■ *T £ÏE W ^>AT MR. WARREN WRITES. OCR fiUUENK MAIL A LPH A CLIPPINGS- What Shall We Do. B y Evas C hang «. —ptiBLiRRiP itrcer » s i d a r mobmko .— , E. Bangs to Carry a Daily Mail Between Eugene and Mapleton. —AT— UBXOON I t was a cause for among the jieople « ' • BV • • • and much reioicing r torei e, Acme, Point Terrace and points along the road W.II. WEATIIERSON Editor Proprietor. to Eugene, when intelligence was re­ ceived the drat of the week that arrange­ ments had lieen made to resume the daily mail service between Eugene Mapleton. Florence, Or. Nov. 25, 1898. Coupled with this news that Eli ltangs Osf« ann’LT of the elections l.etd in most of the states, majority of republicans recently at which a were elected to the hours of representatives and repub­ lican legislatures were chosen in n of was the Eugene obtuined a contract to carry and the had mail llie balance of tire four years from July i 1st, 1898. M r Hangs carried for the last contractor giving a and satisfactory service and tlie mail regular the fact that he will have charge of it ar ain sufficient a uni her of states to make it I is regarded ns an assurance that the certain that tlist party will control the work will be performed regularly uud neat senate, ia to make it sure that the •__! that the people along the route w ill have ~~ fcgialfitinn for tho country during the * r ” .,, , . , 1 a mail service on which they can next two years wdl be carried on in accordance witli the principles of tlie j , . Since the above w as written M r Hangs republican parly. That party too m u st! has infrotned us that his mail contract assume the responsibility for the annex, for the aliove named route is only tem­ ation of tlie various islands lately porary. acquired or those which the signs of tlie times now indicate will soon this country. W ith belong to annexation comes the necessity of forming able government for the new THE BUSINESS SIDE OF ANNEXATION. too a suit­ territory. S. F. Chronicle. Thu annexation of Hawaii is going to The responsibility of doing thia will nlso make an appreciable difference in tlie lie with tlie republicans while tlie commerce of tliis port. Under the ex- scratic party lioiug in tlie minority isting laws foreign bottoms cannot do aro responsible for nothing os a party. coasting trude, and the traffic between Indeed the way many people look at Hawaii and tlie mainland belongs, or the situation is that tba principal duty will belong aa soon as Congress declares the democrats in congress is to oppose the islands a part of tho United States, measures proposed by tlie republi- in that category. Tliia will at once cut cahs and to criticise and point out flaws out a British merchant fleet which has, ia tbs legislation enacted by the repub­ for the most part, been carrying sugar lican majority. Editor W i n : W hile this may to It is a around tlie Horn, and will enlist, in the as m udi for tho short voyages between the interest of the country and to endeavor them can lie spared for the long voyages, to prevent legislation jwlg «■sent will these interests. that in their Consequently, the bulk of the island prove detrimental to sugar business must he done, as was the Their duty to the case prior to 1894, through Hun Frau swuntry is more important than a mere cisco. strife tor a party advantage and any Naturally this demand for American man who having been elected to a eeat liottoina will stimulate shipbuilding Nov. 21st, 1«"8- A NOVEL IDEA. Kansas City liar: A Michigan man proposes tlie use of a kind of paper money which can be transformed immediately into a check, payable only to a designated Tlie purpose is to facilitate the missioc of mails. small stuns These proposed person, tratis- through new the govern­ % % % * | First Class Articles a t Most A POSTOFFICE ON WHEELS. ment notes aro to be called post checks, from landing during the year, and of the in coagreee, tries to defeat any measure which, in turn, must vitalize many con for two reasons: One, because they lot who came in nearly forty thousand merely becanse he thinks lie can gain a tributary trades. I t ought nlso to add are to be used through the post ollii e, could not read or write their native Farm and Home. party a advantage, is unworthy of the strength to the cause of the Philippine Is being Died in a Maryland country and tlie other, because a man named language, twenty-three percent, of tlie high petition to which lie lias been annexation, because, if those Asiatic town. I t distributes and collects mail Post invented them. of tlie whole being illiterate, and there­ choten. islrnds aro annexed, the effect upon at post boxes along roads, issues or pays Tlie proposition, in brief, is for the fore undesirable. shipbuilding will he the same in kind, United States government to issue I f the Lodge immigration hili had be­ money orders to those who meet it for Ones mobs bat Thanksgiving day come hut much greater in degree. Where several million of paper currency come a law, the twenty-three per cent. the purpose, and is proving quite a con­ and gene. From tlie first time that Hawaii demands fifty sliips tlie Fhilip witli blank spaces on the faces of the ot illiterates, mostly of the lower classes venience. I t may help to solve the day waa ehserved, nearly 400 years ago, pines would call tor a fleet in the notes for writing names and addresses. from Italy, Poland and Russia, would problem of giving rural districts tlie by a little hand of pilgrims on the shore proportions of a merchant navy, thus postal advantages that tlie cities now Titese notes, so long ns they remain have been kept out. et Massachusetts bay, tho custom of once more putting the Stars and Stripes They are undesirable in every respect. eni°Jr" " B rejoice at the progress of blank, are to circulate as money, just observing a day of thanksgiving each where they were wont to be in tlie old Ignorant, they know no tow, nor re- **,c A ’ltcrican postal league (Box 2361, as greenbacks, treasury note« and sil­ year hat spread until new it has become seafaring days and training up a m ulti­ spect any except that of forci. I f they Mass.) that is being organized ver rertifleates do. When occasion a holiday for tba people et Ibis great tude of hardy native sailors. In that work they accept reduced wages, living to *n^ure congress to give decent postal arises to send 26 cents or any other nation and it is looked forward to with time we would see the harbor of San sum through the mail one of these like beasts, and thus depriving A m eri-; 8erv*ce to rural towns, and to provide a plsainrs by old and young in all parts Franciaco forested with masts and with notes can be taken out of the pocket cans of work, for there are corjiorations P1'rce,s I’oel> a postal currency, etc. No ' e tth e country. In New England two tlie American flags upon them no longer tho name and address of the proposed which will employ these cattle because one branch ° l government can do so nr three hundred years ago it was their outnumbered, seven to one, by the recipient of the money can 1« written of the low wages they will accept, un­ much for the people, at bo slight a cost, principal holiday. The stern Puritan ensigns of foreign carrying trade. on it, together with the signature of mindful of the fact that they are danger­ as the poetoffice. fathers looked upon Ohrietmas festivities I t is a prospect wortli working tor, tlie sender, and a postage stamp affixed ous and expensive in most cases in the w ith aversion because of their hatred and, fortunately for' the Coast, there —ons cent for sums of >1 or tinder—in long run. M AN ILA PRINTERS. ef Catholicism. Indeed it is only w ith­ were plenty of the right kind of meu tho pluce provided. Then the note, I t is to be hoped that the educational , in comparatively recent years that elected to Congress the other day from Kugene Register: Horace Burnett which a moment liefore was a piece of immigration bill, which wns intended to Christmas lias coma to be oliserved as a the Pacific States to make the work protect American labor and ksep out ^ “•pany 0 , Second Oregon Volunteers paj>er money, available for all currency holiday in New England. Naturally effective. at Manila, is one of tlie printers who purposes, becomes an order payable ttiis ignorant and dangerous element, the descendants of the Puritans kept went from this city. He has visited only to one designated person. When vetoed tiy President Cleveland and de- several of the “ shops” in Manila URGED TO GIVE UP. ep tho custom of a day ot thanksgiving and that person receives it he lias only to feated at the last session largely through S-'J'S five or six daily papers are publish- annually and when they emigrated to take it to the post office and obtain a the efforts of Senator Turner, will be- diere. The native Pliilipinos do all Madrid Nov 17.— Almost all the papers other parte of the country they carried new note in its place. The stamp put come a law very soon after the renubli- 1 ie f * ie t,’ ng, and lie ssys some of the r a tio n with them. Evan now, al­ deprecate the dilatory proceedings at ’ 1 7 * them are pretty “ swift.” The “ cases” on the note recompenses tlie postal can majority is seated in tlie senate. of type are about the same as ours, though the president each year appoints Paris, expressing their lielief that the department for ite services. Of course, but the “ sticks” only hold two lines a day tor a national thanksgiving ws United States will decline arbitration, whereas our “ sticks” hold from 12 to 20 the notes must be enclosed in a G LE N A O A N E W S . Rnd that ia all parts of the country, and urge ttie government to yield quick­ lines, stanijieil envelope when sent through t lines who o tte r vs it most faithfully are ly, since it ia impossible for Spain to tlie mail. B y R kpobtkb . people who were born and reared in renew the struggle or to expect Euro­ CARD OF THANKS! These proposed checks would lie of pean assistance, and furthermore, New England and their descendants. Reasonable * We carry no shop-worn, or Auction Goods of any kind. Some of the latest arrivals are Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Oiled Clothing and Rubber Goods, Hardware, Crockery and Glassware, Dry Coods, and Fancy Articles, which must be seen to be appreciated. In Dress Goods and Dress Trimming, can be found Full line of Ladies, Gents and Children’s In Fancy Articles can be Ladies Cloth, Suitings Water- found proofs. Hoods, in | Gimps, Velvets, Silks, Satins ETC., in all Shades. * underwear. Serges, Cashmeres, Henrietta, Trimmings to match debarred * PPICFS. The immigration into this country last Keeper Halil of Heceta light house year amounted to 228,299 persons, large­ was a Florence visitor Monday. ly of the illiterate and undesirable class­ Will Johnston of Siletz is visiting his es from Italy, Austro-Hungary, Poland sister Mrs E A Evans and family, anil Russia. Immigration from these Fred Butterfield returned home Sun- : districts increased from 52 to 67 per cent ''a-v af,er an absence of over two years ,» 4 b2 t I rx4 or ,» »» . 1 , > n o 4 . t v , . , ,1 .1 m ««4 ,.» • at Siletz anil eastern Wellington over that of tlie previous year, while tlie John I Butterfield and C ity Marshal immigration of the educated and desir- Cumpton left for Eugene on Monday’s able classes from England, Germany. boat having been summoned thither as France and Scandinavia fell from thirty- witnesses in tlie examination of Fred Funke in regard to his sanity. eight to thirty-two per cent. But 1314 immigrants were IS NOW FILLED With Seasonable Goods, and a s usual of j first class quality. “ OUR AIM:’’ to Sell M r Gibbs and son arrived Wednesday from a trip to tlie valley. Tacom a Ledger: Bellfast, Washington. the best crop to lie promptly handled that any of disease pre­ vails in this country, dangerous because people W E W.taaxN. P. 0 . address: their duty aa if they had control of the islands and San Francisco, but it is not law •making power, to favor the passage ' ex ac ted , because of tlie extra large ot inch acts aa will advance A serious and -twugeroua 1 We sre having a light tondi of Alai>ka' so deceptive. I t comes on so slowly yet " ' morning which 1 some snow Bunday know of my safe arrival at, and the surely that it is often firmly seated be- aw#y, wg e00I1 H8 the sun came prospects of my future home. fore we are aware of it. ’ out' still we ean go out and pluck nice I found things a little further ad­ The name of this disease which may roses from tlie bushes vanced than I ex|iected. They have Rev I G Knotts delivered an extra be divided into three distinct stages ia, gold sermon at this place Sunday after­ the 11 nest piece of land when cleared first kidney trouble, indicated by pain noon. Alpha should have a church that can 1« found, they have a good in tlie hack, rheumatism, lumbago, fre­ building. saw-mill, shingle-mill, a fine hum and quent desire to urinate, often with a M r Clt»» Ackerson leads in the polk the apartment houses are line large burning sensation, tlie flow of urine business here, k illin g three hogs, one of buildings; you must understand that being copious or scant with strong o lor. them dressing 309 lbs; all being fattened this colony is hut one yenr old and has I f allowed to advance, this readies tlie from home products, been hewed out of ttie timber where second stage, or Bladder trouble, with I t is rumored here that the mall scr- there was nothing but a “ shake shanty” lieavv pain in the alidoinen lowdown vice between Eugene and Mspleton w ill not be cut down to three times a week. to mark tlie spot. They have got a very between the navel and the water pas­ Cet tainly no one who was ever used to nice school house witli a basement, and witli i r J|(.|y nlftil (.01llj | i,«v« ,|#ve the tlie gaII ga|| to say sage, increasing desire to urinate, with they voted lust night to fix it up for scalding sensation in passing, small that it cannot be carried on, or that it is athletic excrises. They have good quantities being passed witli difficulty, useless because certain contractors failed wholesome food; nil eat at the same sometiu.es necessary to draw it with to hid enough to properly equip tin in selves. Thia government does not ask ■lining room ; all are w ill dressed and anyone to work for nothing- So lets well behaved and are aa intelligent formed, it w ill prove dangerous if scratch a little of the moss off our anat • a lot of people as you can find any neglected, omy and believe in progression. place on the glolie and furthermore they Tlie third stage is Briglit’s Disease. Lane county should hare a good wag­ are all happy and contented—laughing, There is comfort in knowing that Dr on road from Eugene to Its only seaport singing and cracking jokes the whole Kilm er, the great kidney and bladder —Florence—letting it by contract to the time— with never a frown to mar tlie lowest bidder, a portion of it eaclt year, specialist, has discovered a remedy fam­ on a good wide grade. W ith the steam­ happiness of any, they work together ous for its marvelous cures of the most boat running from Eugene to Portland like brothers and sisters. distressing rases and known as Dr Lane county generally would have I have sent a great many of my friends cheaper transportation. Kilm er's Swamp-Root. a copy of our paper which will tell more Our mail contractor lias a lame horse I t ia sold by all druggists. than I can, without taking too much of As a proof of tlie wonderful virtues of and has gut another so ns to have a your space. I have also sent you a change- Owing to there not living a this great discovery, Swamp-Root, a bridge at Deadwood he was compelled copy of the paper, after thia they will sample bottle and book of valuable in­ to walk 20 miles last Saturday as the exchange with you, if you wish it. I formation will be sent absolutely free by creek was past fording. have worked two days in tlie printing mail on application to Dr Kilm er & Co., office and I will say that I am well PERSONALS. Binghamton, N Y. When writing pleased, so far ns I have seen, with tlie kindly mention that you read this liber­ pr< spects before me. I will try in the E Bangs was iu Flotence Wednesday al offer in T he W est . on business. future to let you hear from me. W itli heat wialiea to all. J M Young made a business trip to PASS THE IMMIGRATION LAW. Gardiner yesterday. Youra truly certain extent be correct yet it docs not island trade, all the American vessels release the democrats from all responsi­ that enn be apared. Those will answer bility in the matter. As per agreement, will through your paper, let the L a KX O o CKTT, F I.O B X X C X , Equality, Wash, N or. 13th, 1868. Fascinators, Bootees, Child’s Mittens, £ RUCHINGS, tlie latest, Boh- | hinct, Hosiery, Ladies’ and Gents’ Neckwear ETC. In fact, if there is anything you require that a merchant can supply, call on Y o u rs T ru ly t 07 W. HURD, t C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Dry Coods, ★ Groceries * and * Notions. FLORENCE k MEAT MARKET? •Just Opened. Coods as Reoresented. Not seeing any Glenadn news in your cease advantage to everyone who uses the I desire to thanks tlie people of Maple-' News- paper for some time, I will send you a ton for their kindness in fighting thn mails for collecting monto, Tas bsst way to build up a town is to wasting money and to concentrate fire and tiins saving the paper and magaxine publishers, the few items. steamer Msr- J. W . CARMAN stand by every man in the place who attention upon Spain's domestic affairs Ed Furnish hag about recovered from 8uer*le from total destruction PR O PR I F T O « manufacturers of all small, cheap and the restoration of her finances. dess right. Whenever a uian is doing O W I f flip. articles, and merchants generally his recent illness. well, do not tear biin down. All resi­ M r Bailey lias returned from his visit would profit by them, and they cot- FROM MANILA. dents should be partners, not opponents. C O S T OF B R ANTO NCA SE. to Maple ereek. tainly would lie a great convenience In all livelihoods tlie more business your M r Holden has gone to Coos hay on a to tlie public generally. Moreover they In figuring up the cost of the Brenton! Tho law courts have resumed business rival does tlie more you will do. Every would increase the revenue! of tlie buginess trip. case, it is found that ttie county was put basinets man who treats customers with tlie Spanish judges to hear civil M r C R David is preparing to teach a to an expense of >2200 in running down poetai department. The fees collected honestly, courteuasly and fair will get his c sev and American judges to hear crim­ on money orders amount to >670,000 c1m* of y °un« ,olk* in voc* 1 n,u,ie" and eouvieting tlie murderer of John ahars, and the more business that enn inal cases. annually. The stamps used on these ' Our school now lias 30 scholars en­ Linn. There is a leper scare in Manila. be secured by united effort tba better postal cheques would amount to many rolled anJ several more are expected. Through neglect of the Spanish officials, i t wilt l>e (or all. When a town ceases M r Lawton and M r Lacy have moved limes that sum. to grow it begins to die, and tlie more nearly 200 lepers escaped from confine­ About >175,000,000 are transmitted from tlie Craven building to M r Hough- people trv to kill each other in their ment. (Inters have been issued for all ton’a cottage. through the mails by means of money Hl« Story of What Hood*« S v- business t lx more readily will utter lepers to he sent to the uninhabited Harvey Nighswander lias been suffer­ orders in a year. I t is not unlikely that •aparilla Haa Don« rain come to nil. Stand together for island southeast of Luxon. ing witli a very bod hand, but it is more than >600,000,000—jossibly >1,- better now. W hole Fam ily G reatly Helped by the advancement Of every citiseu. If a 000,000,000—would pass through the Thia M edicine. ■ a a shows ability to prosper do not Arthur Johnson came in Saturday T h x h i count a great roar from some of post offices if tliis new plan was in ­ “ I sm an old run dow n soldier, my from tits rancli on Sweet creek to visit p all him back through jealousy or weigh the patrons of public school on sci-ount w h o le sy stem being ou t of order and my troduced. with Ids family a abort time. rig h t sid e partially paralysed. I have him down by a cold indifference.—Oregvn of the sita|ienaii>n of pupils from school Tlie originator of the cheques, M r J M Y o u n g of F id d le creek is sto p p in g lr,e‘1 Tsd o u » rem edies and reel tied only for a day or so as a punishment for 0 W Poet, of Battle Creek, Mich., has City P 't u . can vaasi tig for the tem porary relief. I have been t a h in i i— u _ - i . - - in Glenada while v«,..« irenking rules. Better try a club next submitted his p an Io Secretary Gage history of the war, and several other H ood ’s Sarsaparilla and H ood's Pitta, and "C m h " H abvcv proposes that all who time and keep tlie children in school, «„d other financiers, and has prepared a have derived mora real benefit from them book a. than e n y th tn g d have tried. My w ife hoe voted for Bryan ahnll contribute a dol­ That's what school taxes are paid f o r . - bill, providing for the issue of post- W T Carle expected to move his been greatly helped by H ood's Saraapa ls." each a month for the silver cause Hiurhurg Plaindmler. cheques, which will be introduced in family in from Maple creek to attend riita. 8h e waa alt run dow n asid has dertng lha next two rears. Tlie result- school but owing to the storm lisve not sy ito m m uch o u t of order. My tw o llttta congress at the coming eeasion. IT IV S o o L i c i r o a . « tu r a » iv iir w iiu i lag campaign fund would he >166,000, arrived yet. Tliey will occupy the Fisk boys recovered q u ick ly from the effect, tor "The story of the P h ilip p in e ." I.v M ural o f d ip h th eria by ta k in g H ood's S an ap a­ lln litn u t. coninilwlniiist l.y itie Ooveriinieni a . W ASTIO—.«»«a»L TBUeTWitaTHV raasosa i s lionse, 000. They w ill probably have some oflti tat lltsto rtau to the W .r Departm ent. The lhi> »tale to manaxe our h u .ln e -. In th e ir own rilta, w h ich rid them of iroubl.-someaovea hoot wo« w ritten In arm i cam p, at San Frau little trouble in raising the each, luit it nite«, on the P art«<• « ith General M e n tii, lu and nearhycounliea. I l 1» m ain ly niñee work A few weeks ago we fully expecled by and sym p tom s o f tb s croup. They are enutu ie t at home Salare -iralahl «mo e iK U p l'a lt at H ono lulu. In Hons Kone. tn year and expeiiee.—d e lliilla , bonallde. 110 more, t il ls t i m e to sew a beautiful new flag now w ell and h earty.” W. F. B raw rrr T O O UR F A T R O N B they do it would moke a very lively th tlie American Irru e h e t at M aniin. In the In tu r no leu «alary. M onthly F i Kelrroneee. Bn- „ „ ,, . , . . , - , Starkey. O regon. Remembe^ Seni C aini« w ith Asuinahto. on lha deck ot the clone «elf oddrewed »taraped envelope, H erbert P r o u d ly waving from it stalely flag-fade A house and lot campaign.—Ptlnhunn Argvt. O lym p ia w ith Dewey, and In the roar o f the K. lie u . P r e - l. DepL M Chicago Chi'----- at our acliool lionse, but alas, tlie old Olenada. The halite at the fa ll of M enila, B onania for asetu, H e hare maita arrangements 6y house is 1« by 24 fill o f ö r is in .I r ‘ ---------— — lying. "T he tiest laid plana of mice *nd one story and T n BBCOXn regular session of IhS fifly- ment l photographer on the »pot. Large bonk, The San Franciaco Examiner and t l x _ , •h ie lt we w ill fnrnisli the Weekly • half in height. Also and men will oftiines gang a-gle«" is l.u prlee» III« protlt- P rtls h t paid, c re d it l i t he best in tact the (Ina Trne Blood Puna«,. Drop a ll tm rh y unoSlelal wer buoka W aagforons year >2.60 paid ia •