r y -J ’ ■? ? W w- r the west [ YOUR HOHE PAPER SIUSLAW'S ONLY PAPEB. P SUPPORT IT ,, advertisers OPPORTUNITY 1 J VOL. IX* NO. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Nov. 25, 1898. TRAVELFRS’ guide . general directory STATE OFFICERS. I S T E A M ER o •— W ill make*' TRAVELERS’ GUIDE m in K, ” O - Æ R . D I i q r E K S T A Q E .............William P. Lord. B E O U LA K D A IL Y S S of&’ate ....... H. R. Kincaid. — Between--- Secreta y , Philip Metelien î^ 'S ic ï» » ^ . ‘ ..........W. H. Leeds ¡¡tat« Printer Attorney General. . . ...C M. Idleman. 1 ,. . R. 8. Bean .F. A. Moore ¡ Supreme Court E. Wolveiton , it ,.Second District. .J. W. Hamilton ail! Heal oí Tide. ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. ¡Scaling Attorney...Geo. M. Brown LiINBS. p TRIPS ^C€| , ’ leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ days and Fridays, Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ burg Stage Line (or Drain. Also witii Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges reasonable. ConsflgiplKm EUGENE-FLORENCE COUNTY OFFICERS STAGE LINE. E. Bangs, . .E. O. Potter. ; Proprietor. Do not think (or a single moment that consumption will ever strike you a sudden blow. It does not come that way. It creeps its way along. First, you think it is a little cold; nothing but a little back­ ing cough; then a little loss in weight: then a harder cough; then the (ever end the ni^ht sweats. The suddenness comes when you have a hemorrhage. Better stop the disease while it is yet creeping. You can do it with r ?0. BLOOMTIME. H.<1 roe wandered otbsrwhsre Through the Maytlme of the ysai I'm not aaylnx that o a . rose Had beta elower to ondoee. That on» ptftien coll the Had cruwn quick o ’ heauteouanaaa. Had you wandered otherwhere__ Thruagh the hloomtime of the year. Whaowev.» way yon went. __ How ahonld May be e!»e than May? Mine the aweetM- wonderment Biace you walked with me the way. Had T'WI pawed n,e all unseeing In the Maytlme of your being I'd not «ay these rhymes of min« Had txeu fewer by one line. That my heart had gone unsung AU the blooming w a y . among. Had you passed ma by unseeing In the lovetiine of your being. Only, had you never come, •lust, one heart beat were unstirred. Just one chord had waited dumb. One song failed to find its word. ►Chnrlva Washington Coleman In Harper Magasine. _ LEA D IN D ry G oods F a n cy G oods F u r n is h in g G o o d s a C lo t h in g A § Shoes RACE FOR A WIFE. ••Two offers of marriage in one day 1 Well, which suitor is to receive ths happy affirmative, Meta? ' The speaker, a middle aged woman, ..........E. U. Lee J Sleeping Cars «»•, arriving at Florence the day regarded the girl before her with evi­ Clerk.................................... dent admiration and affection. W. W. Withers ' following at 10 a. in. Sheriff- ............................. Elegant Meta Randall's fair face wore a per­ Willamette St., .A. 8. Patterson treasurer........................ Dining Cars Returning-stage leaves Flor­ plexed expreaniou, and her sweet voice .. ,D. P. Burton trembled as she replied: .................................... ence on Mondays, Wednesdays Eugene, ••If I only knew, auntiel” School Superintendent. . ,,W . M. Miller Teyrist To one even less versed in the char­ Sleeping Cars and Fridays at 2 p. m., arriving Lane Co., Ore. . ,.C. M. Collier acter of the girl than Mrs. Preston the Surveyor............................ in Eugene tha following day at ST . PAUL sincere regret in her tone would have ,W. P. Cheshire Coroner.............................. been ample assurance that neither co­ MINNEAPOLIS G p. m. . .C. H. Holden Justice o( P e a c e .............. quetry nor vanity had induced such a DULUTH . . . E. A. Evans reply. , . Constable.......................... You first notice that you The elder lady observed her curiously FARGO S p x n U h B a r b a r ity . 1 Single faro - - . - $5.00 cough less. The pressure on for a moment and then said: which busy little builders caroled merry The deadly work at Manila was gen­ GRAND FORKS TO the chest is lifted. Tint feeling Round trip - - $0.00 “ Since both men are handsome and sccompanimenta to their unceasing la- erally performed in the cool of the of suffocation is removed. A CROOKSTON Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ equally eligible, you should trust en­ bor cure is hastened by placingone of CITY OFFICERS. morning. That these events wore w l y 1 WINNIPEG tirely to your heart to decide.” The novelty of this race for a wife appreciated was shown by tho presence livery barn, Eugene, and at 0. W. “ But, auntio dear, my heart speaks excited much pleasant comment from on tho Lunetta of thousands of people. HELENA »nd Dr. Ayer’s Cherry ns favorably for one as the other. Henry the group of fiiends and cyclists who Hundreds of fashionably dressed ladiee Hurd’s office in Florence. ......... W. H. Weatlierson BUTTE' and Philip have been my comrades, m.v uad gathered in Mrs. Preston s front and gentlemen “ graced” tho occasion President. Pectoral Plaster cavaliers, from childhood. It weald yard, responsive to her invitation to 1 wltl» their presence. For the most part 0 . W. Hurd T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls seem unnatural not to lovo thorn both. watch the start of the trio’bnd accom 1 theso fashionables came in their equip­ over the Chest. Win. Kyle I feel thut I coold marry either tomor­ cany them upon the raoe. I ages. Theao ladies would stand in their Board of T rustees L. Christensen TO row aud never regret my choice. I am It was jnst 10 o’clock when Meta vehicles, determined not to miss any M. Morris CHICACO A D o c k Fc*oo. sure I lovo them equally. Was ever a Randall, noatly attired in a cycling suit part of the ghastly show. The signal It is on the Diseases of the poor girl; in such a pitjable condition of of olivs green with glinting silver trim­ from the commanding lieutenant that John H. Morris WASHINGTON Recorder................. Of The Throat and Lungs. uncertainty? Do choose my husband for ming, passed out of the house and greet­ i the victims were dead was the signal ........J. A. Pond PHILADELPHIA Treasurer ............. me!” she entreated, as she dropped ed her friends with a pleasant good 1 for these delighted lady spectators to Write c s Frwefy. ENGLISH LANOUAGE . .G. C. Cumpton NEW YORK H ▼ u hare any complaint ▼■»’«terer upon a cushion at Mrs. Preston s feet. wavo their handkerchiefs or parasols as morning. __ Virsiisi................... Hiid der're the be*t medical i The aunt gently putted the head upon A murmur of admiration rose from evidence of their satisfaction. , can iioARlblr receive, write the d«eW» J BOSTON ANO ALL COM PLETE l, freelv. You will rece ve a prompt r e p i/, I the feminine portion of the company as her lap. As a general thing these were fright­ without cost Adrire««. M PO INTS EAST “'id 80U T H DR. J. C. AY EE. Low*ll, M*»». “ It’s a great responsibility, Meta, to she stood for a brief second beside her fully grewsome affairs. There was a fir­ S U C C IE N T SECRET SO O IETIES. place upon my shoulders. What if, aft­ wheel. Self possessed but modest, In ing aquad of five for each unfortunate. For information, time cards, maps and tickets er all. I should choose the wrong one? the cool green of hor costume she ap- This squad of executioners would ba etc., call on or write a u t h o r it a t iv e But I havo a plan, at least. How feasi­ , eared a part of tho natural picture Itatioued about ten paces immediately R. M c M urphey , I F.,k A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. ble it may preve you are the one to de­ which surrounded her. A bed of daffo­ to tho rear of thoir human target In Color Blind. Regular somnuuiication on second General Agent. Booms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, termine.” dils grew close to her feet, and she most instances the soldiers ooustitnting Not long ago I was in the crowded 301,865 Vocabulary Term« As Mrs. Preston unfolded her scheme EUGENE, OREGON. Mdfourth Saturdays in each month. office of a celebrated specialist for the Meta’s drooping bend was lifted; then stooped and gathered a bunch of the the firing squad were natives. They ,47 Editors and Specialists O. W. H ean, W. M. eyo nud ear, and I happened to notice a smiles of delight chased ench other over brave yellow blossoms and ft. teued were secretly in favor of tho rebellion, A. D. CHARLTON, 533 Readers tor Quotations • aud no momljer of tho squad cared to I.G.K. votts , Secretary. man sitting at one of the tables with a her features, aud finally, as the oloer them securely at her belt. Assistant General Passenger Agent. Then, with a merry laugh and a grace­ fire the fatal shot Consoque u»Iy each 5000 Illustrations 255 Morrison St. Cor. 8d. most bewildered expression on his face woman finished spenking. she sprang to ful toss of the head toward Davis and man would aim for tho arm or leg. P o r t l a n d O r . Cost over $060,000 and a pile of bright colored worsteds in her feet, exclaiming joyously; Stanton, at the quick ring of a bicycle This of course only added to the horror Appendix of 47,4<>8 Entries front of him. After a desperate struggle • Just the thing, you dear, original 1A.R. General Lyons Post, No. 58 he succeeded in assorting them, but, ! auntiel Now take this and this and bell, tbe signal for starting,declining the of tho affair. J, meets second and fourth Saturdays There was one occasion when 13 iead- alas, not according to shad« or color. this!” aud, laughing merrily, she kissed proffered assistance of the competitors, il each mouth at 1 :30 p. in. sho mounted her wheel and sped quick­ 1 ing members of the secret revolutionary The full number of words and terms In Dr. O. came in then and said: “ Is that her again and ngain. J. I. B uttebfield , Commander. ly down the road. She had nearly reach­ Bocioty, the Cutapuuun, were executed. J . I. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor different dictionaries for the entire alphabet is the best you can do? Try again and put “ There, sweetheart, there 1 Better ed the first corner when, at a second I There was ne t o single instance at this, J. L. F ubsisu , Adjutant. the colors in five piles. ” wait and learn thesuccessof the plan," as follows: S'OBMO ntii , 50,01)0; W ubchkstbr Once more the unfortunate man be­ exclaimed Mrs. Preston. “ Those letters signal, the two men were away. A oxeentien where tho unfortunate woo F io re n o a , O re g o n . 105,000; W ebster (International), 125,000; C en ­ gan his hopeless task. There were pink, must be answered immediately,” she third ring, aud the merry company killew an so near n ea r thut t h a t she fancied sho could , rather than the hand and gaining ficial when not carried beyond the prop­ me; hence the condition. If either or hear the crystal water as it tinkled soft­ EUGENE, OREGON. more by ruzca and stratagems than by Ugly er point, such exercise potting the both refuse to accept it, I must stipu­ ^ - . ' r r i c i At the Court iloine. The Bosji-smnns, in south central Af- n en e cell in the best possible condition late that onr past harmonious relations ly Into its rocky basin. If Davis should opcu forco. • • • The Spaniard is cour­ r i ^ a ^ c c e d i n g l y ugly and exist .L for assimilating more uotriment and I teous at tbo start, contenting himself bo RUsUincd without any future refer­ win “ Ob. nol Not tbatl” sbo whispored. with remarking quietly all that which developing more fully. Inaction in nuy ence to the possibility of marriage with ill ■ “tate nf a,,l,ua ¡-be was trembliug with excitement. is of value in a place, but his leave tak­ “^11 in holes, live on roots iid r e p j le . tract tends to uu undeveloped spot and either. Aud now the condition I” E. E. B E N E D IC T. A sudden mist clouded her sight, a ing is torrible, liecause it is then th*» to atrophy.____________ ___ “ The condition I" both men quickly rumbling in her ears partially deafened he strike*, pillaging and laying waste I T O R N H Y - A T - L.-A/W - repeated. T liilr ( T X to m » . ,heTbrCaln«.cks of the great Tartar her, when—ob, thank Ood, the goal without mercy."— Boston Journal. “ I propose a bicycle race between ns wan reached! Then there was a faroff t o S , are. although civilized extreme- Mrs. Bromley looked up with a shud­ three. 1 am to have the precedence of ehcut, the heavy breathing of a man : Oregon. Flot ip.nce. T ti« P e r ils o f a c m » * . der. Her eyes met those of the profess­ . o r e 8 o r l 1 J o Ther have short, iai one block in starting. It is to be a tbn e a 1’, , « “ » • or, her brother. beside her, a geutin touch upon bar Robert Southey was saved from the (r’o r e n ° 0, mile race upon the mucadamiztd road "Archibald,” she said severely, arm, and next— danger into which bis vocation as * protruding chiu.___________ FRANK B. W ILSO N ^ A sense of dizxiness and the recollec­ critic throw him only by his anonymity. “ have yon seen the pictures tu this between this bonsc aud Crystal spring. The one who overtakes me before or as BO YEARN’ tion of falling from her wheel came to illustrated paper of tbe—the coetumes T im . » h . M .g lH .» - EXPERIENCE we reach the spring w ill not only be the her ns sho opened her eyes aud saw— At one timo ho found it necessary in re- ii( r n a ii« openiu uer c^e* ■»<>«*»— (v iew in g a book written by a natlvn of Y VJ 1 ZX A w > Mother-Wbat .. the matter. Clare? of the women of the Philippine«?" winner of the race, Lnt nlso of a wile. “ No,” said the professor; “ let mo not Davis, but Philip Stanton, bending . th() RmOTnia Isle to treat it with nn- If you overtake me St tbe same time, over _ - OREGON You look distressed ^ hBf, ----- 1... her _i>k with tender .AiwUnd. solicitude «nd and m nt ' ( wonted severity. Iu conversing of thie see them." LORENCE. - - ____ _____ Clara (.b n d e » -« « r g e h b ew )n,t yon w ill draw lots to sec who is the ta ^ ig loving exclamation* — Emin* She dtew the paper hastily away hook und the incompetence of its writsp M ”^ r7w o days-boohool ^ E t t U ty to u in Waverly Magazine. “ Certainly not," she cried. "I only victor." with a literary friend one day the M- Ttie faces of ¡he men were an odd ex- f°r Mother («onio years later)— wanted to fay that they are simply thor, a gigantic Irishman, entered tbe pression, but they pioinptly exclaimed: room in a great rage, vowing vengeance „ «Hl vonr husband be away? dreadful, and I think — T rade ss »" A» l o F » s» h « r » o e . I “ We agree. ” DxBieau against the remorseless critic. S t andin g "W ell, what?” It was a beautiful May morning, and “ I know young Festbertop is not ’„ I . QOFVRiaHTB AC- “ That as long ss we have people cos- very near tho critic, ho raised his huge York Weekly. turaed like these dependent upon uh for tbe picturesque road hading to Crystal brilliant, bnt I always like to have him fist aud exclaimed, “ And if I knew who te s ? spring was an appropriate one for a around. He’s a man of such a good fig- guidance aud advice there is altogether it was I 'd bate bint I" Mr. Soothsy ob­ r»TA»t» »n\ ^ i n î t “ Vnî ÎÎÎ: u » W,sV«I>^«V«U.TaC.TW^ "»Krtclly n M •• too much flannel wasted on soldiers’ race which must in any case afford a ro­ orc* served a profound alienee and cuietly on» butla« • S ? ‘ „ g o t p h " „*5,,« »iI! j t e v ii- mantic ending. It wrs bnrdertd with “ Yet, I roppore you could call him retired, teaerving his laugh fcr a lets notte«, without cBRnre, in the bums.'' rond'ic'l't «4 hos.yrt». so And «he swept from tbe room, taking hedges and stately trefcs «Microns with that. He s a perfect cipher.' ’—Chicago haxardcus occusicn, . ,. renr and fyi *’ *7gL.,«hlr ITS Rrfer«»nc*. leader buds aud icavsa, lrom among Tribune. ....................... no 1.W r e r .lo p ., Herbert the paper With her.— Cleveland Leader. ....................... ............ Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. .. W. T. Bailey (^niniiesioncrs v ......... H. D. Edwards | W E D E FY C O M P E T IT IO N . I FMAN. I J. V. KAUFFMAN. ' THROUGH TICKETS Standard Dictionary I, MORRIS »** HOTEL, Head of Tide Hotel, T o n so ria l P a r lo r s. E lk P r a ir ie H otel. Attorney a t Law, ON EUCENE AND FLORENCE STACE ROUTE. w . , P blip Surveyor S Notary I abll , P atents f t S . * NOTARY PUBLIC PATENTS Scientific flmtricait w & co . c. A. SNOW •Y I In I il» * M« »» in if1 their RESPECTFULLY JLLY