* * * * -x * • * * * * * * * iliousness It rtu ted by torpid liver, »hull prevents diges­ alive in the grave . THE CHANCES FOR SUCH A FATE ARE tion and permits food to ferment and putrify In the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, EXTREMELY REMOTE. Hood’s In T im es o f P laga» «ntl P estilence th e O rentest D nnger o f P r e o i.t n r . B urial t i l s t s —The D eath T « t T hat I . A pplied lu Vienna. SICK HEADACHE Is the Bane of Many a Woman’s Life-How the Disease may be Cured. A Case Cited. Inaoiuina, nervousne. anil, Most of us have a lingering love of * If not relieved, bilious fever life, oud the thought that there is just or blood poisoning, flood’s the barest possibility of being buried I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con­ alive sends a shudder through us. stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. Medical men know that the human ; The only l'ilb to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. From U* Jtepubliean, B ethany Jfb. I body in tim e of illness and at other W O M A N ’S W O R L D . public eye can bo fouud som e notable I la n d !” tho crowd said, and havin g sa t­ times, too, is liable to assume all tho I Mra. Fannie B. Stoffle, of Martinsville, Mo., great faith in Dr. Williams» P uv vm. A N IM A L S T H A T C O U N T . exam ples o f the m ust agreeablu typ e of isfied them selves w ith a sig h t o f her “•« I ' outward appearances of death without was lately rescued from a fate which nearly Ï “1" tho navy woman. Mrs. Schley, for in ­ them 1 finally consented lotrv ih«»n” US1U| face they q u ietly dispersed. EHE HAS THE HONOR OF BEINQ In sta n ce« T h a t Prove T h e ir P o m eu io n of the filial separation having actually wrecked her life. taking a few dust. I ,-oulJ «2. .* ’ Afl« stance, is a thoroughly charm in g w om ­ (b e C o m p u tin g F a cu lty . ! taken place. There are the coma, eata- , It seems sho has for many years been meat and lay headache .pell. “ MOTHER OF THE REGIMENT.” an. The French epigram m atist asserts R a g C a -p e t P a r tie s. II. u«7ll In i Several years ago there lived in Cin­ leptic and other forms of the uncon­ severely afflicted with a complication of die» **ve.r5’ L k e p ‘ u k i n < that wom an m ust puss out from Ihe Tho rag carpet, utter niauy years, has cin nati a m nlo which was employed by scious state, each one bringing in its cases and frequently would have fearful at­ a.ed four Itozea, and » in c t l .t tin» IV*4 I^ t th e C h ild r sn C o B a r e fo o t—A F ree chapter of beauty into tho chapter of not had any o f Ihrne attack, .a d T n„’t 'J? returned. It is once again fairly popu­ a street railw ay compuny in hauling ! trend the very simulation of death itself. tacks in which she would become uncousoioua •o well in my life. “ ’„fcli A u is r le a n C ltlio u —W o m en a n d W a r— A charm , but Mrs. Sch ley is a contradic­ lar, and the rags that for a quarter of a for hours. “ Huppily, a medical man nowadays, ” j In one of these, she was unconscious for cars up a steep iucliuo. This anim al “ I have recommended the Dili. . P a tro n a a i o f D o n k e y s —O ld F a il.lo u e d tion o f that lim itation , for sho retains century havo been goin g to the ragman friend, aud several have used them wiih“- “? both beauty u n j charm . An illustration •re now being treasured up, since if w as hitched in front of the regular said a physician to u reporter, ‘‘expe­ many hours. Her condition became alarm lug ; result*. H ag C a rp et P a rties. K“«d the usual restoratives failed to bring relief, , of her perfect freedom from snobbery they are of w ool they are alm ost worth j team aud unhitched as soon as the car riences uo difficulty in declaring his pa­ the physician’s aid proved uuavailng ami am always gl«d to tell of fi,« arrived at the top of tho hill. It made tient to he dead, as a general rule, hut I I P M ( 'A I v s ih I lv«.— . »A- a»...., ,,,, Mra. Busan A. G lenn o f W ashington may be found in her little " d ia lo g u o ” their w eight in gold. W hy the rag car­ death seemed imminent. She recovered, lienefit I received from Dr. WiJUan,,' P*? lias th e honor o f being the first m atron w ith Secretary Chandler *oou after ho pet ever did go out of stylo it is hard to a certain num ber of trips in tho fore­ it may perhaps happen once in his life­ however, aud that she lives to-day is won­ P ill, for Pale People, for now I fi el L *ik2i I was the hupplest, most contented “ noon (I have forgotten the number, but tim e thut he may havo a doubt, in derful. , . k appointed to go to th o fr o n t. She resign- had issued b is fam ous order forbidding determ ine, and its reappearuueo in so­ A reporter who was sent to investigate, world, fur with good health *“ “ id the colo- I-agos. of N ew s, L iteratu re and General Infor« in g, castilo and lauudry snaps, centos, I figures from the tubulated m edical sta ­ m ust have taken m uch work aud elbow saw. F our oi five of them w ent ashore | probable that in tho absence of medical j nel. They’ro yours. "— Chicago Jour- ntatlon; a lso a in n gn lttcen t Agricultural and ne ’ pv rn vn"’’“ ” , '1"— H orticu ltu ral D ep artm en t. T his Is one of tbo pin s, needles, letter paper, envelopes, tistics of the c iv il war, sh ow ing how grease, for every bit o f oxid iziu g had one day and cam o back fighting drunk. aid tu panic times in country places nal. greu test d ep a rtm en ts In an y paper on this “ T h reo o f them wore men w ho w ould pot tags stamps, pencils, darning cotton, lurgo u proportion of men were fouud been serublied off th em .— N ew York abroad it has led to living burial—in­ C oast. E v e r y th in g w ritten Is based on ex­ Tim es. ■ sin g ly havo been more than a m atch in deed it m ust huvo done. But the la s t ' imtobes, thread, buttons, scissors, m u s­ disqualified then. H o says: An E v id en t Scarcity. perience In th e ('o a st S ta tes, not on Eastern strength for John L. Su llivan. The or­ tard and vaselino. ------------------- Jinks— Has there boon any scarcity m en's k n ow led ge o f th eir ow n localities. I " A m on g law yers, 644 out of 1,000 cud of all under such conditions is mer- T li« P o v e r ty Party. der w a s given to put them in irons, and The league is n ew m anufacturing nnd were disqualified; am ong physicians, U EnroP° sinco the war w ith j SA M P LE CO PY SEN T FREE, A ll sorts of entertainm ents aro being u 'vafl fouud im possible to carry out tho cifu l, for it must not bo forgotten that 2i»*.°"ny titlin g sm all bags w ith tho a rticles e n u ­ 970; um oug journalists, 740; utuong if you are ‘unconscious’ only whilo be Spain? m erated, for distribution am ong the so l­ clergym en, 054. Gravo d ivin es uro hor- held to sw e ll tho Unban relief funds, order, for tho w ell were dnugeroufl. ing herm etically sealed iu your coffin W inks— There w as w ith me. I had I dier«. j rifled ut tho thought o f a d m ittin g wora- but purhapa thu most origin al wus do- D ew ey w as notified of tbo situation. Ho you w ill never again experience volun­ to come back iu tb o stec ra g a — A iusleo’s w n j w r itin g a letter in h is room a t tho vised by the K in g ’s Daughter« of Lan­ Magazine. i eu to vote w hen they cannot fight, tary motion or sensation. L . t t h e C h lltlr eu (to R a rero o t. tim o. i though not one in 20 of their own n u m ­ caster, Pa. T hey advertised w id ely thut “ However, where the doctor can bo If your children are fortunate and " H o w e n t to tho place w here theso they w ould g iv e a “ poverty party, ” tho N ot D rew ed F o r th e O ccadon. ber is fit for m ilitary duty i f lie voluu- g ia n ts w ere and he told them to com e consulted, living burial is impossible hnve a father au.l m other not rich “ So you knew he w as a burglar tho ! 1 tcered. O f tho editors w ho denounce cost o f adm ission b eiu gon e or more east enough to spoil them , yon need not out mid su bm it to tbo irons. They did even in a cholera panic, for there are minuto you saw him?” womun suffrage only about one in four off garm ents. A fine of 25 cen ts was toko tho troublo to read this. not stir. Then D ew ey said q u ietly to an certain bodily movements which gener­ levied ou gu ests arrayed in too fash ion­ Of course. It was after m idnight could h im self carry a musket, w h ile of a lly occur aftor death from cholera in B u t if you are bringing up spoiled the law yers w ho till congress the m ajor­ able costum e. Tho house wus ligh ted orderly. ‘B rin g m e iny revolvers, ’ and and he had a sack eoat o n .” — C incin­ tho absence of which a medical ¿ a n child ren, w ith all tho pother o f flue w h en ho had h is p istols ho again called nati Enquirer. ity could not be defenders of their coun­ sri ;h candles stuck in old bottles nud w ould hesitate to certify for burial. clothes, foppish w ays anil general u se­ upon tho men to como out, Lut they did try, but could on ly l>o defended. Aud it tin candlesticks. The men w ere sot to "In ages gone by aud iu uncivilized lessness, th is is for you. not m ove. Then he said, ‘I am goin g to 8 * e d k h PhiloM iphy. m ust be rem embered thut even these sew in g on q u ilted holders for k ettle Tho best th in g for a young boy or handles uud flatirons, unil tho wom en oouut three. It you are not out here countries still it is possible that uncon­ Bomfem. et tali n fe llo r '. l|f 0 statistics very im jierfectly represent tho scious (".italcptics, or persons drugged to To l«nrn hno m not «n et w ith your hands held up on tho third yon n g girl is to go barefoot in tho case. T hey do not apply to tho w h ole w ere put to niukiug k n ife boxes, etc. Ven ef hue v »r n ot q u ite sm a rt sum m er tim e. It is also tho best th in g m ule sex, but to tho picked portiou Tho refreshm ents w ere bread and m ilk, , count, you w o n ’t com o out o f that place apparent death, may have been and Hno learn e t cn n m intt. perhaps still aro occasionally buried foreverylsrdy. B u t children need the I Iho-RtcT’p ^ t m ^ m ush u-id m ilk, gingerbread und alivo. ’ Y o’ i ? " e lvays mak faller “ •* by alivo, but I d i not believo that in our tollio contact w ith tho earth particularly, j ta r y a g o ." “ su ch ." F u lly 117 garm ents, ranging j “ H o counted one, then ho cocked the telhn hem bes clothes do not fit—et es T he country boy, badly fod‘ gets liealth T h e C h r a a l e t e M a llA lo r . revolvers, mid he counted tw o. Wo all own country or iu auy civilized laud from a bnby’so n tfit to an overeout for a N aitb cr is it proposed to disfranchise poorty moan trick too. such events are possible. T H E C H R O N IC D E r a n k , w ith the «re.tert from touching tho bare ground w ith six footer, w ere taken in at the door in expected to hear tho report, for w e knew tnen past the ago for m ilitary service. ne'Wflp&pers In th e U n ited State«. “ In Vienna the custom prevails of t r ? v m ” dte V I Ret'’ hcs dne8’ de" conn- h is bare foot for m any m onths in that D ew ey m eant w h at ho said. Tho T H E C H R O N IC L E h u no equal on the P.el»o I Theso uro often am ong onr w isest vot- lie u o f tick ets.— N ew York Tribune. taking a body to the mortuary on the try t i l l not bane so thickly settle— aye tho year. Tho little girl, born in a men knew it to a They stepped out just Coast. It le a d . «11 la abllltjr, enterprise sod | ers, but they are not w anted in the field, lit t le wooden sbnuty or a b ig stone in tim e to savo their liv e s mid held up evo o f burial, where it is ‘tested.1 bat yo sax dollars on das. Sh e W a s A < a lu st SalTrage. even if they have tho advuutuge o f m il­ Thim bles are placed on the fingers of T H E C H R O N IC L E ’S T elegrap h ic Reports «re house, needs every year to pnddlo in Mrs. M atleliuo Vinton Dublgren. who î b e’r ban(is, nnd they had been partial v ife ^ i h“f hai « ut lock for leetla the la te st and m ost reliab le. Its Local News the itary experience. ly sobered by tboir fr ig h t and the moral the dead, to w hich are attached wires ’ *1®> ve alvay s tank et has com ’ to stay th e m ud, aud w atch her < i com e d iw l recently iu W ashington at the uge fu llest and sp ic ie st, and Its E d itorials from the IIou. John D. Long, secretary of tho connected w ith the mortuary bells. through u nioo brown color, -soth iu g f (18, wus a pioiu>er rem onstrant. Iu effect o f D ew ey 's glancei pens In the cou n try. navy, puts the w h ole cose in a nu tsh ell “ H ave the liells ever rung? Yes, once. •n sometems get disappoint lak deckeus. ablest van take tho place of that experience, “ One o f them m id afterw ard tlint T H E C H R O N IC L E hae a lw a y s been, and al­ when he says: “ F ancy arguing w ith u 1870-78 she a c tiv e ly opposed tho m ove­ It is im possible for a doctor to m is­ on ric li^ i 'll bar pOi,r fabt'r yum piu w ays w ill be, the fr le n < and cham pion of the w hen he saw D ow ey’s eyes ho knew anil tho w ise people, even though they sober face against a man w h ose brains m ent for wom un suffrage, mid drew up atlon s, cliques, cor­ er’ aye a,v«ya tank bow P^tple, a s a g a in st eon th at ho w ou ld eith er bo a dead Jnckio take unconscionsuess in its varied forms m ay be ablo to afford shoe« of gold, let any kind. It will be ? k h r e r tO VOnl<1 chau8 0 c f hae had some porations, or o p p ression s are reduced to such a m inim um th at ho u petition to congress a sk in g that the their children run w ith bare feet from iu a m om ent or ho w ould havo to yield, i fcr death. rig h t of suffrage be not grunted to w o­ hulependent In e v e ry th in g , n eutral In nothing. solem nly asserts a wom an should not « t » ^ “Ii e t “g ° U WM ro8Sested that rich relation to die for horn. aud w hen the irons w ere pu t upon him tho tim e iho hot weuthcr com es on. m en. Sho w as a w e ll known w riter, and vote Leiuuse sho cannot tig h t! In the her beiture h » f?I’i7 |Ve,i h“° Retten oI® - v ust a law Bhonld be passed m aking it com­ publisheil works included a book i n- J1? Wns 08 sob, r n" 1><> ever w as in h is W ill you please liclivve that th is is DO YOU WAH1 THE W N IC li first place, slie can fight; in the seoond, ?k 1,c‘la cb*blren. Ef man fa ct aud not guesswork aud treat your life. D ew oy w e n t hack to b is room and pulsory for a medical man to test bodies h ^ « T titled “ T houghts on F em ale Suffrage. ba‘® l®et!a babies, aye vould hate “ o men aro largely exem pt from m ilitary before giv in g a certificate of death child ren accordingly? finished tho letter ho w as w ritin g. service, and in tho third, there is not Sho wun one of the founders of the L it­ T esting by electricity was thought of T lZ L 7 ° bUt y ° r° lif*— Denver P h ilad elp h ia Press. If you are grown up. y e t in te llig en t tho rem otest relation betw een firing a erary society o f W ashington, w h ich met but it is an open question yet whether in sp ite of that, fact, you can do your- at her house fiir years, and w as active in m usket aud casting a b a llo t Bostou o lectn city k ills or only stuns. At all nelf m uch good by goin g about lmrofoot “T h e L n r k y Dnflf»." C ath olic m issionary work. Her hus- W om an’s Journal I “ i iS couutry ar® net con- 8h«wl«e the Unl'.el State». D»mlnl»n in the country a certain jiart of the timo. buud, Adm iral Dalilgren, died iu 1870. “ Tho L ucky D u ffs” is tho t itle of an The carriage of a v im i d that such a test would be satis­ It prevents catch in g cold, prevents dis- of Canada aad Northern Mjxioi articlo iu Tho E n glish Illustrated M aga­ factory or afford aufilcieut evidence of — W om au's Journal. otiz.z-saw d o e sn ’t A r .tr o u r M » f D nnhi-rs. O N O N E H I D lC . tortion o f the feet by g iv in g them a move ver. • fast, but rino in w h ich Mr. J. M. Bullock traces death although it has its value. O utlie Jf a man s ays on it chance to develop naturally uud im ­ touching little im id e- t of the A K e in a r k a b l« tho rise of tho Duko o f F ife, lik e a l°n«r enough he will fe'kS“''. ’• ,biuk le8i»latio„ of proves tbo health by perm itting you to quern’s ju b ilee last sum m er was seen A rem arkable tale of hum an fecu ndity princo in a fairy talo, from a little th presently be sawn th is kind .g necessary. It would cer-1 (IN T H K O T H E R SH >K . by a few jieople only, absorb tbo electricity of the earth' is told by tho Loudon N ew s. An Ita l­ farm er iu tho north o f Scotland 800 asunder. The pro- « t» 4 • « a n d ( s e t ( f e e M a y « » 4 ta iu ly reflect upon tho medical profes-1 A . h alf dozen « years ago the Baroness . ian L ittle boys thut - run barefoot n all cess of g r a d u a l • —— it — — .... J piuisaut ,» . . . . . . K U 1 1 I an U II I nam IM illV r l u n i t I <1 wom ed l i Granato, W e e k ly l l b r . n l e l o f u r O n e V aar, y e a r. ago. Ouo good wom an of tho 61OU. | bodily decline and P o s t a g e p r e p a t A e a m a p a n A P * P « r * through the hot weather m ay have fe c i lo n t t s , w h ile d rivin g < no day m arried at 28, has borne 02 children house used to ride to m arket w ith a •A I t i l l . l ^ ..A ___ s i _____ . . . l t ’I H ' C n v o u i ( J o w l . , . . I _____ a l. . O V . . . . . M nd?’! CDStom *■ » one. Covent G unleu, . w . . here the eoster- little sp renil.im t ou the sides. Tom l near Sho begun w ith a sin gle daughter, fo l­ hugo p ile o f plaiding, w h ich sho had A n n u sa » Reed ’s aro v rty m uch spread out aud m ougera o f Londou buy moat o f their low ed by six boy» ut u birth, then by spun from her sheep, iu th e croupcr be­ and I should like to see it more gener­ AI. .a « v n i n t r t , a lly adop ted ."— Pearson’s Weekly. supplies, uotieed the w retched couditlou Proprietor S F. Chronlele. tho calves of his legs are probably froo- five more, und these by trip lets tw ice side her and d n ly brought back its BAN FRANCISCO. CAL kled to ib is day But he is very healthy of their donkey a that were, us a rule, and four ut u birth. A fter th is she lim ­ value in marks. T hese sho hoarded in T ho P o o r E d ito r. and m uch of that ho ow es to h is bare­ hulf starved and brutally Is'nteu. ited h e r se lf for a tim o to siu g le babies bags. On one occasion sho bunked her foot dnya. Tho n ext day she pu b licly offered anil tw in s, but wound up w ith uuother savings in a leath er bag in tho ceilin g B ill— Did yon read about that fellow N o M a tr h le « « L o v e S to ries. If you wanted to try a cruel exp eri­ prizea to he giv en yearly to the costers batch of four. but tho rats got at it, so that Iho fam ily w ritin g a poem ou a $50 bill? Author (to ed ito r)— M y friends siy whose horses or donkeys w ere iu tho J ill— No. The editor m ent, you could ea sily dem onstrate the dined am id a dow npour of ducatoous. kept It, th at for a love story th is ouo is matili- About 2 5 o f th e naval officers who Tho fa m ily flourished so w ell th at each course. effliuicy o f Imrefoot w alkin g by tryiug best condttiou. less. Since tlien au annual inspection of huvo been aunt to defend the stars and o f her three sons got an estate of big “ No. l ie returned i t ” (At Mime one the opposite extrem e. Let » « ¿ p te lV finally con. E ditor— T hen w e d on ’t want it. a n y man weur rublter boots for a lung them ia held in R egent square, un.l tho ■tripea havo left their w iv e s iu B rook­ ow n — Pntrick, tho youngest, bringing “ Yesa t,or. re,nrn » W 0 bill? Ih er o m o st be m atch es in all our love lyn. A m ong them is Mrs. T. G. D ew ey, 80 children in to th e world, w h ilo W il­ tim e, sh u ttin g him aelf off from tlie prize's are awarded. v ’ t d u 1 kuow w hat it was. Ilu u d n sls of oostera w earing their w ife of Lieutenant D ewey o f the U n it­ liam tiecamo tho father o f th e first Earl — Yonkers Statesm an. {-dy. theay, X ,h eTn’hO ereVi,al ‘b" stories, sir .— B oston G lobe. great ocean o f electric strength iu the little Consumption if everiTf" d-i be ver? earth, and sco w hat happens to h is feet quaint holiday costum e, long toiled ed States battleship M assachusetts. Sho o f Fifo. A H a r d B ltn n tio n . keep Dr. Pierce’s Golden 7 r y w o “’d and to h is health iu a short tim e. It is coots w ith huge silver buttons, nud ae- is a niece of A dm iral Dewey. One of the tallest stacks in Great ery in the house and «IT i, 2'cal D'»cov- " I never h a v e a ch an ce to ask yon Q u « . . W llh s lm la a . n ot tho exclusion of the air w h irh pro­ ooiupouicd by their “ dnunlia"— us they B ritain is situated at L lanelly From in« out of sorti " t, t wh' " ' v' f feel- for m oney, Henry. B efore d iu m r you M iss Marian H ovey o f Boston lias There Is uo louger any doubt that the base o f the foundation to ,he duces tho m ost dam aging results, a l­ call their sw eet heurts or w iv e s— in high b^dy in such a h i.h » j —ps thc entire are cross. ” thou gh a ir exclusion is of course bail. plum ed huts, loud their donkeys and given $5,000 to the c ity o f G loucester, W ilholm iua, queen o f tho Netherlands, trenie sum m it ia 400 feet high Th« *nd forcefnlnes, t h lia S S n a d" ° f hea!th “ W ell?” no chance to get a fool h J i? dl.**•»•» have Man liv e s ou electricity or som ething carta around R egent minore before tho M ass., the iucom e to ho paid to the Is engngixl to marry Prince Bernhard ful or two before ra7al,h° d * ‘en,p„o„. “ And after d in n er you g o to sleep. ’’ lik e It t h a th e g e ts o u to f th e a ir and out venerable bareness, w ho has n kind graduate of the high school w ho lo sse s e f Saxe-W eim ar, w h o is now 20 years P»es the dlg^Jj « » Httle wafer, — C hicago Record. ’ initiate the blond m fvi" m power to as- e f th e earth, aud barefoot life ia very word of advice und sym]>athy for each the best exam ination for eutrance to the of age and tho secoud sou of the lato " T e J V ’ •trength buildin» ’"•king, nerve-tonimr ouo of them. Massachnactta In stitu te of T echnology. hereditary Prince o f W eim ar The im portant. 1« enable« (f e » ' “ of ‘”e fX T gale bends extrem ely. a H e r P o in t o f V iew . D uriug the jubilee, w ith ou t any young queen has lately been in Paris Let y o a r little boye and girts run to clear the circulation I f W r'0*7 "F.’tem “ Do you th in k it does any good ta F orty w om en w ho are aociological seein g the sig h ts nnd selectin g a trous­ th J p rir’ T ^ g ,‘ •nd remove all n ,,» / bilious poisons •ro e u d w ith hare legs and bare feet. If w arning to tho authoritioa, the sumo CObl ,he w °rld I» w old yonr linsband every tim e ho fail» 1« replaces w o r n ^ m ,? " 5r ‘be body, you have «polled them by g iv in g them strange prix-i>ssion firm e d .in thu Stroud •tudeuts visited the W est F ifty-fou rth seau Her dresses, rides in the B ois and the B n tish ft tl>eilIllall eular flesh, and ch»n »« Wlth h’,rd mu’ ' »0 please yon, Mrs. H enpeck?” goodness of faee and character have and marched up P iccad illy, sin gin g the Street police court iu N ew York c ity re­ a foolish idea o f rank, if you have been eat euined iu i e r s i a .n d has a value d’ b'lity i„«i active ± T r .nd'Cakne” a"'> " I know it doos. I t m akes me feel such a fool Am erican, for inatuuco, as roster songs, w h ich are in u d ialect of cen tly and took notes of the “ type«“ been item s of interest iu tho Paris jour­ o f on ly «4 „ .,lU The originator of this yr-“ o forc® better every tim e. D etroit F r io Press. nals. They deem it significant that she and proceedings. to teach them to pride them selves oil their own. »hops in l*aris instead Of B erliu and be­ They surrounded the palace of the Duo clo th es and flue boota. take it a ll W o hand Freneh paper« describe the w edding lieve the future queen â v a ln a b le 'u w n folks over to (rtvi'a _ M od. . Hit. bock, te ll them yon w ere m istaken and . baroness iu a solid muss, the donkey« ilrva» of u daughter of tho A nglo •n d show none ourselves. - G i s t r g e S uglo-F reiich tc cu ltiv a te “ Graygr-'cn ia s e llin g h is picture» th a t Abraham L iucolu and doacua of •n d carta covered w ith ribbons, m m uud Worth os m ade in stripes of lace and lik e sm o k e .” other great onea w ent barefoot and grew wom en jo in iu g iu tho chorus w ith pleas­ m ualiu d elica tely paiutcd w ith bine Kansas C ity has 9 ofX) ‘ k es. H e has q u it p a in tin g to {lent® T h o u g h tfu l Io Ih o Laet. of act’ve its packing hou«'» and s t o c k y ^ S * * *" practice, a reputation «erJnd b ig braiua iu oouaequeuiw.— N ew York in g m elody and precision. cornflow er« physician in the tre.re. J no ’iving the artist» uud i» p a in tin g to plea»« the Didn t your absconding cashier They called for their friend, aud Journal. chronic di.ea»e. H i. "f " ^ ’'"»tc, w ould not be ci ntcut un til the w h ite M iss Groce D arling, a teacher in the leave you any message?' P ' i L , ® ° nfo«nded w i ? r e p ,’"n" ’»•■'« Public. “ — N ew York Journal. ‘ »tan-—»svss.it. rsr .-r«n A F r a « A a a a rfea a C llla a a . I Laired luily cam e oct upon tho hak ouy South C h icago H igh sch ool, has sold U00 Y e s He le ft a lin e in the cash box Ihi. Male to m an ... our lu,.| •THY ezs«„. IV boom” remedie. •• nn">eroiia • nd nearby ronntfee. h i , '■inlt .»(ft pound.,” and • • ^ n . r H i " ’^ ’ ' "«»»• i*»1» A Noinw. A m oug th e wive« of our naval com­ 1 and reci'ived their gris ting. cellu lo id Am erican flags at ft ocuta each transferring to m e b is paid up uicinber- profit «eeking drnATTt’^ I " o ’ ” ” *»« » *' s«’«rv Mr* Ilicl:» (sh o p p in g )— H ark! Didn't manders now so prominently ,n the « ‘ ‘¡She i . the kiudost Wi-cixu iu Eng- to rai!«> fund« for free summer schools. •h'P in a Don t Worry clu b —C hicago year and expenws-deflniie , Mrwirht fi J r " Mw’lhlv r x I bear som ething smash? Record - ' • w W it « ,M r e « « t it.m m M RMe’vi.iVw E„ »re the product of » ¡a f Hick»— Good heaveus, yon havo good and deep .tudy Any oZid m''’Iper’’‘nce v'‘l»Tv. Kerbe " « • • ir v .1 Ifep l.M t h i <'•<«. him by mail fri c ef X r ^ i ” Con’ r 'i *®rs. It wag onjy ,n8 g(, j broke.— * * Pills w hs W m LEADÌNSW 5^ COAST CHRONICLE h e : a The Weekly Chronicle Only $ 6 ? 7 0 $ 1 . 5 0 IM W Reversible Map? C mc . Map of the World h h . B Harlem Life.