- F ”* ’ . v*; THE W EST ‘ . j YOUR HOHE PAPER’’ f S L P fC K T FT S FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Dec L. IX. ■NERAL D IR EC TO R Y T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE. TR A V ELER S' GUIDE ram -------------------------- ST A T E O F F IC E R S S T E A M ER " M I N K / '' o — W ill m ake’*------- o REGULAR r of S ate.............H. R. Kincaid. jr ......... Philip Metchen blic Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. nter........................ W. IL Leeds ¡General........... C. M. Idleman. ( ................. R. 8. Bean Court < ...............F. A. Moore 1 ...C . E. Wolverton cond District. .J. W. Hamilton Ing Attorney. .Geo. M. Brown _____________ D A IL Y JL P H D I3S T E K in S T A O K L.INB3. T R IP S -----B etw een ------ Florence and Head of Tide. . H . B a rre tt, P ro p ’r, Flore nc* Mondays, i.Wcdnes- d n j-sVfltLErid a y a. Arrives nt Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotte. burg Stage Line for Draw. Also with Stage Line for Coos Buy. Charges reasonable. MIENS ON WARSHIPS. — e ------ JUPERSTITION» WHICH GOVERN OLO SALTS OF THE NAVY. P a in ? W h ic h M a y W o rk A ll /-> th a B a c k ? Then probably tho Liineys. , t . i th o G h o s t? I Then probably the lungs. « i.i Sort« o f M a .t Bo Evil. ’ on C a re fu lly H oard and W h ic h O oardod A sataat. Tho T a tto olD « H a b it. S The most picturesque superstitions of the seas are those which govern a mod- ru man-o’-war. Every old salt iu the tavy believes in hoodoos and spells which may work all sorts of evils on bis ship and must bo carcfnlly guarded «gainst. The powers of a ship's hoodoos com­ mence before the ship has entered the water. It is a generally accepted snper- R Itition that if tho first blow which is iU N T Y O FFICERS- Crock the keel brings sparks the ship la destined to suffer from a raking flro & from the enemy. E. Bangs, Proprietor, i Tho old time practice of stealing * piece of wood and imbedding it iu the Stage leaves Eugene daily e x - ! f ....... . .. W. T. Bailey prow for good luck is, of course. Impos­ jbners -< . H. D. Edwards sible iu the case of steel ships, though cept Sundays, at 0 a. nt., arrivin g ; it is considered lucky to have a piece of ......... E. U. Lee ! at Florence the day following stolen wood on board. Sleeping Cars . W. W. Withers ■ Another old superstition is satisfied at 10 a. m. j Elegant by placing a silver coin in some crevice .A. S. Patterson R eturning-stage leaves F lo r - ; of tho fighting top of the mainmast or Willamette St., E D ining Cars .. ,D. P. Burton some place below docks where it touches ence daily, except Sundays at 2 the steel mast. Originally it was a very Eugene, foerintemleiit .. W. M. Miller Tourist common custom to imbed a silver coin, Sleeping Cars p. ni., arriving in Eugene the day j Immediately afterapplying it yoa B}.................. . . . ,C. M. Collier and preferably a Spanish coin, in the Lane Co., Ore. feel its soothing, warmin», strength­ following at 9 p. m. 8 T . PAUL W. P. Cheshire wooden steps near the mast. ening power. Figureheads have been in high favor M IN N E A P O L IS It quiets congestion; draws out {¡Peace ........ . ..C . H. Holden inflammation. with sailors from remote antiquity. Single fare - - - - 85.00 DULUTH . . . . E. A. Evans Originally they were carved to repre­ It fa n new plaster. Round trip - - - - $9.00 FARGO sent some god or saint. Even today a O RANO FO R K S Tickets for sale at E. B angs’ sailor would hesitate to sail on an iron­ TO A re v combination of new GRAVE O F PATRICK HEN RY . clad without such protection. remedies. Made after new CRO O K STO N 00»] livery barn, Eugene, and a t O. W. ■ T Y O FFIC E R S. methods. Entirely unlike any The ceremony of launching a ship is Gtutrlotto, tor 20 years k tt la W IN NIPEG ether plaster. merely a concession to an old supersti­ H u rd ’s office in Florence. much W h e r e H e U v e tt. T'..e Triumph c f Modern Medical tion. The various formalities of ship H E L E N A RET S O C IE T IE S . J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. ing of a bottle of champagne A U T H O R IT A T IV E For information, tim ecard., maps and ttekela The estate lies on Staunton river, 88 eay nothing a The modern man-of-war dashes into "If I was etc., call on or write from the town of Lynobbnrg, near IlfcfeUNhlABNhHl&l&Sbh. the water with (lags waving from evory miles and wanted n the border line which separates Char­ Florence Lodge No. 107. masthead. In order to gratify this old R.IW c M u r p h e y , know them ’d be so »r comittmiieation on secouai General Agent.- Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, 301,863 V ocbulary Terms superstition It has been necessary to ex­ lotte and Campbell counties. It derived Th ere I t W as. its namo of Red Hill from the peculiar it without 1 947 Editors and Specialists Saturdays in each month. EUGENE, OREGON. It was rumored that tho relatione be­ pend hundreds of dollars for tho chris­ color of the soil in that vicinity. When hammer. 533 Readers for Quotations O. W. H vbd , W. M. tween Stubbs, Sr., and hie wife were tening of a single ship. Eut no one be­ Patrick Henry bought the place, it com­ •BntC yl" added A. D . C H A R L T O N , 3000 Illustrations ra, Secretary. nob of the |ileaeautest, and Johnny grudges this extravagance. In a way it prised about 8,500 scree. The land is | with a snap of Assistant General Passenger Agent. is necessary. Cost over >960,000 Stubbs had doubtless heard many a . rich— there was a saying in the ueigb- of a hummer ~ 255 Morrison 8t. Cor. 3d. Appendix of 47,468 Entries family dispute. Tho father’s strongest: The good or ill Inck of oertain days ; borhood that poor land and Henry could H e ’d have F o r tle tn c l O r. is still a belief among the sailors. Fri­ point against Mrs. Stubbs was that she never be mentioned together—corn that box eneral Lyons Post, No. 58 was a Ilickt when he raised her to her day is a day of ill omen, and Bunday is grows there as high as a man on horse­ to it. 1 expect jnd and fourth Saturdays usually a lucky day. present title. Mrs. Stubbs would then i The full number of words and terms In at 1:80 p. >S < A baldheaded professor recently de­ that ship. in . AU good warships go to tho “ shores out opening the envelope« or doing them ing its auefa livered a lecture entitled “ The Air We H a ir C u ttin g . . 38 I. G. K notts , Pastor. got on tbe qn M iles W est Breathe" before uu East London audi­ of Fiddler's G reen''as a final resting tbe least injury. It was discovered by a Razor Honed . . • 35 ence. In the course of his remarks bo place. Just where this mythical harbor German physiologist by tbe use of an lin er went by of Eugene. Scissors Ground . . >5 said, “ It is quite impossible for any is situated no geographer has yet decid­ embryoecopo, or egg glass, tbat the lights glearni ed. It is in every way the antithesis of shells of eggs were of very nnoqnal I i t passed ont person to live without air. ’’ rO R N E Y S of the I O re g o n . At this a small boy called ont, " ’Ow “ Davy Jones’ looker." A worship thiuknoss. It occurred to him to make expert-' ena, standing straight « which goes down in battle with her ON EUGENE AND about yerself. guv’ucr?” —Tit-Bits. flagc flying, as occurred several times ments iu order to ascertain bow many ‘ and it waa as b rìi WOODCOCK, A B orm aM School. FLORENCE during the civil war, goes to "Fiddler's leaves of ordinary letter or official pa- : as we had bren lod l per mast be laid above aud below a The uproar was like tbat of a run­ Green." STAGE ROUTE. “Atl Bai away engine tearing through u tunnel. The tattooing habit is, of course, very written leaf iu order to muku it Illegible M A D E and R E P A IR E D . The floor was littered with yonngsters commou in the navy. It ts believed that to a highly sensitive eye In tho d irect' A naval off lying on their stomachs, and all bawl­ an arm or a leg decorated with the de­ sunlight He ioaud that after be bad realistic “ A ll O re g o n -----BY------ ing with an energy indicative that sign of a gun or a sword or some such rested l)is eye in a dark room for 10 or I drill: “ Two Money Saved and 9 McLaren’« Building, somebody was hurting them. Long, design w ill never be lost In battle.— 10 winntes he cold rcad-apiece of writ- j been peteed ^ v e u to collection« an# pro- By slim, scratched upon slips of palm leaf, Bon Francisco Call. Ing over tho mirror of the embryoscopg 1 from lte the equivalent of books in Burma, that had been covered with eight layers m in ate lai m o re n o e , O re g o n , Patronizing it. A K m U C to p l*. of paper. « were spread before the scholars. Making : : : t t t » Dunwich, Moroton bay, Queensland, POTTER. the lads shout U the approved method He called in other ebaerrers to con­ elementary instruction. When the consists of about 1,000 inhabitants. Iu firm thia The lettega, however, that Prop. Good W’ork Done at Reasonable Prices. of rney-at-Law.................... Geo. Hale master discovers any lagging iu lung four years there have only been two con hl thus be dcciflmrwl uwvo written exercise, a long switch begins to sing births and two deaths. In dark ink tut ono side of the paper i INE, OREGON, L ife I . Colorado. There are no streets, no omnihnses or only. It fonr written side» were folded through the air QuieL serious study ts A person in this country no sooner trains, no soldiers, no police, no shops. j the Court Houae. explixled. The Burmese educationists together, aud especially U there bad N O TA R IES. _ gets through shoveling oo«l and carry­ arguo that so long as a l.iy ts shouting There is a beautiful theater,*nnd every been crossing, it was bard to make out command ‘ku boats are hnule(Xuwu> ing out the ashes than he has to sprinkle his mind is occupied. When lie tssilent, one is admitted free. Clothes are free, tho drift of the writing, aud there are his grass and push the lawn mower. be is certain to bo scheming mischief. aud so are food and lodging.^ \jgty few some kind« of writing which, when dred feet from tne do» BENEDICT, A. R. BUTTOLPH, 1 Tho mare coel he shovels the more ashes Therefore the best shouters are the best do any work, aud there am no hotels folded twice or thrice, admit too little she rides without a bn. her. often, when t b e . 1 be carries, and the more water he »quirts pupils.—Travel. Very little money la required, aud med light for the purpose of decipherment. J k T - L o A 'W . through in mido ical attendainx- is free. the harder he baa to pash the lawn Iu this way possibly many of the per- landsman would i ; mower. It is ever thus.—Longmont There is a lockup, but that is net formanceeof “ clairvoyants” may be. ex­ “ Then the w ord' : Oregon. I (Colo. J Ledger. Kpanish officer» an well as men gener­ used. There is also a poetotih-e. und if plained. By means of the egg glues it and within 4 abort of money the letters are stamped ally incline to cruelty and treachery ta, m a rule, easier to make act the con­ all band« i O rm so n . What Sh. Waa Dolnc- Here 1« a story m point, told by an ex­ free. There is also a free hospital and tents of tetter or telegram without tbe but every boat has b “ You seo, Phyllis had to stop to fix cellent authority: library.— London Tit-Bits. slightest tatuperlu.q w ith the envelope! «uvita, "'» O N . ♦ her hair"— “ In Alcala, ihe Guardia Civil—that than i t is to detect the movement« of “ Arrange, child; not fix. Fix menu» is, one of the crack troop«—was after a Hto I ho embryo in tbe egg robber band, rine of the robbers was Bhlppen Clark (to his employer, leav- to make f a s t " SapjMne the w rite r of a billet, tbe “ Weil, that's what sho was doing. It caugbt Being pr, mimed a full pardon, ing tha office >—Ok, Mr By.tem, h avtn 'l conteute of which ate known only to R E G O N was coming loosa. Indianapolis Jour­ he gave away his ixsnradca This man you forgotten your umbrella? It • ruitt- Itlu ra lf, lets I t out of his baud and loses had no sooner signed the paper that ing. nal. sight of tt for five m inutes I t may be served os his d>-ath warrant for his late Mr. System—Can't help It. I bar» According to the authority of an friend« wiien the officer in charge said, made a resoluiion 10 have one here aud readily carried either into the insect visited a English magazine Great Britain con­ * W . w ill begin with him. * The robber one at home, to provide fur »11 emer- sunlight or Into electric or magnetdnm trols 21 out of every IDO squsre miles was immediately shot iu the back of his genci«« Now, ii I take this one, they ’U lig h t and be read by the aid of ‘tbe egg placing of a piece of car- ing thorn of the earth's surface and »4 out of '■ V in the envelope or the col­ ew ry IllO aqnare mils« of irg ia -The oring of it black is a means of defense “ Yua, ;p»t North und South Aiuem-a. lu 18*0 Japan was visited by a terri­ \ S ^ t hand. ble epidemic of smsllpos, winch alti mantel decimated Yokohama. Va ''bere Is an S u ìu im u I at Limon, IhI« M»'» U> n isn re. nur Im-I«»»- in ' wir », made compulsory in 189# ' 'loo. I t is called i «p<1 nrarl.y remote«. It I. »«I«'« »«9 r wn reixtocte»! »t home. “« ’.»» «traleht •» • sre «iid to aMsu. » . »S te. FlCSL. DSU» M. Ä J ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. EUGENE-FLORENCE ; STAGE LIN E. th a J o in ts ? Then probably rheumatism. N, Ho matter where it is, nor what kind; you need have it no longer. It may be an hour, a day, or a year old; it must yield to Dp. Ay CP’S C h erry pectoral Master 1.... WE DEFY COM! RESPE! J. V. KAU] I Blehmottd. bat la A B..... T H R O U G H TICK ETS S tandard MORRIS D ictionary HOTEL, E l k P r a i r i e H o te l. Florenoe, >y a t Law, O LE MYRIND, Cram I Spaniards. Notary Public, Surveyor ILIC. It is W«»TZr»—.SVSSÀl. T»l)rt»„»tKV