THE W EST Á Y O U R H O H E PAPER h SUPPO RT IT [ ¿ 3 Î A D V E R T IS E R S |. SIUSLAW’S OHLY PAPIÉ. '5 * , ¿ 1 a . a zÙ VOL. IX . TRAVELFRS’ guide . S T E A M ER STATE O FFIC ERS c > j j . Wolveiton lud«, Second District. J- W. Hamilton Prosecuting A tto rn ey .. -Geo. M. Brown A Tone« Vocalist W h o Q a le k ly Took P ru m lo en t Place. S T A G E L IN E . T R IP S N ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ days and Frill a vs. Arrives at Florence T lesdnys Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts-| burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Line »or Coos Bay. Charges reasonable. It COUNTY O FFIC ERS fudge................... A POPULAR SINGER. m in k ," C 3 - J L R 3 3 I 3 S T E K . ! Will make.------ o Florence anil Heail of Tifie. J ; TRAVELERS’ GUIDE <1 o — — ----------F «-------- .— — i ---- - , „ ............. . .William P. Lord. R E G U L A R D A I L Y Ïwury-Di 6 ‘« te ............. »<• R- Kincaid, ■ ilei ween ................................. . . .^hilip Metchen J,1Bt PuWio Instruction. ,.G . M. Irwin. . Printer ............--W. H- I'eeda fiU ‘ v General........... G . M. Idleman. Attorney G en eral.................r g Supreme Gou NO. tR. FLO R ENC E, OREGON, F R ID A Y , N ov. 11, 1893. G E N E R A L directory EUGENE-FLORENCE u N E. O. Potter. STAGE LINE. * E. B an gs, | S P ullm an D U LU TH Constable.............................. » • A- Evana , FARCO TO C R A N D FO R K S C R O O K S TO N CITY OFFICERS. W IN N IP E G H E L E N A and 're.ident............ Every cough makes your throat more raw and i r r i t a b l e . Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, and you will find it in W. H. Weatberson BUTTE a One of the greatest honor« of the Trausmississippi exposition at Omaha was uocorded to Miss Aunn V. Metcalfe, who was selected as one of the two solo- ists for the opening coucert, Mr. Charles Clark, baritone, being the other. Of Miss Metcalfe tho St. Louis Globe-Dem­ ocrat says: Miss Metcalfe camo to St. Louis a few months ago to accept the position of soprano in the choir of the Second Baptist church. There has been scarce­ ly a week since her arrival in SL Louis that she has not been asked to sing in some other city, and she has just return­ ed from giving a recital at Cairo, Ills., whjre she also sung before the Alexan­ der club of that town. She was one of tho soloists nt tho recent Moberly (Mo.) music festival and sang at the last con- I WE LEAD IN Dry Goods Fancy Goods Furnishing Goods Clothing g Shoes I f Proprietor. Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. .E. U. Lee Clerk.... Sleeping Cars m. arriving at Florence the day .. W. W . Withers following at 10 a. ni. Sheriff ■ E leg an t .. .A. S. Patterson rressnrer Returning-stage leaves Flor­ D ining Cars , . . ,D. P. Burton t («essor ence on Mondays, Wednesdays :hool Superintendent---- W. M. Miller T o u ris t Sleeping Cars and Fridays at 2 p. m., arriving ,C. M. Collier iurveyor. in Eugene the following day at S T. P A U L Coroner............................ .... P. Cheshire ; . j ------------------------ M IN N E A P O L IS G p. in. lustice of Peace............. -c - II. Holden h . ( ..........\V. T. .. Bailey Commissioners r ........ D. f Edwards 4 O P P O R T U N IT Y 4 5 Single fare - - _ - $5.00 Round trip - - - - $0.00 Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ ! livery barn, Eugene, and at O. AV., Hurd’s office in Florence. WE DEFY C O M PETITIO N . ---------------------------- — -— From the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling in the throat ceases; the spasm weak­ ens; the cough disap­ pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con­ sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pec­ toral Plaster should be over the lu n js of every per­ son troubled with a cough. Willamette St., R E SPE C T FU L L Y u X .'o ™ . J. V. KAUFFMAN. B ra va A ih a rteaa W om an. American women are showing in every way possible their patriotism and plnck, and while a great deal of the enthusiasm finds vent iu belts and hat­ bands those women who have been call­ ed upon for graver proof of their loyalty have in most cases given It unhesitat­ ingly. It takes more courage for a mother to send her son to tho front than for the son to go, and the wives aud sweethearts of the men who are with the fleet in Cuban waters are hav­ ing a worse time than the sailors, who are wild with excitement and longing to follow Dewey aud Hobson and make a bit of history themselves. But American women have never been found lacking in patriotism, brav­ ery and capacity for self sacrifice. Very few of them have been celebrated, but scattered through our history from early colonial times down to today there are records of brave deeds that show the American spirit of bravery and inde­ pendence to belong aj much to the wo­ men aa to the men.—New York Bun. DESCENT OF LOVE. ------------ man e'er had oxporientw tiks thts — 1 Hath ,For poet« stns a lore which children n x M . And hllse of love therein Is laughing stock. I 1 Their silly wonts make creed fa» CMaasn men I » Our llfo lisd long been dreetny holiday T ill whoa one oven on the bleak highway, I Ifitss ANNA V. MKTCAI.FR. cert of tho Tuesday mnsicale in this I told her that 1 loved her, snd she left city. She has appeared at various other Her «oul upon my lips, and thus we staid loard of Trustees Bereft of earth, and then—oh, strangel—w * concerts, and so marked is her ability fled that although she has been in the city for so short a time she has been engaged Down the btonk highway 1111 the p la e r t faar Write to the Doctor. . .John II. Morris W A S H IN G T O N lecorder............... as vocal teacher at Forest Park universi­ Had closed hi« wing« snd left from following. Of The Unusual opportunities and long e x ­ Ho hers, w ithin sound of her sweet singing, ........J. A. Pond P H IL A D E L P H IA ty for tho coming season to succeed perience e m n e n tir Qualify u» for freasurer........... clvinq you medical advice. Write Miss F-aline Watson, wlioso marriage ENGLISH LANGUAGE This summer’» day I fsthoni that dread ttaas I freely all Hie particular* In x«»ur e«**e. . .G. C. Cuinpton N E W Y O R K darshal................. Tell us whet your t hna takes place the lust of this mouth. And liken It— how op some desert peak been with our Cherry PuctMMl. Y«»’$ B O S TO N A N D A L L Bublline went snoion* men and heard Ood span* The talented young singer is well w ill receive a prompt reply, without COM PLETE equipped for her profession. Her voice, “ **• Addre... DR. J- C AYKK P O IN T S E A S T «'"I S O U T H And won his law. But onoo they went, n o m « e ! B lx>w«,l..Maw. which is natnrully strong and sympa­ S E C R E T S O C IE T IE S . —• Yes, though Ood’s dreams ran burning la their S U C C IE N T Fnr Information, time cards, maps and tickets bruin. thetic, has been trained by several They hurried to the ways of humble men, | etc., call on or wiite years’ study under the best masters A U T H O R IT A T IV E N or prayod of him to visit them »gninl both in this country and abroad. She is —A. Boyd Bcott In Blech sad Whits, j R. M c M urphey , F. & A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. Cheaterneld Superficiality. a native of Iowa, but from childhood Regular somntniucation on second General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, Chesterfield’s idea of excellence was lived in southern California. 301,865 Vocabulary Term« M A Y B E T H E M IS S IN G L IN K . EUGENE, OREGON. ad fourth Saturdays in each month. After singing successfully in churches essentially superficial, for his praise of 147 Editors and Specialists O. W. H urd , W. M. iu this .•onntry, Miss Metcalfe went solid uoqmrement and genuine priucl- ( A. D. CHA RLTO N , T h e * M ysterious and Useless O rffa a e f 533 Readers for Quotations .G. K notts , Secretary. pie is always coupled with the assertion . abroad to study under Vanlui, in Flor­ M an. th e V e rm ifo rm A p p ead ls. Assistant General Passenaer Agent. 5000 Illustrations of their entire inutility if unaccompa­ ence, Ituly. This eminent teacher was 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. A distinguished paleontologist claims F lu ffy B a ir. nied by grace, external polish and an i much pleased with her tulcut aud se­ P o r t l a n d O r . Cos', over $960,000 to have discovered facts serving to show " I'll toll yon a secret, ” said the girl, that the vermiform appendix, that mys­ agreeable manifestation. Ho omits all cured her tho exceptional opportunity Appendix of 47,468 Entries A. It. General Lyons Post, No. 58 consideration of their intrinsic worth , of singing at a distinguished concert of “ and it is one that is worth while. It is teriously useless organ that hrs annoyed a meets second and fourth Saturdays and absolute dignity; their value to the classical music given by the most aris­ a disoovery I made myself, and is real­ the human family so much of late each month at 1:30 p, m. individual, according to him, is wholly ! tocratic families of Florence, fit the Pal­ ly worth knowing. You kuow how hard years, is no more nor leas than tha rudi­ The full number of words and terms hi J. I. B uttebfiki . p , Commander. proportioned to his skill in using them I ace Amnri. Ladies of foremost rank in it is to keep your hair in curl iu sum- l mentary remnant of tho gizxnrd w ith . ..J . c. F L IN T , Proprietor different dictionaries for the entire alphabet Is J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. in a social form. , the Italian nobility were patronesses nt mer and how it w ill get stringy and which he believes the monstrous pro­ os follows: 8- obmonth , 50,000; W obciiestsr Iu one of his earlier letters to Philip this concert, and a long lino of successes sticky in spite of everything. You should genitors of men of tho tertiary period F lo r e n o e , O r e g o n 105,000; W ebster (International), 125,000, tKN- Stanhope ho writes: “ What an advan­ followed r.’iss Metcalfe’s appearance not give your bead a thorough shampoo of tho earth’s existence were supplied. TURV, (Six (six volumes. complete,) 225,000: tage has a graceful speaker with gen­ there. She then went to London and too often, for that fuin s the hair, besides Bomo of these giguutio creatures, lixarda . , 1 TORY, vu iu i.iv .. 0. U. W. Pernetua Lodge, No. 131, m aking'it unmanageable. BtilL you studied under Georg Heuschel and W il­ teel motions, a handsome figure, over OUR AIM— To furnish the be STANDAttD,over 300,0««»; iu form, birds in kind, animals In some i meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays ono who shall speak full as much good liam Shakespere, taking special lessons must have tho hair around your face functions, are believed to have devel­ at reasouabe eli month. Member« and visttiii), accommodations fluffy. Well, thia is what I do: 1 do my sense, but who is destituto of theso or­ in oratorio singing from Signor Rau- oped by the gradual stages described by Bttiren in good standing are cordialiy .Sample Tages Free. hair in curl pu|>ers. I don't like to, but the supporters of the theory of evolu­ naments. In business how prevalent are d e g g e r . _______________ _ vited to attend. J. J. A nderson , M. W. prices. that is the bent way, 1 find, and the tion Into tho semblance of * human be­ the graces, how detrimental is the want A n U u fa lr Condition. x. K yle , Recorder. quickest. Well, when I put my hair up of them! If you should not acquire The University of Rochester has re­ nt night, 1 juiit dissolve a little borax ing. manners* all the rest w ill he of little solved to open its doors to women, tho If the bird form be the original of the AGENTS W A N T E D . 0. 0. F. Heceta Lodge No. I ll .meets use to you. By manners I mean engag­ policy to take effect when the women of in the water, wet tho hair that 1 am go­ human race, It is reasonable to believe evefv Wednesday evening in Lodge ing to put up, taking care not to have it ing, insinuating, shining manners, a Rochester raise $100,000 for the use of that it may have been supplied w ith a w . W . NEELY, Prop’r. »11, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in distinguished politeness, an almost ir­ the university. Rochester papers report too wet, aud the result Is light, dry gizzard, which in the bird of modern ml standing invited to attend. that w ill warrant the curl time poasesaes a definite and important E. D. BRONSON & CO, resistible address, a superior graceful­ Miss Anthony as saying that the one fluffiuoss Tables furnished witli all the T homas J. B obs », N .G . ness iu all you say and do. ” He would blot on her city Is removed, and she is staying iu longer than by any other function in tho digestion of the food. C has . H. V abdbbburo , Sec. Pacific Coast Agents delicacies of the season. Wild have manners overlay individuality and as happy us if another state had been method. Just try it uud see If you don’t The bird having co teeth the food is in goes so far as to declare that a soldier carried for woman suffrage. Tho condi­ think so."—Exchange. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. msny cases swallowed whole. Some game, fish and fruit in season. Best is a brute, a scholar, a pedant aud a tion attached to tho concession, how­ birds can crush the food with their M rs. E d w a rd B allam F . 933 Market St. philosopher, a cynic without good breed- CHURCH DIRECTORY beaks, but normally the digestion is accomodations for the traveling ever, prevents The Tribune from feel­ Conchology is Mrs. Edward Bella­ iug.—Gentleman’s Magazine. permitted largely through the agency of ing very hilarious over it. Unless the m my a fad, aud her favorite "fancy work" parBNol Monkey». public. Charges reasonable. University of Rochester is vet^differ- { darning stockings. The Bellamys tho gizzard, where the food is ground A F o rm er C h in e e F tM t. :ESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, •'Girin," “ ‘d the girl who is «aid to into fine particloa The interior coating out from all other universities women Dregon. Sabbath service; Sabbalh- wear the prettiest clothe* of any girl in It consisted chiefly of old junks which have already contributed their fair have spent their summers at Noyoa of this organ is rough and muscular. Beach for several years, aud Mrs. Bel­ ool, 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 New York, " wbutdo yon tbiux 1 have? had not been in the water for more than Many birds swallow, as far an the gis- o:k a. 111. and 7 p. in. Sacrament o A parnsnl with tho most artistic canted 80 years. During this lengthened period share and ought not to have to buy the lamy devotes much time to gathering zard, small pebbles that aid tho prooesa educational privileges which should be­ and arranging seashella A basket of I Lord's Hupper on 1st S u l i b a t l i 0 ivorv monkey you ever saw for a han­ the sea had receded, uud the laud had equally to the sons anti daughters shells and a tray holding brushes and | | of attrition Thus if the latest theory nary, April, July and October, dle anti an army of little monkey», lit­ formed to the extent of more than a long of tho city aud stato.— Woman's Trib­ mucilage, with sponge, cup and scissors be correct a curious paradox is present­ ¡rybodv is welcome to all the services, tle dears, also carved ivory, one on mile, the consequence being that these tor re piests Christians to make Tw entv-three _______________ ui>on the tublo before her, are the tools ed. Whereas in the Leginniug. as now, every parasol tip. If 1 don’t break some ancient vessels were high and dry, their une. msebei known. _ M iles W est with which she works, aud a uatural tho gizzard performed Its functions T h e M a in . F l a * P o l., one’s heart this summer despite the masts, sails and gear had rotted away I. G. K notts , Pastor. satisfactorily when supplied w ith of Eugene. war, it won’t Le the fault of my para­ from tho long exposure to the gnu aud There is a Now York woman artist history is always within reach. Thus most indigestible subatnnees, its rudiment many hours are happily spent iu classi­ rain, the paint bad peeled from their living iu Brooklyn who expects to he that now remains in the human struc­ sol-" ______ _________ sides, and, lit some cases, the very the envy of the neighliorhood before fying, labeling and arranging rare ture becomes a centicr of dangerous con­ She roeed For the Oueen. shells. Mrs. Bellamy is au accomplish­ planking bad been stolen for firewood. long. She is about to into posses­ atto r n eys Miss Solly, Who recently «H«1 ‘n —‘‘Pioneering In Formosa,” by W. A. sion of something for which relic seek­ ed housewife, looking w ell to tlie ways ditions os soon aa any foreign subRtanoe, aud especially any bard matter, is de­ Philadelphia at the advanced ago of 8d, ers would give—in extravagant phrase­ of her hou; ehold, title is 16 years her posited in it. ha.l the honor of posing for Queen \ io- Pickering. _______________ ology—their eyes. It is a flag pole from late husba id's junior and is compara­ One of the marvels of nnatomy for A. C. WOODCOCK, Moved N loe M illio n FonntU. toria. She wore the royal robes and tively a young woman, not being 86 years the Maine. In duo lime there is to bo a jewels for many days while her father American engineers have just per­ flag raising nt the artist’s bouse, to old yet. Her two children are Marion some years has been this strange sac In the upper intestines, apparently w ith­ tainted the famous coronation portrait formed a feat at Bismarck, N. D., which no ono w ill be invited, lint tho and Paul. out tho least function iu the digestive queen, the queen only P<>*mg which has never before been equaled. neighbors will Ito allowed to bs»k on of the enough F a r Aohool fin p a rln taa d au *. system aud capnbl» cf being removed, for the puiutmg of the It took them au entire year to make O re g o n Money Saved long with admiring envy. gen .« Miss Mary Neabit of Charleston, Ilia., I without affecting the health of the pa­ J UP The queen presented her with her their preparations, and when all wus "B ut," ua tho artist says, "there face. r-Ro.,m« 7 and 8 McLnren’» ! ready they moved a pier of the Northern isn't half tho satisfaction in it, for has just been nominated for superin­ tient save to a favorable degree. Re­ autograph tuid a silver metU- By ial attention given to cullcclloii’t anu p Pacific railway bridge, weighing 9,000,- there w ill be no placard on it, and the tendent of schools by the Democrats of ! searches have rsvisalod ninny traces of business. Patronizing it- She Levee Birds. 000 pounds, about four feet in a few laissersby will never know that it isn't Oolcs county—the first woman ever such rudimeuts 'in tho human system. One of the hobbies of Sirs. Piinl Kro­ minutes. Darwin's studies brought lo light many just nn ordinary flagstuff such as thvy nominated tor tho position iu that coun­ resemblances between iiiau anti the ger bus been discoveretL She has for ty. Hhc wus u Coles county girl, her fa­ E. O POTTER. could buy themselves at a department Prop. The allowance of the lord mayor of .ru ixHiii kuowu as “ tbo friend of ther having been tor many year« a lower orders. It tuny now be that tbo Geo. Hale ________________ birds " and some days ago she took the Loudon, up to the mayoralty of Sir Sid store. ” prominent teacher iu the public schools despised vermiform appti dix will 1» ...........Attorney-at-Law KlewBtlnff. there. Miss Neabit's whole Lfe has been exploited as tbo real "missing link" Htorty of recommending to the cornmt - uey Wutcrlow in I «7« was $40,000 uu- EUGENE, OREGON. »rrn.nrinK for the statue of Presi­ nually, but it was increased iu th«t Miss Emilie Wagner of Baltimore, devoted to scbixil work, though her ac­ , binding muu to the past moa, when Ilfs NOTARIES. dent Panl^ Kroger that the hat which year to $50,000, at which sum it bas formerly a student at the Peubody Con­ tual experience as u tent her covers only assumed many forms that aro today un- a—»'Fries At the Court House. will surmotmt the figure should be corn ever since remained. servatory and a graduate of the Wom­ four years. After leaving the public i known.— Washington Star. cave, so as to hold water for the little an’s college of Baltimore, has establish­ seboola iu tbo village of Rurtliu she he- - N o* f a M I I M o . V lllaffsr*« Id e a o f B o t»l HastaMS. R BUTTOLPH, thirsty birds _____ Hatriet Martinenu, the English au­ ed a conservatory r.f music iu a New cunie a pupil iu tho Cukland high E . E . B E N E D IC T » A young lawyer iu tsie of the lending school, tho was afterward graduated Y ’ork tenement lionse. The idea is to in­ thor, was shrewd and practical and had ,Itn e . Eola. terest the ignorant and degraded iu from tbo Indiana stato normal school, lake cities recently passed u few days at Zola’s wife has received much notice what men are pleased to call a ‘‘mas­ music. A beginning was mado with a and then studied at the Illinois univer­ the home of his childhood, a rural ham­ r T O R N E Y - A T - L i-A /W - • u -ivoflu te. She is described aa a culine intellect. ” But she was not ol-1 single room in a crowded tenement dis­ sity. let iu au adjoiuiug county While th«re ________________ flower of sweetness ways correct in her deductions, a fa c t; trict, where lessons were given at u few be run across one of the characters of Florence. : : Oregon. O re g o n - and^iw.r fragrant illnstrated by tbo following anecdote, T h e Ser»|»books. ” Courage, haughtiness and the place, a quaint oltl man whom bo pennies apiece to little ragamuffins. p n o r e r io e , _— told iu her "Memoirs,” by Sir Charles Xretoty have been her attri bates during Whet, a time for scrapbooks this is! Murray, who was then tho English con­ Now the fonwrvatory has 80 students in Many ladies have started books with bad kuowu ever sines he ooulil remem­ m?s ti^mg time, and she is reported to P R A N K B. W l t M " ber. violin and piano. Several former pupils thli “ Li t them come to attack sul geuernl iu Egypt: BO YEAR»’ "H ow ’s blxneas in town?" inquired “ ; ; , ± i . S i a -" « - are assistants, nnd some have developed the first war news aud picture« aud are O»ie afternoon we met at the villa of , EXP»R1»NCE compiling illustrated works of history tho aged man. nty old friend. 8. W. Larking, on the extraordinary talent. The work is ear- that w ill ho valuable in the future. J y^ . h worth» o t . B ~ - . a - » " Fwtty good," replied the lawyvr banks of the Mahamouilieh canal. In ried on from philanthropic motives, bat OREGON The newspapers are oarcfully clipped "W hat ye doin uewr" has become self supporting. the course of our stroll through the gar­ She Wee Ceetly. each day. aud the volumes are rapidly î LORENCE. - "Fracticifig law .” den we came to a small gate, the pat­ filled. Those who have friends amoug Father in-law-W hen I give yon my A H I* of E tiq o o tto . " What's your brother Jim doin?” ‘ tern of which was new to Miss Mar- daughter, I give yon the costliest thing tineau, wlio was walking in frout. "Jim is runuiug a hotel,” and lm The brid» acknowledges her presents the volunteers are especially interested iu this work. One lady makes notes of She stopped, and looking at the gnto as soon us possible, using paper with her own aud frieuds' opinion aa to the named ono of tbs larguct pnlilio bouses ■ TRAD* — ""(^«m —For heaven's sake, wbat does D II I O N « in an attitude of intense admiration ex­ her new monogram. Paper for this put- outcome of the various anticipated iu ths city. ■l.a rest a month, and why didu t you ..... C ofvriowtb *«■ "Is Jim married yet?” pone with a new real is usually provid­ claimed: S n me » h e f « e ?- N e w York W o rld movements t>f the fleets aud army on the In»nn„ Mwidtn« » •hefrb •"<’ J ÎÎÎ'ÏS .t h .r • • "N o." "How truly orientall What wonder­ ed beforehand by the bridegroom. A let­ aeraphook pages, and this adds much to Irti» ascertain our opinion free » " onlr», t«ntk,n Is probably patentnbl«. C m ( nU The old roan raised bis head with » ful taste these easterns have iudevign!" ter of thunks is uot necessary, but the "»atrietly eonaienttaL^Handbook nn j _____ ____ oominisoratiug glance. Tlieu be dryly note mu«t contoiu a few well chosen the novelty. frw. I Iidawt agency for •emrtn« p» She went on, and as Larking and I ,h i..l» t r te I" « '" " 1,1. mainly •■ » re.w tw k Patent, taken Ihroneb «‘»"".A10’ i„d ttrerbt rjn,«»Ms Mm„ h, (non a followed through the gate he whisprred words iu tho bride's own hfiiidwritlug. In :hroo years the progeny of a pair observed: rrtel »otic., without chante. In the iondnetM at bona«dr. no m-wr " Has to dee-pend on hired help, eh! * Canla with a sentence of thanks aro not of rats, uuder favorable conditions, w ill to n t, "1 got It out last week from ' I*»**^.’"TT; ’• <1A AOdre*» ¡ uin L-!nui**»c®tfree’ _ considered "good form.” £ h *t envelope. Herbert Birmingham." number l,MK>. /. _ . —Cleveland Plain Dcalef. THROUGH TICKETS °w'm. k $ I L. Christensen I M. Morris CH|CAOO The Funk & W agnalls Standard L MORRIS **» HOTEL, Head of Tide Hotel, Elk Prairie Hotel. ON E U C E N E A ND FLO RENCE STACE ROUTE. A ttorney a t Law , A. Notary Publie, Surveyor P atents notary public . PATENTS Scientific fimerkan. hArotontnely lllnwtrnted Twrro». f • “ c a T s n o w a c o , O” p*TrT *"* Dictionary