T H E W E S T , « anal eeit amo (rouble in governing Ouba, because the lawless element ou tlie island, has a Faux ofa u o v i . au Oou&MPorbcxt. _ ! The report of the WaJker Canal Oom* whulcKoiuc fear of the V 8 uniform. -Mstitnzi» sroov »ntbav MuoxtMo (O R IG IN A L A N D SKI IC T E D ) He slao says that the Oubans are in no mission Is not yet ready for print, but it W ash ., T> C, Dec,, Mth, 1898. condition to conduct an independent j will declare, according to Admiral Men of shining intellect are not neces­ Newspaper enterprise got a scoop on government, and th at the liest men in Walker, th at the construction of the f lobxsc «, L*wt CorxTt, Oatcotf sarily light-headed Nicaragua canal on the route propneed tiic American peace coiiiiiiiMioners, business circles hope it can be arranged W hat’s done, we partly may compute, | is entirely feasible, The only difference while they were on the ocean, by eabl- in gome way for Cuba to be annexe ! to i of opinion among tho vonnuissionurs ’ng from Madrid a translation of the (0 n ,e (; g, although they recognise hut know not w hat’s resisted. * touches the question of coot, and here ] Spanish copy of the treaty and puhliah that the pledges of President McKinley The man who wounds with a word is , ! h nearly a week ahead of the arrival a „ j of congress n u k e annexation ini- often too cowardly Io strike a blow. * ; the estimates vary from $90,090,0 X) to * ' E ditor and Proprietor. $119,000,000, Originally, on tho basis oI **,e commissioners, hut that did not poniblc at this time. I t is this sort of We cannot answer for our courage of previous surreys, the estimate was lessen the warmth of the welcome given reto rts from trustworthy sources that when we have never been in danger. * Florence, Orc, J a n . C, 1899, a| w1t n o o ooO.OOO, and there seems to to the commissioners in Washington. make it so difficult for the authorities to f il l e d I Some flowers of Eden we still inherit, he no good reason why, even with a They brought tlie official American ; make even a rough guess a» to how long W ith Seasonable Goods, and as usual of “ B , but the trail of the serpent is over them A02sn.cM.vsi in Sioux City I ° bequeaths it In a will that 4 to be sold at thu price mentioned. If J pass through it in a year. The 3107 conies up, oppose keeping them. I organs, or the kidneys themselves break ! ean ')e contested, there were only enough of interested steamers that went through tho Suez It is apparent that party lines are to down and waste away cell by cell. Then ' Once in a while a man mav driven to persons to introduce our Italian prunes (.n.ial in 1K90 paid in tolls $13,930,435.1 be drawn in congress on the bill for the richness of the blood—the albumen , drink, but the majority walk right tip to fn every city and town throughout the This was a stupendo is gross return on increasing and reorganizing tlie regular —leaks out and the sufferer has Bright’s ' the bar voluntarily. I country, then: would no longer be any an investment ol $87,300,090, ami would army. There are two hills, and two Disease, the worst form of kidney the oeeasion to worry about possible lack of would lie enormous on ono of $140,0.«0- As Christianity gives to man reports from the house military com­ trouble. Kidney trouble can be d e - ' greatest of all ideas, so she is tlie demand.—Orcyou Agricultuiitl, 000. To earn te n per cent on that sum mittee. The majority, or rep.ihlican teded although it be slow and deceptive, greatest of all educators, Is RKFUstsu to pardon n city treasurer the Nicaragua canal would need to do hili provides for an increase in th e First, by analysis of the urine; second Every man lias jn hjniself a continent j who violated his trust and was sent to no tnoru business than the irado ns it regular army to so mething like LX),003 by tlie simple test of setting the urine of undiscovered character. Happy is ! stands lo lay will w arrant. When the men, while thu minority, or democratic the penitentiary, the governor of Wash, aside in a glass or bottle for twenty-four he who acts tlie Columbus to his | ington lays down tho proposition that way is open no part of the American bill, reduces the regular army, which hours, when a eloudy or brick dust own soul. ! trade witii the other side of the world u as increased by the last congress to convicts should lie pardoned only when settling indicates it. A devoted and sincere Christian i they aro proved to have been innocent, ‘ will go through Suez or around the Cape 02,(XX) men, to 30,000 and provides for It was for just such trouble that in His as was lately i the enlietment of 50,000 volunteers, fur life is a reserve of unmeasured j - - .v .- .w w w .' i^> when it is show n that the sentence was ' of Good Hope; w hile, IIS infinite power and goodness the Great ' pointed nut by a London journal, u two years, to assist in garrisoning the blessings to its parched and barren ! excessive, or when, while imprisoned, Physician caused Swamp-Root to grow In Dross Goods and Dress Full lino of Ladies, Gouts tkc£ are nbl« to render the state son e j large volume ol the Gape Horn and Suez islands which came into our possession, for the benefit of suffering mankind, I surroundings. can bo found and Children’s underwear. & signal service. There may he other trade of Great Britain would he d ivert-! as a result of the war. It is conleiideu leaving it for His servant, Dr Kilmer, ! Give a man rope to hang himself, ¿fc I led. This, we take it, would include the I by the minority that in two years Cashmeres, Henrietta, conditions that would w arrant exercise _ In Fancy Articles can be p* the great kidney and bladder specialist savs an ancient commentator, and he X Serges, Australian business, [ necessity will exist for maintaining an of the pardoning power Cut i8aving 1 1,l08t io discover it and make it known to the j never will ; give it to a woman, and she i Ladies Cloth, Suitings W ater- found Fascinators, ” C hild’s as well us her trade with the west coast j arinv of more than 30,000. th a t out of the question, we are wholly world. Its wondeiful efficacy in prompt- ’ will bang herslf so as not to waste the I » proofs, Hoods, Bootees, Mittens, ln sympathy with a governor who de­ o f South America. With II .wa’li and I That the administration has a doubt I ly curing the most distressing cases is j rope. * clines to abttse it hv freeing a man the Philippines in linnd ami the dor-I about our right to lutild the Niruri.ua marvelous. You may have a sample j & Trimmings to match in RUCHINGS, tlie latest, Boh- ALPHA CLIPPINGS- whose position, education and oppor- maut energies of China «roused the j canal while the Clavtuii-Util wer treaty hottie of Dr K ilm er’s Swauip-Root the ! » ’I 1 Gimps, Velvets, Silks, Satins hinet, Hosiery, Ladies’ and | American far eastern trailo is going to J with Great Brittain, is in for.-e, has UtrutASB encourage I him to he every B y E ven - C iianoe . great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, I j quadruple within a few years. It is | been shown by its taking the initiative > K ® thing but a thief. Tho trusted officia by mail free. ETC., in all Shades. Ak Gents’ Neckwear ETC. worth $00,0)0,000 now. Figuring in steps towards the abrogation of that j Jan. 2nd, 1899. who sins “ agninst light and knowledge” j Address Dr Kiliner A Co., Bingham­ Miss Elinor Hale mid Clara Tabor not because of the spur of need, is, of | ulso the tolls fro m our coasting trade, treaty, which prohibits either country ! ton, N Y, When writing mention this who have been spending Xmas nil criminals, tlie one to he punished, and no one need bother himself about constructing or controlling the canal. paper. Druggists, in fifty-cent or week nt Deadwood returned homo Clemency toward suc.li an one brings j 1 ‘" 'H' *** ,***IK> f°r * ‘tl1 good business Tuo II*nt move having been favorably dollar sizes. Sunday. management there can lie none. As for received by the British government, no tlie laws into eoutempt.— Youlh't Com We hear that Phelps Bros, of Her- J the naval advantages they would he of a doubt is entertained of its agreeing to f anion. mann who bought the I’ell saw mill sudd v TO PROHIBIT FALSE LABELING. | kind to udd oue-tliird to thu efficiency the abrogation of the treaty, although above Alpha are going to move it soon Nxw Y kak ' s day is passed again and ■ of our fleet. it will probably accompany its consent to that place. no doubt there were many good resolu­ Representative Curtis has prepared with a request that we offer more liberal Len Tabor who has taught several 1 rude oiiceeeious to tlie Canadians tuan and will introduce at the coming session term» of school on the hay is taking n tions made for this year. A very tin-1 PUBLIC LAND SURVcTS. I had been done up to the Christmas of the legislature a bill to prohibit the business course at tlie Waits’s business port ant thing about resolutions after college Washington. making them is to keep them inviolate. ! 1 adjournment of the high joint commis­ false labeling of salmon. The measure M rE irn est Rowe of Greenleaf who Many people nre in thu habit of making | Although uhoui $20,000 wns rppropri- sion. .Senator Morgan tms an idea that provides for punishment by a fine of j is one of our best road overseers was at $500 for each infraction, an 1 for the many good resolutions at tho heginning j nteil for the survey of pit,lie lands in all the talk about abrogating tlie treaty, Alpha having his papers legalized before «f the venr and at frequent intervals Oregon for tho lis. al year en ling June and t e necessity for its abrogation, ,'onfiscation of the salmon thus put up ! Squire Lundy last week. during thu year. B it too in my of 30th, 1898, large appropriations will he o r ig in a t e d -with those who are working ■ within the state, It also delegates to i Becauso of the brewery and steamship them 4>raak their resolutions as easily made for thu current year. Tlie sinvev- i'o | io - i pone canal legislation, although the fish commissioner the right to search ' companies and the Catholic whose in­ ns they make tlnun, This shows a lack or general’s esiimales for surveys dur­ be thinks tn at the department of state! any warehouse or other building for terests would he hampered by the j restriction of immigration to certain of stability in tho make up of such i n g thu fiscal year ending June .’IO i I i , is a c tin g in perfect good faith. He j contraband salmon, and to confiscate 1 , . i . , , , , , classes the immigration bill was de- j 1900 arc ns follows: For the survey of said: *‘lo my own mind, I have no i any fish put up tin 1er false labels and i (eated. persons. ' 40 townships, $31,403; for tho survey of doubt as to the power of the U 8 to ' afterwards shipped to Oregon If some of the counties in California A mash meeting of the citixons of | 25 townships, within thu limits of rail- construct thu cnti.il, and I do not lie- j - ——- j that are suffering from drought and the Cottage Grove and Leuuti was called 1 road grunts $39,250. i people appaaling to the public for aid, lieve that the a rogaiion of I lie treaty is INTERESTING TO STOCKMEN. lor Wednesday evening to hear a pre­ | through failure of crops only h id a few Explanatory of his estimates the mir- necessary,” If Congress wails for the of our showers tljat wo do not need! Ba posed new consolidated charter read i veyoi-ycncrul submits tho following ahrogai ion of lie* treaty, the canal hill The following bill which will doubt- sides drought California is suffering from and voted upon ita a loption, This statement t will not la* uct.d upon at this session | less come before the next legislature is i boom days. looks aa If tho wrangling between those ‘T ne unsurveved hinds in the dislré t T l ie s it ía t e i o m m it le e o n tlie Nirara-j of interest to stockmen : •‘A bili for an Mr Ben Kilgore has completed his towns Will soon hi en le i. If tluv are increasing in val ic each year, and gnu eanal will, under a senate resolution act entitled ‘An act empowering county ! new frame house oleven miles above unite and work in harmony i t will in the same rate the iiiunlwr -J peliiimi- .is «eek endeavor to si ow up some of i courts to levy taxes on sheep, cattle and Deadwood post office ami moved in. He prove to be a wise course for both and inquiries, liotli pci -on il and w rit- is abm t «3 years old ami a bachelor the tricks Which have been adopted by hogs, and also on real and personal and by the death of a brother in New place«. ten, eoncerniiig the su r.ey an I opening i ho follín isla representing Uie Panama property, to create funds for bounties England he will receive over $1000 soon. up lo eottlcineut of these lands Iwcomes Cana. Company, and the New York i J for coyote, mountain lion or cougnr, He needs a housekeefier, I f the girls ull oyer the land that are more frequent. syn i ate w^.icli is trying to speculate hear, lynx or wild cat and gray or tim b­ Joe Ackerman had a iivelv runaway breaking their coreel stays in their mini “ Many pctiliotis mid letters of inquire in a concession to con-lriict a canal er wolf scalps; also providing for the a few days ago. He had his team ambition to kiss l.ieei. Ilolsgiu, would eomo fioai parties who have live I on over i lie Nicaragua route. If it succeed», necessary affidavit to lie taken liefore a hitched to a «led when they started to nccasionally kirs llioir tired, giay-haired i ' run throwing Joe in front of a rn iin e r! unsurveyed lands for 10 to 20 years, ask- ' .here will • i lot a »• lively time when the notary public or magistral« of the pre- 'dragging him quite a distance. The sled ! mothers anil relieve them of untold iug and hoping for early survey-, in senate reassemble», and s une senators cinet in which the animal or animals was demolished hut Joe scra|ied the mud ' CARMAN’ cares and burdens of horns life, not PROPRI F TO R ■ order to obtain titles lo their home-. will tin I if embarrassing to explain arc killed, and providing also for the off nni1 fo”n‘1 no bones injured. only tho country and Lient. linlwon ns ‘"The nn«urveyed lauds of Hu* central what iinvliariliifile persons will give I evidence of such killing, upon which the Tlie young people of Deadwood and well, would (gel greatly ruliovn!, Huli- and western portion of the stale, woerv very liiirs’i name. However, congress­ county court shall pay tho bounty for j Lake creek met at tlie home of Mr A Mrs aon is really beroiidwg n m artyr to Ibis j John Pope at Deadwood P 0 . Tlie young I the soil is of the usual alluvial cliaru lei ional . oiiiiiiiilc« s have, s a rule, always such scalp or scalps. * »* oerulatorv exercise.—(’ercalUs (la:tUe. , ladies bringing tastily decorated baskets being most fertile and prodm ii.e w non failed in -mi liar ell.-rls; therefore this ----------- tilled witli delicious good tilings that tlie Hox Ji-sTis 8 M ohiiil , tlie cleared from tiiulwr, affords splendid A C atiiouc priest has lieen clecleii to ■ omuiiltev will nave to actually uncover senior j pova tieiievo I were prepared only by th e degrees in a Knights of Pythias homes and rre being eagerly sought so i.e’hii.i:, l.efore it can i-onvince any- United States «enator from V erm ont,! the girls. After supper games were in- lusty that il is going to do so Nobody lied at Washington in the 89th year of ! dnlge.1 in and all present pronounced lo-lgc in Clih ago bet has not yet recciy- after by a goo I class of people. •'The general contour of lands In '”,r, v " «"la-ess. doulas that there is plenty of question­ Ids age, after an ¡line is o f less than a cd tbem . Ho will endeavor to sscuro Oretfon is sqvli as to favor irrigation week. able business lo uncover, hut lobbyists th e approval of his archbishop. This cate may reopen the question of Catho­ which woiial convert the large semi do nut make a practice of putting their and tracts into fertile and productive work into black and white or of trans­ ADDITIONAL LOCALS. lic hostilities to secret societies. i farms, especially in the southern and acting tnisin. ss in tlie presence of □ores on th e L im b * Cured by eastern portions of the state, which have ' w ittie*»cs. Morton Douglass is one of tlie eleven H o o d ’s S a rs a p a rilla — H e art and T ub benstk of the United States la a lioys from this county rep u ted by Ad­ heretofore lieen eonsidervd worthless, , L w n » T ro u M e e O vercom e. ' Admiral Sampson, who has just re- conservative lo ly not subject to sudden jutant General Tuttle as entitled to piy except for grating purp-wes fo r a (en “ I broke crat w ilh sores all over my tnrned from a pro’ongisl stay in Havana, change l « t it always roopnnds to public aa rejected vo'unte*rs as provided for limbs, and they caused such intense itch­ mouths in the year, hut in the las: few lie was one of tlie military commission 1 by special act of tlie legislatone. There ing I feared I should go crazy, Ia n s also sentim ent in tho end. For Ibis reason years large irrigation vn upa-: es liqve charged with arranging for the Spanish , nrp twentyon»* others whose claims are troubled with a llred feeling. After tak­ it may lw cotiaidercd certain th a t tlie ing Hood's Sarsaparilla • short tims the lieen formed and water has been eon- eva> nation, savs our troops will have no 1 considered doubtful owing to tlie law Itching cessad, and the sores on my Hmba treaty with Spain will lw rutitle.1. providing that only those who were ducted for miles over uiieurvvved and Ai-rivs - i iciTOR- » inrsa Evätty»axas members of a regularly organized mili- began to baa I. I am better In every way unoccupied lands wliiuli in a few years ' kVii»r sines taking Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mas. • ih» >l«»ry of the P h ilip p i ne*" by Murat llahituA't, coHtmtM$ioii«M by ihv «ivvvrninuiii m lift company prit»r to the call fur voluti* J ab . J. K kuos , MoEwen. I Oregon. Tit Ear is no occasion for haste in de­ will all hr settled. I t i H i ' i u i H u t » ihv bupurtment. rh$> te e n are entitled to 1 imit tM u k u n * u r i l t f i i H i t r i n y c u t u p * » I S u n F r a i l - •* '• Hood's Bersaparltla hsi cured me of a riding what shall l>e done with the r 7 < 4 1 4 “ The estimate of $19,2->0 for tho sur­ v|wm>, «»n t li»' I ’rtclfl«• w lu i (¿»livrai M en iti« ih Coart Mail; Tlie amount of money lur.g trouble and fluttering of the hesrt, Philippines. The longer we wait tho vey of 25 towtielii|w witidn the lim’ts of (h r ««MplfMl» at l(oiu«lulu. in lio n s K« n i. lu Ihv KiiiHtiv.iii tUMivhv« Ht M aii II n , lu the inmir- secured hv the robber* at Coquille wa« •ad sines I be ¿an taking It my weight « ith A kuiiim I'I o , ou th e tlv c k o f thv more we shall know about the islands; railroad gran:». Tne railroad companies K» nt has inorease i 20 pounds. It has done my o h mi'ltt « Uh hrw vv, ami ni the nxtr of the something over $1100, made up as fol­ stomach good end I ean now enjoy my 1 . I I * » illv «I thv full ni Mfioll», Ho|»»U»a for OSVUIR meanwhile our military government it m.i I m-.lll - ‘—BuvAtataiVyv- ami «L‘tl 1er» L aie made many emit .nor« itrlmiul of .>rntin«l pi. tn iv t taken by «ovrru lows : - $4(X) belonged to Je-se Beyers. meals and eat with comfort. I recom­ natiti phot«»«rofhvr on the «i>ot lxirM» is We have h l- »raiv («» nianaita cur hintin»«» in tfcicir own men, E J White and Tom Drew were lion»« it 10 by 24 feet «nJ ma,!« » 'arrnngemer.f» by year $2.W paid In ad- °ne story and which Mtwt twarivveouutfera. It l a a ia i iil v other wmk airestod at Riverton on Monday on SparHI p a rilla voik I ii UM hi homv ««iary »trat ♦»* Wenkl, Is the best - In tact the One True Rlees] PnrtSer. a half in height. Also • Kuod w ^ d .,.,,, xa n e. O nly on ' tu r niter t'ii« Ufi o( the \« a r a ib l « ip> nar«—«h finite, bonathlv. no uion* suspicion and brought to I'lwpiitle. The tfotd by a h drugMls. F rie *. *i ; u for $a. ” ' “'1 , Oregonian with the W ear for t o Unw -alar M onthly K v h ra iiw *. Kn on premises. For furtbsr ___ petsons were held in $1900 bonds to v aar aadf-ad ’rv««r«t «t4ni|*v3 vnwlopv, Itvrber; n nvtvciit » c-‘ntury. i , r “ e’ l '” ,»<>.nytaUrw f o r . U ^ « , wo f KWa.TI'J'* JtAFs E UwM* l*r«.l.. Pwt M. I - AatfUu ( appear before the grand jury. Hood's ,rr”* z. t C.-e afterdawer s iv v u s P r- ills m s jgju, Uou. »e. ' inquire at this office * • fors, payable cast in advance, profits . WASHINGTON LETTER. Literarv. G IRI WHITE STURE W. H a weatiierson IS NOW * * We carry no shop-worn, or Auction Goods of any kind. Some of the latest arrivals are Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Oiled Clothing and Rubber Goods, Hardware, Crockery and Glassware, Dry Goods, and Fancy Articles, which must be seen to be appreciated. In fact, if thare is anything you require that a merchant can I , call on Y o u rs T ru ly i 0. W . HURD. Ì C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Goods, * Crocerie3 * and * Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just Opened.. Goods as Reoresented. Was Almost Crazed W mi W T o M Hood’s À