•M A Pioneer’s Danger, ing the gate of a citadel, though her i.ps said in a tone richer thau wine, tweeter taau uitisio, 'Kiss me first. W het yon take flood's 1‘illi. The big, okUash- There was a long pant»— ielefiani toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you alt to 9at blankly staring ut the coals, aud I pieces, are not io it with Hood's, l'nsy totake gaZe(l mtently into the mints of nicotine that curled upward to the ceiling- “ There ure some kisses," he said presently, “ that ure worth the whole iurn of human pleasure. Pleasure! Faugh I A roitea word—belonging to and easy to operate, is true those who only half live. ” of Hood's Pills, which are He handled a cigarette meolianically up to date in every respect, Safe, certain and sure. All ■ ■ ■ ■ and lit it. druggists. Sffe. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. “ We had gone through most of the The only pills to take with Hood'9 Sarsaparilla. dresses wheu we came to some fine azure SOMEWHERE. for tho artist had been dene for f.iend- drapery iucrusted with Japanese geld. LITTLE LOVERS. F O R L IT T L E T 0 L K 8 . ship's sake The gift of the silk, which “ ’It was mine, ’ she said, ‘and was Somewhere the wind is Lie wine, must at least have cast 20 franc, a yard, worn by a woman I bated. She borrow- , 1 thought i.s I toiled «loug W«*e little lover», six and ten. From i/u Obitrver, Fluthing, Uiek. In the burning Uent of the noontide. pained them. Tho preecut xeemed en­ Aping th« manners of women and men. id it ouo night after coming over iu tho A C O M IN G O U T P A R T Y . And the fancy made me nt rung— He so ardent and she so shy tirely out of proportion with the servioo “ I look Hie p ill, according to dlrtefi«. Frank Long who lives nrnr Lennon,Mich. tu n .’ V* m , Nomcwhere tho wind U blowing, Only when somebody else is by. «non begun to notice an improve«»^ roudcred. Their pride was hurt. They T il. T w in II'. and H o n ey B u n c h W e t , “ ’Yet yen hated her?’ I nsked, tak- 1, one of till' pioneer farmers of Venice town und Though here where 1 gasp mid e.'gh When they’re alone, her shyness flies, my condition. Before the lirat C , iliip, stiiawas.ee enmity, and t»y his industry decided to return the silk. In a cata­ Kot a breath of air Is »tirrlng, b a t T h e y D id n 't D r e w U p. Cupid mounts quickly bis throne in her eye«; i g my cue from the ear! of her lip. 1 could gel about the iiouie, though „"J ami thrift in which many hardships were en ­ Not a «loud In the burning sky. When they’re nlon«?. this bright haired mias logue of the salon they found Monssia’a “ ‘Not then. Iu those days I thought dured, lie new has one of the best farms in thut great difficulty, but alter using five hoiei i The very latest thing—maybe I ought Gives her woe lover a soft, warm kiss. address, ami one day on their way to to say things— out! “ Miss Mildred w s. entirely cured. ™*tsi Seme where the thing wo long for meu were true—George truest of all section. , , . . E ilets on earth'« wide bound, Since that tim e I have felt no return o( tiie H alle, thoy stopped in the Avtnuo Parsons and her brothers, Master Law- lie tells au interesting story of when tils Yet a uud little coquette is sho; and women good. ’ Foinew here lh e aun iu xhining the rheum atic pains. I um coiifidrutTJI Every attention she welcomes with glee, do Villiers, where the artist lived. renco and tho B a b y ," th e invitations “ I looked down at the gold storks ou life was iu danger duriug his pioneer days. Dr. W illia m .’ Pink P ill, fo , Pale p J ^ Wli« n winter nljt«> the ground, Many a heart has she fllietl with puin, When they arrived in front of thoheuso, read, “ invite you to a coming out party ^Ahout November 1, 1894, on starting to saved my life and 1 try Io induee my frin„, the heavy eastern silk, and said, ‘And - Bonicwliero tho ttowerwarc springing, Constant she finds it ho hard to remain; they thought they must have made a tliis afternoon. Como at 2 o’clock and Bomewht ro the corn in brown ’ when did you change your opinion?' j get up from the dinner table, I was lukeii who are sick to try the same remedy Ixjvers will eoino to her foet to woo. And ready unto the harvest “ I will gladly answer any question co«, l listnke iu the number. Was it possible don't dress u p l” Wliat is the dear little damsel to do? “ ’ When 1 bung away this gown, and with a pain in my back, ami found myself To feed the hungry town. eernmg my sickness and wonderful cu» unatde to move. The pain ini rensed and Is it her fault that they love her 90? that their young friend lived iu thia Such u funny idea— a party nnd not determined it should never touch me.’ Is it her fuult that they w'on't take “ No?*' spread over my entire lenly. 1 was obliged provided those who write enelose (,anm 1» «omev. :.<>re tho twilight gather«. beautiful mansion? Then she was not a dress up! But .uamina persisted gently . . . 4 ‘‘ F kank L on S. h "I rose to put iny arm around her, to take to my bed. The physician who was " p 'y - And weary men lay by I poor artist. Long lie the lives of this little pair, in putting on tho twin B ’s— Betty’s Sworn to before me at Venice, Mich ihk to break the skeiu of unpleasant asso­ Immediately auinmnned prououne al my ease 15th TLe burden of 1 bo daytime day o f April, 1HP8. ’ ’ ,W' Sweetheart end maiden ho bonny and fair! muscular rheumatism aeeompunieU by lum­ They rang ; a liveried servant opened and B eth’s, you know— plain brown And, wrcpjxxl in «lumber. Ho; Long may they live while their loves intwine, ciations, but she moved away, aud said G. B. G o l d sm it h , J u ttict o f n , p ,att bago. He gave me remedies and injected the door. After taking their names ho dresses. Soiuev. hcio the day lu breaking, in a hard, almost deliuut voice: Each with the other, like stems of the vine I The cure o f the severest easis of r|,„,.',. morphine into my arm Io euse the pain. And gloom aud darkne«« flee. ushered them into a suinptuousdrawiug Or will thiH baby love droop and die "For it w ouldn’t be polite now to “ ’There is ouo more, tell me its talo “ My disease, however, gradually became tism by Dr. W illiam s’ Pink Pills for Isis Though »tonus our bark uie tossing, Ere muny years have tlown hurrying by? loom. Moussia was lying on a conch dress t ip ,” she said, “ after they’ve ask­ People has ocer.-red all over the land and worse until I thought that death would he it Thetv’a «omv where « plucid sea. if yon can, and if net’— Then will they deem it but childish fun, its power in ordinary ease. j. proporlioniwy wrapped in a loose w hite plush gown, ed you not to. ” "tho paused while I took tho fine welcome release from my sulterlnga. I could greater. Feeling no smart sinco no harm has been And thus, I thought, 'tie always, These marvelous vegetable nilf, not sleep but would lie awukc ull night and t he was Hindi thinner, very palo. Her Honey Bunch was invited, too, nnd done. lace und lawn into my fingers. It seemed rul> my leg. in thia mysteriouM life, go directly to the aent o f the 1 rouble and ' large eyes shone w ith a phosphorescent mamma put on her little, bright, every- j —F. P. in Tinsley’s Maguzine. There's always gluducu« bo me where a summer dress, scarcely crushed. In “This continued for about four months. exert a powerful influence, in purifving and In aplto of I*« pain nnd Mt rife, brilliancy. Recognizing her friends, sho day plaid. front, however, and on tho slcevo was Besides ray regular physician I also eon- enriching the blood by eliminaiing poi«,,. Ar.on Beut us ,lli8 BiIk- What stand ou. She’s so short. And remem­ total of our knowledge. Sbo might have and brilliant company thut is always an Othello iu His sunburned make up, crowded w ith rare kuickknacks and we did for you we did w illingly. We ber, deuries, that guests have the best been 20, but we estimated her age nt there? We dined, and were leaving aft­ and Riley suggested to him the applica­ ’ ’ w ork, of ni t,. Moussiu’»mother, observ­ did not want u present for letting yon pluces. our * i theory from a certain erward for the opera My ancle passed tion of some "liquid white, ” a cosmetic | • ¡ a . i nt« » i i • « i 26, deducing kzm u o u i j ttuiu . ,OW uskcd ln a flarry f“f>Kued languor of voice and expression out first and 1 was about to follow him, much affected by the gentler sex of tho ing my questioning glanco, auid, point work on our place. My husband and I of curiosity. ing to a picture at the end of tho room, decided to bring the dress hack.” that accorded ill with the girlish satin when, at a little table, I saw George j profession. “ Oh, you were tho one who wished "Yes, kind ^c3’ tlM a sh o w ,” of her skin. This was arrived at on the and her; George looking down, down “ Theso fruits were picked on the upple Nyo sent for the preparation, and to bring it back," interrupted the hus­ Mildred said. tree which you sec in this picture, tho first day of our meeting—we hail not into her eyes with a hot red flush in his never having used anything of the kind H E D A IL Y band. At tho woodbouse door Uncle fx>m last ouo ¡«tinted by Moussia. ” Then tho discussed her siuce. But cue morniug cheeks and a lifted wineglass in his , before he filled the palm of his hand B y B a l l , P a s s a g e PalA, “ Yon are both foolish about the mat­ met them all and gravely shook hands. when he had called at the little farm eorrowing woman told me tho story of with it and carefully smeared it over bund. I don’t know what happened; I as " S h ow ’s begun,” ho said briskly. cottage where she lived and had found hurst between them, flung tho glass bis countenance. There was no mirror the apple tree so intim ately connected i ter, " exclaimed , , , , , Moussiu, ,,- laughing , - — | her flown w ithout a word of regret his from his lingers, and then’— w ith tlint o f the young urtist, Mario I , L io u 'vo“ *d P»i“ medeop- " Wkf’ has s e r v e d «cats?” in his primitive dressing room, aud a b , 1 lit) tw t w i in n B W ’s m tin il Honey HrtrtoTv Tlnnsvtk I___a » . . and Bunch! I” i despair had Bashkirtseif, who died when only 2-1 ly by refusing my present. I wish you beeu too much for him. “ I thought sho must scream, bnt only Riley wus beautifying himsolf ou the j to wear this dress, ” sho added, speuk- shouted Mildred uud Lawrence iu a years old. I lug to the gardener’s w ife, “ in remem­ breath. “ And mamma's going to sit The whole story rolled from bis lips; a gasp escaped her. She looked nt some­ other siilo of tho stage. In the spring of 188— Moussiu was his love for her, her seeming reeiproc- thing ou tho ground aud added in an i The “ liquid white" dries out some­ I ity, their wanderings iu tho woods, her awed, strangely intense voice, ’He wai what like whitewash, aud wlieu Nye planning to paint a peasant woman iu brance cf me when 1 am no longer in with tbo baby. ” ■ this w orld.” And sc tho coming out party began. | reliant, trusting attitude— that had dead. ’ the open country for tho salon of the appeared before tlio audience he was a Then they both assured her that as Can you guess who came out? follow ing year. Sho spent days looking taught him to wish him self some knight “ The tone compelled me to her side; sight to behold. His head looked like a Greatest Weekly io tin Coiatry, Forty-cno littlo wet yellow chickens. of tbo Holy Grail and not a mere be­ in the outskirts of Paris for a suitable she was so young she w eald soon regain a torrent of agony seemed frozen at her frosted top piece on a wedding cake. They didn't all “ come out" ut once— smirched mail of many passions. landscape iu which to pluce her model. her strength aud overcome the disease. lips. His faco, white as the driven snow, was "No, ” answered Moussia, ‘‘I cannot dear me, no. It took some of them a One morning she found near Sevres a I wus so out of it, as tho phrase is, “ ‘L isten!’ she cried, still standing | expressionless and blank. The audience field inclosed by feuco palings, beyoud get w ell. Tiie candle is burning at both good while. They hud to saw open their that I could volunteer sm all elucida- rigid, though the thrilling tone of her shrieked, aud when he came off from ends. I shall not Jive long. You know (Tncliidlnff pr.ntaffc) to any part of the United shells w ith tho tiuy hard points on w hich a walk overgrown w ith grass lost tion. That she was a coquette of the voice confessed her emotion. ‘The vtr- i his first selection they demanded his State», ( anada and Blexlco. itself antler w illow s, through whoso thut children who ure too clever never their beaks, aud then they had to rest, first order seemed the most feasible so­ diet of acquittal was merely a doom to j THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE, the brlrhteet reappearance. Ho obliged them to howls young shorts tho sun shone brightly. liv e lo n g .” She tried to laugh, but u aud then thoy had to w iggle aud squirm lution, and I offered it. He derided the perpetual remorse. A lifo for a life of laughter. and moat complete Weekly Newspaper In the ------- i ~ Again he innde his exit, out. When they were “ o u t,” how nation— it wus apparently so frivolous prints regularly 112 Columns, • r ha teen H alf way up the walk, ou a background uiist covered her blue eyes. was cried to me from even thedaybreal: antl “gain wus redemanded bv tho un- world, “ And the upple tree?” sho nsked, ab­ draggled and homely they w erel But n t * venture that it failed to anger him nhlmiiiD nf ft.,, l.i.j„ ___ :______,, ' v “I’ potfeii, of News, Literature nnd General Infor­ of grayish green bushes, with an outlino chirping of the birds. roanous audience. mation: also n mairnitlcent Agri cultural and didn t take them long to dry and scram- But oue day, after wo had returned to alm ost as soft as thut of smoke, stood a ruptly changing tho subject. “ Is it al ‘Oh, Aubrey, be ; Believing ho had made a hit, he was Horticultural I'«pari meat. Thia I« one of the bleover to the little windows— thecon- town and were working well in har- nie all yon can, for I am merciful—spare robust applo tree, broudly spreading its ways beautiful?" like a pilarin about to returu to tho stugc when ho greatest departments ln any paper on this “ Oh, uo, indeed," they answered, ningest, yellow est little ‘eomo outors, ” ness, ho l,„ ~ with .su his u t. U..U ... who {ajutH ju sjght of thu J;reat J Coast. Everythin« written is based on ex­ flowery branches. The whole sccno was book, . I with my illus the by ivirs. Mrs. IN Nye - , was caught ----- O—- by m u m aria in UY VO. perience in the ('oast Ktates, net on Eastern filled w ith tender, fresh, stirring har­ “ tho blossoms are nil gone; but tho fruit as Lawrence called them. I trations for it, be burst out afresh: know now .bat tt is net tbo pul-oof who cried, “ Will,,,,,, Edgar Nye, what moil's knowledge of their own localities. You seo, Uncle Lem ’s big incubator l i A . t i l l f" t lio rvrvlfi«. m w l a l» .* — ___ . _ * mony, w ith spring itself. Moussia was is beginning to show. Apples w ill be “ She unintentionally let ont where I life, but the color and tbo scent of it, moved. Pho felt that this was tho lock- | plentiful. Yc-u must come oat and eat w as out iu tbo wood shed, anil the yellow she lived. It is a village on the coast of that makes one’s sacrifice. I believe I have you got on your face?” S EN T FREE. | some in September. Tbo good air of chickens were in that. The children Nothing but its usual expression. SAM PLE CO PY ed for spot. Opcuing the gate, she walk­ France. She must have returned ” ; that every guilty soul must have bin i my dear. ” | Sevres w ill restore you to health, rnudu- watched them through its windows. ed toward tbu house, which was sepa­ “ W ell?” I said, suspending my work “ Expression! Fiddlesticks I You’re a “ I t’s a beautiful party 1” exclaimed nnd pretending to extract a hair from moment of high opportunity, of expia­ rated from the orchard by a garden fill­ 1 moiselle. “ tion, and this is mine. You ure brave, I fright,” cried his wifo, and leading i bho shook her head and let it fall Betty, w ith a long sigh of contentment. the fine point c f my drawing pen. ed w ith beehives. The proprietor hap­ ! you are great, you are generous. Shall | him to where there was a piece of broken J back on the cushions, tired and exhaust­ “ Oh, isn’t it I” cried Beth. pened to ho one of those half bourgeois, i “ W ell," he burst out, "the world is you tempt me—aud stay, or w ill you I looking glass showed him how he And Honey Bunch said so too. h alf peasant horticulturists who provide ed by having spoken so much. our oyster. If we shirk opcuing it, we save me—nnd go?’ ” looked. When the horticulturist uud his wifo After aw hile it was over, and then I can’t hope to filch pearls. ” the Parisian markets w ith flowers and Poor Yeldham’s voice broko to a Nye was mortified, aud catchiug depurted, Moussia closed her eyes and thoro wus a lunch iu tlio kitchen of egg fru ita Tho request made by the enthu­ “ That means?’’ I hinged expectantly. hoarse whisper, and I laid a sywpathet- sight of Riley, just about going on tho i siastic looking youug girl w ith tbo ex- thought of the applo tree. It was iu salad nnd chicken sandwiches. But tho j "That means, in plain words, that I J ie band upon his knee. stage, ho would have undoubtedly fol- prossivo blue eyes flattered him. Ho good health. The sap was running from best of it all wus thut each littlo guest don’t intend to give np the biggest “ Aud you, Aubrey, you went?" lowed him ou and been revenged but i loved bis trees, and the udmiration of u its roots to its brandies. It spread its curried homo a wee, wee, fluffy, yellow pearl that God ever sent to make a man “ I am here, ” he answered, with a for the intervention of Mrs. Nye. painter for them pleased him extremely. foliage iu the sun, langhiug at ruin and chicken in a box of cotton— to “ keep. ” i rich .” f groan that was more pitiful than tears. His head was scraped, combed and i Moussia was readily given permission wind, nt cold nights and hot uoous, — Annie II. Donnell iu Zion's Herald. ' "You intend to follow her?” I ques­ —Condensed From Black and White. wuihud: .“A 1,1"8 “ext selection was rend f ■to work in tbo inclesure, nnd sho began w hile sho, imprisoned In a room, at­ tioned— needlessly indeed, for his kin­ without a hand” from the audience, i Themo S u m m e r D ays. tended by the wisest Paris doctors, was the very uoxt day. dling eye contained a tiro of decision and L ovem ak ers Com e to Grief. Goodby to hc I ioo I Tbo woods und brooks Moreover, the story is a fact aud not a 1 Early in tho morniug she nrrived on slowly dying. Oh, misery of human lifel energy that for 14 days, since the sorry An excellent anecdote was told of a Today wo «vek inntond. the tramway, with her model, who Sho was young, beautiful, rich, beloved, one of her disappcarunco, bad sm ol­ west country parson’s experience tlio 1 press agent s concoction.— Detroit Free We turn from lenvus of lessen books To leave« uf roues red. dered. carried their lunch iu a basket. M ouh - unusually gifted. Sho hud so much to T h e C h r o t i t c i t B m « ia in " T . other day. Mounted on the upper deck ' tell tho woild, her head was so full of THE CHRONICUt rank» with thr rrettrrt sia understood her urt. Sho was no He had been absent bnt a week when of one of tbifse hideous “ threo deck- i Ooodby to figure» in a row, pictures. Bernhardt nnd Loti. nt-w.pnprra In the United States. longer a beginner, for some of her pic- | I received the telegram announcing his ers, While we are reckoning as tho wooden abominations THE CHRONICLE ha» novqunl on the Paclflo Sarah Bernhardt recently said to » Toward tbo cud of October the gar­ tores Wad already been much talked of Tiie Hum of all the flower» that blow intended return. 1 stood—w ith my where parson and clerk took np their Ceaat. It load» all In ability, enterprlae and And all the bird» that »ing! at tbo salon. Though belonging to u dener uud his w ife received a lettei back against the mantel and hands places were nicknamed, the citric in S v e toM n e" SPaPer corre8P°“ rtent: " I nt- *vs. to J th ? y ° U everJ’thi“«- There is noth- w ith n wide bluck border telling them rich fam ily, which occupied a high po­ THE CIIRONICIaE'S Tcle«raphlc Reports «re warming themselves behind iny shelter­ question commanded an extensive view sition among the arlslcsirucy of her of Moussiu'a death, mid these good poo- ing coattails— eager to recognize his of his bucolic congregation. Even tho lug that remains for me to say Yon are th- latest and most reliable. Its Ix>c«l News ths M bad as Pierre Loti!” are fiCickt and spiciest, and Its Editorials from the country, she worked not us an onia pie wept for the lovely girl who duriug rnmpunt mount of the stairs, to feel tlio depths of the old fashioned high pew done ubic.st pens In the country. teur, but us uu urtist nnxions to win oue month had beeu tho life and bright clnsp cf his hand or the thump on tbo failed to escape his searching glances. t o Z ^ v v " T th hHS Pierre THE CHRONICLE has always been, and *•' fame. Her work showed tho melancholy , uess of their modest country dwelling. ways will be, the frtenkand champion of the shoulder blade mid hear his chccrv In one of tlieso pews ho observed a wj you. was the answer. ‘Oh, simply that once upon a time pie, as a«alnat cod . at tons, cliques, eor- fire and poetry which belong to thoso I In (lie mud whirl of large cities a liu- "Congratulate me, old fellow l” that I youth and a maiden, who clasped lianda orations, or oppressions w, any kind. It will be Item in L ittle Russia. The sketch of ipan life ended makes little more ini- knew must come. A cab stopped ontsido tenderly and gave themselves np to en­ io matle up his mind that ho was goi„ff 1 independent In everythin«, neutral In nothin«. to make my acquaintance. ^ 7 “ l è i ’. her painting absorbed her entirely. She pressiou than the fulling of a dead leaf aud a key turned iu the lock. Then a dearments which even tho Scriptural wus trying to put on tho canvas some of After a tew days of painful astonish­ slow, heavy tread ascended. We met in exhortation of “ Lovo oue another” did M VJU W4HI THE CHR3MICLE «he effervescent spring atxiut her. She ment the gay Parisian world which hud the passugb. There was uo need for not entirely warrant. painted rapidly, ns if afraid not to be so admired and feted Moussia returned more thuu a glance nt him to abridge The parson was filled with a great him but I difi • °. We* J thanked t1 “°t invite him to call ou able to finish the task she hud under­ to Its business uud its ploaaurea, Alone the exuberance of wclcouio tfcnt had and righteous indignation, and fixing mV three women in mourning continued to taken. Every mom ing she eumo back, bubbled to my lips. v Lis glance not ou tho guilty pair, but on In spite of the April showers und tho weep in the heme of tho Avenue do The silence was so long—so pregnant t o s d l ^ K"lle r a l,e “br"p,ly ar’VK“!<1 Villiura. nawuem of tho air, which often made w ith unsyllabled anguish— that at Inrt his discourse and informed his abashed Showing the Unl ed States, Dsmlslss One April afternoon they were quiet­ her cough. Tho owners of tho place ad­ I closed a warm hand over his fingers congregation that “ two young ptrsons ot Canada a.i I Northern M ixloj mired her pluck, and ns they saw her ly sitting in tho drawing room, filled as they clasped the arm end of his chair of opposito sexes were believing in n ON O N E b id e , "W ell?” pnlutlng, bareheaded, standing in the with souvenirs ef tho departed, when manner that was highly indecorous aud the gardener und his wifo camo into the dew, w ith a blouse over her gray dress, “ W ell,” he said huskily, starting a unbecoming, and unless these sinners they believed her to belong to their sta­ room. They were dressed for the occa­ t '.V T H K O T H K H S l l ’ l i . little from his coma and poking a coal came round to the vestry »t the conclu- 1 » fid T «2 v t.r nnit t.,1 fir th« One M»F V •«». »■< tion in lifo und thought she was work­ sion. The husband wore Ins Sunday with the toe of his hoot, " i t ’s over. ” eion of the service and assured him of ! «»'It .nl-lB ing for her daily breud. eoat, the w ife hud her shawl ou, under “ So I supposed, aud the pearl was their penitence their names would lo l poxtaje p.'c»alia« map and pav«s* Tho housewife brought her warm which she concealed a large package. not” — 7/ pufliely proclaimed on the Sunday fol- ADDllt'.Ht "Excuse us, Indies, ’’ said the garden­ B ilk , the children played near her ‘‘Not for my handling," he inter- lowing. With regard to the after M. H . ,1.. Y o i r N C I , er, “ I mu ufruid we are disturbing yon, w h ile she ra ted , and tho horticulturist, rupted. "I knew you ’d think something service scene in the vestry, 17 shame-! Proprietor s F. Chrooirle. PAN FRANCISCO» CAL but wo could not let this time o f the learning that some young tries interfer­ hard of her, but you w on’t, you w on’t raced pairs, gnawing their gloves «-r 7 / ^ ed w ith the perspective, hud not hesi­ year go by without letting you know w lu u I tell you” — smoo hmg th c r forelocks, as their sex v Y tated to out them dowu. It was touch­ that we often Rpeuk of the dear youug Ho strotohed his baud to Lis glam dictated, had gathered to offer their A A P e r p le x ity . in g to see this man, usually so careful lady. My w ife and 1 though* we would aud emptied it beforo continuing. d ^ K K ' lK‘irO'1,rae^ Vkar' - ^ - ' , •- young brauce of lier.” Tho won,au raising her ed—the horizon was so serene I wanted Just where the I II lie flslits plsy "W hat did de folks in do house s.,y artist. By degrees a touching intimacy shawl brought foith an armful of flow hlrmture ""t i’Zthe'fina'?d"1« '• -l,1M in aI* to lay to for a bit— hut it was no use. A Blow to Sentim ent, And where the licrries hide. “ Ef we dou't chop Wood, wo io-i t begun between them. At uoou Moussia cry brauebea. “ 'Ihe.se are,“ lie contin­ We were talking of something— I for­ “ Denrcsf, do you sit up late at night by the world's greater re»defin’r '? n of ,ove We study nit the words nnd wnya sleep in de barn, thiy ll lock it. ’ w as often invited to share the cubbuge ued, “ the bleosouiiot tho apple tree she o f the human get what— and 1 made a quotation. You to’icu ? ”° VCr anr® th o C ook. she ed Rest a little first, and eool off, bnt bath?’’— Washington Star. the apple tree was beautiful, for it hearts I It is O nly worth more than all “ W ell, I quoted him. pretending to a “ Does your hnsbaud » y grace at «he Rom Ä teemed aa i t by stretching out one's the ehxiuenee of the poets uud all the not euongh to feel cold. Bathers should like perspicacity It was a sneaking, table?’* H o n o r in g t h e I'rnfeaalon. hand the pretty, fresh, pink ami w hite gold of the earth. The gardener mid bis outer the water when the body is at a vuwardly ruse to know more of her.” "No. He returns «banks for safe “ Well?” blossoms eonld be plucked. Oue evening wife have kept their wonl, and thus it glow, uot when it is in active or violent An editor in the south w as traveling t«»nd looks her lone» her preservatinu from the last nival C hi on a stiuni boat, and having beeu shaved M oussia carried her picture away to is that Moussia’» picture is almost al perspiration. Never enter tho water "She snapped at iny offer—wits a l­ eago Record. .m l her Ä e . « i . u „ ^ Ä ’ »0 ° f prest show it to some friends, promising to ways adorued with pink bltssoins or with a headache; never do so with a most unit tit iu her w ish to test me. naturally offered to pay. full stomach. N othing enn more N Y return w ith it in order to fiuish certain ripe apples— faithful and simple offer­ "W e never charge editors nothin, "1 caught her w rist as it turned the Ciana has U,. . . * “ •leían», I irr o m p v n .ed . dangerous to the system than to contra *»h. ' said tbo barber grandiloquently- d etails iu tiie landscape. They waited ing front the old apple tree to the dead hantlte of the wardrobe door and remon- f w-ntnen. rem7dyhfor •The J it n s o n girls were awfully i ut o •cirntific * f^ rfe« '" n d for her in vain. One by one tbu blossoms young girl. — From tho Frcudl ol Andre veiie these rule«.neil many have lost their stnit d: ’I retiisi' to see them. I know ' up w hin their f6,h e, m an u d "B ut bow can yon carry ou your live» by iieglci-tinR them. N oone should busines»?” cu the tree were curried sw ay by the Thcuriet For Short ¡Stories. iiuthiLg of rlnthea, and I’m uot a detec­ vverou l they?” •‘gam, enter tho water Immediately after din­ tive. 1 von't pry into your past secrets breeze. At tho end of a fortnight a “ Dnt'« all right, bo«a.” w as the in­ j . diseases di«or.ÎXï’fi»- f° l we:lk- "Yes, they were, until they fPnnrt ner Nono whowlaU to avoid the sw im ­ tith i r of sorrow or of joy. • Chlurap Highway«. dulgent reply. “ We u>akes it up off u package arrived containing a dress pat­ their new mother was ' r unuq ’rremlarlties. and debili! ' . dl*t>1i“'''n”’n,s, mer ■ hngbeur, cramps, should enter it jO8t their size, rullar ,o women <5r’ l'” pe- - __ _ i, _ Miains "Her hand shook iu my clasp. gentlem en."— Youth'» Gompaniou. tern of handsome black silk. A letter In China there is uo regular standard when suffering from acidity of tiie Now they borrow he clothes. “ Tulates, Bo». .'cjn g th en . , nd heal, “ ’Don’t stop nte,’ »he cried impera accompanied tho present Moussia told o f distance. iStuudarda vary in tbu d if­ Udì Travi •» « it. and " 4"d no h on e., «touincli. The best time fot bathing Is tively. ‘Help me— 1 w ant you to kuow T h e C onnt*s M lotakn. her friends that a aaveru cold kept her ferent provinces of the empire, the chili, »'-'cep, » a ,,h „ li.„ . L T ”. adv” « either before hrrakfust or between II them. • “ £o Gwcudolyu 1» not to u iariyth « indoors, aud she begged tlte housew ife to or unit of length, varyiug from to id uud 12 in tho furent'ou All who suffer " ’So he it, ’ J said and pushed ha -k • à i 'Sr»*»— - s v i a t i , y» eouut after all?” accept the dress iu remembrance of the inches in different province«. A C’hinew from delicate constitutions should avoid ntWY rata In i' alNie I«» ntaiia««* mp , "No, poor man. He tried to tell b»r kind hospitality aim bad received mito may he from a quarter of an Fug- hathiug in the early morniug.— Frank tho door Then »lie suddenly flung her­ » i d I,ratl.y countivv t 2"” m effi^¿°. When It I» mainly r in that her siugiug wa» r o iu c t h i n g tb»t T his was iitdtt«! s disappointment for M»li m ile to a m ile uud thnst quarters, H. \ ixetelly in Woman’» H.iute Com­ self iu front of it, lietweeu uie anti tho ouilucH-d at thimr •alary ’tralirfH «ano On mv fr.t , 1 w” no, able to V h ì r cm’ ’■“ òrde rrescrimíL,0”* ,h? ,,r of Dr row of dainty tu ck s and shituuieriug u a r ami expend»»— made cue glad to live, aud hi» pronun­ the, >■ good people What they bud done according to the province. ■gi *»«'»8de. panion. , C ' Kele-v,„ n« ’'*■"«« I am Ò"* "» Sho Itxtkcd lik e Cuasau Ira guard ciation was so broken (hat sho though t»uipc«t ftirn! ,he '■ monlh. wh7T. 1 h’d «. lin a I*»«.. Dem be said it made one glad to leave, and everywhere.*• le® I waa abi« then »be requested him to lea v e." — dianapolis Journal. . No Gripe THE FEARFUL STRUGGLE OF AN EARLY SETTLER. Hood’ s J I I H *************************************** I I I How One oi the Early Farmers in Michigan Over­ came a Serious Difficulty— His Life of Hardships. T the app E F tkee . s ^ iif Ä c in c $6?70 The Wee'd'/ Chronicle H M k'Xl W Reversible Map? iiV . ’J V f Map of the World