The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, December 09, 1898, Image 2

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    TAT E S T .
MOBMIXO.— 1 Turomft
The loan l of trade of Philadelphia
ami other seaport cities I ihcs adopted
resolutions urging the government to
Tlie fight against Representative-elect
Roberts, of U tali, is gelling warui, and
if it keeps up will most certainly result
| in liie losing his seat in the next house
launching th e wiscqnsin .
San Francisco, Cal., Nov., 27,1898.
Editor T he W est , F l o r i n , 1"
W ash . D 0 , Nov. 88, 1898. I almost as soon as lie takes it. .Mr Rob­ your issue of Nov. 18th I read of tlie
It is all over now, except the Spanish erts is a ploygamist, having, sonic ssv launching of the Luella and hope soon
F L O B t.W B ,
I . VNK C O B X T T ,
lake action looking to the protection and weeping and wailing, That ultimatum, three, and some four wives, nnd those to see tlie handsome craft at tliis |»rt. ■
• • • BV • • •
revival of American shipping, but nü i with a time lim it attachment, did
who are making tlie fight against him I herewith send you particulars of tlie :
particular policy is reccom mended It* > business.
Spain has accepted
Bay that his election was put out as a launching of the battleship Wisconsin,
gain the desired end, and those m em -. terms of peace and agreed to give up feeler by tlie Mormons, nnd that if lie is the largest ship ever launched at tlie
l,ers of congress who have been consult- j the P hilippine, ant|
tlie money allowed to retain his seat in congress, Union Iron Works. Before tlie launcli-
Editor und Proprietor.
ed are not clear ns to what would 1« the offered a8 a salvc t0
woon,le(1 honor, tlie open practice of pioygmny will again ing I was qui t interested in tlie pre­
¡best course. In ease of doubt they can There are a number of details auch as bo common among tlie Mormons. Sen- paratory work nnd visited the ship
Florence, Or. Dee. 9, 1898.
,|o |lo better than to play the truni|
providing for a restoration of conimer- ator Cannon, who is a Mormon, but often, noting carefully how it was all!
: plank of the St. Louia platform on this , cial relations between tlie U 8 and who never had hut one wife, says |iolyg- done, and was there early on tlie day
i |>o:nt:
Spain, which will delay for a few days amy had nothing whatever to do witli ! appointed for tlie launching, to see the
We favor restoring the early American tlie complet!_>n and signing of the treaty, tlie election of Kotierte.
program carried out. From early
hut tlie principal work of tlie peace com­
The new corner stone of
morning till 9:30 a in tlie sliip was
upbuilding of our merchant marine and mission lins been accomplished, and
guarded by police while under and
new Polk county court house was
, the protection of our shipping in the
about tlie sliip were as ninny men as
laid at Dallas Wednesday Nov. 30. foreign carrying trade, to that American Spain, and the rest of tlie world, lias
been shown that when tlie U S adopts
Tlie kidneys are responsible for more could lie employed splitting out the
The ceremoutes were conducted Ships— the product of American lulior
a position, it maintains it, regardless of sickness, suffering and dentil than any , blocking from under the keel, nnd re-
by the Masonic Grand Lodga of employed in American shipyards, sail- sem i-hostile attitudes taken bv other other orgnns of the body.
! moving tlie many supports and staunch-
¡ng tinder the stars and stripes, and nations. Neither American diplomacy
the state of Oregon.
A majority of the ills afitding people ! ¡Ons; by the time I arrived on tlie
s e e m s j manned, oflicered mid owned by Ameri­
Iu~fltia connection it
nor American fighting are likely to be today is traceable to kidney trouble. It scene the men were well warmed to
cans—may regain tlie carrying of our sneered at in any section of tlie world pervades all classes of society, in all
their work and were making a fearful
fitting to inquire whether it is | foreign commerce.
for many years to come. Ttie U S lias climates, regardless of age, sex or con­ din. It seemed as though every blow
proper for such ceremonies in eon-' That plank was heartily approved by
acquired a prestige among tlie great dition.
struck reverberated through tlie mon­
nection with the founding of i i President McKinley in ins letter of
nations of tlie world that will make un-
Tlie symptoms of kidney trouble are ster, and that every man under tlie sliip
public buildings to be conducted acceptance, ns follows:
liorn generations of Americans proud to unmistakable, sucli as rheumatism, neu­ was a demon, so loud and sharp were
by any order or soeiety as such. Tlie declaration of tlie republican lielcng to the nation that lias proved its ralgia, sleeplessness, pain or dull ache in tlie many excited voices, nnd bow they
W hile probably no objection could platform in favor of tlie upbuilding of right to be counted among tlie leaders, the back, a desire to urinate often day worked! every man as though the
he made to the men as inlividu- our merchant marine lias my heartv both in tlie accomplishments of peace or night, profuse or scanty supply.
whole depended on him. I soon per­
approval. Tlie policy of discriminating
Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in ceived that the work was being done
uls who took part in the exercises, duties in favor of our shipping, which and of war.
we hold it was entirely out of prevailed in tlie early years of our his­ Many of the most careful observers of urine are signs of clogged kidneys, caus­ systematically. Tlie grease from be­
of senatorial sentim ent are predicting ing poisoned and germ-tilled blood. tween tlie wavs commenced to show on
place for them to go there as tory, should he again promptly adopted
that the anti-expansionists will he Sometimes the heart acts badly, and tlie outside, hanging in sheets from tlie
officers of a secret order to con­ by congress and vigorously supportad strong enough in talk, if not in votes, to tube casts (wasting of the kidneys) are heavy timbers, showing how tlie weight)
duct the exercises of laying the until our prestigo and supremacy on tlie prevent tlie ratification of the treaty of found in the urine, which if neglected of tlie monster was being gradually |
gens is fully attained.
corner stone of a court house or
pence at the coming session of the sen­ will result in Bright’s Disease, tlie most adjusted. The sliip was cleared of
Tlint is orthodox republican doctrine.
W hile more than one-third of tlie dangerous form of kidney trouble.
every obstruction, and she lay in her j
of any other public building paid Besides, it is a policy that lias been
All these symptoms nnd conditions cradle. The time set for launching was
for by taxation. Had any religi­ tried and proved successful, and it is
treaty to reject it, ten or twelve senators arc promptly removed under tlie influ­ drawing near and tlie crowd was eager­
ous denomination or society bad well to trust tlie bridge that lias curried
can, if so minded, prevent a vote being ence of Dr K ilm er’s Swamp-Root. Il ly pressing toward tlie sliip. I climbed
charge of the ceremony, how us safely.
tnken on it before the short session of lias a world wide . reputation for its upon a high fence directly opposite tlie
This is n matter of more vital import­
quickly objections would have
congress expires. It is to justify this wonderful cures of tlie most distressing stern of tlie sliip and watched tlie
ance to tlie Pacific coast at tliis time
be|n raised. Will not tho same
sort of thing that the anti-expansionists cases.
removal of tlie stern blockings; then
than to any i-tlier portion of tlie country.
reasoning hold good against a A protective policy would make ship­ are trying so hard just now to work up No one need be long without it ns it is tlie band played. I was not there to
secret order as against a church building one of the greatest industries a public sentim ent against the acquisi­ so easy to get at any drug store at fifty hear hut to see, but. can’t tell all that
In Dress Goods and Dress
tion of the Philippines by the U S. It cents or one dollar. You can have a occureil at the other end of the ship,
iu connection with public property? on this coast, witli a local demand for
Trimming, can be found
will be time wasted, even if the antis sampie bottle of this wonderful discov­ for with the cracking of timbers there
tlie products of local shipyards. Already
succeed in preventing a vote at the ery, Swamp-Root, and a book telling ail arose a shout; the ship had started and £ » Serges, Cashmeres, Henrietta,
I t is possible that the same met hod shrewd ship-owners see tlie futuro trade
short session. The senate can lie called about it, botli sent to you absolutely free into the water it went like a scared
adopted by the government in taking cf tlie Pacific witli our possessions,
X Ladies Cloth, Suitings Water-
In extra session, im mediately after the by mail. Send your address to Di duck.
over the Hawaiian islands may Ito re- which it is expected » ill be carried in
expiration of I his congress, witli the Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N Y nnd
After the first shout, the crowd about 5; proofs.
norted to in tlie case of tlie Piiilippinea, American bottoms, and are quick to
certainty that tlie treaty will be ratified. kindly mention that you rend tliis the ship was silent, so impressed were
but there are some radical differences
liberal offer in T he W est .
£ Trimmings to match in
they at the sight of tliis mountain of
Washington is just now tlie scene of
in tlie modes by which we acquired secure an American register. These
steel gliding by as though dispatched to & Gimps, "V civets, Silks, Satins
some Central American diplomacy, in
these two sets of islands which will have opportunities will be few, (or sliips
Dewey. Of course all tlie steam- w
t o 1« taken into consideration. In tlie sailing under tlie American Hag here­
ETC., iu all Shades.
were let loo-e and a small %
case of Hnwnii the people of that coun­ after will be constructed in American
Tlie following summary of tlie lialiili-
factors. President Iglesias, of Costa
gunboat anchored near fired a • salute,
try asked to lie annexed, and their yards by American workmen.
ties nnd resources of Lane county is
Rica, is in Washington as n guest of tlie
and tlie great sliip loomed up from the
request was acceded to in pursuauce of
tnken from tlie semi-annual statement
bay like another Goat island.
U 8 government. He lias talks witli
n treaty and act of congress, wiiicii
prepared by the county clerk on Nov.
President M-v’Linley, Secretary Hay and
required a commission to investigate H illsb o ro I n d e p e n d e n t:
oilier prominent officials, and tlie presi- I
G eo B raixerii .
and report a form of government. Tlie
Europe for a long time lias been dent Ims given a state dinner in his
presumption is that when this report is patronizing the world ns seemed good
honor. He claims that no concession To warrants drawn on the
adopted the net of annexation will be to tlie Monarchists, but a time lias
county treasurer, outstand­
to build tlie Nicaragua canal is worth
At their meeting last Saturday evening
formally completed, and all tlie provis­ come for a halt under old practices.
ing nnd unpaid......................iC6,789 92
the paper it is written on until O K ’d
Perpetua Lodge A O U W of Florence
ions of tlie federal constitution will ap­ Europe would never linvo allowed tlie
by Costa Rica, and promises that Costa To estimated amount of inter-
elected tlie following officers.
ply to the Hawaiian islands as to other United States to linvo the Philippines,
08t accrued th ereon ..
2,071 00
Rica shall act in accordance witli tliis
A O Eunke Master Workman ; Albert
portions of tlie American Union. But but it is noted that tlie new western
government. Another prominent Cen­
Overseer; Win Bernhardt
tlie Philippines present a different case. power will fight for humanity nnd per­
Total liabilities.
. Î69.451 52
tral American, who is in ^Washington ns
G Knotts Recorder; F It
They will become ours by virtue of n sonal liberty nnd that it can. The
a private individual, paying his own
Geo II Colter Inside
treaty of peace and tlie payment of a Cologne, Uonnnny, Gazette paragraph­
hotel bills, is Mr J D Gamez, ex-presi­ By funds in hands of county
Outside Watcii-
stipulated aunt of money. When all ing of the subject snvs: “ International
dent of tlie congress of Nicaragua, nnd
treasurer applicable to tlie
tlie terme o f tlie treaty aro complied envy has prevented Europe from oppos-
a candidate for the presidency of the
payment of county warrants $2,022 70
with nnd the sum agreed upon is paid j ¡ng the excessive demands of the United United States of Central America, if
S tate P rinter L eeds has our
By funds in hands of county
over to Spain the Islands will ho Amer- States upon Spain. Although they
for a copy of the General
that combination holds together long
Sheriff applicable to tlie
ean territory. In that event, the war might have profited riih ly by the situa-
long enough to have a presi lent. Mr
payment of county warrants 950 00 Laws enacted and Joint Resolu­
lieing nt an end, it is doubtful whether lion, tlie powers feared to make a j Gamez lias lias a talk with President
By estimated unpaid current
tions and Memorials adopted by
a military government ran lie set up. hitter enemy of America, witli the con­
McKinley, in wiiicii matters relating to
taxes applicable to the pay­
the legislature of Oregon at its
To do so would raise some delicate ques­ sequent closing of her markets, il they
tlie Nicaragua canal, were mentioned,
ment of county w arrants.. . . 1,G)3 00
session. They are issued
tions. If tlie Philippines arc annexed opposed the annexation o l- Itlie Philip­
h i l t tlie object of tlie visitor was to gain,
tlie American citizens residing in them pines.”
in pamphlet form by the state
not to give information. The idea has
Total resources..................$5,172 70 Í
will not “ be held to answer for a capital
Other German papers nrgue that the ; gone abroad that this government is
printer at his own expense,
or otherwise infamous crime, unless on United States would never have dared
A i . baxv seems to lie destined to be­
likely to undertake tlie constrilction of
a presentment or indictment of a grand to impose Bitch conditions had it not
come a railroad center. Eugene has
tlie Nicaragua cannal in tlie near future,
jury, except in cases arising in the land been for England’s sup|x>rt. Tliis con­
equal opportunities but is behind A l-!
or naval forces.” That implies the ne­ viction of tlie Anglo-American agree­ and numerous individuals hanker after hany on that score. We should have a )
cessity of civil machinerv, ns docs also ment giving tlie two powers tlie virtue sonic of Uncle Sam ’s money, A New line io Lane county’s seaport, Florence ,
the provisiona of article VII o f the of control of tlie far eastern question,” York firm heads a syndicate, which j on the west, connecting the Southern!
amendm ents to the constitution, guar- intensified the situation. It is believed claims to have obtnined a new conceg- ■ Pacific and the East side branch on the !
'• R perfect bear.-!
V- patriotic, up to;
teeing the right of trial by jury in suits Great Britain will get Cluisan ns com­ sion, wiiicii it would probably giaJly east, and then pushing on across t l ie )
date. Subject:
at common law where the value in eon ^ „sation and both England and Ameri- j fo l l . lho 0;j con)pa„ .
Cascades into Eastern Oregon. Such a '
that stoppe I
troversy shall exceed twenty dollars. (H nro
o( having goII1B Jig. 1
, .
| foad would open up a large territory
work liecause its money gave out, claims
, „
Aa a matter of faet, the constitution agreeable surprise iu store.
and would make Eugene a central slii; -
bristles witli provisions w hich forbid ) The continental powers are allowing I that its original concession still ping point.—Tfr^isfcr.
One of the handsomest pieces of color “
the idea that a military government can themselves to be divided in tho matter
'“ ’,1 «‘‘iprcaenUtivee of the Central
work issued this year. Lithographed,
be m aintained in any part of the Amer- „( an American-English alliance just as American republics are likely to claim
T here will be tlie smallest number of with border of army and navy emblems
lean Union in time of peace, there- they have in some other suppositions, anything they suppose m ight bring democrats In the United States senate embossed in gold. U a v e your name
tore, all notion of governing tho Phil- j n nt i( ttie , | l#j ow causes a fear that them benefit. Uncle Sam won't have ! "her March 4th, next, that there has wit'.i your druggist and ask him to save !
ippinea in that fashion will have to be ) produces peace, we of America will not
‘•¡ffienlty in getting all these claims been for 26 years. The number will be you a copy or send 6 cents in stamps for
if lie is willing to put up the ) on',r tw en ,5'*s>x. In thn elections of ! one
dism issed.— H an F r a n c is c o f'A r o D .
I complain.
lo - n u ,. i ___ _ .
price. Tlie Panama Canal Company is 1872 the democrats got only 20 senators.
Low ell, Mass.
nlso represented in Washington (or j 1,1,11'1“! w,,s 2d out of a senate of 74 M en tio n t h is paper] T h z W b s t .
T he C apital J ournal suggOHtu
I the purpose of trying to prevent anv members. In the elections of 1874 this
♦bat the legislature nt its next
Annual Almanac and monthly paper, cana, iegiR|ation by vongreM.
representation was raised to 29. And
Hoesioii should have a few thous­ Word and Works, are now known from
then the democrats have always
A consular report from Venezuela *
and copies of the gitine laws print­ sea to sea. We are pleased to call the
had just a few more than the repuhli- '
Hood’s Sarsaparilla |s
shows that Havana has energetic busi­
ed for distribution. This Would attention of our readers to the Almanac ness men who tuny surprise some of our ) cans. Twenty-two of these 26 eenators
America's Greatest Medicino
lie ft wise course ns tlie fish and for 1899, now ready. It is a splendidly men w ho w ill go over there expecting to will lie from 11 soq ^ ern Slates— E m i!
for the Blood and the
game laws are changed nearly printed nnd illustrated kook of 116 have everything in the business line
pages mid tlie storm forecasts nnd dia­
Best that Money Can Buy
every time the legislature meets grams nnd astronomical and scientific their own way. According to this
E v -P residext Benjamin Harri'aii has
take only Hood's
and means should In* taken to dis- matter are superior to anything that
n retained by \ enezuela toTcpresent
purchased ten thousand head of cattle
tribute copieu of the law over the has ever been seen Indore in a 25 cent
in Venezuela, end are shipping about that government liefore the arbitration
thh* »tat« t > m a n a « « o u r buain«w> in th e ir o w n
elate. It is «aid ignorance of the book. His monthly journal, Word and
two thousand of them to Cuban jwirts, comiuiseion that sits in Paris within a
law will not excuse an ofl’otitio but I \\ orks, is ono of the best literary, every month at large profit. The cattle short tim e to settle the dispute lietween
j home nnd scientific magazines in the
many people cannot att'oixl to pur-
are sli'p;>ed alive, as the climate of Cuba Great Britain nnd Venezuela
country, besides containing his monthly
boundary lines. General Harrison is
chaw Hills’ code, and having no ¡storm forecasts witli explanations. The makes it undesirable to attem pt to
to have received a retainer fee of
A ‘J 1VE- ^ ’ '’ ,''r,TOI‘ ’ w * n T sn s v i » » - » » » . ,
opportunity to road it th in violate subscription price of Word and Works handle refrigerated dressed beef.
á i ,>r 7 h r M ory ° ' thl' E h U Ip p ln » .” b r M u iiï
$100,000. Ex Secretary Trary is said to Hnlwtpwl,
fom m ijm lon etl b y th e < io v P » ..L » ’l rRt
(M ietei l t l , t . . r l . „
,h , w i , D e^ S S " e n ‘ “
the law without intending to do istl.lW p er year and a copy of the
-) lie an assm inte with General Harrison,
’ n , . hjM.k
, , rlItrn
P sn m e iiL T h s
|i e W kxt has for sale one years and liia retainer is reported to » . * r Ihr
lw n h . .w
un p lis
lila l, l*
a e in n W
iik l H
i r i »n.1 w 7. h ..
i ?
w). It would be much b etter for Hicks almanac is aent as a Pÿ'iiiinm
» , a n IL
every yearly auhserit-**^ *
in (lie Holmes Burmese College ’ |.a) 000
' « opt
I th » A m rrica ii I r r n r h r . a t Mani!» inih . l i '
> r » t ra m p s w ill. A r u m .l,ín
rtla n d . T id e is one of the leading i
K* i» «tenada. Tlie
> oi the Word nnd W
* >« "F =1 feet and
one story n„d
al, S lio rtlian d a n d . T he San Francisco Examiner sud
la iw p tto T w R ii p m aite Kret'clit räj.t
r ! W s n f o e « n e year $2.ô0 paid io
n„ premises. For fu rti,« j p«„icnla™
Ster^inqui.-eat this office."
— AT—
With Seasonable Goods, and as usual of
; first class quality. “OUR AIM:“ to Sell
¡5 First Class Articles at Most Reasonable
Regardless Of Age.
We carry no shop-worn, or
Auction Goods of any kind.
Some of the latest arrivals
are Hats and Caps, Boots and
Shoes, OHed Clothing and
Rubber Goods, Hardware,
Crockery and Glassware, Dry
Goods, and Fancy Articles,
which must be seen to be
Full line of Ladies, Gents
and Children’s Htiderweat. |
In Fancy Articles can
be |
Child’s g
RUCHINGS, the latest, Bob- |
binet, Hosiery, Ladies’ and
Gents’ Neckwear ETC.
In fact, if there is anything you require
that a merchant can supply, c all on
Y o u rs T ru ly
i Of W.HURD.
C A R M A N ’S
Drv Coods,
★ Groceries * and * Notions.
florencejmeat market .
H O O D ’S coupon
'Just [Opened.
C alendar Goods as Reoresented.
An AnicriCiin Girl j-w<
|'P F ^ \G T I( A L
rbjsï V e
"uìérH * h,U in
A"» » «ood
| which
wc will furnish the
Orvgnnian with the W est for
J to any a<i lrr *
I L._ _
r the sum of two