TH E W EST I- YO U R H O H E PAPER E S L F F C R T IT Á- f '4 . VOL. IX . general direotory S T A T E O F F IC E R S - T R A V E LE R S ' GUIDE S T E A M E R “ M IN K , — Wili O -A .R .D IlT E 3 n make R 0 Ovj>rnor............................ W illia m P . Lord. eg u lar d a il y gecrelary uf S a t e ................ H. R . K incaid. ----Between — fre&giirer..................................................P h ilip M etclien gupt. Public In str u c tio n — G . M. Irwin. . . .W . H . I^eeda Mate Printer C. M. Idlem an. Attorney G en eral. . . . . R . 8 . Bean .. .F . A. Moore Supreme Court . E . W olveiton judge Second D istr ic t. .J . W . H am ilton prosecuting A tto r n e y . .G eo. M. Brown 8T A C 3E L IN E , T R IP S H. H . B ai rett, P rop ’r, Florence am Head of Tim. I ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. C O U N T Y O F F IC E R S Judge.................. . E . O. Potter. Commissioners ( ............. W. T. B ailey j ........... H . D . E klwards Clerk................................. ............. E . U . Lee Sheriff................................ . W . W . W ithers Treasurer......................... . .A . S. Patterson Aeeessor........................ . . D . P . Burton School Superin tend en t . W . M. Miller Surveyor........................... . . .C. M . Collier Coroner............................. .W . P . C heshire Justice of P ea ce............. . . . C . H . H olden Comtable......................... . . . . E . A . Evans It days »ud Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts. burg Stage Line for Drain. Stage Line for Coos Bay. Also with Charges reasonable. EUGENE-FLOKENCE u Are you frequently hoarse? D o you have that annoying tickling in your throat? W ould you feel relieved if you could raise something? Does your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise more mucus ia the morning? Then you should dw 3ys keep on hand a bottle of STAGE LINE. N E. B a n g s , P ro p rie to r. S Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, P u llm a n Wednesdays and Fridays at G a. S le e p in g C a rs arriving at Florence the day E le g a n t j following at 10 a. m. D in in g C a rs Returning-stage leaves Flor­ T o u r is t ence on Mondays, Wednesdays S le e p in g C a rs i and Fridays at 2 p. ni., arriving BT. P A U L in Eugene the following day at M inneapo lis 6 p. na. D uluth FARGO TO tctoal marriage, in which are used gold md silver weddiug rings blessed by die priest, the gold ring being given to le a v e s Florence Mon lays, ¡.W ednes­ QRANDFOR ks Single fare - - . _ $5.00 Round trip, - - - - $9.00 Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ livery barn, Eugene, and at 0. W. Hurd’s office in Florence. If you hsve s weak throat you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, end the last one is always harder to cure than the one before it. id, and the riugs are placed ou the right tands and theu exchanged that no in­ feriority may be betokenwl by the worn- in wearing the silver ring and also to ndicate a common ownership of prop- >rty. Au Armenian mother usually chooses ler daughter’s husband. After all busi- less preliminaries are settled botween tie families the bridegroom’s mother, tocompenied by a priest and two ma- Tous, visits the bride and gives her a ring in tokon of espousal, and with this ring the conple are ultimately married. Among the fishing communities very incieut and elaborate rings are ngeu, ind they descend as heirlooms from ;euerution to generation. In Japanese marriages arranged be- 1 .ween very young peoplo the girl re­ wives a ring in evidence that the union is binding. In Malabar an old native rustom scats both bride and bridegroom >n a dais, and a relative washes the feet of the bridegroom with milk and pots a silver ring on the great toe of the right foot. He then hands a gold ring 10 his kinsman, and a necklace and ihaplet of flowers are pat on the bride’s leek and head.—Loudon Mail D ictionary 4 MORRIS *** HOTEL, Tonsorial Parlors. Elk Prairie Hotel. Attorney a t Law , . Notary Public, Surveyor 3 » P atents notary public . PATENTS ^ T K 3w *c® - WE DEFY C O M PETITIO N . Willamette St., R E SPE C T FU L L Y Eugene, Lane Co., Ore. J. V. KAUFFMAN. Korea*« Berea W onder«. The seven wonders of Korea are C IT Y O F F IC E R S . CROOKSTON The marvelous mineral spring of Kin- iliunto, one dip in which is a sovereign W IN N IP C C ?ure for all the ills that human flesh is H E L E N A and heir to. (2) The double springs which, President.....................W . H . W eatherson BUTTE1 though far apart, have a strange, mys­ O. W . Hurd H. Afcr't Ckerrg rettori) Master terious affinity. According to Korean Belief, there is a connection under­ W m . K yle THROUGH TICKETS protects I he ltn$s Iran caldi. T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls Board of Trustees L. C hristensen ground, through which water ebbs and TO M . Morris Sows like the waters of tho ocean, in C H IC A C O meh a way that only one spring is fall Help at Hand. Recorder.............................J o h n H . Morris W A S H IN G T O N it a time. The water possesses a won- If you h a v e an y co m p la in t ierfnl sweetening power, so that what- Treasurer .................................. J- A. Pond P H IL A D E L P H IA Of The w h a tev er and d e sir e th e best tver is cooked therein beoomos good and m ed ical a d v ice you can p o s­ Marshal...............................G . C. Cumpton N E W YORK palatable. (8) The cold wind cavern, ENGLISH LANGUAGE sib ly o b ta in , w rite th e doctor whence comes a never ceasing wind so B O STO N A N D A L L freely . Y ou w ill rece iv e a piercing that nothing can withstand it p rom p t rep ly . C O M P L E T E P O IN T S E A S T '»Hl SO U TH ind so powerful that the strongest man SE C R E T S O C IE T IE S . Address, DR. J. C. AYER, cannot face it. (4) The indestructible For Information, timecards, maps and tickets Lowell, Mass. S U C C IE N T pine forest, the trees of which grow etc , call on or write ap again as fast as they are cut down. AUTHORITATIVE I F. A A. M. F loren ce L odge N o. 107. R. M c M orphey , I18) The floating stone, a massive block m Regular son iin unicfttion on second A O a rin g H oraonian. that has no visible support, bot, like General Agent, ltnnms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, and fourth Saturdays in each m onth . “Tho day before General Lee surren­ Mohammed’s coffin, remains suspended. EUGENE, OREGON. 301,86$ Vocsbslary Terras dered, ” said a Confederate officer, "I (6) The warm stone, situated ou the O. W . H ukd , W . M. >47 Editors and Specialists A . D. C H A R L T O N , I.G.K xotts , Secretary. crossed Sailor's creek, a xinnll stream top of a hill und said to have the pecul­ S33 Readers for Quotations Assistant General Passenger Agent. in Prince Edward county, Vu., which iarity of spreading warmth and heat 259 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. follows the track of the Richmond and ; >11 round it. (7) A drop of the sweat of 3000 Illustrations P o r t l a n d O r . Coat over $960,000 Danville rnilroud and empties into the Buddha, for 80 paces round which no A A. R. Appomattox river. There was only a flower or vegetation w ill grow, nor w ill Appendix of 47.468 Entries 1 meets second and fourth Saturdays Un handful of my company left, and as I birds or other living things passover i t oleach month at 1 30 p. m . reached the summit of the hill which —Brooklyn Eagle. J. I. B uttkrviki . d , Commander. skirts its eastern bank I tnmed to see if The full number of words and terms In the Federals—who had been hotly pur­ Saint N orah and th a 1‘otato. J. L. F u r n ish , A djutant. J . I. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor different dictionaries for the entire alphsliet is suing ns—were in view. As I did so I St. Norah was a poor girl, says the F lo r o n o a , O r e g o n . as follows: S’-oaxosTit, 50,0(10; W obchsstek observed a man wearing the uniform of Loudon Punch, who prayed St. Patrick 105,000; W ebster (International), 125,000; CEN­ a Confederate officer ride slowly along (or a good gift that would make her not I 0. TJ. W. P erp etu a L od ge, No. 131, TURY, (six volumes, complete,) 225,000: the precipitous side of the stream oppo­ proud but useful, and St. Patrick, out fc meets every le t an d 3d Saturdays OUR AIM—To furnish the best site us. aud evidently searching for a of his own head, taught her how to boil STANDARD, over 300,000; •sell month. M em bers and visitin g crossing. * potato. A sad thing and to be lament­ accommodations at reasonable brethren in good sta n d in g are cordially I “ At this moment a long steel tipped ed, that tho secret has ooine down to so iarited to attend. J . J . A nderson , M.W . .Sample Pages F ree......... .. blue line of Federal infantry crowned few I Since the highest intellectual and prices. F k .K vlk , Recorder. the hill above, in full view and within physical life is dependent upon diet— easy range of tho horseman, Apparent- i since the cook makes, while the physi- ly abandoning all hope of escape, thu cian only mends—should not she who 10.0. F. H eceta L odge N o . I l l , m eets latter turned and rode directly toward prepares our pies bo as carefully trained * every W ednesday e v e n in g in Lodge H ead of Tide Hotel, a g ents w a n t e d Hill, Florence, O regon. B rothers in the enemy's line. As wo watched him, as he who makes our pills? W. W. NEELY, Prop'r. ------- |wd Handing in v ited to a tte n d . breathless with anxiety lest the signal Certainly whatever may bo tho T homas J . B okkn , N . G. of surrender should be too long delayed, knowledge or the ignorance of the serv­ Tables furnished with all the D. B R O N SO N & CO, C has . H. V andkk buro , Sec. E. he suddenly wheeled about, put spars ant in the kitchen, tho mistress of the delicacies of the season. M ild to his horse, and dashing down the de­ house, be she yonng or old, ought to be Pacific Coast Agents clivity cleared the stream with n bound. able, like St. Patrick in the fable, ont of game, fish and fruit in season. Best SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Not a shot was fired at the bold rider. her own instructed head to teach Norah CHURCH D IR E C T O R Y As he reached the opposite bank a spon­ bow to boil a potato or broil a steak so accomodations for tho traveling 933 Market St. taneous shout went up from the whole that they may yield their utmost of rel­ line—a generous tribute from the brave ish and nutriment. ÍRE3BYTERIAN CHURCH, F lorence, public. Charges reasonable. to the brave. A moment afterward the Until she can do that, no woman ie • ûrftirnn S« liho f li qucv Ì po ' Sn.hhflt.h~ Confederate was in the midst of ns and qualified to preside over a household, •bool, 10 o’clock a. in. P rea ch in g 11 we recognized in him General James A. and since few reach adult lifo without •ci»;k a. in. and 7 p. 111. S acram en t of ***** ■<« Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of Walker, the commander of the old being called to that position in the Inuiry, April, J u ly an d October. Stonewall brigade. ” — Philadelphia household of husband, father or broth­ Jwybody is welcom o to all th e services, Times er, the legend of St. Norah has a wide MARION MORRIS Pro p. («tor re {neats C h ristia n s to m ake T w e n tv -th re e significance.—Youth’s Companion. Too T ire d to W o rk . •waiehei known. i j cents M ile « W e s t Shaving I. G . K notts , P astor. Malaganiaus do not wnnt to be both­ T b s N orth w est tn dlsn an