boat house from its fasten­ Tlie following letters remained un- V G ; John Yates, R S V G. home at Dodge City, Kas. who bad been Bro Kyle then gave nn interesting ings at Colter’s wliHrf and it floated up claimed in tlie Florence postoffice for buried because it is supposed he hnd address on Odd Fellowship and an­ the bay till it was driven on the beach died from typhoid fever, was exhumed the week ending Dec. 31, 1898: nounced that the officers were installed John Smith near the end of Fisk’s wharf. after two days, and it was found lie was Janie« B Candle. in regular form. N G Briin-i then made S J Seymour will probably be appoint­ only in a trance. He revived, and states Any person calling for tlie above will an address thanking the lodge for tlie ed watchman nt the government works tiiat lie was half conscious of everything honor conferred on him and setting on the departure of M L Tower. He is that was going on, but was helpless to please ask for advertised. W m . K vle , postmaster. forth tlie duties of an O ld Fellow. This ns good a man for the position as can be do anything to save himself from liis was followed hy a song by K A Evans found Hiiywhere. impending fate. One of the soldiers A QUEER FISH. accompanied hy Mrs Evans witli the Oh November 30th, 1896, Lane coun­ insisted tiiat tlie man was not dead and organ . ty had in tho State insane assylum 23 caused tlie exhumation with tlie result A fish tlint was something of a curios­ W H Weatherson nml John I Butter­ male patients nml 11 females, total, 34. stated. ity t<> many of our citizens was found in field then made short addresses after On Nov 30, 1898 there wese 31 males E J Wilson a Lincoln county nursery­ South Slongli hy Ed Andersou ami L B which Rev I G Knoits was called upon and 15 females, total 46. Net gain 12. man expresses tlie opinion tiiat the Curler Wednesday niurning and brought and responded with a few well chosen Rheumatism causes more aches and codling moths can not tlirivojyliere tlie to Florence. remarks to amuse an I instruct tlie pains than any other disease. It is due sen fog will strike them as it does in It was pronounced a skate hy soino of audience. V G Mason tiien gave a to acid in the blood, and is cured by most parts of Lincoln county—that tlie the residents. It measured about 5t* short address thanking tlie audience fur Hood’s Sarsaparilla which neutralizes salt holds the moth in check. He also feet in length and iotp- feet in width. attending tiie exercises and bespeaking predicts tiiat in a few years Lincoln It had a shovel nose, a month somewhat a warm placo in their hearts for the thia a cid . Jeff Myers the Salem attorney is | county apples will lie noted far and resembling a sturgeon, and its tail order of 0-1*1 Fellows. -Several pieces making an attempt to introduce opos­ wide. Has Lincoln county any advan­ which was about 2*i feet long was of instrumental music were then played sums into Oregon. He lias purchased tage for fruit-raising tiiat is not enjoyed eiiape . < iiiic .I i like tint of a cow and had hy Mrs Wilson, Fred Bean and Fred twelve pair'aud had them shipped to hy all tiiat part of Oregon west of the several fit. near the end. Peil. Salem. They will lie turned loose and Coast range? Supper was llien announced and tlie REAL ESTATE TR A N S FE R . allowed to run at large. D E A FN E S S C A NNO T BE C U R E D . assembly adjourned to the room helow Dec. 29 as Mrs Chris Rich of Engle­ where a bountiful repast hail been pro­ Lillie Johnson to Louisa A Johnson wood w as lifting a boiler of scalding suds By local applications as they cannot vided Everybody enjoyed the deli­ from the stove one handle slipped from lots 1 and 2 block 7 in Fisk’s addition to reach tlie diseased portion of tlie ear. cious bread, meat, cake, pies, coffee ami her hand and the contents fatally scald­ Glenada; $150. There is only one way to euro deafness, other good things too numerous to ~ M IS T A K E N ? ~ ed her seven year old son who was and that is by constitutional remedies. mention, which the Odd Fellows’ wives playing on tlie floor. Deafness is caused by an inflamed know so well how to prepare. A large crowd were present hut there was plen­ McMinnville Register: Horst Bros, A Glenada correspondent writing to condition of the mucous lining of the Pacific coast hop buyers, are endeavor- the Broadaxe under date of Dec. 22nd, Eustachian tube. When this tube is ty for all ami to spare, The floor was then cleared and dan­ ing to contract next year's crop at 13 1998 says “George O Knowles will be inflamed von have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is cing waa indulged for several hours, cents delivered in New York. No con­ married Xmas day.” tracts have been made, so far as we Upon receiving the Broadaxe with the entirely closed, deafness is the result, music being furnished hy George Thur­ man, violinist, and Mrs Alexander have been able to learn. j above item we hastened to find Geo. O and unless the inflammation can he organist. taken out and the tube restore*! to its 8iuslaw valley corn meal is now for and tendered him our congratulations. G A R OEFICERS. sale in several of the stores in Florence. He seemed somewhat surprised and normal condition, hearing will he de­ Thie corn was grown by F E Fremont inquire*! why we were congratulating stroyed forever; nine eases out of ten manufactured into meal hy Chas him. We then produced the paper and ; are caused hy catarrh, which is nothing Gen Lyons Post G A R of Florence but an inf lamed condition of the mucous have elected tiie following officers for Another step in tlie right direc- gave it to him to read. Whereupon surfaces. ___ *s it helps to at home tlie money declared it was all a mistake but tlie next term : 8 B Colvin, Command­ We will gire Ono Hundred Dollars er: Z L Seymour, Senior Vice Com­ that one heretofore been sent away to wished it were the truth. I for any case of Deafness (caused l.y mander: 8 E Lowe, Junior Vice bow provisions for our people. G LE N A D A N E W S . ! catarrh) tiiat cannot lie cured hy Hail’s Commander; R B Mills, Quarter •keview Register: Very few of the ! Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars ¡free. master. Ilemen of Lake county have so far F J Cheney & OoJ Toledo, O. B y REPO RTEE. hd it necessary to feed hay. Espec- Sold by Druggists, 75c, ■ in tlie northern districts is tlie Halls family Pills nre the best. NOTICE. Remember to date your letters 1899 turage still good feeding, owing to FAY WHEN CURED. D U . B. SAUNDERS 4 CO. Tlie Ablest and Moat Successful . Specialists in the World. They guarantee n complete core at Your Own Home, and allow you to pay when cured. jjj In order to reduoe my stock of goods between now and Jan. 1st, 1899, I havo a reduced J he price of all goods to COST t' and a small per cent to cover expense« (luring the sale. Lost Mohnöl Restorsl Thousands of promising young men have their lives and future usefulness wrecked hy INDISCRETION AND PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms until cured, are portrayed on the coun­ tenance an I in the actions of the vic­ tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ ed, other organs become affected, ami sooner or later there are serious results. Our New Method Treatment will posi­ tively cure these diseases. MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are thousands of you who have committed often -es against tlie laws of your na­ ture, and arc now paying up for it. Those w eak, aching backs, I xjbs of Sex­ ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, Frequent and Painful evacuations of the Bladder accompanied h y more or less smarting ami tlie escape of par­ ticles of albumen in the urine with ropy sediment, all jtoint to the decline of your uianhoo I. There are hundreds who (tie of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. Tiie doctors will guarantee a iierfect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of theGenito Urin­ ary Organs. READER—Are you in trouble? Have you been treated and never cured? You dare not risk a return of tlie dis­ ease. It may appear when happy in domestic life. Our New Method Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, consult us confidentially. WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) for our interesting liook. “A Warning Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept strictly privato ami confidential. All answers sent plain sealed envolope. No C, O. D. business. These goods are mostly new, bought for the Fall and Winter trade, and will bo sold without reserve. It is tho largest ui stock carried for many years thus giv- iug a great variety to select irora ii| « « • « » » « # Q » • • • » ★ A LARGE A S S O R T » .IF 0 ® JOSLIN. ★ Ranging in cloth from $ 1 . 5 0 up. Plush capes from $2.50 up. Cotton blankets 50c, 653, 75c, $1.00, and SI.26 per pair. Wool “ from $2.00 to $8.00 per pair, mo«tly Salera manufactura Calicoes at 20, 25, and 30 yds., for $1.00. N ew est styles Chicago L. L. muslin 5c, Cabot W. 63, Cabot A . 7c, w ith half cent reduction by the|bolt. , Men’s and Boys’ clothing at prices $ that will astonish you. This is an op- vi e portunity to procure your winter sup­ plies practically for cost. Remember the placo and call, Consultation by Mail Absolutely Freo. WRITE TODAY. Aildress Dr* W -H -S a u n d er s & Co*. 69 Sproat St., Detroit, M id i. ltcmembor wo carry a general assort­ ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and $ Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent’s, Ladies’ T O C U RE A COLO IN ONE D A Y . and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and Notions all Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. All drugi’ists refund money if it fails to C A SH only. cure. 25c The genuine lias I. B Q on eacli tablet. reduced. This sale for LOG J WANTED. I want 4,003,000 feet of old growlii fir logs delivered at tlie saw-mill at Acme between now and May 1st 1899. I B Cusliman. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Lund Office, nt Rosdhurg, Oregon. December 21,1898. Notice is hereby given that the foliowlng- nained settler has tiled notice of her Intention to make Anal proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before C. II. Hol­ den U. S. CommlMHloner, at Florence, Oregon on February 4th, 1899, viz: I.aura E. Anderson, widow of Lewis W. Anderson, deceased, on h. e. no. 7066, for the ne’i , n*^ aeJ4, sec. 32, tp. 18 s., r 11 west. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of »»aid land, viz: Charles Hherbondy, of Florence, Oregon; Eugene R. Wait, of Acme, Oregon and Fred P. Knee per and Qeorge A. Glover, of Lake Pre­ cinct, Oregon. J. T B ridges , I.Mfriider. NOTICE FOR P U 3L I0A T I0N . Land Office at R welmrv, O-egnn. B» Cumber ► , 1M “H. Notice is hereby given that the followhitf- natnefl aettlcr has filed notice of Ida intention to muke final proof In .support of hh claim au«l that iMii'l pro >f will be made lx fore C. H. Hol­ den U. H. ConiinH'doiter »it Florence, Oregon, on January 21, 1899, viz: Jerry A. Lcvage on h. e. no. 6974, for the lot 2 and ne1^ nc’ ^. aec. 25; tp. 17 r. 12 wetd; and lot 1, aec. 30 and lot 4 »ec. 19; tp 17 a., r 11 vveat. He immcii the followto" wltnev*ea fo provo I hiflcontinu »'J* rm iloocc upon and cultivation - of, »aid land, viz: O. W. Hutton, F. F. M m ; t , G. G. Dahlia and F. M. Rath all of Flute..cc. OfflRon. J. T. BlUDOl*. flail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Price as if You Bought in Person. J. II. McCLUNG, EU0QEENE S c ie n tific A m e ric a n . Noue who are engaguil in any of the mechanical pursuits can aucceed without reading and studying thia standard Magazine of Sciences and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with all modern cuts of latest inventions in all tlie branches of mechanism, and its fund of knowledge is insej arably connected with in­ ventors and mm Panics. Sold with T ub W est at clubbing rates.. now. PERSO NALS. The holidays are ovor ami everyone ¡ I wish to inform my friends ami i still alive in Glenada. tho public generally, that on or j Miss May Stebbins leaves for Fair- about tlie 15tIi of Nov., I will open Mr Lowe ami family spent Christinas Thi» monthly magazine ia one of the rvery ReglFtcr. mount Monday. / a Bazaar here nt my residence for with relatives on Fiddle ereek. J W Nelson expects to make a trip to 4 Ladies ami Children. Made up Mr Landis ami family visited several boat printed in thia country, aud ia aolM Eugene in a few days. o Clothing of all Kimis. A good sup- NOTICE FOR PU 3U O A T IO N days with Mr Wisdom and family. to all subscribe!« at rates within the W H Pepper and M D foindis are pre­ y ply kept on ham), nml orders filled ’ Miss Rosa Schuster is visiting her y on short Notice. Cali in ami learn I.iiad Office at Roseburg, Oregon. paring to leave for Alaska in a few days. r parents on Maple creek. ability of ail to pay. It is finely illn s November 15,139S. J prices. & Mr Lawton is teaching a small clnes i Misses Kate Brand and Mattia Brvn-1 g Mas. J It S tiles , Point Terrace, Or. J- Noticetsberabyglventt- - Uietollcwing-iiitmed t rated and presents tlie names of famous - were visiting in town several days this has filed act Ice nt m> liileutiou to awLe in vocal music. Nov. 1st, 1898. # 1 settler | final proof In support of tier claim, suit that week. authors as contributors. T bb W bbt said proof will be mode teforo Joel Ware, U. H. j Chas Harwood and family spent Charles Geliys returns to Bohemia several days witli friends and relatives i omtnlssloiier r.t Eugune. Oregon, on December t< and tho Cosmopolitan are sold at ro­ SLrIUUL REPORT. the first of the week to work in the 1 fit. 1H98, viz: Nancy C. Conrad, widow of . on the lake. Andrew J. Conrad, de*-4.-ased, on h. e. no. 720V, mines. Mrs Carle is staying a few days at the ti ucod rates at this office. ; for the sw sec. 22, tp. IX v., r. S west. lace. Rolla Phelps has been combining , The following is :i true report of tl e | Hlie n n in es the following wfinesses to prove ranch on Maple creek. George W McQueen, of Lorane, died Mr Fields of Heceta spent tlie past hiisiucss with pleasure in a visit to 1 sclmol taught in ilislrict 119 of Heceta, i te r continuous residence ujon end culthatioii emlier 29th, while he was at the j Hermann thia week. Lane Co, Ore., lor the month tieginning : of, Mid land, viz: week visiting with friends here. Isaac M. Francis, James D oric end Wttllain akfast table. Mr McQueen was, L C Ackerly came down from Minerva , Nor. 22ml am) emling Dec. 23rd, 1833. A nmntier of our people attended the T lietlcy of Bageue, Orc., end Jooeph Aiihel of ant 60 years of age. He left a widow j Wednesday to meet witli his brethren ' Total nuintier enrolled Oleutenu, Oregon. d five children, three of whom are public installation of officers Weilneoday el the three link fraternity. Total attendance J T hum ors, now 1 night a ml report a pleasant time, Regis ter. liool teachers. His son Ivan is Total al-seuce Janies White leaves for eastern Ore­ pting a term as representative from i Born in Glenada Dec 31st, 1893 to Mr Gates of tardiness “We do nat ttk s possession of onr ideas hut are possessed by them CTIVg OOUCIY09W WVXTBD CVfCaYWHWR< ' and Mrs Arthur Johnson a boy of usual gon next week after spending tlie holi­ Numtierof visitors le county. for “Tb« Htory of the I’hllippliiet“ by Mur.-tt weight, ail doing well. If wo are not days with friends at Acme. They master us and force us into the arena. HaHteMd, coiornhwhHiad by th« < tover.i tnvut m De|ioi tment was very good. Irs Captain Hansen sends ns her I mistaken this is the only birth oeeurlng DlRi iiil Hhtorhtn to the Wu ur DepartiiMuU The H H Hawley of Bohemia who lias Examination held as usual st the Where like gladiators, wo must fight for thorn.” book wan written iuarm y cairn« at rtuu Fr.ni« rets from Watsonville, Cal, end says, been spending a couple of weeks on tlie close of the month. Those securing circo, on the Paoifl«* with Gaiieral Merritt, in in Glenada in 1398. tb<* howpital« at Honolulu. In II »i,< Kong, In k* this place the l>est of any I have Huch is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the Rolla Phelps m ile a trip to Hermann 8ins!sw leaves in a day or two for a trip highest in general s vet age were Otho the Amertcan trenche* at Manila, in the iitsur- in California. Climate is nearly yent ciunpa » the romance of the aged .........________ _ to relieve Messis Hurd a Mink yesterday Parents un-l friends are cordially in­ CouducUwl at Mrane. Mnlarv Ntrat/ht consideration ol ail people. The Arena, ia year and espenaea-*d<*finite, bonaflda, no tnoro to develop in and Religion tlie only future •»«»«’J f°r ; a n j yóx of the labor «« the extra trip vited to call at any time. no Iowa nalarv. Monthly |74. R' fercnceff. En­ close wolf adiirewved «tamped envelope, Herbert Jske Hood’s Sarssps- •old with Tar W< ut . ol the bout. D elia D M obius , teacher. B. Uedi, Treat, Dept. M, ChicafQ. M ^ v o u r - c W W IL L . 4 us *!1, i lit snowfall, and the majority ol tie are fat and sleek. lie W est has foT sale one years' tuition in tlie Holmes Buciness College ¡Portland. This is one of the leading isiness colleges on the coast, having nglisli, Commercial, Shorthand and ilegraphic departments and we offer lis tuition on easy terms. Sun: Captain E Durgan, who has rn acting as keeper of tlie Bandon ¡lit station for the past year, was in Marshfield last week with liis family route to the Umpqua, he having been inslerred to the light house at that TH E E n S M IIP n id T A N , TH E ARENA V