. • ,.>» ’ THE W E S T ) 4 : tg ' J- ,» F O U R H O /IÉ P A P E R S L F C R T I 1 t SHTSIAW’S O1TL7 PAPIÉ. O P P O R T U N IT Y f < il . -------------------- £ ^ t --- <■—u. J s GENERAL DIRECTORY 1898. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Dec VOL. *» TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. S TE A M STATE OFFICERS o — ER “ M IN K ,” G J L Z F m i l S r E I ? . Will make"------- o {Governor.......................William P. Lord. R E G U L A R cretary of S 'ate.............II. R. Kincaid. R Treasurer......... .................Philip Metchen *'8upt. Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. State Printer........................ W. H. fxieds ^Attorney General........... C. M. Idleman. f .................R. 8. Bean ¡Supreme Court .................. F. A. Moore ( . . . C. E. Wolverton | «{ Judge Second District. J. W. Hamilton j SrProsecuting Attorney. Geo. M. Brown TRAVELERS’ GUIDE D A IL Y 9 T A O K L JN B . T R IP S ----Between----- FlorencB and Heal of Tile. ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. < H.H. Barrett, Prop’r, Leaves Florence Mondays, I.Wednes- I days und Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges reasonable. MODERN SHRAPNEL. Spali? Z.Y tftO ¡¡.» O k ? Then probably tl /.> t h s dk—i? Then orohably tl In Then probably rli i Joeys. :nff3. FEARFUL IMPLEMENT OF WAR. DEADLY EFFECT OF THIS « i ■R lead IN W h «t H appen* W hen a Slnglb F rejM Stl. d d en lr B u n t . In to T w o H undred Map- >ta M eowncer* o f D«nt Solid Sbot. b— Shall* Bad il The improvements in modern guns embraced all calibers, from that of atism. n J the small nrnt firing a projectile only No matter where i nor what one-third of an inch in diameter to the kind; you need have it t longer. monster which sends a solid piece of It may be an hour, a day, or a steel 12 inches through and weighiug year old; it must yield to , over half a ton. Not only have the gnns »p.Ager’s pectoral piaster W e I F D ry G o o d s F a n c y Goods F u r n is h in g G oods1 | improved, but also all their accessories, especially powder aud projectiles. The _ A _ smokeless powder of the present has R changed the conditions of war almost COUNTY OFFICERS j as much as modern armament Keeping step with those advances STAG E L IN E . ! havo been those inado in the various E. B a n g s , P r o p r ie to r . I classes of projectiles. Even tho amnllest ¡ .J u d g e ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F- O. Potter. : of tnese, with its case hardened bullet, Stage leaves Eugene daily ex­ . . W. T. Bailey I is fur ahead of tho old fashioned lead [¡Commissioners H. D. Edwards ! cept Sundays, at 6 a. in., arriving bullet used in tho small arms of 80 | years ago. 'C lerk ...........................................E. U. Lee i S le e p in g C a r s at Florence the day following One of tho most effective of modern — --------- ---------------------- Sheriff.............................. W. W. Withers at 10 a. ni. projectiles is the shrapnel. It is one of E le g a n t ! the forms of caso shot. The others were Treasurer...................... Returning-stage leaves Flor­ , the old fashioned grape and canister. A D in in g C a rs WHI.meWe S t. Assessor........................ .. .D. P. Burton ' case shot may be said to bo a collection ence daily, except Sundays at 22 T o u r i s t of missiles in a caso, which breaks up School Superintendent .. .W. M. Miller C a r s P- “*•> arriving *n Eugene the day S le e p in g cither iu tho gun or at some point iu Immediately after applying it you u X o a flight, thus setting free its death deal­ following at 9 p. in. feel its southing, (.arming, strength­ 8 T . P A U L Coroner.......................... . W. P. Cheshire ing particles. ening power. f< - — . ; M IN N E A P O L IS As soon as tho caso is broken each of It quiets congestion; draws out J ustice of Peace........... .. .C. H. Holden inflammation. these pnrticles goes on a separate path, i Single faro - - _ - $3.00 DULUTH nuth it’s a sorry day for the man struck I t h n new plaster. Round trip - - - - $0.00 by one of them. All of these falling i GRANO FORKS t Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ upon a piece of level ground would A new combination of n—v THE ROSES OF SEATTLE. mark out an irregular oval, whose area remedies. Undo nft> r new OWOOKSTOW livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. CITY OFFICERS. I know of a restleHR young lass, methods. Entirely unlike any varies with differing '-inditjous. It has W IN N IP E G C < rasM at Hesttl*. Who liven In a house made of glatt, other plaster. Hurd’s office in Florence. been found tliut the best point to burst That bloom in June and May. Aud from her local ion The Triumph of Modern Medical H E L E N A a»i) tho shrapnel is about six yards above ■ Tuu are perfect as the poet's dreaSL Marks each vibration Science. Fair an the golden d a y ; II. Weatherson Of hot and cold waves ns they poso. President.................. W and 50 in front of the enemy. BUTTE' The Perfected Product of years cf You MMitter warm ot Iragranc« The Funk & W agnalls Colonel Shrapnel of the British serv­ Patient Toil. When heat is announced, she will spring On uu> deeping air of nigh«; O. W. Hard 1 ice first invented shrapnel in 1808. Thia Tour rumbow painted petals To quickly make note of the thing. Placed over the che*; it i , a Win. Kyle T H R O U G H TIC K ETS Are the glory of tlw figatl ’Tin very eurprising early form consisted simply of a spher- ! Board of Trustees • • L. Christensen powerful tid to Ayer’s Cherry le e - That simply by rising • torsi in the treatment o f nil throat ical shell filled with bullets and a burst­ M. Morris OHICACO Fair 1* N ile * storied lotoe_ Bo truo a report she can bring. and lung affections. ing charge of powder in tho spaces be- I And tlw rose of UnlJ Of The Placed over the stomach, it stops And pleaasut I* the | To self elevation inclined tween. This was it crude invention, Recorder........................ John II. Morris W A SH IN G T O N nausen nnd vom iting; over the Tliat lull* the soul < She haw Huch a volatile mind which scattered the fragments too much ENGLISH LANGUAGE P H IL A D E L P H IA Rare nre tlie light* an bowels, it controls cramps and coiic. That in every eeation Treasurer ..................... aud was liable to go off whon not ex­ In the pansy'* purple . A suitable reason Placed over the small c f the back, Marshal...................:___ G. C. Cumpton N E W YORK pected nnd not do so when desirod. But the rose*of S ea ttle" For frequent depression she'll find. CO M PLETE it removes nil congestion from the Aro tho fluweraof paradi^j Thia form was improved upon during kidneys and greatly strengthen» BORTON A N D ALL Her temjier mercurial thus our civil war, nnd tho modern Nhrapnel weakness. S U C C IE N T Creates everywhere such a fUM O rose* of Beattie, ^-iuna.1 P O IN T S E A S T amt SO U TH For sale by all Druggists. can he considered tho most dttngerous Thai bloom ia May *7^,i,n*oM That iu conversation SECRET SOCIETIES. Dor p hearts o f gold and _ooC ' J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Affairs of the nation of all life destroying projectiles. It con­ For Infornifttinn, time cards, map« and tickets A U T H O R IT A T IV E That light tho atom»®* Ara slighted, this maid to discusa. sists of three parts—tho tube, the base etc., call on or wiite H ie cotrago o f tbciluWlT , -------- -WWW •-Julia M. Colton in Naw York Christian Ad and the head. Tbo powder cltargo is in You paint with oW " “3 ,J v o c s t e . __________________ F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. R. M c M u r p h e y , In tho luuatfiua uf the base, which is firmly attached to • Regular communication on second General Agent. Rooms 2 And 1, Shelton Block, 301,865 Vocabulary Terms You dluuuo tho art < tho body either by electric welding or A MORNING GLORY CULT. LITTLE JIMMIE'S ESSAY. 347 Editors and Specialists and fourth Saturdays in each month. EUGENE, OREGON. by scrowiug. Leading front the baso I liold them fast in men 533 Readers for Quotations fh e SntQect W as “ Heart** and He Did II O. W. H vbo , W. M. . Wherevur I may roam, through tlie center of tho hotly is a tube Tbl* F low *» T a k ln x th e P lace ol Chrys­ A. D. C H A R LTO N , 51 ore Than J u stice. an th em u m * In J ap an . 5000 Illustrations Theno bloHJioraa from I he | I.-G. K notts , Secretary. which is also filled with powder, which Of t ho god«, dropped dowa i AssiKtunt General Passenger Agent. Hearts is located in yor insides in is ignited by tho fuse at tho point of the Miss Eliza Rubamah Scidmore has an Cost over >960,000 The oruei years take from I 255 Morrison St. Cor. ftd. the rejun of ynre stnmraickn. The fiz- shrapnel and curries the fire to the main article on "The Woutlerlui Morning Appendix of 47,468 Entries WhHt year* canoot restore,1 P o r tla n d O r. teology says they works liko pumps, charge. Botwecu 21)0 and 800 bullets Glories of Japan" in Tho Century Miss But. tho rosea of Seattle— A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58 They bloom forever more I which is the milkinuu's best friend. rest upon a diaphragm just over tho boidtnoro suys: Ira A r chard Conner in Soattie Foot j • meets second and fourth Saturdays The heart is a very iinportuut orgun, powder chnrgo. These are held in place As a floral sensation the chrysanthe­ -FI h woueor. ___________ of each month at 1:30 p. in. The full number of words and terms in but it don't make no niusiuk. by a matrix of rosin which is melted mum may he said to have bad its day. J. I. B i ’ tteufikld , Commander. different dictionaries for the entire alphabet Is My brother, which is a poick, says, mid poured u])ou the bullets when in the carnation is going, going, aud Mong­ A STRANGE SEN TE N C i J. L. F ukxisii , Adjutant. . I. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor as follows: S^ORMONTH, 50,000; W orciikstrr “ What hammy when two lieurts beets place. A skeleton case of cast iron con­ ers after novelty among flower fttuuiers lti.%000; W ebster (international), 1*25,000; C en ­ tike 1.” I wish pop wood take a leasing taining receptacles for each bullet is ore sighing for a new flower to conquer Puahthroent For a M urder T h a t 1 F lo r e n o e , O r e g o n . Cruel T han llaatfc. It is hardly kuowu, eveu to foreign res­ tury , (six volumes, complete,) 225,000; from 2 hearts. He heats like 60. sometimes used instead of the rosin. Pop toie m3 once his heart was liack In 1801 n man died iu the! The iicud is put on in tho same nlau- idents tn Japuu, that that luud, which STAN DA ttll, over 300,000; in the old town whero he was horn, i ner ns the base, aud when tbo fuse is hus given us so much of art and beauty, who hud heeti condemned by i OUR AIM—To furnish the best but I am afradohe is a lyre, becos when inserted tho projcctilp is ready for use. has lately revived the culture of its most strangest scntouocs on record.1 Sample Pages Free. accommodations at reasonable Kate was married ho suid, "My henrt is Home shrapnels have the bursting charge remarkable flower, the asugao, oar Sutherland was born iu 1701 i i full 2 wiy much,” and he didn’t get |io iu tbo head instead of the base. Tho morning glory. For size, beauty, range iu a stonu house near Leeds, prices. telcfoue from his birthplace. Bymoby fuso used Is rather complicated, hut tbo of color and illimitable variety tuero man of violent temper and I he fell under the tnbul and some wuu United States lias us good a one us attained this sunrise flower precedes ull position, sbuguod by his ueia AGENTS W A N TE D . rarkusticully remarked that it was very there is. It is a time fuse and iu actual others until its cultivation hus become generally disliked. Not befi O. O. F. Heeeta Lodge No. i l l , meets ’nil. a craze, which is likely to spread to get an American servant, he it test lias shown its reliability. every Wednesday evening in I-odge King Richard had a lying heart hut It can readily be seen that ono great other countries, anti— who knows—per Scotchwoman, aud, according 1, Florence, Oregon. Brothers W . W . NEELY, Prop’r. . standing invited to attend. D . B R O N S O N & CO , I have got a busted heart which is objection to the shrapnel is its high hai>s there introduce tL~ current Jup usttge of the times, virtually i worse. Dere reader ain't a girl heartless cost Tho fuso alone costs about $2.50. auese custom of 6 o clock iu the muru- In bondage until her T homas J. Boakx, N. G. ' Tables furnished with all the Pacific Coast Agents O iias . IL V axiuskbubg , See. to give mo tho shake becos my hare is Tbt, sumu gun is usually supplied with iug teas aud gartleu parties - hail been refunded. red? Can I avert tho dekrecs of the fates three styles of ammunition—the solid Asagao, the morning flower, is more Unable to endure any longer I delicacies of the season. Wild SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. which has got a cinch on mortals? shot, the shell and the shrapnel. Some especially .lapun s owu blossom than ing temper of her master, the | 933 Market S t. game, fish and fruit in season. Best I am a cyniok now, which meancs butteries are also supplied with canister the chrysauttiommu, which, like it, away Immediately upon dis DIRECTORY svery one is n fool butt me. for uso ut closo quarters The bullets came from Cbiua us a primitive sort of her ubseuce the man set off in ai accomodations for the traveling The heart is connected with the leg, in the canister have a wider dispersion, weed, afterward to be evolved byTtap- chaso upon his horse and soon i oecos when u feller gets his leg pulled because the case breaks up iu the gun. auese art or mugtc into a floral wonder bur The poor woman never i 1RESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, public. Charges reasonable. oe geuernly has a heurtake. But a benrt- Cauiste'r was used to repel tho famous of a hundred varying forms houne alive, aud Sutherland w | Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabhath- >ke can’t hold a caudle to a stuuiinick We who know aud grow the morn ed aud arrested on the charge < ebargo led by the Confederate general liool, 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 ike for pain. This is u heartrending Pickett nt Gettysburg. A perfect hail ing glory as a humble buck yard vine on clock a. m. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of At tho trial lie tried to [ Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of topick. I have not tho heart to cou- of missiles swept the shqie leading up a striug—a vine with leaves Itse those horse had taken fright, MARION MORRIS Pro p. luary, April, July and October, ;inue this assay.—Jimmie in Suu Frau- to Cemetery Hill, against whoso de­ of tlie sweet potutouud puny little pink pitched him out of the saddf eryhody is welcome to all the services, sisco Examiner. structive effects human valor was of no or purple flowers—are as ftrr iu the ed the girl to death upop the l ■tor -re piests Christians to make T w c n t v - t h r e e ■ S cents Shaving floral darkness us the Chinese, who the jury did uot accept the defrd avail. iinselxei known. The N lch tla g a le . Tlie shell is used todcstroy inanimate know it chiefly us a wild thing of Acids Sutherland was sentenced to Hair Cutting 35 “ I. G. K xotts , Pastor. M il e s W e s t The nightingalo does not sing every­ objects as well us animate onus. It con­ and hedge rows, the vine of "the little the scuffold. 35 o f E u g e n e . Razor Honed Then canto the plea of tho where, yet it is ns great a mistake to sists of a hollow cast iron shi ll, with u trmnpets’ or the “ dawu flower." that Scissors Ground •5 consider the bird shy as to imagine its fuse and bursting charge of powder is entangled with briers uud bustles for cieucy of circumstantial evil song is chiefly reserved for tbo night. The famous shot fired during the cut­ miles along the tup of Poking s walls the efforts of influential relatic F lo r e n o e , He w ill sing continually from one cf ting of the cables nt Ctenfuegos is a The old poetry aud the old utt do not so worked it isiu the court that tfc the oaks bordering the wayside while g'ssl example of its use. Tlie Spaniards seeui to he permeated witii IL us >u d( wyed the aeutcnce of death til the village folks puss aud lepuss. The having taken refuge in mid behind a Japan, where the forms of vases, bow .a prisoner should ho 89 yeurs It wus ordered that tho eulpt i| village couples may rest ujxin the foot lighthouse, it shell was fired by ouo of aud cups, the designs and paintings ul . stile or linger to listen beneath the very our sbi|is, which, striking it fairly, the greatest masters, repeat tile graceful ho released on his owu rect tree on which the bird is statlnnid, hurst uud utterly destroyed tho struc­ lines of vine uud flower, aud scores 4 aud that, pending the final oi and R E P A IR E D . famous js/ems celebrate the itsuguo in hi* sentence, he should keeptti still the full burden of melody goes ca ture, killing inuuy of the soldiers But against men iu bnttlu formation written characters us beautiful to the noose ubont bis neck and shq ---- BY------ unchecked, without pause or intermis­ M o n e y Saved beforo the Judges of Catskill < sion. And what a glorious outburst it the shrapnel is the more effective. It eyo as is th. tr sound to the ear. The asaguo wus brought to Japan to prove that be wuro his ba ist What a perfect cascade of trilis and sends a perfect shower cf missiles which, By O L E M YIÎINI), ■hakes and Femiquuvers! Suddenly it is falling in the midst of a company, with the Buddhist rciigiuu, that partic­ fumy and kept his crinto in ul P a t r o n i z i n g it. F lo r e n o 9 , O r e g o n pierced by a single nolo that shivers iu would almost annihilate it. Many tests ular cult of early rising. Scholars aud was a more ctuvl deci-ion than! priests who wcut over to study tiio uew teuce of immediate death woul the ear with the sharpness cf a fife. Im­ have been made to shew this. Shrapnels fired from a gnu a mile religion brought buck the seeds of many been, but it wus uo doubt tn bj mediately after conies (be wondrous Good Work Done at Reasonable Prices. water bubble, to bo followed by a de­ nwHy in one ins lance and a mile uud Chinese plants. The ten plaut came with the spirit of the times. licious warble, long drawn out and soft two-thirds in the other were mode to then, uud Eisui brought the seeds of tbt Thus Ralph Sutberlc.ud lived, as eould be breathed from the richest strike u board target ono inch thick. sacred ho treo, and Tai Kwan, tho Chi ways lived alone. llo B cL lo ti spol I'eealtarltlrs o f th e Potato. The opinion has prevailed anions Onto. Another prolonged trill, and then The fuses wero set off by the contact nese priest at the (ibaku temple in Uji. rough, imperious muuuor hud housekeepers that it is the good potato a furoff sound I hut almost seems to and hurst the projectile into 200 nr 800 who muy liuve iutrisluced the fiowor to Years followed years. At each i which breaks open when it is boiled. come from another songsttr half n mile parts, each of which wus capable of Japan, was one of the tint to ring oi of the court the broken man can s A scientist who hus made ¡sitatoes n away serves to throw into relit f the pas­ dealing death to any living thing in its the asuguo iu graceful outas, classic fc.ro the bar of justice an 1 sild( A. R. BUTTOLPH, study insists tlyit the gcsxi potato is the sionate tremolo issuing front the same istili. Screens were placed at indicated poems which scholarly brushes repeal showed tho tnxise tliut circled his i At last his uiuety-uiuth year i ouo that remains quietly in its coating tiny throat, and all the lime the wings distances behind the target. These tuny today. "Asagaos bloom nnd fade st of brown dnring all of the processes of are quivering w itli excitement uud the 1 bo considered us representing a buttaliou quickly, only to prepare for tho mor the time when the court hud onj I of infantry in column of com|«utea row's glory," is Tut Kwan s best kuowu that the utmost peuulty of u- promptly "They I uve given it to him covered dead, alone in his There is a flywheel iu Germany made ndw iug is the nightingale of Norway, tlict* are almost unheard o f.—New bocuuke he was wit! oat it .” throat was iouud Io be enetrolcd I Of steel wire. The wheel is 20 feet tn to w hich laud lie returns for 1 reeding Voik Herald rope which hud Ixx-n placed I diameter, and 260 miles ot wire was purposes each succeeding April, ¡io Ha Mr dn Amor in hibitin g his Knight Youth's Companion. "That politician is a ‘has been, isn t m j . t s I-'T w i iih v prvn i ix ally silent, until of the uarveions voise Templar charui)—l u h-o-c Can y o u ' | he?" remarked the observer uiHsCoor l.ii-ine«. la Ib .ir own Tbt first mention of the ] ulte*. Il i» tnaliilv -Step -(-irk that stirred • mile of woodlsod naught ■•Nft" replied the cBptions friend, tell mo, Ethel, wlwt that moans »nm.. «*’•» / M nlsht a is heard save a dismal croak, hardly tn "he isn't even that Ethel (bis love's liitto sister)— Yeth, ’ history is in can - "ction lie * tngrely n .r . boeafld.. lu n e . Ith wltero jour watc* (U l — . Huldat-, r v g -t-m e rr- Kn he distinguished flow the hoarse cry of I ‘used to think he wax' ’’I Wa.btugtun thir. rnar.-S •< -m e n piivo I oi « . Hcthert the biilifiog. — St. James Uaxetto. Jsweters' Weekly. f «tar. r 7 * EUGENE-FLORENCE G hew y Standard Dictionary A G MORRIS *** HOTEL, Head of Tide Hotel, T o n s o r ia l P a r lo r s . E lk P r a i r i e H o te l. ON EUGENE AND FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. Notary Public, Surveyor C lo th in g g Shoes WE DEFY COMPETITION. RESPECTFULLY • J. V. KAUFFMAN!