» g r ííE W E S T K a y s l m a k u th e I. km I p ara. w tM lc u a u and daliclaaa. L lïlic o gVEM V -resit F R ID A Y M O U N IK O — THE LU ELLA. FILE UN THE MARGUERITE. 68 b a d ly l> «m a< «*d M onday H o u s e m id L a »« C ovxty , O a z a o x .— W.II. WEATIIERSON a»d Proprietor. T ehmh : (1.50 a year in advance.-,— Fntered at th e post-office at Florence, " county *- Oregon, as second-class [mie mail matter. *n V S a T IS lN O B A T H S M A D E K N O W N A” P L IC A T IO N . Lnc» l ON A I" noti««8 8 cent» per line, each Insertion Florence, Or. N ov IS , 1898. c o TO- Y ou r K mk I n «* D e s tro y e d , PAY WHEN CUBED. W inter I.-iet Monday night soon after mid­ D R .W .H . night O \V Hurd's handsome new liver steamer, the Marguerite, was The Ablest an i Most Successful found to la* on tiro while lying at the Specialists in the World. wharf at Mapleton. The alarm was They guarantee a complete cure The Fine Vessel Now Floats on the quiekly given and hy hard work on the part of those present tho tire was ex- Your Own Home, and allow you Siushw. ■ tingiushed ami tho boat saved from pay when cured. total destruction. Last week it was announced that the Allred Funke who was employed aa Absolutely Puro J new vessel would he launched at Flor­ ’ deck hand lias liven sleeping on hoard ence last Monday. Accordingly prepur- hot tiiat night circumstances compelled ations were made, a crowd assembled , him to lie absent. The laiat arrived at Thousands of promising young men and a little alter eleven o'clock every- I Mapleton in ilie evening and piccai - have tlieir lives ami future usefulness «WM 8»»IWI row «» cn.. NSW vow. I tiling was in readiness for the launching lions were taken to put out the tire in 'wrecked by INDISCRETION AND when the tide should reach the right the furnace and wet down underneath. President Chapman of the state ¡PRIVATE DISEASES. Tlie symptoms stage. Engineer Anderauu was nt the lajut university nt Eugene lias announced his until cured, are portrayed on the conn The Florence cornet band played a about nine o’clock and everything i tenant» and in the actions of the vie intention of resigning his position at few selections while waiting as it was appeared to t»e ail right. About twelve tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ the end of the present college year. the intention to launch tHe vessel at o’clock Miss Stella Bean uoliceil the fire Commissioner Hermann has notified high tide, A few m in u e t s before twelve and aroused the folks in the hotel. ed, other organs liecomo affected, and the Oregon City land office that quite a Miss Isabel Kyle who had bestt selected After a while the fire was extinguished i sooner or later there are serious results i Our New Method Treatment will po«i- number of homestead entries nre can- to christen the vessel took her place at by throwing water on it with buckets. ively cure these diseases. celled and the lands are open for settle-; the bow and repented, the following It is though the fire started in the j MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are ment. poem. woodwork below the furnace. The hull ! thousands of yon win» have committed appears not to be damaged hut the I A new law firm has been organized | All is finished! and nt lengbt offences against the laws of your na- pilot house, engine room and part of | at Salem under the name of Bonham, Has come the bridal day , and are now paying up for it. Jeffrey & Martin. Carey F Martin the Today the vessel shall be launched. the cabin were burned. Those weak, aching hacks, lxissof Sex­ Though the Marguerite was completed | junior memher of the firm is quite well ual Power, Failing or Lost \ itality [ Take her, O bridegroom, old and gay, hut a few weeks ago this is the second ' Frequent nnd Painful evacuations of known here. With all her youth and all her charms, time she has been on fir«. Herald: The Coquille creamery last How beautiful she is. the Bladder accompanied by more or Wednesday paid its patrons for tliclr THE RESULT OF ELECTION. less smarting and the escape of par­ Sail forth Into the sea, 0 Ship! September bntterfat. It realized for | Through wind and wave, right-onward ticles of albumen in tlie urine witli them 25 cents per pound, and a total Full returns from tlie election show i ropy sediment, all point to tlie decline steer. sum of about (27,000. that tlie republicans will have a majority | of your manhood. There are hundreds I christen thee L cf . lla . who die of thia difficulty, ignorant of Quite a stir has been make in Mult­ Superintendent Peterson then gnve in both houses of tlie next congress. I nomah county hy finding that divorces | the ordt r to "let her go.” . They have elected 185 representatives tlie cause. The doctors will guarantee have been granted and the decrees not i The blocks bolding Hie vessel in place 1 and tlie democrats, populists and silver : a perfect cure in all such cases, and entered on record, probably through were quiekly driven ont ami after a few 1 republicans together have 172. This j healthy restoration of the Getiilo Urin­ the neglect of the attorneys. A divorce , , nr|)g of t,|e j u,k. screws the noble vessel ! trives tlie republicans a majority of ary Organs. READER—Are you in trouble? is not valid until tlie decree is of record. s| it) ofl-gr<' pro’,Pero”8 j< iol,rnev through life. „ i . u m c u r e in all its stages and 1"rney »l'80“«1' lie e n aide to cure in all its stages Marion Morris has been putting on a H J came home from The W est joins in the congratulations that is Catarrh. H all’s Catanh Cure ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF N one who are engagoil in any o f th e m echanical double portion of style ns lie is using was working to nurse a sore hand wliicli I in the only positive cure now known to REAL PROPERTY SUNDAY SERVICES. pnt-diiitH can succeed w ithout reading and two canes. He is suffering from a lie hurt by falling in a building on ¡the medical fiateroity. Catarrh liv i n g wliicli he was employed. . a constitutional disease, requires a coti- sprained ankle. K O T IC X IS H E B S S V n lV S N T H .T S V VIBTCS 0 7 studying this standard Magazine o f Sciences 1 There will he preaching on 101 1'V stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrli HU o rd e r m sde by tl>s C o u n ty C o u r t of IJ«ne Tlie soldier lioys who had taken PERSONALS C o u n ty . O regon on th e 17th d « y o l S e p te m b er, i Nov. 20th, 1898 at Deadwood nt 11 a ui Cure is taken internally, acting directly aud m echanical A rts. It is illustrated^with Hood's sarsaparilla are said to have 1S9S. d ire c tin g , m ith -ir ix ln g a n d o rd e rin g m e Mapleton Tues- and at Alpha at 2 p m. upon tlie blood nnd mucous surfaces of tlie u n d e rrlg n e il m ln iin ta ti-a to r, o f th e E s tate of stool tlie long marches much better Oscar Funke was nt all modern cuts o f latest inventions iu all I G K notts , pastor. tlie sys’ein, thereby destroying tlie fonn- A lfre -l M am in decen-ed to sett a t p r iv a te i - than tlieir companions, Ttiiis medicine day evening p u b lic M ie th e t .d lo w tiie re a l estate to w it : 'd ationof tlie disease, nnd giving tlie gives strengtli and endurance. tlie branches o f m echanism , and its fund |o f George Montgomery went to Eugene ( lo n g in g to - a id estate. patient »(length by. building up tlie con­ b e Ix>ta I B Cushman lias about 1000 boxes of J. 2. a n d :i In So -. 7. T w p 11 S. II. 1 1 W . lays ago. ; i NOTICE. know ledge is inseparably connected w ith in ­ a few stitution and assisting nature in doing o f tlie W . M . In L a n e C o u n ty O regon c m u l t i apples ready to ship to San Francisco on Miss Davis returned Saturday from a , its work. Tlie proprietors have so tu g 1:3 A 70-100 a c r e .. ti e new vessel. He also sent about 200 ventors and m echanics. Sold w ith T u b brief visit at Eugene. < I wish to inform my friends and z tiincli faith in its curative |«»wers, tiiat T o pay th e o u t .ta iid iiig c l a im . a g a ln » t said boxes on tlie schooner Long a few Miss Stevens of Port Orford is work- tl.ev offer One Hundred Dollars for any ¡ « « . t e a m t th e r o d o f s d m in la tr a iitu i to th e W kst at clubbing rater. weeks ago. J A McLeod, E Nicolle ami the pillili«: generally, tiiat on or Z y .. .......................... s e n ,| ( o r l i s t h ig h e s t b id d e r fo r c i«h. T h e re fo re b y virtue of ¡ng at Hie Morris Hotel. M id o rite r o n , fro m en d a f te r th e Jhtli d a y o f almut the lfitli of Nov., I will open « » case that it fails to cure, others will also ship some. D ecem ber WJH a t one o'c lo cg o f m id d a y I .h u l l Sheriff Withers was in Florence on a Bazaar here at my resilience for B of Testimonials. Miss May W allace a teacher in tlie Address, F J Cheney & Co. Toledo, O. priK-eeil to Kell a t p rlv a to o r p u b lic »ale to tlie Ladies and Children. Made up Pendleton academy was shot last. Friday business the first of the week. h ig h e s t b id d e r 1 -ir c a .h tit h a n d a t th e o « -.e o i Clotl.ing of all Kinds. A good sup- ft Sold hy Druggists, 75c. Hans Hansen and family ¡"*">1 “> W e lto n A M a r k le y to E u g en e, O regon th e evening while standing near a window Hall’s Family Pill’ nre tlie best. ply kept on hand, and orders filled X above d ea crilied real p n p o r ty f • n a t iif y th e at tlie home of her parents nnd died of move to Rose Hill in a few days. r la lm a j ig a ln . t «at t e - t i l e , a id to p i y t h e ' on short Notice. Call in and learn i Miss Nelson of Gardiner was visiting the wound. A Chinese hoy whom site y THE TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE. of m lm O it it r a t lo u . bail expelled from a class is suspected « . « . I | r .„ „ T „ r .~ D a te d a t[B u a e n e , O regon th is UH li d i y of W* Í flail Orders Promptly Filled at Same: Price as if You Bought in Person. J. H. McCLUNG, ElX NE- S cien tific A m erican. THE EnSNinPOLITAN, l of the crime. Frank Drew leaves in a nay J> C >v . „1, t. • ” * « " * ’ I” '"“ , Courtland Green who at tlie last term of circuit court held in Eugene [dead d„ ,,„ guilty of murdering John U n i t , and was Mesdames Stitt am --------- sentenced to tlie penitentiary for life were in town Monday to see the l / ta were in Town was taken to Salem last week by Sheriff y On Bear creek Monday Nov 14, 1898. [.nella launched. Mesdames Burns and I ^ te r after a t0 ,be wife of T J Boren a son. Withers and Deputy Day. tigene have Gsorge Bradley’s three year In Florcme, November 17th, 1898, to U old "¿'¿I few weeks residence in F '^ r I 2 - e d . o St Pani, Minn. where they ,he wife of Ludvig Christensen, a eon. daughter came near losing two ,Oe^ an axe in tlie hands of her older brother j (Q n)akp their home. All doing well. Sunday evening. H e had obtained an | * raroman witli ‘ lier ‘ daughter and •e/a ru R E A COLD IN ONE DAY. TO CURE A o u Qninine rat,lets. axe and was trying to' chop when i t Mrs >c • Saturday from the Take Laxative Bromo •truck liis sister’s foot. Tlie great toe sone < station for a short visit witli 111 drngxisl« « ’h»'’1 ,a0l,evl " “ (aila to r- two liie saving was severely cut ami Hie next one near- . . i Vlnrpnctì arid to see tlie cure. 25c Tlie genuine lias L B Qon ly severed from the foot. Dr Evans was , ^ laandie(I. _____ ______. called nnd dressed tlie wound and hopes Lueiia ; Glenada witli eacli tablet. 1 » c II About 35 couples attended tlie dance in the Odd Fellows building Monday evening. Music was furnished hy Man- on Morris with the violin and Mrs Alexander with the organ. A nice snp- Per wa, provide.! at the Morris Hotel .. ............. .. fl lel" f . cou„try twice before and thia par f tQ rel„ai„. He went thl* , t gpri„g and attempted to by way of ^ r t Wrangle reach - ¡, abandoned the and th Tesl n , uke Tilglg„. Kvery thing passed off pleasantly and expeoiuo )|rs „ A MeLaran WHS had .good tim e. . | her millinery P E Jackson sen t an apple to the : has t rrom i»« . conU.me W 1 st office H.e other day which « of _ "«‘ e.1 will . , from r.„,G (j(inli(ipr an iu .er wbo w l.o w ,lltírgt c|jiM Peculiar growth. It ie of tlie BAU'h0 I‘-Pen u-.inuM in a i X - I l reço.ninend.1 variety and piesente an appearance of a ’ firmly manner double apple or of two apples stems as "" - grown together. It lias lwo »bout lialf an inch apart white Hie bios- a * * H. h ».1-»Sarsaparilla,w hich!») nen «rslizing 11.« n< id in the blood nenlty relieves aches and PA IN S. gt»te’ ,«nd will . ag all enterprising cHiz , y ,,liaged our J o h n A M nnon. Adinhihtrtftor. NOTICE widely known general family newspaper is the Toledo Weekly Blade. For thirty years it lias Iwen a regular visitor in Thin; m onthly m agazine is one o f the very N o v v u ib r r , 1&99J. Every intelligent family needs in addi­ tion to tlieir local paper, a good national ■ weekly. Tlie greatest ami tho most j on Tuesday «»'« Slit inst ... a Bran- Judge Hamilton f ninrder of J ’din ion convicte*! of the Eugene on I Nr Linn, to be hanged •« Branton is the first e^nber 23. I*««* in I/m e man rentenevi to be himg At ab ility o f all to pay. « application, and if you will send us a list of mlilrceeee, we will mail a ropy to each. Only year. If you wish lo »1 a raise » luh, write for terms. Addrese T uk Blame, Toledo, Oli io to all suhscriliers at rat«« w ithin th e FOR PU BLIC A TIO N O r O n u tllt tfit frre f r r e . Ad«|ufii»« hk t h e i r o w n nipt ueR rby count»««. I t H n f l* « • * » » •*6iHuc»*«1 » t hoiiM». rtA H rr « tm jK b i |WK> « v«mr *u<1 « x p ru w **—-doflnite,, boiwfld«». n o i,<* le t» «Alary. M o n th ly $7* K*f»?r«ii— »■' I < !'>•<• «elf fuVire*«’e«l e n v e lo p « , ilerto»*rt i I K Ih fiA , P w - t , l>cpt. M. county. I t is finely illu* tratod and presents the nam es o f fam ous st Uk« I’w ln ct. Orc- . . . - « , » "J™ - It is a republican paper, hut people o f . r r „ Wene*l bv th e Oorernment »« i . . i « m»i<»r»ifin w a r h e p a r tin e n l. T»»« | the o m s and bound him. J H lM to rU n v> V» »ne th e W«i wan w ritte n In a rm y c a m p - » t F r n '1 n e ,1 p o ...« .^ (olki, H«in«l*y w:hool lew«»ni, 1 surname b , tl.e question ; sermons, tlie farmstead, revolverg to open 1 . « ^ i « - th « A m e ric a n trew chc« s t ( f a u lt * , l u lb « tn -u r- qneetlons f o r B(. n t v a m p , w ith A « u in « ld *i, on th e d eck <-f th e , (1500 was rest belonged tothe bureau, (which answers i. (H vm n lM w ith D e w e y , r « i <1 in U** r'wr f»»r siibserilier»,) tlie news of the week in »JitiAt n.^ fMilof Munlla. *"v ¡ .. I f « a t- B r im fu l of « .r U U n l p lc ’ u r n ukc»» by r » v - r u Ara„0 trc«merv M l l e a l ■ m e „ i p hf»t«i»rAphcr»«m th e » l* » t M r g e '¡«¡''J- complete form, and other spect ex>nt zhti l » w pHfle«. B i * profltd, K r e i/h t i» l« l BRAÑTON TC HANG ores. Specimen copies gladly n e n i o n - j v e l, D ro p «11 tr « * h y ui»olBct»hl w»»r fc.nili» ... bent printed in th is country, and if sold « L a n d O fflc e. R-JM-burg. O regon O e to tw r 71, VPS N o tic e I« h ereb y g iv e n f lia * th e f o llo w iiig . name>1 « e itle r ha» Hied n o tic e o f h l« in te n tim i ___________ everv part of tl»« union nnd is well known in almost every one of the 79.000 [ nnstollices in tlie country. It is edit.il