us p íe te a p h y s- T h is A SPANISH BRAVADO. Headache Is often a warning that the Uver la AN ADONIS _ __ OF EGYPT. 1 * * * torpid or inactive. More serious ean per- troubles may follow. For a prompt, MAN IN THE WORLD. * o f o u t lin e i * efficient cure of Headache aud all r e g u la r ity * Uver troubles, take ’ a tu r e s, f t H is M a m m y f o e a d l a a C e m e te r y N e a r * A S t r ik in g IfrM crlptlo« o f U p D a r la « a a d * * t h e C ity o f E l K a b —" T h e S e e S m ile d Co* r a g e D is p la y e d b y t b a H a tlr e d G e n ­ * (Jp ea H im ," h u t H e D ie d I J k e O th e r M or­ * e r a l W h o W o u ld N o t P e r m it a a E u g - While they rouse the liver, restore ocF t a l » - W i f e a a d S e e l a T n m h W ith H im . full, regular action of the bowels, * n a u t o O u td o H im . •» * ri s t h a t they do not gripe or pain, do not A T » j e a I a t- The Adonis of Egypt 6,400 years ago & Irritate or inflame the internal organs, * 'r a c t i v e n e s » The realistic Spanish novelist, Valdes, but have a positive tonic effect. 25c. is again among men. Not as he was hat com es fci ouo of his most popular stories (“ Sis- at all druggists or by mail of •n p e r fe c t when women bowed before him and bis C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, ’j'.y c o n f x fo r Suu Suplico,” translated by Nathan tvery gesture was looked upon almost Haskell Dole) gives a description of a a n d Rlxteen his victory over the Englishman. While thority remarking, almost prophetical- fraud of this sort. Tho papyrus roll, : tiers. But all the accessible area is at roll a cigarette with great deftness. The up to the house where the robbery was ho was swallowing with apparent calm which told the history of Ncukbefta, ! present occnpiod, aud no foreigner can fat man who despises tho ways of the as soon as he hud heard of it, which nesxthe glasses of liquor which wen t?.y: " .^ ’3.cu2L_iookL <« entrai set forth that his doniiniou extended j expect to prosper in Guatemala unless he youth ou general principles leaned was the day ufter. There ho had put hcu tho structure aud motioua in tho tí or.« of the offt*,rtsl to him he did not eeaso to de ■’ per on Ihla aside of a molecule w ill bo ao well over 42 miles of tho bonks of the Nile. bus abundant capital which will enable aguiust the window guards«yid watched himself in the burglar’s place aud fol­ vour him with his eyes, carried own wwn tho’ some future Kant or Laplace | Hi" residence was termed Nishwaka, him to purchase at high prices planta- the development olfiFcigaretto. lowed in his footsteps as near as he used oa «a- by a (hill uiudness, which soou broke ? All : on I'.tLsttrn bvnothesis which is supposed to mean that the vil- tions already developed.—Forum. "Got a match, neighbor?” inquired could. Ho had had the ladder placed iu bo able to make an hypothesis caliti«« out. His eyes, winch were the only part » maa as he put the last just the same position, und ho bad gone ‘ho history and formation of mut­ lage where lie lived bore that title. "Great wero his flocks, oh, ruler of ! room* ns the establishment had to offor to show that she is dead?" "N o.’’ , pyrus scroll, "Thero is none to take his Of nil her childreu. What’s yer after o’ Sundays?” self cut of the paiut, but I had a watch nud went to bed. Every oue loft, com­ "Then 1 must declino to marry yon. (lace. ” “ Rabbits mostly. ” thut I'd got ia the house in my pocket, Napoleou 1 always feared Dec. 2 as menting ou tho barbarism of the deed." You must produce some proof that yonr “ 'Ere, stow that lip. Come, now, aud that settled it. Ncnkhcfta’s wifo was named Nylep- an anlaeky day. aud it is related of him wife is dead. ” There was a pause, nud tha. This is the inscription ou her sar­ that before every important battle he , chn’eh, chapel or ’oly Roman?” “ That was cue ladder. This was tbe I f Sh» W’r r » » M an. And after explanation from his ques­ other: the bride prospective looked anxiously cophagus, "Nylepthn, the Queeu of would throw dice to ascertain if he “Oh,” she suddenly exclaimed, “ I at the weald be groom. Finally be said, Ncukhi fta, Greatest of Rulers. ’’ Noth- were to lose or wiu. Tho “red men" f tioner the recruit replied: "I ain’t no­ "Lcoking around the outside of a wish 1 were a uiau ’* "I cuu provo that my former wife is iug is said as to whether or not she was whom he always saw going to battlo wise pertickier. Put me down chu’ch house iu the country cne night, I found “ What would yon do?" he asked. dead.” “ How?” "I was sent here for beautiful, as it is plainly evident that with him wag a delusion that caused o England, sergeant. I’ll go with the a ladder lying on the ground against “ I'll not nay what 1 would do, but killing her. ” And the bride accepted the effulgence of Nenkhefta wus such him much suffering.—TorontoSaturday band. ” tbo rear of the house. They had some thero is ouo thing 1 w ill confess that I him notwithstanding.— Denver Timos. that auy womanly rharm in his family fruit trees in the garden, aud 1 suppose A c c o u n tin g F o r t h e S lio o f a F e e . wouldn't do ” was practically lost sight o t —Wash­ "It strikes me, Mr Brief," said Mr. they’d been working over them, tr on T h « IMiftrornce. N ot W orriM l A bout T hat. "And that is?" . ington Poet. tbe grape arbor maybe, and were going ” 1 wonldu't sit around as if I hod Hpr Father—Well, if yon ore deter­ Dogway, “ that your charge of |75O for ou with the work next day aud bad left Dr. Pellet—All you need is 28 cents’ this opiniou is pretty steep " handcuffs on when 1 buppeued to be worth of soda Mcnrtxinato, dissolved in mined to marry my daughter, I shall D arabllltfr o f Ivory. “ No doubt,"said Mr Brief. "But tho ladder ont instead of taking it down A,one with a g irl.” —Glevulaud Leader. water. You’ll get it nt the drug storo— The durability of ivory is proved by offer no objections, but Iwfore you take you seo. Dogway, when you come aud cellar for the night. It was summer, •t tho drug store, roinenibor, uot at tho tho fact that billiard balls which for this lrrevoeable step 1 think it is only ask me for an opinion which violates all nud on the sido of the house there irvre Scientist« measure by tha contraction grocery. the sake of curiosity had beeu made of right to let you kuow that 1 have de­ two windows optu in one rocm. I of petroleum ether temperature« several Patient— But what difference does it Tery W(,|| pr*s,,rTt4 mammoth Ivory un cided to leave ull my inouev to educa­ my convictions you’ve got to pay not thought I ’d set the ladder up tbeu aud ouly for your taw, but for hundred degnvsi below aero F. At 810 make, doctor? my con- doubtedly many thousand years old tional and charitable institutioua go in one of those windows. I set tbe degrees lielow aero, tho temperature at Glib Suitor—Oh. that’s all right soieuce. ’’—Harper’s Razar. Dr. Pellet— It w ill make a heap of were pj^ed with for sevuml mouths by ladder up and found it a little short, but them which liquid alp boils, petroleum ether difference to you. If yon go to tho gro- oxpcrienced players in Paris without it I ve got proof that you bet on a bicycle A •’»«"».fi rt.«!*««! by reaching up and getting a bold t f Y h c P la c e F o r th e lle p r u t a n t. remains iu a wuiuliquid coudittou aud eery, they’ll give you so much that tho iw ilg i1(Aiced that the balls were road race once. It 11 be easy enough to ___ DOt %1PANV, O' They had eloped aud returned for the the window sill and stepping up in cnntrticta with the de»* ‘-»ac of tempera dose’ll kill you.—Boston Trauoeript •how that you're of unsound mind. — made of fneh ivory Mammoth ivory is, ends of tha side pieces of parental bleeaing. ture: -• ' r Chicago News. l l f t l l . Ma York ; as a rule, not ee too«li •» frpeh ivory. F e e a l l a r t o t h « S ta te . Father, the beautiful young wom­ was able to gc t^^jjgrabi An Indication. an said, "wo are sorry for what wo through the hi "So far os I know," said the doctor In Poking, China, so runneth the tale, whut'there was to _ in answer to a question, “ the shortest a mandarin of wealth aud taate present­ ... “ “ d th“ f0Ud b° _____ ’ flrm __ ,ath" _ buve done. Will you"— ts, 1 fear, a young man of extravagant .T^cn' ,bo ,,urn man interrnpt- to go from the last rooi ed a Inwuanry of the stage with a lack ord of four syllables Is ’Ohioan. * ” j ed. "why don't you go to the lawyer a picture over ou a bn W ell,” observed the profemor, re- of oarde made of human skin, too years tastes. ’’ "Yea.” the dal?~’.6er admitted, ” he aronnd the corner? I’m no diverte tbe man that was sleep Jtlg his cigar from his month a mo­ old, and originally captured from a pi- I went back to tb e rooi i l ’s the some way ns regards tbs rare of the meet blood eurdliug sort wants me for a wife. ••—Cuicinuati En court.” —Chicago News aud backed out tbe w\, qturvr The Ohioan always Ret» there down for the ladder, aw’0”7 O ne C o n so la tio a . Ifowvi’ fetters than anybody else. " The kiug of Greece, when conversing The largest coffee plantation in Bra- There is one consolation in being on wasn’t third But 1’d g With the meuilx'rs of his family, never Icago Tribune. employs auy but the Euglish language «1 aud perhape in thejworld ia the Du- tho shady side of life. When a man same, aud 1 let go and dr40 go IlarS B»«elrMMa«. He seldtan »peaks Hrenrh and only uses juoot plantation, esAblished by a gets to lie 50 year» or so aad he says of tho ladder as I was going'’'!/ rronchuian in the t ts j i of Minas Ge- » yonng womuu, "Coufouud it if J next wiadow. i d g„, ooz, ^üaflit to get a good position Greek wlieu ixaoRf’ied to do to, raca The number .bi coffee plants in wasn’t married already I d marry tbe « iN d ua^ M M A SaU ... »•*»*- 1WW was 4,718,1XX) ■ girl myself, ” he actually believes she Hendwicb, or would bave hint *£«J r is ns good«» 7. « Maine was dellv- ting her, tetter p ^ E m . - B om - REVOLTING SCENE PICTURED BY A CASTILIAN-*tOVELIST. NENKHEFTA, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL* Hood’» PiHs & NO ESE FOR LADDERS. Í R ■ ' 1 Chronicle A YEAR 3 LO ? /orfd