t h e -FUBUHIIKU w e st KVKRY FRIDAY MOHX1NO— R o Y al 1 GREENLEAF ITE M S . i l v A M EST CoRURSPONUKRT. PERSONALS. Be C n r e ilj l Helen Fisk is spending tills week at Acme. Miss Dcssa Bess Is r gave a birthday Captain Bergman made a »boil visit F lobbncb , I- ane C ounty , O regon .— PAY WHEN CURED. party nt Seth Simmons' Nov. 27. Ii. to Floieuce Sunday. • - - by - - - Joe Whiaman junior made a visit of P J Shistad and family left for Astoria DB.ff.H. — i several days to F. in Ridge recently. on tlie Roharts Monday. s ' S ' Rev. James Howard of Elk Prairie In order to reduce my stock of good« Keeper Hold of the light-house spent Editor and Proprietor. made a visit to Alpha on the 7th. lie ’s Saturday night in FI«-it-nee. The Ablest a n l Most Specesaful Made from pure between now and Jan. 1st, 1899, I have a grandpa, now, you know. S|MH*iuliata in the World. Chas Gettvs is expected to return _ T kkmh : ,1.60 a year in advance.----- cream of tartar. Mr and Mrs Biering say tl.ev will from Bohemia in a lew days. They guarantee a complete cure at reduced tlie price of all gooda to CCST collie hack to that Chickahoininy home­ Louis Ileau was n passenger to Your Own Home, and allow you and a Binali per cent to cover expensed stead next May, and come to stay. Entered a t th e post-office at Florence. pay when cured. Eugene on Monday's stage. I^tiie county, Oregon, as second-class J^jlu rin g the sale. Miss Maud Miller o f C h ic k a h o in in y , Mrs Stitt of Het-eta paid a visit to ! mail m atter. who has been in declining health f o r a Florence S ili. id u v and Sunday. year or two, has coinpleiely recovered. Mr ami Mi's Woodcock were visiting UVKBTISINO BATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ Alum Rev Mr Norton has been holding re­ in Florence several days tins week. powders are the greatest PLICATION. menacera to *' ‘h of the present day. Local n otices 8 c en ts per lin e, each Insertion vival meetings in the Chickaliuminy Thousands of promising young men Mrs E A Morgan went to tlie life school house and several people have have their lives anil future usefulness «misa sowBss co , n . (M. saving station Sunday to remain a short been baptized. wrecked by INDISCRETION AND Florenoo, Or. Dec 10, 1898. These goods are mostly new, bought time. Christmas Cards 2‘.., 5 and 10 cents at The thermometer lias been down PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms 0 W H l l I l l ’s. J R Cleaves returned from Marshfield for the Fall and Winter trade, and will ! nearer zero recently than at any time until cured, are portrayed on the coun- Point Terrace will have a Christmas ; since Thanksgiving, 18!X>, when nearly Wednesday evening and is at woik here : tenance an 1 in tlie actions of tlie vic- he sold without reserve. It is the largest M Ï CO T O . aga i n. tree this year. everybody's potatoes froze. tint. If neglected or improperly treut- Warren Andrews was in town Wed­ stock carried for many yoars thus giv­ jt-d, other organs become affected, and Some people fear the new Greenleaf A Fine di.plny of Christinas goods at Meyer & Kyle’s. j bridge may wash out. A few days’ nesday. He reports good succss so fai­ j sooner or lalertliere are serious results. ing a great variety to select irom nt logging. ¡Our New Metliod Treatm ent will posi- The Willamette Poultry Association work hauling stones ind repairing the Buy Your Winter Supply Emmett Sharpe of Latham is expeet- ‘ tively cure these diseases. To show will he held in Eugene Dee 22:id hank at the east allotment might pay. lived ei' Mapleton next "eck to work in J MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are 23rd and 24th, Young Mr MacVay of Alpha 0----- o f ------- 0 tlie hatchery. i S liiousands of you who have committed from eastern Oregon, where he worked The W est has for sale one years’ 1 B C ushm an was a passenger on tl.e ,: offences against the laws of your na­ through the harvest season, Nov. 29tli, tuition in the Holmes Business College having a wearisome walk from Eugene R u lia rts M on d a y m o rn in g on his way to ture, and are now paying up for it. t of Portland. This is one of the leading Those weak, aching hacks, Loss of Sex­ Suu Franc-iscc. ( through the mud and high water. j business colleges on the eoast, having ual Power, Failing or lajst Vitality, John Hoffman and William Smith of This correspondence may lie old when English, Commercial, Shorthand and Umpqua River Life Saving Station were Frequent and Painful evacuations of i Telegraphic departments and we offer it readies you, and your Greenleaf news tlie Bladder accompanied by more or in Floieuce Satur iay and Sunday. may come very irregular this winter. 1 this tuition on easy terms. less smarting and tlie escape of par­ Your correspondent lives seven miles , H II Hawley of Bohemia who spent ticles of albumen in tlie urine witli And don’t forget that you can get From some cause no paper mail was from tlie post office and three and ' a c o ip le o f weeks on tidewater last I ropy sidim ent, all point to tlie decline Ranging in cloth from $1.50 up. Plush capes from $2.50 up. i received at Florence from Eugene on one-half miles from the main traveled ' summer is expected to return n e x t: of your inanhooil. There are hundreds the best goods for th e ------- — - ! Tuesday and Tlmrsday of this week. Cotton blankets at 50c, 05c, 75c, $1.00, and 81.25 per pair. road, and lie is not fond of riding in the week. who (tie of this difficulty, ignorant of M e have not learned the reason for its rain. W ool “ from $2.00 tO $8.00 per pair; m >«tly Sulrm manufacture Stella Bean goes to Ellen«hnrg. M ash. 1 tlie cause. Tlie doctors will guarantee L E A S T M O N E Y i lion-arrival. One Glcnada citizen on next week to attend school. She will If the people of that neighborhood ' a perfect cure in all such cases, and being told yesterday that no papers Calicoes at 20, 25, and 30 yds.,’ for ,81.00. N ew est'styles kor-< came to the Florence office remarked make thé mueli-talked-of easy grade lie given a farewell party tomorrow healthy restoration of tlioGeuito Urin­ Chicago L. Li. muslin 5c, Cabot W. 6c, Cabot A . 7c, w ith half over Cliickalioininy mounlaii: those on evening. ary Organs. “ Well you can help ns swear now.” Deadwood ami Lake creek sav iliey will | James Fox a member of tlie firm of j READER—Are you in trouble? -A YO R A N & SON, cent reduction by the bolt. Guard: The Frazer Iron Works are build a road bom Nelson creek up now busily engaged in building the Leaver's creek to Cliickatioiiiiny witli a i Fox Bros, machinists, of Astoria, paid a Have you been treated and never cured? The Shoe Dealers, engines, shafts ate, (or the new steamer, grade nowhere exceeding a foot to llie short visit to our city Saturday, I eiug a You dare not risk a return of tlie dis­ ease. It may appear when happy in City of Eugene. The boilers will he rod. Then that will lie the shortest, passenger on tlie Harrison. domestic life. Our New Metliod Casper Tvlden and Mr Beck who j W B S T L IN O S . shipped from St. bonis about December dryest and easiest route from head of arrived nt Point Terrace from Miune- j Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, loth. Mr Frazer states that ttie two tide to Eugene. Men’s aud Beys’ clothing at prices sola a couple of weeks ago started to consult ns confidentially. Very Ingli titles this week. engines are of a high order and will be WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) THE ISLAND BOOM- Eugene Sunday to bring in Mr Beck’s Dolls, Toys and Christinas Ornaments able to push the craft through the water that will astonish you. This is an op­ for onr interesting book. “ A Warning familv. at a lively rate. The boat now draws «1 A O Funk«'». Voice.” Sent free. Al! letters kept The new boom near Acme will tie a portunity to procure your winter sup­ Florence school closes next Thursday hut 8 inches of water and with the great benefit to our logging and lumber TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DA Y. strictly private and confidential. All iituchiiiery in will probably not sink Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Ta'deta. till after the holllduys. answers sent plain scaled envolope. plies practically for cost. Remember industries; and indirectly to the inter lower than 14 inches in the water. Christinas Goods in great variety tests of all living on the river. This All druggists refund money if it fails to No O. O. D. business. the place and call. Roseubrg Review: The largest deal i hand Boon) has heen built by the pro­ j cure. 25c The genuine lias L B Q on teeeived this week at Meyer & Kyle's. ever made in b me county was consum­ prietors of the Mason Boom and will eacli la l let. Consultation hy Mail Absolutely Free. W T Carle who was quite ill . a few mated ot Cottage Grove Friday between he managed in connection witli that. days ago was improving at last leports. C H R IS TM A S DALL- J I Jones and the Bootl -Kelly Lumber Its location is near our mills, and is W RITE TODAY. Hood’s pills are easy to lake, ea=y to Company. The compa ly purchased the ' believed to be ttie best on the river fpt There w ill l e an Xmas Ball in Flot- operate. Cure indigestion, sick head­ entire sawmill of Jon ;s, consisting of Address ’ catching and holding logs securely^ A Remember we carry a general awort- ache. sawmill, planing mill stock, six miles, of j fin sheer 960 feet in length, throws the er.ee on Friday Evening, Dec. 23rd, 1898, Dr- W-H-Saunders & Co-, - 5; In I O O F hall. ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots nnd > The band saw nt the ship yard was flume and 1330 acres of timber laud. logs from tlie Acme side of the river 69 Sproat St., Detroit, Mieli. , I Marion Morris Timning several days this week cutting The purchase price was ,70,000. The [ into the South Slough, where arrange- Music by j tV m Johnston. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent's, Ladies’ j: company has been operating the plant I inents are made for sorting out tlie drift Tickets including dance and supper ,1. irewooil. and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery nnd The street lamps for the city arrived extensively under a lease for the last and putting tlie logs on safe storage Supper at Morris hotel. LOG S W A N T E D . ground. Great care lias heen taken to Floor Manager, «the Harrison and have been placed year. F M Butterfield. Notions all reduced. This sale for build every part securely, and no ex­ (position. CLENADA NEWS. Come one, come all. I want 4,000,000 feet of old growtli fir CASH only. ■' pellee lias lice spared to piotcct the Sure dar.ee or no pay. Preparations are being m ule for a logs delivered at tlie saw-mill nt Acme interests of loggers on Hie upper river. Christmas tree in the church at Ilor- lietween now nnd May 1st 1899. Bv R eporter . M IL L IO N S OF S A LM O N . 1 li Cushman. CHURCH AFFAIRS- mce this year. The president has appointed Eldon M George Gibbs stnrted to school last There were 17 members added to the j Fish Commissioner Little of Washing­ ADM INISTRATOR'S SALE OF Brattain to be register of the land ofillc Monday. Presbyterian church in Florence last J ton lias offered tlie employes of tlie REAL PROPERTY. a. Laker e v, Ore. S E Lowe lias been sick for the past Sunday 6 of them being baptized. They Baker lake hatchery an increase of Captain Johnson's family moved to few days. salary, nmonnting to ,10 a mnntli apiece «ere of all ages from the child of ten Florence a few days ago. They are if they manage to turn out 13,500,000 N oT IC X I« H E R ’CHY « I V R X T H A T HY V IR T U E OF John E Furnish started last week for years old to tlie gray haired grand- I mi order mnde by the C ounty Court of Lane living in the lingers house. mo,tier. Rev Smick delivered a short salmon from tlie hatchery this season. County, Oregon on the 17th day of September, Eugene. That will lie 500,000 more than was IK3H. directing, RUthorlilng ami ordering in« Marion Morris has built a new porch Ed Furnish went to San Francisco on sermon after which tlie sacrament was | turned out of tlie Baird sWtfion hatchery the undertiigiied adm inistm tor, of the Estate of on the front of his house which adds administered. the Luella. on the Sacnm ento river, in California, Alfred Mason deceased to aell nt private or considerable to its npjiearanee. There have been 28 addel to tlie i B a k e r ' Duhlic sale the follow luff real estate to wit: Mrs W T Carle and children are living last year, and will entitle tlie ‘ beluiiging to said estate. Mrs llowe was aroused Monday night church at Florence thia year making tlie , in the Fisk house. lake hatchery to first rank among tlie Lots I. 2. and 3 in H jp . 7. Twp. 13 < It. 13 VV. hy a noise in her chicken house. The whole number of members 55. All oil of th e W. M. In Lane County Oregon contain­ Mrs Collis and son Frank are spend­ there except 7 have tieen receive 1 into , coast lialclieiies. next morning several of her chickens ing 1H8 »t 70-100 acres. ing a few days at Acme. To pay the outstanding c la im a against said the church by Mr Knotts, tlie others | were missing. SHIPPING NEWS. e ita ie am i the cost of ad m in istration to the W H Pepper paid a visit to tlie Cape w|10 m enhirs dp wi en lie came .1 W Carman has put a new counter highest bidder for cash. Therefore by virtue of j | aving moved awav. in fits store and is also putting up some country tlie first of Hie week to Coos I.AV , said order on, from and after the 2Hth day of Miss Mabel Moriis oi Fiddle creek Tlie series of meetings which have, 31 e tug Roharts went ' December 1H0H at one o’clock of said day I shall new shelves to make room for his tlie towing down proceed to sell at private or public Hale to the lias been visiting friends liere. | been held during tlie last two weeks ! last Friday larger stock of goods. Luelln. Tlie run from tlie wharf in highest bidder for cash in hand at the office of Arthur Johnson lias been quite sick was concluded Sunday evening. J I Butterfield, 8 J Seymour and Florence to Hint at Coos hay was made Walton A Markley In Eugene, Oregon the Rev W A Smick held services in tlie ( Marion Morris and o tle 'S have been witli tlie Grippe but is getting better. in eight hours. Tlie Roharts left Coos atmve descrilied real property to satisfy th e church at Glenada Sunday afternoon. claim s against sal I esULe, an 11 > p iy th e c o st Mr Nidi wander and family visited doinji some carpenter work in the Odd None who are engagod in any of the mechanical At tlie rongiegalional meeting held for Ymptina tin- same evening and re­ of adm inistration. witli friends on tlie lakes over Sunday. Fellows hall this week. Date«l at Eugene, Oregon th is 10th d'iy of Monday afternoon it was voted to retain turned to the Siuslaw Sunday morning pursuit« can succeed without reading and Mr Miles who lately came in from the Rev I G Knotts as pastor for Hie com­ witli a load of supplies fur our November, UJW. 0a Sunday the 4th inst. Matt Johr- John A. M bkoii , merchants. *n valley lias moved his family to a ranch wn was held up and rrddved of ,25 studying this staudurd Magazine of Sciences ing year. Adm inistrator. cash bv two masked men about tli ree on Fiddle creek. Revs Knotts and Smick are conduct- , Slie depaiteil again Monday morning and mechanical Arts. It i« illustrated with miles southeast of Bandon. Mrs Brewster and children are recent ing a series of meetings a l Point Terrace for a trip to Alsea, Gardiner and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Y a q n in a . Oscar Karlstroni one of tlie early set- j additions to Glenada; they are living in and Mapleton this week. all modern cuts of latest inventions in all Ttie steamer Hariisnn of Astoria, I tiers of the lower Siuslaw valley, but the Colter house in tlie suburbs. Land Otllc ■ nt tt-wet-iirq, Oregon. HO W 'S THIS? 1 Capt Hoove., came in Saturday morning the branches of mechanism, and its fund of I ’lin for several years past lias resided in c -mberS, ISTB. Gard Huston and George Redman ! I,ringing a cargo of goods. She left N oltce 1 - hereby atven Hist the folliovoiK- We offer One Hundred Dollars lin Washington, is visiting old friends at came in'front tlie valley a short time knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ Sunday morning witii a load of canned named neuter has fit«-«! n o t i c e o f lit- Intention I Point Terrace. Reward for any case of Catarrh that i ago to atlend school here this winter. salmon. Tlie Chinamen wl.o worked in to make f i l i a l proui In s-ipp -ft of fit- elntm amt ventors and mechanics. 'Sold witli T ub It. H o l­ Rev Mr Smick of Albany delivered a cannot lie cured hy Hall’s Catarrh Cure. tlie cannery took pas-age on her to that nai-1 proof w ill he made la-fon- 1 I, Page m erchant of Eugene and den I'. ». C-nninlnnloner nt Ft,wunce. Oregon, F J Cheney A Co., Toledo Ohio. A Bond farmer of Irving have been J very interesting sermon in tlie church W est at clubbing rate«. Astoria. on January '.’1. t"M. vl«: Jerry A. ¡.eiMg, on We, the uiiihrsigned, have known jftswn hr trial jurors in flic United last Sunday afternoon. We hope tlie h. e. no. (¡971, for the lot 2 nnd nc'4 neQ , see. THE TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE. ba in- F J Cheney for the last 15 years, and Jj; tp. 17 r 12 went; and tot 1, -ce. S3 and lot |hales circuit court for tlie term com- next time lie visits us we w con- I nee. pi; tp. 17 r 11 went. believe him perfectly honorable in a»l | formed in time to have a larger encing Jan 9, 1899. Ite nauienthe follow h i« wttiieaneiito prove A mistake crept into one item that | gregaiion and give him a better j business traiisactimis and financially Every intelligent family need« in addi­ htneoiitlito m red lenee upon and cu ltiv a tio n i able to carry out any obligations made , tion to their local paper, a good national of. -aid taint, viz: liprcnred in onr column last week. Tlie reception. O. W. Sutton, K. K. Marr, O. (1. Ilahtln and |t’pe made ns say tlie Luella carried Tlie Summit school is preparing to hy their firm. weekly. The greatest and tlie most F. .M. hath all of Florence, OrcKoti. 13,000 eases of canned salmon when it I give an entertainment when tlie flag West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, J. T. Uninor.s. I ; widely known general family newspaper arrives which was ordered some time ‘ Toledo, Ohio. tbnnl.t have read 5,300 eases. Thisjmontbly magazine is one of the very Kcgl-ter. Halls Ciftairh Cure is taken internally is the Toledo Weekly Blade. For thirty Success comes to those who persevere I ago; tlie citizens of Glenada will present best printed in (bis country, and is Bold I ?ou take Hood’T"Sarsaparilla faith ' the flag to Hie school. The date for the acting directly upon tlie blood and years it has been a regular visitor in mucous surfaces of tlie system. Testi­ every part of tlie union and is well NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Wlv and persistently, according to (|#te [,,r t|,„ enteitalnmei)t will be to all subscribers at rates within the monials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. flections, yon may depend upon a cure nounced soon. known in almost every one of the 70,000 ___ Laud O.Uce at Ro-cbursr, Oregon. Sold by all Druggists. ability o f all to pay. It is finely illus |*li»n a cure is possible. S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . November tr>, IMS. postoffices in the country. It is edited Halls Family Pills are tlie best. Ttis people of Glenada complain that N otice In hrrel-y riven th at th e f-dlnwiiia-nnm ed trated and presents tbe names of famous witli reference Io a national circulation. , neuter han flltsl notice of her Intention to make t have not received thoir newspapers Florence—Sunday school 10 a »’ • Kn ! final proof fa support of her claim , and that It is a republican pajier, but people of authors as contributors. l u g W est Ptlarly of late and for a week or two deavor meeting 2.30 P m ; no preaching. NOTICE. j raid proof w ill tw made la-fore Joel Ware, V. H. all politics take it, because of its honesty ('ouiiiii-nioner at E ugene. Oregon, on peeem tar pre not received Itardlv any, hut are Point Terrace— preaching2 pm- and the Cosmopolitan are Bold at re­ Conrad, w idow of puhle to tell who is to blame for it. ami fairness in tlie discussion of all :;l, 18». viz: Nancy Mapleton—preaching 10:33 a ... a n d . I wish to inform my friends and , Andrew J. Conrad, decenncd, -in h. e. no. TJSP, iisfer: A California firm is eon- duced rates at this office. I public questions. It is the favorite j for the -w nee. 22, tp. la n., r. 8 west. Hie pnhlic generally, that on or ¡ting quite an industry in fruit drying I G K notts , pastor. 1 Hhe n a m e -th e f.d low ln a wltnenw-s to prove family paper, witli something for every aliout the 16th of Nov., 1 will open Hhis city. They have leased flic large i her contin uous residence upon an d cu ltiv a tio n ' meml-er of the household. Serial storie«, i : of, said land, viz: a Bassar here at iny residence for tNTHF FIRST DEGREE. 'owned by tlie Eugene Canning A Ladies and Children. Made tip poetry, wit ami humor; tlie household I | Isaac M. Francis. James Ifon te and W illiam I M ing Co, and are operating it to its j T Bailey of Kusene, Ore., and Joseph Aubel of j Clothing of all Kinds. A goo-1 sup- rapacity. They employ about 59 department, (best in tlie world.) Young J Olentena, Or -g zu. ary in the case of At Dallas, Or. The jurj ply kept on lian-l, and orders filled z J T Br.ir-ozs, *fls drving apples. folks, Sun-lay school leism-.s. Talmage’s Wm G Magers retnrne-1 a verdict on siiort Notice. Call In and learn Register. ”"n: i'h» Coos hay creamery ,* Sunday morning finding the defe.td.nt sermons, tlie farmstead, tlie question I 'arriving upwards of two tons of milk "We do not taks possession of onr Hows but are ponoseol by them guilty oi murder in Hie first degree. ? M bs . J R S tilbs , Toint Terrace, Or. / bnrenu, (which answers questions for A cnVR HOMCîTOW« WkMTRO RVRRYWHBWE hailysnd Manager McIntosh informs us A for “The Rtory of tbe Phllippliieii” by Mnntf Magers is accse-l of murder.ng R . x They master us and force us Into the arena, Nov. l.t, 1898. 7 sulisciila-rs,) tlie news of tlie weea in Halatead. r<»mml-8i »tied by Ihn (it»\em tuent » m I ”'»t fie intends to keep tiling’ >" '’I*™' Sink and sinking the body hi the M il- < • »ffirlnl III-«torin» V» th e Wnr Dcpnrtinviit. The Whore like gladiators, we must fljht for them.” complete form, and other special feat­ t.H ilw « . written In array comp« at 8« i Fran »11 winter. This lie will >1” » 'lie umette river and loading it down with _ _ _ ----- tha h-wpitaii- ’nT ,H»»ii” i1 iii,.i.*lu* application, and if you will send us a IN>nt camp« with Afftiinaldo, on the deck tlie purely « ireiinistan'inl._____ ■ ■ ■ entire contents of this monthly magazine O lvm pU w ith Dewey, *n at each deliver-'. Tlie Douglas county court house was list ol a-l-lressfs, we will mail a copy Io ta ttle at the N il of M hii II m . Honanza f*»r mre.it«. APPO INTED PO STM A STER . fottsgc G rn.e Messenger: 9 |;.oagcr Hrlniful o f oritfliiMl picture« taken by woy^rn* are upon, a plane and in keeping with ite l»adly damaged by fire last week. »t. Ixtrrfe b»M«k. each. Only ft a year. If you wish to ineut ph<»t<BTWY f f t '- omn iw in (lames. . women, and their thoughts are worthy the tminers wlm have heen working a-lherent of Mitchell. tlii» Ktute to mannire nur b u d n c'« In th eir ow n Judge Hamilton i’ the heaves tri­ mid nearby countU»«. It 1« m ain ly work The Guard speaking ot O|C #PT° 11 dividual loaer a large part of llili V O U M U ST ha-, e pure blootl for ennducte«! - m U wnmtiwr nre left out <>• emp oy a t hom e. Halarv «trai/h t fO-M, a consideration ot ad people. The Arena' is B good lie. 1th. II- hm F* S.irsupftrilla yeer and exptiWNB—deflnile, ooiiP« saparilla if you wuu’d BC W E L L . 1 E. Hero, Pre»t., Dcpt. M, C hkayo. in gold wi He »he • year, sgoand was insured for $1«.»». Wo'.tlsoT mdmbtdly 1* a place in power. W.H. WEATIIERSON Baking Powder Safeguards the food against alum* KJ' Lost Mantieni B n « . EUGENE BOOTS and shoes ★ 1 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CAPES JDSMN ★ A ★ Hail Orders Promptly Filled at SaiHe Price as if You Bought in Person. t J. H. McCLUNG, S c ie n tific A m e rica n . THE EDSMnPnLITAN, THE ARENA I1'1*' I1*