ÿ æ îE W E S T L i t ! « " ' 1» ■ ',BY *B,D*T “ O“ N,N° - R oyal M o k e * th« food pare, wholeeowo and delicious. A l - - - by a yeur in advan,e----- Fntvredat the post-office Kt Florence, J ” county, Oregon, as secoud-cluhs liiiiil matter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________ _ . .„TISISO BATES M A I.K KNOWN ON A l­ PLIC A TIO N . ii»'*“ L„ notice« «cent» per I"'«. «»<* hi’ertlon Florence, Or. Nov. 11, 1898. ICO TO- EUGENE I to Bay Y our W i,,t o r S l,P Pb’ o----- o f ------- o IBOOTS and S H O E S A L,1 don’t forget th a t y o u can get I the l«st goods for t h e --------- — LEAST M O N E Y ►OF-* f VORAN & SO N, ★ The Shoe Dealers, W E S T L IN G S . J WCarman hits his new H o n o lu lu . F irst Degree. - ■ h v . n . WEATIIERSON Editor and Proprietor. jkbmh : U '60 e t t e r F r o m an <»reg« a S o ld ie r U u y a t Convicted o f Murder in the L ank C ounty , O kkoon .— wnrehouse Isnluted. GeoO Knowles Is helping A 0 Funkc lijIlilltOH. Jeweller Cleaves leaves today for his | tone at Marshfield. V Gurney took a raft of logs to Cnali- ,m»n’s mill yesterday. WmBrynd bought Marlon M orris’ foiling gear yesterday. A big assortment of H eating Stoves just received at A O Funke's. Julius Sander has moved to the Zal- »onYong place above Point Terrace. InHoffinsn is building a new house ata ranch below Point Terrace. JM's pills are the liest family ca- ttartie and liver tonic. G entle, reliable, lure. There was quite a frost here Tuesday aiorningthe first we havo seen since Int spring. Forty-two states elected congressmen Tuesday. Most of them also elected date officers. The regular quarterly exam ination for learliers’ certificates was began at Eugene Wednesday. Mr Geneve who came to Florence Inn Port Orlord a few weeks ago will lave soon for California. Coquille City Is making efforts to have potato starch fac- |lwy located at that place. 1 1fruit evaporator and ¿number of long tim bers for the new tott near Anne were brought down kom North Fork yesterday. The school at Point Terrace opens •hMonday for the winter term with M iss Katharine Patterson as teacher. The transport Senator having on board * Oregon recruits hound for the kllippines arrived at Honolulu Oet. 25. The young people ol Florence gave Misnd Mrs lx-neve a surprse Tuesday T tilling on them in a body and Ending the evening. to account of the attem pt of Claude wnton to escape from jail at Eugene ** week the county Ima placed death Utiies over him. Frank McDermott for eleven years ■fited States inspector of boilers died at * liomein Portland the 2nd in st.,after •■'loess of nearly n month. Tl'e incoming stage from Eugene idown Wednesday afternoon above tsdnw and the letter mail was brought »ih to Mapleton on horseback. Toose residents of Florence and vicin- T’ ho were at Eugene attending the to”1 court returned home the first of *-<*; Indian Jeff being among the * to arrive. tors scrofula promptly and permnn- ■ ■ ’ to- a thorough course of Hood's P*P*riira. All forms of this painful f ”* J'told to the blood purifying r * ’rof Ibis great m edicine. ¡*"1 Butterfieh I lias rented tlie to„rr'".l'otp' Rnd l°ok possession Sun- Ihll' r C Flint retiring after success- (_7 managing the business for nearly ’tosri. » i Sunday was Miss N ellie Scltretid- •""h birthday and site invited near- ier school-girl friends to a party a,,.,''’ Pvening. Some twenty-live ^tossent and had a good time. I k ,.|00,'n* *^raF *°ok place at Siletz. K rt.eJ"1' to tx w n chief clerk l? li«»r iTr nnd ex-Snperititendent "'Noil, i v"'veri were used. Walker i * l0* B,,d Kniglitlinger four. ,1 ' er Wr" uninjured but Walker tth /^ b u l l e t b i ’ leU tb,gb break' Arm ">e Ver^ n’*ar ^eing s tragedy ( l*st Saturday. W hile Mrs «W,|* l" 'nF From hom e, Iter two *1 ** "»'Oot nine and seven, ob- Ms," r*tn,r*r *n<’ ‘n *»'aF ’ *,e older Hr t-** '*** ,,r°ther and fired. For- "* bullet missed tlie boy and 1)11 "fined except from a few lender stiiking liiin in the J C Phelps this week received a letter from his son Otto who sailed from San Francisco for Manila Oct. 17th, with the Oregon recruits. It was written on ttoard the transport Senator. We are Branton Attempted to Escape—The First permitted to make the following Green is Imprisoned. &4KIIIIÎ e x tr a c t, . Conviction in Lane County. The Airiest snd Most Successful Specialists in Hie World. They guarantee a complete cure nt Your Own Home, and allow you to pay when cured. Oct. 18th, "Oh Captain, Oaptaln stop the ship, I want to got off and walk,” In the ease of Claude Branton on trial tint I guess (tie worst is over as I liaveu’t in the circuit court nt Eugene last week thrown up nty supper yet. I threw up for the murder of John Linn, after list­ for tile first time last night about mid­ ening to the evidence of the witnesses, night then slept well till morning. the p ending of the lawyers and the When I went on deck it was cold and so Thousands of promising young men A rimo noworw CQ., NFW VOflK. a_ ehaigeof Judge Hamilton, the jury I started bark lint had only got half way have tlieir lives and future uscfulnesa retired for deliberation on Friday at 9 :30 dow n when I had to go hack and feed Jliecatch of salmon which was quite wrei-ked by INDISCRETION AND good a few days ago ha8 fallen off again a m and after being out an boor and tlie fish. Wag hungry then so got tny PRIVATE DISEASES. Tlie symptoms Hie fishermen look for another run verv fifteen minutes, they brought in a breakfast of tea, meat and bread. It until cnreJ, are portrayed on tlie coun­ verdict declaring the defendant guilty tasted good and I ate it all then tli-ew tenance an I in the actions of tlie vic­ soon. it up in less titan five minutes and con­ F Fox has been running the engine of murder in the first degree. When tim. If neglected or impro,*erly treat­ tinued to keep my head over the rail ed, other organs become affected, and driving piles for the new boom for a the verdict was read Brnnton remained most of tlie lime till two o’clock. Ate a sooner or later there arc serious results week past. Jack Anderson is engineer calm hut tiis mother nnd sister w’lto were present broke down and took the pretty good supper of "mulligan stew ” Our New Method Treatment will posi­ on the Marguerite in the mean time. matter very hard. Judge Hamilton ami a few ginger snaps. We have been tively cure these diseases. M'GRATH SENTENCED- then set Tuesday at 10 o'clock as the running almost in the trough of the MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are waves since mid-night and tlie ship thousands of you who have committed time for passing sentence. M C M’Grath convicted of the murder When Branton was returned to the rolls fearfully. Nearly all the Itoys are of Charles Turner in a hay Held near jail he made a desperate attempt to | sick. I think I will feel able to w r ite offences against tlie laws of your na­ Harrisburg, June 80. 1898, was senten­ escape. He pounced on Deputy Sheriff up tlie start tomorrow but can't write ture, and are now paying up for it. Those weak, aching hacks, Iw ssof Sex­ ced to he hanged December 10 at A1 Day, and attempted to get the latter’s any more now. ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, I,any. lOtli, I ant not very Bea sick tonight. Frequent and Painful evacuations of revolver. Sheriff Withers went to the rescue, and the prisoner was subdued. Have eaten three meals today and kept tlie Bladder accompanied by more or TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, He said that bad he get tho revolver them all down. Went witli tlie detail leas smarting nnd the escape of par­ All druggists refund money if it falls to he would have made short work of to get dinner and itad to stand in tlie ticles of albumen in the urine witli galley for a full half hour and tlie smell ropy sediment, all point to the decline cure. 25c The genuine has L B Q o n both. each tablet. Monday at 11 a nt was the time set of tlie stuff we had for dinner nearly of your manhood. There are hundreds for passing suntenceon Courtland Green did me up; hut I got out will, my pot of who die of this difficulty, ignorant of A DANCE IN FLORENCE. who last week plead guilty to the mur­ spuds and went on deck and laid around tlie cause. Tlie doctors will guarantee der of John A Linn. Some evidence as tlie rest of tho day. The ocean is not a perfect cure in ail such cases, and A dance will be given in the Odd to the degree of murder was heard by very rough tonight and uh! so blue, Dealt by restoration of theG enito Urin­ Fellows’ building in Florence Monday the court as provided for in the statute almost black. We liud our first roll ary Organs. evening, November 14th, 1898. call tonight. under Section 1728. READER—Are you in trouble r Good music will he furnished. 21st, We have roll call niglit anil Have you been treated and never cured? "If upon an indictment for murder | J « - ' the defendant bo convicted upon his morning now and silting up exercises You dare not risk a return of tlie dis­ own confession in open court, the court at 9:30. Tlie sea lias Iwen very smooth ease. It may appear when happy in Tickets for dance - - - 50c. shall hear the proof and determine the for two days. I slept on deck last niglit lomestic life. Our New Method Everybody comemnd have a good time. degree of murder and give j idgvmsnt hut was ordered down tonigiit by a Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, sergeant of the guard. It was fine up consult us confidentially. Midnight supper can be obtained at accordingly.” the Morris hotel. Two confessions by Green were sub­ there last niglit. WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) 22ml, Went on gunrd at 9 a hi . Tlie for our interesting book. “ A Warning mitted ami Deputy Sheriff l)av and TO LAUNCH MONDAY. Clarence Branton, a brother of Claude sea is still smooth and we are feeling Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept tlie heat now. They put up tlie awnings strictly private and confidential. All The fine ocean sleamer now nearly Branton, gave testimony. A sensational, and wind-sails today. The wind-sails answers sent plain sealed envolope. letter by Claude Branton dated July 5th completed in the Florence ship yard guide tlie wind into tulies which convey No O. O. D. business. was also introduced. will be launched next Monday, Nov. Judge Hamilton then sentenced Green it to tlie lower berth-deck. Tlie fire 14th nt about 11 o’clock in the morning. to confinement in the penitentiary for alarm soundeil at 4 o’clock and accord­ Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. The crib work under the vessel was ingly all soldiers went to their qumters the remainder of his life. built this week and the ways are nearly WRITE TODAY. Brnnton is the first man ever convict­ to await orders while we guards stood constructed. Il is the intention to have ed of murder in the first degree in Latte by to assist in lowering away tlie boats. everything ready so that the vessel will Tlie lashings were undone and, at tlie Address county. slide Into the water shortly before high second call tlie boats were swung over Dr- Saunders & Co , SUNDAY SERVICES. tide. tlie side amt lowered even witli tlie deck. 69 Sproat St., Detroit, Mich. Isalielle, the only daughter of Mr nnd Then we hoisted tliem back into place Sunday school 10 a lit. Mrs Kyle, will have the honor of again for it wms nnlv for practice. Preaching at Florence 11 a in nnd at christening the new vessel. 23rd, We had canned salmon for GREENLEAF ITEMS. Point Terrace 3 p in. breakfast, codfish for dinner and dried HECETA LETTER- # # • • primes for supper. The coinissary ser­ B y a W est C ohkkhpondent . Tlie ladies of tlie Preehytprian church geant opened a box of apples and we B y D eikdke . will serve lunch witli hot coffee Monday, had seieral to oat and every one seems Ix-onnrd Tabor late of Alpha is at or tlie ilav tlie boat is launched, from in good spiiita. Saw several flying tiali Waitsburg, Wash, win-re lie will attend 11:30 till evening. Popular prices. today. Tlie boatswain put a stow-away School started Oct. 31st witli Delia tlie academy tliis winter. B y C ommittee . in irons tiiis morning and lashed him to Morris in charge. Attendance, deport­ Homestead seekers continue to come a center gny. He was tied in a very ment and scholarship is very goed, so tiresome position and one of the Oregon in, hound mostly for the upper Dead­ far, ami tlie teacher is sure that the NOTICE. soldiers from company H, asked tlie wood and tlie north fork of tlie Siuslaw. pupils will unite witli Iter in tlie hope 8 S Miller of Cliii-kahominy and f a m ­ boatswain to loosen tlie handcuffs so Hint all may so continue until tlie close ily will reside at Imine tliis winter. they would not hurt tlie man’s wrists I wish to inform my friends and of tlie term. so badly. This made the hoatsain mad Last venr they wintered at Eugene and tlie public generally, that on or E W Cobb and 0 F Stonefield are up so lie reported it to tlie major who put the children went to school. altoiit tlie 15th nt Nov., I will open tlie Siuslaw river for a few days. tlie soldier in tlie guard house nnd I The Lake creek (Deadwood) district n Bazaar here at my residence for Ira Bray made a trip to tlie month of suppose lie will have a small fine to pay. lias decided to build a frame schoolliouse Ladies and Children. Made up tlie river last week while his daughters If lie does tlie rest of tlie hoys will take 18x24 on tlie old site, where tlie log Clothing of all Kinds. A good sup­ visited friends at Heceta. upa collection and pay it. Tlie sea is house burned last suimner. ply kept on hand, and orders filled W E Warren made a flying trip to ; on short Notice. Call In and learn very smooth—just a sliglit motion to tlie Mrs Biering of Cliickaliominy returns laiat. Tlie climate is just lovely here to San Francisco to spend tlie winter. tliis neighborhood last Thursday. prices. and I feel so lazy. We all need exercise. Her husband expects to come back to M m . J R S tiles , Point Terrace, Or. Rufus and Melvin Stonefield are 24lh, Everything has lieen quiet to­ tlie homestead witli tier in tlie spring Nov. 1st, 1898. boarding with Mr Fields and attending day. I was on guard fatiguo but am school in thia district. learning fast liow to soldier and I did CITY OF EUGENE. g en er a l I mews . T J Stitt and family visited Florence not do much. We will he in sight of last wees. land in tlie morning. Tlie cook on a Guard; Owing to tlie recent steady Rip Van Winkle, being gifted with The Maria Teresa the Spanish war ship can mix more different kinds of rise in tlie Willamette, Cnpt Gray in more appreciation of ocean scenery than ship which was sunk at Santiago and stuff together and have it taste good charge of construction of tlie new river is common with the bovine race, took afterward floated ngnin, went down last than any oilier cook I ever saw. I have Btenu.er for tlie Eugene Transportation too cloee a view of it recently. Burton week, near San Salvador in a hurricane a great appetite now hut can hardly eat Co, decided to launch tier Saturday. Cobb, who is tlie loser thereby is of the any of tlie liard-tack we have for supper; Tlie craft lias been built on tlie lieacii opinion that “ lie must be very wet for while being towed to New York. they taste so flat. We have biscuits for just below tlie river bridge, and tlie News front tlie penre commission at they haven’t seen him yet.” breakfast ami dinner; they are not very water lias threatened to surround her Paris, says that tlie Spaniards refuse to News is scarce this week as ye give up the Philippine«, claiming that good but are a big improvement on making the act of launching almost reporter” has hardly been here long unnecessary. there was a tacit understanding Itefore hard-lack. 2 5 ih , T l iis is the eighth day out and enough to collect many items, as yet, On thia account very few found out tlie proctocol was signed that Spain w e arc tied to the wharf at Honolulu. that tlie launching was to ra-cur, and hut hopes to do Kate^ iinhc future. should hold tnose Islands. I siipjaise you want to know what I France lias formally announced Iter think of the town tint I cannot tell yon tlie crowd in attendance was corre­ BACK FROM DAWSON- spondingly sm all. retirement from tlie Nile. in full till later as I won’t tie able to get Work on Hie Imat has progressed M D Landis who went to Dawson city An explosion anti fire in tlie national ashore till tomorrow. Tlie island is very favorably. Tlie decks are enclosed, ,-apitol at Washington Sunday afternoon from Glens,I. last witt’er, arrived home very rugged, composed mostly nf high and the bull is practically ready for tlie from the north last Saturday. He wrecked the supreme conit room mountains of lava. Several extinct X k s quite favorably of that country anti tlie rooms immediately adj fining it volcanoes can lie seen hut tlie only ac­ machinery, which will lie supplied in due course of time. as a good place in which to make money on tlie main floor of tlie building. Tlie tive one is on an island that we will not The boat was launched broadside, Wl" le x e r s he worked at carpentering ilamage is enormous. ___ pass. how down stream, and towed to an We arrived here at noon and every anchorage just la-low Hie bridge, w here alpha c lip p in g s - one was glad to have tlie sliip set level site will receive Hie finishing touches. once more. George Nicolle wasn t sick B y E ven C hange . Tlie new craft is christened "The at all and Dolpli Beers just a little. City of Eugene," nnd will do duty as a Nov 7th, 1898. Dolph is working in Hie kitchen now. freight carrier. Honolulu is situated on a small bay Mrs Martin Nofninger of Florence is visiting relatives on Deadwood this that opens into tlie ocean. It isn't much NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. of a bay, j ist a hollow in tlie shore line. Land Offlce, Hotvburc, O r*»on M pr Mr Workman in partner- week. The town looks pretty from Hie t w a t- Mr Harvey Duckworth of Elmira the summer, Mr purchased O c to U r 71. tfM. all shade trees of palms and other tropi­ came over Friday to visit friends nnd Notice 1« hereby < lrc n th a t the following« cal trees of which I do not know il ia named a rt’ ler be« filed notice of h i* in teiitto u relatives, returning Sunday. names. There is considerable shipping ■ to m ake final proof In support of his c la im , and Mr Ross Huston, son of Hon Clay done here and (Idps that draw twenty th a t said proof w ill l*e made nef<»re C. H. H o l­ Huston of Elmira, is at Alpha looking feet of water go in and out. There is a den U. H. Commlssi'Mier nt f«ake Precinct, Ore­ gon, on December in, 1WH, y li: Joseph B. Wilson about the f i j r a t o U » ^ after his interests on Deadwood. railroad here too. Tlie engine is very on bis h. e. no. 79H6 for the »w><, sec. 10, tp. 20 C L Potterf is building a house to small so I think it must lie a narrow s.,r. 11 West store potat-*s and apples. Tins will be g a n g e rim «l. H e n a m e e th e follow ing witnesses to prove To the went there is considerable level M g continuous residence upon end c u ltiv a tio n t ". i « 1 - the first bill of lumber ever sawed on « ta .ll. t i , , of said lend, v if K : lan-l and »nine very pretty fiel.1». T h a l c Deadwood. M B lack end M . J. To w ne of pleased to learn > science has Since Cults, Porto Rico, and the f hil- weather is a little hot hot if a person Kuby, Ore., and B. P. W ilk s of A da, Oregtoi. one tlreaJed disen • g #)i(, J. T. Bui Dose, ipmec are ours wc wish that the water stays in tlie »hade he won’t mind it. been able to Cat4rrll Cure would raise so that we could capture Refister. I (eel fine now and like the trip. that is Catarrh. known t0 O ko 8 I’liEi.rs. some salmon up here. rrivg SOLICITORS WSNTCO RVERrWHFBR ¡s the only po«>" C*,arrli being for “ Fhe Ht* l> '» p lt« l. a- tlr.» o b ,ln . In H .m « » « -.» , n, g ‘ g e n ii,e surprise. Tt.ose present , *f»a the Am« ri» an trenches at M anila, in the luswr O u rei9U u " 7and m'"«“’ " " T g Mr and Mr» C A Potterf. Prceg fto in W a S liilU fto n eave: The gent carup* with Asninald«», on the deck of tlie „ i « l i o . , . f « n . . . . . ¡O ly m p ia w ith D»wev, and in the roar of the '»p°n ,b e b i c i . y A llo y in g ’lie f’’""- M ? and Mrs W F Potterf. Mrs w o rk , ol « removing .1 the l»o lies ol ull l bsrtle at the fa ll of M anila. B o n a m a f»»r agent«. thesys'em . “ 1' „ ^ . „ g the HJTahor;Mtoses Elh* Mock, Berth. rrnmrnl w.ldiera h,irin in n fe w ix>w fwi^e«. Hl« profits, K re i/h t paid, c re d it T I , J | | 1O u n d t.r it.k iii.» given. Prop all tra-h y unofficial war b-rnks n-“ ient ,toting ..a " .« in .l-mg Bnrnetie; the M i»*' Wilcot. and Clara aeekR. The eipenne of tl»e under!am iijr Address. P T Barber, Hec’y., fitar gtilutionand *• pr„prie,ors have «• Tabor Messrs Clayton ami Charley I -pe, will lie borne entirely by the govern' Insurance Bldg., Chicago. its work. Th 1^^ , jve tl.at Mgrion Wheeler, Clarence Burnette a.nl iiH-rit. WAWTItk—RRVRRIL TRUSTWORTHY PgRROMR IW tnucl. f»"1’ in ',„„,1^.1 polls" »<>r thi< «t*te to maniur« <»nr ttwwln«*» in th e ir own Harvey Duckwortl^of Elmira. and nearby countie*. It lw ranlnlv office work a ls’tit yonr IraltiiJ D o not conducted at h o n e . Helary a tra U h t n The San Franciico Examiner and the allow scrofula Uinta to develop in year and expense*—definite, bonafide, no mnra no ieaa aalary. M onthly |;5. Reference*. Bn* . one year rear 12.50 P»id in ad- yonr blood. Take Hood'a Haraapa- _ aelf add leaned _ "U m pcd envelope, Herbert 0( Testimonial«- ^ ^ ^ T o l e . 1 0 , 0 . W est for » r cloae rilla now and keep yoanetf W IL L ,1B. 'rre,t T o i l ' s Address, k •> vance- SoldhyDrngg' e t l.« ^ , 11,11’» 1 “ •; :.«W W- H A THINK I These goods aro mostly new, bought for the Fall and Winter trade, and will bo sold without reserve. It is tho largest stock carried for many years thus giv­ ing a great variety to select irom * * * » R a n g in g in c lo th fro m $ 1 .5 0 up. C o tto n b la n k e ts a t 50c, 65c, 75c, W ool # ’ # « P lu s h ca p es fro m $ 2 .6 0 u p . 1 1.00, “ fro m 12.00 to 18.00 p e r pair; a n d 11.25 p e r |p a ir . mostly Salem m an ufacture C a lico es a t 20, 25, a n d 30 y d s ., fo r 81.00. C h ica g o L . L i . m u s lin 5c, C abot W . 0c, C abot N e w e s t s ty le s A. 7c, w ith h a lf c e n t r e d u c tio n b y th e b o lt .. Men’s and Boys’ clothing at prices that will astonish you. This is aa op­ portunity to procure your winter sup­ plies practically for| cost. Remember the place and call, iSSSSwiSSsSStiSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSSSSSSSSSSsASSi Remember we carry a general assort­ ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and Notions all CASH only. reduced. This sale for I flail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Price as if You Bought in Person. J. H. McCLUNG, eu0°reenb S cien tific A m erican. None who are engagod in any of the mechanical pursuits can succeed without reading aud studying this standard Magazino o f Sciences and mechanical Arte. It is illustratedjvith all modern cuts o f latest inventions in all the branches of mechanism, and its fund ;of knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ ventors and mechanics. Sold with T his W est at clubbing rates. THE EHSMOPHLITAN. This monthly magazine ia one of the very best printed in this country, and ir sold to all subscribers at rates within tb s ability o f all to pay. I t is finely ¡11ns tratod and presents the names o f famous authors as contributors. T hb W est and the Cosmopolitan are sold at re- daccd rates at this office. THE arena ; "We do not take poasession of onr ideas but are possessed by ths They master as and force ns into tho arena. Where like gladiators, wo mast fight for them.” Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the entire contents of this monthly magazino aro upon a plane and In keeping with its motto. Tho Arena’s gallery (of eminent thinkers is a group ot interesting men and women, nnd their thoughts are worthy the consideration ot ad people. sold with Tur Wwr. The Arcua 1s