The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, November 18, 1898, Image 2

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"W E S T . '
SOM tlninu
should have control of the transport.
“ No, indeed,” was his prompt and
emphatic reply. “Theu you think the , llrra ld P lM e m ln *» "
There is an old established saying that
army should have control of them?” j
blood will tell, which lias considerable
asked Col Denhy. “Absolutely," was
the thoughts of the people.
the answer. “ While they are acting ; a ll0‘1' 0,1
On the line of an argument on that sub-
together 7” queried Col Denby. “They ' I,
e-Demo. rut very «puy
aptly "
, r-
' icct tho Glolie-Bemot
won t act togetner, answered Gen i J ' 11
11 lin t th e I, lea that the material ami mo.
I.awlon; “ that is where I make iny t,iat t,le
. .
. . . | ul condition of the people is largely u>
point; two men cannot command the
. .
Gen U w ton’s declaration I
">*>" ethnology
ethnology .. gaining
same affair.”
that the army and navy won’t act | ^ouud throughout the world, It .-o h -
won’t a ct, -
served that Spain,
* ’
together may he a little too sweeping, p 1” “
, , ,,
i i . .1 .
l i i Frame are in trouble of various sorts,
but there is little doubt that they did j r 11
/ i ,
. .
,i o
while a large measure of prosper.!)' pre­
fall to act together during the Santiago
• vails in England, Germany nml the
' United S'ates. as well ns in Holland.
The four countries first mentioned lx -
• long to the Latin family, while the
others are, in general, of the Teutonic
(stock. The fact thnt England, Germany,
Fault oca keijuu a G o «>£ s ."02> dest .
We have the pleasure ci chronicling
another triumph of the shipbuilders art
l by the launching of another fine veeeel
W ash . D 0 , Nov. 7th 1898
To break off the ja-aee negotiations is
F iorxsj - s ,
I . k x t . C iU 'K T T ,
O regon in the waters of the great Siuslaw.
This vessel, the fifth that has been built the very thing Spain does not desire to
- • - BV •
ci) this river and designed for ocean do. Tlist was made fully apparent in
commerce was christened tlie Lucila the answer of the Spanish commission­
mid she is the largest and by far tlie ers, declining to consent to our demand
lx*st vessel among tlie nmnlier.
fur the whole of the Philipines. Spain
E d ito r mid Prop rieto r.
The first vessel built here was con­ wishes to get ns much money ns it pos­
structed at Acme in 1888 by Captain sibly ■ an from us, for the Philippines,
Florence, Or, N ov. 18, 1898.
Jorgensen of San Francisco ami was and if the negotiations are broken off,
With Seasonable Goods, and as usual of I
chlistened tlie Acme, After a career of it would not gut a cent, while we would
two or throe years on the ocean the get the Philippines just ns surely as we
first class quality. “OUR AIM:“ to Sell
Acme was w recked on the coast of north­ would if the treaty was regularly conclu­
We are informed that a temporary
ern California. A year or two after­ ded. There are good reasons for the be­
First Class Articles at Most Reasonable Í
arrangement lias been made with Eli ward a schooner was built at Hose Hill
lief that Spain would object most decid­
Bangs by which three round trips
l, t r ; by Hkog A Ifanscn and named the edly if our commissioners should with­
week will be niado with the mail be­
Moonlight, Thu builders sold this draw their demand for tlie Philippines,
tween Eugne mid Mapleton, As far ns !
j Holland and the United States are in
vessel in a short lime and since then which they are not likely to do, and
we can ascertain the Kentucky party hut little is known by us ot her history.
When I'm a man is the poetry of ' advance of France, Italy, Spain and
substitute a proposition that the islands
who has the contract for this route haa
There was a rehooner called the Moon­ should be returned to Spanish control. youth. When I was young is tlie poetry Portugal in most of the elements which
of old age.
alone nothing to get another carrier
constitutes the greatness of peoples is so
light wrecked on thu coast of Alaska One of tlium is thnt n , eturn to Spanish
since Potter <k Campbell gave it up. Inst summer hut whether or not it was
I knew a very wise man that believed plain and persistent that it must be
control would lie a physical impossibil­
The present arrangement which went tlie tlie same vessel is unkown.
ity, owing to the strong insurgent army that if a man was permitted to make all something more than a mere accident or
into effect this week is that one stage
Some five years ago a trim little vessel of Aguinaldo, which would he in abso­ the ballads be need not care who should coincidence. France, it is true, is appar­
shall leave Eugene and the other leave the Spray, was built at lioso Hill by
ently prosperous, lint its moral obliqui­
lute oontrul of the entire group of islands make the laws of a nation.
Mapleton three times per week, on Mon­ Olaf Hansen who touk her lo San ¡
Still doth the soul, from its lone fast­ ties, as shown liy the Panama scandal o f'
within a week after the withdrawal of
day, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Francisca,
the American forces. Spain knows that ness high, upon a rilling effluence send; five or six years ago and the Dreyfus
They meet about mid-way of the road
Three years ago Oapt E H W Hansen the islands are lost to her, and, even if and when it falls, fight as we will, we outrages in the past two or three years,
exchange* mail and return to Eugene
commenced work on the schooner Bella. it did not expect to get n money indem­ die; and whiie it lasts we cannot wholly betrayed a lack of moral balance which ,
and Mapleton respectively next day.
may at any moment precipitate physi­
This is u lurger.and better vessel than nity from us, would doubtless prefer end.
As the steamer leaves Mapleton with those previously built here, being a
cal disaster. Racial distinction affords ’
seeing them controlled by the U 8 to
The one serviceable, safe, certain, re­
the mail fur Florence in the morning three master with n carrying capacity
seeing thorn controlled by the insur­ munerative, attainable quality in every a convenient explanation of these
and returns in the afternoon, all pas­
of 250,000 feet oi lumber. Shu is now gents. So far ns can lie judged by ap­ study and in every pursuit is the quality differences in moral or material condi- j
sengers ami mail between Eugene and
at work in the carrying trade on this pearances, the president ami tho mem- of attention. My own invention or tions.
Florence will be compelled to stop over coast.
Apparently, too, this theory finds
tiers of his cabinet, are perfectly satisfied imagination such as it is, I can most
two nighta on tbe way; one night at
Besides the ocoan vessels there have with the situation in, Paris, In fact, truthfully assure you, would never have some favor with the people which it
Mapleton and the other half way to been u number of other bouts built
members of the cabinet have said as served me as it lias but for tlie habit of discriminates against. A lew weeks ago
Eugene. Thia will be more time than hero. In 1891 Capt 1‘eregiu departed
much, and added their expectation Hint commonplace, bumble, patient, daily, a book written by a well-known French­
has been allowed for making that trip for San Francisco with a craft of pecu­
man was published, entitled “Anglo-
the treaty would soon be concluded u|i- toiling, drudging attention.
since the semi weekly mail was estab­ liar model which he had constructed at on our terms.
Saxon Superiority, to What It Is Due,”
lished on the route from Eugene to Acme and designed for navigating the
which attributed a great deal of this
Fifty-seven cannons captured at San­
Women Should Know It. superiority to considerations.
Florence ever eleven years ago. Before shallow waters adjacent to San Francis
tiago have been ordered taken to the
this, the winter schedule has called for co hay. A few years ago the river
That writer ascribed most of tlie pro­
U S arsenal, at Watervliet, N Y, for
Many women suffer untold agony and gress and exp.insiveness of Americans
mail leaving Eugene in the morning to I steamer “ Mink” was rebuilt and en­
examination. Tide o-der is merely a
arrive in Florence in the ufternopn of larged under tho direction of M F
misery because the nature of tlieir dis­ and Englishmen to mental and moral
form, ns it is well understood that these
ease is not correctly understood. They peculiarities, and these were referred,
the next day. The same length of time Phillips as master workman. East
In Dress Goods and D ress
F u ll lin e o f Ladies, Gents J
cannons have no other value than as
liavo been led to believe thnt womb
was allowed forgoing in the opposite summer tlie “ Marguerite” was con­
trophies, and expected that congress
| Trim m ing, can be
an d C h ild re n ’s undenveai.
structed for O W Hurd, Gapt Hansen will, nt the coming session, authorize trouble or female weakness of some sort ence in race. So far, of course, as
is responsible for the many ills that
Serges, Cashmeres, H en rietta,
I n F a n c y A rticles can be
We hope some different schedule will having charge of tlie work.
French inferiority was due to ethnical
their distribution ns such among the beset woman-kind.
be arrauged soon, as the new one is very
F ascin ato rs, Child’s
Last spring a company, composed of states.
lensons the author could not see any
Neuralgia, nervousness, headache,
unsatisfactory on account of so much San Francisco parties and some of tlie
chance for improvement but to a small
If nnybody in your neinghorhood, puffy or dark circles under the eyes,
delay. One day and a half should he leading business men of the Siuslaw
H oods,
enticed by stories of gold ami diamonds, rheumatism, a dragging pain or dull
ample lime for carrying between Eugene was formed for the purpose of building
Trim m ings to m atch in
R U C IIIN G S , th e latest, Bob
has been hankering to go to South Afri­ ache in the back, weakness or bearing- that training and education would offer
and Mapleton in the winter and one and owning tlie Euelln, the fine vessel
ca, he will lie interested in tho following down sensation, profuse or scanty sup­ a partial remedy. Tlie fact that this g' Gimps, V elvets, Silks, S atins * h in e t, H o siery , Ladies’ and
day in the summer. It lias been carried that was launched here Monday. Work
extract from an official report made by ply of urine with strong odor, frequent bo ,k, though it lias called out a few j |
regularly in that time for several years. was commenced about May 1st under
run ,
ETC., in all Shades,
G e n ts’ N eckw ear ETC.
Consul General Stowe: “That there desire to pass it with scalding or burn­ angry criticisms in France, lias —
If necessary Io allow more time than the direction of Thomas II Peterson
are ninny Americans in South Africa ing sensation, sediment in it after stand­
tint, lltlO Ixcxian .•«ztnln.l
one day for the trip from Eugene to who came from Ballard, Wash., to
who should never have come is evident. ing in bottle or common glass for and lias been greeted with commenda­
Mapleton the schedule for the steamer su|»erintentciid the construction. The
Many unfortunates are stranded here, twenty-four hours, are signs of kidney tion in influential quarters, is an evi­
tielween Florence ami Mapleton should lumber was sawed at Acme by I B
dence that tlie justice of its strictures is
without employment, I would advise mid bladder trouble.
be changed during that part of the year Cushman who is one of tlie stockholder
Americans to stay away. Gold and
The aliove symptoms are often attrib­
co as to make close connection with the of tlie company. Moyer A Kyle, also
It is difficult, however, fur a people to !
diamonds are not for tlie many; all uted by tbe patient liereelf or by her
stage and avoid so much delay.
shareholders, looked after the business
grasp the extent of their shortcomings. (
avocations are full; living is high; to go physician to female weakness or womb
of the company on the river.
‘up country’ ia liked jumping from the trouble. Hence, so many fail to obtain A striking illustration of this truth was
T he DaoaoAXK whs issued at Eugene
The keel of tlie noble vessel is 135 feet
into the lire, for tlie conditions there relief, beenuse they are treating, not the given a week or two ago in connection
last Saturday by Amis &. Sou after a in length, beam 32 feet and depth of
with a statue which bad just been erec­
suspension of over two years. In the hold 10 feet. When light she will draw
disease itself, hut a reflection of the
ted to the memory of Olinm plain M
A h soon as Maj General Wade, one of primary cause, which is kidney trouble.
last number the editior mentions about V feet of water and l l ‘¿ when
Hanotaux, recently minister of foreign i
In fact, women as well as men are
several things that he is opposed to, and loaded. Her carrying capacity is esti­ our military commissioners at Havana,
affairs of France, remarked in connec- '
learned that Nuevitns and Puerto made miserable with kidney and blad-
promises to find out about some other mated nt 400,000 feet of lumber.
trouble and both need tbe same u u
vimmpiain s
As soon ns the raijienter work is Principe Cuba would lie evacuated on der
L llfe was « refutation of the notion that
(inished site will he loaded with lumlier Nov. 22ml, he cabled to the war depart­
n> v;i
> c
t .
I I rance was a poor colonizer. But the
w I t ' t have been done licttcr”
and taken to San Francisco, there to ment, setting forth the danger there
is the opinion of everyone who whs
J ,« o v .r ,o l,„
klJ„ y .............. ..
« '.l-H«,
he fitted up with machinery from the would be if U S troops were not on hand
present and saw the launching of the
as one ot
Fulton Iron Works. The total cost
. , ™ / . ...........
g e tl,t, «he greatest figures in me early history
I.uella Monday. All the arrangements
when completed will be about *33,000.
cents or one of tbe American continent. He was a
•were perfect and there was not the
Captain Higgins who hns been in lie taken to avoid trouble by sending U dollar.
good soldier, an intrepid and successful
.smallest obstacle in the way to mar the
To prove its wonderful merits vou can ¿ n . ,
......... ,
Florence for several months past will S troops at once. The war department
.success of tho undertaking.
^ “‘»"«‘rator, but
Inis issued the necessary orders, and our
take command of her as soon us sitéis
to load. She was designed espee boys will be there ready to take charge n Kindly
T„ . W’„ t J ,
T im c tT V coHucil of Grams Pass
-w hen the Spaniards march out. Al­
is considering nu ordinance wlu'ro-
............. ....
though not given out officially, the - n d your . I d , , . . „ Dr Kihur, A Co. ™ ’? “‘ “
* * ? T tl,08e
“»• «’«Prem-
,t»y the different occupations are to able to carry many million feet to danger feareti by General Wade, is Binghamton, N Y.
I ac’' ,n Njrth America there were only!
tbe taxed a given rum of .money annually market in tho course of a year.
that the towns might lie occupied by
Every stick of timber used in building
about 80,000 white men in the French
in order to do business. Tuc object of
Cuban insurgents who might make GOV. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION
. of the tax is to raise n revenue for the tlie I.uella is of the best quality and put
oi the continent, while in tlie
much trouble, unless our troops are
.city. All occwjtstions are to he taxed i together by first class workmen. Sup­ there to forestall them.
Following ia the full text of Governor Thistren en l"1^
JlCr° Wt‘rc 1’a00’000*
(in amounts from *2.50 Io *25 per year erintendent Peterson who has been a
There is very little doubt that ex- f ^ ’s Thanksgiving Proclamation for ,and is what g a ^ h e ^ r , ' :
for permanent ruoulcnts, while opticians ship builder for thirty years or more
Secretary John Sherm,in's mind is be­
are taaed *2.50jind travelling physicians says that he never worked on a vessel
^ - - ‘¡-D epartm ent, Sa.em, Ore.,
e x itin '
l ' °
coming a little Highly. The old gentle­
, and traveling deutaiW*IO ]>er day.
- nutubeii.
throughout than wng used for the
-g a g. iaw'_». j , . —»
war and navy department building, blessings vouchsafed to
T hk arfCNT granting of a concession
J. w . CARM AN
which lie ought to be as familiar the giver of all good, I,
An examination of the Ltlella will
^ .r u o r o n ,.. « . . .
! F r .n r X X
•by Nicaragua to private -parties may
cqnvi-ice anyone that the claim that
further oomphcsle the huilRug of the
with established usage, do still He is as poor a colonizer as ho
has been made for years past that piloted to one of the entrances by a accordance
1 1 *
° inn’« » colonizer an lin
, canal, and prompt action ly congress
Thursday the 24th wa" Cl,amPlain’s day, ns is shown b
as good timber for ship-Luilding grows
of November, 1898, to lie observed the records of the French colonies in
^aeaiue imperative. Tliyre can fee no in tlie -Siuslaw valley as can he found
Lieut Hobson, who is in Washington,
this i, 0„,y
onc o(
doubt that the demand for tbe conekuc- any whet« on this coast, is true.
— - But
one of
could scarcely restrain his tears when ns a day of thnnksgiving. On that day Asia and Africa.
which the
Latinrnce is
tioa of t|*e interoueefiie copal l<y ,U>ae
tlie news
of tlio I recommend that tho people abstain tlle pHrli,;l,,ar8 ln which
the Latinrnce
Building this vessel has furnished he
government ia voiced by .almost ouc en­ employment .to a large crew of men sinking during a storm, of the Ma­ from secular employments, and devote in‘erior to the "orld-conquering Anglo-
tire population, ,wlw have seen in tho during the summer and fall and caused rin Teresa, the Spanish cruiser he raised it to religious ob-ervancts, to charitable Saxton people,
past year stpocgvr proofs of its meed .iiltrn y thousand dollara to he expended while on its way to New York. Many acts, and sympathy with the sorrowing,
than ever liefore. President McKinley berg. Already tlitre ia considerable regrets have been expressed by others, to the pleasures and hospitality and S trong, steady nerves
in his furtltcomuig message will strongly lalKiP building another vessel here next especially naval officers.
social recreation, to tho cultivation of
A re needed for success
urge iipnudkate action to the premises,
There is a pointer in a portion of the patriotic sentiments, and profound
year and a e hope the time is not far
E veryw here. Nerves
.which it is to lie Imped, wiU lie taken
testimony of General Lawton that resjwct for law and order, and to the
distant whin shipbuilding will become
D epend simply, solely,
-The canal is a aiettyr of national inyxir-
should not 1» overlooked by those who remembrance of our bravo soldiers,
tance. and tl>e,question of parly politics
who * »r*.«™
upheld >*w
the uonori
- and
...... dead,
—i —
U pon the blood
seek for reasonable explanations of nu­ . living
. should figure in pnom ng U m * nec- afford steady employment to a large merous things connected with the cam of our ling and maintained the prestige E u re , rich, nourishing
.esaarv legislation . which will start tho numlier «Í ytsp.
paign against Santiago. It will be re­ of American arms.
Blood feeds th e nerves
jprojecl in.* kupi»cM-lilte nisuiKr, under
“ Witnesa my hand and the seal of
membered that it had already been stat­
A n d m akes them strong.
— s g v s a ti SKI ..rv->MTHY raa m ia . in
contrd of tlie general government.— • M W j- i la s T l« ie 1.1
o f --------
tlie v . naval
officer the state of Oregon at the capitol in
in th e ir own ed in the testimony
........ ............111
l l i v i v;.
r O r W Lv.iee»»
a .v w .1
n tk-1 i o * . r l i v
li . . .
i .
T h e g reat nerve tonic is
Tacoma Ledger.
who bad charge of the debarkation of 8 dem, this 7th day of November, A D
fiu*. k . «il.,/, Wgi,ii|1hK, '»;j " 'la'icn-iice*.""vS
’ Brm.v» >I>*1 the troop« never
H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla,
i —_1 1 . . . . a
a • . .
"l.iM* antt a i liw u i j hruiim .1
,1 eiuviuiM-
"W illiam P Loan,
uvrtx ti i would nave been landed from tho trans­
because it m akes
■ k . 11 m , I ' t . - . t , ,
u i L
ports had the navy not gone to the
T h e blood rich and
I »yxivx aMicHwa.
iviarwHsax assistance of tlie army officer« in com­
"H R K incaid ,
P ure, giving it pow er
A P o rtla n d » * |>.jwr ~ks « « U M » H K Ä S S t W Ä Ä S ’Ä
Secretary of state.”
mand. Nearly every naval officer who
aurani*« W <r°«n ‘U* huatam own
T o feed the nerves.
M F irm
rUu. in has expressed an opinion on the subject,
'toprodl«».* ppeuUI , Rilli*« «n J ’uw
Hf. In ha» declared that the transports should
H ood's Sarsaparilla
The W’gsT lias for ssle one years’ ~
> y * a r ’sd ay. Tlær« w I.Kle «la»U but
be under Lbe navy, as they are under tuition in the Holmes BurineM College C ures nervousness,
»»hat tiw amount will be rai^.l, large iw ¿ît" „ thëisüm Manila
MMinii' h
the British «ystem. Gol Denby, of the ° f D-rtland. This is one of the
. . .
I t r l l i a f i i ) .a f i o * l « t o a l a
D yspepsia, rheum atism ,
B r lm tu l .«? iir ix l« » ) p jc iii»
* . l u . k ' r i i x by -
A house and lot jn r i
____ — _____ - h ._____
U ^ l t l » b.™ fi"ie nL*u.*xr»pl»«- in, il„. ..H,, laie» lank
. ™ , . . , . « .. , bl,,inM» college, on the coast, having
" p have made arramremei
English, Commercial, 8borthand
unlike Id««, a. to ti e true raine of
vd thu exanain<tton of Gen Lawton. Telegraphic ilepartmenta and we and
one atory and
, i  E n 4 Π? c M ^ r ,Mrbrr
which we will furnish the '
A n d all forms of
on rem ises r
" R00d woo<l»»»*l
asked whetiwr ue thought the navy *l'la tuition on easy term«
Gregonian with the W xbt for on<
inmnses. For further
Im pure blood.
funiculars to any address for the sum of tw<
thi. office
—-M'BU4Hitr> avaav ratnar MoaxtKoe
We carry no shop-worn, oi
Auction Goods of any kind,
Some of the latest arrivals
are Hats and C ap s, Boots and
Shoes, Oiled C lothing and
Rubber Goods, Hardware,
Crockery and Glassware, Dry
Goods, and Fancy Articles,
which must be seen to be
In fact, if there is anything you requi
that a merchant can supply, call on
Y o u r s T ru ily
0. W. HURD.
C A R M A N ’S
Drv Goods, * Croceries * and
★ Notior
'Just O pened.
Goods as Reoresentei
hp^C T IG
lara, payable cash in advanc«,