• - 'H El W E S T BVBKY FBIDAY MOU NI Nil— C O U N C IL PR O C E E O IN Q 8. TH l P R E S ID E N T 'S M E S S A G E - R o Y al A rvgnlsr meeting of the city council President's McKinley'* second annual *"* held Monday evening will, prvsi-' message was sent to congress Monday. , uent \\ eathergon in the chair. L ank C ounty , O kkoon .— lie begins the message with Hie slate- Roll call «flow all the mAnbera pre- P A Y W H E N CUR ED . inept, that not withstanding the added - - by - sent. Minntea of last regular meeting read i T ’*"*' 'en' ^ d necessary by the war, i nml approved. K , °«r people rejoice in the very eatisfac-, D i l l M M S J C O . tory and steadily increasing degree of ’Editor and Proprietor. In order to reduce my.stock of good« The judiciary committee to whom Made from pure referred tlie petition asking the pur­ prosperity evidence«! by the largest The Ablest and Most Successful between now and Jan. 1st, 1899, I have of tartar. chase of hind for a city park presented a volume of biidinesH ever recorded. Tlie ! Specialists in tho World. »I W ft year in advance.----- revenue legislation passed by the present majority and a minority report. Tlie They guarantee a complete cure nt reduced the price of all goods to COST majority report was adverse to the congress has increased the treasury j Your Own Home, and allow yon to k nMWd»t th« •* Flofe"<’«. receipts Io the amount evlimated by its and a small per cent to cover expenses petition amt the minority in favor of it. pay when cured. J E" county, Oregon, an second-class anthois and the finances of the govern- 1 On motion it was voted that the during the sale. matter- jurity report ho not adopted. On inent have been successfully adminis­ tered and Its credit has advanced to the motion the chair was directed to appoint -id, VO BATES made KNOWN ON AF- Alum ^ n? po^ d? * " e the «tato» first rank, while its currency has l»eeii I d »«*™“- pucation . a committee of two to select suitable meoacen *” to health of the present day. maintained at the world’s highest stand* , I ] III,lice* 8 * * “ l,e' e“Cl1 * * • » « * • grounds for i park, ascertain the price Thousands of promising young men ard. The military serv|ce, under o n e ; for which it can be purchased etc. and common fiag amt for a righteous cause, < fiavo their lives and future usefulness t r e n c e , Or. Dec. », 189 8. report to the council. The ehair appoin­ PE R SO N A LS. has streiigtlmned the national spiiit and wrecked hv INDISCRETION AND These good« are mostly new, bought ted Messrs. Kyle and Hurd as such has served to cement more closely than ’ PRIVATE DISEASES. Tlie symptoms committee. , . for the F ttll and Winter trade, anil will John Mason is at Eugene on business. j ever the fraternal I miik U Iwt ween every until cured, are portrayed on the cotin- The street com mil tee was instructed section of the country. The message tenance an I in the actions of tho vie-; JO TO. Fred Peil ol Alpha was in Florence bo sold without reserve. It is the largest to draw an ordinance providing for contains nt,out IS,000 words and the tim. If negiccteil or improperly treat­ Wednesday. opening Main street and building a side- first t.alf of it is devoted entirely to the ed, other organs become affected, and stock carried for many years thus giv­ William Fields of Heceta visited walk from \\ nshington street to tlie history of Hie causes leading lip to the sooner or Inter there arc serious results. ing a great variety to select irom Florence Wednesday. west side of Jefferson street. On mo- ■ war and tlie prosecution of the war and Our New Method Treatment will jxisi- B«y Your Winter Supply Dr Evans has been confined lion the street committee was ordered Hie negotiations for peace. tivcly cure these diseases. to the to have a walk build from the corn er of The president does not discuss tlie MIDDLE-AGED MEN—Tl,ere nre house several d ,ys hy illness. of ■ -0 D \\ Hurd s residence lot to the Preshy- government of tlie new possessions, thousands of you who have committed J I. Furnish goes to the valley in terian church, the same to he paid from which will come to ns «9 result of war, offences against tlie laws of your na­ few ''«ys after a hand of goats the city treasury. In regard to tlie lint states that a military government ture, and are now paying up for it. Delia Morris, who is now teaching at petition asking that an ordinance he J will lie continued until such a time as Those weak, aching liacka, Ixiss of Sex­ adopted requiring house holders to keep ' congress provides other forms of gov- ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, Heceta, was in Florence Sunday. their premises free from filth, the street eminent. Frequent and Painful evacuations of Hale Smith a former resident of Hie committee reported that section 7 of J The president strongly urges upon tlie Bladder accompanied by more or cape country visited at Samaria this ordinance 13 covers tlie matter asked congress the necessity for an early con less smarting and the eseai>e of par­ week. for. The report was accepted. I struetion of the Nicaragua canal and ticles of albumen in the urine with ln.l don’t forget that you can get -Ranging in clo th from $ 1 .6 0 up. P lu s h capes from $ 2 .6 0 up. Henry Stonefield of Samaria was Councilman Hurd who was appointed say: “ The construction of such a ropy sediment, all point to Hie decline of your manhood. There nre hundreds transacting bus iness in Florence Wed­ C otton b la n k ets a t 50c, 65c, 75c, «1.00, and «1.25 p er | pair. to purchase street lamps for the city and , maritime highway is now more than He bets' goods for the nesday. have them erected, reported that the ever indispensihle to that intimate and who die of this dilliculty, ignorant of W o o l “ from «2.00 to «8.00 per pair; moirtjr Salem manufacture LEAST M ONEY Marion Morris is among those who | lamps were purchased hut have not ready ¡liter-communication between our tlie cause. The doctors will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and C alicoes at 20, 25, and 30 y d s ., for «1.00. N e w e s t|s ty le a are improving their property. He is arrived yet. After some discussion as eastern and western seaiMinrds, demnnd- ► OF* to where they shall he located Council- ed hy the annexation of the Hawaiian healthy restoration of theG enito Urin­ siding up his house with rustic. C hicago L. I*, m u slin 5c, Cabot W . Gc, Cabot A . 7c, w it h h a lf man Morris was appointed to assist Mr islands and the prospective expansion ary Organs. J J Anderson, Neil Christensen, ■ Hurd in placing the lamps. READER—Are you in trouble? of our influence and commerce Io tlie * VORAN & SON, * cen t reduction b y th e bolt. Harry Boyle and E l Furnish expect to Bill of the W est for $3.50 for printing Pacific and onr national policy, now Have you been treated and never cured? The Shoe Dealers. go to San Francisco on the Luella. notice of proposed improvements of more imperatively than ever, calls for You dare not risk a return of tlie dis­ ease. It may appear when happy in its control hy this government.“ Mrs Geo Bradley ami children started Main street was allowed. domestic life. Our New Metho,! The council then adjourned. Much space is devoted to foreign rela­ from Point Terrace Tuesday on their W ESTLIN G S. Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, tions referring especially to tlie situ,, way to Portland where Mr Bradley has SUN D A Y S E R V IC E S . consult us confidentially. lion in China and to claims against Men's and Buys’ clothing at prices I Men’s and Boy's Sweaters may be had employment. WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) Turkey. Sunday school 10 a in and preaching that will astonish you. This is an op­ it AO Funke's. Charles Johnson a ship carpenter who for our interesting book. “ A Warning T lie secretary of the treasury reports [ Take a look at those fine Bedsprings has been here most of the summer le ft! at 11 n m and 7 p ill hy the Rev Mr that the receipts of tlie government from Voice." Sent free. All letters kept W * portunity to procure your winter sup­ yesterday for Cooa hay. Several others Suiick. Reception of members and all sources during the fiscal year ending strictly private and confidential. All «Meyer & Kyle’s. communion at tlie morning service. June 33th, 1898, amounted to (401,321,- answers sent plain sealed envolope. leave Imlay on the tug. plies practically for cost. Remember tlie people of Mapleton arc talking of Endeavor meeting at 2:30. A prepara- 323, and its expenditures t..(U 3 ,398,582. I No U. O. D. business. telling np n Christmas tree Messrs Tylden, Beck. Haroldsen and the place and call. tory meeting will be held Saturday u ¡g e8tilnatej tllllt 1I|(O11 a basii ,,f u ,e | t fine stock of Groceries just arrived Sanders of Fisher, Minn arriveil at afternoon nt 2:30 for tiiose who wisli to Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. present revenue laws tlie receipts for Brandsville last week and are looking join the cliurcli. Also the Session will ■ blMeyer & Kyle's. tlie vear ending June 30th, 1899, will be 1 EAEvsns informs ns that th e new over the Sinslaw country with a view meet Sunday morning immediately ?577; R74]607. W RITE TODAY. it8 expenditures («89,- I of locating. Mr Tylden was here last mi near Acme is all ready for logs. after Sunday school to receive members. 874 (1,7 resulting in a deticiencv of winter and spent several weeks on the Address * .* . * ‘ . ¡(112,000,000. MreMK Martin is building a new Remember we carry a general assort- river. He lias been a reader of the W est Sunday evening w ill close tlie series The president renews hits reconimen- Dr-W wse on her ranch above Captain Saunders & Co- ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and since t lint time. of meetings here and meetings will b e ; j H, ione o( |„gt yMr ll8 {oUoWR. 69 Sproat ISt., Detroit, M idi. ileear'i. J W Tlmrher, representing tlie held at Mapleton school house and That when any of tlie Unite,1 States Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent’s, Ladies’ Honda Tills are the favorite family I iBtiurtic. Easy to take, easy to Eveleth Nash Co, commission merchants Point Terrace next week, beginningat II0| e9 nre presented for redemption and IN J U S T IC E C O U R T . and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and j of San Francisco, arrived here by Bar- Mapleton Monday evening at 7.30, with nre redeemed in gold, such notes shall isnte. an(| 9et apart and only paid out 1 rett’s stage Tuesday afternoon. He services each evening of tlie week ; and | |g Notions all reduced. This sale for | Captain Johnson’s family are soon to Geo Saunders has commenced suit i was looking for apples anil potatoes for nt Point Terrace Tuesday 2 p in and t ¡1( excj,g„ge for g„|,|. ate to Florence where they will occupy With reference to tlie volunteer army against O W Hurd in justice court of CASH only. I hit firm to handle but as nearly all the each afternoon during the week. Captain Hard’s house. I G K notts , pastor. I the president says: “ The importance Mapleton precinct to recover the value i surplus apples have already been bought The Lillian made a trip to Mapleton up for shipment and tlie potato crop THE LUELLA- i of legislation for tlie permanent increase of a quantity of salmon which 8aunders aterday afternoon with a new stock of will nil he needed for home consumption _____ of the army is manifest and the recoin- shipped to tlie cannery by the steamer Mi lor Meyer & K yle’s store. lie did not succeed in arranging for any. The Luella, the staunch vessel lmilt >"endution of the secretary of war Mink but for which lie was not credited j The Masonic cemetery near Acme here this summer, leaves this morning that purpose has my ..nqnal.lied at tlie cannery. lliijust been laid out in lots. The sur- on her first tri,, to San Francisco. There I «I’P»0'«! - It ts my purpose to muster ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF Iwngtvssdone by A R Bntoipli. out the entire volunteer army us soon tlie necessary boilers and machinery REAL PROPERTY- as congress shall provide for tlie in­ I The Eugene stage did not come will lie placed in her and she will be crease of the regular army establish­ lito Mapleton Tuesday evening fitted up as a steamer. M ADE and REPAIRED. NOTICX IS lIK A i HY OlVRN THAT HY VIBTCE OF ment. This will be much appreciated tlhe mail was brought in on liorse- The Robartc will tow iier to Ooos bay nn order made by the County Court o( Lane -----BY------ by tlie brave men who left their homes ttk. County, Oregon on the 17th day of September, when Blie will be taken in charge by a and employment to help our country in 1U9S. directing, authorizing and ordering me larger tug and towed to San Francisco. lit,‘Wisdom brought in n large pile the unf . __ , ,, , , • tlie company.HU no. u p , ..................M .m iey in E..geno, o r ig in t h « ! Nona who are ongngud in any of the mocliantc*! ►theFlorence hotel. tion that two million salmon eggs will chandise and a quantity of bides. ! the contract, site proceeded no further WHltntl A Above de«crli>e4 real property to the |Inure yourself against tlie attacks of be rendy the 16th for shipment from the TO CURE A CO LD IN O NE D A Y . ! * lon« re to r" " ' pursuits can nuccoed without rending and claim* against «at le«tile, an Ito p iy th j coat a, pneumonia and other serious and hatchery at Battle Creek, Cai. to thej Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, far hs Astoria. There it was found she ui adiuiuiNtratlou. studying this standard Magazine of Sciences •trsting diseases by taking a lew Mapleton hatchery. They will he sent Date«VAt|Eua«ne, Oregon thl« 10th day of All druggists refund money if it fails to must have a new boiler. Several ------------ ....................... to Yaquinaliy rail and thence shipped November, 18M. • nl Hood’s Sarsaparilla now. months passed liefore this could lie ob­ and mechanical Arts. It is illustratedjwith cure. 25c Tlie genuine has L B Q o n Johit’A. Ma»on, fesidente of Knowles creek have been ! on hoard the steamer Robarts to Maple- , tained and put in position for use. At Administrator. each tablet. all modern cuts of latest inventions in all lome road work the past week. ; ton and there placed in tlie tati itng length everything was in readiness and tiaving passed a satisfactory inspection NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION blasting out a road ncross tlie troughs. ____ _ the branches of mechanism, and its fund of NOTICE. a site sailed for Florence, calling At Yaqtti- 7 point near the mouth of the j knowledge in inseparably connected with in­ alpha clippings - Land Office at Rneehurr, Oreinn. I nn on tlie way for a load of supplies for Ntli, 1898. said proof will be tn.uto tprfore Joel Ware, U. 8. j fionj. The time formerly granted j 2 a Bazaar here at my residence for < __________ ConitniMioncr at Eugene. Oregon, on December unit Coos hay. lit«! Dec. 8th. Mr ami Mrs H J Tabor returned from 2 Ladies and Children. Made up / g Made up oDiUTnu ' »1. 1**. 'lx: Ksticy C. Conrad, wid.iw of C L A U D E B R A N T O N . 2 Clothing of all Kinds. A good sup- / CLAUUt DMA . ! Andrew J. Conrad, decessed, on h. e. mo . 72», r E Ooivin and J C F lint are among Acme Friday. ? nlv kept on hand, and orders filled J. -------- 'for the *w see. a . t P is s„ r. s w«,t. number in this vicinity who have Mr G Lundy who ba» been consider-, 2 p y , . v „ , i e fa ll III and learn X , Guard: Claude Branton tlie convicted Hhe nsm«« the following wttnessev to prove on short borne. Call g h i r^ i|eM jn , ..... . I(p)n , ud cultba.l9n #1*1 in goat raising. They arrived ably tinder Ute weatlier has abou ’^Monday with 165 goats they had 2 prices. „ ft . ,n -p, I of, said Hnd, vlx: recovered. •2 Mas J R S tiles , Point Terrace, Or. / tlie county j ill as a cnge.l lion, t he i«u,c M. Frsiicl«, Jnmi-s Ilonl-r mid William I in the valley. James McVey of upper Deadwood has 4 ‘ Nov. 1st, 1898. ft other day he sent for Deputy D istrict, Bailey of E,issue, Orc., and Joseph Aubcl <-f ■CottageGrove lead er: It is reported This;monthly magazine in one of the very Attorney Harris, but had nothing parti- Ulentena, Oregon. returned from AVoodburn where he J T r.sronvs, “•new newspaper will lie started _______ /hilar to say. but several times tried to Kcjiater. beet printed in thia country, and in sold 7in Uliort time, of the republican been since July. THE PEACE COMMISSIONERS- i induce Mr Harris to come within reucli- Clayton and Charles Pope spent Sun- ttion win, Mr Howard of Eugene, -------- i ing distance of his cell. L ist evening NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. to all subscribers nt rates within the ,„ l, I 'P * htnaging editor. lie tried a munlier of times to have The Snainards are still quibbling over ability of all to pay. It is finely illux P ’ernor ix,rd lias appointed S II girls. vaHons matters but it is the ,dm,mt l Sheriff Withers approach the cell closely Land Offi • Roeeburg, Oregon Octobc r 71,1 C8. Mr Ed Haight who l»otigbt » » ; * '"i Athlumi a member of the board . • Un ih .t thev are gaining but was not accommodated. After tlie trated and presents the names of famous Ncti<‘« 1« hereby given that (he following« oilier prisoners | for , |le g0| j i ers Home at | from Geo P el »til * J , owe nothing and tliat tl,ey named «ettler hat filed notice of bi« intention authors as contributors. Tn« W »T In ■tipp’H’t of hi« claim, mid lor8 in place of John P Roliertson ! He lias been at AAooutmr. treaty on Hie terms proposed by the that ¡1 Withers had come up to Hie cage | that lie would liawe attempted to get It. Hnl that «aid pr«M »f will be made iwfore C ( appointment tlie senate refused and the Cosmopolitan are sold at re­ United States. time. „ his pistol Mini would have used it with den (*. R CommlMioitcr At IsMk« Precinct, Ore- BNm , C A Potterf, wife and daughter M«y, goii.on Deccintier 10, lfiW, viz: Jo«eph K. WII moii effect, if successful. He also said liiat L A I oucn, visiting duced rates at this office. LO G S W A N T E D . P*Mink Tuesday brought down a <>n Id« h. e. no. 7936 for the »w*4, »ec. 10, tp. 20 the officers were ou to him, and that if k and r. 11 We*t. Ta'ltieii fruit to lie shipped to San- are spending ie ' e , friends ami relatives on Law He name« the following witMMM to prove I want <,000,030 feet of old growth fir Harris had come in reaching distance rntl’c°. It lielongs to Captain Steear he would have “choked him to death.” bi« con tin uou« residence upon and cultivation lower Deadwood logs delivered 'he saw-mill nt Acme krown and dried by him on bifi of «aid land, viz: people arc talking of cele HOW S THIS? •»low Mapleton. , Onr ¿ young - . between n»w ao J May 1st 18!». C. II. Black. K. X. Black and M. J. Towne of ■ go the girls I B Cushman. Ruby, Ore , an«l B. P. Wilk« of Ada, Oregon. / ' ’’’"ng men, strangers in Eugene brating Xmas wit P reniain , and J. T. B bidoby , We offer One Hundred Dollars K,],rre,''e ■ OOK OUT ft* l1l5. for preaching services sn- iolw «i «alaer. Moofhly $7 ». Kef»»rence*. Bn* { ' * * ' w o -« the side "f the earns sold with Tur W o t . ! cl «e «cif addre sad «ta np*