find Mopped abm pt'-yuul c u te back end stood by the fence. ••1 m ust be a-lesin my sense A Is especially tru» o( llixul’s i'lils, (or uouicdi (in air gum I m ust,” he Mid. Tilth ter tell ye cine ever eontelnod so great curative power iu vexation, 'I w ar jist goni so small space. They are a whole medicine au r ^ u . it. 1 seed her down i„ the an forgot woods as I came aerost the crick.. |_ f i S 8 5 L 7 Â Ï , . » SICK HEADACHE # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' * * * * * * M u c h in L it t le # _____ * o d d s X * * ^ . istid E H x r iD s . * 57« * COLLEEN DHAS. H w ö ö '-O C ca f lS “ chest, always ready, al­ ways efficient, always sat­ isfactory; prevent a cold or fever, cure all liver ills, sick headache. Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. The only Fills to take w ith llocd’s Sarsaparilla. ~ dcoruail. ” . Engford took a long pull t at j..s bis „ino. pU '- Nothing ever disturbed or excited , I m iu the least. "S h e hadn’t bin milked tins niormn . „ r. ” lie said, “ an I reckon the dud p ..I tree has ."p'ileil tho hide. Ye i..;; t li yer daddy ter come over in the i- ¡.ruing if it a in 't raiuin, an we 11 git i i.t tbo corn c u ttin .” Ta ■ u- . t m im ing ns Mr. W hite was , ■ .-m g f r Bngforff’s he saw- a young i ,u C! m iug dowu the read from tho dl- i, ti( n of ll'.e little railroad station Ho ; was dressed in a neatly fitting suit of gray und , rried a small leather valise. The youi:g man looked eagerly at W hite, nud, nodding, said: "Good morning, Mr. Whit?. He held out his hand, smiling as ho did so. Mr. W hite took the proffered hand, look ing very much puzzled. "Y e seem to know me—but hanged if—w ’y, bless my soul, i t ’s Ped Bug­ ford.” "S o it is ." laughed the young man. " I am glad to t?o some ouo who re­ members me. ” "1 knowi il yo ns soon ns ye laugh­ ed. " r a i d White. "B u t hang it, how ye have growt-tl. W ’y, ye are a man uow, bigger 'an yer fath er.” The ta o walked eu iu the direction of Bugford’s. F arm er White was not especially in­ quisitive, but he was net altogether de­ void of a ccrtaiii amount of curiosity regarding ifie affairs of his neighbors, and before the two reached their desti­ nation ho hud learned several im portant facts relative to young Bugford. Among other things he learned that P id bad perfected a m ist valuable piece cf m achinery which he had been work­ ing on for years, and having patented bis in\ uie u ho leal difpoMd of it to a w ealthy firm in ( hicago for a snug for­ tune and was co:, ing home to share it w ith his uged parents. W hite speculated on the surprise in : tore tor Engford, and he chuckled in­ wardly as he thought of tho joy anil amu.'.cmeut l’ed’s sudden return would bring to tiro parents As they arrived before the farmhouse they saw Air:: Bugford com ing from tho springhouHO carrying a pan of milk. As Ped came toward her she looked nt him keenly, then set tho pan of milk upon tho gicund. her form trembling. " I t 's Pud I" she said iu an agitattd voice. She lix k his hands and kissed him. Then ho put his arm s about her neck, w hile tho tears ran down his cheeks. “ Ye have growed so,” i-ho said, holding him at arm 's length aud gazing fondly into his face. “ I was afraid yon wouldn’t recognize m e,” ho said, " b u t you cauuot deceive n m other’s eye," Tin y stood talking for some moments. Some of tho little ducks that were ru n ­ ning about tfie yard came up, and pounc­ ing iuto the pan of milk began to swim about in the liveliest wnuucr. "W h e re ’s lather?” asked Ped. “ Iu tho house eatiu his breakfast. Como, le t’s go in. ” Sho stooped to pick up the pnu. " T h e m «lacks h avesp’iled the m ilk,” she said, emptying ducks and milk out Is the Bane of Many a Woman’s Life-How the Disease may be Cured. A Case^ Cited. i F rom tht Republican, Dcthanp, Mo. ..reiit faill. ia Qr. W illiam s’ Pink Pin« for w illin g wero not fit to successfully ren ­ Mrs PannleP. Pto/Bfr, of Martinsville, Mo., Pule "LOOKIN BACK." A Sprained Aukle. People, , inwisteil thnt , 1 commence commenee u«iuv der tho lowest p art in tho w hole dram a. lumi lly Iy contented consented lotry them. ’ ’ lliem . J 1 liliu A false step, a fall o ra snddcii w rei—h ..’..‘hem r ‘ Mo- le an I ■■ while pulls flytn, " T h is was tho state of affairs wheu I The stare were In the sky. inking o few doses I could see un improve, Wn k; dem,rl.l'.o‘ has for ninny years is very often th e can-e of th a t p, But chanticleer his warning . ,* I wo, near ye v fiat have I scent Cfimo upon tho stage. meat mid my headuehe »pells were not ,o Hod flung it low and high. I' - - - an ;; ■ ong wind sightn «cverely afflicted with a cnmiilleatian of dis- severe. I kept inking the pill» until J | R(j "T h o m anager w as in a perfect strain in g of tbo fibrous tissue com: i.miy The littlo birds wore talking, \ whe .- waves sre gieen. The anklo is. us a calcs au.l frciiiie.iily iv.-aM have fearful at- used four boxes, ami »Ince (list lime I ),«vt frenzy, and Louisa Dietz sat n ear one know n as sprain The mountains yot were gray, .M o d e,. ,.'ind goes aighin S b , -hick »ba would becom.uacoa.cioa. lint lind any of those uttucks and 1 never kit rule, the victim ized member, anil many T7hea Colleen Dha3 came walking i -i e ■ - - o o' ..era glucn. of th e fiats, silen t anil pale as niarblo. so well in my life. aro tho tedious hours for w hich the« are- At dav. niag of tho day. "1 have reeoiiimended the pill» („ " T h is w as h er first appearance a t fjin"oae'of these, «lie was unconscious, for .,.li an 1 - v a n , , ark w e’ I .«tiior, less dispenser of orange peel can be held and several have used them with good th is theater, and to have an accident Iler feet outvied the dajsica. Efi-l. are l ie I ...'ti.. . airy blue. many hours. Hcroondilion Iw. iioicubtriiiiog, friends results. accountable. Thero are several methods tTe usual restoraiivcs failed ... I.rnig rel f. Her hair outshone tho sun» ../s-i i w i n er weather, o e c rr like th is was enough to stupefy “ 1 am always glial to tell of the grrtl L e physician’» aid moved ¿ "iav“^ » '¿'j1 of treatin g a sprained ankle, ouo of Cor beauty, like tho Graces, ifi --•; . re i " i n 1 ; year through. any one under sim ilar circum stances. benefit I received from Dr. William«’ Fink Did join nil sweats in one; .... ; i, dpitfi seemed iim iinieni. b»»« r t‘. ' » Pills for Pule P eople, for now I feel a» Il..... w hich is strapping th e leg from anklo " I pitied her from tbo bottom of my Her eyes liko twin stars innrrlod. 1 fi «n til-- ., ews between are blue. however, and that .be lives to-day is won- 1 wus the happiest, most contented woinsn iu to knee w ith adhesive plaster. Tho h e a rt Her breath of n e o io iv n bay; dCA"ieporler who was scot to investlgaU, the world, for with good health wim csiiuot plaster is cut in strip s about an inch iu Lo:. - Ulen Ben an the wild glen flowers, A milking pail she carried " I was stan d in g n t tho prom pter's Imt he hn|ipy?” Li le ye if (he prairie is sweet. „hen hornet Mrs. Rtofflo could At dawning of the day. rtan d , w hen suddenly a w ild thought w id th and of sufficient length to encir­ I.’e.-is lor in!- rn redder than ours Mrs. Sfotlle is a risler of Joseph Holland, of remark “ how well «lie was loo.ui g “ " cle tho leg to w ith in h alf an inch, tho shot through my tra in . ••Now, are you tender flcbe, Sp.-ing le e r.ndlier the horses' feet. could scarcely realize tint, she ba I I’» « " Bethany, who is well known throughout ih« space being left to insure i'reo c irc u la ­ Or maybe Juno bright? Aye. nn the black eyed Rold sunflowers, " W h y c o u ld n 't I play tho part? Fcr, through such a trying orde iI ¡«s had I u u county, having lie n a candidate lor «1 eritf Your name it might bo Phoebe, Not ns tte glen flowers smalt nn sweet. having su tli a num ber of rehearsals, I tion. T his treatm en t can only be applied represented. In speaking of her experience, nt die election of IHPfl. H er parents sre Mr. Thnt robs tho sun of light. ninl Mrs. (¡.W .Curtiss, of Eagleville, alio well before tho leg begins to swell, therefore w as as perfect in his p a rt os 1 was in “ f f i ^ t o i t s terrible sick, know n hi this county. Wathers o’ Moyle, I bear ye enllin Or nro you lovely Venus, w ith in a very short tim e of the accident. Blearer for half o' tho world between. That clore beside tuo stray. m y own. No discovery of modern time« I n» proved whieh I hud ns far back as I can remember, Recovery by means of tho ordinary An rim bills an tho wet rnin fallin With the milking pail between us " K o sooner bad tho idea entered my la recent years they Ivor' f'ettiag worse. I -neb n boon lo women as Dr. M illinn:«’ Fink Whiles }» arc neater than snow tops keen. At dawning of the day ?” treatm ent, th at of elevating tho foot Pills for Pale People. Acting direrlly on the m ind than 1 acted upon it, aud going would suffer so I wold become • D-etuafl o' llie night an « night wind eallin, aud having recourse to hot applications, conscious, m il the hist, one I had I was un­ ldood and nerve.«, in vivorutiiig the body, regn- •'Yoer-S m an,” »ho said, “ don’t flatter. up to tho m anager I said: What is l*i:e half o’ tie., world between? lmiie: the functions, they restore the »treneth conscious from even in I he evening "iiln Your glance is bold and free. —Moira O’Neill in Blackwood's Magazine. “ 'I know th is part, and I hnvo no may bo g reatly accelerated by scientific nfler midnight. I was so that the doi- and iieftltli to the exhausted womnn a im No stranger's praise will m atter uiussago. By proper m anipulation tho doubt if you w ill in tru st it to my oare tor could not get Hie medicine in my mouth, every effort of the physician proves un. To virtuous muids liko mo. but liad to givo me a Itvpoilerm'e injection. n veiling. I cun go through w ith it satisfacto rily .' sw ellin g can bo reduced and the pain Pray go where you v.ere going; Thei-c pills nre recognized everywhere is The doctor «aid 1 was likely to die in one of 1 tukc the other way.” “ Ho grasped mo w arm ly by tho hand lessened in a very short timo. If, how ­ n specific for diseases of the blood and nerve«. ever, tho service of one who thoroughly Anu 1 hear :ny crummy lowing those spells.” . . . . . and said: “A lew years a go. I took treatnient of a For paralysis, locomotor ntaxin. and other At dawning of tho day. “ ‘Thanks, thanks, Mr. Thomas. I understands giving the treatm en t can ­ Silas Bugford sat in the shade cf the specialist in Kansas City, but it only relieved db-emes long supposed ineural le, they havt not bo obtained, sim ple rubbing w ill of­ proved their efficacy in thousand« of' caaes. Vnoa n bench of rushes havo every faith in your a b ility .' me for a while. big oak th n tltrs w by the kitchen door. ten give relief Tho rubbing m ust a l­ Alone I sat und heard “ When I came here two yenrs ngn mv Truly they me one of the greatest hleaaiup " C u t 1 eared more for th e grateful He w as in h is s h irt sleeves, and his E rr voice out sing tho thrushes health was miserable. My husband who bad ever bestowed upon m ankind. look in L ouisa's eyes as sho w alked by w ays bo up, not down, and tho hands of course straw liat lay on tho grass a t his And every wakening bird; th e operator as well as the wounded 1 heard tho swoct milk spurting, m y side aud said: side. The hedge betwocu us lay, T iie E le p h a n t as a W orker. “ ‘I, too, w ill over owo yon a service, lim b should be made tliorongbly a n ti­ And 1 longed thnt wo wero courting Ho w as leaning forw ard, his chin septic before any friction is applied, lest In the Siamese Malay states there r r o 1 w hich w ill he im possible to repay ’ At dawning of tho dny. "S o it w as decided th a t I should as- tho secretions of th e skin being rubbed restlug cn h is bauds, his elbows upon probably about 1,000 deiniriicati .1 ele­ —Pall Mall Gazette. smi'O the principal ride, w hile a person, into tbo pores should bo reabsorbed and his knees, calm ly puffing a short cob phants all tohi, and iu tho Jzio cciffitry inflam m ation increased iu the strained pipe. N ear by sat his wife, busily en­ a fte r somo trouble, was obtained who probably over ~,. ' mffnials or? w could, no doubt, bv gagging aud being tissues.— New York Ledger. gaged iu strin g in g beaus for dinner. iug at the pit -cut moment. T hat these followed closely, put through uiy part. animals breed iu captivity in Siam is i " I t ’s bin most ten years since Ped w ent A Queer Old Geography. W ell, ut last tho o w n in g arrived and T he follow ing wan n arrated to uio by due to the fact that a largo number m' aw a y ,” observed Mr Engford, blow ing Among tin! interestin g old books and nn old friend r f mino, w ho upon leav­ w ith immense crowds th a t (locked from thorn spend tho gr ater part of their papers belonging to the late Edw ard \V a cloud of smoko over a vagrant bum ­ timo holiday making in the jungle. blebee th a t w as buzzing about a holly­ ing college bad adopted the stage an bin all q u arters W ells of th is city w as a geogra; by " A t a q u arter before R the m anager When there is no work for his lieo-.t, : hock. profession. H is nam e is—well, wo w ill stepped before the cu rtain and n arrate1’ th at lets in some lig h t on th e state «4 the mahout takes him out to a nieo cool " T e n years come th is f a ll," rem arked know liim by ti fictitious one— H arry the accident to tho undieucc, and then general inform ation in th e w orld a his w ife w ith o u t looking up green bit of (ere: t and leaves him there Thom as, for ho is nt present in the begged th eir kind iudnlgeuco in my century anil a half ago. “ Como th is corn cu ttin tim e,” cor­ to enjoy himself. Thcro is no exptm-'o A m erica is “ the last q u arter of the zenith cf tho theatrical world, and th o u ­ behalf, who nt tho last mom ent, rather rected lingford. " I reckerle t it v eil, connected w ith his upkeep, f r he looks sands w ould rcccgniro him if his nam e th an havo them disappointed, had v o l­ w o rld ,’’ anil the “ north part of the con­ lie w ent off jist, when I w ar busiest after himself. He has a hobble of rattan j tin en t is very little known. ’’ Tho inup w as given in th ere columns. unteered to play the part. cu ttin corn, nn 1 bad ter b 'reE tig Jo h n ­ round his feet to dissuade him from ; of N orth A m erica gives all tho region "1, all th is lim o, bad been looking H is story ran thus: wandering too far, aud a wooden bell I Hy n a i ] , P aa’a g e P al*, northw est of C hliloruia as “ parts u n ­ son in ids place. Hug w arn ’t w orth bis through a sm all hole bored in tho pros­ ‘‘As you are aw are, Jack , I loft col- round his melt, by tho tone of whieh known ” Tho g reat lakes are dow n «« salt, an it w ar a clear loss uv $5 ter cenium . lego w hen 1 w as w ith in a little of IS. mo ” the mahout or his littlo hoy can always In "T h o bonso was packed from parquet Superior, Illeuois, Huron, E rie and " E n t yon can ’t blame Ped for th a t,” ■Well. I had alw ays a g reat dcsiro to find him, when they go out once a Frontenac. ” N E n g lan d ” is ull ono li t ­ to dome w ith as refined an uudii m e as said bis wife. month to look him up anil givo him em u late those sterlin g heroes of old, ever 1 have hail the pleasure to play to. tle patch reaching up to the Et. L aw ­ "H o w ig h t 'a ' stayed till tho corn was some bananas.—Geographical Journal. whoso prowess 1 hud studied so m uch “ A t ti o'clock precisely th e curtain rence Loiiisiana occupies m ost of the cut. ” about. w as rung up und tho play commenced. m iddlo country The “ < Jyo " riv er is (lie " H e ‘lowed you w asn’t treatin him A Chinese Advertisement. ‘‘And thcro being no o th er opening " N e ith e r Louisa uor 1 appeared until uamo of th e Ohio. The chief tow n ol jis t rig h t— then Ped w as our only in .which to tost my nliilities I d e te r­ the second scene. As a testimonial to the progress of New Jersey is said to bo E lizabeth child. ” m ined ut once to adopt tho stage and the Ghineso toward English amt Amer- : Greatest Weekly in the Coaatry, "1 was stan d in g in breathless anxiety, Town. The clim ate is th u s explained, " I w ar an only child n y s e lf,” com­ m ake it tiie field of my m im ic con­ leaning against ono of tho flats, upon “ In the north are vast unknow n M oun­ lean ways it is interesting to note their plained Bugford, " tin I reckon I w arn ’t quests, littlo dream ing c f the difficult tho prom pt side, whilo she stoo«l slig h t­ tains, perpetually covered w ith snow appreciation of the value of advertising treated any better 'an 1 •. bi t 1 d id n 't task w hich 1 had v o lu n tarily impoacd in English in tho columns of their new s­ ly (lushed, but perfectly collected, upon from w hence th e W inds blow ing the go ru u n in aw ay You rem em ber my upon myself. greatest pari of the yeat tli-'se C ountries papers. Tho following notice, which ilr.cludln« postage) to any part of the United tho ‘O. P. ’ side. daddy w o u ld n 't boar te r our bein m ar­ "H o w few of th eo n tsid o world know apiienrcd recently in a Chim sc pfipefi? BtatCR. Canada and Mexico. " I had perfect confidence in mysi If, becomo much rcld er th an those iu Eu- ried in a I izy tim e. Sez lie ter me: IE W EEKLY CHRONICLE, the brifhteet of tho incessant toil of an a cto r’s life) published in a district whono thhrj modi but ev«iry actor, no m atter how perfect ropo in the sam e la titu d e s." and ‘ i most complete Weekly .Newspaper In tha "H o is nothing but u echoed boy- F or he may he, w ill fei I an indescribable It is in terestin g to note th a t th is work ‘Silas, I a in ’t poll! te r have a w rddin many English residents, fiiay Icnvo,« ■World prints regularly 112 Columns, or sixteen goin on rig h t iu plovviu tim e. W ait till ns soon us ouo piece is com m itted to sensatiuu of—you h ard ly triflo to bo desired iu tho w ay i f ex­ pa^ea of News. Literature and General Infor- • w hat— th a t is moro th an a century and a hall ........; also a m agnificent Agricultural and mem ory another is placed in his hands, when fie is about to stake In i putatioii old should advocate q u ite vigor m sly the the corn s laid by an then th a r ’ll bo pression, hut it shown acrvditu.blji.j:ffort tratlon liorticultural Department. Tht* une of thn and so on— a iifo o f perpetual study and iu a new role before the publie. const ruction ef canals across the P ana­ plenty uv tim o for fixin fcr tho wed- to master tho difficulties of a foreign • greatest department« In any paper on tht» din. ’ ” labor. tongue. It runs: Coast. Everything w ritten Is tuned on ex­ "W e ll, a t lust tho first soeuo was m a and feuex — H artford " Y e s ," said Mrs. B urford, " a n wo ." A fte r some trouble I obtained tbo called iu. Gourunt "F o r halo by privato contract w ith ­ perience in the Coast Stutes, not on Lastern had ter w ail too My m other was sot, unenviable position of *supo‘ in ono of out reserve.— 4 Ponies Cavendish, Tag, men's knowledge of their own localities. "A n d am id a death lik e silence tho G la d sto n e F o o led T ’n»m. a g ’in our hein m arried rig h t in gardenia c u r principal theaters. And a fter spend­ Sally and a w hite G rillin.— Tim 3 first SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. star of tho evouiug walked on. On ouo occasion tw o gentlem en, in ­ tim e hho sez t( r me, scz she: ‘Mandy, ing tw o years in th is branch was pro­ named ponies are quite hacks and will " In sta n tly a storm of applause gr. 't v ited us guests a t a table w here Mr. it a in 't no use in talkin uv yer bein m oted to play ‘u tility business.' carry a Lady also a Dinghy w ith mast, ed her, und echoed and re-echoed around G ladstone w as expected, nn'lcM', wager m arried th is spring. Suyiu nothin uv "A n d hero 1 rem ained three years iu to tho grass. sails and oars complete. ” and among the scenery liko tho rum th a t they would sta rt a c o n v u r k ie ii on the w ork th a t’s get ter be done, it more, listening to tho plots nud sohomos “ P ed ’s daddy’ll bo mighty glad ter bling of d istan t thunder. a subject about w hich eve n Mr. G lad ­ w ould bo » w aste ter kill them chickens seo h im ,” said White as tbo threo of tbo v illain s and heroes in d ilie riu t T ent Pins. “ Tho scene represented ii garden in stone w ould know nothing To uix om- till harvest, an then tb a r ’s nothin iu dram as. w hich sho was Holilixiuizuig as lo th is end they read up an ancient the garden ter m ake pies but pieplant w alked toward the bouse. Tent pins arc mostly tnado cf w hite " I uesuro yon th a t by th is tim e my " D o n ’t say who I am ,” said Ped, w hether her lover (mo) was tru e to her, m agazine article on some tm fam iliar an gooseberries, nn they never did ngree oak. They must bo of tongb wood to urdor had cooled considerably, and “ and w e’ll see if father w ill know m e.” or w hether ho w as playing t e r false. stand the hard knocks to w hich they subject connected w ith Cliincso ninnu w ith me. W a it till aftei harvest, Man­ luuny a limo whilu poring over my part, “ T h a t’s good.” chuckled White. " A t last 1 received my eno, and went factures. W hen the tavoral le o p portu­ d y ,’ sez she, *r.u the blackberries w ill aro subjected. They nro made in lengths in somo now piece I hnvo sinoercly " I ’ll bet l e w on’t know ye at a ll.” on. of IB and 24 inehoa. ¿ladoof hard wood n ity camo, tho topic w as started, mid all be rip e .’ M other was poworful sot w ished th a t 1 had chosen sornu other Silas was sitting at the table eating "M y entrance was again th e signal the tw o conspirators w atched w ith a g ’in extravagance an believed iu as they aro they aro yet liable to bo I m eans of earning a living. his Lreakffist wheu the three entered. for
  • love feet are very large. on h-.’s found ir o u t by tiffs tim e Ped sty le lu th e opening, b u t ended up as " I t 's a gotxl un on Sila ,, it is, by prisoner himself was rubbing Ins eyes Independent In everything, neutral tn nothin!- W hen a t the post a t Fort S ill. J T.. of the hero of the play, but sim ply the w a r a good in.m l ter v rk though, usual, w ith v irtu e triuuipbuut, and all with a silk handkerchief At th at mo­ D 3 V 1 U W AHf T IE CHSOHICLE love of H arry Thomas for Louisa Diotz. old G eronim o plays monte, a g i" > i f when ho d id w rk. an i iln.y 1 o rt h r gosh!" was his in, i'tnl comment. tho v illain s cith er shot c r sen t to stutu " S ila s .’ said Vviute, as tbo two aros» ment the barrister, happening to glance curds liked very much by th e 1. . ’.ms, "W hen 1 bod finished, tho curtain 'low ed hi«i t, r h.’vo his way nb ut prison for life. from tho table, "1 r ckou y d in t know in his direction, suddenly »topped in his descended am id show ers of bouquets but when lie euu get ,icruiigsiou l i leave them foci idres uv bis " “ Tho piece required n g reat deal of this fi lin ' 1 bronght'f and lie nodded speech aud exclaimed, "W hy, the ras­ th e reservation his tim e is sp e n t in and deafening applause. “ I t w ould have lx u i tho best thing — tow ard Ped. study. In short, wo had rebeaiaal every cal is using my handkerchief! " —Lon "T b o latter was continued u n til we hunting, of w in li he is still very fond. boys w ill bo b oys." day fcr nearly a m onth, nud d u rin g Silas slowly drew a pipe from b ; ; don Tit-Bits — C hicago In ter Oceuu both appeared before tho cu rtain . " tío they w ill, nn Fed w as c r ly 10— pocket, aud, filling ami lig h tin g ii . .. th a t tim e 1 fell desperately in love w ith "1 need not dw ell upon th e rem ain ­ Showing the U nited S ta te s. Diffi’nlsn jist. when a to y know s (ho least ca Louisn Dietz, tho bcroiuo of th e play. It l>«'|>«*nda. Ruow him ? 1 known! L.ia soon as der of the performaueo. Let it sullico of C anada and No.-theM MteiO) th in k s ho know s tho m ost." " I t was luvent first sight, hut w hether be corned inter the door IBs alo u t Dr Johnson won on«» consulted by to say th a t wo both received a perfect o iv o k th ; h i d e , E ilas arose aud stood h ailin g against work time. 1 reckon. Ped, th o r’s an m y lagrtou found an answ ering th rill an oht lady on the degree of wieki ffu e-s ovation. the l.ig oak. H is w ife get up and w ent extra ecru knife out iu the shed. ” _ in her bosom 1 could uut tell. "A u d th at uight, when th e curtain to I h ' attached to her «on s robbing mi lu to the kitchen. P resen’ly i mt W hite "Som etim es, when alone, 1 would o x t 11 k o*P i-rw rt s i ‘ hud descended for tho last tim e, the o n hard ‘•Madam, said Jobn.-ou. " i t came along th e road carrying a « ,u W ill Lis. u 1 ee in Short Stories, «•all m yself n fool, a m ailm an ; for how R n 1 n t il Get Ihe i*lBp' uinnuger camo hurry in g in to w hen' I all depends upon th e w lght of the knife, and. stepping, he leaned a ;aiu.-t could 1 for a mom ent expoct an ulliauce N either Was Any Good. w as iu th e greenroom, and seizing me boy I reinen 111n.y scbooitt ¡low. Davy th e fence. fe betweeu m yself—a new ly pledged G arrick, who was alw ays a littlo fe l­ by the hand he said, his voice trem "A little It 11 w 1 11 nr acquaintance," Ho w as a yenug mun of sp: 1. ▲DDBzns k n ig h t ef the dram atic urt. and Louisa low, relibiug a dozen < n l ards w ith im ­ bling w ith euiotiou: M . i t . de w ith u h a lf im h cf downy Icard ir ai n v s M in.»;,inc, " ju s t tm tm l 4, is re- Dietz., whose« uaiiio w as sufficient to I l ’iopil"tor ft K Chronicle. " You havo saved the reputation of punity b ill th e very first tim e 1 cli iht 1 his freckled face. markal lc fur his philosophical way of «•rum any th eater w ith tho w cullh uuJ RAN FRANCIW.X), CAL a p nn apple t n e — tor 1 w as alw ays a my house. ’ view ing things in general. Coming in- " P a p Tovvi d ye m ig h t w si-t s. me un beauty of tbo lutid. heavy boy — th e l.mngh broke w ith me, door» the other day from playing in tbo "A u it thereupon he drew tip p ’pers te r help ye cut cora ’ he said, ufter ex '••T he acto r w ho was to play th a hero Gold A llniugU n San I rnnc’e« <‘- and it w as i a llid a judgm ent. ' garden, he strolled into the reception changing greetings vvi.h tila s . of tho dram a was a tall, fine, dark kick­ of agreem ent trebliug my sal. . over 17 yearn a, g old m ‘ F o r engaging me to pluy lending I iu -. ucsh room, where he espied a strange lady. “ I duuuo jis t y it, ’ tho farm er re ­ ' v alkinx the Fluor. ing man, and it ueaiiy set mo crazy to She K iivit . 'i been w I'.rircil lig h t in th e i'i*y ol "1 need hardly add th a t my fame Now. the dixtor had ja.-t brought ? 4 business man get« to the point plied. " I 'm iuteiidiu te r com u nice t«r- seo him (w hen tho busiucsseif tho piece " N o ," sho said, " ’’you y o u d o n ’t really aucisco. Ilnw m uch g. ’ff has ! 1 ■ J w as a t once established, and n short m orrer m oniin, though the t ih r is a M aster C yril a new little brother, w ith M “ shan».?ann? t ' ,e<,p at n is h t »'here he ia Fra req n ired it) clasp her to his breast. love u ie ." ’batte.ed of nerve that it is torture to taken out n me but tiie tw o u i . u 1« wh in he w as told he would alw ays be in my fevered im agination, 1 thought tim e afterw ard Louisa aud 1 were mar littlo grecu yit. My corn is later 'an i " 1'1" ' ' » be<5’ ’ "d hc has ‘0 CCt "Y es, 1 sw ear 1 do. he protested rie d .” them selves can say On "iff them :» ’b able to play. W hin therefore he saw un y o u ru ." th a t he used more etiriiesiucss than the “)an i o - ^ ^ hC ,im ' for tb4 Aud uow th e nam es of Mr. and " I love yon w ith all my soul I would posed to bo on ills deathbed, ano ' h.."n»«ni ,h'.”’5e‘f “ P " '¡‘h a ro u n d turn. "Y es, T>, u t tw o weeks. P ap s d if another stranger, who seemed as if »he. uuturo of th o oecaaiou required. ask yon to bo my w ife tom orrow if I II m t.oesnot. it mean« nervous nro«lratiun other ope disapeearcii on the ye needed auy help he'd como iu the too. bad come to stay, he sauntered pa-t •■•d W elt, n t lust the final rehearsal but Mrs. Thomas displayed upon th e In mental, if not physical, death were properly situ ated ” lii? partuer had to l«e,t ik n to tbe her w itli his hands iu his pcckets and, ouo w as over, aud tho follow ing Mon­ boards of auy th eater aro sufficient t n " h,° K’’1’ i,lt0 ‘his condition But his plea was useless She had n io ru in ." p ital and th e secret of u e i r m .'. 1 ' glaneiug at her iu a casual sort (f a ‘her» ,, a n a n remedy that will brace him nn " W a a l. I ’m goin te r w ant a c n; le thly n ig h t (w hich was C hristm as) tho cause the m anager (long Irfu ro th stm lied hum an n atu re uud knew th a t ”’ '”4ke a h"m came generally know n tu th e column way. eoutem ptuoasly rem arked to him- agaiu'31 VP i ’W ir a u ia w as to i>e presented to tho public. lo u r of com m encing) lo p u t out tl Wheu a man is really hi lore be doesii t nv b a n 's for a few day a, an 1 reckon ye self. b u t iu a tru e loud cacu, 11 n Pierce’s Golden Medical nity. .h to ti nu y«r daddy m ig h t both com e.” Mouday daw ned (air aud bright, tho ilg u of " s ta n d in g room o n ly .” —Mu. slop to cousnler w hether be can afford It wTrches ’ f ° ? ,Oathe b” tt<”n " f ’hings neapolis T ribune. Kelson Shoote, th e discover, r of i JI beard by tbe visitor: " P a p 'l l e me. but I ’ve got te r sic ter ■ ir w as cool und crisp. man w ,n th??’ ,h ’ . fit‘ ‘ cause When a to m arry or not. Cleveland Leader " ‘II'iu I More company 1 If lead, found the m ine over IT year- age therc'i n thiH condition you can nut vour strip p in the sorghum c a n e." Tho last rehearsal laid been called for G ot It O v erb o a rd . w hile try in g to locate th e fountain ' “ 1 reckon I m ight g it another hand. n in th moro company coming to this c m L t h ? ’ ‘" A ’h01’ • n<’ hit B:at first th is m ornin g nt 11 o'clock. T h e K ir r p tta e . Ouee w hile iu a foreign por! Admiral th e gold dust found along the I'each ” 9n« c h or th - liver or both. house to play w ith me, I'm off. T hey’re This Upon reach I eg th o th eater w h at was " D n rn yon and yonr old grocery I" Tell y .r daddy ter bring one if l.e c in .” both uo good for cricket, 1 know. Ho s sn o t'S o me,hc,"’'' ’ ff“ directive:! these Dewey ordered tho heaviest boistiug Ho w as a p ractical m iner a t the tm ,e " A ll rig h t. H eard uuvthiug from J h J’ 1 Pr°™P’'y transforms a weak «tom m y su rp rise to find e very one, from the tackle iu the ship to be got out of the shouted a man w no backed op against Pe.l lately?” too little to hold a bat, and she s too fiow o f Y A i ' th ' ° ne 11 f ^ l - t a t e , the aud well versed m all the secrets cl p- !• m anager dow n to th e callboy, run n in g hoiil w ithout delay Nobody knew what the fresh p ain t now of digc»live juices and makes fat to run tin g all tho gold possible out of r.d,ac " N o t for a g.-od sp e ll." about tho stage and talk in g in tho most tion and assimilation perfect ft , " I in to I you see th a t sign, ‘Fresh it w as for. us there was nothing ju st ut tory orea. " H o w ’s he g lttiu alcngf” excited m anner. F aiui?' ' asked the grocer th a t tim e, eith er heavy or light, to le T hat he succeeded in doing this ,n " H e d o n 't never say. J is t sez he's A fr'rinininw M ania. " U p o n in q u iry 1 found th n t tho p er­ taken eu board or scut ashore. A lter " O f course I did. but I'v e seen so his Ingleside n iiu e th ere ia no question- son w ho w as going to p lay th e leutliug tw o hours hard work the tackle was rnauy sign» hung out here aunonncil g w ell au w orkiu every «lay.” "T h ey tell me th a t Blakely is no, for not only did he m ake a good liv,,'S " D o n 't talk nv cotnin home?" « b aracter ill th e piece bud th o n ig h t be­ iu pince, uud Dewey th in or diced tliiil som ething fresh th n t w asn 't th a t 1 rich, and yet there is not n day but d u ring th e IT years, bnt he paid fS-Od® “ N'oap. Reckon he 11 sow his w ild w hat the wagon from the jew elers uud fore fallen upon th e Icy pavem ent aud a large chew of tobucuo w hich had leen dldu t believe lb Indianapolis Jour- damages once for in ju rin g the S|iri»R oats first." s<> in jn n d h is an k le (h at it ru u lercd it throw n under one i f the gnus l e im ut the m erchants stops th e re ." ttal. fle'.h u«' ’l '° ned valley w afer m ain w hile blasting " I low ho w ill Tap never 'l.iwrsl iui|nw silde ft r him to appear. " T h a t sao She's one of these women fib?r. I " ' ?nd “ «‘»dy nerve ed overboard und dumped into tiro sea P a r t e lT « aud O th ers. and bis p artn er lost large sum s of money me ter eow no w ild oats. W aal, I m nst th a t have tilings sent home ()U (Il.tfXp- ‘‘T he m anager iipou h c u 'in g It had into every a t tho race tracks, and they w ere knowu " I t 's rem arkable, said Senator Sor­ lie traveliu. Gotxl «lay," pruval " —Detroit Free Press «lispuicln d Ids nn rs to all th e A ll A lo n e lu T h at C law . Nothin.e" 'nU‘l. " b “”«1 pr^V.Ttion ns "sp e n d e rs” am ong tb e resorts in H'e He w as v a lk iu g aw ay when Silas tboitfricfll ngencies in th e c ity to, if pos- . M r H au k er— 1 have m erely a spJ«t, o b tain a person to p lay Hie port. ing Ncqiiuiutuuie w ith Miss Tbn«kui< r- they passed a» herm its, w ith b a r !J 'V l» r« ll-'!'8 H L T |- I , ! : , « , r , , M„ "H av e you been loading unxlicino?" "S a y , lh)il ye d id n 't a.s> auy thing uv " B u t w ith o u t meet >«, for tbosa w ho tun. - - y » .it« thl- MSI. I.. m »n»n our 1.» ............ ihC,^ ,„ 7 enough to live o n .—frail Francisco t»«1- "N o I was tb in k iu g of my speevh. my ole sp it kl> «1 cow us ye came along, and —v - « n t t , Mr uraitiy m n n il,» . It 1» lualniv Robert Hui .bard, of Varner Lincoln wore compcti n t w ould n o t risk tb e ir M r B pntts— Yon are very lucky All c o , Ark I "n,lu,-I,,J al Si arv .. I »'.lifered f.„ etrven v e — reputation in p erform ing n piece upon h er o th er neqnniutanocs arc listening It kept me aw ake four uighta, an d put «lid ye? She haiu t bin up terday, daug tear ami exi»*u»<*—«lertnitn, - I«V * 1 r-Pf** " ITT*’ deal Of tu n ,.,. f,r ,i x-,,.,,' -i* « vi rythgly who beard it to «Jeep. " — her ole hide, an the calf « m ust haw k'd m t licinr but ,|(,1 no« t relief Then 1 tr n l four Monthly |7'». d i sbortggiUcc, und those th a t H tt® JLiji bitllrs of tha rkwe wlf «ddiY »riiaghi env.lupc, H«t h - s 1 (xMen Medical “ Discovery * ? ^ r « t , M d improved impn.vci,, çTeat BT As I roamed oat one morning PED‘S RETURN. A LEADING PART. th e : d a il y $ 6 ?70 a ta . The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 J Reversible Map? Map of the World O ia jw MMÈ— ■ y .... 1 *cnl..1"« n w tnor. and now x-n clad i M oila <•, u y yrepai t’hr-nl'lr Orse pap«r* V a on mA2 und