iB j JUÍU W . w e « •W e h W . C or««? F BI M a t h r r so n I . aking < W D f R _______ Dances fo r the Y o tfn g Folks. T rees at V arious Places. ^¡te j the food more delicious and wholesome *n” i roprietor. 'ALS. SS8§©. FLAG PRESENTATION. Festivities Commenced Frids? OenTng Lasted T ill Monday Evening. . EntoMxIat tli» E l l W HEN c m SALE E W K O 1 S Ä Ö Ä S C Ö . Everybody Enjoyed It • à ------- --------- --------- $i.5o * year in advance.'___ Hy. R oyal B ■ - m — hAiitor k T UUU.MNO— «veny nuo*. '»»C«, L -'■ as '»■ k T I S In order to reduce my The Ablest anti Mbst iV»n;re»»ful Specialist» in the World. T h e / gnaramee it complete cure fo u r Own Home, arid allow von puy when cured. between now muí Jan. 1st, Jeiaecd the p ice of all _ . ~ ' Florence and a small per «ent As announced last week the Glernvd* T J Stitt had bfisk«?» ^ during the sale. school gave their fl u» entertainm ent Christmas comes tint once a year anti yesterday. , Friday evening t<> a fail &is*d mul ap- as is nanally the case with the Sitiyluu i Janies Bay was in town if O « 7 K preciative audience. The church was people the occasion was enjoyed by old anvaiTiatao at™» mads KNOW» o s AP- i days this week. Hclily decorated with flag« and ever- ami young. The merry making was Local I,Olirci 8 cent“ Arlox- Mrs James Bay is visiting her p a W S ^ - ’’*• The school occupied four seats commenced Friday evening with a per line, each Inaertioii Thousand» of promiaing young men on the Umpqua, ^**e. ’ht side of the church, each dance in Florence and wag continued at have their lives and future usefutnewv David Saflev came up from Gardiner ng a flag. At 7 o'clock, the j different place« with Christina« tree*», I wrecked hv INDISCRETION ANP’ Flore nee, Or. Dec 30, 1898. These goods are tJtostly new, bought Saturday morning on ttie Roharts. acholaf Furnish, announced dance, and dinner till the “ wee sunt ‘ PRIVATE DISE.YSES. Tliesymptotns» teacher, jf i' •ing song,” by the , hours” of Tuesday morning. ’ j until cured, are portrayed on tlie coun­ Charles Taylor of Hermann was a for tho Fall autf Winter trade, nud will WE8TLINGS. the first piece. “ Ari$e,” the tenance an I in the notions of the vic­ caller at the W est office this week. ( There were quite a nuinlier of Cl school. At eoifiliTiftMl / "'"¡dual was tim. If neglected or improperly tre a t­ be sold Witlrovrt nanerve. It is the largest Win Chamlwrlin spent Christmas school rose as if ettdf fa«*. »same mas trees on the river this year. Satur Buy a piece of that Sail Clotl, at A O ed, other organs become affected, and stock carried formany years thus giv­ with Mr and Mrs Ackerly at Minerva. day evening there was one in tlie church ■ moved by the same impulse iff th Fnnke’i and save rowing the boat. ¡sooner or laterthere are serious results 1 in Florence, one at Phelps's photo I Miss May Stephens went up to the ing a great variety to stdect irom H«>ol civil war. side, Caljf, for an indefinite visit in the Treatm ent is your refuge. If diseased, Roseburg Review; An Oregon listor- | hope of henefittiog the health of the the exercises showed th at the teacher tributed dancing was commenced and consult ns confidentially. Men’s i had taken extra pains in drilling them, kept up till midnight. All present ‘cal society has been formed in Portland former. W RITE (enclosing stamps for roply) Mb Harvey Scott, president; Judge C Misses Olive Knowles and Nellie Rice and that the school “ is very ap t.” enjoyed themselves very much. that will I aaton for our interesting tiook. “ A Warning U Ifi,linger, vice president ami Geo If came in from Eugene last week to spend Where all were iierfect it is impassible S eatox . Voice." Sent free. All letters kept to say who was best. y to ni portunity Harris, secretary. the Christmas vacation witli relatives at A dance was given Monday evening at strictly private and confidential. All A fine hunting flag eight feet long plain sealed envolope. Captain Hurd lost a nice hat yester­ Mapleton. They return to Eugene was presented to tlie school; J C Plic.i e the Seaton hotel. About 40 were present . answers sent plies practiei day. When the Mink arrived at Glen- today to attend tlie next term of school. delivered the presentation address, giv­ and enjoyed themselves as much as' No 0 . O. D. business. the’plaeo’ ada the captain stepped out on the ing a brief history of tlie flag and the though they had not danced any fo ra TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY. Consultation by Mail Absolutely Froe. wharf. A gust of wind blew his bat Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. principles it represents. Tlie reception 1 month. into the river and ns there was no small All druggists refund money if it fails to speech was delivered by tlie teacher. A t H ekmaxm . I W RITE TODAY. boat bandy lie could not get it again. cure. 25c The genuine lias L B Q o n The entertainment was closed witli a Tlie Herman people enjoy holidays ns . Guard: Sheriff Withers informs us eacli (ablet. flag ill ill liy tin it een scholars, which lor > much its anybody and had tlieii Christ­ Address Kemember we carry a general assort­ that the 1807 tax list now contains only precision and novelty of exention would I mas tree in tlie school house. After tlie I S a » i SSjjpSSASsSSi fl.uOO taxes uncollected. This is made be hard to equal. All join in declaring; |ieople hud assembled in the evening, Dr- W . H S au n d e rs & Co , ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and £ NOTICE. | the entertainment a grand success. 03 Sprout St., Detroit, Mich. up of personal pro|ierty principally that Santa Clans appeared and distributed | --------- $ lias lieen moved from the county, and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent’s, Ladies’ presents among them. Some said i t : * FREE BOAT- was Ralpti Taylor but they got tlie ; polls. • < I wish to inform my friends and £ and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and LOG S W A N T E D . presents just tlie same. Gov W P Lord lias appointed Win S ! 5 tlie public generally, that on or / The Steamer Mink will mnke an extra A laninteous supper, which had been I Notions all reduced. This sale for Failing of Portland, a member of the / about tlie lath of Nov., I will open s ta t/ boar I of agriculture, to succeed , £ a Bazaar here nt my residence for J> trip to Florence and return, Weiinesday prepared by Mrs Ferris, Mrs G ibson,' I want 4,000,000 feet of old growth fir CASH only. John Simpson, of Siuslaw, Line County 9} Ladies and Children. Made up ¡? evening and carry those attending tiie Mrs Jeans and Mrs W Phelps, was then 1 logs deli vered at tlie saw-mill a t Acme fur the term of four years beginning J Cl 'liingofall Kimis. A good sup- 2 Odd Fellows installation, free. Leave served to tlie entire company. Games j between now and May 1st 1839. I I! Cushman. December 1, 1898. / ply kept on hand, aiid o rderw filled / Mapleton 3:30 p ni, returning after tlie of different kinds were then indulged ' installation. in until nearly morning. on short Notice. Call in and learn Claude McIIiirgue was arrested near Much credit is doe Misses Bertha prices. ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF Eugene last week charged with COMPANION. Jeans and Maria Cnsterliuo for their I forgery. He sold a check to Burkholder fi M bs . J R S tiles , Point Terrace, REAL PROPERTY. part in getting up the tree. ¡ r Nov. 1st, A Heniinenway of Cottage Grove. It jiker, tlie 12-year-ohl-son of | THE INDIAN CREcK WAY appeared to-be drawn by A K Patterson : i< ÿ g ç s $ N oticx is l iE i c - n v G IVES th vt iiv virtue ______ Baker, of Weston, was an order made by the County Culirt ot Lui iff? __ of Eugene bnt is declared a forgery. nceiiientnllT O im fifi^illed Dec. 25th I EGGS AR RIVED. Oregon on the 17th ,day of September, l»y tlie 12-year-old-son ol George Marsii. | It is an old saying that tlie course of County, TheOild Fellows are preparing fora ISM. directing, authorizing and ordering nte The lioys were plnying robber. Young i true love never rotis smooth but acordiiig ] tlie undersigned administrator, of tlie Estate of giand time at their installation of The Roharts arrived here Saturday Marsii Inni an old Cult’s cap and hall to report a young man on Indian creek J Alfred Mason deceased to sell nt private or officers Weiinesday evening. Quite ai having on hoard 2,000,003, pistol, which had lieen loaded some J I lias encountered even more than the public sale the following rent estate to wit: number of guests have been invited and j belonging t o said estate. •a» proposed to make the occasion one salmon “ “ eggs fur the hatchery at Maple* ! days ago by an older brother, and ns usual difficulties in Ids efforts to obtain fails I. 2. and S ill ;Go. 7. T.vn 1V> it. 11 W. I ton. tiie maiden of liis choice. Baker ran towards him tie snapped the i of the W. M. in Lane C ountyjgicgon contain­ . »i *’*• I The steamer made a trip up tlie river pistol in fun. It discharged, the ball I As tlie story goes n young rancher [ ing 133 Jr 70-100 acres. 'tie W t-nw s for sale one years’ the same day and delivered tlie eggs at — passing through young Baker’s heart. ' became nnainored of the daughter of one To |»ay ttic outstanding claim s against said tuition in tlie Holmes Business (<> ege , j j Bp|eton. There they were taken in ; of Ids neighbors. Mutters progressed ' e,l*le nn,< the cost of administration to the highest bidder for cash. Therefore by virtue of of Portland. This is one of tho leading charge by Fred Bean and Em m ett He died instantiv. satisfactorily t>etween them and lie ask- said order on, from and after the 28th day of business colleges on the coast, tuning Sharpe and immediately placed in tlie B IR T H D A Y PA R TY. ; ed tier fat tier’s consent to their marriage. December ISOS at one o’clock of said day I shall English, Commercial, Bliorthaud and hatchery troughs. I Tliis tieiug refused, the young man proceed to sell at private or public sale to the Telegraphic departments and we offer Mr Bean informed us Monday that highest bidder for cash In hand at the office of Last Wednesday was tlie tenth an­ proposed an elopement hut the father Walton A Markley in Eugene, Oregon tlie this tuition.on easy terms. tlie eggs appeared to be in first class niversary of tlie arrival of their daughter was on to it and the attem pt was alsive descrilaid real property to satisfy tlie Jackson county was organized in 1853 condition and that some of the young Isa at tlie home of Mr and Mrs Kyle. triistrated. The next t'tove was to try claims against said estate, and to pay the cost None who are ougagv-J in any of tho mechanical and in all its 45 years has never owned salmon are already breaking tlie shells. Most of tier schoolmates were invited to gain the good w ill of the old gentle­ of administration. / Dated Rt.Eiittene, Oregon thin 10th day of a safe or vault for the deposit of county purauits can succeed without reading and to spend the evening witli tier in honor man hut when the y on .h went to make CHRISTM AS AT GLENADA. November, 1898. funds. The grand jury in B« I«“«"'? of the occasion. All had a good lime a friendly call he was ordered off the John A. Mason, studying this standard Magazine of Sciences report called special attention to this ; place, and to he certain th at lie left Tlie people of Glenada had a real good and went home feeling very happy. Administrator. matter, and recommended the purchase old-fashioned time on Christinas. No promptly the prospective father in-law and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with of a modern time-leck burglar proof safe d#nees ,)Ut ,)in„ers o h ! such dinners ; mounted a horse and pursued him shout HOW S THIS? NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. | and such lovely Christinas trees: trees, all modern cuts of latest inventions in all three miles. The young man now car­ lor the use of tlie county treasurer. We offer One Hundred Dollars ries a gun and gives him a wide berth. The residents of upper Smith River not one treeatid a suffocating jam. At Land Oflles at Itotfeburg, Oregon. the branches of mechanism, and its fund of Ib rem tiers. 1M9H. Colter’s Hall in tlie west . end are building a road from H. H. • ---- . , of town Reward for any case of Catarrh that ; REAL ESTATE T P A N S F E R . w Notice 1* hereby given that the following ranci, over the divide to Hadsall creek WHg one, perhaps the principal one. I cannot lie cured hv H all’s Catarrh Cure. knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ uame»- , east end of town Plielpi-’s photo gallery F J Cheney for the last 15 year», and den U. H. Cn» rvatdenco uihjii and cultivation . ‘¿'„,’,‘ed ricl.ly loaded with tilings to gladJen the West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, as a homestead. of, »aid land, viz; creation of a new comity to I* «ormeu , heart. _ It seems ---------------------- that no one was -- forgot Toledo, Ohio. id Grant. I ~ n . 9Ucll a display i), W. Mutton, K. E. Marr, G, G. Dublin and part of Crook of dolls, and ribbons MASONIC INSTALLATION- by taking n . Halls Catarrh Cnee is taken internally ten; si . ___ F. M. Rath all of Flurcnce, Oregon. J j I hand-kerchiefs, . a I. L xx r o ll iaafu n n i It includes all that part of C/IO and acting directly ti|>on the blood and 1 J. T. IhtinoB*. and tin horses, and north of the smn.n.t o the #nJ ele|,,,a„ t9> anj 9Car(9, and mucous surfaces of tiio system. Testi­ KeffiMter. This^monlhly magazine is ono The Masonic lodge of Florence at and east ol the ‘ ,vl^ ( ,,rBeki a„d harmonicas, and collars, anil tindi horns, monials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. ' their meeting Tuesday evening installed best printed in this eounf waters of Muddy a"-* Trout creek would be a credit to any fancy bazaar. Sobl by all Druggists. the following officers to serve for the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION that part of Grant lying >*o«h of . And the dhildren, they just reveled in Hails Family Pills are the beet. coming year: to all subscribers at all “ ' • l ' so nth, and wjst of tlie ceu- ¡a.pcorn, and candy, and nuts. Evcry- K W Cobh, \V M ; E B Mills, 8 W ; Land OflUT at Roavburg, Oregon. township 15 e, 9t. i„ that Hist part uart of ability of all to p a y ., ] fur once, and XnvamlaT 15, HIM. Tlios Steear, J W ; J 1 Butterflebl, See; ter of townsh p o(f t#xabto ' b ,dy forgot tneir cares for A DIRGE TO THE YEAR. and inuJe their neighbors Crook propose.I o * 8 G Lindsley, T reat; Andrew Brand, Notice la hereby given that the following unun d turned trated and presents th e ; settler ha* filed notice of her Intention to make S D ; J A Mcl/eod, J 1); Geu B Camp final proof in support of her claim, and that ; happy. Farewell* farewell thou passing year; authors as contributors and W A Cox, Stewards and S J Brund, Mid proof will be nioile before Joel Ware, U. H. acm e LOCALS. But jrel a few day» more Tyler. Commissioner nt Eugene. Oregon, on Dv4*emtier W * — m ’ * ’ And time will shroud thee with hi» veil, anti the Cosmopolitan Conrad, widow of and thy brief reign be o’er. A tine supper was then served at the ol, WOK, viz: Nancy Bv Ct u r n . Andrew J. Coumd, deceased, on h. c. no. 720?, Full muny a lieauteoua brow, Morris hotel after which the inemberi duced rates at this offit ............. for the sw »ec. 22, tp. I O , r. H west.« That urn I let 1 and welcomed Ibine approach, 8ani,»''»'n# , i,.o Judge Stewart returned to the lodge room ami con­ Klie name* the follow ing witiie»*e» to prove la in the cold crave now. If you want to hear wliistling call at land, » Sllet* I " wjfe vi, jted ferred degrees on several new metnltera. her continuous residence upon and ctiltivatlon Air», alas for thoxe who mourn, officiatini. « rei; retlirne,l to Kernville, the hotel. Their dearest treasure» «one, A long *es*ion was held mm the work was of, Mid land, viz: loaae M. Fraud«, Jamea llonig aud William Ner»»ary 4th, UM, viz: Laura E. Anderaon, Olympia • „ w h i c h comes a« doctor. Will »hake their roseate bower*. battle at the foil of Manila. Bonanza for agent*. ' . widow of la«wl» W. An«ler«4>u, deceased, on h. e. Brimful of origin a I .»letore* taken bv govern- ‘X Jl. ,-our people, is Yet »mile on now ye happy form», Acme can Imast of two Christmas no. 70M, for the »’^ ne»4, a», se’^. sec. 32, tp. W m» a t p h o i» < r « p h e r s on tha-epot. Large book , F«»r bright aa life appear». ' j large b»ine»» tree» I y « » r Ixm pr. B*. IhMprdit«, Frairht paid. C red it. wtiicli affmled 1 »•« r 11 we»l Moon, far tor. soon yonr heart* will feel given Drop all tra«hy tti»ofilcPM w a r b o o k * Dewey in t*'« „„M euient for thd Gcurja A. Gl«jj clac*, Orejón. Fred ft. I-ak« Pre- aiot ’teArfcy » at home. H 1* mglnlv i enrev Bit