rræïZE W E S T b o dies fo u n d - A G HOVEY DEAD R oÿal Be C erea al Lml Saturday wi.ileon hin __ way up) Hon A G Hovey «h o 1ms l»een io fiotn Gmdiner Io Florence with the i P°°r health for some »¡me |MMt dii-,I a» iiuill, II II Barrett (omni the Innly of a hi« home in Eugene Jast Sunday, No- Omumx.— L a s k ,fYOMKNCE> limn mi I he head, near Ten Mi.e creek. vemlier 27tb. Tuesday he found another about two From the sketch of his life given by miles below (he Ten Mile. Guard we take the following brief out-I D B . W . H . S À U N D B R S & C Ô . Both bodies were entirely mule, the line: In order to reduoo tray stock o f goods Editor and Proprietor. seenml one having a rope tied around A G Hovey was horn in New Hamp­ Made from pure The Ablest and Most Successful the waist. shire in 1821 his ancestors having between now and Jan. 1st, 18149, 1 havt> Rpeeialista in the World. cream of tartar. I liev are supposed to have been ] emigrated Io America from England! „TüitM«: $1.60 » y«“r in “’ivanee.----- They guarantee a complete cure rcducedjthe price o f all goods to COST' sailors wlio were drowned at the wreck “ul-n after the revolutionary war. Ymtr Own Home, and allow you of the Atlanta. If so to reach the place In 18-19 lie with a company of otbe’s entered at th e post-office at Florence and a small per cent to cover expenses where thev were found they must have crossed ttie plains t< California with ox , pay when cured. »“* ... Oregon, as aecoial-claa» Ijtiie county during the sale. been carried about forty miles by ocean teams and llie next year iie came to mail matter currents. Oregon and located at Corvallis. In \\edesdny a Mr Carter who lives near 1867 he moved to Lane county and en­ . p t is in o bates made known ON A l- Alum biking powders are the *D' lllt PLICATION. Five mile creek found two more bodies. gaged in milling and merchandising at menaeen to health of the present proem dav day. 1 nolle«« 8 cent« per line, each Insertion One had on nil under shirt and knit Springfield remaining there thirteen Thousands of promising young men - Hover t e » rowan »n, rp^. scarf, also a leather strap at,nut the years. have their lives and future usefulness In 1881 he la-esine a me,liter o( the wrecked by INDISCRETION AND waist. The other was a large man witti Florence, Or. Dec. 2, ISJ 8. These goods are m ostly new, bought Bait of those Christmas goods linve firm of Hovey, Humphrey A Co., who PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms arrived at A O Eunices. Call and see the name Annie Ellis and a iieart tat­ for the F all and W inter trade, and will established the fame county liniik. of until cure-1, are portrayed on the coun­ tooed on the rigid arm. them. Mr Barrett also found nno’her lio.lv which lie was president at the limo of tenance an I in the actions of the vic­ be sold w ithout reserve. It is the largest CO TO- Rev T B Ford of Eugene was thrown yesterday about 1»£ miles below Ten his dentil. tim. If neglected or iiiiprojierly treat­ from a wagon in a runaway last Friday Mile. This makes five bodies'that have During Ids residence in this state he ed. other organs become affected, nnd stock carried for m any years thus g iv ­ evening and suffered a compound frai- come ashore within a few miles. held various offices having lieen the first nooner or later there are serious results. ing a great variety to select iroin lure of both legs. clerk of Benton county, stale senator Our New Method Treatment will posi­ r, -«* FAMILY-ENTRANCE ACITATION. and mayor of Eugene. Y our W inter Supply Complaint is made by those who have tively cure these diseases. To Buy The funeral services were held at the been endeavoring Io obtain situations in MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are Oregonian: There has been renew c l family residence Tuesday afteriiisui and thousands of you who have committed 0------ o f ------- 0 I fie public schools of Portland that there are loo many married women employed agitation of late ill regard to closing the the interment took place at »lie I O O F offences against the laws of your na­ back door “ family entrances” of saloons. cemetery. as teachers. ture, nml are now paying up for it. Conncilmen have been urged to pass an Besides liis wife Mr Hovey left a Those weak, aching backs, Loss of Sex­ Mrs Leonard Buell who died at Look­ ordinance closing these entrances. Thev daughter and two sons. ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, ing Glass valley. Douglas county, Ore., say tlint some time since they passed an Frequent and Painful evacuations of GENERAL NEWS- aged 82 years left a husband 84 years of ordinance prohibiting women from visit­ tlie Bladder accompanied by more or age with whom she had lived for G21 ing saloons, and if this ordinance was Fire broke cut in the Baldwin hotel less smarting and the escape of par­ years. enforced by the police there would lie no in San Francisco on the tnorr.ing of ticles of albumen in the urine with R a n g in g in cloth from $ 1 .6 0 up. P lu sh capes from $ 3 .6 0 up. Clnis Dethmnn, ol Hood River, hutcli- necessity for closing the family doors. And don’t forgot th at you can get Nov. 24th destroying the bote! nnd ropy sediment, all point to the decline cred two hogs Inst week that weighed It is further argued that it is not prac- C otton b la n k e ts at 50c, 65C, 75c, 11.00, and • 1.26 per [pair. theater. Three persons are known t o , of your manhood. There are hundred« the best goods for th e — 800 pounds—one 420, the other 380. | tumble to prevent a man fiom having ns have perished and five others are miss-! who uie of this difficulty, ignorant of W o o l “ from 82.00 to 88.00 per pair; mostly Salem manufacture Ibis is not so strange as tlie assurance I many entrances to ills saloon as he de- tlie cause. Tlie doctors will guarantee L E A S T M O N E Y of their owner that they were fattened ) sires. The license committee has been ing. Tlie Corbet-Sharkey fight Nov. 22ml a perfect cure in all such cases, and C alicoes at 20, 25, and 30 y d s ., for 81.00. N e w e s t s ty le * on codlin moths. - asked to consider a proposition for was witnessed by about 9090 people and i healthy restoration of theG euito Urin­ C hicago L. Li. m u slin 5c, Cabot W . 6c, Cabot A . 7c, w it h h a lf Guard: The steam heating boilers of I '»»king two grades of liquor licenses, it is said tlie receipts exceeded $43,000. ary Organs. the new court house were fired up today 0116 f°r ««loo»« which keep open till 1 Sharkey was given the light in t iie . READER—Are you in trouble? cen t reduction b y th e bolt. * YORAN & SON, for the first time, the contractor, M r!11 ani' another for saloons which keep ninth round on a foul. Have you been treated and never cured? Gardner, arriving here last night for °Pen 8,1 eight. It is argued that a A terrible steamboat accident occurred You dare not risk a return of the dis­ T he Shoo Dealers. the purpose. The heat will he used to 1 considerable addition to the city's last Silt,day near Stockton California. ease. It may appear when happy in revenue from license might be secured One of the boilers of the river steamer domestic life. Our New Method dry the plaster. W E S T L IN G S . Coast Mail: Four bundled poles in this way. Just how much consider­ T C Walker was blown nut killing 6 and ; Treatment is your refuge. Ii diseased, Men's and Boys* clothing a t prices have been subscribed for tlie telephone ation such a proposition will receive is dangerously wounding 11 others while consult us confidentially. WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) line lietween Bandon nnd Dairyville, not known, but as witli lliw proposition perhaps 15 or 20 more were more less been ordered for the Anew flag has that w ill astouish you. This is an op- for our interesting book. “ A Warning and the remaining 160 required will no to license gambling-houses, some will hurt. Glenn,la School. take one view of it and some another. A lilizzir-1 rage-1 along the Atlantic ‘ Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept doubt lie furthcoming. The line will be portnnity to procure your w inter sup­ J A Levnge is building a large barn erected iib soon as the poles are on the It is very doubtful if the council could const last Sunday, 10 inches of snow i strictly private and confidential. All on Ids homestead. tic induced to vote in favor of either answers sent plain sealed envolope. plies practically for cost. Rem em ber failing in New York. Several deaths ground. There will he » Christmas dance given proposition. from col-1 and exposure are reported. A j No O. O. D. business. The state board of medical examiners the place and call. ii, Florence this year. doz-n coasting vessels are rep-med | have decided that applicants for license PAYMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT. Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. ashore in Boston harbor. The people of Mercer Lake district are to practice dentistry will have to pass Prairie fires have played havoc in Ok­ Tlie annual report of Paymaster- hiiilding a new ecliool house. an examination in Alling teeth before WRITE TODAY. Christmas books, nil sixes large and receiving their final papers. Heretofore General T If Stanton, of the army, lahoma ami the Indian Territory for Ho-, last few days. One farmer lost 1,009 j shows an expenditure of $23,499,969, an small, for children at A O Funke’s. they have only licen required to answer Address Rem em ber we carry a general assort- increase of $2,326,801 compared witli acres of fine hay in the field, several j Pacific Queen Sewing Machines sold a lot of set questions. hundred hales of cotton and 509 head of I D r - S a u n d e r s & Co-: last year. l m ent o f Dry Goods, C lothing, Boots and on the installment plan at Meyer & Guard: A Mr Skeeis of Washington, 69 Sproat St., Detroit, Mieli. General Stanton says that the rapid cattle and hog*. He estimates liis loss Kyle’s. lias secured a three year’s lease on the increase of tlie army gave rise to many at $20,000. Millions of tons of hay in Ji ! Shoes, IlatH and Caps, G ent’s, Ladies’ Harry Bovle is building a new boat. Springfield sawmill, and soon the music questions ns to the law governing pay­ bale and in hulk have been burned In and C hildren’s Underwear, H osiery and Who will have the ride in it? Keep of the saws will he heard. The party ments of volunteers, which tlie depart­ other sections ami no less than 100 resi­ RESIGNED HER POSITION. who lias lensed the mill will give it n ment lias endeavored to adjust satisfac­ dences have been destroyed. Se-.ernl watch girls. N otions all reduced. T his sale for lives have been lost in these prairie fires. Mrs Capt. Hansen sends us her nd- thorough overhauling and will increase torily. Miss Id» Nnffsinger li.-.s resigned her CASH only. ¡ The mustering out and scattering of In the Kiowa Indian reservation a strip position as teacher of tlie Florence ,1*« from Gilroy, Santa Clara county, tlie capacity to 59,000 feet of lumber per day. This will be the means of giving miles is troops lias imposed additional work ! of land thirty by seventy five California. school to take effect Dee, 24th. She employment to quite a foico of men. upon tlie pay department. He recoin- burned, causing great damage, will soon after leave for Kalispel, Mon­ Cl ns David is tire carpenter employed Roseburg Review: The Oregon Tele­ mends an increase in the regular furec tana where she has obtained a lietter HOW'S THIS? by J A Pond to construct the addition phone Co’s gang arrived in town today of tlie pay corps. ,laying position in tlie public schools of to liis building. stringing tlie local or loop wire from I hut place. I O O F ELECTION- Dollars We offer One Hundred Guard: D W Coolidge displayed a Eugene back this way. The Oakland Reward for any case of Catarrh that ADM IN ISTR A T C R S SA L E OF pear is Ids show w indow today that office of the company will he in Page At »lie meeting of Heceta Lodge, No. cannot lie cured liy Hall’s Catarrh Cure. weighed three pounds. REAL P R O P E R T Y . A Diinr.iick's drug store, and there will I ll, I 0 O F, held Wednesday evening, F J Cheney & Co., Toledo Ohio. School was commenced this week in lie another office in the northern part of Nov. 30th, the following officers were We, the nnilersigned, linve known the Maple Grove district with Mrs Clara the county at Elk Head. Drain is not elected to serve for tiie term commenc­ N otice is n s a sa Y oivex th at by v ibtue or F J Cheney for tlie InBt 15 years, and *u order made by the County Court of Lane Johnson in charge of affairs. on the line. ing the first Wednesday in January I elieve him perfectly honorable in all County, Oregon on the 17th -lay of September, The president has appointed John At Forest Grove recently the marshal 1899: business transactions and financially laws, directing, autliorlxlng anil or lortng me the undersigned adnilnisti'fltor, of ttie Ksl-ite of Morgan collector of customs for the forcibly entered a billiard ball. M itbout Andrew Brand, N G ; John A Mason, aide to carry out any obligations made Alfred M arku deee*-ed to «ell s t private or Southern district of Oregon, Coos Bay. consulting an attorney, be paid $10 line V G; Marion Morris, Sec; Win Kyle, bv tl-eir linn. public sale th e follow lua real estate to » It: A Chinese hoy who worked in the in justice court for breaking into a build­ ! Treas; S J Seymour Per Sec. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, belonging to said estate. EUOENE, Lots 1. 2. and 3 in See. 7. Twp. IS 8. It. 10 W. cannery during fishing season has been ing. Afterward lie wished lie hadn’t Toledo, Ohio. HOW SHE DIO HER WORK- of th e W. M. In Lane C ounty Oregon coiitnln ORE. attending the public school this week. paid it as lawyers say that not even on a Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally b ig 133 & 70-100 acres. technicality could be have licen convict­ The New England storm of Saturday Shedd, Ore. Nov 19,1898 — Mrs Nettie | acting directly ti|wn the blood and To pay the on Island I ng cla im « against «aid night nnd Sunday morning already has ed. The owner of the billiard ball also M Carothers of this place states that she niiieous surfaces of the system. Testi­ estate and the cost of adm lniatratinn to the highest bidder for cash. Therefore by virtue ol a list of 100 vessels of all discription paid $10 in the recorder’s fonrt for con- ( was so severely afflicted with rheum­ monials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. said order on, from and after the 2Stti day of ducting a gambling game. Honors were wrecked and 70 lives lost. December lS'-M nt one o’clock ot »aid day I shall atism ttiat slie was obliged to sit down to Sold by all Druggists. then considered even. Halls Family Pills are the best. proceed to sell at private or public, eale to the do most of her work. She began taking An other meinlier was initiated into highest bidder for cash In hand a t the office of J R Buckman of Harrisburg accompa­ Hood’s Sarsaparilla ami it cured her. N one who are engaguil in any o f the m echanical LOGS WANTED. the mvsterics of Masonry Saturday Waltnn A Markley in Eugene, Orcg -n the nied by another man went into tlie evening. The lodge here is steadily starve described real p r ,party to satisfy tlie THANKSGIVING IN GLENAOA- pnrsuitH can succeed w ithout reading and mountaiU8 about two weeks ago for a increasing in members. I want 4,009,030 feet of ol 1 growtli fir claim s against said estate, and to p ly th e cost limit. They became separated and after of adm inistration. studying (his standard Magazine of Sciences A very pleasant party gathered at logs delivered at tlie sawr-inill at Acme The blocks, plank and timber that remaining in the vicinity for two days liste d ntlEugonc, Oregon th is tOtli day of was need around the shipyard has been waiting lor Buckman to appear the the Glenada bote, arid partook of between now and May 1st 1899. N ovem ber, 1898. and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated^with I B Cushman. John A. Meson, piled tip and taken care of so it will tic other man returned to Harrisburg and Thanksgiving dinner with Landlor-I Adm inistrator. all modern cuts o f latest inventions in all A party o f, Harwood and wife. About lliirtv peo- on the ground ready to use in building TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY. anuther vessel next year. Take Iaixative Bromo Quinine Tablets. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- the branches o f m echanism , and its fund, o f n» -,»»■ p r e » » '.- " " - - At Cleveland, Douglas Co., Nov. I “ ™ , Ä 7 S h T ,.û J „ ' a " • h” I I ) All druggists refund money if it fails to rookeN r i Asa» (LE. .rima I ht; W-H ire £ Í flail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Price as if You Bought in Person. > j. ns £ ord. ' J . H. McCLUNG, S c ie n tific A m erica n . Work on the steamer Lnclla is being Fred Fnnke who wa» taken to Eugene j In Florence, Or, November 20, 1898 Sunday school at 10 a m. poshed ns fast ns tiie weather will per­ ten i about two weeks sgo was examined last Su iick of;t o t |ie wi(e ,,f Chas Wetmore » Preaching by the Rev W A mit. The engine room is nearly flntoh- week by Drs, Kuykendall nnd Harris pound daughter.___ __ *1- Her masts were raised to their Albany, at H a m and 7 pm- an«!arn | eyery p#r, Q, alll, ¡, wel) j N otice 1« hereby given th at tire follow in g. David Kyle; <:«»• nam ed ««(tier Inu, filed notice of tils Intention diat there was no room for bin, nt the B„|,y Wilson ; treas. with the usual Z i j R S tilk s, Point Terrace, Or. 2 known in almost every one ol tire 70,000 to m ik e dual proof I'l «upport of Ills claim , slid hotel went to sleep on the back porch o f ; sec. Maurice Livenson, th«t «aid proof wilt bn made before C. If. IIpl - ’ let, m 180«. $ W | | poetoffice« in the country. It is edited deu U .8. C einnilsulniierat la k e rrecln ct, Ore­ N Nov. o v . 1ST, an. d* saloon, Sun-lay after' -Í The Bociety will meet w itli reference to a national circulation. gon, on l>eee,i,la-r 10, laaa, viz: Joseph E. W ilson taa-ler: Some scoundrel entered the I on hi» h. e. no. 701» for the sw '4, see. 1», tp. » , 0 KsoTTg pastor, *>arn of Henry Vcatch, nt Cottage Grove , noon at 2.30. It is a republican paper, but people of «., r. 11 West. MOVED TO ALBANY. 'MtSunday night, nnd with a grass) He names the follow in g w itn es.es to prove all politic» take it, lie- a-i-e of its honesty hl« mmtiiinoii« residence upon and cu ltivation HECETA LETTER- Wythe deliberately disemboweled his j The general offices of the Corralli« A an,| fMim e « in the discussion of all of said land, via: '^dcli cow and then attempted to con- Eastern railroad were to be moved to (iul,;i(. questions. It is the favorite C. II. Black. E M Black and M. J. T ow ne rtf tlie bloody weapon by sticking it B y D e ib d b e . Ruby. Ore., and II. F. W ilk s of A da, Oregon. Albany fa|I)i|,. ^ ^ 1 -, with something lor every 11 >■ i » 7 yesterday.______f » into the haymow. The penitentiary J. T. B s o x t g ., Register. »onl, I be a palace for su d i a fienJ as Cobb an i W Il H Spangu Spaligli bave ^ ' ' ^ ^ ’ VncorporaDon file-» some member of the household. Serial stories, E 'V 1 I , , a trin to Flore...«- 1,tl['’1’lipa(to making AH’anr tiu* princip«1 poetry, wit and humor; the household that. CTIVK »OLICITVI«« w i s t s i ) gvs«YW H B«r just returne-1 (ruin « J 1 for “The HU »ry of tbe Philippin«’«” by Murut the company. Manager Stone lJppHrtnient( (beat in the world.) Young few days ngo wc noticed a man in «îommi-rionort by the U ovem m cn t «v» Tl.anksgivmg P»g8ed F»r »i Department. T he *"*n wlirwe appearance from a -listance aail| that la.-t.er train facilities for reach- folks, Sunday school liw -n s, Talmage « offif’lnl llbitorlMi to the W book w«« written In nnnv eetep» at Han Fran , « « increased m ing other fe,in.. in « 1 ^ . » ^ - ^ ; ^ •Wine-I familiar b it on a nearer ap- here. I ?he h-wpitd. »T Hoiiôiuhi.' m’T-'.ng'Kooi. in ; the farmstead, the question sermons, Cape Creek has Ptnacli »e -h,I not recognize him at t 1 he American tr»’in,h«,N at M anll*. in the iiisttr- responsible for «*wey* *n<1 in the r«mr of th e , w compsny ever since the first inception subscribers,) the news of tlie week in I s i t t l e s t the fs11 ol MnnllA. llntntnzft tor n /e n t-. ’ »hleton hut haring shaved off bi’ I Henry Stoneflel-l m ade»«»“ . F.rimful ot oriviintl p in ire« taken by «overH *l'.»kei« b i, appearance is so nriicli neij»|il>orl>on,l last «ei i . -uiiro»,! line to 5 a aquí <] hr in tbe 7)s. complete form, a n-1 other special feat- merit pilot-»KTHpher««»II th e «»•»<. l/irtfe ♦ I.nt ■ Ix»\r price«, h l / profit«, FVrfaht m H . Cre<»rt t '''«»»cl that bis friends hardly know sent on given. S o lin le con- Drop «11 tm -hv unuOclAi w«»r Nwiks. I <«m. * Outfit free. A4r Sarsaparilla rU««* self nr1«ire*»«M «»»nmpe«! •tivelopu» «¡erhert * oversig,,, |,y in vitin e those from a Tulcdo, Ohio. B. Il«*«, I’rt 't.. Dvpt. M, vhk-Hgo. ' “tance to gn with tl em to tLetr several force. KNOWN. 1 (7O»v, • ■entes1 where elegant lunches were fur- Ton sands its *“ •»«■1 to all. Thi«;m onthly m agazine is one o f th e very best printed in th is country, and is sold to all subscribers a t rates w ithin the- ability o f all to pay. I t is finely illuu trated and presents the nam es o f famoua authors as contributors. T a s W kst and tbo Cosm opolitan arc sold at re­ duced rates at this office. THE ARENA \ r e,t 1:1 'We do not tik e possession of onr idsss bnt are possessed by t h e » They master n« and forco ns into the arena, Where like gladiatore, we must fight for them.” *» exalted m otto o f the Arena, and the entire |contcnta o f th is m onthly m agazine are npon a plane and in keeping with its m otto. Tbe A rena’s gallery Jof em inent thinkers is a group ot interesting men and wom en, and their thoughts are worthy the consideration ol ail people. sold w ith T n r W o t . T he A rena^is Bl c. fp » ! I ah, k u lo ta bat Io In i ai than Htb wu» ubt tu Juva. Jd livetL ¿don» i At liRiu va oui ¡ircled bu tulli year art had t ,l«y «d H Tur tí»» I» tbw i bad »n I bevu i tt«u o» R- •ho vrunlù I m A tíw expb , *lly rsu»® rlaud. » kb yeatr. ’ hi» be imeirohi