T H E W E S T . CLOSE OF THE WAR. WASHINGTON LETTER. I (or Washington botti keepers, tiiis ' j g winter, ned it may be that some io- F ltO J I O IT . B J X T L A H O o S H E S P O N D E N T . —e o a u u fc o c is s y prida « uonai.M.,— i The final winding wp of the war will peeuoiotia «tates^eo who will l«e drop- I be accomplish«! when the treaty of ped from Uncle Sani'a pay roll at the —»T— | peace is signed, which will 1»! very soon. W ash , Dec. 5th, 1898. close of the present congr ess, will also The importance of the subject d e a lt; handle some of the Panania Canal F lobbncb , L ane C ocntt , O beoon The Globe Democrat says: I Spain will sign tiie treaty E ierj with is ample excuse fur the unusual Company's money, which it is under- demand of the United States is conceed' iengtli of President McKinley’s annual stood will be liberally spent to block L-r e«l. The protocol stands exactly ns message to congress, the greater portion Nicaragua canal legislation. The house W. H. WKATIIERSON CONTROL THE COMMERCE OF PACIFIC. _____ jh e raeonia Ledger: The annual rejiort of the eomimssion- vr of navigation is an interesting and valuable document—unusually so at this time, when the question cf build ing up our American merchant marine Tire body; senate io is | ¡»connected with and ovwu«««... secondary I written. ■ I »• Philippines are ours, of which is alaiut the war, » the events is the W » doubtful UW IJ , the » •»«? cvnint. g CUI1IIVl.lCU HHII j only f Their control, disposition and form of lending up to it, connected with and known to Ire overwhelmingly favorable ,0 that of the future policy regard». government have been determined and following it, up to the acceptance of to the construction of the Nicaragua the Philippines. will lie American. Porto Rico is a part our terms of peace. Too general tone canal by this government. There are Commissioner Chamberlain shows by j Florence, Or. Dec. 1G, 189$. of our territory, and Cuba is entirely of the message is highly com mended ; signs that the administrât ion will use (act» and figures how the commercial j released from Spanish sovereignty and also the handling of the more or less i its influence njaii the house in favor of marine of Great Britain, France and T he B boadaxe lias taken up its claim. Thus ends the war of 1898 with delicate question connected with our canal legislation. i Germany, which has increased so rapid­ former course of finding fault with the supreme triumph on the field of battle ' acquirement of the Philippines. It ly and which lias been a prominent officials of this county without apparent-' and in the treaty negotiations. The irte írom rancor and 'oniiinst, al- Parsnip Complexion. factor in tiie increased trade of those j ly much regard whether its complaints I power of the people of the United States though fully re ognixing the un prece­ nations, lias been built U'i by subsidies. are just or not. In the Inst issue Sheriff in a righteous cause lias again been den ted achieveinents of the i-otinlry ¡ti ft does « not an i expert x i’ ;» i l a a » « J t u v i require t 'iu iic m I I t to u detect Wliilv the United States paid last H ith e r , and Assessor Burton were shown to the world, and more im press-i the wa with Spain. I,« dominant note the «e fiere r from kidney trouble * wy " ........ ....................— I " • " c c i n o n » a iu iic y “ ir o u u ie . The year only $10,000 for this puriiose, Great , --»» N i f i trie«« I A n i saas u ta *i • 11 «• n llr x .le T l.o .....I.. ........ „ r. singled not especially for attack. The ively than ever. It was no party U patrio ism of t ie highest o r d e r - p s t - , hollow checks, the sunken eyes, the Britain paid in subsidies to steamboat I ¡road a xo claims that the expenses of J faction that forced the war. The people rutliuitt ciinli as every go _ d i Anieiican a - < . . 1 * A£< »1 ' riotisui such * lark, puffy circles under tiie eyes, the j lines to the east coast of Asia alone n tlio county assessor’s ofliee ure altogeth- decreed if. Their indignant sentiment feels, egardless i f p oitical affiliation sallow parsnip-colored complexion indi­ ■ illion and a quarter dollars, and _»r too great and says: “ The assessor of swept over all barriers. They asked and can endorse. If the sentim ent in cates it. Germany five and a half million marks, this county ;» allowed by law $3 per day, - that the reign of atrocity in Cuba lie cougre-s is representative of that of the A physician would ask if you had anil lias from the first of April to the ended and united in all the sta tes,1 country, and it usually is, the message ■ rheumatism, dull pain or aelie in the ft is no wonder, as tiie commissioner says, tiiat tiie growing trade of the first of September in which to do the pressed forward to fill tiie requirements will be generally commended back over the hi|>s, stomach trouble, de- Pacific is rapidly slipping away from us, work and in case the court think» beet i of the government. On April 23rd war H'liile the legislation of the session o f ; Slre ,,rir>site often, or a burning or "because we have deluded ourselves in­ it may extend the time until the first, was declared : On May 1st Dewey won congress, which opened today, wil have ««»‘»«V P »«ing it; if after passing day of October, thus giving the assessor marvelous victory in Manila bay; on little direct connection w ith 'th e new ly ! “ *ere i . an unsatisfied feeling as if it must to the belief that the Pacific trade will seven month« or 163 days in which to 1 July 3rd the Oervera fleet was destroy- acquired territory of the country, sever- be at o«™ repeated, or if the urine has become ours without taking ordinary precautions to meet competition,” perform tl.o work.” The assessor is c d ; before tl.e month was out Santiago ! »1 of tl.e regular appropriation hills no- ; a bri«k dust deposit or strong odor. The British government pays $3.10 rllowed from April 1st to September 1st surrendered with 21,000 m en; on August tahly those for tl.e army and for the ! W lien these symptoms are present, no , per nautical mile to the Canadian Puci- to complete tiie work of calling upon 12th the protocol was signed, and on , navy, as well as the hili for the increase ,lnle should lie lost in removing the fie gieamsliip company the residents of the county and obtain- November 28th the Spanish peace co m -; of the regular army, will furnish* texts cause. Tbe commissioner urges a relaxation iog from them a list of their property missioners assented . . . the treaty proposed, for many speeches on that subject, .and Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of of our registry laws to meet the present That however is by no means all the The war lasted 219 days, few days the talk of senators and representatives lbe Gladder, inflammation, causing stop- ¿olldiviong ¡n , the Pacific—this upon the or li tuts io do in a year ns several ¡ beyond seven months. assessor indicates an intention to lake full' ad- i Pa«e . and sometimes requiring the draw-! i . . . . . 8»'ne ba8i8 »I1011 which tiie Paris andI months are necessarily consumed in ; It has been a year of desiiny with the vantage of those texts . . . . i , ------ ------- Consequently ln8 Gm urine witli instruments, or v-wi. i i . . . . • 1 writing out the assessment rolls alone great republic. The clash of arms n r n ,a i , t „ . » ,, ' o • , r,- , " *ork Mere admitted, that Auieri- b 1 ’ '"'■‘-'»»"O'lirnifl car- the debates of the present session are 1 ,nay run 'Mo Bright’s Disease, the most can vessels be built equal to those to say nothing of the other work be- ried our flag to victory on opposite sides expected to be unusually lively and in- dangerous stage of kidney trouble, admitted. longing to that office. Mr Burton is an j of the world. Much happened that was ! teresting. Dr Kilm er’s Swamp-Root, the great If the United States coasting régula- [ efficient officer mid has placed on not foreseen. It is always so in war, for There is a disposition among piombi j discovery of the eminent kidney and tions are applied to commerce between ! the assessment rolls much property "war legislates.’’ Our fleet struck the ' ' ent republican senators to tight shy of I la d d e r specialist, is a positive remedy tb is country and the Philippines, as it that liad previously eacapeil taxation enemy wherever lie could be found and committing themselves cither for or I for such disease. Its reputation is will be to that of Hawaii and Porto! and the Broaduxe is unreasonable ill our soldiers fought under tropical storms world-wide and it is so against holding an early spring extra is Rico, mudi will be gained. What Com- f asking him or any other man to do the I in tiie trendies of Santiago and Manila, session of c ngress, to consider financial easy to get at any drug store that no miesioner Chamberlain says of tiie trade ( work of that olfice in any such length of separated l.y half the circumference of ! legislation, regardless of whether failure one need suffer any iengtli of time for time. It the editor of the Broudaxe j the world. Their valor led invarablv of Hawaii applies equally to the Philip­ *i . . j j of the pre.- f nt suasion to pass all the i want of it. II) Dress Goods and Dress Full line of Lt d os, Geuts pines. should attempt to do all the work o f ; to the same result. Wo lost many he-! However, if you prefer to first test its legislation actually necessary makes an Almost the entire value of the annex­ the assessor of banc county for the roes by bullets, but, not ono prnoner Trimming, cau bo found and Children’s underwear. | exira session imperative. Senator Alli- wonderful merit«, mention T he W est t ation of Hawaii to tiie developement of entire year according to law between nor a (lag. We never gave an incli of Serges, Cashmeres, Henrietta, J In Fancy Articles can be i son was asked plainly whether lie was j and write to Dr Kilmer & Co., Bing- j American navigation in the Pacific is in- April 1st and Octo'ier 1st wo venture to ground. From first to last it wns a war in favor of an extra session to consider bamton* Y for a sample bottle telling Ladies Cloth, Suitings Water- found Fascinators, Child’s s I ! volved in treating the islands as an ex­ say lie would stretch the time even in which only the work "forward” was financial legislation, but he adroitly i 1,11 aboul *l> 1,0111 su,lt absolutely free by tension of our boundaries, bringing us more than he did in saying there are heard. The armies of the enemies e n - ! declined Proofs’ * Hoods, Bootees, to commit him self and mail. Wittens, í ; from 1,500 »o 2,000 miles nearer the seven months of time between those counlered were as large as our own lin t ! , - ’ answered the question by sa y in g: "The I Trimmings to match in RUCHINGS, the latest, Bob- dates. markets of Asia and Australia, the indomitable American spirit drove i . . president must decide whether or not CANADA’S TRADE WITH THE UNITED Equal in importance to the Nicaragua ; | Gimps, Velvets, Silks, Satins then from intrenched positions and binet, Hosiery, Inrini YTrsuLk*««r 7 Ladies qjjd S aid an em inent divine: Your pa- STATES. the new congress shall s|>eedily assem­ canal, this subject should receive early j compelled them to suFFender. This is j>er telle you when to go to church, to ble; we have nothing to do with the . congress, . ... .....- . * ETC., in all Shades. Gents’ Neckwear ETC. attention by and some .... action the record that will go into history of county court and probate court and question.” He wns also avers«* to e x ­ Xew York "Commercial Advertiser:" taken to secure the carrying of Ameri- ! tlio rising of a great nation to rescue a when to send your children to school. pressing an opinion, saying when asked ' Onmida’s preferential tariff is not i ' l l 11 t l A Ik lftM i . . . . . . can goods I in American vessels, and « the | ncighlairing people from exterm ination. It tells you who is marriu I nod who is to do so: "So many tilings may happen working exactly to the satisfaction of ! building of a merchant marine for that Spain would not free its colonies on «lead, who is born, and many oilier in tiie next three months that a predie- | its ingenious framers. The intention purpose. j any terms nor consent to intervention things you would like to know. It calls tion nt this time regarding an extra of this law was to encourage imports ! in their behalf. It prefered war to giv- attention to the public enterprise and session must be nccissarily bused upon | from Greut Britain at the expense of A F AND A M ELECTION. ing oilier- t|le n Ulere8t . speculation , . i imports from the United States, but it . freedom . to Cuba by j sale »«c or umcr mlvocatc the bust schools, of law and j wise, rhe island accordingly has been seems to operate pretty much the oilier order in town. It records the tnarriggc Secretary Alger says, in his annual At their meeting last Saturday even­ wrested from it and it must part also ; way. During August last, the first of your daughter, the death of your son ing tiie Masonic Lodge of Florence1 report, in favor of bis recommendation with its main possessions in the Pacific. month that the full 25 per cent, prefer elected the following officers to serve for 1 and tiie illness of your wife freeof charge. that it be provided in tiie legislation for If this is hard the choice between pence ential rate took effect, the total value lbe coming year: It ecte forth the advantage and attrac­ increasing the regular army t> 103,000 and war was made by Spain itself and E W Cobh, \V M ; R B Mills, S W • j of principal articles exported to Canada tion of your town and Invites immigra­ men, that natives of islands occupied by Tl.os Steear, J VV; J I Butterfield, Sec ;' it well knows the limits of defeat are not from Great Britain was les9 than in tion, and is first to welcome new our troops may be en listed : “These set by the looser. In all the new and August, 1896, before any preferential T r u ^ J -'o e o B Camp'“» D ^ J ^ A " m "-’ comers. Yet in spite of all these and men are acclimated, understand the unautieipited questions involved th e, rate was established; while tiie exports I.eod, J D; A Brund and \V \ Cox nutnerois other lienefits, some people language and habits of their country­ United Suites has risen to tlio occasion. ! from the United States into Canada 8,ewnrds; S J Brund, Tyler. ° X’ ■ay heme papers are not half as good I men, and their enlistm ent will not only j It lias lived up to Dewey’s victory and ' The regular installation of officers were 25 per cent greater than in Au­ aa eity paper«, that they have no in-1 to a rightful future share in the coin- i give them employment, but also have gust two years ago. More significant will be held on Tuesday Dec. 27th. terest in their business or success. I the tendency io enable the government jn e n e of the Pacific. The islands still, the increase in exports from this The borne ps|«*rs are like the home I to get into closer touch with their peo­ T he editor of the j taken from Spain were in any case lost country was, in many cases, in inanu- Newport, (Vt.) church—to often neglected by those ple than it would otherwise be able to Standard” is a pronounced sceptic on to that country. They would have been faetured goods. It only illustrates who are benefited by it. ! sold or otherwise transferee! to European j do. Tiiis would also relieve ( our own anew that the flow of foreign trade the hatchery question, and lie does not ! men Iro n to n in g in those climates to a something Canada eniinot control with- liesllate 10 8Pc«k up in meeting, p. low ers if we had released them. Our j T ub P ai ' itc Lumber Trade Journal, large extent, and [would, Ifmoreover, demand for their possession was wholly out seriously injuring her own people. tiral experience I,as demonstrated, bow- an authority on lumbering says1. " T h e enable the volunteers to be mustered logical, and, in fact, a necessity >of the Canadians will buy foreign goods and ever that the artifieal propagation of prospects for next year in the Inmlier out of service and return to the avoca­ 1 situation. The great majority of the products where they can obtain them fish lias been successful. Nature lias trade of the Pacific coast never looked ' iieople approve of it and time will show tions of civil life.” That last sentence cheapest, and in production of many of " Ot n' i,Je 9uel' Provi8ion for the c brighter than they do at tiiis writing. will do more to hurry army legislation such things tiie United States has an 1,10 youn8 fish l,|at more than 5 are of that they were well placed w hen they fell 5 to 10 Copious rains have fallen in California, than any other one tiling. Every sena­ ■ into tlio ban la of the nearest enlighten- advantage more than equivalent to the CC"1 oi a fc’iven natural brood can assuring a lioiiiiteous crop of cereals; fir tor and representative is besieged witli 9- 15 per cent, advantage in duties Canada l>e 8aVed’ wlierea8 it has been shown 1 cd government. Great consequences priers have advanced in San Francisco; i requests to get this or that regiment of gives British imports. Tiiis advantage n?POf’te,1|y that at least 75 per cent of will flow from our just an.l triumphant the redwood men are obtaining better volunteers mustered out, and they all will grow greater ns the United States l,l08e having artificial war with Spain. All honor to the p c o -' care are preser- returns for their Imnlier than formerly j pie, the administration, the army and know that no considerable number of improves in industrial organization and ve,)— F’iiAi'nj; Gasetle. and storks of lunihe.* of nearly all kinds the volunteers will I k * ordered mustered the navy. better utilizes its natural resources. —--------- are from 25 to 33 per cent, lower than out until congress provides for the en ­ ------------------------- | S ome free silver papers are claim- ono year ago. With all these good listm ent of regulars to take their THE TREATY SIGNED T ‘' T ',a9 gained vi“ <>ry T hu C obvaujs O azbttk savs the THE TREAITY SIGNED. from the decision of a Michigan court things t' e mill men of northern Califor­ pla«*es. It is Iwlieved that this peculiar school 'aw should lie so amended that nia ai d tl e Pacific m rdiweat and the situation will keep men quiet who other­ P R O P R IF T C » The war I a*tween Spain and tiie U nit- We do not ° H f " l on waa iced lemonade. My .trength w „ country if it dared to make war on customary at tiie close of war between *11 gone. I was ao weak I could hardly atte upt at ilnlging now as you were *’•' bebl r,'8l'onail>le lor the transactions two nations to send the former minister croaa the floor. At last I w a. taken very before your rest of the last two years, ol the year. If the time of beginning I Spain, w hich were a long ways from what actually did happen; Ihetefore his to represent ono country nt the capital 8*ck One physician told me m , blood A TERM of school should be el .iS«*«l Hood a barsaparill. until I had used tZ •ai, l«l I I I , I,.rim i to the W«r l>« p«rinieiii. Tlo* the present arrangement. The treasur­ arrangements at once for tlio entire >>>ok * b° t,leX 11 h*’ don<‘ un"t**kable Wii, w ritten In arm y campa at «an Emu- with some kin«! of dt-nioustration. All «ood to me and I w i,h all my sufterina m u . on iha HaeiSe w ith tlenrn>l M e n iti, lu er is the custodian of tlio county funds summer, ¡he WOrl< I’"’-'«’ " ’ ‘« « r J « sort of climax sisters would try it.” Mas. A EvFnar J OA|- E OR exchange W e d d e r b u r n .l^ n . “ TO OUR PATRONS and should be the collector. » . ' " m H a m i ^ m i n i c . m h a r ' ¡i;;: the Kh001 not Teach«* rs en­ W i x i ; n - n e n i i . Tai - r w o n r m ri:a«u«., is ......... i — .. ... . A hooae and lot t i l l , , l « l e i o inaiiaac our Im a liip ., m ih m own '«aule , at Manila, Honanra for asema joy best eu iiess wl.o work to a final , the , fa . ll . o l —r---- • -------- in G ím ala. The Hin! Iiearh« eeiiiiile». I l I , m u I n ly nfltec » m k u H i i n f i l l o f iirlalu a l piet ure, taken by anvrn« We h s re made arrangements hy house i» ¡o bT 21 fept T ue rvai.ic echo >ls of Eugene have I eiuiilu *ted at hume «alary - i r a l u h l p a n a H l 'III l.hi «l.kaaoal.h.»» .... . . noi"! « l c r e in e h .il culm inate t l , . b « t „ u s . ^ , „ ^ tbe »nJ one atopy rnd v aa ra m l expenaea -le fln ile . hnnaKile. no ni.ire which co un n«et Isruing a m onthly magszinc no la « saler«. M onthly f ; a Iti letvii«-«, Kn U i X ^ A f c * half in )i. ¡uht. “* * • ’ of t , e P -P i''. teacher, patrons fo «» dm «ta. Pr,w „ Also i eood woodabed Orego, « « will furnish the Weekly i'lum* self adiln">a»,l ,|aniiH«i eni elope. Herb, MtlleJ tl.e Eugene Tubile Mciiiw! News. g n i P i v » i . Pepi, af, i h lc a s u . *> °n pre , ¡W i por ¡»n with thp W rat for ons vest liuumuce » a« , chicaso. ,tn«l all con cern ed .-.’? 5 Juunial, furthyc Rrticnlar ’o any address for the sum of fwo do! Hood's P ilb '" W éc „ oS„ , ‘»rs, payable cash ia aJvauce. E d ito r and P roprietor. * * * IS NOW KILLED With Seasonable Goods, and as usual of first class quality. “OUR AIM:’’ to Sell l a u c * i First Class Articles at Most Reasonable PRICES. We carry no shop-worn, or Auction Goods of any kind. Some of the latest arrivals are Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Oiled Clothing and Rubber Goods, Hardware, Crockery and Glassware, Dry Goods, and Fancy Articles, which must be seen to be appreciated. * In fact, if there is anything you require tnat a merchant can suopiy, call on Y o u r s T ru ly - f 0. W . HURD, f C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Coods, * Groceries * and * Notions. FLORENCE MEAT M arket , ....... Ju st O p en ed ........ Goods as Reoresented. (,0. tF\i¿*. if'- P V lÄ R j 'PR£CTI(AL sörejsi V e Extremely Weak y^yaniliill ¿I \ Hood’s Sarsaparilla