THE INDULGENT FATHER. An A c ro n n t o f O ne T h a t C olon el C allip er K n ew In Stork v illa C en ter, Vt. 0 * * 0 * * * * * * * * * “ Speukingof indulgent fathers, ’’ said Colonel Calliper, “ remind* mo of an ' old friend of mine named Sila* Ziug- tock, who formerly lived in Storkvillo Centre, Vt. Once when hi* little son Rufus wanted very much to fly n kito at n timo when he wa* not well enough to bo permitted to go out Mr. Ziugto t rigged up a contrivance whereby the youngster's desire could be gratified in the house. Ho set np a blower in the Lack parlor, belted it to an engine in the cellar bclcw, ami when everything the davits. The skipper then called the A SONG. was all ready ho started the fan anil names of the crew he proposed to send produced a current of air that was The K-ln-t come« riding down from henvrn. iu her, sending first the sailors, so that Ho. wind of heaven, what do you bling» j ample to float a Lite. the mate might place each in his proper tor the morn, dew for the even, “ It.was great fun for young Rufu3 to Cool station iu the boat, before the firemen, A r.d e v e r y s w e e t e s t th in g . sit in the back parlor anil fly his kita Oil, » ind of even, from 1 ink clouds driven, etc., who would bo ef no use iu the Are features peculiar to Hood's rills. Small ;n in the front, and for a timo everything What do yon bring to me? critical maneuvers of getting her away size, Ustvlesi, efficient, thorough. As one nutt went all right, but on an unfortunate The low call of thy love, who wait» from the ship's side, crowded her up. Under the w illow tree, day Rufy, not satisfied w ith the amount Wli<-se boat upon the water waifs But theno same firemen did not under­ of wind the fan was blowing, undertook stand his roasou and thought ho was For u*e—for th» el —Harriet Monroe In Century. to make it blow harder, which is some­ showing undue preference to his own thing that Mr. Ziugtock had expressly men, aud, a heavier sea than usual ' You never know you forbidden. It seems that the blower mid striking tho steamer, thero was a cry suill: have taken a pill till it is all | the boiler ami machinery were all much ef, "She’s going down, and he’s seua- over.” 25c. U. I. Hood & Co., larger than were needed to produce a ing tho sailors first 1” aud u rush for the Proprietors, Low eli, M ass. breeze sufficient to float a kite here, but flio last half hour of the steamship The only pills to tak e w ith Hood’s SarsaparUh. Mr. Ziugtock, who, though rich, was Saraband bad come. All day she had bout. “ Stand back!” cried the skipper. also thrifty, had had a chance to buy lain in the pitiless hay, crouching un­ Crack, and the leading fireman spread M e r c u r y u n d Venue. this plant second hand cheaper than a der tho fierce blast of tho northeast gale, 1 nut his hands and pitched on to his new plant of smaller size would have the seas sweeping her decks, and now I faco, rolling iu a limp bundle down on Astronomer* gonorally now ndmit cost, and so ho took it and had it set i ll on board knew that she had but a j Io tho leo rail. Tho rest of the men that tho moro recent studies of th„ up, und every morning he used to adjust (topped. They might as well be drown­ planets Mercury and Venus tend to 0011- ihort time to live. it so th a t it would not go above a cer­ b u ild ­ Sho bad had her day. Built to carry ed ns shot, they thought, and they hud- flriii ScLiujiurolli’s opinion, advanced tain speed, and several times ho had 120 passengers, she had once been one ! died together, looking with horrified somo year» ago, th a t both of them turn cautioned his sou never to touch it. of tiie popular boats going through tho glances at their dead comrade. Tho on their axe* onco w hile revolving ■‘About one minuto after Rufus did newly opened canal to the cast, aud her ubout tho sun. Thia, however, is a very touch it on this morning when ho w ant­ long Hush deck had been tho scene of skipper paused, lowered his revolver difficult point to settle w ith certainty and then called the next name. They ed it to blow harder the big fan was go­ many u gay gathering when her passen­ tho reason given for this being, and ing at a gait that sot up a hurricane in gers had assembled under tho awnings had learned their lesson mid went quiet­ very plausibly, th a t tho evidence rest» ly to tho boat, which wus got safely i the parlors. It blow the kito against one to laugh, flirt aud talk after dinner. away aud drifted out of sight in tho upon observation of tho exceedingly I of the windows and broke that tho first faint murkings upon tho disks of the i thing, and w ithin a minute the pictures 1 But larger and faster boats had come, mist of the gale. Tho other boat was filled without any planets, tho fact being that very fowas­ I wero off tho walls and their glasses aud her glory had departed, so that smashed, tables were upset, bric-a-brac after many vicissitudes here sho lay, mishap, and the skipper, tho only man tronomers liuve over seen thorn ut all her passenger accommodation taken out left on tho deck, lowered her. She also w ith distinctness, and only thoso who was knocked into flinders, mid tho 1 whole parlor was u wreck, w ith tho big mid the space filled with grain from tho got clear away and drifted out to tiie have made a most persistent study ef full length of her painter. Tho skipper them and are favored w ith vision espe­ blower going at top speed and churning Black sea ports, sinking. everything thero into fragments aud i Her decks were slanting at an anglo j walked aft to wait for them to haul up cially sensitive to such details are com­ blowing the debris out of the windows. of 45 degrees, for tho wheat had shifted, again. Ho had to pass tho body of tho petent to express au opinion as to their Major A C. Bishop, of 715 Third ave., Detroit. Mich., is n well known civil “ T hat ended tlje fath er's indulgence. ” i v,nil fih° lay nearly on her beam ends j dead man, and he did not look nt it. correct interpretation. engineer. He says . ••When I had my my last spell of sickness and came out of — N o w Y ork K nn I Kvery movable thing had long been | Tho boat was hauling np on the painter It is argued th a t if, as hold by some, the hospital 1 was a sorry sight. 1 could not regain rega ild not my strength, and could not 1 washed away, and one structure whieh and was getting close. Tho skipper got kite rotation aud revolution periods are walk over a block for several weeks. I noticed L__________ some articles ____ in the newspapers 1 should have been immovable—the en- ! • r t n iA w h i r ' l l r'Z in i r i n c a / ’ reso regarding Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, which convinced me »Vse,» that N E W O R L E A N S P O L IT E N E SS . ; gine batch—had also been smashed in. I on tho rail ready to jump. At that mo­ tho sumo bo a correct opinion, then tho they were worth trying and 1 bought two boxes. 1 did not take them for my ment a fireman, tho brother of the man clim atic conditions of the two planets complexion but for strength. After using them I felt better, and know they did That was the immediate reason why ' ho had shot, reached over the boat’s must bo most remarkable. Furthermore, E ig h t M en H e lp a S tr a n g e r t o F in d a me worlds of good. I am pleased to recommend them to invalids who need a j sho was going to founder. The engine i i bow, and with a cry of “ Blast yon, our moon always shows tho sumo faco to H o u se a t N ig h t. tonic or to build up a shattered constitution. "— D e tr o it Free P re ss. “ I was given a good example of sonth- room plates were awash, and tho fires in ¡stop and drown with B illl” cut the tho earth and no kuowlodgo exists of tho hidden part, nor have tho supposed I era politeness tho other night, ” gaid a the stokehole wero out, and for the last j painter. The g r e a t s u c c e s s o f gentleman from the north. “ I had gone two hours she had only been kept head The distance between the ship and inhabitants of that concealed hemi­ j to sea by means of a sea anchor mado of Dr. Wi 11 i a ms’ Pi n k Pi I Is for Pal e Peo - ' to tho Comas ball and had agreed to es- 1 tho boat began to widen instantly, and sphere over soon tho earth. This, how­ pie has led to many a t t e m p t s a t ■ eort a lady home. Sho was also a stran- j the derricks aud spars. A portion of ev­ in spite of tho frantic efforts of tho sail­ ever, is of no importance to them, as ger in tho city aud was stopping with ery sea that came on hoard found its ors at tho oars the deeply laden boat tho earth is uot tho source of light, heat imitation and substitution.Thegenu­ ! somo friends on Bourbon street, about way through the makeshift contrivance 1 was swept away and blotted out iu tho aud life on the moon. All parts of ine are always sold in packages like three blocks the other side of the opera j i of spars aud tarpaulins nailed over the mist. Tho skipper got down from tho the moon aro brought under the sun’s house. As it was only a short distance 1 gaping chasm in her deck that marked | rails and made his way back to tho influence just as all parts of tho earth, this,the wrapper being printed in [ wo decided to walk. I was of course I tho former position of the engine hatch, j bridge deck. Ho had just ten minutes though tho day and night aro 14 times red ink on white pa per. At all druggists ; totally unacquainted w ith the street I and each found her a little lower in the to live. Ten minutes to prepare for tho as long as on tho earth. But how it ordirect from the Or. Williams Medicine aud when we left tho lights of the opera water. | next world after 40 years at seal must ho on a planet w hich has ouo side In the shelter of the bridge deck, the I house I folt very much at sea. The He climbed up on the bridgo again only exposed to tho sun, nstrouomcrscan Co,Schenectady, M.Y.,50 cents p e r box I houses wero dark and 1 could not sco only structure which had been strong and sat on tho canvas wind screen to givo no uuswor.—Exchange. j the numbers, aud it was only by tho enough to resist tiie remorseless violence think. His wifo nud children, who number that tho lady could identify her of the seas, clustered her crew, somo would look after them now? His wages M u rd erer» M ay H e •‘N ice.* bearding place, as she hod only been 30 hands, hard faced sailors and grimy wero £16 per month. On that ho had At daybreak ut Sakhalin—you could firemen, the former quiet, apathetic, j there ouco. jlAVóYAV.ViWAWIVWWvWóVrVWAVrtif had but small chance to save. Well, lie hardly see daybreak on account of the D a n g e r s F r o m V io le n t K xercleo. “ Ahead of mo was a small man. 1 almost careless; tho others, save fo ra supposed the Shipmasters’ society would shutters—one of the ugliest looking C T Y L I S t t. R E L IA B L E ? few, dead white with fear, spending Thero is cousidorablo diversity of asked him if ho knew whero the num ­ A RTISTIC-«. do something for her, but sho would opinion ns to tho safety w ith which wo­ ber was. Ho answered very politely their last moments in cursing, with have to give up her little house at For­ women I over saw crept in with a cup R e c o m m e n d e d b y L e a d in g > of tea that is lUwnvs given iu Asia very D r c itm x k r r a a» a ? foolish, meauiugless repetitious of tho men may indulge in violent exercise in thut he did not, but was going that way They A lw a y s P l e a s e . 3: view of possible injury. As regard tho aud would help mo hunt. He told mi- I Eame words, tho ship, their luck in est Gate aud drop from the position of early in the morning, and sho w ut a captain's wifo to letting lodgings. murderess. I w ent to tho little tent out­ heart, there appiars to bo hut one opin­ othor man in front of him about it, mid ! coming in her aud tho skipper for not ion—namely, that th at organ, accus­ th at man told somo of his friends. In a making use of the two remaining boats : Perhaps ouo of tho children could lie side to have breakfast, nnd a man camo tomed to a quiet life, may be danger few minutes tho gentlemen had formed which hung from their davits at the lee got into an orphanago. If not, well, it up behind mo and reached over my ously mid permanently crippled by tho au ndvanco guard in oui in terest Wo side of tho bridge deck, and which from i meant starvation or the workhouse. He shoulder, and ho was a inurdcrc-r. When excessive strain in athletic sjiorts. Ex­ walked calmly behind w hile they went tlicir elevated position had not gone 1 thought of his own life, of his hard, ill we rode out after breakfast, a man with perience in medical practice, says un ; in front, on either side of the street, when tho other boats had been swept j used boyhood, cabin boy iu a Quebec magnificent broad shoulders and splen­ , ¿ N O I Q e BETTER AT ANY PRICE $ eminent authority, tenches th at tho pa- j striking matches anil looking for tho away. On the bridge stood the skipper I timber ship; of hi» manhood, spiut in did fuco drovo, aud lie was a murderer. tieut with a wculc heart must bo ex- | number. Thero were eight cf them, and and tho mate, bearded, elderly men I unremitting toil in all parts of the The fact is, strange ns it may seem, > ??t,r e,y ■,««*«*» 1 « i«« Con,.! Si..,.' tremely cautious in hi» exercises, and | th eir matches would go off one after the both, straining their despairing eyes world; of tho various ships he had com­ they (tho governor nnd Russian cfBceis I "C >'3* r dealer not keep ihcm send 2» I Joett io us One cent stampe »«„ehcJ s2 tho demonstration of a dilatation of the i othor. I t was a regular flambeau parade, ! into the wall of mist and spray which manded, iu each of which ho bud been at Sakhalin) bave no choice, z ;) ho healthy heart under sudden, violeut, | I wus overcome. 'H ere it is,’ shouted relentlessly rushed down upon them, in expected to use less coal, less paint, domestics m ust come from tho material ( I THE McCALL company , tho faint hope that seme passing vessel fewer provisions anil to go with smaller they have, anil if you tako a thief he is exhausting effort which ha» been inado j au ndvanco seont By R a i l , P o a i a g a P a i d , I Jg I 3 8 i„ 146 w ,416 street. M:w York 5: wa» of a surprising nature. Many cliu-I “ Wo approached tho house rapidly might appear through tho gloom of the crews than in the last. He thought cf almost always suro to stay a thief, while I :S . iiUAXcn o r r ic r . : S i tho blackguards ho had had to command a murderer may be a very nice kind of • .A» r if ili A v e ., C h ic.u n , and S: ieal observers in Germany and in this ««<1 found the eight gentlemen staudiug gale. '» J , M arket S I ., S«n I rarm, Jj country have detected by percussion and before it. I t was almost w ith emotion j At length tho skipper tnrned aud as crews, and the troublo he had had a person. They did th a t kind of thing observation of tho changes in tho heart that I raised my hat aud thanked them ecrambled down the slopiug bridge to with them, and tho old sailor proverb among themselves, and I don’t want any b i nts th at there is under strain and exer­ for their efforts. ‘Nothing at all, ’ they ! where the mate crouched on tho loo rail. rose to liis lips, “ To live hard, work better men than somo of those that were tion considerable dilatation, which con­ said politely, mid the entire eight raised “ Wo shall have to try tho boats, Mr. hard die hard aud go to hell after all sent thero for m urder.— Bulletin Amer­ tinues for u shorter or longer timo nfter their hats aud walked into tho dark- ! Smith. She’ll not last much longer!” ¡would be too d----- d hard.” Well ican Geographical Society. tho exertion is over. Ocular proof of ness. -Now Orleans Times-Demoerat 1 ho shouted, the wind picking np each he’d not had much fun out of life, nud , word as I10 uttered it ami sweeping them now he was going to find out what it A G a ll a n t T h ie f . this has been nffurdetl by the Roentgen Creates! Weekly in th: Country, B r ig h ic i! M a g a iln a P u b lU h .d k; M ilita r y C ou rage. | away to leeward, as if jealous of tho a 1 meant. Anyway he hud always done rays. This shows uot only tho need if A woman in London recently had her C onuln, Beautiful Colored Piale. ; t < his best for lus ship. Tho qncstiou of the comparative pro- hearing them caution by those in geixl health, bnt pocket picked, ouo of tho articles being q Blu,irate« I jlr s i patterns, Fa.h- ig bins, I'.tnty Work. «I » moro particularly so in the ease of thoso 1 portion of really brave men in any army ' " I t ’s a “ * very poor chance, “ said tho | His eyes fell on the dead body of the a sealed und uuoddressed envelope, con­ «Including: postage) tn any p a rt of the U n ited who suffer from any weakness, consti­ ' w ill probubly never bo deteruiiueiL I mate, but I suppose it ’» our only one h id ^M - Th“t t ,oo! I f ‘he man should taining a £6 note. Tho next day she lu ­ jS » » I I I . J fu r i h i . in a g i. ln . In r v . r » « I ? mdict him at the bar of the last juilg- cci veil back the stolen articles, with the tttatea, C anada and M exico. tutional or otherwise, in this organ__ i Groat ofllcers on the continent keep j How long do you givo her?” si... ’’ ••‘» P“ n.»l, ¡10c. .... ..... , ""'"". f". a lim i • : I a |< it I, |., P a n e ,,i. T I I K W K U K L Y C H R O N IC L E . the brightest 1 * 3 , I«« , lu * J in g "'"V ,u' ' ' • • " ’ » " 'I n l l i c r r . r n c . • 5- ; > New York Ledger. their knowledge on that subject rigor j “ Half au hour at the outside. Are weuld *1° WOnW a“SWCr there- as he following explanatory note: and most com plete W eakly New spaper In (be THE McCALL CO.. =: jj eour d “ T8V0 flnswercd a» earthly ously as a professional secret and as j the boats all ready?” w orld, prints reg u la rly I l k Colum ns. or sixteen D ear M adam — T he e x ig e n c ies o f iny profes- S i j S to .4 6 W . 14th s t . New York J l •'• A “ D al.y ," ’’They’ve been ready sincomorning ” court. In my judgment it was neces- Mon led m e Just now in to possession of your page a, of Ncwa, L ite ra tu re and Oeneral In fo r ­ sumo os a certainty that all soldiers aro saryfor tho safety of the men ?„ my purs«, w here 1 find fio sh illin g * , w hich I appro­ m ation : also a m agn 111 cent A g ric u ltu ra l and “ Yon nro a d aisy,” is used by Dick­ bravo. They know very well, however, said tho mate, “ but can wo get them in a jj " _ R ich H o rtic u ltu ra l D epartm ent T ills Is one of th * priate to m y o w n needs, and th ese papers, H ANTES --KKl K TKVhTW'IIKTIlY IKRSONS I n that they nro not. and when confiden­ the water unsmashed, aud wou’t the charge.” a A sudden quiver warned him w hich I return to you. I do th is beó&use I feel ■ rextest de|txrtm erits In any paper on this I I i I h k iu ic III h iiiiih k o o u r Im s liii ss in D i v i n it i I, ons in "D u v id Coppcrfleld” in the sense aho^vas nearly gone, aud ho rose to his f i r e m e n rush them?” __ _ _ ruw tial w ill adm it, as Marshal von Moltko •Mill n ea rb y cou nt I vm . It in m a in ly office w o rk of culling n person a daisy in tho way Coast. E v e ry th in g w ritte n Is based on ex- esp ecially desirou s to restore th is lit tle w hite “ I don’t think so, ” replied the skip- to,T "no ’“«‘"look to windward' < o rn im i id h i im m e. S a lary » ir n iv iit I'.RW a to express ndm iratiou aud nt the sumo onco did iu public, that with a great le rle n c e In the Ccaat States, not on Eastern envelope, w hich 1 have n o t been indiscreet 8 >«Hi nii(, e x ik ' iincm —d e fin ite . b o n atidc, no m ore men r knowledge of th eir ow n localities. to open. I know v ery w e ll that when l0°kert into “ tho blinding spray, A number it takes discipline, and severe per. ‘There’s time enough and room m i IV » W tlary. »lim itai}- VS. Ilv tv rv u v v . K11- tim e to laugh a t one’s credulity. Steer- ho enough a young w om an goes o u t w ith a little w hite ClOhV M il llllllrv s -.n l S lllliv lv il i'll \ v iv i , V, IlvlÌH 'rt enough for all to get away. ” 2nd "1 lare°.wavo come out of the'm ist envelope forth says to young Coppcrfleld: “ Da­ discipline, too, to iuduco them to face SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. t . I lv s s , I'lV S l., I lv p t. »1. ChlvilKII. so ca refu lly carried in her pocketbook grimmer look as as vid, my daisy, you nro so innocent of shells uuslirinkiugly. American officers . . But . . . hi* face took , - a .......... p nor. J , L “.? ------- ’,0" 1?!. • 8? " — MnP her. no He that th is envelope con tu in s a love lettor which Ie? 1 , " ay <1',wu the bridge to ’J- *16 ral1 with both hands and she | m seeking a chance to address secretly to tho world. Let mo call you myduisy, a* have been known to acknowledge that any 1 the charthouse, t he mate following him “ ‘S " ps ffloved a half forgotten nmv her beloved. I w ill n o t w ro n g your lover by C ool neo« In O an ger. it is so refreshing to tiuil one in these of their men, who are as brave as any taking tho sw e e t w ords and kisses w hich you “ “ I do uot send my men whero I will corrupt day* so innocent und unsophis­ iu tho world. 20 per cent would run Inside they could hear each other with X m eant for him , and I ain very sorry that I * Ä “ ' f ” « " » I » " Ä greater case, and the skipper, while not go myself. ” have even for a sh o rt tim e dela y ed his receiv- ticated. My dear Coppcrfleld, the daisies away if thoy could, and iu every army, even ours, which a man enters only ef taking his revolver from a drawer, gave R • Tho skipper had gone to meet his inK his letter. May y o u be happy, denr girl, It was Winfield Scott Schley who if the field nro uot- fresher than you. ” w ith him whom you have chosen , and believe free will, there is a certain proportion tho mate his final instructions. said this wheu ho was commander of alw aya in th e good w ish es o f y o u r obedient We’ll lower the forward lifeboat A S u rreaafu l F r e a c h e r . who literally cannot overcome their tho Now York und stood on tlio forward servant. All English bishop, ivs ho was going | fears. They aro stricken with a sort of first, as she’s the biggest. You will take j bridge of hi» Rhip outward hound from W .t .o n a . . C aptain. W h e n y o n have | ouo of tho ¡Kirts of tho A tlantic soa- about his diocoFo. Hskisl tho portor of a paralysis. Tho proportion is probably ebargo of her. get your crew aboard and a s ic k h o rse you Lonrd. Teu minutes before a badly lunatic asylum how a chaplain whom not high in any army, tho m ajority, if have every cue iu his place IK.foro we d o n o t h itch him frightened inuu bud run up to him, call- ho, tho bishop, bad lately appointed, in health, being ablo to do their duty start to lower, so that you can shove off u p to a s u lk y and ' iug out: I was getting oh . and having intense motives to do it, but as soon ns sho touche» tho water If ta k e h im to the race track for a "O h. my lord,” said the man, “ his neither is tho proportion high of those , n UOh L ”ahT hKar t’ .yOU ° Ught *° bBa‘l Captain, tho forward port magazine l i t t l e h ea lth fu l The boats were fitted with a is on tiro I” j preaching is most successful. Tiie hid- who literally fael no fear.—Loudon right. sp iu . Y o u d o c­ patent contrivance by which the tackles '« .« a w i.iy Spectator. j “ Then shut your month, ” said the iots heujoys it partiekler. “ tor h im . Y o u can n ot holding them are automatically released ! captain The nnm, thus rocallod to his w o rk or recrea te a man A C je lle ti* r a r n d ls f. T h e ( h r o . i n J<« l l u l l d l n v . he moment the boat is water borne, ro in to g o o d h e a lth any ».•uses, tor ched his cap and relapsed A London curato the othor day re Cyclists iu rural France are well ca­ THF. CHRONICLE I'anka w ith the fre a ta a t m ore th a n y^ u can a into silence, while hi» oommander ceivod an astonishing answer to au in tered for iu delightful little countrified that there is no unhooking of blocks to •o w ap apars In ihx U nited flta tre . h o rse. B ic y clin g be done while the boat is getting d.asheS TH IC A’llR o N Il'L e E baa n«>equal on (he Parlflo 1 quietly ordered a lire drill und a mo­ qtiiry after a parisliioner’s health. cafes, w ith open air tables often set in w ill m a k e h ea lth y Coeat I t Ir a d t all In a b ility , antarprlM 1 aud ment later commanded the flooding of “ Well, s ir ," said (ho parishioner, an arbor of evergnvna A frauc and a to pieces against the ship’s side m e n m o re h e a l t h v ; it " I shall bo nil rig h t," said the mate w ill m a k e u n h e a lth y tho magazine. Both order*, a port ef "sometime« I feel» anyhow, sninetiines half or two will get you n perfection of T H F C H R O N I(T < R *8 Telce. Per. “ Call tho men up. ” p officer a, he Was S*? « « fisherman an a * it v « ’ ’ ® M w w n iw ii and s e e s to • f Canada aa 1 Mo. l i e n M xioi A peculiar neenlnit overtook a Hick- teuehiiig at se-ee fereigu port iu the The men came up in a bedy. aupI7 n v e s *11 b ilio u s im p u r itie s from th e aiiil went to the wardrobe, took down return eall the governor sees the one lit­ "T h e ship’s duking. ’ he said, “ aU(t Cni’ I? m i* flesh , n e r v es, brain c e lls, O N T IIK O T IIK ti n l 1.;. tle gun of tin i-pautsh num-ef ivar run Croat cccasiotis do uot make Ier.«-s T h " ^ 7 ,de’1 tre«.I?S a,n • b o n es w ith th e lif e - g iv in g ele- ■ -■4 •* « ■ ! th e '■«* n « Ills summer trousers and draw them en u k e ,0 _ s ° £ n c h , red, p u re b lo o d . It m a k es W e - k y < h r . i i l . - l f ( .r I I I . « f . r , Tliis proceeding rrsiiltixl in such yells out to a return dilute, but at the or cowards, they simply unviil them to There . plenty of time and room for ' , ‘«Tested in the apriat^nTTr * ’ n,nCh * •« < « (» p re p a ra un m ap a n d p a p e r. a ™an h e a lth y an d th en a b ic v c le w ill »on m . 1 ± 2 e^ aP"-v ' ““t he re«treoffrWire- i? that the entire family w a s awaki aid critical monicut the Spnuisii admiral tlio eye» of men. Siicutly aud impercep­ to get away tU safety if yon 9tTonBT M e d ic in e d e a le r s sell obey my AM XUSas n , and have n o th in g “ j u s t a s g o o d .” Mr Arnold was >ieu sum undid by tho rushes up and th n ws the gun, carriage tibly. as we wake or sleep, we grow aud v « .,» aud u!l. into Hi,, sea h l. I I . de Y O U T V f» , vnn nm m i i n -tandingwhere Wax stroug. we grow and wax weak, family, whieh was anxious to n uder allies: than tbndge, a second tn m.. ‘ 68 at t n o J i ? ? 1 ^our ’ hillful treatment I am once you are till I «11 your uames; then .1,« the Crepo.-lx s K. obratiifie. “ W hat!" exclaims the distinguished and at last somo crisis shows us w kst man whoso name is called will take bis a»‘ « G l4 o 8w 7 „ d ‘° a l 8 0Wna88i"‘’ Gaud? 7 f l n,a" •” J N Arnold. E*q . o f Inin assistaiiixi. His ouly words wei-e, ban raxhciaco, c m 1 isitor • W !iv do you threw your gov- Rayleigh and Mr. P r^ .. h !ri* *° 1x11x1 w ith a e have Uixnuo.—Canon Webteott Neb. I ruflfcred fo r years “ Pull off the pant».’’ The coiuliiind place in the boat. Any man ,1«, irrita tio n i ’f f l ° ” * n 'l torpidity o f th e li er. em inent s guns ovit I mkir I?** effort» of the family wero vain, how­ 111 koodon. the for the boat before I tell him I »boot These were tranim ... i 1 he prostate a n d in fla m m a tio n ot M ^ d i o i l 1 took bottles o f 1 G old en Tho chaffinch is a favorito bird iu ever. until some cue suggested that a " O m u i s -. replies the admiral, " if L et It L eak . nnderstand all?” «moot. «yi'em from the'i.Jai.d’t ^ J i i , Mat«w i •m aod P e lle ts ’ and (lerniany. It is beautiful und n flue seam be ripped. Thia ilia ie , th , was t h e gun hail gone e f f .it would have on rhe mainland a d i . Bc',rn«mouth There wa» a low murmur from the Mrs. Ronsew (early iu the morning) m ean, o f « Vou *h,! sing« r Its varinns colors are gray or disclosed uot a hornet s uest, rats o r ' bid” hole shi.i to pieccsl That —John, Joliu I Don’t you »mell escap­ men and the skipper crutiuued •nd then were r e tL 16 bine on the neck, a reddieli brown anything of that nature, but a eat with in a r ilcii ration for me!” destination« by ‘“ ,thueir several ing gas? A m an or w o m a n w h o n e g .r c t» Mr. Smith wtU take I charge cf the Mireoni apparatus is b e j L ? ^ ,he ti it?’ fin the breset, whit«> on the whig cover’« eight kitteu a — Hickman County c o n s tip a tio n su ffers from slo w John (sleepily)— I don t care if I d a boot.” •I’ and blacish black un tbs fa il p n iso n in » Dr P ie r c e 's Pie s w a t nrnge in saving this ship It'« the hotel »gas I d o u t have to pay j (T eun.j News. The mate, with climbed into the ’biÌt’^ ' P e lle t , cu re c o n stip a tio n . O h- from de.trui uou —Loudon Newa» for it.—Philadelphia North A rnericu. P e l l c t " is n g e n tle t a x i Get Strong A system which has become run down by the trying weather of the past summer is not in a condition to meet the severe winter of this climate and will easily fall a prey to disease unless a proper tonic is used. Dr Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are the best medicine in the world for ing up and strengthen­ ing an enervated system Do not confuse these pills with ord­ inary purgative pills.They do NOT act on the bowels, thereby further weakening the body.They build up the blood and strengthen the nerves. asy to Take v asy to Operate Hood’s TJIE SKIPPER. P ills >w f I MSCALL BAZAR | CHRONICLE h e : P atterns I f; J D A IL Y $ 6 ? 7 0 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 I MS CALLS 1 MAGAZINE S ( 3 HUB 00 5- £ 3 a .............. Reversible Map? Map of the World *°the ,sie^ deep r « ‘he usns; cuLieSX*'nJe^ a an<1 ,w,° * n ,' , <« c a lh s r t i' AH m e d ic in e d e a le r s s e ll I h e o t no other pills are “ jus! u<*4'