«■ w w - w '»•' y y » » w r HE W EST r T T H ; A D V E R T IS E R S ► Y O U R HO M E PAPER ► L . S U P P O R T IT . SIUSLAW’S ONLY PAPEB. «í O P P O R T U N IT Y i ’ . u * \l» L . I X . ¿ ¿ R A L D IR E C T O R Y S T A T E officers . T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE. STEA M ER o — T R A V E L E R S ’ G U ID E m in k , ” C J Æ R D H i , W ill m a k e ------- William P . Lord. R E G U L A R . ..11. II. Kincaid. . Philip Metelien rtiinref ■ I „¿truci io n ....«F M. Irwin. L,t. Public ,W . I I . Leeds ate Pf'",e r , .0 . M. Idlemtin. itwrney 0 « " e r n l; ........ R. 8. Beim . . . . F . A. Moore Ijnrenie 'Court . E . W olveiton LteSecond District. J W . H am ilton Geo. M. Brown U -uting attorney D A IL Y T R IP S H . H . B a r r e tt, P ro p ’r, —— Between ■ a te Leaves Florence Mondays, days innl Fridays. 0Í Tills. Wednes­ ORTHERN P a c ific , R y, I constant « your feet ? t Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer ami Seotts- I la. g Strae Line for Drain. Also with Stag Line for Coos Bay. Charges reasonable. pain when Is that (".ragging, pull sensation with you from morn till night ? Why not put the medicine exactly cn the disease ? Why net apply the euro right ta j the spot itself? You can do it with E U G E N E -P L O K E N C E O C O U N TY O F F IC E R S E. B a n g s , E. O. Potter. Budge....... ¡onitniesion®1'’ j ........ ................................ feherilf ..................- ' ' |trt« 'ttei'........... jpeffor i£ > ! Wedne* days and Fridays at (I a. ..........E . U. Lee fchwl Superintendent . . .W . M. M iller bjiteyor............. .................. . . ,.C . M . Collier \V. P . C h eshire ■Coroner ...................... .. ,C . II. TIohlen ■Jnstiee of Peace............ . .. E. A. Evans e r s P ro p rie to r. Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, .. \V. T. Bailey H . D. Edwards \V. W . W ith ers .A. S. Patterson .. J ) . P . B urton g STAGE LINE. * S le e p in g C a rs in., arriving a t Florence the day following at It) a. in. R eturning-stage leaves E le g a n t D in in g C a rs ence on Mondays, T c -.iris t S le e p in g ST . PAUL Iftnstable.......... F lo r­ W ednesdays WE LEAD IN O ld e n d w r in k le d a n d co ld nnd grr.y, W ith h er w h ite p a d p u n t'd o ’er h e? aton y b r e a s t, F r o w n in g an d f r ig id a n d fa r a w a y , S h e h a s e v e r s to o d , ns «h e s ta n d s to d a y . In t lie d e s o la te w a s t e s o f th e w id e n o r t h w e s t — S t a n d i t h is h o a ry o ld w o m a n , A la sk a . •' r n m e ie a t e d fo r t h o u s a n d s o f y ea rs, Iso la ted , r e m o .o a n d lo n e, H er hard fa ce g la c ia l w it h fr o z e n tears. W hile o v er her s h o u ld e r s a n d in h er ears T h e w lh d a o f th e n o rth la n d w a il a n d m o a n In th e e a r s o f o ld M o th er A la sk a . D r y G oods i r F a n c y G oods F u r n is h in g G ooíís C lo th in g A p a r ty o f p ro sp e cto rs p a s s ’d th a t w a y . A nd th ey th o u g h t th e o ld fa co had fo r g o tte n Its f io w n , : Z ad, pausing, the? p u lle d h er w h it e ro b e a w a y A n d *cu n d h er tr e a s u r e . “ A ll, q ’c s t q u e o ’e s t ? ” S aid th e F ren ch C a n a d ia n , knot lin g d o w n A t th o f e e t o f o ld M o th er A la sk a . T h e y to ld th e ir s to r y , a n d m en w e n t w ild A n d p a w n ed th e ir c h a t t e ls a n d jo in e d th e race. T h e o ld croon J in g led h e r g o ld a n d s m ile d . A n d th e g o ld m ad m en o f t h e w o rld b e g u ile d W ith a p r o m ise o f fo r tu n e in th a t fa r p la ce A t th e f e e t o f o ld M o th er A la sk a . B u t, o h , t h e r iv e r s a r c w id e a n d d eep . A m i th o n o r th w in d b r e a th e s w it h a k illin g b rea th . A nd o v er th e m o u n ta in « , s o ro u g h nnd ste e p . T h e o ld d rea d re a p e r s h a ll c o m e a n d rea p — T h o r im e o ld reaper th a t m en c a ll d e a th S h u ll r e a p .th e w h it e fie ld s o f Atn&tcftl , | —C y W arinan in N e w Y o rk S u n . C a rs and Fridays a t 2 p. m ., arriving in Eugene the following day a t g Shoes WE DEFY COMPETITION. ------------------------- ------------------------ RESPECTFULLY w i n , mette s t , Eugene, Lana Co., Ore. _ ,, J. V « A DEBT OF HONOR. ' G p. in. M I N N E A P O L IS A L A S K A .' S ix f le e r ! in a a le » | er fro m M o n tren l A n u & ir x c n or so fro m .tlx© **rvl o f th® lin e , A n d y o u sta n d O’. t h e f o o t o f th e yrv a t w h ile w a ll-*" * ■ T h a t 1», w h ite w ith t h e s n o w s th a t fa ll a n d fa ll O’er t h e c e d a r d w a r fe d a n d t h e d r o o p in g p in e T h a t grow a t th e f e e t o f A la sk a . S T E I ^ S T A G E L IN K . Inÿwiior. ■, ¡eretary of NO. 29. FLORENCE, OREGON, F R ID A Y , Nov. 18, 1898. D U L U T H ________ I-m ediaiely after I’:© »Plaster is applied, ycu feclf ■its warming, roothir ffluence. Its healing rcmecl quickly penetrate down deep 1 into the inflamed tkcues. Pain ¡3 quieted, tcrencs3 ia re­ lieved and strength imparted. It w as nt Charing Cross station, where 1 called to moko some inquiries, who eat here; dose nro de ru les,” she M A R R IA G E O F O F F IC E R S . G R A ND FO RK S TO cml I knew her instantly, though she reiterated, docliuing even to examiue C R O O K STO N was veiled. 8hc recognized me also and tho ring I offered, “ as a guarauteo of Th© A r r a iw o f K uropo H a v e V a r io u s R ulea- CITY O F F IC E R S . R « < u la t in ( IU returned uiy greeting w ith a warmth good faith. ” W IN N IP E G livery barn, Eugene, and a t O. AV. The restrict!ve conditions at present in Tho waiter, who had boon fielding in which I hoped was not altogether duo H E L E N A »'«1 to tho fact that I was able to extricate the im mediate vicinity, advanced aud force w ith regard to the marriage of H u rd ’s office in Florence. Wentherson BUTTE I: her from a human eddy in w hich sho esked me if X had lost anything I in ­ offlners iu the Russian army forbid this vVas entangled. I forgot all about tho quired for the proprietor, but by somo privilege nndei any circumstance in the Kj plaster wts ever made Licit. O. W H urd T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls time table aud turned back, delighted hideous ill luck ho was not accessible. I case of officer« under the age of SH. Be­ No piaster ever acted so quickly Win ^ ' ¡ e that the tush of the preoccupied crowd | saw Miss Laugtou. who had gone to the tween the ages of 83 aud 48 years the k m l Trustees an I thoroughly. No plafter ever L ,-Cliiistensen i TO around ns gave uu excuse to keep her ( door, looking buck, evidently surprised dot of an officer’s w ife must amount t o hi 1 such complete tostrel over til M. M orris ! C H IC A G O little silk gloved baud upon my urm. nt tho delay. Then tho storm burst. a sum representing the minimum in ­ kind» of pain. Sho had been seeing Cousin l’bil and Tho Gerniun was impenetrable; tho come of 850 rubles yearly jfcf(,(,æ r............... J o h n H . Morris W A S H I N G T O N Placed ever tho chest it ii Ou fomparisou of these conditions Of The his wifo off, she said, uml w as now, X waiter passed rapidly from legitim ate J . A. Pond P H I L A D E L P H I A a powerful aid to Ayer’s w ith those regulating the same question guessed, returning to tho doaolate house doubt to open skepticism ns I tendered * ENGLISH LANQ'JAQE Cherry P ectcral; relieving , C. Cum pton N fe W Y O R K trump oue, iu other European armies it may bo in Bloomsbury square. The picture my card, which was not not a a trump tjhrjiiai...... congestion and drawing out called up Ly tho thought was so poign­ uud seeing that wo all talked together, noted that in the Austria-Hunger U n BORTON AND ALL C O M PLETE army the number of officers authorized all inflammation. ant that I proposed a visit to W est­ the effect w as very strikiug. P O I N T S E A S T #",1 S O U T H for «*«.•». r v a i l r»Rr«ni? r«. “ Excuse mo," remarked a thin, crisp to contract-marriage is lim ited by a fix­ minster abbey. Sho appeared a shade j c. A”r r co S & tfE T S O C IE __ T IE S . S U C C IE N T For tiihlrm atin n , tim e cards, m aps and tick ets surprised—I certainly was m yself—aud voice, “ it is a little trouble nbout the ed proportion assigned to each grade, etc., csll on ur wiitc then agreed, w ith a little sigh, which bill, is It not? Miss Bungtou, I shall be and, these totals being Winched, all fur­ a u t h o r it a t iv e plainly said, “ As w ell there as nuy- w ith you in a moment. Don’t be alarm ­ ther lnfcrriages must bp deferred pend­ FSA.M. Florence L « fco Noi 107. ! R . M cM U R P K E Y , ing the occurrence cC vueaucies iu tho L e a r u r d I’lg In 1 8 1 5 . wliero else. ’’ But once she acccptod my ed.” Äi itiGiiftr :oinniiinicu4k»n on second G eneral Agent. Rooms 2 and 1, Shelton B lo c s. ___ tho . Of course It xvas old Tnrnbnll, who married establishmmim. In 1815 the royal mews at Charing companionship by stepping , into T he Ituliuu army regulation», w hich 301 .8 6 5 V ocabulary Terms EUGENE, OREGON. htftaW b&tfurdays in each m o n th . Cross were standing and on the actual hansom X called she made, I could seo, ought to have beeu m iles away uud had 247 E d itors and S p ecia lists to tuko iuterest iu tho been lunching here nil the tim e instead. fix the inoomo of the fiancco nt a m in i­ site now occupied by Nelson s column a <5. W M 4 u b d , VV. M. a distinct effort A. D .C H A R LTO N , 533 Readers for Q u otation s • I bowed, he looked me iu tho faco, and mum of from .1,300 to 8,000 lire, w ould long xvoodcu shed was placed, and in it multicolored life sw irling by. I. GKiorra, Secretary. A ssista n t General Passenger Agent. “ The abbey is tho first place one I understood that ho remembered the appear to be inorp rational in their was the skeleton of a whale of great 5 0 0 0 Illu stra tio n s 255 Morrison St. Cor. ltd. dimensions. Through it tho writer thinks of visiting when oue is aw ay,” last occasion on w hich we had met. I operation Ita lijn ’officers, how evtr, ap­ P o r t l a n d O r Cost o v er $ 9 6 0 ,0 0 0 I * sho observed, “ aud yet, when one is at recalled his terrible, “ Now, upon your p l y a som ewhat liberal interpretation to walked from end to cud. Appendix of 47»468 E n tries ■General Lyons P o st, No. 58 Opposite stood, as now they rtand, home, it is so near that eno keepa defer- oath, sir ,” us I stood clutchiug the edge this law, w ith the result that tbe num ­ 'meets serotil and fo urth baturdu}» spring gardens, where in old times the ring the visit from day to day, aud I of the w itness stand, a bit of court, ber c f marriages occurring under actmd. provisions does not exceed more than an g U tî.b'il .Il Hl 111 ill 1130 p. 111. Papa plaster over one eye. beaus and belles of the court of CbarlcH am leaving towu tomorrow. The fu ll num ber of word« and term s in "Y ou are doubtless aware tbnt Miss eighth- o f. >the.. total uuuibcr, «even- J.I. BiirrEitFiEi.u, Commander. Il disportod themselves. There in, a meant” — Sho did not finish tho sen­ J . I. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor different d le t u m ries for th e en tir e a lp h a b et is house was located “ tho learned pig. tence, but added, “ It is so kind of you Longton is my ward?” bo observed eighths of the officers being uni tod un- J. L. F u iixik h , Adjutant. when be had appeased tho Teuton ' der tho conditions of tho rcligioius cere­ ns fo llo w ,; »’" . > » * W.tW0; W on cilssT B B Bystanders desirous of seeing its per­ to give your time. " y io r e n o a , O r e g o n . mony only, nml thus exposing thonr- “ I urn a mau of leisure." eaid I dryly. sphinx. formance stood in a circle, aud within 105,000; W snsTua (¡ntcrnaG 'n a l), 125,000: C s s - " I learned it, ” I replied. " . P e r m it, . selves to all tho iuconvenicuccs w h ich “ Papa was alw ays in a hurry, "she TUitv, (six v d om es. co m p lete,) 228,000: a smaller cue playing cards were appar­ attend a murriage not recognized by II 0. U. W. P erp etu a Lodge, No. 131, ently indiscriminately thrown down. weut oil, uud then stopped again. A ll mo to congratulate y o n .” OUR AIM —To furnish the b u t STANDARD, over 300,0«; “ And you w ill also learn now,.” ho civil law. I m meets every 1st and 3d Saturday» Onlookers, possibly confederates, named rouds of conversation led to ber father, Kb month. ’ Member« am' visiting accommodations a particular card, and tho pig trotted aud j eati, b„d w ritten “ No tliorough- retorted, shutting his pocketbook w ith 1 S im ilar d isab ilities would now ap­ a t reasonable a snap, " th at I w ish the acquaintance ! pear to bo inourwtj'.hy Russian officer«, fettlinn in good stan d in g « re coriha oy . . „ . . „ I „ „ a , , lu r e d his snout on tho nam fam" ikthkk everv oue. S a rr.le Pages Free. aud Kuggostiou«.jnjvo been made by tho Jiavitedto attend. J . J . A ndeeh > ln , M. »»• prices. •B etter wear out than rust out, ” Fnid to end here.” , . ed card without an error. press in Russia flirtt a general revlsiou I ’V m . K yu - Recorder. “ On what'grounds?” said L From that exhibition, tbe writer, iu I I considerately, "though tho best of ns the same bouse (ho thinks), was taken but write their names ou water after ; " If on no other than that of the pres- j of tho law is becoming necessary. The 3 W ANTED. and introduced to “ tho Hottentot Ve- ; all. A very consoling reflection for the 1 ent— er— disgraceful scene. X should be question is assuming some importance 1 0 .0 .F . Heretä Lodge No. I l l .m eets H e a d of T id e H o te l, acent justified," he answered, "but 1 forbid ' from the fact that Russian officers, iius,” an ebony damsel clad in gauzy idlers. ” bevery Wednusd ly ev en in g in Lodge rcuching a total ¿Amber of nearly 40,- w . W. NEELY, Prop’r. “ Yes, if everything ended here," she it on—ahem— higher grounds. ” garments of tho most flimsy kind, who Florence, O regon. B rothers in ! Then bo began to talk, “ us one man 0ÜD, represent one of tho most impor­ replied ns the cab pulled up and the Volstanding invited to a tte n d . ; displayed her figure by proudly trav­ of the world to another,“ nbout Arbus- tant classes iu tbe. state.— Brooklyn C it­ T jiqmas .1. B okk n , N . <>. E. D. BR O N SO N & CO, ersing anil circling round tbe room in great gray temple loomed above ns. Tables furnished with all the C iias . 'll. V a x d eh iid k o , Sec. If time be duration set out by men»- ' cnla and her sisters. Ho was illogical, izen. which she gave her reception«. Pacific Coast A gents W ild delicacies of the season, Issuing thence, tho writer was taken ure, my watch w as of opinion that we lint convincing. Th« To»ch«r. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. “ W hat is the am ount of tho bill?” I to the horse guards parade to seo tin spent two hours hero. My conscious- | game, fish and fruit in season. Best Ono cause of tho low standing o f tit» 9J3 Market S t. cannon us»sl by the X'T'encli as a mortar ness, however, has nothing definito to asked shortly CHURCH D IR E C T O R Y He handed mo the receipted slip of teacher's calling is lack of extended ! accomodations for the traveling during the siege of Cadiz, 1813. It was say on the matter, “ tho endurance of a r i 1 put iu» ■» ■■■ i— — — paper. it In my pocket. Ho professional traiBiug. Profeaaloo«easily all enduring th in gs” not beiug painful­ on a carriage iu a horizontal position ’sin'ilcd sardonically?and gathering up entered are A S o r c e r e r E le c t e d . ' public. Charges reasonable. and the writer, lifted by his father, wa, ly prominent. N either do X remember ■SEsBYl'i-iitl C H U R C H , Florence, M Lecitimca. the new Socialist dep­ thrust inside the muzzle, and, strug­ having shone among tho tombs. Ou oue his black bug went ont to Miss Laugton ed. The medical prof«jseion has beeu ■ Oregdft. S abbath serv ice; Sabbath-1 uty from Guadeloupe m tho French p ar­ gling somewhat, was. w ith a little dif thing at least X am quite clear. It is w hile tho waiter hailed a cab by w his­ cited as au illustration. N ot long ago, tó , 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11. liament. is a negro He dresses m the fa ulty, extracted from his couflned po­ when wo camo ont X was decidedly tling through bis fingers in a most tal­ when one could be a physician w ith o u t :io:k a. in. and < p. m . S a cram en t of special training, tho profession was n o t latest fashion, wearing silk hat, patent sition .—Loudon Sketch. hungry; »o, artfally piloting my charge ented way. chord's supper on 1st S ab b ath c l' Beyond the glass door I could see very highly exteennxl. N ow, when ex­ past a restit.raut, X suggested lunch. July and October- leather shoes, white uecktie and irre- tended training is demanded both by 'nH,acbul.lv ent fri.< k coat. He believes Ilvtou m I v i- welcome to all th e services. Here ngaiu u lacuna occurs, to r i have Turnbfill talking to Miss Laugton as T h e G ir l» T oo. public opinion and" by law, tho profes­ in ghosts, witches and devils and is a she rearrange«! her veil. 8' c girls at I Ite'ir r e e (b iris tia n s to make T w e n tv th re e Visitors at tho World's fair of 1893 no distinct recollection of the earlier sion is respected its oue of the highest. famous sorcerer ill his own country, iu |t;f:iisel ei known. M ile s W e s t w ill recall the Indian exhibit or en­ stages of the bauqnot savo tho other an adjacent table put their beads to- | Xu like manner ,|tlie teaching profession 1. « . K n o t ts , P asto r. fact he owed his election tob is success, campment on the shore of tho south fact tlgit her mode of eating aud drink­ gather, whispering aud tittering. The i of E u g e n e . fnl defeat of the devil by dancing aud would undoubtedly increase in favor pond. Ouo of the tents or wigwams ing forced me to make comparisons chnriot pulled up ut th - sldowalk w ith , veilin'' for several boars in a cemetery. was occupied by an athletic and tine which wonhl linvo brought mo slowly a flourish, and Turnbull touched Miss , were training «if a high order demand­ S ^ ’ ity .n tins line convinced tho ed. Iu fact, we find the respect for th® looking but somewhat taciturn specimen to my senses had not the unforeseen, L/angtou's arm. She made a «tap for-j profession varying in different countries free end independent electors of Guade­ ATTO RNEYS ward, but lo< ked round nnd paused ir- i of young Indian manhood as his own which has such a trick of h.ippcuiug, loupe that taeir latera ls would be safe particular home, and w hile it was open doue so w ith paralyzing promptitude. resolutely. I instantly w ent to her. nnd ¡ aud in different grades of tho school system alm ost in direct ratio to tho Her Ijttlo hunting watch bail ran Inking tho litflu warm hand she gave at. all proper hours for tbe inspection of in his liaum. edneutiou uud professional training re- A. c . W O O D C O C K , visitors be resented any approach to im­ dowu, but tbo officious cuckoo lielong­ mo pressed it to my lips. H is P o in te d Q u e r y . ing to the restaurant clock spjlfc to “ Ia in M ) sorry yon were in con vcn i- 1 qutred of candidates. -— Forum. pertinent curiosity. A bevy of yoi.rg women dropped into plainly that tho young girl alni'.Kt enced, ” sbosaid. “ If 1 had only known" D id n 't C a ll t ie r M ary. —and she nctuully laughed I his tent eno day l»eforo his usual hour jumped from her chair. h : « .- “ i“ “ * It is said that the native servants in “ I slinll easily get over the recollec­ “ Oh. Mr. X ’attcrsou," sho cried, for opening it and found him sewing a I E ugene, O regon M o n ey Saved "w hat shall do? 1 was to c a llu ,s .n tion of the iuronvetiieuee in the recol­ H aw aii msttl to call their mistresses by rout in a blanket. rv* om* 7 n n d 8 M c L n rerfi n u iid iiig . “ See bow he blushes, " exclaimed one Mr. Turnbull—ho is my guardiuii. you lection o f the pleasure X have had,” 1 their first uotUCs Au Gugllsh w om an* •’ilio n g iv e n t o c o l le c t i o n s R"n pu» of strong w ill determined ou her arrival c f the visitors. “ We hava caught him know—about papa’s w ill at half past replied. ? 0« t K n a d c s s e « 1- p a tro n iz in g it- iu Honolulu that her servants should Sho blushed. 3, aud now it is a quarter past. doiuft squaw's work " " B u t why did ycu not tell me?" eht uover call her Alary and instructed “ Where does he live?'' 1 asked. •'Why. that's bis natural color." g ig ­ S iJ h i^ c a tffs ta n d s a id to th « ! them carefully in the presence of her “ Xu tho city, '* she replied despairing­ mnnnnred. gled another "H e always blushes." E. O P O T T E R . Prop. “ It would have been common piuco, ” husband One day, when she had visit­ “ Yes, young ladies.” said tbe Indian ly, "and, oh. he is so preente, and there Qeo. Hale ^•V V nat blushes may be delays— you don't know him. ” I replied “ 1 preftnud to bo a paladin or«, tier cook put h is head in at the Attcriwy-nt-I.nw fn 'e ' Do ■ ' think m am o o th h a. fo r s o m e o f the tiviliza d and enlighten i I did, having met him in Ins profes­ though n comic ouo. ” drawing room door and politely in- smaller > nce Ah la fp it up ma cd white Americans of the nineteenth sional capacity some years before, when F.VOEXE, O R E G O N . “ 1 dou t Uiiiil: it comic at a ll." shr qnired« • j» NOTARIES. " W hat vegetables for dinner today, replied, tryiug Lard uot to sm ile X was a wituesa for the defense. aoup?” — i-i.nnut, century ” n ei At the court House. my love?’' “ We ll d n vo there at uncel" X cried ; " W hat stupid is-oplot” ♦’ The visitors joined liitri in I lushing L SS A r o t l t e O b .t a e le . He bad henrd her eallod that end “ Mi s Luugtzu. as th is giutlcniun i t aud shortly afterward went out without royally, putting my baud in my pocket • j . . . m . i - ici ! to have recurred further remark«.— Youth's (jeuipau;on. w h ile she tainblcrt for her glove. Then rather richer iu tim o than 1. perhaps lie seemed proud of remembering uot to soy a R. BU TTO LPH , inr± t s n hv.able standard S. E. B E N E D IC T , • n aw lul fso.l struck mu, my purse was w ill oxense ns if wo economize, ” re- ¡ Mary — New .York Trtbuue. in Japan e.h>Ll - an gone. 1 suppose my consternation got marked Mr. Turnbull. "Hero is tht I la " 3 r j i s j o l - B s » e n e f < m it~ X b is re s p c tfn ll, flrarlax » lllsB. ■ A T T O R K B3 - I-> into my face, lor 1 caught the eye of the calx U«t iu. ple-ase “ Princo L. L. Bonaparte, many yean 01 tbai H to that outraged pedestrian, Hbo threw mo a bright look and went J " I told yon I would uot marry yon. polyglot waiter flx«-d upon me lie wa« ego. claimed "By jin go” as an English gqbiiiltted : tinl An American Florence. ; : O reg o n . borrowing from the Has ,ni-s Tho isou- tall, aud, 1 doubt not. sw ift of ft, w ith him. Recollcctiug that 1 was w ith ­ Why «io you kmp mi asking ute?" T,,kvo accidentally O r e g o ® ' f ,he r wheelina a s s f ’. ^ s s - « ' ,T t a letiu Basques toy "B ai .liiiko.” moan­ and as he «wiled thinly X could «ee ibat out my Fat, I returned for it nnd found j “ 1 want yon ro imdorstaud that F lo r e n 0®1 be bad lust oue ’front tooth and all his mi tho groond hard by u little black «ilk not afraid of your changing your tuind. ” kuocki.l do"“ bimsclf together, ing "Yes. G od,” 110» “ By God" ol illosiim s. 1 put my but ou uud took it glove I picked it up. intending to ro , —Cillcugo K'S'oed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “ Far D itu ." Tho k would easily be- frank b . w o - s n n s ' , ip ,— ' " 1 BO Y E A R »’ off again. At auother time, in an >lher turn it, b u tw te n I retudied tbe street ‘ D,ws't Wurry. ci.u o g in tbe mouth of a foreigner. EXPERIENCE for being "in hn.nhly heW«» 1"!“°" Basque sailors aud soldiers huvo always place, tho incident would huvo boon tho cab was altcady several yards awny Í After three snc«,essivo failures in » been ubiquitous, t onio time ago I win merely laughable, but uow, with hcrl Thru tho law yer’s talk canto back to tu« Í rosily experiment oue of Mr. Edison's his honorable way. w ith diabolical distinctness, aud X said ' a t a u tu n at Larnmia (tiie tkmsbiug 1 hud been so Maae, wi m ildly cynicali saw «©Nt«, worn out with tbe strain, . orfg ° n Be«» reen T w o Fir©»» Ob, it was untlimkablel 1 mov.d to­ to m yself that, after nil. he was right uake«|l " Why don't you worry a lit tle FLORENCE- - ^ ^ T h o c ' h t n r »ecn.. «o bave the floor, iu Soule, where tlio host, who I w ent straight to my bankers’, sent had gained tho queen s u d a l for rerv- ward tho oouuler which was near tho about It, Mr Eklisou?" osual f « “[®"J(n ¿rpnblisbc»any’h :«l? ice in the Krinch army iu the Crimean door, shadowed by the wai er. who was him tho amount of the bill, answered a “ Why sh o ild IT” replied th« Invt wnr. repeated "B ai Jiuko” hundreds of mentally callin g the ptdloa, and ap- |s:ifuiii( d. badly «(«died note I liad re- for. "You ure w en y in g euongb 1 M ana* e«y puy, dose tions have beeu mude by lunatic«, Ufareleacoua^' QQ, ,L»'a'.n of >„y iet.nti«e loaniaL Term*. » * • g, Uf«. r .. __rient'' * . I --v . Single fare _ - . - $5.00 Round trip - - - - $9.00 Tickets for sale a t E. B angs’ FARCO THROUGH TICKETS of Standard j Dictionary 1 BI9SRIS HOTEL, Elk P rairie Hotel. ON E U C E N E AND FLO R E N C E STACE R O U TE . Attorney at Law, I By rr- . Notary r-ililit’,«111^ ~r - AST 01' »! I*Bt notary PUBLIC. PATENTS .Scientific American. Hew Tort «"<». 0 8 F Bt.. Wa»hln««<», D. C. G. A» ■ M -I 1