The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, November 11, 1898, Image 2

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    T H E
W E S T .
— F D B L U N fiD f VERY
L est year was
apples »ere
— AT—
F lorrxcb ,
O regon
BV —
th e first season that
away from
Florence, Or. Nov. 11, 1898.
exten d ed to G lenada
buy the
In Met the real object
American Economl»!
Shippers report a scarcity of available
order tonnage, and as the inevitable result of
com pany is to raise the M aine ill
the scarcity, the elevation of tonnage
rates. As the ocean shipping for the ,
fall and winter has just begun, an.l large '
amounts of grain nnd cotton are to he
exported later, the rates are likely t o ,
advance further. It is reported that
postponing their ship- '
| water under high pressure, and then many houses are
pa88 tim ing under and attach them to a rnents until later in the hope of getting
framework on each side, connected with
lower rates.
a system of steel air-tight barrels. The
Such a state of affair* is not to be
gradual w inding up of these chains is wondered at so long as we depend on
neither lien or any m em le r of h iscab iu et
counted upon to raise the wreck.
foreign vessels to do our ocean carrying.
had m ade up their minds that wc should
With European vessels, European needs
take the P hilippines, and at least one of
are naturally considered first. Ameri­
them —Secretary Gage— was op{«sed to
cans must take what they can get and
our taking any of the island s; hut when
F ill a liottle or com m on glass with pay fancy prices for that. We not only
they returned to W ashington, they had
must pay our money to foreigners for our
all about m ade up their m inds that your water and let it stand twenty-four
carriage, but we have to pay them
public opinion was so strongly in favor hours; n sedim ent or settlin g indicates
than the carriage is worth. If
of Am erican ow nership of the entire an un health y condition of the kidneys;
w ith the decision of tlio m lm iuistration
will forward them in a fewr days on the to adopt this policy. It is public
opm -
new vessel.
ton. regardless of poP ti-s, th at h as
One result of th is venture is that brought it alioiit. When P resident Mc-
Ibis year several hundred dollars hav K inley started upon that western trip,
interm ediate
It is not
the governm ent would care to
No surprise was 1—It in W ashington at
that th e may lie exhibited in this
were they liked in 8au Francisco that the sem i-official announcem ent th at the
country, although nothing of the kind is
I B Oushman determ ined th is year to U 8 would dem and all the Philippine
said in its letter to thp navy depart­
sh ip apples to that place on a more e x ­ islands. It has been felt from the first
m ent. According to the request of the
ten sive scale. Accordingly he has pur­ that such would lie the u ltim ate result.
com pany, it intends to blow the mud
chased m ost of the apples su itab le for P o litic, has had little or noth in g to do I fr0In under the wrecki wUh 8(ream8 of
reported arc under consideration by the w as needed for hom e consum ption
postal departm ent.
Q uite a num ber too have young orchards
Should th e G ardincr-A lenc route be that have just com e into bearing and
people living
W a sh . I C, Oct. 31st, 1898.
a b ou t 200 boxes were sent but so well
been paid to the farmers for fruit—»
e x ­ source from w inch they have heretofore
pressed her« should the ch an ges in the derived little or no incom e, ow ing to the
w a il service lie carried ou t w hich it is dem and for fruit being lim ited to w hat
that m arket th at were for sale hero and
salvage paym ent, through condem nation
Faon oca beoclab C osareroxcxNT.
Stuslaw valley to uiarket and then only
L axe C ocntt ,
give there are m any m ore surplus
if it stains your linen it is
evidence of American enterprise were only given a
to chance, it would soon abolish this con­
kidney tio u b le ; too frequent desire
con­ dition of things. It would supply an
kidneys and exten t of available tonnage sufficient for
our needs and would put tonnage rates
pass it or pain in the back is also
vincing proof that the
bladde r are out of order.
down to tlie proper figure.
In addi­
There is com fort in the knowledge so tion to thia we would have the satisfac­
often expressed, that Dr.
K ilm er’s tion of knowing that the freight money
Sw am p-R oot, the great kidney remedy was going into American pockets to be
fulfills every w ish in curingrheuinatism , invested in other American enterprises
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and to be spent for the products of
and every part of tlie urinary passages. American labor. A system of discrim­
It corrects in ab ility to bold water and inating duties would give to American
scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects shipping tlie chance needed—the same
following use of liquor, w ine or beer, chance that a protective tariff lias given
and overcom es that unpleasant necessity to other industries.
W ith Season ab le Goods, a n d a s u s u a l of
produced on the river this year than
along the route more direct anil speedy ever before.
Philippine group, as the on ly logical
com m unication with G lenada, Florence
If the business of sh ip ping apples to crowning of D ew ey’s great victory in
and all points betw een there and E u ­ San Francisco is continued a dem and
M anila hay, that no other poliey would
gene on the ea st and Yaquina on the for them will spring up. Being very
do. W hat they heard later at P hiladel­
north. If th is route he exten ded and fine flavored and juicy their freedom
phia, clinched their opinion, and our
th e beach route discontinued, th at will from scab and m oths which injure fruit
peace com m issioners at P aris were
m ake 1» necessary to send all m ail be in other places will give them the pref­
accordingly instructed to m ake that
tw een those places by way of Alene erence in m arket over fruit from other
dem and. So m uch for the a lo p tio n of
w hich will greatly increase the am ount parts of the country.
the policy.
o f m atter over th at lin e. T his would
W hile it is certain tliat th e policy of
work n great inconvenience as the road
American ow nership e P h ilipp ines
is rough and it would he very di'lflcult
will lie popular, it rem ains to be ascer­
to carry heavy m ail over it.
Tho follow ing article appeared in a
tained w hether the m ethod of obtainin g
In regard to th e E ugene-Florence late num ber of the Morgan W eekly
that ow nership will m eet w ith such
m ail wo are inform ed that the postal N ew s printed nt M organ, T exas. T ..e
approval. It m ust be under­
inspector who passed over the route truths contained in it apply so well to
recen tly .a h i that the departm ent , would j , 0 th e needs of all parts of the country stood to start with that no official an­
* * *
first class q u a lity .
“ OLF A IM :”
F irst C lass A rticles a t M ost
to Sell
R eason ab le
We carry no shop-worn, or
Auction Goods of any kind.
Some of the latest arrivals
are Hats and Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Oiled C lothing and
Rubber Goods, Hardware.
Crockery and Glassware, Dry
Coods, and Fancy Articles,
which must be seen to be
of being com pelled to go often during
pay for that we copy it for the benefit of our nouncem ent has been m ade concerning the day, and to get lip m any tim es dur­
that m ethod, but that enough has been
carrying a daily mail over that line. r ea d ers:
Elmer Johnson and wife have moved
ing the n igh t. T he m ild and extra­
said by those who ought to know to
T h is sounds very strange when we take
ordinary effect of Sw am p-Root is soon to Acme.
“ A higher idea ot political respon­
in to consideration tho fact that the d e­ sib ility is needed in our la n d ; a purer cause it to lie believed that the consent realized. It stands tlie high est for its
W T Carle’s family move to Glenada
of Spain will lie obtained eith er by a
n ext week.
partm ent advertised for bids and let n notion of political service is required by
wonderful cures of the m ost distressing
direct paym ent of m oney to Spain, or by
E C Knowles was in town a couple of
contract for carrj ing a duily m ail over our civil in stitu tion s. W hat is de­
cases. If you need a m edicine you
the assu m p tion of about $40,000,000 of
days the first of the week.
th a t route for four rears com m encing m anded today is an education in the
should have tlie best. A t druggists
M iss H attie Davis went to Eugene a
J u ly 1st, 1898. Perhaps if the K entucky du ties of citizenship—an enligh ten m en t Sp anish bonds, issued for im provem ents fifty cents or one dollar.
few days ago for a short visit.
in th e P h ilip p in es. A t first glance,
gentlem an who obtained th e contract upon th e principles and purposes of
You may have a sam ple bottle and a
In Dress Goods and Dress
Full line of Ladies, Gents
Miss Patterson is expected to arrive
there w ill naturally be opposition to the
for carrying betw een Eugene and Maple­ govern m en t.
book that tells m ore about it, both sen:
today’s stage from Eugene.
Trimming, can be found % and Children’s underwear. |
U 8 paying »40,000,000 or any other
ton did not seem likely to lose by it
absolutely free by m ail, if you send your
"There is cu e vocation growing up
W H Spntigli was a passenger to Flor­
Serges, Cashmeres, Henrietta,
I„ Fancy Articles can ho |
sum , for undisputed possession of ter­
u n less he is relcnsed from Ida contract, in our country w hich is an industry
address to Dr. K ilm er & Co., Bingham ­ ence on the Marguerite Monday.
ritory, w hich had already been conquer­
w e should not bear anyth in g about the that m ust not lie encouraged—the pro­
Ladies Cloth, Suitings Water-
found Fascinators, Child’s $
\\ m Johnson the Toledo artist was in
ton, N Y . W hen writing bo sure and
ed by force of arm s. But m any will
lack of m oney to pay for it. W hy not fessional politician’s trade. A republic
m ention that you read th is generous town a day or two the first of this week.
doubtless accept the argum ent th at the
hold him to his agreem ent the sam e as needs no standing arm y of office seekers
W Nichols of Meadow and Mr Good-
offer in T he W est ,
Philippine bonds, w hich were not, as
pasture were passengers to Florence on
h e would a sub-contractor and com pel ami political bum s to guard its national
Trimmings to match in
KUCHINGS, the latest, Bob-
llie Cuban bonds, issued to m ake war
tlie Marguerite Wednesday.
him eith er to carry the m ail or forfeit honor. W e w ant first, every
man in ! against the natives of tho islands, but REVIVAL OF AMERICAN SHIPBUIDING.
A Mr Thurman from California ar­
Gimps, Velvets, Silks, Satins
hinet, Hosiery, Ladies’ and
hia Ix>nd7
the nation educated in a knowledge o f , for , he plIrpo8e o{ ptlblit.
rived here Sunday. He is a relative of »
In m any parts of the country and our free institution s and in hia rights
Scientific American:
Mrs L V Stingley and Mrs John Powell. *
ETC., in all Shades.
Gents’ Neckwear ETC.
should lie considered a lien on the isl­
•v e n som e places in Oregon th e govern- and du ties as a citizen , and then we
U nless the present signs are m islead­
W E Warren and family left Saturday
w e n t Is paying for free delivery of m ail * want th e p ith from every m an ’s door to
ing, tho war w itli Spain is likely to start, on their way to Belfast, Washington,
it would be an injustice, discreditable to
in rural districts. T h is was tried at the ballot box clear and unobstructed.
if it lias not already started, that, revi­ where they expect to join a co-operative
first at an exp erim en t, but so tar from So on ly can a freem an's rights be a great country like th e U S to take the val of Am erican shipbuilding for which colony at Equality.
islands from Spain nnd leave that
W W Neely and wife arrived at Seaton
aban don in g it, (lie free delivery service preserved.
we have all looked so an xiou sly, and
W ednesday after spending two weeks
to pay indebtedness incurred
has been exten d ed . It is probable that
" W h at is an ignornnt ballot worth to
at Eugene where Mr Neely was doing
for public im provem ents on th em . The
in proportion to the cx|>ense and num ­ th is nation? W hat is a vote that is
year, appeared to bo farther off than jury duty in the circuit court.
ber of people accom m odated thorn are influenced by power, by greed, by v ice,
ever. The creation of an auxiliary fleet
Mr Ellerby and son Janies who assist­
few placet in tho country w here that worth to a republic? It is a dagger in ns soon as it becom es absolutely certain led to the purchase of a large num ber of ed in calking tlie new vessel, having
service gives as satisfactory returns as its lm d y; it is an arrow in its flesh; it is upon what term s we are to acquire the the vessels engaged in our coastwise finished here, left on Barrett’s stage
does tho daily m ail betw een E ugene and a bullet fired at its heart. W hen the P hilipp ines.
and W est Indian trade. Several of Monday for their home at Marshfield.
Mrs H owe, Mrs Carnes, Addie Mills,
Florence. Now, we ask w hether all doors of our country were opened to the
these have been converted in to such
Nelson H ew it, Riley Mills nnd several
principles of justice and fairness to tlie world anil (lie oppressed of other lands and dem ocratic congressional com m it­ valuable
au xiliary cruisers that the
others whose names we did not learn
people of tlie country do not dem and invited here, w here no tyrant ruled tees in W ashington, tlie claim s are governm ent lias decided to keep them
spent last Sunday on the ocean beach.
th a t the mail service from E ugene to , and w here freedom was every m an's about equal as to which party will elect perm anently in th e service. As a con­
Mrs J A Bean started Monday fora
F lorence Iw kept up to w hat it is at privilege, it was intended to in vite only a m ajority of the n e x t bouse, but the sequence, the transportation com panies visit with her eons residing at Salem
opinion outside is tlint the republicans have given orders for new ship3 to take and Portland, Ore., and Ellensburg,’
present, rather lim n th at free delivery those w ho sym pathised with our politi
service be extended : or if necessary to cal purposes. Our doors were opened will retain control of the house by
their place, and it is very gratifyin g to W ash ., also her daughter at Grav’s
reduce tlie expenses of tho postal de­ to friends, not to foes; to those who reduced m ajority. Som e dem ocrats say note that, w hereas m any of th e original Harbor.
W in Rowan who has been working at
partm ent, that it lie the free delivery loved lilierty, not to llioso w ho would they would prefer that the house should vessels were bu ilt abroad, the new ships
Arngo Coquille, Portland, Corvallis and
rather than the star route service t h a t , assassinate it; to men and wom en who
are now being constructed in American other places in the past year, returned
party carried it, th ey would have to yards.
ia e a t down ?
N o better indication could be to Florence a few .lays ago and is em-
| longed for tho blessings of an e n lig h ten ­
share in th e responsibility of the adm in desired of tlie approach of tlie d ay when ployed at the ship yard.
ed governm ent, not to th o se w ho w ere
¡strution, in inaugurating the exp eri­ not only flrst-class liners, like th e “ St
Charles Sherbondy went to Gardiner
incapable of appreciating such a govern­
m ent of a colonial policy, to take the L ouis” nnd "St P an!” but th e cheaper
m ent, anil hence of enjoying it.
American Eeonom l,t
responsibility of ham pering th at policy, vessels of the " tram p’’ class, can be con­
W e, as a people, aro suffering today
Som e paper* (E n g lish , you know ) are
ami that tlie;- would prefer doing neither structed in Am erican yards as cheaply poison in one hand so that it was
from im ported ignorance and im ported
feared am putation would have
saying we cannot lia«o both expang on
to b.
during the n e x t tw o years. If that as they can in Belfast or on tlie Clvde.
aad protection; that the two are thor­
sen tim en t e x ists to an y e x te n t am ong
■ lias lieen lowered by conferring its
ough ly incom patible, and that the one
the voters of the party, there is no
! privileges upon persons w ho have n o
inust be destroyed by th e other.
doubt of (be result of the election.
J " ‘J«” » « "I the State of Oregon v s '
[ adequate conception of their im portance.
A ny idiot who really beliovea this
C ap ital Journal:
Jeff H arney for manslaughter, which:
'I e m ust adopt som e m eans to protect
assertion would find him sell unablo to
W e do not agree w ith ex-G overnor was tried in the circuit court at Eugene
i lilierty in this land. W e m ust not arm W ashington, are G ens. M iles, W heeler,
cu ltivate purchased land or m ove his
A ltgeld that th e great peace jubilee, at List Friday the defendant was acquitted.
: ignorance w ith the power to overthrow Lee and Lawton, of tlie arm y, nnd Capt.
line lence to em loso it.
Robley D Evans and L ieu t. H obson , of I Chic"‘,' ° wag ior
««Let. That , The trial was the outcome of an Indian
¡row at Florence which resulted j„ the!
| intelligen ce, nor give tyranny tlie right
the navy. T lie latter officer is h e r e to charge is ea sily m ade, and could be
I t srxMs to ns that when a man ow ns to suppress freedom
"n Be,1,iett n a "'«y l»st J - W - CARM AN
report to a hoard ol tho chiefs of bureaus m ade at any tim e, w hether the jubilee August.
a rancli on which |<erhaps he has lived
was before or niter election .
of , M J na<Isell vs J A I
for years and endured m any hardshi|ie
T he O hroon state university will of tlie navy departm ent, on his work
v. The
, suit
T he adm inistration has a righ t to feel McLeod foreclosure of lieu, was contin-1
to im prove . he land and m ake a hom e I mark tlie celebration of tlie fortieth
proud of its achievem en ts. The U nited
statehood by preparing a history lioard will decide w hether th e work
for him self and hia fam ily, he should ! )'oar
E ll* r t K Benedict vs Siuslnw Timber 1
States, in one hundred days, organized
consider well the im portance of the stop of the com m onw ealth, to lie distributed
j - ^ B o o n n n g Co, confirmation;
arm ed, equipped and provided transpor­
before lie abandons hia location and fr<,e I« all schools. The idea com m ends in succes.- in raising the sh ip s is not
tation for an arm y of over n quarter of J
m oves his fam ily to a new place to ,
The last jury trial was concluded S a t-|
f "* b ein g worthy of lieing adopted
m illion m en, conducted cam paigns ■>rda, afternoon and the juror, were
unit* w ith any co-operative colony. throughout th e union. Im partial an­ j if public sen tim en t is consu lted, they
separated by ten thousand m ile s of land ’ discharged.
Ruch ventures have (ailed too often for nals of our state would point out the will not stop H oliaon's work, on account
water, hum iliated and destroyed
a m an to risk too m uch in joining such m istake« of governm ent, and, by in­ of its cost, if there is any certain ty of
y w herever m et, and th is with
set,ernes w hile hum an nature rem ains , forming the m inds of the young, lead in his succeeding in snving th e sh ip s.
loss from all causes o l but a
w h at it ia at preaent. The theory of ’ im e to th e purification of th e politics Those ships would, in the eyes of m ost
people, tie worth more than new on es little over one per cen t of th e num ber.
co-operation is all right hut in practice
the country.— New Fort H erald
Breaks Down the Health of an
W hy should not the adm inistration
would cost, as object lessons in the
th ere ia too m uch friction developed for i
— —
Oregon Man
get th e benefit and credit an.l enjoy the
colon ies founded on th at plan to lie
S tock wav aiiovLn m ake a note of this patriotism , bravery and m arksm anship
popularity of a successful foreign war? Whet a Few B o ttle s o f H o o d ’s
p erm anently eucceseful.
. fact. T he state law m akes it com pulso­
S a r s a p a rilla Old fo r H im .
be saved, neither cost nor jealousy of It m ust shoulder th e responsibility
ry to record both brand and mark used
" O u r home Is In Clark county, W u h -
T sa n a is an effort being m ade by
and let it have tlie g lo r y .
, lugton.
little boy was tak-n wltt.
i by owner* to .lesignatc stock. No mark H obson should be allow ed to stand in
Oregon sp ortsm en to introduce the E n g­
If Mr Bryan had been president and “ «hma when sjily tw o yesrs old and
tlie wav.
or brand can lie used as proof of owner-I
lish or grey partridge in to Oregon next
brought the war to a successful oonclu- 1
T onM’. “.nU.*
w»’ fl’ ». when the
A tsth
c u r l,u ae s request has been
sh ip in tlie court* ot the state unless it
er cnrG
sion. would he not have talked a little ? j
‘^ ’¿ ' 7 , ^ ^
season . Let the goo, I work go on. Oregon
^ k ç e p in 'ï
, is re,or,le,l in the county clerk ’s office. n,!M,oof th* navy ’h’partm ent by the
The American people won the victory w b i*« «»Ids of Eastern Oregon and i T k
n as as fine gam e bird* as are to be
Therefore a man may go Io the clerk’s
In harvest, but I soon found my
foetid on top of th e ea rth , hut a new
cisco. This com pany w ants to raise the over Spain, but they did it through the health was falling. I could neither eat
an.l finding certain m arks and
variety w ill on ly serve to put another
battfeehip M aine, and bring her lo the
nor d rin k without getting ,iek I . . .
-n d dUsy. I p r o c X d . U u “
brands not upon rernrd, he may go up. U S, claim ing to have a m ethod by
" fe a th e r" In lier cap.— Keyiiier.
u ot allow m oney
In fact, if there is anything you require
that a merchant can supply, call on
Y o u r s T r-c tly
0. W. HURD. I
C A R M A N ’S
Drv Coods, ★ Groceries
★ and ★ Notions.
’J ust Opened.
Coods as Reoresented.
¿ à .' t h i s * #
Change j f Climate
s o u r iT t r s s
wynTio K rs s w a c s t
----- -------
on the range and appropriate all stock
ol «he f h lllp p ln e ." by M
which the work can lie accom plished. Habttw.1 ,-omnil»tone<l
lot the Governm ent e-
T u a E itobms D aily R egister suspended such unrecorded brand
the W ar beportinent. ¡'he
»ml asks nothing more of th e govern- b.«.k u.i» w ritten In »rm
v camp» a i San Fran
p n b lira tio a last w eek . T h e w eekly w ill ( , , oir „„ "kin k -e a r s." -C « o s If,.y .Ve«,.
rl»ro . on the Paclffr w ith General M e rrill, In
m ent than permia»ion to do the work Ihe
hospitals at H ono lu lu , in lio n s K niix. in
be continued as heretofore.
erican Irenehes at M anila, in the ln«nr-
at its own expensv. The com pany cenl A i m
ani|«. w ith Axulnaldo. on U,e deck of the
W intso — s tv R R v i TavaTw -.isrnt m a w ,« , •«
T a a D sw av is the latest venture ia l l . i o l a l e |.< mana«« our hn«« In il.P irn n n states in its request tliat if tlie g o v e r n -1 O ly m p ia w ilh h e w e r, and in the roar of the
* » * f" ,* " ,
Beownsw for » c m .
and rto *o nm iie*. I I N n is ln lr .<m,-e wmk
journn.lsih in Southern O regon. It is u con,In -10,1 at home Salary Mirslvht ^.,»1 n m ent w ishes tlie sh ip after it lias been Ilrim tu t of o n rin a l plr lui«» taken by in v e n t
tw o colum n am ateur p u h lisl.e l a tftr a u ts
Paa* by G alvin
A C ru tch field .
y c s rs n .l expenar»— .l.a n lly , bnimh.le. no more
no H w -«Is ry
M onthly , a. Kefynnicee. Enl
close «»If sdnresswt alnnipct rnyeloM ', llc r b .n
j K. Ussa, l ‘rv»t„ Dvpi. .»I. v tl« « < o .
s .te ly Iwmight to some U 8 harbor, th a t
•t will noi ask
m ent phottwm t.her on the »pot. I a r r e book
profit*. * . . * . L eifhl
« h t m id Credit
f i r m . I»n>p « li trw»hr qiki •flt< i«l w«r h*H»kw
U n irti irre AiMrvna, K I Harber,
Iiu u ra itc r H ld f v h k A < o .
Hood a Swracparilta and began taking it
and In a few week. I w u well and able to
Z k t n / T ^ a - “ 7 " UIe b° 5' *’
taking H o o g , ftsrs.partli. wf.h good
resuLs." D. P k T T rr. W, Oregon
Hood’s ’•p
p a S
I,, ,fc., Ih, ( T n M > P u r t - -
801,1 b* 1,11 dnim « a . f t : six far
I . the t w „
5f;y<imt)ill ¿t-,,
A boose and lot in G lena,],.
boose is 16 by 24 fppj , nj
srrancem en«« by
°n e story and j which we ■e m ade
• ball in bright. Also
w ill furnish th e W eekly
P**"''**. For
H ood’s PUH ’by»*
r-rr. patitTr
«««* bruixju.
/ " i n i r e a t tb l,
* « b o d * o o d .h e d [o ^ g .,n i.n
f„r, | 13f
w ith th e W imt for o n s
Particulars to anv address for th e se n , of tw o
»r», payable cash j n advance.