ut-arms, hut the minority senators who have friends holding nsinor |x>si- F k OM OCR CJ30ULAR U oRFEkl'OXDKNT. tiont, would have no trouble in keeping — p r m .lttlic v KVEUY fbjday mobnino .— Treaty W ill be Signed. American* Ac­ them in place. The senate Inis always quire Enormou* Colonial — AT— been more lilieral in thia respect with W ash . I) 0 , Nov 21st, 181)8. Possession*. Inside information from Euroi>e con­ the minority, than the house. A senate F lorkxcx , L ane C ocxty , O regon minor otlicial’s place is usually secure Paris dispatches of No»'. 23lli say:. cerning the back down of the Emperor - - - BY • • * William from his bluff, intended Io as long as his senator keeps his seat, hill The joint peace commission met at 2 | make Spain and thia country believe not a «lay longer. In other words, the o'clock this afternoon. The Spanish commissioners immediately announced tiiat he was about to take a hand in the senate patronage is controlled by indi­ disposition of the Philippines, is the viduals more than party. To deprive Editor nud Proprietor. their accept*nee of the American de­ cause of lunch quiet amusement in dip- a senator of any of his pap is regarded mand*. lomatic and official circles. This bluff ' as u violation of "senatorial courtesy.” The peace commissioners were in Florence, Or. Dec. 2, 1898. separate session all tho morning. The was the emperor’s announcement oil The talk of Representative Dalzell, of Spanish acceptance has been made ver­ his intention to vilit Spain, on his way i Pa, who is Speaker Reed’s right hand E ffort * have lieen made in certain home from the Holy Land; an an- man in the house, does not bear out the bally and written acceptance will lie . , i. i • , quarter* to ni&ke it appear that salmon presented later. The Spanish commis- nouncement that resulted in an unex-I op nlon expressed n some quarters that , for propagating purposes could not lie sioneis announced that they were peeled stiffening of the backbones of the | a elasli is likely between the speaker obtained from the Siuslaw river in authorized liy their government to reply Spanish Pence Commissioners, hut did nnd the administration on the colonial sutlicient nuinliers to justify operating that the American propositions were not change the American policy a iiairs- policy. It is generally understood that the hatchery at Mapleton. The work the administration wishes the colonies n .dinissilite on legal principles and not hreadth. The backdown, which has that’has been done there in the last 5 to remain under military rule at least a made him the laughing slock in every , , he , conipiomise on legal . , .. .. i two years should sufficient to show a proper 11 1 e principles. r » On the Spanish part, all diplomatic capital in Europe, except Iris own, was year before congress attempt to legislate dial all such statements are incorrect. resi.urces are exhausted and the Spanish his announcement that “on account of for them. In reply to a question as to In 1890 after repeatedly refusing Io commission is now asked to accept or the weather” lie hail abandoned his whether he thought immediate legisla- allow any funds to be expended for reject tlie proposition. Spain inspired visit to Spain. The “ weather” in tire tion would bo necessary, Mr Dalzell, that purpose, the lisli commission decid­ by reasons of patriotism nnd humanity, ease was a straight tip tiiat his inten­ said: “ I do not. I think it would be ed to allow a very *mnll sum to lie used and to avoid the horrors of war, resigns tions towards Spain were of no more just as well to let the matter lio for there as an experiment. Sowell srlis- herself to the power of the victor. She consequence to the U S than tho pres­ awhile. We Bliouhl have time to study fied were they with the result that last accepts the offered conditions in order ence of those German warships in the situation and to determine what year a larger sum was allowed and in to conclude a treaty of |>eace. The Am­ Manila Bay were to Dewey, and would sort of legislation is needed. We can consequence nearly one million young erican demands include the acquisition have no more effect ; and that if he was run along witli a military government salmon were hatched there anil placed of the whole Philippines and Sulu group looking for trouble lie could find it by until the conditions are thoroughly in the Siuslaw and its tributaries. If for $20,000,000, and it is also under­ meddling in any way with Unde Sam. understood." the work is commence. 1 in season there stood that the United States will pur­ It is stated by memlicrs of the admin­ is no reason why the artificial propaga­ chase the Caroline group. The question istration that Spain has been notified The Kidney Complexion. tion of salmon cannot ho carried on as that our demand must l>o accepted or of the debt of Cuba is left unsettled. successfully on this river as on any of e' refused in a given time, hut the time The Paris correspondent of The pale, yellow, sunken-checked, the coast streams. is not given. Times says : distressed-looking people you so often Prof Ilobt T Hill, of the U S gcolog- meet are afflicted with “Kidney Com- It may he regarded that Spain w[ll A n intkrmationai . jiostagc rate of two cents per half ounce or fraction thereof accept the American conditions. nll(l ical survey, whose full knowledge of the nlex ion .... i* now in prospect. In the United sign tlie treaty, perhaps even without j subject is unquestioned, said, in a lec- Their kidneys are turning to a parsnip States, sixty years ago, it cost six cents a protest. Tims her colonial empire 1 Dire before the National Geographic color. So is their complexion. to send a letter of half that weight and will disappear forever, nnd the day is Society, on “Cuba and the home life of They may also have indigestion, or distance less than thirty miles, while to not far distant when the patrimony of l '10 people”, “The opinion regarding suffer from sleeplessness, rheumatism, Cubans, which is now, neuralgia, or brain trouble, nervous send such a letter four hundred miles or the United States, accruing to them d |B under prosperity from exploiting the unfortunately, quite prevalent, is very exhaustion and sometimes the heart more cost fifty cents, twenty-five cents islands and with good administration, j largely erroneous. They are by no acts badly. per quarter ounce, “Tho World Moves.” will have increased to four-told the sum means a lot of thieves, although, un- The cause is weak unhealthy '¡idncys. T he BnoADAXK Inst week called upon tdal of the terrible war indemnity douhtcdly there is a large class of these Usually the sufferer from kidney dis­ on the island. The larger part of the ease does not find out what the trouble Sheriff Withers to explain why lie France paid Germany. population, however, is composed of is until it is almost too late, because the “ hasn’t appointed some populist depu­ ties among the two dozen or more intelligent fairly-wcll educated men, first symptoms are so like mild sickness VOTERS AT SCHOOL ELECTIONS. deputies since his taking ofiiee live w ho have properly interests to guard fi,nt fi,ey j„ noj think they heed a med- months ago?'' Who is to determine Considerable misunderstanding hav­ nnd business aff.irs to superintend, as [ icine or tt dostor nnti, tliey flnJ theln. whether a man is a impulist or not? ing arisen in regard to the provisions of in any other civilized country. In selves sick in bed. The Bioadaxe or some other authority? the hill defining the qualifications of mechanical lines, the Cubans have not Dr Kilmer’s Swamp Root will build voters nt school elections which was i progressed as rapidly as they might, for up and strengthen their weak and dis­ To make a rami appreciate an ad­ passed nt tho special session of the | they are essentially an agricultural eased kidneys, purify tlieir diseased, vantage, let him lie deprived of it legislature, tho Oregonian published a people. As tillers of the soil they rank kidney-poisoned blood, clear their temporarily after enjoying it for a time. letter from Dr Kuykendall, the author very high, and many of their plantations complexion and soon they will enjoy The people on the river think a great of the hill explaining its provisions. A are models of their kind. While the tlieir health. ileal more of the daily mail now than portion of the letter is given below. Cuban army contained a large percent­ You can get the regular sixc3 at the they did before it nils cut down for a Eugene, Ore., Nov. 19th, 1898. age of colored people, there lire thous­ drug store, nt fifty cents and one dollar, So many inquiries have reached me ands and thousands of pure white men, or you may first prove for yourself the week. a lt« the provisions of senato hill no. 08, thoroughly Cuban in heart and mind. wonderful virtues of this great discovery, I t now *ecinH probable that there will passed nt tho special session of the legis­ Then, too, the colored Cuban himself is Swamp-Root, by sending your nddr , > i . I, , , , „ , , i - - he an extra session of congress next lature, that I have thought beet to ask _ not . such a bad fellow. In fact, Cuba is j to Dr Rilmer A Co> Billgl,aillptoni N Y spring as it is not expected tiiat body tlie use of your columns fur a reply, die only one of the West Indian islands, for a sample hottie and a hook that tells will dispose of all the important matters Perhaps the best answer would be to *n which I have found that the colored all about it, both sent to you absolutely that demand attention at the regular publish tho hill itself. But unfurtu- man will work; in Porto Rico and all (ree j,y niai|. When writing kindly nntely the hill was never printed and 1 ' l|ie other islands, his wife, like the mention that you saw this liberal offer session. T JE C E "Y Ä T T R pyT *. SPAIN ACCEPTS TERMS. PERSONALS WASHINGTON LETTER. W. H. WEATHERSON am unable to furnish an exact copy of Indian squaws, is forced to perform all W i found among our exchnngrs this it. Being thoroughly familiar with its the drudgery. In Cuba, as von know, week a copy of tho “Industrial Free­ provisions, I will give n brief outline of the colored man enjoys social privileges dom” a publication edited ut Edison, them. accorded him in few other places, hut Washington and devoted to advancing First it prescribes the qualifications (here is no danger that the island will the interests of co^fperative colonies. of voters at all school meetings and school elections in all districts in this population is constantly decimated by W r acdnowi . eixie receiving a copy of state. I speak of this particularly lie- disease, while the whites thrivo and in- ths KeniiOentennial History of Oregon, . pnhlishc I ! ‘ nuse 80,,,B nave supposed its provisions ! crease in numtiers. by Horace 8 Lyman. It is were limited to certain districts. It It is regarded as reasonably certain by the university at Eugene and we find provides Hint any citizen, mule or that the fifty-fifth congress will, before it very interesting rending. female, may vote in any school meeting'the close of the last session, soon to I ¡„ 'pIIB W est . j . THE REV. IRL R. HICKS. Annual Almanac and monthly paper, Word and Works, are now known from sea to sea. We are pleased to call the ,, attention of our readers to the Almanac for 1899, now ready. It is a splendidly printed al,j i||uitratei| lKX)k „( n 6 pages mid the storm forecasts and dia- grams and astronomical and scientific G C Oumpiun returned from Eugene H IT WHITE STIA! the tirst of the week. Landlord Butierlield returned home Saturday after a brief «Hit to Eugene. Mrs E C Knowles returned home Monday alter a weeks visit in Floreme. J A Lev-age’s f i,nilv intend soon to gn ; to their ranch on Mercer lake to reman, a few weeks. Will Neely and Oscar Oates who are lugging above Meadow spent thanks­ giving at Acme witli their parents. Miss Patterson who was teaching school at Point Terrace gave up her sc hnol and returned to her home in Eugene Mon.l.iy. Mr Luv a representative of l,ie nl,° , . , Mii|pr Slots A sale hardware house ot Miller moss « SL,()tt „(S.„, Friini i8c.i was duing business jn Florence yesterday, Warren Andrews, Toot Stinglcy and a M r Thurman went up Knowles neek thi* week to commence logging for tie winter on W H Weathersou’« place, . „ , Joe Slemmons was in town Sunday, He had finished working at Mapleton and was on tiis way home to spend the winter at his ranch on upper Smith | river. CBptain Ballard, a brother of tlie owner of the shipyard at Ballard, Wash, spent a few .lavs in Florence the first of ! this week. He came down the beach j from Yaquina. Charles Russell and family have ) moved from the Sutton house to tho j second story of the old variety store building and are now occupying rooms over Justice Holden's office. • Coquille City Herald: E.l Iladsall, who lias been living on tho Siuslaw for tlie past 7 or 8 years, has returned. He lias moved on his ranch and informs us that he lias come to stay. We acknowledge a pleasant call this week from Rev \V A Sniick of Albany w|iQ 8|ieIllli„g n( weeks ¡„ Florence and assisting Rev I G Knotts in holding a «cries of meetings, AO Fouke has been making a large lantern this week for the steamer Eva. It is similar to a locomotive head light and is intended so furnish light to assist in navigating the Umpqua. SCHOOL.,“ SPORT- The following is a correct report of the school in Dist. No. 149 of llecela. Lane county, Oregon for the month be­ ginning October 31st and ending Nov., 25th ,1898: No enrolled 9 Average daily attendance 8 No days taught 19 Total number days attendance 152 Total number days absence 18 No of visitors 5 Those not absent during the month are Elman, Cecil nnd Dora Spangli, Examination was held at the close of tlie month. Those whose standing iu mental arithmetic was over 90 were Clifford Spangli and Burton Cobh. In grammar, Clifford and Eva Spangli. In reading, Ollio Hanson and CicilSpangli. Highest general average was that of | F irst C lass A rticles a t M ost C alendar 1899 “An American Girl” i % * We carry no shop-worn, or Auction Goods of any kind. Some of the latest arrivals are Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Oiled Clothing and Rubber Goods, Hardware, Crockery and Glassware, Dry Goods, and Fancy Articles, which must be seen to be appreciated. % In Dress Goods and Dress | Trimming, can ba found 1 Serges, Cashmeres, Henrietta, Full line of Ladies, Gents and Children’s underwear. | In Fancy Articles can bo | < Ladies Cloth, Suitings Water- found Fascinators, Child’s | Bootees, Mittens, $ Afc ? proofs. « Hoods, > Trimmings to match a . . in . > Gimps, Velvets, Silks, Satins ETC., iu all Shades, RUCHINGS, tho latest, Bob- ¡ >, ¿2; & binet, Hosiery, Ladies’ and < Gents’ Neckwear ETC. Mt In fact, if there is anything you require that a merchant can supply, call on Y o u rs T ru ly 0. W . HURD. CARMAN’S CHEAP CASH STOKE! ★ Groceries ★ and * Notions. FLORENCE ¿MEAT MARKET.. 'Just Opened.......... Goods as Reoresented. J. W . C A R M A N ’ '-'•-ofi. Remember g irdle them .” though uot taxpayers. e t ¿y m li ivltlre«»*«! P r e v i., h e p t M ¡ 8 envelop«, 2 5 8 Herbert X 6 * read* I"” them. v L ulmi U s ty u ». . C •'■)» "-o™.,. ' alish w ^yvKkecpmb - oborlband. penmanship CeleSraphy. rjr- TO A hou** and In» ¡„ r-i , i ot n Alienada. The We hare llOURt 1(5 24 fpgif an I a half m i . " ’ °n* •l"ry " ’’M »• " » » — « « a...« . : , p*r,,cu,#rs ,0 »ny*ldr f l»er of acres including . co",n“’t ■“H'1'' 408,012 value 534.675 ' "llIU oi il“ ‘’ruve,“ehl0 3,400 or school election, in any district in this open, appropriate more than two bil- say tliRl matter arc superior to anything that stale, who is 21 years of age, has resided ' lions of dollars. It has already appro- ever buen 8een ¡„ 25 message to intbe.lisirictSO daysm id has property printed almost one billion, and the war lxK)k. His monthly journal, Word and that Ima in the district of the value of »100, as expenses that must lie provided for at Works, is ono of the best literarv for uiany shown by the preceding county assess- the last session, leave little doubt that |,onie and scientific magazines iu tlie’ ment, on which lie or she pays u tax the two billion mark will he reached, country, besides containing his monthly Total assessed value $812,395 A voter having I lie above qualifica- But there will he no political cry raised ilorm forcc.,st8 witl, explanations. The T h s W ea r lia s for sa le o n e v en ts' tuition in the Holmes Bnriness College lions may, of course, vote at any school against any appropriation made necei- subscription price of Word and Works of Portland. Thia is one of the leading meeting or election in any district. sary by the war. is $1.00 per year and a copy of tho Imsiness colleges on the coast, having The bill provides, however, furan- Coupon Private James S Sowers, of the 71st Hicks almanac is sent as a premium to Eiitflish. • , C‘»iiiiiwrf.inl, And i d of < voter« . i van vote . i only t ill ’ ’ ShortliMtid , r other clUK who New York, to || tlie war investigating every yearly subscriber. Single copies Telegraphic depnrtinent» mid we offer : tbit tuition on easy farm.. ,," 'r,chl w" b lo“ ll,n" a 1000 ¡"habitant. commission tiiat the reason the regulars of the Word mid Works, 10 cents. Price — — — ——— and there only on the question of the fared better than the volunteers in the of Almanac alone, 25 cents. Send your is a perfect Itemi, The San Francisco Examiner and the election of director and clerk. This Gillian campaign, campaign, and nnd elsewhere, was order to Word and Works Pub. Co., tv, patriotic, up to date. Subject: , | 10 rt»gU|nr olliecrs took care of 2201 Locust street, St. Louia, Mo. W h t lor on« year $2.50 pniJ in ud- section provides that iu districts of less than 1000 inhabitants, widows or male thelr wllik, t,10 volunteer officers vanee. citizens who are 21 years of age, have took care o( themselves. He is tlie first GOOD GOODS, WELL ADVERTISED. resided in the district .10 days nnd “ who private who has told tho commission GIRDLINti FRUIT TREES. -------- One of the handsomest pieces of color have children in the district of school that, but thousands of them have told Going the rounds of the press is an work issued this year. I.iiliographed age, may vote nt any meeting for the the same thing to tlieir friends. A writer in northern frni s who has 'election of directors nnd tlerk. The item stating that the Royal Baking wil,‘ Iwrder of army and navy emblems tried girdling to induce bearing in un- above are tlm only provisions ol the Those who lielieve in tlie dominant Powder Company is the largest adver- e,uBossed in gold. Leave your name productive Irnit trees gives the follow- ' hill as lo the qualifications ol electors. power of bread and butter arguments tiser in America. Of courso, tlie <'t!i your druggist and ask him to save ing at one of the conclusions reached Another section provide* llmt all think that all of the democratic and business itself must be an enormous one T°" “ col’y or ’vnd 6 vents in stamps for ( districts with 2000 or more children of populist senators will try to prevent an to justify so great an expenditure in , onv ,0 0 1 HOOD A CO., liecaiiRS of the experiment : proper "ell<>o1 "«» bIiuI1 »uWivided into vot- extra session of congress, in order to publicity. There is no fallacy more Lowell’ Mass, "First—That girdling at the flow of ' '"H wards, to conform as nearly as have their friends who hold positions dangerous than that success can he Men,,on ,hi’ P “P»rj Tus " sst . season checks the downward |s»sil.le to existing city wards, nnd that under ths senate, keep them until the gninedbyadvertisioganarticleofindif- sap and forces tree to from fruit buds. “Becond—That gridling will not injure > “> h ntiiei. must vote in 1.is own ward, end of next year. It will be rsinembei- ferent merit. But by giving nn article the tree (except that injury wlileh may Tlie hill had nn emergency clause so il ed that no one party having a majority tho highest quality like the Royal! Hood's Sa.-ssparilli |$ ion s’ from overbearing) if properly done 14 now 1,1 »’'L’vt. in the senate, the patronage of Hint Baking Powder, which when tlie lionse- ll will la) seen that in districts of 1000 body is distributed proportionately to keeper has once used she finds if she' «ny time between June 1st and June America's Greatest Medicine 15th. I or more inhabitants nil voters must the voting strength of each party, deairca tho best food she cannot do for tha Blood and the '•Tljird_Proper girdling consists in l,ll‘ qualification*, nnd all However, it is not likely that the pal- without, then the greatest measure of taking a ring of hark ono fourth inch have the name right*. Iu such districts ronage of the senate will be a factor in gucccM is altaine<| by keeping it coutin- ' Best that Money Can Buy Hence take only Hood's or more wide entirely around tho tree, voters must have the pro|«rty qualitlca- deciding whether there will 1« “n ually liefore tho public. Great merit , cutting clean to the wood, hut no tion. Ill dielrld* of let* than 1000 extra session ol congress. It is true an,j ^ „ i advertising are loti, essential inhabitants an elector with the alone that if nn extra session it held, M«re ,0 roake a product a great success. The deeper. lu k lng Powder .ovsses.ing the “ Fourth—That productive tree* qualification, esn vote at any school will he a rc-organi.alion of the senate. meeting on any question. Butin these which would give the majority the big first, the proprietors have wisely used hT.Vw« w'r'Xn m in"«” *’ should not he girdled, as the prime ob­ smaller districts it is also provided tiiat positions, such aa secretary and sergeant tlie second, and the result is apparent ject in girdling is to bring unproductive parent* ol school children, if actual -------------- - - - - througho.it the land. The Royal comps- trees into l*esrittif, and some varieties, with ,i _ I W a NTSD— «KVKRAL T K IT T W O R T IIY r R K « O N l I N . . . . ( sv.u i i v m , . * «ni|» i . uri».* w Aznliwl.l,,. . „„ ---- hernia oí Uinilief, widows or lathers, tht« with . D rw *ii,1 |„ ‘ lhe H . n M nJ ,he Mute t.i nmnrt Frlmtul u f , “ u rX " r m may vote at any .chool meeting for the tive that almut the only wav lo ever M .Ä Ä S L '! "» » " w . ..»™ ¡ M K S Ä B S S I 'S thL?.,'Ll *’”* pen»»’« -dvflulU», h,>,k get the trees to bear profitably is to election of directors and vleik, « t n k • -vv*r Ir» 1*»» x«l«r\. Monthly „ ____ __ F rv la h t n a il R esorts from Washington President McKinley’s next congress w ill lie the longest been sent by any president year» past. IS NOW F IL L E D * | Otlio Hanson, 95*4 |>er cent, Average deportment 100. Parents mid friends are cordially in­ vited to visit the school and note for j themselves the progress of the pupils. D elia D M orris , teacher. THE S P CO ASSESSMENT. * * •ars, parati