W g V lH Ï E » a ilM V S T Mupal M k i l the taod pare, wbolcaoma aad d - lu ,« SUMMARY OF ASSESSM ENT. AT MUgNlNO— T h« -i«LlSUÏU T------- British Ship Atlanta in the Bivakers. L a s « C ountv , O himon .— &M9M K o li R eady For E q u a lis a tio n . H oard o f Be C nreU t Home. PAY WHEN CURED. SALE EXT Register: County Assessor Burton • « - m V - ■ • and his deputies have completed the 1808 asseceinent roll, and are now com- In order to reduce ray stock of good* The V ¿atei Broken In Piccea.- ■Twenty- paiiog footings before turning the roll h l S » u,.J l-~prlet..r. ' over to the-connty board of equalled inn, I between now and Jan. 1st, 1899, I have Four Men Loat. The Ablest and Most Successful ' which meets next Monday. Following Specialists in tlie World. i rednccd.the price of all good# to CCKT is a sonuuary of the roll: They guarantee a complete cure at T¿im»: »lJW • ye* r in “,t' “ ‘“ ®' The Bri*j«b ehip Atlanta war wrecked Nan her. Value. Your Own Hoiiie, and allow you to li and a small per cent to cover expenses I Inn. lay n oruing, N v. 17t«i, four miles A ere.of tillable........114,855 978,040) pay when cured. . Iat t|,e p.H’t-o«’«'»'111 , * 5 2 * ’ l SOUtn of Alsea. Only three men out of )/ during the sale. Acres of iion-tillahle county. Oregon, a» neeoud-clasa it crew of twenty seten teaihed there land .......................031,482 1,851,680 alive. Ab.olutely Puro Improvements on The Atlanta railed from Tacoma Nov. deeded lands......... 434,405 _______ . . . AP­ H made known on 2th with $65,600 wort li of wiieat for ,„ tisinu BATK Town and city lots. . 537,100 PLICATION. Delagoa Bay. South Africa. Site was Thousands of promising young men Improvements on „O.IC H“e' e“ "‘ “T built in 1885 tan ng owned by N Hill of KM, r»«i»n mwrae ri., erwvoe«. 668,535 have their lives and future usefulness town and city lots. probably These goods are mostly new, bought wrecked by INDISCRETION AND Furs wanted at A O Funked----------- ! Scotland and #"U wag worth Pr° lmU‘y I -P - v e tn e n t. on Or. Nov 25, 1898. 1150 000. PRIVATE DISEASES. Tlie symptoms Floreivc rni . . , . . . mi . land not deeded or for the Full and Winter trade, and will 1 he Kobarts la expected from Astoria . » The survivors sav the captain was 38,845 until cured, are portrayed on the coun­ in a day or two. sailing pacitic sailing under under a a tiet het with with two two other other ' tenance and in tlie actions of tlie vic­ bo sold without reserve. It is the largest pass over over i Jesse Lawrence expects to commence I vessels ve88els and “’’d did '>>'1 not not want want Io Io pass ljne 40j 6 183,420 tim. If neglected or inipro(>erty treat­ SO TO. stock carried for many years thus giv- ed, other organs become affected, and water, O i c R R Wotxi- the publication o( a paper at Hartisburg a"y ’"'J’ llll,iei'e891,rv waste of of water. sooner or later there are serious results. witb the new year. One says he informed the mate mate of of a a t (,nrnj Springfield iug a great variety to select irom In the records of the proceedings of 8* l''ei’ «’“^ ' ‘'•d side at brai,;.b ‘ ................. 17 63 61,705 Our New Method Treatment will posi­ 1,700: tively cure these diseases. 2.00 Your w in te r Supply the county court as published hy the 11 ° clovk " ’ed.iue.lay night but the Eugene street r y .. Buy MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are Guard we notice that 0 B Morgan has ",a,e »‘•ot.gl.t they were passing another * i O 4c C R R 30 20,195 , een appointed a special deputy'. I.»riff. ?MWL The T1,e alarm alari" was " a8 spread 8,,read just in8t be 1,6 Pulman Palace' Car I thousands of you who have committed been deputy sheriff. o f ----- 0 0 „ ................................... fore entering the tireakers and the next , 1,000 offences against tlie laws of your na­ 40.70 .v n C U O C Q B yTuesday-sm atlJ A Pond received I110UleiaUie vewe, 8t,.lu.k . Tll„ 8ea ture, and are now paying up for it. Oregon Telephone & AND a box containing some fruit of a variety 0, er tbe boat ,,|e [lie|) Those weak, aching backs, lajssof Sex­ 750 I Telegraph Co........ 15.03 I rarely seen here. The box came bom d iml)pd t0 t|,e rig|ling I ual Power, Failing or Ixvst A itality. but tlie vessel Pacific Postal Tele­ | his old home in Ohio and was idled witli soon broke in two. One of tlie sailors 2,135 Frequent and Painful evacuations of 40 70 graph Co............... ) persimmons. tlie Bladder accompanied by more or ) succeeded in getting into a life boat and Western Union Tile- J Dr 8 E Joseph! republican was elected j assisted the otliers, but as they bad no 4950 lees smarting and the escape of par­ 53.3» ! graph Co................... ticles of albumen in tlie urine with R a n g in g in clo th from $1.BO up. P lu s h cap es D em '$S.fiO up. state senator from Mnltnoma county to oars they could not do nucli towards ) Mercbantdise and b I Inn’t for-ret th at you can got HI! the vacancy caused by the resignation saving the rest. Tlie boat drifted to ‘ plocU in tra.le........ 227,835 ropy sediment, all point to tlie decline C otton b la n k e ts at 50c, 65c, 75c, 11.00, and 11.25 perjpalr. of your manhood. There are hundreds It11' 1 n , of Joe Simon. He received nearly two the shore and one of them succeeded in Farming implements who die of this difficulty, ignorant of thirds of the vote cast. finding a house and obtaining assistance. W o o l “ from »2.00 to »8.00 per pair; »m » »«i«“ manufacture wagons, carriages «best goods for the- Guard: Attorney A C Woodcock to -, News of the wreck was sent to the J etc............................ 130,985 the cause. Tlie doctors will guarantee C alicoes a t 20, 25, and 30 y d s ., for »1.00. N e w e s t s t y le s a perfect cure in all sucli cases, and L .E A S T M O N E Y day received a diploma from the Port- life saving crew at Yaquina and they Steamboats, sailboats healthy restoration of theG enito Urin­ __ scene. Owing to the land Exposition for his display ol blue started for the stationary engines, C hicago L. L. m u slin 5c, Cabot W . 6c, Cabot 7c, w it h h a lf 57,865 ary Organs. stem wheat. This shows that A C can difficulty of transporting their apparatus etc............................ READER—Are you in trouble? cen t red u ction b y th e bolt. slow progress was made. They were Money......................... 71,985 raise wheat as well a practice law. 481,795 , Have you been treated and never cured? I YORAN & SO N, Gen A W Greely chief signal officer of forced to leave their life boat wagon Notes and accounts . 75,150 You dare not risk a return of tho dis­ the U S army visiieJ the mouth of the liehind ami <1id not reach Alsea till Fri­ Shares of stock......... ease. It may appear when happy in The Shoe Dealers. day morning. As tlie wreck was about Household furniture, Columbia last week to look into the domestic life. Our New Method a mile and a quarter from tlie iteacli watches, jewelry matter of improving tlie system of mili­ «¿¿¡»Si. — „ ------------ and the sea very rough they could do 269,340 Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, etc............................ tary and tames cattles mere. there. ry telegrapti letegrapii aim . W ESTLIN G S. - Men's and Boya’ clothing at prices ' | nothing. \\ hen tlie crew left the scene Horses and m u les... G.618 140,610 consult us confidentially. WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) Workmen were busy a few days ago no partof tlle hull of the At|Bnta was in 191,640 Cattle......................... 15,704 that will astouiah you. Thia ia an op­ Ill liiesol Steel Trapsjfor sale {by Aj putting ft double window in tbe Meet g. 22,776 for our interesting book. “ A Warning Sheep and g o a t s ... 17,570 side of J A Ponds building. Me are I i ’wo of Hie sailors claim to have been portunity to procure your winter »ap­ 12,690 Voiee.” Sent free. All letters kept |o Fnnke. Swine ....................... 5,762 strictly private and confidential. All Archbishop Gross died in Baltimore informed that Mr Pond will soon errect 8bangbaied and that gPVPral others Gross value of all plies practically for; coat. Remember plain sealed envolope. an addition on the east side of the were put on board in a similar manner. 6,979,990 J answers sent property................. 111« litli inst. No O. O. D. business. building. 670,550 the place and call. Exemptions............... 51rs J J Etnmons has been quite ill MUST GIVE US THE ISLANDS. The Oregonian of the 17th publishes 6,309,440 Total taxable property | lor>couple of weeks past. Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. a letter from W H Byars of Roseburg in Number of polls . . . . 2,736 Hood’s pills are easy »0 take, easy to which It is proposed to give tlie volun­ News from Paris tlie 19th says: In WRITE TODAY. Ignite,cure biliousness, indigestion. teers a chance to secure the cadetship at their next memorandum tlie American WEDDING BELLS. ySaSsaSSSSS&vsSSasSSSSSSS&SaSSSSSSSSSiSS! 18c West Point which is soon to be filled by commissioners will go to tlie vital Remember we carry a general assort­ Address points. Definite notice will be given Tliii week workmen have been dress- Congressman Tongue. A verry pleasant partv assembled that the United States will take over all I ingdown two sticks of timber tor tbe Dr- W- H Saunders & Co , ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Mr W A Kuykendall and Miss Abigail of tlie Philippines, and Spain will un­ yesterday at the residence of John Hew- • 69 Sproat St., Detroit, Midi. | miltsol the Lnella. Heimuenway were married in Eugene itt in Acme the occasion being the questionably learn the term«, from Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gont’s, Ladies’ V Gurney moved from Jeff Harney s last week. Tlie groom is a son of Dr marriage of their daughter Miss Fanny which there will be no deviation. It is plwlotlwtol Jared Scctt, this week, Kuykendall state senator from this and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and T H A N K S G IV IN G DAY- more than likely that tlie Americans Io Mr George Montgomery. | wheiehe will resume logging. county and tlie bride belongs to one of The parlor was handsomely decorated will flatly summon Spain to affect an Notions all reduced. This sale for with evergreens and chrysanthemums. Jia Howe wae given a very nice little tlie prominent families of Eugene. immediate amicable adjustment. Should The thanksgiving service held in tbe CASH only. f Spain refuse to make a treaty ceding tlie ; At one o.clock the bride and groom I wrprisc party. Tuesday evening, by Guard: H T Condon, formerly of tlie Presbyterian cliurcb yesterday was very Ph ippines to the United States, the appeared and Rev II Marsh performed Register, lias gone to Moscow, Idaho, I »me ol the young folks of Floience well attended. A sermon appropriate Tlie war department lias approved the j w|,ere he will take a position as secre iiistant alternative for America will be the marriage service in an impressive to the occasion was delivered by Rev. mnl of the contract to the lo w est; t#ry an,i accountant of the University ^ Knotts after which the congregation qS ° ,to,,,S ^ ,nX ^ v i n g eongrut,,,ations hy the Wilder for the Yaquina bay improve- of Idaho and slate agricultural college went to their homes to partake of their combined, and will also assist in the set,lenient and possibly with the loss o l , thanksgiving dinner. _____ The heavy rains of last week raised instruction in the English department, bpanlS 1 ________________ Here was found such a profusion of ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF the river enough to bring down some of The Linn county court has agreed FISH LAW TO BE AMENDED- those things that tempt the api-eiite of REAL PROPERTY. the logs Friday that bad been put in „pOn the purchase of a poor farm, hav- _____ _ inan that it is impossible to describe ibore the head of tide. lug selected 120 acres of land fonr miles Oregonian: A number of person, are ’ them ; and to which the guests did NoTICX IS HSBBOVOIVS»TH*TBV VIMTU1 OS Private Chas N Horn of Company C southwest of Albl,ny’ ®n V®. (or preHPnt were Mr an,l *1, order made by tb« C ounty Court of Lane road Tlie consideration is ito w lor making Inquiries in regard to the fish irnl Oregon Volunteers died in the: an(J MnjS j 8pvn)Ollr County. Oregon on the 17th day of 8cp!*m t*r, land and »1200 for the growing crops law passed hy the last legislature and ^ A I h spitalat Manilla Oct 16 of fever. His the j b C n | j || inail M l . all ,| M rg was. directing, en th u rU iiif and ordering me I,orses, cattle, other stock and machin­ are anxious to see it, having heard of M^ tlie undersigned adinlnlatratnr, of th e Katate of I parents reside near Eugene. some provisions' ^ “" X n why Frank Montgomery, Mosdame. Tabor Alfred Mason deceased to »ell e t private or ery. The Steamer Lillian made a trip to reported ,o contain. The rta y Carnes Misaes Waite and Cushman put,tic sale tbe follow in g reel estate to w it: At the North Fork school house 18 tl,e law has not been printed ,s that ,t -n Can e , » r)i belonging to »aid estate. Mapleton Friday ami towed the Mar- „.iles east of Marshfield Roy Hollinbeck is the intention fo have some changes Lot» 1. 2. and 3 in Sec. 7. Twp. 11 8. R. IS W. , ew iu alld Mr Mont- liuerileto Florence where the damage of th e W. M. In lam e County Oregon c o n ta in ­ was stabbed hy Guy Beckford a few I done by the fire will be repaired. made in the law hy the next legislature. Fred and isoisoi. ing U t & 70-100 ecrea. d-ye ago and died in a few minutes. A Itisundeiatood that the I’" ™ “;«8 "<, „„„p,, , Pceived n,any nae- To pay tbe outstan ding clatm a Mgalnst aald Jesoe J Nicolle son of E Nicolle of dispute had arisen lietween them about T .io j ^ wU1 estate and the cost ot ad m in istration to the iMspleton, and Miss Mary Turner of a trifling matter Bcckford gave himself the law . re not to he enforced nn, I after it has been overhauled or amended by M houael;eeping Aclne w,lere they highest bidder for cash. Therefore by virtue of ■ Eugene were married tlie 10th inst at “ p to the sheriff Both men were said order on, from and after tbe 2ath day of Decemlier 1S93 a t one o’clock of aald day 1 shall ■the home of the bride’s r.ren ts in the next legislaturo._________ | expect to reside «luring the winter. young and bore good reputations. THE RALPH IN TROUBLE. I A danCe to which everyliody was in-1 procee*! to sell at private or public aale to the Eugene. high est bidder for cash lu hand at tho office of None wlio are engagutl in any of the mechanical Not every man could catch a long log _____ ' viied was given that evening in honor ( Walton i Markley in Eugene, Oregon the Words of praise liestowed upon Hood's Ibruparilla hy those who have taken it The steamer Ralph is again tied up on of thp even,. Music was furnished by above deserllied real property to satisfy th e pursuits can succeed without reading and claim s agaiuat »aid estate, a u d io pvy tho cost l ulicate that it is restoring health to the Umpqua. Thia makes the third Mariou Morris with tlie violin accom- of adm inistration. studying this standard Magazine of Science» Itlioniinds of people, and that it will time Ti.e first on account of navigating pHllied by Mrs Carnes with the organ, Dated atJEugenc, Oregon th is 10th day of withont the prescribed crew, and tlie A|i present enjoyed tbem telve. ve-y I i dp yon also. N ovem ber, 1893. and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated^with a"' n w h h th e current. Getting on a the second fo r ' inm.|, and wish the young couple may John A. Mason, Daring the past week the s t e a m e r ^ '" . rtffiOn0Ugh to hold him up a”'1 owners were fined A dm inistrator. all modern cuts of latest inventions in all lllM„y |,appy and prosperous years. f«wn has been towing scow-loads of chun , llabe,| ¡t out to the carrying more than tlie allowed nnniber |eatcli-wooil up the river to Coquille to ; ‘a ln*T a P“ ’ 8UCCeejeJ in working the su h o ^ bv ces . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the branches of mechanism, and its fund ¡of ieibipped to Portland. W e figure that log. „ itim lltu p - He sold it in tb. wood must be handled eight times log ashore on tied. knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ Land Office s t Roseburg, Oregon. rn n lga^ n J^ T tl'e boat bail not been There will 1» preaching as usual in Novem lwr 1ft, 1H9S. Jrom the time it leaves here until it a day or ventors and mechanic». Sold with ub |«*li«,bef'.ciory at Portland .'-B andon I At the recent q«*l'erl-v X i ’adlireleased and now the final onG tllC Preshyte.ian N otice 1» hereby given th st the fo lio wring- iisiiied ¡Recorder. i ol teacher, held at Eugene there probleinalical. The Ru pb ba. Sunday x..„ and settle r ha» lilt«, notice of Iter Intention to make Nov *7. 27, 1898 ut 11 . W est at clubbing rates. final proof In support of her claim , and th at Junction City T im e.: The city e le c ; but 22 a p p lie d 8 for c e r t - . Of ; had no end of trouble ^ .p q n » 7 p nt. said proof w ill tie made before Joel Ware, V. H I G K notts , pastor in Harrisburg which will be held the .malleat < ht.oe. e te r ,e x ^ run alld it wtll take cons.der.ble goo. C om m lssl.m er at Eugene. Oregon, on Deeetub» r I T promises these one recetved n fa d e to regain the - n e ^ s h e ^ h a s ^ - 31, 1»9S, vis: N ancy C. Conrad, w idow of WEST PGINT CADET. first Monday in .limitary promises these one rece"® d.„rade certificates I thp firs, ' Andrew J. Conrad, deeema d, on h. e. no. 7289, * "warm number.” The issue ia ¡cate, s e v e n kOne was recom- ready sunk for n , for the aw •/», aec. 22, tp. W »., r. S west. lliccnie or no license and ns the force« and four tlnnl « ‘ • ¿¡„loma, one for Recorder.________ ____ ___ Congressman Thomas II Tongue wit! ' ► he name« th e fo llo w in g w itn esses to prov nave the appointment ol a cadet to th e, her con tin u ou s residence upon and c u ltlv a Ion about equally ______ divided, t ___ tbe contest coiiteBt mended v ' i ’ m« and one lor » «‘<“ e | 8«id land, viz: ? West Point military academy next of, Ifuukc ’till be waged to a bitter finish. M. Franclu, Jam«» K o n is and W illirm notice ? spring, an,l announce, that examinations T Bailey of Eugene, Ore. mid Jueepl» A< b I of Thibjmontlily magazine 1» one of the very The committee, of tlte legislature, Times: There are A < will!«: had at Vancouver barracks the Glentena, Oregon. •Ppointed to revise tlie school laws met Junction City vallev tow ns.)« J T B» irHiKR, I wish to inform my friends and ¡n M„reh Candidates beet printed in this country, and i» »old Portland a few d ay. ago and wlU 1 n’""»'Pe,.','’iarl,l®f',,. j al.ite the cat u il « 1 "f,'|7ic general I v^, that on or Regiftter. tail will be examined as to their physical Psttd some time in tlie work. Tlie Brownsville has - I t tail» o f» " i '® P,. ik , i , of Yov. I will open to all subscriber» at rate« within Ilia and mental qualifications at Salem, Jan- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ««imittee is composed of tlie following cutter," »ho w tsc |)#g a about te • - re .;dence for "•"tedgentlemen: John D Daley, of cats within reach. Cottage( large. | 8 a;';®r®cn,;ild?en. Made ,,P zj uary , by Dr J A Richardson and Pres- ability of all to pay. It ia finely Ulna i ‘ Land Office, Roseburg. Oregon ident W C Hawley, of tlie Willamette k»t'« 8ver' X P 5 t Notice Call in "»d learn and 22 years of age ami also tie possessed to make llim l |irt»>, in aupport o l b is c la im , and boasts of T h .C o „ .,U .T im„ . . . . t b - l and the Cosmopolitan ora sold at re­ that «aid proof wriu he made bclore C. H. H ol­ of satiefactmy moral character. doubtful whether or not M F McGrath age run of P * lhe gtate. Albany Mas. J R S tiles , Point Terrace, Or. den U. 8. Cotnmi»aloner at la k e I’rcelnet, Ore­ oldest person tu f « , dty 0, / m . s . . .......... - duced rates at thia oSoe. */o was se„teacP,1 to he hanged at the oldes P* ^i tRr Eugene t gon ,on Decern,wr >0, u»a. Viz Joseph K. W ilson « 1 0 0 R E W A R D »1 O 0. on hl« h. e. no. 7M . lor Hie «« ' i , ece. 19, tp. 20 AHisny Dec. 16th will he executed, Ute railroail eener- ' and «., r. ll We*t. el.ttrches, pret’y 8 # tQ,tle ___ ____________ ground for this statem ent is that editors. And Junction has a Tlie readers of this par*’ ,M! pfjuiT TRAIN lie name-» the follow in g w itiiftK ’» to prove ''’«reisa law in this state which says a pleased to learn that there is at least h l, contluuoii« residence upon and c u ltiv a tio n I ! of wtlo r,w ? v , | ie medical liaternity. Catarrh being fTIVR aoMCITOga WANTED gVEgTWMRIlg S Ä couu.— » ’ - i - r * : e “ '" ' T b »y naaatar n i a a d force a . t a l e I t » aren a. Ust Friday’s Oregonian contain« a a constitutional •liaease, requires a con- for “TlieHUiry of tb»- H lilllppioe«” by Mural Hal«tean«is a |„ o lW '. Cure ia taken internally, acting directly book wan written In a n n y carapr at «•!» rr»»»- eiaco, on the Pacific wl»h General Merritt. In ' - « ..l a w river for the Mapleton and urge a bill fo’ ^ ^ „ „ n o( 60,0(Kt lbs. e.’c b 8I’J upon tbe blond ami mncoiia surfaces of lb e boapltala at H onolulu, lu Hong Kong. In Hunli is the exalted motto of the Arena, and ¿the American trenebe« at Manila, In the I»»*«*- ^«Miery. Mr Sharp worked in the ,|,e counties 88 1 (lliii„g »ction o" gil„iiar tars of drte wi . ^ o f w o r k m e .......f ’8 they offer One Hundred Dollar, for any ^Jollina P‘8” pi«« ® 81 8t ’ ( ( lliegitll,eare o are uimcc- tinncc- fluida are provided ami * ’” k Collin. o 1 ha,Wren Jen-ey City «"’> D »’ W anted — aavaaAL TauxTwoaTHV rgaaoii» tw women, and their thoughts are worthy "the ^""encetl | n sens.in. The li.tebery , t thi. early 8'8^ il(,r> r" , ]T Friday morning. H •••*■’ rase that ¡1 fails to core. Send for list thl* «tate to manage our buidiiaa« I»» th eir ow n and nearby conutle*. It It m aln lv ° o lce work ol Testimonials. i . « t i m n f ean. a n t g.®«narv.— consideration ot ail people. The Arena—ia r,* ”\ X 1 ,n d 4 «tiirr. wounde.1. A ■ bnilt - - - years ago but ceiaary. at hom e dalary atralght r Ad-Ire»«. F J Cheney A Co. Toledo, O. conducted ONE DAY- < erek d le.lsn , lbe Y4 ar and eg penne»—definite*, bonafid*. no I , it properly b a . never been T O C U R B * c O L D ïmmürn T a b le ts. I no salarv Monthly 175. Refercm-ej. , ■old with T«r Wmar. gold bv Dinggiets, 75c. I ^ntblied. --------- ------------ T a k ° S ’^ c y if * I>i,a ’ c l’.ne or If adffrenMid fiUmped envelope, Herbert i Hal!’» Family Pills are lltc best. 1 R llc ta , I’m t , Dcpt. M. t b k a g o . Alldrugki8' ^ " ^ ^ , , hM L B Q o " record t tee ,!'• • ’»"d ln" D’ a. HiMletl i„ medicul history, proves ( ure_ -¿5c -av ■ - »r.-?vx:|i ' -1BI.W i Í >■«■ . 1 fc^araapnril'A possesses merit tin- , i-blet. hlí-ieo' r ____, „ m w » w t » » * iw * “ to a„y other DR. W. B. SAUNDERS 4 CO. WEATHERSON lÏOt POWDER Lost M u ta i Eestorefl. eucene S H U tb | L oots 'A A, ★ fla il Orders Promptly Filled at Same Price as If You Bought in Person. J. H. McCLUNG, E% T Scientific American. I T -THE EnSMnPnLITAM, . W THE ARENA A CRKAT MEDICINE.1 cnc>> ”