• -I • V vac i legielativn, have uot succeeded in gel­ F hom o rc bzxjci . ah O oroesposdznt . b F Chronic 1«»: ing a promise from President McKin­ (ORIGINAI. AND 9KI.ICTKD.) j T 1 * eniliaaiaem with which the p eo-1 ley, but they are still hard at work pie of Havana welcome the incoming ; trying to bring additional pressure to W ash . I) U, Dec., 19th, 1893. , , „„ , i . i Oft-times nothing profits more ■ American troops besjicaks a friendly bear upon him. They have adopted one v_z • i i u ■ 11 c v o i , I V . a SIM iu azs v i ' l ^ i i f c 111V V -» • * Circumstances have brought the ex- 0&EGON self esteem grounded on just and feeling for the United Stales out of which pailMjon queatjon w y IUUU|, to U,e (ront unique method of influencing the Pres It belongs to every large nature, when ■omc much sentiment for annex- ¡n WMllingtolJi President McKinley’s id e n t -a petition from republican mem­ ation. It will be the chief duty of the spw.ell 8t AtlMIJtll( in wbieb he asked ! b®M of congr-ss, asking the President it is not under the immediate power of some strong unquestioning emotion, to American reconstructionists during the j w, Jown „ æ «” -g l a ' to call an extra session of congress suspect itself and doubt the truth of its vear or two o( their incumbency to do „ _ .... . . . . . * 3 regarded a« coin nutting him in favor of in the spring, and to state in the call 'tor. own impression conscious of eoifta pos- their bent to make that 6 good will 1 per- expansion, ____.. i t and * • of • retaining the Philip- that the session is called solely to con- ÉiââS&Sàââ&SàSâ&SSâÂSôSSS&SSâSêSSâSsSRSâiâSS» '• / -f - m anent; and if tl.ey arc wise they will j I pineg u ««MW hgg V cn lll„9ed u ,e cxpall. aider financial legislation. This petition sibiiities beyond its own horizon. I - . ■ • #||d «* ■■»■«* . "JVU V t ■ ' DAO MVö. Sweet are the uses of adversity, w hich, j profit by tire lessons of lire reconslr.ic gionigtg in ,.OIlgregg> and out ol C0I)grPg9. 5 is now being circulated for signatures like the toad, -» ugly z auit venomous, - | t.o a e r a m the sqgth. Tho lll“‘lltke» Then came Col P.rvan’s visit to Wash-I ""<> is »«•'* to have obtained a consider- ........................ ................... tl.e made in giving the southern states a gov-| ingtcn (or tb# double purpose oj.tryin- b1« nuiplrer, Imt they do not include wears yet a precious jewel in his head, I ’ll % I. there rests a crnmc.it of scalawags and i to preve„t party\ ppo#: j the party leaders. Iteganlless of this and this our life exem pt from public •5 are inclined gers, instead of such a system of rule as jng thc rgtiflegtion 0 , lh(, trcaty o( petition and other efforts of the same haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in Í lency upon northern men ought to have initiated, ()ea(.e w|,ie|» he says should not figure parties, an extra session is „ generally --------- , , Rl0 running brooks, sermons in stones, 1 the ,„,l gulf of f the — war anJ «uu „ .i.«uu .. , , . * spendthrift « widened u — .1 ,1.» .¡„ le!. .. . j regarded as among tho probabilities, and good in everything. in tho fight against expansion, and I •th e thrift the south politically solid against the ‘ .. . . . . . . 1 1 but. it will not l>o confined, if held, to * I conceive abuse to differ from accusu- i « ‘a a t i t t i i l o f i u l ! F u t u r 1 .1 •<•>. • • r vzaev**. fzv». n n o e l . r t l . l a . t e * a solidifying his party in both branches of 1 , I I • lion in this, that accusation has to do congress against expansion. He sue- i fiaancial legislation. . . 1 - . 11 — * * ceeded so well in the first that it is) Same o'd congress; same old talk with offenses for which tlie laws provide ' teruational der in Chiba. The ail interim rule, if now generally expected that the treaty about working through the holidays; penalties, abuse witlr the scandal which Ilia: W hile j military, will probably he honest, but will he ratified hv the senate before the ™ neold joint resolution providing for enemies apeak against each other ae- nlo justifies. ■ the utmost care should bo taken also to close of this session ofeongress, although j a Christmas recess of two weeks, from cording to their humor, ■ xtravnganec, 1 mako it efficient. Tlie army is not it cannot lie sent to the senate until tlie H>e 2lst inst. Amen. j There is an ill-breeding to which ilitical dan- strong on tlie side of business or civil ) whatever our rank nnd nature, wc nr a . . . . . . , lira I. wt'cK 1 January, first week 11 in January. tie Ho was’nt so of wealth in ndininiatration and it will need special , , . alnicst equally sensitive,—the ill-breed- . I - . ■, successful in liis other object. He found Women Should Know It. ' flie rich can aid for the work in hand. And that aid ! ing that comes from want of considera- ) numerous senators and representatives '¡ties in the should enlist the best men in the civil I tiou fur others. of his party who told him plainly that Many women sufl'er untold agony and (Cent io not 1 service, rather than to run tho risk of they nnd their constituents believed misery because the nature of their disease Oh, tlie incomparable contrivance of X assurance disgusting thc Cubans witli American that it was the proper thing for this is not correctly understood. They have Nature who has ordered all things in so ». _ _ Even if methods of government. government Io keep all the territory it been led to believe that womb trouble even n method that whenever she lias 10 reason why If we can have honest officials, incor- 1 . , , _ ... . .acquired in the war with Spain, ami or female weakness of some sort is rc- been less bountiful in her gifts, there ia monopoly of ruptihle courts, thrifty financiering and ! 1 , , , , , , , . , , that so long as the administration sponsible for the many ills that beset she makes it up with a dose of self-lovo •■/' ouljfjustiflcu- absolute safeguards to public order dur- i - th - -r a , ....... „ „ .a .-, I P°H7 was legitimate expansion, and womankind. gle hour, fidcred ns one that may have a powerful 1 expansion, but lie argued tliat it will down sensation, profuse or scanty supply • ■ winters, they nre apt to forget how to irose nt influence upon the future of the island Roon be changed nnd will support the of urine with strong odor, frequent de­ pray. Wild animals draw near barns position lie has taken, sire to pass it with scalding or burning nnd of our national relations to it. Tho Nicaragua Canal hid cannot be sensation, sediment in it after standing ami houses when food fails elsewhere, There wi" b i much, in any event, to said to have made any real progress in-bottle or common glass for twenty- so men are spiritualized by their ph> st­ mako for annexation, especially a ta rilf, eal necessities. Crossing a trop'cal at least that might work in favor of Porto Rico, during tlie week it has been tlie “ un­ four I ioutb , are signs of kidney and plain in Africa, Stanley's wagon was finished business'’ of the senate. Near­ bladder trouble. *oe in the but even thnt influence could be defeat- ) locked liy tlie flowers growing in pro- j ly all of tho senators claim to favor tiie The above symptoms are v «sa»V often U «till» attri- -- - ••■|*«.azese« aei ” 1 TV z-s justify it ed if tlie temporary administration of In l>ress Goods and Dress Full line of Ladies, Gents Cuba should tie scandalous or inefficient. canal, hut a majority of them appear to buted by the patient herself or by her fuaion- Thus oaitli’s pilgrims have I , have different ideas of the legislation j pbygician to felimIe weaklieS3 or W0Q)b often been hindered by the golden U Trimming, can bo found anti Children’s underwea. 3n that will best accomplish that result, trouble Hence s o m a n v fu ll flo*'erH G(>d causes to spring.up in. their U‘ SUPFLY AND DEMAND. istance, it In Fi Tl.e consequence is a number of amend- j obtain relie{( be,.^ 180 H)ey ar(J treating> pathway. 2 erge8’ as m3res> Henrietta, * Articles can bo < o the City MjF B u lltlln . Ladies Cloth, Suitings W ater- found Fascinators, Child’s | nen 8 an 1 talk of eeseral brand new not the disease itsolf, but a reflection of C"0*! »'ants to bestow abundaiuc upon nearly all •\ Subscril :ribor” lias attached a mean­ bills. Senator Morgan says ho docsn t l the primary cs-'jo, which is kidney man s body, not to hind him down, i but Strangers—pco- ing to a recent article in The Bulletin pi oofs. Hoods, Bootees, x Mittens, K care whose bill is p issed or what its trouble. — his mind and •• heart for - the - -- . lo '■ fiee higher ¡n bere. This on “ the value of gold” that it does not | Trimmings to match in RUCHINGS, the latest, Boh- I exact form is, just so tl.e construction ; , n f;wti women aB we„ „„ mcn ary > , life. S e n t heretofore bear. The question was not whethe.-, z ¿-.it a degree of under existing conditions, tho gold of the canal is authorized at this session niade miaerable with kidney and blad- When the summer has createli the Gimps, Velvets, Silks, Satins hinet, Hosiery, Ladies’ and | of congress. der trouble and both need the same I verdure ot tlie tree, these leaves hido jiMtfi ull classes stnmlard should be maintained, but Tho sentiment expressed by President remedy. ETC., in all Shades. Gents’ Neckwear ETC. •,,liu past year, whether the refusal of mint privileges the sun from the earth it seeks to bless. McKinley—that tho time had come '"-„.lie past five to gold would affect its commercial when the U S Government ought t o 1 r .............. Dr Kilmer’s Swamp-Root great — ■«“>>>P-Itoot Is is tno tno great ■ ’ As a gold dollar brought close to the j hlieeliari.ies value. Tho paper from which The share in the care of the G mfederate 1 i k,d"ey ^ e s eclipses the sun. so a little proa- ' ¿r jiower lo ) Bulletin quote I assorted that the dead-found an echo in 9g ! U e« y to gent permanent commercial value of gold would not be ) l l i e c l |ud tli.it exclaimed she was j when Representative Rixev, of Va, | do(|ar •ry few of that affected If gold should cease to be coined i tired of Christmas tiecausc her father’s i introduced a bill providing that the To prove its wonderful merits you gentro9ity Io(t notbil,g for h ef tQ Jea | en necesitnted to and coaso also to he a legal tender. government should also share in the 0 tramp clement' This position conflicts with tlie law of may have a sample bottle and book ' i»«4 . i care o living confederates, who are j telling about u> * » ^ r e d gnevous injury, any wants to the domain! and supply. In our opinion needy, by opening to tuein all soldier's - free by mgi, Kind, m en, . ; T. No creature cuu can i,v he u truly happy that u iy nappy a ---- ------------------------------------------------------- ------- '‘teas in tlie past any legislation thoixshould deprive gold bornés -nd other institutions m aintain- U-EST a„d „ „ j yo„r adJregg higliest faculty. t i rendezvoused of any of its f j.ictions would impair its w. ,I,v W government for ex-soldiers, & Q Binghamton, N Y , ° -X. ’ T ‘1° crowning excellence in a fish is the Mf* **Kfa4icgedHieni. vatu«. If there should be concerted , - a .F U « S soldiers ... » a . ¡fins; )ij upon the e sSir~ sSme ‘------ terms .« that fins; in in a a bird bird is is the the wing; wing; in in a a Hon lion is is I ars since action among ar tisans not to use gold in ) force for strik in g; in the deer is its and aailorswro admitted. jA-laas was so th earis or in t i e manufactures there DON’T TELL T’. ’.ÛWt WHERE YOU Members of the Anglo-American Com­ foot for speeding. Man’s highest faculty 'qarative absence would, in consequence, be a decreased FOUND ME. mission no longer speak hopefully of is thinking, loving and aspiring. ¿h is winter, It demand for gold, and that decreased ! success in tho negotiation of n treaty .Yused condition I demand would lower its market value, . . ,iav® established schools tor ------------- l u . i . c i vatuv, t llie abo\e is the name of a new sone developing j «, -.1 • .« ... . . ................... . 8J"g these higher natures that Ijyid lias a CULTIVATING GOOD WILL OF CUBANS W A S N IN U IU N L tlltK . i d ie r a r v 7ON IS NOW FILLED * With Seasonable Goods, and as usual of ? first class quality. “OUR AIM:” to Sell First Class Articles at Most Reasonable PRICES. -»gfee ’ “ ---“ ■... — ■—■------ We carry no shop-worn, or - any kind. ■ • ‘ ----- G c------- of Auction Goods Some of the latest arrivals are Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Oiled Clothing and Rubber " Goods, Hardware. Crockery and glassware, Dry Fam Goods, and Fancy Articles, which must be seen to be appreciated. j •» 0. In fact, if there is anything you require that a merchant can suoolv, call on Y o u r s T r x x ly 4. W. TTT“ TTTfH TS W H LJ ¡1 * I 3 «uro to of tlio Anililions kp severo «h *>ll at « atened and m i- istsr thnn jiie can tlie role bf the ii I ots mendicaut.— Viiieud the law of this t tho duty of the amtiary to execute svtitenred to death. Iiango would have a o prisonor* h ive as- aty jails after being but if tho law were *\jfas soon nt a rrini- could be ♦.jV where w ‘o es- A. are akin to God, for man is a miniature commercial reciprocity. On tho contra- ! K*V 11,08 Delanev> chaplain of a ! odition o( Illflni’ty * * ..................... ............... | l „ . . . Ate v . II« O I lll uses is discontinued, tlie commercial He C comes into the .. 1 In ru n ___ a ï ___ __ . •» . * | ry, they now regard any satisfactory 8tate Pen "entinry, while passing worlJ 8peeclllea9 and a, lnogt value of thnt metal will be somewhat in deaf and agreement on the reciprocity, ns iin- ’ tlirolIgl‘ t,!C hoapital ward was called blind. His every power is latent. It is proportion lowered. The reduction in i ... to the bedside market value may not he appreciable at | “ ,rM ty ! i, last , , , of a , dying convict. rile a germ. Conditions lor developing embracing any points of real importance lH8‘ " Or^ 8 of the unfortu,,ate X0““ ' 1 must be thrown around it I ivht to once, but it will appear in a short time. is very doubtful. The Commission has ^ re 1 8Ce ™ develop the s ig h ,; sound, tl.e hearing. b u t you VOU know k n n w in n well u o ll n ti.l my ’ me, but me and , Bom« Bard Sen««. | adjourned until January 5, when a last : tllO. . . . . ' language, the speech, Life ia not a picnic. Of course, then" attempt lo agree on something will ho family, I will dm to-night,” I prepared — can lie lots of fun crowded into it, in u n . his soul’s exit into eternity and whilst GREENLEAF ITEMS. proper way, but on tho whole it is a his hunds were clasped in mine his last' matter of hard and earnest work. Col Bryan's friends are divided ns to B y a est C orrespondent . the ir’ ’ U Wl'° W°rk th° hardeat : * het,,cr th® Yorker who was wsa made, “ In my ^ying 1110- 1 T b X Pwbo are happiest in their work ! qU° ,Wl M ,O,I,,W8 in R local PftP®r> "’«»''t 'nent l,ro," is° m® what I will ask," A A Gihlieon of Indian Creek, aro the most sncoessfuL ! to be complimentary or otherwise* “ I "ero ^rtve *‘’’n W0Hh he then reveal i his sister-inlaw Miss Lottie 'Ach b i h ' S K ” K S S T .’S x ......... .... ................... .................. “ I .......... " h° “ T " 1 J '" J 'i pay may be do the best that is within greate,t actor' th«t ever tr.xi the boards, , I and even now- ir >'• would adopt thc 1“ 8e‘ b y,T in * 0,1 there is almost the certainty of flowery beds of ease w hile other's tight . ve.iainty 01 a ---- .. . or sail . . . through each success. He is a born actor, ------------ and had to wiu the „ prize ------------ . day with colors at the masthead and >•« •l»rted In time, would have outshone X f.S b w T ," “ u j s r i : •" "> •" » «"•«" - 8'V® me word that F o r • k passed to trie the valley the o - - your j — «...csv you juu will W1U| | .......... I’vtsieu out oui io «ond iny body borne, but don’t tell them { ot,ier day> bound for Mr Gibson’s _ 1 . _ /V Z » ___ TV* > I sent the I Ixxly ) ljl,l,er'8 lll(F place near »- F«rn Ri’'kc. Miss wl,cre >ou fou,ld ; , . . . , ' I 1 Aciuson goes fl on to Portland where her hoa'®'® "'‘other state, but they never ( ¡,arent„ re8;,u ««'I.A AFZ. 1 T f«w .aaa.) 1 1,‘,n- .2 ... rpu... S'. w<- . . ■ k,lew " llere found *"» Ih t Groenel Miss Annie Alamasi is working it Mrs ? 31, E s ” ' ” - Roy Egglcahaim’s. Poor httmou nature can help itself to. ,io "- B iz Chicago sjicech flint won him v ,,K ,"natl’ ° " ‘ll 8t'"'! tlie «b°ve song Ktuuember that if yon are w ell and tlie nomination (or president wa« a to any address for 2.) cents in silver or busy you muH. as a result, be happy nt " a” » — Hardware. masterly bit of acting—so was his going stamps, regular price 50 cents. — --------------------- j ,0 «nr. I don’t mean by that to accuse Mr Tr.nw t X - U U ^ a l l the butter i(n ,i'‘Ceri,V’ bUt U !* t,lc NEW JURY SYSTEM. T heM ink was disabled on her wav down the river last Friday by her pro- peller becoming loose. After reaching Florence she was beached for repairs • s and tl.e afternoon mail was dispatched • or to Mapleton in a row boat. Tho Mink .dly yon have in tho houie, Mrs. Caterer? n*n®nt r u u io u u ie iu m ay no ,,,ry ’ *f ,1,c may be ini- in ,. which time I underwent several surgical ' s ........ " — ’ “ i opera! lone, I at last began to Improve, but Ay.«t housekeeper, az- .ho leizurely ¿ o k ) ih,- A n , Ä * u * " ? Ä “ ,Ury ° f fivc’ and H “ *« my Improvement was eo alow that I be- i'lt «n «'he rteekoi the punishment must be hard labor, then eame discouraged. 1 was vary moch run ! «OWU her husband's gnu from the wall, m'.'‘ ?°.T“ *"d 1 ,irAiue Buie. I'hiesxo. ’ delay and expense oi long jury trials) to feel better and had a better appetite. W ert for one year <2.60 paid in m is men the j ad* 7 . ; and bung juries. Success lia s been at- I geined from two to three pound. . , Mk T his e m a e received a copy of the tallied to far. More buzinees is now • ad grew stronger every day. I took two IP.lM out- vanee. or thm . b o t C or Hoody Ohristmae edition of the done zt less co.t. At a single term of H * *“ “ ¿ 7 ^ " 1 my Ilf? loaagT " published at Mrrshlield. Il one court recently the reduction was as to health brought me back nely illustrated containing w»u«U as »21X»! The conztitution a to health.» Kau.y Buxiwoua, 10 Qrend Avenue, s S y , Portland, Oregon A Back to Health n ,,, «vzavwnzsz hoe " " ’e ®aF«a- W v /v l a bapiiia C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv C ooda,* Groceries * and * Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just Opened. Goods as Represented, : p r o p r if t o b