T cae of B p . Acer’s CEcrrn have something to do with it, but I at­ tago, and excited crowds besieged every “ ® 010 at “UJ “ «n«»» And a porson to Wm. Kyle Board of Trustees . “ Bpests to their feasts aud any num- L. Christensen tribute) their exemption from foot wenk- entrance and avenue to «the palace in a her Pectoral Plasters over ¡¡our of guests, guaranteed to be ' perfoct delirium of joy. TO M. Morris : ness and disease to the kind of house . C H IC A G O people,’’ w ill accept the invitation« lungs if ¡¡«a coagb. Now, after many yenrR, I find it diffi­ ! shoe so universally worn by them. 1 Of The A y«-ar or two ago an American lady Recorder..........................John H. Morris W A S H IN G T O N have a pair that I have worn for several cult to understand—or indeed almost to intent on fashion took a largo boose, Shall wo send you a realize—that many of those then shout­ book on tula subject, free? years, and I wouldn't wear anything Treasurer .............................. J. A. Pond P H IL A D E L P H IA ENGLISH LANGUAGE and an introducer sent out her invita- else for genuine indoor comfort. They i ing so enthusiastically for joy are the liona At her first party there were O u r M e d ic a l D t p a r l m t r l . Marshal............................G. C. Cuinpton N E W Y O R K same people who lately yelled with sav­ nro woven of straw and seaweed and COM PLETE I f you h a v e a n y « 'om pla lnt w b n t- many of her own friends present. The e v e r a n d d e a lre th e best m e d ic a l B O N T O j) A N D A L L soled with horse hide. There is a thick age fnry: "A has l ’empiret A bat introducer explained to her that the ad sice you can pos sibly o b ta in , w r it e 1'itnpera trice!” th e d o c to r fr e e ly . Y o u w ill re c e iv e sole of straw above the leather, and S U C C IE N T P O IN T S E A S T mid S O U T H a p ro m p t r e p ly , w ith o u t coat. Equally mad was the enthusiasm, right set of people wonld not come If SEC R ET SO CIETIES. through this the air can circulate free­ Address. DK. J. (’. A Y E R . equally mod the delight, wheu the they were exposed to this promiscuity For in form ation , tim eca rd s, maps and tic k e ts Lowed, Mass. ly, keeping tho muscles cf the under­ A U T H O R IT A T IV E with those who were not in i t Finally etc., c a ll o il or w rite part of the foot nlways cool. Tho laun­ prince imperial was baptized, and it was agreed that the hostess might eqnully mad were tho bowls of fnry dry men, you notice, aro usually bare­ F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. invite ten friends to each party, but M c M u r p h e y , foot, which is an added advantage in against the whole imperial family when not more. • Regular soininnnication on second 301,865 V ocabulary Terms General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, IN S E C U R IT Y . the sud news came of the reverse the the matter of healthfulness. There is and fourth Saturdays in each month. 247 Editors and Sp ecialists What I have never understood is EUGENE, OREGON. about as little material in the uppers ns imperial army had suffered when battle trbere the pleasure comes in of going O. W. H urd , W. M. E very prop on w hU h I tarn. 533 Readers for Q uotations is consistent with the idea of a shoe, after battle had hecu lost. E very earthly prop, 1 mean. I. G. K sotts , Secretary. A. D. C H A R LTO N , 5 0 0 0 Illu stration s Some of the noblest, the most gener­ to several parties tho same evening. O f w hose pow er 1 chance to bo>at, and this is just enough to keep the A ssista n t General Passenger A gent. F a ils mu w hen 1 need It m ost. C ost o v er $ 9 6 0 ,0 0 0 ous, tho most self devoted men 1 have Yet there are many apparently sane thing on tho foot. This upper, too, is 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. 1 ever known iu the course of a somewhat persons who do this every evening dur- Appendix of 4 7 ,4 6 8 E n tries woven loosely of seaweed, so that the air L over, brother, ulster, friend. F o r tle u x id O r . long life I have found anioug Freneh- iug the seuson. At each party they On w hose nearness 1 depend. R. GeneraT Lyons Post, N o . 58 can have access to the foot. Nowhere Q • A. meets probably have to wait at least half on T hose w hoso very presence gives second and fourth Saturdays does this shoe pinch or in the least de- nion—,uen 9ult0 worthy to he classed S tren g th by w h ich m y sp ir it lives, hoar before getting ont of their carriage among tho grandest heroes of antiquity of each month at 1:30 p. in. greo press tho foot. T he fu ll num ber of words and term s in and getting track iuto it whea they F all aw ay by nomn m ischance. J. I. B utterfield , Commander. “ These nre the indoor slices of tho • reverse side to the medal, different d iction aries for th e entire alph abet is want to go away They straggle up D eath or oth er circu m stance. Chinaman. On tiie street here in the ! a. n d 7 h® u tha ‘¡K ««-'*1 1 nature of the ex- J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. J . I. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor stairs, show themselves, stay perhaps A nd 1 tind m y se lf indeed ns follow s: S-> ormontji , 59,000; W o rch rstsr United States nowadays be wears very ® *tob* e Frenchman is roused he is capa J ’ L ean ing on a broken reed. 19.5,900; W eb stkr (in tern ational), 125,000; C e n ­ * . j commonly the leather shoes or boot« of hle of a savage cruelty very near akin half an hour aud then harry off to the F lo r e n o e . O r e g o n . a American muunfactnre. That is one of to that of the wild beast to which ho next party Why they should like this When th ese earthly fe tter s part. tury , (six volum es. com p lete,) 225,000: A ll th ese clnsps m ou nd m y heart mode of spending their evenings no on O. U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, STANDARD, over 300,000; tiie ways in which he is becoming has been compared.—Comhill Maga­ except themselves can imagine. Thera F all aw ay, and I am left • meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays OUR AIM—To furnish the best Of lif e ’s sw e e te st joys bereft. Americanized. But the outdoor cloth zine. is uo costcrmouger's donkey so over­ each month. 'Members and visiting shoe of Cliina is u great deal worn also. Bataa m a L and lord. To w hat d epths o f w oe I drop. worked os a woman bent on society.— .Sample Pages Free. a t reasonable brethren in good standing are cordially accommodations That, like tho indoor shoe, is very thick Becking vainly for som e prop invited to attend. J. J. A nderson , M.W. There Is only one spot on tho earth's Loudon Truth. and soft in the sole, aud the foot is A ll sufficient to sustain prices. W m . K vlk , Recorder. surfaco that has actually been willed, One in lon elin ess and pain. never pinched or strained by it. Tho «•■« Thera to Liborty. healthiest footgear over known proba- j deeded and bequeathed to his satanio L ike a d row n in g man I reach AGENTS W A N TE D . In MHrchesi and Music, the famous majesty. This sjKit lies 4 % miles south O. F. Heeeta Lodge No. 111, meets hly wus the sandal of the Greeks. It U pw ard and for aid beseech. I ■ O. every singing teacher tells this anecdote to Wednesday evening in Lodge “ H elp m e, lx ir d !” I cry und stand had no upper, anti, ns you w ill see in of Helsiugfors, Finland. Well supported by his hand. A few years ago Istra Huilariene died illustrate the nobility of heart of a Rus­ Hall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in statuary, tho feet of men and women W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. good standing invited to attend. in the little town of Pielisjarvi, in the sian woman, one of her pupils, and a were ideally perfect. All tho sandal af- T hrough tho desert, through th e tide. E . D . B R O N S O N & CO , T homas J. B oren , N. G. above unmed country, leaving consider­ nutive of Nijui-Novgorod, where tbs H e has prom ised to abide ford« J was a protection from tbo ground Tables furnished with all the C ham . H. V andkrburg , Sec. E ver near; w here'er I be, Pacific Coast Agents able property in the shape of landed es­ great fair is held every year. ‘To him who wears sandals, ’ say the W hispers g e n tly , "Lean on mo.” Mile. Nadine Boulitchoff created a delicacies of the season. Wild Arabs, 'it is as i t the world were shod tate. How ho had come into possession SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. of so uracil laud no one seemed to great sensation with her beautiful voics E arthly tie s, how insecu rel witli leather.’ The Chinaman seems to game, fish and fruit in season. Best 933 M arket S t. and drawatie power, at Moscow, St H eavenly tie s alone endure, C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y follow out this motto, and his shoes are know, but ns he was a very bad citizen And m y idols all w ere Minin it was generally admitted that be was Petersburg aud Madrid. In the summer ntiarly soles and nothing more. But tho accomodations for the traveling That I m igh t th is know ledge gain. of 1880 she sang at Rio Janeiro Brazil —N ew York Ledger. great secret « jo excellence of his in­ iu league with wiutahausu (satan) and RESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, public. Charges reasonable. door shoo is the half inch straw sole." that they had many biisuiesa deg la with was then the entrepot for the cruel slave P Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabhath- trade. At her benefit, Nadine leahUv.xl each other. — Washington Star. THEY GAVE THE BALLS. seliool, 10 o’clock a. ni. Preaching 11 This somewhat startling opinion was that she was to be presented with valu­ ***** o'clock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of verified when ols steps and picking up 4 4 E. O P O TTE R . ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ 4 ♦ 4 ♦ 4 ♦ 4 granted somewhere about the beginning ing a chalk mark around a table or oth- I the pin stack it carefully and secnrcly lCanilj Managed. Geo. H a le P ro p . Good Work Done at Reasonable Prices. of 1713, not a single ball bad la-eu given ........Attorney-at-Law ... er plaeo by which it was claimed the , in his coat. when the most magnificent of the Boar Scene— Editor’s sanctum. Printer approach of nuts whh stopped It seems A rich man chancing to pass at that ECOEXE, OREGON. N o t lo fa llib le . - bon sovereigns descended to his grave. (rnshing in excitedly)—Here’s u go! that chalk makes uu ant’s legs slip os 1 time saw the action, and was much Im­ One day, shortly after bis death, Johnson, tho murderer, has just been soaping a track prevents a railway «si pressed by it, so uracb so that be took Harriet Martinean, the English au­ u’r r ic z At the Court House. N O T A R IE S . thor, was shrewd and practical aud bnd d'Argenson, the then lientenaut of po­ found innocent, and the government gin« from starting The petition wa* the boy iuto bis bunk and fiually adopt­ what men are pleased to call a “ mas­ lice, was talking to Louis' nepliew, lias telegraphed a pardon. We’ve got novel sud cansed ronsideral is cmu«e ed him. culine intellect. ” But she was not a l­ Philippe d'Orieana, the regent. “ Mou- the whole account of the hanging se. meat Thirty years have passed and tho E. E. BENEDICT, The application, however, was A. R. BUTTOLPH, ways correct iu her deductions, a fact seiguenr," he caid, "there ure people up, with iUastratious, aud tho form is refns«'d on the ground that there was erstwhile poor hoy is a booth African illnstratod by the following anecdote, who go about yelling that bis majesty on the press. nothing new tu the invention, that millionaire. The other day he drew a A T T O R N S Y - ALT - IxA .’W . told in her “ Memoirs, ” by Sir Churl«« of blessed memory was a bankrupt and Editor (coolly)— Don't get excited, chalk had been used for such purposes check tor £3.000 and guve ra to a for­ Murray, who was then the English con a thief. I'll bavo them arrested and man. .Fust pat over tin- account in large before and that such ideas were not pat mer schoolmate who hud not pro«p«>ntd Oregon. Florence. have them flung into some do p under capitals: “ Johnnon Pardoned. Foil Ac- - «titabl* snl general in Egypt: { in the r a c e of life. One afternoon we mrt at the villa of ground dungeon.” "Yen don't kuow conut of What Ho Escaped I"—Pear­ "A ll that 1 am now I owe to you, F io ra n o « , O r a g o n my old friend, S. W. Larking, on the wbat you are talking aisint, " w a s the son’s Weekly. A W «l»h Nam«. ' John," said th? millionaire. A correspondent of u London popci banks of tbo Mabumoudieb cnual. In answer. “ Tcose people must be paid, “ Bnt 1 dou t understand,” stammer­ 8 0 YEARS’ C o u ldn 't T ran «l«te It , says. FR A N K B. W IL S O N . the conrso of onr stroll throngh the gar­ and then they'll cease to bellow. “ “ But ed the beneficiary EXPERIENCE “ Is that yoor babyr*'asked the in- “ I met recently with a translation den we came ton small gate, the pat how, nnaiseigiK-ur?" "Let's give the “ Simple enough If I hadn't bated tern of which was new to Miss Mur balls that were projected by Bouillon. ” i tercsted party. “ VVliat a cute little into EugiiKh of the aian.n ci the village yon so at school, I should uevet have Ho said, so done, aud the pcoplo danced child I What is he saving now?" in Angleecy which tioa.ts the Jongest picked up that pm topntou your seal. ' tiDcan, who waa walking in front. “ I don’t know,” replied the perplex­ name in the United Kingdom, i send —Pearaou s Weekly 8he stopped, and looking at the gate to pay Louis XIV's debts, as, according FLORENCE. - - - O R EG O N in an attitude of intense admiration ex­ to Hbadwell, people drapk t i till cnarlua ed father. “ Yon see, his motlnr carries yon a copy bel< w, thinking it may in the code hook.’’— Philadelphia North tcre-st yonr rcuriers 'Linn fuir-pwll Il's coffers: claimed: American. A F X -a lla t I*««««* gwyii gyll gogcr- y Church | Mary | a The king'« mocf faith fu l subject« w . “ How truly oriental I Wbat wonder­ Otaran« in r s » t vv-»f nr«f noi »loll hollow | white I hazel | near to | the The Ostrich, an huglish paper th.it ful taate these easterns have in design I” Ail at ««a, COFVnWMT« Ac. drinl. to »how war loynlty She went on, and a« forking aud I A nJ m ake Ma rofTeni full. Abvnfminried Professor (in the hath chwyru -drobwil • l.lau ■ Disllio - gogo- situs to say nothing diiagreouDle ra speaking of a building that burn* down followed through tlra gate he whispered In.m nnX w pmkaKIr tub)— Well, well, now I have forgotten g«x-h rapid | whirlpool |. clrarc-h | —Louden Saturday Review. t on» »t/Crtiy cnnSrtontioL Handb'W'k on Patoata to me. "I got it oat last week from aecarwa pa what I got In hire f o r . - I Legend«) (smut’s name) , cave | red'—that is, In which out o> -100 pvrmsra »71 iwrish. Caveat* and Tta4a Marta obtained and all Fat . ( U ' sr*nrr f*w — the Church of bt Mary tu a hollow of docs uol uieutiou them, bnt says. “ Net Birmingham. ’* nt» t«fc tbrnosk Mann A C ä neftrren Tw. F i r * ,, « ■ Ib n a ta m cod ilnHed for Moderate Fee*. Hiatt« r. , , wKhnnt _ . boat < chavan, ta U n Mnd m od d. drawing or photo. W e a d v le e l' white hazel near to the rapid whirlpool, less than 123 were .«and " Very »ad flqnib—The editor seems to b»vo the pat^ntihtafrcn o f chorea. Our fe a n n t dua till' W 4 S T r n _ s s v s s 4 i.T n r .T w o .T n v rsiuuin i s Physicians declare that the most nu­ and to bt Uisilio ebure-b mat to a red news is priub-d in the smallest lype. »«• paUntiSR*riir*>1. A PMBph le t “l l o v ’ to Ob­ , n,i. usual run of euemica. *tate to m I h l. »l»te s n .z e our » « i.liie ., In th eir n u n tain Fatrnf» ” with coat ar »u n e In th he e V. the expericix ed reader is san axt N-» U. B. S.Z «0.1 an.i nenrl.y nenrby cot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ root,tie*. Il I. m s lu lr ofllee ., ,,rk in**trat«l wirttr. Scrlb— Yea. If he publishes nnytbwig ; trition)« article of diet is butter, aud ha- j cava '* aud fureicn eonutrtee a e st free. Addraaa. **• < condu * cted ‘ .1 . t hom e. Sslnry .ir s ls h t t»t> s con comes next. intlSr unplem-nut d« tails are gives g «L B ,M »r«n rp«-n*e*—definite. hmmSde. n< mor, anonymously, they accuse him of cow yeer end exper In the Bank nt England there are mere stoirinvul lb« O S C. A. 8NOW & CO • $ i n o le*« ITT, «st.Tr. M onthly «78. Reference*. Kn ardice, while, should he sign an article, , Mitra« Co Every »qn.ire milo of sen contains many silver ingot« which have laiu on- with “CouiiuuatMia O r* F .T .irr Or*,«*. W « .M I . . T . N , 0 . C .f etone »elf »M e a ii > SHOES O L E M YRIND, Notary Fa blic, Surveyor P atents NOTARY PUBLIC. PATENTS «ifk BatiKM. vsse. Hew Tort I ■