^ S o c u rte « a L a a a tle . ï Escaped Death, * * * * ^ B urlsd In th e W all W here He t>l»d. la one of the uiost fashionable d is­ Kpeakiug of strange aud sad occur­ tricts of Faria a mock uiarriuge was re­ rences. uoue could be more remarkable * W «W ' cently planned for the purpose of aeenr- than the death nnd burial of Charles * iug a rather daugcroos lunatic. An a t­ Carter, n well kuown farmer residing * tract i ye youug person uaiued Mile. De- near Russell. He was cleaning out uu laptuuie was sitting iu her bondoir the old well when the quicksand suddenly * other day iu a house situated in a caved in on him, leaving only his head * tip street off the Boulevard St. Germain. and chest exposed. When the alarm * Suddenly a ring camo to the door, aud was given, hundreds of people assem­ * oue of her servant*, having opened it, bled aud went heroically to work to ushered iu a well dressed uiau looking eave their neighbor. It was found that like a superior sort of valet. He told botbiDg could be done toward removing Mile. Delaplume that he had a letter the Baud about Carter's body, so n par­ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * from one of per frieuda, a countess, and allel well was dug nr 1 a tunnel run / V oto ih t EnUrpri—, MapUton, Minn. an the young womau put her baud out from it into the old we J, but even then They brought him into town, and all Ta escape death after hein Seing Riven J. op by tor« prvjeut riam lned me for two hour«, then to receive the m issive the stranger A WINTRY LANDSCAPE. the body could uot bo removed so close­ tfbur doctor», . , and bidden „ good-bye bye to family they retired and oaneulted lor the same length they could get out o ’ him was a striug seized her fingers, pressed them to hia and friend», is in ex|>erience uot granted o f tiuie. They concluded that they did not ly was it grus|ied by the sands. It was „• thc a ----- «lest, foolishest words yon lip*. aud then, sinking ou hia kneea, • very n»>m. Yet it happened to Sir. Le Roy know what ailed me. The head physician found that a rope attached below Car­ Not summer’s «elf was ever half »0 fair Causes fully half the sickness In th. madn a passionate declaration of love Bowen, <>f Deeoria townellip, Blue Earth Co., naked neraiieeioii to *c»it,*«« lie expresaed As this whits winter wrapped la ermlns ever neard of. He didn’t suy much else ter’s arms would pull the laxly into retains the digested food too long in the C 1 Minn. it, ‘ Mini find out.* I axk«1 how hig a place and offered to marry her. fleece, for a good many years afterward— paits without withdrawing its covered A royul «ilenco brooding everywhere and produces biliousness, torpid liverJ Mr. Bowen is a farmer, hut formerly re lie wauled to cut. l i e mtitl ‘ he thought four Mile. Delaplume saw by the man’s aided iu Mapleton, whore he was clerk and Inches far enough.* 1 did not want any such And all Ihe world a voiceless dreaw of peooe. yonster sit around the town hero and portion, aud tiiat method had to be eyes that ho was dangerously mad. and, get it off to himself. Went somethin Mty n ia rih ill for a number of year«, l ie it hidc-and-acek game playixl with me, «0 I he abandoned. Carter was conscious aud Amber and opal, faintest pearl and roee, • well-knoAn member of the Masonic fro* operation did not occur. 1 continued under fearful of a tragedy, she accepted hia liko this: •arnity and is of sterling honesty and up« the doctor’« care, but my (M e wax con­ offer w ith apparent calmness Then she talked w ith his rescuers, but at the end Orange and purple in the sunset sky; •• ‘Changed all the trees in the Rut- rlghtnesa of character. of 08 hours he died. By this time an In fiery hues Ihe wide west flames und glows. sidered liopele»». 1 mudc my w ill, bslan ed Ilia story ia o f the greatest interest. l i e my accutmla uud made every preparation for iuvited the strange visitor to the may­ enormous crowd had gathered, aud ull Nor fades till stars are shining out on high. tlesnaki*—uioverl ’em and mixed j i i i ull anirf: or's office in order to have the nuptial gestiun, had taste, coated death. sorts of plans were suggested for recov­ O’er steel blue lakes the theen 1» bright like up. Might ’a' beeuudreum, hut I don't tongue, sick headache. In­ ‘•Ijr a s suddenly taken sick in the spring “ Day after day s t u passed iu iolenao knot tied Tho man accompanied her think so. Ask Bill—he knows. Put a ering the body, but finally it was de­ • f 18115. The doctor was summoned. He pro­ agony. mull, Ae a lust resort I told my litre I with alacrity to tho establishment in somnia, etc. Hood's Pills The trees in naked beauty lift their limbs, shot in her Seen rock iu my time, but nounced my cage one of gravel and said the man Io get a box of Dr. W illiania’ Pink termined to make the well the dead constl|iatlon and all Its un was caused by the passage of u »tone Pilla for Pale People. 1 had read consider, question, where a secretary, informed man's tomb, and it was filled up after la e wind is hushed that erst did sob and wail— uo rock like that. Bill, d —d old fool, cure rea,1|ti ,COS|iyandnIorough|^ ~ Softer its tones than mother s cradle hymns. gits scared, und wo ktvered her up to om the k idney? to the bladder. I doctored able ultout them and thought I would try of tho real stato of affairs, pretended to by c , H(kmJ &y with him for three mouths, hut was not liene* them. Im mediately after beginning the use read the civil marriage regulations religious services had been held upon » X. . T a ; !.. ... a sirs lin t. . . PlUa . . . . to . . take . '• M»«s The ouly with Hoo«i’i Bt range, silent winter, fair beyond belief, come , hack ta Didn’t V.I. blazo uo tree, but hted. Oace a week I would have a bad spell o f these pills I commenced io le d heller and The mock bridegroom was then taken its briuk. The well was 48 feet deep, White robed and fair and dreamy as the night, my old knife’s stickiu ou tho moss side o f two or three days duration, during which in two wte ks 1 was out of heil anil around, and perhaps no other Kansan ever fouud Forgetting pain and care and joy and grief. by a detective to tho police depot under - —.Asuffo.’ed untold agony. thanks Io Dr. W illiam s' Pink P ills for Pole Creeps solemnly apace and shroud» the light. o’ that tree. Might ’a ’ been a dream. "’’F ilia lly I went to Mankato and consulted People.*’ A r t o f M a k in g a M u s ta rd PlasUr. tho delusion that he was bound for a quite so strange a burial place.—Kan­ —Harper's Bazar. sas City Journal. Ask Bill. ’ • •peciallst. Ho stated that I di«!> on to a day there. When sary in w alking is generally entertain­ they miners vanced for the curt" of the finger nail the agent brongiit iu for publication. I had suddenly pounced on the poor lay nature aud forced it to deliver its treas­ he'd come back, he'd be worso tuk than ed, and it lias been a surprise to Euro­ lie happened to have an engagement iu ever and go moonin around and sayiu biting liubit, including the placing of robber that they discovered the joke. ure. pean physicians to learn that ampata- a t e those words: ‘Changed ail tho trees in j injurious and bitter compositions on tho Now Jersey ou that fateful day and But all thnt was long ago and is only tion of all the lesser toes of both fed The Canto o f Laughter. tho Rattlesnake— moved ’em and mixed i lids of the fingers, but none of the rem- never has been seen sinco. Contracts a pleasant memory with the little town has been follow ed by complete recovery supposed to he worth <10.000 wero not | ! edies amounts to much. Bain snggestH tho explanation that now. aud to the stranger’s not unnatu­ 'em all up. Might a-bcen a dreum, but and the restoration to usefulness of both worth a cent. The magazine died.— I don't think so.' | The only way to stop biting tho fin­ laughter is provoked by what he calls a ral inquiry as to how the people support- the feet operated upon. The feet healed ger nails is to stop. The Americans are New York Press. “ ’Bout this time his little gran'son degradation, meaning thnt we laugh ed themselves came the cheerful and slow ly after the operation, but very next to the French iu the finger nail was grow in up, and Nuggets began for when we all at onco perceive something cannibalistic reply that they "lived on I u • B u d d h is t N u n n e r y . Greatest Weeily in the Country, biting habit, probably because the to take him along with him in his trips steadily aud w ithout unpleasant com­ degrading, a trickery, a weakness or u Sir Charles Gordon's "Recollections pettiness in some person or object which ono another. ’’ Americans, as a whole, are an exceed­ to theennyon. Mrs Hittel, she objected plications. The operation was perform­ The stranger sat on a box outside one ingly nervous people. A man who ac- j of Thirty-nine Years In tho A rm y” we respect, us when the infirmities of at first, but when she seen the boy liked ed, and in a little more than a year and of the stores beside oue of the citizens complislies his determination to knock contains this anecdote: “ In I860, at human nature disclose themselves iu a to go and her father was dead sot on a half the patient danced all night and and soon fouud himself listening to a «Including postage) to any p a rt of tha U n ited off biting his finger nails may, by in ­ Tien tsin, tne two Gordons, when seek­ person of importance or when some bavin him with him she didn’t make no experienced no incouvenienco whatever fUatna, C anada and M exico. monologue offered for his entertain- ! cessant manicuring, get them to look ' ing for hospital sites, came across a trivial affair occurs in a solemn cere­ more objections Tho boy used to say on nccount of having only one toe on T H E W B E K b T C IIR O N 1 C U B . the brightest fairly well w ithin a year or so, hut fin- ! Buddhist nunnery. Despite the warn­ mony to drag us down or when the ment. It would have been a dialogue be­ that while thpy was iu the canyon Nug­ each fo o t She ridea a wheel, plays ten­ and moat complete W eekly N ew apaper In tha tween them, but the entertainer would nis and enjoys every sport that girls of w orld, p rin ts re g u la rly 112 Columns, or alxteea ger nail biting, if long persisted in, j ings of oue of tho inmates, who appear­ wrong side of somo great thing or some not have it that way. An old man, with gets spent most o’ his time huntin for her ago are fond of. The cause of the pnp A Shirt and Got a W ife. Instead of “ wlio lutd written “ whom.*1 Ladismsred. | Hangtowu you know, that's what I reckon raehbe. somo o’ i t ’s— well yon «aid wheu they first saw the highland W M T h a c k « iia x During tlie civil war there was a cer­ Counsel for the Defense— Gentlemen called Placerville in them days— know, Nuggets is a Missourian ¿ id a regiments, " W e thought we had come tain young lady in Georgetown who to fight w ith men, but find devils in « * as AS A 1« a >« . W h a t I t e l j M sedod. was a great vxiiszwx place A then. Meals was «3 purty good liar himself. ’• found it iu her power to do a great deal •k a w la f the U tl i i Slates, Dominion I appeal to you to return this unfortu petticoats." and so w m beds ; whisky was four hi.i ! anHht 8man8er arose’ 8tr«’tched himself, Shortly before his death, which oc­ for tlie Confederate soldiers confined uate to his little home, where a tender, • f Canada a « I Nart'ier.v xlo i and two hits a drink, accordin as how »nd, striding up the street, encountered curred iu IStlB, Massimo d ’Azeglio, o bf t >N h: H I D E , in prison at Wasbingtou. Young, beau­ loving w ife aw aits him, where bis lit­ " T h ere is so much trouble you wan ted it, and flour was <10 for a the one legged druggist standing in ihe tiful, cultured, popular, of a wealthy staUisniHU, orator, poet, tho painter ol tle children call him father— co m in g into the world, doorway of his store. S and prominent family, she waa fre­ ’’Orlando Furiotto, ” but, above all, the Judge (interrupting)— I w ill call the email sack. Course, you know, most all •aid Lord Bolingbroke, O N T U R O T X R It H IH R . "Great story I just heard, ’ quently allowed ndiuissiou to the pris­ trusty friend and valued counselor of learned counsel's attention to tho fact supplies kem around the Horn to Frisco " a n d so much more ia said the as aw a n S « .e l « h e S l a a .< « « — is . . unmarried. b"“10*! up to Sacrameuto and team- «ranger. Victor Emmanuel, was talking to a g oin g out of it, on, whither she always tk her maid that the accused > « 'b r x n t r l . f < r O u . t e a r . that it is hardly ;;Been talking to the old pioDeer’" undismayed, continuing)— ,0 thc niiue* from 'here. Frenchman, who cougratulutod him »« » r . p a ls a n a a p s t i « r * f w , Counsel ( w ith n w elt stock««! basket of good worth while to "Pioneer? Why he’s usiuvss uiM gixxl iu California in things for the p«Mir boys behind the bar*. upon tho unification of Italy So much tbo » «MM* more unfortunate i_ is AVI. this «UMUtr.ai not a forty- «• be here *t all.’’ " Y ea,” was the reply, " w e have poor man. who has no little home, them days. Most overy oue had mouey ! inner. ” One day ns she was passing through a M. H . d a Y o r r w r » , I f a m»n and a aud it wasn t no trick to get i t T h ? p h ilo s o p h e r l’ reprlotor S F, Chronlel», ■*wt bnt1h0'8 “ forty ®'Rliter. » group of men iu the common prison she made a new Italy; uow wa must en­ where no tender, loving w ife awaits got i t The com es to _ ibis HAN > KANCiax». CAI. w deavor to make new Italians " stopped and said to them: him, where no littlo children tail him cricks and river bottoms was full o’ •«1 • . 18 le* a,,yi>ow?” c o n c lu s io n , fold, aud any oue could tuko " If there is anything you would liko father I— Fliegende Blatter. . r ------ ----' a shovel. Ham A .'T a a ffo -“1-'8 NOgge,a '“ W ib what m ust be the pnk and rocker and wash out as much Fro.tdlns •r° r »“ Kmnrfnarr. to have that I can bring yon, w on’t yon natural conclusion 1 in Argonaut. as be liked, bourse that sort o’ thing o f the thousands T lie O sod Old JokM . "W hat w ill you have?" inquired the let me know? I sliall be very glad." C T M . I 5 H . R E L IA B L E i o f s u ffe r in g •poilt tho Argonauts, as they call ’enT Wasted. waiter as Mr. Heyroob scanned the (hie man stepped forward promptly. Grier— By the way, did I ever tell A R T IS T IC -w . w om en who undergo A lad in one of the or a good many of ’em anyhow—would French bill of fare. Bowiug most courteously, he said: you that story about the end man aud untold torture in bring­ R tceaim tnJtS by L o s in g •spoilt most any one. “ W aal," ho answered, placing hit the sm all boy? ürtiam abtr» «• " If you w ill lie so kind, I should like in g their babes into the world ? Tb«y Always P |faA( ^ k "Kinder seemed to them finger over ail item, "ye kin bring me very much to have a clean shirt. " P hilosop hy o f th is kind is based npoa Frier— No, bnt several hundred other that the supply would last forever and they gross ignorance. The fact is, that there is He was a young lieutenant from some o' th at But don't goaw ny, 'cause people have told it to me. no n ecessity for the severe pangs under­ Eouisinun, one of the handsomest aud if it tastes like it looks in print I ’ll Grier— Nonsense I Nobody ever heard didn’t worry much and w m u t particu- X m u t T what misd’~ o " , : ' b h: s gone by the average wom an. If a woman ler about savin It. They was aliabout most elegant men 1 ever met, und wheu have to try somethin else." — Detroit it before yesterilny. is strong and h ea lth y in a wom anly way, f t BAZAR. alike, mid after a fellow ln»d worked that young lady looked up into bis Free Press. m otherhood m eans to her bnt little suffer Frier— Thin it isn 't worth bearing. ing. The trouble lie s in the fact th»t the S « lty . n rd| “WhUe ai“1 clea"«l up a brown eves she found it in her heart to — Boston Transcript. Mena. m ajority o f w om en suffer from weakness little pilo bo d get to tilinkin he needed give him much more than a clean shirt, and disease o f the d istin ctly fem inine or­ “ Waa that man ever a farmer?" in ­ for she married him ns soon us tho wur quired Mrs. Corutoaael. ganism and are unfitted for motherhood The average attendance nt places of relaxation, aud down he'd go to Frisco NONE BETTER AT A M PRICE aud blow in his pile. Thi This can alw ays be rem edied. Dr. P ierce’« wns over.— Philadelphia T im es HT 1 )> •• • p a tte rn « « r « «A|«| | n h « « , | r “ N o," auswered her husband ▼ery worship in England and Wales is com­ Favorite Prescription is a sure, sp eedy and "Then he’d strike the « v e ry c it y an d to w n in ih « V a li» ,! M ia tta trail puted to be between 10,000,000 and 11,- Tor the positively I f y a a r d t a le r 4o «a n o t Reap th e m e m d perm anent cure for all disorders of this goldfields for another stack Cora Bread. description. It acts directly on the deltrsTF- a ï î e ’ ,M “ • ILtmJ "But he's alw ays talkin about the 000,000 persona There is a place of chips. j A u d raaa y e u r n a a ra a t p a in t yon •nd im portant organs concerned, m aking There is no more wholesome, palata­ «b light« of liviu iu tbu country ” worship for every 600 individuals, tak­ THE (McCALL COMPANY, “ Course every ono had them healthy, strong, vigorous, virile and ing the country all through, and a stat ble aud strengthening article of food in a partner iu "Tiiat s what shows ho uovar w as a elastic. It ban ish es the in d isp osition s o f lis i« IIIW I4 lk Sirot. 8«a Ysrt td minister for every 70Q. About 80,000 them day., and this here N n ggeïs'h ^ My?., the win.Io catalogue than corn bread. It farmer. ” — Waahiugtou Star. uu Wha« did your mother 1 j o f ex p ecta n cy and m akes b ab y’s b r a n i -• ornrir» : one by the name o Wilkins. Guo day Is truly the duff of life of the rural la rermous are preached every Sunday. iGq Fifth Av»., Vhlcatn, »n<| advent easy and alm ost painless. It quick they kem into this ; l e j i Markel flt., San I rand»»«. : «ns and vita lises tlie fem inine organs, and town with a imi/i», « boring classes iu the south from year’s tiiat was insures a healthy and robust baby. Thou- W snvac—stviaaL T B t s t w o b t h v rsaroa« I n hat w»i a . corker. . Was as big as your beginning to year’s end. Among the Inis I o a W e t kcaaow. s i « i <> to nisiisceVur t>osiit, s» In tlielro a n sarif.s o f wom en have testified to ita mar­ h a t-r ,x l eiunatar. with chunks of pure brawniest, toughest men in the country atol nearby counties. It Is mainly office work velou s m erits. H on est druiw ists do not I P the editor said, "that you «Ol.l stickiu out of it all srouud at home, eslsry strsieht 1st» a are the hands who work on the turpen'. «oiiductid •ubstitutea, and urye them upon yon y.-sr sn«l vxp rtisrs-d rlliiiu . bonalWo, no more have rhymed again' w ith ’raiu ' ’* raotfs °w«* "The jeweler offered etu < i.aUV fot Meekly. •w mat mother. — Fears ss ju st as (food.” tine farms iu Georgia. Their regular uo less rnlary. Mottlhly | 7 \ kvteretoe. Ko- \ Sasir, ’’ tho office poet usaeutod. it. but they wouldu , se,l it elose sell addressed sisitnied envelope. Her tert I suffered fourteen ▼ears.'* writes Mr*. rations consist of one |>erk of eoninieol, k. He»«. Prast,, ltepl. M. e hi< »«o. "W ell, it doesn't g a It may Ite all gets said there was more o ’ „ where n „ B i * C le w . W’ ry J Stewart, of Box «6. Saratoga. Santa five putiutla of bacon and a piut of mu- Clara Co., Cal., with female weakness, nervous­ right iu the weather report, but yon ara keni fnini, but no oue believed him [ Brlghtccl M agailn» Publlahrd saw t ^ “ k~ Y0n debility. I tried everythlnr to lass«« per w e« k. These article« consti­ 7 ^ never ness and ... general Pierce's [ Contain» n t a u t iiu l Cnioretl Flat»« hired asapoet. " —Cim-iiiuati Enquirer. Favorite Prescription ,a‘ raan b^ . «nd flo o d l-ro g re s e . tboc* bt that Nuggets lllu ttra te » La t o t ra u e r n » , Faah tute pretty nearly if uot qnite their •aa («olden Medical Discovery ' cured me. and Wilkins had found a small l b W rl*» far i«rm« and ouhai i * « are printed by perm ission in boxes or dipping tnrpeutine, yet they w ife's mother. I «"I« 4 0 c . e«i »«•«. tice among tbo colored waaberwomen of for a pore man any bow at such a txiuclusion? msk# T»« »"ivo * . P eople's Com mon S en se M edical * mt.hiding a p It F C I altern "Oh, splendidly I" she answered. “ I N ew Grit-ana They lean over tlie tub are always w ell conditioned, hard of Adviser. ’’ It's free. For a paper covered X " I” - ’ - 1 - “ » ’J h a t night there w .a lwfnI !*M’— THE McCALL CO.. muscle and iu goo«l sp irits.—Havaunah have almost got ao I cau do things aud make a quaiut picture as the smoke rcp y send at one-ccnt stamp« to I la ■«* W . i 4 lb SI . N ew V urk and two days to suit the hired glrL Washington rolls from their lipa. —Nebraska State , windstorm, * French cloth b in d in g V stamp*- (G a.) New*. N u g R e te ^ r a ^ d ^ m Ä tÄ r * " h ew e ^ î £ aaaa aaaaaaaaa* Addre», Dr r v Pierce. Bnffsto N Y. ni »TYW I V » » v» Star. Journal v>wBro ry w? m*n n««da airreat m edical book. Unusual Experience Granted Le Roy Bowen-Given to Die by Four Doctors Because of a Serious Compli­ cation of Diseases-Bow Be Saved Himself. * Constipation S u ADINC PAPER S^iir^ÄCIFIC COAST CHRONICLE Only $ 6 :-70 The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 in Reversible Map? M Map of the World W. k i Lii f MS C A L L I fiWTERNS MSCALL'S MAGAZINE . a»!0***. Common Sen se M edical Ad- * .«er m js this want It contain« ■ P<