^ * * * * ^ ^ * * * * w * * * * * * * * * * * * m ^ m * * * * * ^ * * ^ ^ * $ X- ijy * J—r - X - ^ _ J L ? N JL—F - l~** . I >4 J _ J Ö . # li v e r I l l s 1 uurrica <»u » r nt niAJund EArcmcnut How He Spent the Greater Part of His L ife- j in the world w hen I went back *!*>« Like bilinuxnrss, dyspepsia, headache, conati- tor her that night. Everybody crowded patioii, sour stomach. Indigestion are promptly round, even the old ladies,, an o cured by Hood's Fills. T hey do their *ork wo what n pretty dancer Mary was. I ■ All the young folks in the couutry was LJ ■ g W-W ■ V AB HjE eSw Time When His Life was in Danger. ,her* il*’P“. to aX onr ,,f em but all. M“ry They WM,2*ie wonldn »hear yvvm tht F r f DtlrvU. iilch. drivin hack then, hot made ns both come right in to supper. 1 didn’t exact­ He has been superintendent of Jarp# One of the stanneheet supporter« ©f the eas'Iy and thoroughly. ly calculate on doin this, but Mary ing operations and when the State k Ì f o S 11’ B est after <1‘liner pills. ,ne ureuv !» « » » < -■ w * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * deep-water way from the Great I ^ e s to the looked like she wanted to, so I did. tory »I Elmira, N. V bul„ 25 cent«. A ll (Irucrp’sts. _ They tried to make mo danco, but I ocean i« Muj. A. C. Bishop, of 716 Third miperinteuileui aud engineer in ehsie.Lh“ P -ciw r^ l 1 y C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell. V:is< construction. *■' °tih. it was the oueitiu don't know i,r».v hoiv It openiu of Are., Detroit, Mich. Th« only Fill to take w !th Hood’s 8ar«J»imr'!iu. Major Bishop was attached t0 tk ,.,.» . . . . . . . I a new summer hotel, you know A Brigadier Genera! Chsniherlin of il,. I- A WOMAN’S COMPLAINT. somo when she is gono. ” Then he went donai Uii.rd of New York, will, il.e ?*»' young fellow that set ueit to me at the eve. on writing, aud when the letter was of Mijor from 1857 to 1865. ,he "»k know th a t deep w ith in y e a r heart table an was mighty polite in huuilin Ik ha. been I im aie.l in Detroit .Ine, iWe ' mo < i hold ti< «lirincd apart from ooxarcoo finished ho forgot and signed his < i O otelde th e fa«t closed jfates of her lost me everything said he was gnater be thing« I sud h»« - ----------- - - h jmo name instead of the colonel's, aud «..¿n THAT FEARFUL PLAGUE THAT FOL­ » »Wong u„ there at tho hotel for some lime, an liess men and citizen s o f tiiis eity A nd that my Atep, ray voice, can bring to yoa laughed as he saw his mistako. He had Lay hr. William.' Pink Pill. A od tranquil thought« w ith in your m ind aro a time they had that day an how 1 • lin e d . People, which convinced me thstthev»,» ho threw it down again. Of course she to slay more tlinn war itself, is supposed ouglit to learn to dance. worth Irying aud bouehl two boxes I did heart ia cry in g lik e n tired child to havo first originated among tho dense would accept. Yes, but after all, would not take them for my coni) lexion but fo, For one fond took, ono gentle, loving word. "Two days after some ladies drove she? masses of people w ho crowded together •trength. After using them I f,|, |w„ 'TH n o t the lronndlesa w a ters ocean hold? The stage left in the early morning in the great cities of Asia and Egypt, or As the recruits commenced to scatter round in their carnages an asked In r and know they did me worlds of good ( to go to the Springs wnh 'em again Sho T hat glvo refreshm ent to the th in d y flowers, am pleased to recommend I In in to In vojida Lieutenant Clover noted tho stir of de­ who formed die encampment of Xerxes, around in the shade tho jonrnalist and Hot JtMt the drop« that, rising io th e skiea, who need a tonic or to huilil up a shsUrnd parture about the captain's quarters. Cyrus aud Tamerlane tho Tartar. It the Hancock volunteer proceeded toward said ‘N o.' hut wheu siie seen 1 was anx­ From thenco dcacead in aoftly fa llin g «how MAJOR A. C. BISHOP. eoustilution. “ A. C. B ishop .” Then ho saw tho captaiu and Mrs. Les­ probably sprang from tbo impurity the headquarters of the colonel of the ious to have her go she went with toem. era. Suturrihed and sworn to before me tide M nj. Bi.hop luu had unusual experience They drove back after supper, her and ter appear, aud he ran out to speak to w hich mutt have existed in the midst eighth «lay of Janusrv 1898. ia tliat line of work ami probably ft w are so regiment. After the salff.atious bad the two h oles an a young man. a . well What m atter th a t onr granarlee are filled R obert e H ull , J r ., A’o/ore p , , ^ qualified to speak intelligently of It them. He half expected to find tho colo­ of such vast gatherings und in part also With all th e rielieat ha rv est's golden atorm The pure, powerful vegetable ingr.'dieiit. as he. For the greater part of his life he nel with them, hut bo was not there. A from leaving tho unhuried dead upon been exchanged before the tent of the they all told me I ought to have b I f w o w ho ow n them cannot en ter in, ... Dr. Williams* .... ........................... Pink Pille for Pale PVnnle commanding officer the volunteer ad­ there. That uight she seemed kind i has been engaged in water waya, anil is one in But, furolbhod, atand below tuo close barred flush dashed up to his face. Had she of the oldest and brat known civil engineers supply -'y the antidote lor poisonous matter ia j, the field of battle. A t any rate the doors? really refused tho offer? If so, why? germs of this fearful human poison havo dressed the colonel, saying, "G’ap’ti, if uures'less She talked a heap bout u. aanh of the Ohio river. the ■* — “ **-— " nts needed te .... Ido ..Jood ami 1 - adil those eleme Commendiiff in 165<>. h»* was for n number build up body snd brains. Many d i».» you need any more of Hancock oouuty nice things they 'd ull said bout her t. A nd ao Ils «aid that thoao w ho should be rich There was uo tim e for explanations. always been most active where condi the Spriugs. but mostly talked boe of years an assistant cn praying w ith w h ite lips from day to d a y bow nice it would be if we coul.l go ¡, Sho gavo him her hand, and her eyes has alw ays been war and the march of " If they're all as lino looking physical For love's sw eet tok en s and receive them not. travel au go to New York an ever' looked level into hia. —Pearson's Weekly, i armies tliat has spread it broadcast over specimens as yourself, " the colonel an­ where, au she said we ou,lit to re "1 shall never forget how much yon the world froai tim e to time, aud as swered jovially, .‘‘I ’d like to have a did to make my stay pleasant," sho war became less frequeut aud less whole army of them Our regiment will books au the like, an that a lady the, said. "1 hope 1 shall meet you again, worldwide the frequency and extent of he filled up in a day or so, but I'll let said w liut she needed was cnltivatiu "1 didn’t like this, talkiu bout her Ba«l to H ustle For a C aptain. Lieutenant Clover." you know iu tim e." these ravages have lessened also. like she was a held to be plowed up, The driver's whip circled out over Judge George E. Mann tells the fol­ After they had left the quarters of stead of a (lower jes' to grow au l loom The first recorded outbreak of tho The colonel seemed much disturbed. I the heads of tho forward mules, she lowing story about the becotid c m- H e walked to tho window nnd gazed waved Inr hand to him, und Lieutenant plague in Europe occurred in the six ­ the colonel and were stretched upon the natural, nu wiieu I told her t. is she It came from lower grass iu the shade the newspaper man jes’ laughed au slapped her bauds over pauy of tho Richmond Howitzer but out ut the empty parade. lie walked to Caldwell Clover was standing alone teenth century talion. "All the hoys who wanted to be took occasion to put his favorite ques­ my mouth She went to Die Spriugs hi« desk, and Adjutant Caldwell Clover, with an aching heart w ith nothing in Egypt. This was the first lappiugof the wave that reached into the cast again, tion, " Why do yon enlist?" Sometimes right regular for a time Then sim officers hud been taken care of and the who was signing orders, glanced out of tho world to do but listen to 37 bugle others preferred to be privates. Our there to stay its movement so far as the this question elicits an outburst of pa­ COCT the corner of his eye and saw that tho calls a day anil follow thu dreary routine west was concerned until 644 A. D., triotic ardor winch fills the air with wouhlu t go no more Some', ly scut first captain wus Georgo \V Randolph, her some book.-,—four or live of em of an adjutant s lifo. colonel was pulling his mustache. who wns afterward secretary of war of when tho returning legions of the Em­ stars aud stripes aud eagles, sometimes Then there came a tim e when the peror Justinian brought it again into (most frequently) it calls forti« a hard She commenced to r ut oue of em <■ i the Confederate states He was snci’eed- Then tho colonel eat down nnd said loud to me oue n. it T ’wus a u rather sharply, "A reyoubusy, Clover?" country called for troops. "Boots aud the western world from the battlefields luck story which paints in glowing story about «o no ri i fo ks, some ,o ; cd by John Thompson Brown, who was aft; rward made a colonel of artillery. It was not customary for the colonel Saddles" quickly followed, aud Troop of Persia. Constantinople was the first colors the virtues of the victim, but ou ists, au bow tuiy v is Io ell otuei Then we tried to elect a captaiu, but to address the officers by their namos in X started for tho south. place it attacked. Here in a single day this occasi ;n the answer v. as merely, an the tiling iu■ y a«i.t t it bib) I Army headquarters at Tampa was ns many ns 10,000 persons are said to "W eil, 1 have nothin to lose." "B ut," none of the boys would have it. They th is way. lie was supposed to address got to l.km i lie j e-ky book I awhile Adjutant Clover as lieutenant, and to thronged with officers. Orderlies were have fallen victim s to it. But the plague protested file newspaper man, “ there'» I told h r all t, e ti ,e t, u t i ; w as jet- went out to fight uud were content to he speeding everywhere. Spurs jingled privates. The duties of ciq tain were say that the young man was surprised did not stop w ith Constantinople. It no tellin g bow long you ’ll have to be stones uu Dial i i, i wa n t a« • f . ciu ror.s, aud uoue of them cared to ac­ T H would be placing it mildly. Of course across the floors, and tho few army had found a too congenial soil in Eu­ from home, and there’s no man that will folks in Pans ot rt or any By '«all P ■ a»e Pal<, cept We hail to get u captain from an­ he didn't object. In fact, it pleased w ives who followed their husbands rope, which was little elso than one take tho same iuterest in running your whores cist .Slave lie n fh iti me him to have tho colonel speak to him wulked up and down the rose trellis great battlefield at the time. It was plantation that you do, for 1 presume a readin "Ot I : 1. 1 tin . • te other company (iulvestou News. ..tu r paths in the evening anil talked of what fam iliarly, only it was so unexpected. carried into Caul, where it followed you are a farmer ” teliin her v. u.«t 1 th ught bout Die "T hat's true, sir, that’s true," was The H le lili Girted C o « . "I am not busy, colonel, ’’ said the the morrow m ight bring. Lieutenant close in the wake of tho Frankish Caldwell Clover was still adjutant to armies, and from Caul it movod into his deliberate response, “ but you see books. I told her th t «it w is a reality adjutant. It is said that something bordering au that ev; ii it tii re was su h p«'« : le tho colonel. A telegram was handed the "How old do you think I am, Clo­ Italy, with tho Lombards, and so devas­ things ain't just as they was Before they w asn’t uobetti r off t ..n u , 1-1118«' on ti e miraculous has lately happened latter. Tho colonel frowned, pulled his ver?" usked the colonel. tated tho couutry ns to leave it entirely Mary left I t«x;k interest iu everything, there’s advantages uu «tisad.aut.ige- at Tickton. a village in Yorkshire A but uow— 1 je.s turnt the farm over to "W hy, I don’t know, colonel," stam­ mustacho, then said: "Lieutenant, 1 at tho mercy of the invaders. everywhere, au it all mounts to bout farmer bought what he Du,ught was a mered tho adjutant, “ not any older than nave a telegram from a friend uow at The various crusades, which extended a couple of fellow s au thought 1 the same au everyt.uug in it, place is drinking trough for his cattle, which Chickamauga. His sister arrives ut this — Uinn you ought to lie. " Greatest WeeMy in the Ceaatrj, over a space of about 200 years, no m igh t’s w ell to come to the front au the b«st. That’s the way 1 d write if 1 did very well for all his stock but one, The oolonel was slicin g a sheet of hotel tonight to join the lied Croat doubt did much to hold the pestilence fight for my country I ’m 34 years old, wrote books an.l this was a cow that never would forces at Key West Please meet her paper with tho paper knife. “ I want in Europe, for they served to keep opcu an 1 ain t never done uotbiu but farm, "Maybe it was r adm in them darn drink from it This causing some intxin- you to do something form e, Clover. 1 anil see that, she gets her train for Port tho channels of intercourse between the au 1 thought I’d take a little figntiu books bout tho lash u an the Wealthy, veuieuco, tho farmer mentioned it, un­ Tampa in the morning. " have coiuo Io depend on you so entirely east and tho west. Periodic epidemics in m ine jes at this stage. " til the fact came to the ears of a local (Including i>oat«*e) to any part of the United The lieutenant saluted. When the Here a forced sm ile played over his or maybe it was them p. ople .11 tho anti«,nary, who ou examination pro­ Rtatee, Canada and Mexico. for everything that 1 am going to put were common during their continuance, Springs put foolish notions in h r head, THE WEEKLY CUKONICLB. tha brlfhteet th is personal matter lit your hands. I Pullman ear backed into tho spacious aud these seem to have culminated in rugged, careworn features. The corre­ or maybe it was j«s cause she eouie t.i nounced the supposed trough to be a and muat complete Weekly Newspaper In the want you to write u proposal of mar­ hotel ground that night, a few officers, the fourteenth century w ilh what is spondent wished to follow tho clew acrid, prlnta regularly 112 Column«, or sixteen font, uud further ristareli showed that riage to a young lady for me. ’’ j a newspaper man or two aud one w om ­ known in history us the black d nth. just thrown out about tho desertion of know she was too g ud an pretty tor a it had once stood in tho village elinri h. pfMftfS, of N ew t, Literature and General Infor­ man like me. but anyhow she coimip'u.st an alighted. As sho stepped forward the The colonel was much embarrassed. | mation: aiHO a rnafnldcent Agricultural acd The black death was more fatal to hu­ Mary, but didn't know just how to pro­ to pine an droop like a tlowei that 's It has uow been rieovered uud replaced watting adjutant was startled at first, Horticultural I)ei-artinent. This ia one of the H is face was rod under the tau. man life than any other single cause ceed. "W ell. 1 don’t want to discourage withenu —English Country Newspaper. treutest departm ents in any paper on thia then hurried toward her. I'd beg her to go to the your patriotism, ' he said, "but you re "A proposal of marringut” echoed the since the world began. The havoc of war Coa>»t. Everything w ritten Is based oa ex- Springs au enjoy her. elf like she was “ Miss Lacey! You here?” adjutant. wns nothing in comparison to it. It giving up the peaceful leisure of rural invited to 1.libers aftei 1 got wh^re il*'trer- Tlli‘>'« lost it There'» new and interesting, nnd then in the forgive mo if 1 told you just how louelv spriugs. In btrassburg 2.000 of thorn an. But 1 beg your pardon, sir. ' he Du D lls letter “ Ptit tlmt h “ MU“rt Kob C a i id ] » i i « ta rta a rtS xlo> pages could still tx detected, though and independent anil bravo." Atid from T his sudden I,alt in the n u iio lu o uu beginning of the so called Hundred «W Wu: .-slCK that tug lit Lieuteiniut Clover looked in the dreary coniines of an a-m y post Years' war that carried the black d ath noyed the journalist, who had inter n. ogled »ouiewuat with the aroma of forward to tho com ing of Captain Les- two days' journey from a railway sta­ into England, where in London its vic­ viewed woman suffragists, heard the tobacco it r«ud 1 lto;«e that ymt w ih undersi«,,« • tion Ho may listen to 37 bugle calls a me, Ju, U, al, In,I,¡¡I, I Rll“ w 0.3! O rt,foru''” tar's fair sister-in-law N tim s numbered 100.000 When at last confessions of criminals, syiiopsucd the fo o r n i l i K. A lice luicoy reached tho post in July day aud atfeud to an adjutant's thou­ the plague had worked its ravages, it prayers ot minister» ami even invaded « *» n i ..at th e .ila » »A -aw n i In ■ » r F « •«» f »r r « a • • . '•«»« Mrs Lester hud been watching for tho sand und one duties for years, but tho douhhsl back over its course, to disap­ the sanctity of the home lo t Ih c purp se • aa. f r e p « u a g ia a ? a n d ps>*F< coach, amt wheu it appeared ou the blossoms of Ins heart may remain eter­ pear in the east. In I »45 it appeared of publishing to Die world I he .«■, r. ts o f «0 .u a,.u ,«., ,or v.,u • Anna •;». brow of tho lull Licufouunt Clover nally fresh and fragraut. private life The story li.td somehow After the «.rrespomlent had read aud There were tears in the girl's eyes again iu England, first aiming Die sol­ placed him in that su;n isympatlit tie M . H . do Y -orrw r», handed her a pair of Ueidglasses, and diers of Riclimonri after the battle of Proprietor R F. ChrnnUMe. wheu lie finished Ills story "1 am returned Dm fetter both men were silent when ut lost tho rumble of the wheels cnudltiou from winch tact t a k e s liight. ban rnA.\ciaco. cal Bosworth Field, uud when tho victo­ They w atched the little knots of officers which w as hoard they walked together across glad, " she said as the put her baud in rious army marched to Loudon tile but. summoning the litri« his "I thought you would tell me be­ • r id private, talking together tinder the the parade, uud it was Lieutenant plague went w ith them to work its remained, he determined io mane the •hade tree., the «quatL of unnuiformtsl Clover's hand that opened tho stage fore I left the post. I should have havoc there As long as it lasted the mail lay bare his heart a wnrnxn ask. t h i. - H ow fre " 7 ™ ] ant So you. who pray for tho safety of fore Five thousand people died in five triotlc, his life is alw ays mt, resting to D ie lazy restlessne» ot camp lifo rho e y es than in t!le d a y ^ L coI,,Ir t,h i p’ taU d ',‘ he obtained, for tho art of w o, k in g a n then escortisl herself aud sister to the weeks, and then tho plague left London l i i * r e l, 0 “U’*r waM tbe to captain's quarters, Agnes Lacey felt those who go Into battle mid for bless vad the""a“ , 7 ^ J 7 !* 5c,a'n h'Charms engraving th is kind of steel ts dead as suddenly as it bad appeared there, to me We all have our s irruws, and it's •pi.ik (mt pesters me most in that These swords are made of alternate !:,J that all her sister had writteu about the ings upon those who wear the Red (Weep over the rest of England a relief to tell them ixe.tdonally Did Rlter. he said u, a vine, tremaloa, ’he will Uk - . , - "s freabties, of Touth if ers of irvm ami steel, so tin. ly temper*' Cioss, remember these two—couutry courteous youug officer» of the post ' trvmendou, In Scotland the plague of 156» c(m e you say your wife i s uo longer with ttilh suppressed emotion, “ , g first, self after aud then, with his w ill, , must be true. that the blade would bend to t ie hi! you?" ■vo-n-n is «foe t , ' '»¡« m UI i in long life ami happiness.— Katharine im mediately after the battle of Lang « y s ,h.„ she Uu„w , , 1I4t Go(t w ithout breaking. The weapons ba The summer wus u qnlet one at the Blundering as this speix h may seem side, when (ju«